Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 17, 1926, p. 2

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tub flkoboktows tikhail no births mnrriutpfl nntl dealt new charged for ul the following rates births 60c jnurnmtf r- daaths 60c memorial cards dor per line extra for poetry in memory ol fallen armistice day fittingly observ ed in georgetown past masters night preseatillod ol jewels at credit lodge af a am ueaumontather num- i william on saturday no 1928 emmn widow of the 11 uel beaumont in her h7lh yen mcdowell wmuw of tho lata willlnrnj mccartney tn her b6lh year dixon- al lul b llrl onccaaiun al won saturday novcinbei 13th 1um i lulio dlxon daughter of the late william and margaret duon ai sum- hill robinsonal denver fuluroyo ul sa on saturday nov 18th 1926 j annie edgar widow o the lute john etobinion aged 72 ycani v tho fuuan1 will take place from her eate residence norval n tlundsy ut in memortam davi8lh loving memory of cfiarlea e davis who died nov 12th 1925 as we loved him so we miss him in our memory he is near loved remembered longed for always bringing many a client tear hia loving daughter and sun ililuw mr and mrs p b newman i foe uxhtfl 1 two lll i raw 10 ftbtliall ii- lyl iihh hist ln lu lb wilt 1 hi foeraj ol tbe late mrs bran mont tlie public mrvue in st allans church in conniption with the death of mrs beaumont opened on sunday last at 930 am with holy oommuu ion admin lettered by the re mr wase special services ut a pm con ducted bj the rector who spoke feelingly of the life and work of mrs beaumont special hyinniand wt- vice were beautifully rendered hv the choir assisted by members of st georges choir holy communion on monday morning at 11 am fol lowed by tho lying in state untie t the auspices ol st georges womens auxiliary of which mrs beaumont was prciident for over thirty years and who provided a kurnl of uw members during the three hours the funeral service at 2 30 p in wax conducted by the hector assisted by the rev penival mnj of ni- agra falls who read the lesson ami in bin address paid loving and elo quent tribute to the ineuiorj of the deceased lady ma u j beautiful flora offerings were contributed by the following large cross st georges womena auxiliary georgetown wreaths em ployees of joseph beaumont ladies guild st albans church mr c h dando call mr and mm george w fraser toronto mrs and thi misses huston georgetoi n amj beaumont gait mrs h p law sou and fnmilj georgetown harry har greaves and mrs ilargreaies toron to mr and mm robinson toronto st albans chun h choir rev and miss wase st albans church sun day school mr and mrs 1 l thompson georgetown from the neiccs of mrs beaumont the misses wiggins princeton iii usa an chor mr and mrs holdroyd toron- the pallbearers were lindley william george and matthew beau mont sons harold frederick grand son representing mr fred beau mont who is at sea and mr c h dando gait among the visitors from out of were dr anderson mp milton mr george hillraer mpp oak- ville mr and mrs holdroyd aire cassatf mr and mrs george w fraser mr v r bcgg mr and his norman ainley mr and mrs hargreaves mr and mrs robinson mr and mrs w sahli all of toron to- mr and mrs allcndorf and mr joe west buffalo ny mr and mrs john macmurchy mr w a and miss carman scott mr and mrs j shepherd brampton the family desire to express their deep sense of thankfulness and ap preciation to all those which prac tically means the whole community who have shown them so much kindness and consideration during this very- trying period and especial ly wish to publicly thank the follow ing- the rev mr wase who was unceasing in ids loving administra tions during tho illness and great consideration and helpfulness since the death mrs smjthe whose sym pathetic catv and attention to her patient will never be forgotten st georges womens auxiliary many kindnesses and for their rare of the body during the lying m state to the choir of st albans and the members of st george choir who assisted them to m charles kirk who presided at tl urganfto the rev percival mayi who came from niagara falls 1 i pay hit splendid tribute to the ui known child who placed the handful of flowers upon the bier at thi church telegrams wen- received from tin lord bishop of niagara hamilton mr w w canham toronto rev a b higginsoi mr j p bell and many others it was deeply re- gretted by everyone that mrs beau monts son fred was at sea during j the later developemnts or her illness and could not be reached mill of the prtaie nut- world held the memories of hil the aruimluc uitaut lo him ndauf people in georgetown and icnilty and to millions id people ner tin- world the stillness thai iiade a sort of gap in lite al 11 o lock fiitrlj ihrobud with human feeling with remembrance ot proud ai gratitude lor the relict that peace brought hundreds of our cltlams surround ill ihe nielnonal at i he corner ol guilph and maur sta where the ber- wee rui held there weixverani uoj seoul high imd public school pupils boys of the armenian fa nn and citizens from rounding country following the two enee the gathering letl by mi curtail sung0 god our help past the placing of beautiful floral tributes on the inoiinmei followed by the siugiiik canada and prajerbj rev kenneth maclean rev k h wase read from the scripture and the gathering joined iiihiuging onward cfinstian soldiers an appropnate a n d earnest address iuil befitting the occasion was then delivered by rev dr dickie after the sinning of abide with me rev mr wase pronoun ed the lnediction the sounding of the last pont and the singing of god save the king brought the memorial serviro iir memory of our fallen heroes lo a r grant up mother they died that we might inc sergt j blair fit lt c barber pte jcamplwll pte j cowan pto h francis pte s godfrey sergt w g grainger pte i green pte h hickey pte p king cpl w king lt e leslie pte j kennedy pte w loud pteg mason sergt moore locpl a 8 mino pte d mckenzie sergt obs h nelle pte w phillips pte g spires pte c h sleightholme fit lt c somerville pte s stawicky their name liveth fore verm ore i know a land where poppies grow mid wooden crosses row on row that mark the spot where sleeps below a warrior of our land and there beneath the greengrassed mound the grave of one i loved is found where he lies sleeping calm and sound that britain still might stand e was the best of friends to me true- 1 mating in simplicity i trusting him tie trusting me till death tore us apart as we stood talking by the guns of heaven and earth ami hell and huns lo deaths dark angel softly coi a bullet tears bli heart sleep on dear friend so kind and angels wear crowns less bright than and god shall give you your just due for your grand sacrifice sleep on sleep on in perfect peace until our christ himself release you from the grave and death shall sleep wake and then rejoice within my mind 1 see today your grave in flanders far away nd on my bended knees i pray that god may give us men who like thyself would gladly di that britains flag may ever fiy for truth and justice neaih the iky should come again r g lovell glcncoe night ami im- wuk win in charge of the followtng 1 m s wm hi w llru i y hjiu luutfi pddlim i pm v w llro ceo fuij 3w w llro dr nickll j w w llro w a wilson d w b ii dickie jd w b it c adams ig wb k w cole s s w ii ii c mccullough js w b john imd chaplain wb a nomngluii organist wu a b cr- secretary v wb maj the second degree ed bufoie a good a lemhers and visitor alter issuiu ig charge w b wt ii luiig wm sked rt w b b y barraelough j introduce the next order of busi ess that id presenting pa it masters swell lo thirteen reaidtmt pint asters bro barraeloiigh after a low appropnate introductory remarks alledon v wlt gei ford to pv sunt jeueh lo w b r c mcuul- lough who was the uorahiptui master t receive llro ford masonry m ye re ago and wb e w cole who was a candidate while bro ford was master 14 jea v wb major grant who was mas ter 44 years ago then presented the following past masters with thoir jewels it c adams 1u0g j p reii 1911 dr r it nidcell 1913 a b castell 191tj w a wilson 192u h dickie 1924 a norrington 1925 t j speight 1905 j w kennedy 1914 s kirk 1923 were absent rw e y banulough pdd gm then invested v vb gt fori on behalf or the members credit lodge with a full dress grand lodge regalia he having been jf appointed grand steward the past masters then entertain ed the mem lo re to a banquet at which dings by bro greenwood songs by wb e w cole and addresses by wr w b mans hw gerhart o it church e e king of streets- ville lodge also bro rev petei mclnncs of hornby w u rev k maclean were very mutth appreciated i hae 1cin asked lo a few nlsaltotituiother ihirii at burnlea rkshire enghimil bepleniber ltth ihjtl lolher had a i i who knew terra cotta a number from here attended the diamond wedding anniversary at the home of mr and mrs b parr of gaelph last week it being the 60 th anniversary of their marriage will be remembered that mr and mi parr prior to their removal from o village some time ago were among the early settlers of term cotta then known aa salmon ville mr and mrtjj j t parr were the recipients of many valuable and useful presents and re ceived many congratulations also join with the many friends extending congratulations and hope tbey may be spared for many years to enjoy the fruits of their ardi labors the baptist womens society- are holding a baxaarrlea and saletbf baking in the public library on sattl arday nov 20th at 3 oclock- address aad preseilattoi wnii i nirmwtnon j uihi ii hah ix to vaudl how mi jrailmn ovet lifiy tel inj h thu obitnary edwin board an old and respected resident this locality in the person or edwin board passed away at the home olf his brother mr job board stewnritj town on monday nov 8th e ceased was born in charlton adai somersetshire england and came to canada 48 years ago for many was connected with his brother the late thomas board in the tanning business in glen will jama and moved to stewarttown some eighteen years ago he was 80th year and was the eldest of a family of fifteen ten boys and five girls the surviving members of the family are eh georgetown fred toronto job stewarttown mrs wallace selkirk man- mrs c j smith elora mrs robt erwin georgetown the funeral took place on wednesday afternoon to greei wood cemetery georgetown whei the service was conducted by rev mr wase the pallbearers were robt erwinc j smith j- stan dish w j little j lawlor g appelbe barbara mctavish after a lingering illness barbara mctavish passed away at her home in ballmnfad on nov 8th deceas ed lived all her life on lot 32 10th line esquesmg except the last few years since the family retired to live in ballinafad she was highly teemed by all who knew her the funeral took place on nov 10th largely attended the service was conducted by rev mr waddell nhen the remains were interred in melville chirch cemetery caledon the pall bearers were a e famell i ferguson w mcmillan swindlehursi clayton rogefn and james young deceased is brothers and three intern duncan and jane ballinafad john and jane 2nd line ospnnge and mrs neil mclean of the first lirn enn those from a distance wh attended the funeral were mr an mrs h walker of fergus miss p mclean of ouelph mr john rogers of bame last friday evening nov 12th friends and neighbors in great num bers met at the honje of mr and mrs ben fetch union in order to bid tbem farewell before they left for their new home at glen williams and delightful eveniug was spent i rev e mcdonald acting as chairman called the happy gathering to order and a programme of music and readings interspersed with short speeches was rendered in happy vein mas amott mcclureand mrs d w stringer rendered solos and margar et mcdonald and mrs mcdonald of norval gave readingh which were greatly appreciated then the real purpose of the gath ering became apparent mr and mrs beu petch were called to the front and the following address was read by mr thomas f macdonald dear mr ami mrs petch we your neighbors and friends i having learned of your intention to leave our community within a few days have invaded your home this evening to givo some tangibli prossiou to our thoughts and feelings on looking back over tho years have known you we cannot but recall with pride and gratitude the exceedingly pleasant relationship have had with you both in your hospital home we were always made welcome in our sorrows and trials you have ever been ready with your sympathy and kelp you rejoiced with us when we rejoiced and you wept when we wept socially and morally you filled a large place in the community wo shall miss you mr petch be- use we have found in you a prince of good fellows who dispised appearance of sham and pretence a upright honest and honorable in all your business dealings with we shall miss you mrs petch for your sterling qualities of mind and heart for your christian charaotei and your sympathy in everything that pertained to the welfare of our community wc ainoerely regret the departure of you both and extend to you our hearty good wishes for for the future we would make our own the words of the ploughman poet will ye no come back again better loed ye canna be we would ask you to accept this parting gift not for its intrinsic merit but as as expression of our love and mr petch replied lhunself and mrs petch behalf of i a capital speech t har king his friends for the kindness that promptedstheir hand some gift which by the way was a beautiful chesterfield short and ap preciative speeches by andrew mc donald thomas leslie bert taylor norman cameron albert do son joseph dolson james mokne and mr fletcher and the chairman fol lowed the audience then joined j heartily in singing auld lang 8 y after which a delicious lunch was served and this brought a delightful evening programme to a close her prune and greateu in oat j passed away what ww it uieu jhat caused such a ipon latum us demonstration on her death and ul wrfiiinral mother was naturally reserved for the pml twenty years she has lived alone und taken little or no part hi ordinary hueutl ictivi lies heriintertiiw were her tnmily and the luheh but all tfiuw who came in cimtamwkh her rv until that here was a great wnuiuaht born second child of a younger son of a prominent english family her father dying at the age of 37 re- pousibilily was thrust npoti her at in early age she idso took a great interest in the work of the c this 1 luive learned not from her but from outsiders she was a woman of cry strong convictions ilwrteiui ng was very wide and she look u great interest in the doings of the english public schools and univer sities with for family reasons mid strong leanings towards cambridge her political leanings were all con- servative but 1 never knew her lo show any rancoua towaids those of opposite opinion disraeli was her idol but i was taught that gladstone was a great man too and that is why- engravings of both thse statesmen find a place on my walls under dif ferent auspices she would liave ably taken her place among the other members other family who attained prominent positions in the social business and professional world al though these connections were mostly manufacturers and business people one cousin was a priest qf the church of england and another became the wife of sir william broadbent phy- sioian to tlie late king edward but it was her destiny to come to can ada in 1870 with no influence and very little of this worlds goods yet almoet at once in spite of the fact that she had three small children we find both she and her husband teach ing sunday school classes in trinity church gait moving after two years to cold springs we find ber hard at work helping along the church services conducted in a public schoolroom thence to dundas later to ancaster then to kilbride then to norval and always tho saino story of devotion to the church coming to glon williams in 1078 her history since then has been the bibtory of the church of strong catholic ouuvictions she did not quarrel with those whose opinions were more evangelical and worked just as earnestly with them as with those who were more in accord with her ideas it was the church that mattered not her opinions but in the end it was her ideals that pre vailed with the building of st georges new church in 1879 my father began to take a more active part in official church work became a delegate to the synod and for mauy years never missed a session mother always accompanied him and was an interested spectator of all its doings from the gallery and no doubt after ter of all victorian women exercised a good deal of inflnence over the voting then came the founding of the womens auxiliary of which she was a charter member later its president for something like thirty three years she turned the first sod of st albans glen williams in 1902 and although a teacher in tlie sunday school until after her eightieth year never missed a service she could possibly attend and aided it of her means and abilities in every possible way i do not recall that she ever accepted any official position preferring to con tinue her connection with st georges auxiliary she was a rep resentative to the diocesan auxiliary for many many years and was as well known among them as in her own branch mother hod many bitter borrows bnt she did- not let them sour her disposition or impair her usefulness she had six sons and two daughters but both the daughters died my father was only 66 when he died and she had many disappointments of a material kind buffering many times by fire andnood and the dishonesty of those whom my father trusted but with it all thanks to heriappy dis position she got a groat deal out of life and as mr wase said on mon day left the world much better for being in it the years from 1880 i have always considered as the golden era of glen wil liams and mother was one of that band of women who gave such per sonal service to the community and of which i have written in another place 1 cannot even begin to name the long lisfof clergy and dignitar- nwiilbi o i bill liiixisno wn chief solace i tel that i lie- nun hi i uk rcmxrkn of untie are totally inadequate n de- xiiilie wlmt iiiiuo hill itlwmi inwii a great lerhonullty but i am inn with nuulo that 11 will lead tho- ho knew her veil and host to recall thflt spirit ihnluiuglt not her owii but lo inspln- the ey liesi ill all ll within her sphere of intlueiie sermon to firemen the firemen worshipped m a ihidy last sunday evening in the united church rev dr lme the i lsur welcomed them oil behalf of the i linrch in appropnate words and then preactud on the higher lessons of the tiiemaiis calling he pointed out that it must uol lie sup- poetsl that modern civilization is titltyl to all thgicdu for devising means of extinguishing fire and sav ing lite and property we tlnd a regular force pump in operation for this pirpose ut alexandria in eygpl two centuries before the chnstian era thjcuy of rome in the time of chnswahibited considerable skill in its fift equipment hut its narrow streets made the operation of fire ap pa nit us extremely difficult es pecially in the tenementhouse dis trict where the houses mostly of wood rose to six eight and even ten i stones he followed the story through the middle apes noticing tliat with the use of steeple watch- towers and better fire ladders fire- hook and the invention by john rfauteh of a manpower fireengine capable of throwing a stream one inch diameter to a hoigh of 80 feet fires grew less frequent today the equipment is so excell ent- in our towns and cities that a fire under ordinary circumstance has little chance of making roach head way the outstanding qualities however that are still needed by fire men for efficiency are vigilance courage endurance and devotion these were taken up by the preach er one by one and it was shown that these are exactly the same qualities that a man needs in order to battle successfully with the foes most dan- gerous to his life and it will not be enough for us to have performed our eartjily service with vigilance oourugo enduranceand devotion we must apply to our lives these same qualities and tho one from whom we may best learn the secret about it is jesus christ for he most completely exhibited them in his own life john y nickcll of lttnehouse was at mcaford last month where he was judge in the old time fiddler contest wilt n bekoal iptu the financial post says want a fine school system but w not need an extravagant school sys tem we want boys and girls- to learn more thairtheir abcs bnt we do not want to pue up taxes to give them comforts and luxuries that are not essential to a common sense edu cational plan it is not the function of the pnbbc school tgusnrp the job of the private school which is in a position to gratify the keenly devel oped tastes of some of the wealthy wbe demand pink tea class roomsj fetaeir children u oiartt nik wholasale soliciting of funds tho name of charity seems to have oecome a lucrative occupation for small army of workers under ti direction of the nimble wits of the larger cities who find an easy living in preying upon the public the canadian people are generous they respond quickly to every appeal for aid and the fact tha the major ity of us do not scan these appeals very closely makes it possible for a great many abuses to creep in many people reason they would rather be caught occasionally by un worthy appeals than to lay down a hard and fast rule of no donations and thereby turn down many worthy cause this community and every other community should have some point of clearance where the wheat could be neperatod from the chaff and these worthy of assistance given some letter of endorsement that will permit them to present their appeals for aid in a dignified and proper manner charity does and should begin at home afer we have taken care of all local needs we should see that whatever we have to spare goes inlo proper channels llgkte far plrarlac an innovation among the farmers or some of them at least was not iced the past week or more says the stouffrille tribune when search lights or head lamps have been placed on tractors enabling the fanner to plow to as late an hour in the night as he so desired owing to the short ness of the season and the lack of proper farm help this method of get ting extra plowing done is a splendid idea it shatters many hopes for an eighthour day the year round on the farm farmers in white church have been noticed plowing as late as 11 oclock at night which accounts for some of the farmers being so well up with their work despite the unusu ally wet season municipality of georgetown nomination meeting a meeting ofthe municipal electors of the twn of georgetown wil held in the town hall georgetown monday nov 29th 1926 31 pm for the purpose of nominating candidates for the may or reeve and councillors for the year 1927 proposooh ivlock lu case more than the necessary number of candidates and seconded and a poll is denuuided said poll will be opened the forenoon on monday the 6th day- of december 1926 at town hall for ward i f l heath deputy reluming ofilcer a norrington poll clerk greenhouses for ward ii john mason depuu returning officer chas ruddy poll clerk public library for ward iii perc harrison deputy returning officer percy cleave poll clerk also at the same time and phe nominations ill be received for the office of public school trustees for the said town trustees to be elected by wards also hydro commissioner f l heath returning officer just what you need now new advertisements bed outfits bid spring from h5 95 springs mauressesbed couches cribs comforters blankets pillows bed spreads sheets niilow cases we have a splendid showing of these at very reasonable prices new lines of thenewest styles in sweater coats winabreakers pull overs hosiery gloves and mitts turnbufjs highgrade under wear reliable goods exceptiona good value serviceable garments in a de pendable quality 2 piece suites 4 piece suites dresses coats sweater coats jerseys stockings gloves mitts caps and underwear many new lines of mens wear windbreakers jackets pullovers dress pants the best value we have ever shown 350 to 5 we have added to our line of high quality shirts the newest styles of forsyms wood far bale ihirc iuntiiny of jood dry hard w nod lino ljrje quantity of good dry cedar for kindling mixed wood nlways on hand price uiud cub on delivery prumnt kmi 330 orlo tel al sisoo per mouth free of cnidcncr lately occupied by the tale rev t f cameron apply lo mr h p jwsoii tf home for sale or bent 9 room oun room electric hghrv fur iiace and all conveniences gaiage on yucrn sited apmv u james mcktcb han 91 rr georgetown rr3 tl to bat nil nparlment partially healed s lernuio tuil able- ten m apply raid office if phone 239 or 264 george hour for 11 it clover honey isc per lb amber honey 11 t2c per lb a r vanatter ann si georgetown rr no 1 if 1000 watt electric light plant ballery price stoo jut the plant lo light your country borne and for light power waller t f iron wasted all grade t of cap- iron wanted by georgetown foundry co if wood for sale have aecurcd a larre quantity of dry beech and mple delivered anywhere t wnorglenwilliami at s400 per load out a cord of 12 inch wood alio cut ill a 300 per load and mined wood al 350 per load j brandford box 490 gcorgrtown phone 135 r 4 con 5 ee- 1k all under cultivation bank barn house irpring ereek srup or quick je apply to dvid radcliffe an on rr no 4 3t maxuroldvfor sab about 20 tons of mangold cm- aale apply to gewgflown floral co fire insurance j h kennedy gttraettm apmt for n ol lb mrongml eo- are you protected

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