Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 17, 1926, p. 4

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tijk oitobueronn iikiaii the piuwohd the hearing iwt r lot i cst here and there a little iovd a utile t lorei c t m to undo rata nd another wayward nerd to dup a hapd to help a traveller thru the unuled pall irpri wi with let hi rldgr rrd i te tangle f of all wilh n that ten la to in r pi give genorounly to help anutbe ho a little love a ilmje prair mayu ror those who battle n ost ih ter tear a 1 tile prayer that ih w n w bl nd may see the light that ahlnei be nihhceara u love touch ti d and in hia ear one wl auei ay of hin whusafelgui lea th fraileat bark a lltuelorelo keipln on with travellers on lift h dor my road and give the puunoid that shall bel o much to case a heart o lighten sorrow load a little love 0 heart be not ashamed generoui to be wo claimed and truth revealed through 1i uura bedell acton owing talhi illness of mrs minnie moore teacher the pnmary room of the public school was closed for uev erah days thia week for the first time in yean rev a c stewart m a pastor of knox church was unable to take hii er- vi e last sunday through illness he contracted a severe cold during the week and una developed into throat trouble he is now convalescing nicely while assisting to lift a steam boil er out of a box car at the cnr station on wednesday mr george mann truckman had the misfortune to let it fall on his foot bruising ft rererely fortunately no bones were broken free press ba1xinafad mr leslie waddell conducted the service n the united church hen sunday mr wrn howting spent a day last week shooting english pheasants the niagara district miss maud young of toronto pent a few lays last week with her mother and sister here mr and mrs stewnrt of toronto pent sunday with their friends mr and mrs john lindsay mr and mrs wra thompson third line erin paid a v sit on sunday to mr s r mcclure and sisters line muton child kilud by auto edith irene nine year old dai of mr and mra- john m v king street hilton was the victim of a fatal accident on main street on thursday npv 4th the little girl was hanging onto the back of ford damans delivery wagon which waa proceeding west when opposite mrs james kelmana resident got nil iu liiihiilffril when an eaatbound wheels passing over her body bell who did not seo the girl until the very moment she darted from be hind the wagon put on the brakes in stantly and stopped the car awirdtd 7500 danuio damages amounting to 7 boo were awarded to john hillary stephens and his wife mildred h stephens against the toronto kitchener ft london coach lines limited by mr justice lennox in the fall jury assixeo last week the action against levi gar- butt as codefendant was dismissed action arose out of an accident on may 26 last in which airs stephens had suffered injuries a bus in which brampton the suit was for f 10 000 louia pieto the acton unction man who sustained serious injuries ry falling from tin handcar on thi acton section of the c n r a toupli of weeks agodied from his injuries at goelph general hospital last thursday 4th insl jf hi uf r field tl hn ej h f on ii pu i rd l f it i d u it fab da ry i don fn laad o i t u sbl n r d li the oil u h e lixd en to the orlt show i i r an on t ltd a r nbla ul wash njton d jri taoo uuu ihhi of ru la ti llkel to tentuftle fro plum now u d r w n ordl s n r da i prov ln br eral f the u huh co lunbla n a ijua ter or a ll rj of the whole are 11 d t be fs ur abi ll llud to the a sign h montreal dup te ihe lateness of tb mbioi new inmgratio to canada cu unties at ulle in t tl rate ueekl rivals of the canadian pacif c steurushlpi mont nairn ma tcalm and 11 e- doia dlachargvd appro n atelj 1 50 th rd clam passci gers to be added to canada i population in eluded in tht new arrtvals was the first cont njrent at br tlh jouth to tome out to alberts under the ex tension of tbe hundley achen e manitoba tourist traffic for the 1926 season left over j7 000000 n the pro ce accord ng to the win nlpeg tour it and convention bu reajk fron the u itd states a total of 10510 visitors cane into the province of vh ch number 75 012 stajed for a day while 30368 remained for a longer titne thi average stay of the latter was sh days tbe increase of cars entering the prov nee over those of the previ year was approximately 46 per in order that a more intimate knowledge of the canadian pacif c railway oh ppmg terminals in tht vicinity of montreal m ght be gain ed over 160 traf f c representative f tha various industr al concerns in the district were the guests of the c p r in a recent tour of the van oua terminals west montreal ad roi dack junction mile end eaat end cattle markets angus shops hochelsga and plam viger were among the terminals inspected by the manufacturers s the ss fmperor of port mc j i col now undergoing overhauling the v hier s yard i v ril rmhat ozpression has become a uyikmjm for makn g good this market makes good with the folks who depend upon it for their supply of fresh inspected meats jbuckj1 market the home of quauty meats phonftasw greorgetowlv ootki tish columbia coastal serv ce accord ng to c d ne rout so i ass slant manager ef the service the vessel will sail for st john s newfoundland and thence sydrwj c b where aha will load lth 2 500 tons of steel nnd proceed o vancouver via the panama canal nii will be th first trip of tbe nootka under canadian pacific ownership an optimistic forecast for the future of tot and was made recently by gerrard hyna representative of the canadian pacific railway com pany at lemberg poland who was interviewed in montreal recently after completing an extensive tour if tbe dominion and part f the western united state mr hyna itated that he waa impressed with um evident prosperity af tha polish immigrant settler be had visited near edmonton the acute problem in poland today was everpopnla tion informed the european repr tentative to take an eitreme case of cuh- ist art and attempt to force it en the puhlic sgainat their will and intelligence is folly declared leonard richmond rba wetl known international painter in an interview at the headquarter of tbe canadian pacific railway in mont real recently mr richmond is be ginning a lectura tour df a number of michigan and iuinau cities u stated that he la aiming to show that all modern art even in its most apparently unintelligible forms is a legitimate development from all that has com before honte keep it safe fromfmancial loss with a eire insurance policy in rwwwiieuuncecomnxr iwpmwtal by elmer c thompson msbiasce sana lllw tw wanted now sikuui tor tb bwrld pay weekly exclonvtf stock end territory we mm ute clock we eell end deliver freeh dug hardy canadian tree nursery 900 ecree eeubluhed 40 year wnte new- pelham nursery co toronto 90ntaudo 81 business is good guelph business college ouelpli out ksliblwhwl 1844 over 5000 men and women rcer to the training received at the caeh tatiess ctfkge as their atari on the rmi it skccss a mteady demand for oar graduates you can start on monday personal itutrnctton given each student business experienced in structors toho have the abil ity to impart knowledge be saccettfal enrol now k l muck prtidpal art prtfrictor is thlg type of tourist really an asset to ontario liquor advocates claim that ontario will get thousands more tourists if it goes wet on december i these are the facta the dominion government report for 1925 stats ontario under prohibition had 1290000 motor tounstg new brunswick under prohibition bad r- 476 s5s motor tourists quebec under government sale had 111983 motor tourists government sale means increased liquor sold and consumed with increased dangers do you want our highways thronged with hilarious joyriders and campfollowers si the liquor traffic do you want to encourage and promote reckless driving upon the highways on the part of our own citizens dont be fooled make your vote count against these dangers vote for your dry candidate ontario prohibition union 94 b troct e toronto ha skeeaulbcbaaalxe stand anthracite sckanton coal in all j automatically screened and landed coal wood select lump for oomeetio and threshing purpose smithing aod oannel coal id foot loarry eterythrng to be found m aoy op to date goal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 18 georgetown erwiiugoldhams meat marke special for this week pure lard 4 9c red salmon sliced orin pieces white fish baddie and fillet all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 goal beat d l w sctanton coal in all sirei also smithing and steam coal mrs j watkins moral bution hot f at y our children no ridges to callous your childs foot no tacks to irritate but a cushion of live lambs wool to give springiness to the natural tread and protect tbe foot agamst dampness hurlbut shoeschmren hurlbutt allow the feet to de- dop avxmalif they are lonfrr in out becauje onj rr in wtar tbe health of your child de- peodt on good shoes ve d and ncominend them d brill ge irgetowti n shoe spw iriwi i cum a foil lint of hurlbuu work s rmeat musi c tor kadio enthusiasts r 1 i hajmsssssssssa aai bewmmmmm wbemmmj the programmj maker of the can i 1 ailian natunal ha iwayi radio de- partinent ha e ach ed dittinction tn everal featurea which ore to be offered to the liitenerain dun g the autumn and winter teaaan one auch feature being the en lagti ent of the hart ilouie siring quartette for a ene of ten rtcitali to be broadcast over the radio chain from moncton n b to v couver b c the firat programme will be given at the atultoof cnrt in toronto and others ii follow at e complete quart errfcompotit no of laic ool the balance oj the prorafnme bein made up of quartette mui c from the mot noted of the old and new compoter tor example the guairtette on ihe fint programme la that beethoven n c m nor opui is no h te by way of contratt the r cian w 11 follow avith a group of ioik tonga pec1y arranged for it ring uarttej hart houm it the retreat onal centre of the univtnty of toronto and ihe syndic have g ven apec al per imon for broadcasting only to the radio department of the canadian national rail way the ouartette- ut wmpoaed of geu te kraf in lottni harry adank n aacontt wltn mlllon bbcketone vjob and dorii hambourg cello sell y0uk cream at home were yi cm to lltt bkeiirai rf fktjkst price wool wanted for cash opod every day also wednesday and saturday nighta o georgetown creamery co m stixe manager royal city dairy ice cream full line fresh groceries fruit in season see our windows tor specials in groceries forsters termi cash georgetown phone i get the station with the simple torn of a single knob j ifeajuvs a kindred thlnp oa the air for mother when the x other fbua are away at woric or chool but mother domnt know variable condeoeer from a grid leak ibe waata a est aha on operate without being an akctrical expert oet her the king 62 with tho tingle imobatatjon adector theawltharimiaatufn of a tingle knob ahe can get that great parade at atatidoa on tba air uuatc to uvea the morning houn new menua to 0ve variety to the dally moab lecturea on health and happlneu from a hundred atationa you aren t really unng your radio ualc mother getting the good of it in the rnotnlnga and afternoons we will put this king 63 in your home install it ready to run show mother and all of you in ten minutee just bow to use it and ask for only a small down payment the balance to be paid as you enjoy it if you haven t a good radio half the world la passing you by and if you have one that mother cant use you are rfihng mother come tn todirj get a demonatrtfaon or phone us if you prefer we will have a tet in by tonight ataaudewa payncnt nts tmft la ta thla khwiudk to almost a mar to owe aa to eoarata aaam pajntmot la all you naae aey clown tlmbaatenobatooobtacjapt pctrtlihramraicpaiawaywtt art ajayabk ma inai ar hong rapio most radio per doltur j n oneill son oboaottowwewtajmo jl simplified radio that mother will etyoy father thought sonlething- serious had happened tt 1 r 1 telephoned home last ci- k ratler got a mild el ck juij i acboo teacher to her frieid ilia first question was are yu well jeai when i re plied p e he explained how hurpr h j hovns to hear the u k diatoi ce operator asy filunkvllle colling pleaae bold the line h aa know my home is ninety rnilca nwaj a j i havent paid father a t ulnce tho winter but i future 1 inund to talk o 1 im frequent lnlea 1 of utl g to g dliunea only n en erge cien muny teleplone uncrs are making u a hub t to call friends in fais awny places o pianangw niiilts and tt frequent vala auctioh sale ran stock u itailfriln the uoderigned hxi been idatmctc hjr robkt httk to tell by pnbl c auction at lot 23 con 10 feaqueaing mir gbaiwutawna oo tneadny november 88ro t 1 30 o clock tbe following tsej 3 flood woikiorao i lcholite n co yeara old in h freahi hobteinot idjreara u jin 9 b durham cow 6 yewr due feb jnd tloliteinjbalfer 2 ytr due ft nh holate n he fer 2 yeara due march hhh ddrham heifer 1 year old 3ntj itrade bull 7 months old 2 jerar beifer feu about 7 months old val call prewouah aom 1 k 2 fovng nwi ready for breed na liay and cran- slack of good macd bay about 7 or s loua 600 buahela good implements- maaaey harris disc snun drill new last spr ng 3iboree john deere cull tat or naw 45 galum drum thuros simplex crean separator forks pa la etc fowl gander and gooae a pair af dand es drake and j muscovy docks 30 good hens terms- hay fcra n chtckeua and all sums of 20 00 and under cash over that amount 10 month credit on approved notes 5 percent off for cash w a wilson ben petch clerk auctioneer ladies siaarooms aitcouin mb count ftlzzhc mb sukewc try us our prices ar reasonable mrmrsjtlullitx thlstanil rkssa tuu hi coal best anthracile coal always on hand nat and stove coal small egg coal large sized pea coal delivered to any part of the town also coke j phone iso if rogers a co i georgetown collections wt haolle cotectiumi only is j tars xtkneiee apeaka for imlf as u inn iffi icy and re- liut it kelly aiken cvllectois detlli aa trasa isaaa ref tandard hank of canada j sanf0rd stowarttovm pliimbbgndstaitluag ertsaetrmtr sties itwhr tth i wood mixed rail 8 per single oor or 2 cords for also hajtfwood at 3 7fi delivered in george- j h smith 4otowi

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