Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 24, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixty fikht ykak of 1ublkation greorfftowii wednesday gteiung notemer 24th 1926 1 go por annum in advanoo 2 00 to u b itegetrgelovni berald t hooks tvr sivaiy miaaii wasklr k m amhuum ji as ri ti- uoin 1 habt 9 l8am 101om um pn i mteu beetrk battmyi kmowi stalhra wbbtboohd daily dally mm tim hos719atn no 1 7 86 am 1 w7m 8- b8s am llfl7voi 61136am ft impjn 7 185pm lftr sj7 hm 9 8 85 pm lt- 11 585ptu 14w7 pu 18 7 86 p m 1 ijtvm 15 9 85pm 1ft xtlftpm 17 18 06aru 3ppoisj koauly service during the jin nil of tha canadian national ex tmanvuchokr leife fl uses uauf westbound 9j ajo 23c pm 8 08 p in eastbonnd 1000 sum 300 pm 7 30 p m waiting room at norrington b store w jhouiuger gen mgr directory us and omcmaunro oaftos uftoaat btoek oata la hart of qarf bwitatar solicitor etc mot mill st georgetown hows to 3 p o oyawiaw aa4 sstsrdar n og haat9aau ofv wtihufcy and saturday evening mat stoat gwrgauwn phone 33 smu graot hospital toronto u t wiuxajn juatbgaon beartt in georgetown 0 to iim i miath lr04 dol omcm in ootaa ta fcaoa hook w door aoru af nun osrrtea vamorr tswrri a a am vatartaarr sorgeoa asd upto dale w cavfacscly la onuno nrf lawftih urlw ohinm u ffnsflfs garage itstawlrrand w h wiluon gaiijffri 1926 taxes second instalment notice the 1926 ti noticea having been aent out the second instalment n due and payable on november 24 25 26 i will be at the new waterwatlcs build ing on the above dates prepared to re ccive taxes e mctannah collector important to tax payera by law a which is now 1 1 forcegives the collector uo option in connection with penalty if taxes re not paid ou datea indicated id notios ford car wins out ihe proverbial thrill that comes once in a bfe tune came to hundreds of ford owners at the western fair london on sept 18th when they saw a standard pord romp away fromwhippet and chevrolet competitors in the special five mile race on queen spartruaok the ford finished nearly six hundred yards ahead of the other contestants mak ing the five mile grind in 7 27 the race was a special feature of the fair program f resulting ffrora a challenge issued by the whippet representatives to all owners of light can the spectators saw a thrilling race- despite the fact that the ford led the whole way for the first four miles the contest waa exceptionally keen between the whippet and the ford but the chevrolet won easily lapped the wh ppet made good time on the contra but on tha straight the ford oomed ahead like a racing car ford cars are old by main st north formerly browns garaga we save you money on hardware iaaiiiliiii u oyster smi a car load of oyster shell juit in from baltintora your hens need shell to produce winter egg special price 91 86 per 100 lbs class bepair that broken window now glass is erv cheap work mitts and gloves r weaimiobnildufiagoodnuubuiinmt that is wfcv w carry such a complete line at lo wept prices rvtatei specials charcoal 15epar bag stova pipes ioc ea hone blankets from 1 7ft up eveready rdl batteries oetifpnr radio worknig at its best before election night we oarryi complete tine of radio batteries every battery fresh xmasispiedsis torwle family dpllsi toys sleighav waggons cai skates hockey ttiaki pjjrix siliejirsrstalnlearkjiivoa optanan lamps lan terns irom and heafeibekctne lamps ironivtoastflrs wash era range plates haip cnrlor ad wwrv bcusors roast paribteapowmn6vtues and bottles flash lights pocket knives pipes playing cards purses bill folds coffee percolators shaving brushes etc we umriewkaamta i sauo acsntt wffl mmvrde graham clements phone 2b sell your cream at home where t cm calltili8rie mi aeial met wool wanted for cash opo evrry day also wednesday and saturday otghte georgetown creamery co mr saxe manager through the mails the service of the bank of montreal is as wide and cotfcprehcnaive at the postal system itself this service customers living m remote districts to transact their banking by mail as sanafactonly as if they could make personal write for our folder banktng by mail j b wallace manaaar georgetown branch bank of montreal established over 10o years wm5m royal city dairy ice cream full line fresh groceries fruit in season see our windows lor specials in groceries forsters temut cuk georgetown phone sb new pack canned goods sale tomatoes asof nt i ittiuiqtjut a uu 21c peas irqwautr ja 1to1 cmm qemfcy lkit jlaaaaraqaamy ahulbo corn d bavhm odn qwjkr 27c st efayd qmllty jlhiaih catsup ss5s f sadereradt 15c pumtok 2a25c smnachdj 21c asrjliagol ik oc ieanss2hr2se 3 lb jar plum jan 29c asjkaoies 25c sssspkars 25c bapsicots25c sbol peaches 2sc b5i sheuedkuts m wheat 24c coffee 47c ik frvs cocoa nimkiwimunuaki raisins iiaxsmjim bsjbve valskcia ska cukrant3 2dm27c euiridatss2lk2sc oranoxpeel 27cft habcmmalrtll loo hafhgkachiuns ttajbwifks euedndts i nboz chocolates fcwawictm 8qe tea 69v uiraufpfl marmalade lb tin tellers chocolate fingers 33s cutam bandwich i wi ii uk nu k p i oi jolly oil naah wu i roui lit r that tt l n it ll n i h urd w ternbli 1 rami to the hurfncl us fait ua 1 could and ahook water out of my ei and there lying proitrate vis old billy wood a friend of my younger days trusted and good whom l hadn t encountered for sail i bui old man ouc n crwl i ecc i m glad you cacape 1 with your i f e said billy how are you and worked himself free then he pointed hurh up in a ncigm she said i 11 rush home and put a new gown bill wait here a while till the ch idi climb down then bring your old friend home for dinner obituary mr john mcdowell after a long and painful illness mn john mcdoweh passed away at the residence of her son edgar mill st acton on october 29th she h been 111 for months but patiently bore her sufferings her illness was large ly the results of her loving interest in others and her care and nursing of them her maiden name was chris tina mclean and she was born on december 17th 1856 hs husband the late john mcdowell pjedeceased her at their former home at port credit on jannary 27 1920 where fttso one of her sons lewis panned away four days later about six years ago mrs mcdowell came to acton to reside she has two sons surviving edgar and fred both of whom reside here the late mrs- george ritchie was a sister mrs mcdowell was a fine tope of christian wife and moth er she was always ready to sacrifice herself for others comfort or pleas ure mrs mcdowell was a member of the presbyterian church and she valued this reutionshfp very highly her tired body wa laid to rest beside that of her husband at evergreen cemetery georgetown on monday afternoon the first of november the pallbearers were two sons fred and edgar mcdowell three nephews c woodhall george and wm ritthie and fred wiles free press it might have been worse never in memory have ontario fanners approached the winter with crops so incompletely harvested and with so little fall work done there is in the aggregate a large acreage of com stitf ungarnered root crops including the sugar beets in western ontario have been partially lifted with the greatest difficulty beans were almost a failure potatoes are of questionable quality and unless there is more open weather fall plowing will have to be done in the spring this is only part of a long ssd story open fine weather is the only solutii advice from any quarter is useless taking advantage of every opportun fty be it ever to uninviting is the only means whereby the farmer ca rescue his ungathered crops and do little plowing to lessen the burden of work accumulating for the spring it wdl mean an interruption in cer tain rotations perhaps and tate vn altered program jo such near disasters tiawocc various districts and parts of the proa vince ere this and when followed by a favorable season the memory of the past year is blotted out the ontario farm has wonderful in spite the difficult harvest the partial loss of crops and tha baelrwmrdness of all fall work the farmers of ontario are in a secure position and will meet the winter optimistically knowing full well that it might have been worse advocate antatlon to jadya in chambers on the evening of the 4th inst the legal gentlemen employ ed as counsel for halton municipali ties in the matter of the appeal against the equalised assessment of 1926 presented judge elliot with a cane with an inscribed silver band and also with a large and fine travel ling bag equipped with toilet articles the presentation was made by w d gregory with tho explanation that it was in recognition of the courtesy of his honor at all the hearings to all the counsel judge elliot was taken by surprise but he made a neat speech of acknowledgment- rod and gun with the arrival of the hunting sea on cornea the december issue of rod and gun with a stock of read ing matter appropriate to the season the old gray duck by theo j stocks which appears in this issue while not a story of big bags is one that will appeal to men with tbs hunt in their thoughts bonny castle dale also hunts deer in nova scotia but with a camera henry a braithwafte well known eastern guide tells of ms experience with moose while martin hunter tells a typical story in the wolf ib of the labrador james frise his a timely full page cartoon the december number a good yarn of a days adventures a bc nvertrip is told under the title of a chapter of accidents in outdoor talk w c motley has an other interesting woodcraft article while the guns and ammunition de partment edited by c s land is has some good dope for the man interest ed in guns as fishing notes has also for the angler ktad kennel notes for dog fancier tod and gun is published month ly by w j taylor limited wood aw oat ashgrove on tu h lay even ng novuiqi rr 1c about 110 fr n la nn 1 m gl bour gulh tnd in ih basemint of asj grov u ited clurch to bid fan wdl to mr and mrs john graham btforc th y ft for their i iw i mm i burlington during thi ivcn ng u short pro gramme of mui c an i read ngs was glvin an i ntcrspiw i w th kindly ftmarka which voici 1 the istcim in which mr and mm graham were hel i in thi ndghborhood mr on i mrs graham we rev then askt i to con for ward and the follow ng uddrcss was read by mr a j itu idell and i ulectric reading lamp wub pirsent by mii wardtruddul to mr wl mrs grajwrn ll is w th deep regret that wi sl the time for your leparture from amongst us drawing very near sonu of us have known you since your childl ood your character through childhood young manhood r- norc mature years hua betn ilncerc integrity you have always been a good and obliging neighbor and fnon i n your own mfet and unassuming way in your church relations p you rendered valuable assistance in the work and renovating of the church we hope that both you and mrs graham and family will have every success and happiness in your new home may god bless and keep you now we feel that we cannot allow you to depart without expressing our respect and esteem in some tangibk form so we would ask you and mrs graham to accept this lamp on behalf bf your neighbors and friends and the members of the united church at ashgrove and we sincerely hope when vou think of the time you spent in ashgrove they may be pleasant kindly thoughtsand may you often rejoin us here again assuring you of our best wishes for your future happiness we are your sincere friends mrs s k ruddlll d f wright w g appelbe c b dick t brownridgt ku klux klan in flesherton it is said that a branch of the ku klux klan has been organised in flesh erton this village has alwayi been a fine stamping ground for new organisations arid all have flourished for a time on thursday evening last gentlemen drove into town big packard car and proceeded to on lighten about thirty people who had assembled in claytons hall by spec ial invitation as to the aims and ob jects of the ku klux klan the stran gen were all disguised and at the close the speaker asked all present to swear to secrecy as to what they had heard and seen of course in a small elace like flesherton it is impossible 1 belong to an organization of this k nd without having one a identity known and the names of all those present at the meeting and those who are all well known the meeting was opened with a special prayer for the success of the order a card contain ing a couple of verses was handed around these verses were a parody on let the lower lights be burn ing and the words substituted were let the fiery cross be burning send a gleam across the sky a couple of village ladles presided at the organ we understand that two or three young men s gniaed their desire to attach themselves to the klan flesh erton advance terra cotta e are very sorry to record uil death of one of our pioneers in the person of mr james mcbrute who passed away at guelph general hospl tal last week deceased was in his 87th year and prior to his removal to georgetown had been for a number of years a highly respected resident of this place three sons survive they are james of georgetown thomas of norval and joseph of terra cotta the funeral which was ily attended took place from the encc of his son joseph at terra cotta on thursday last the services were conducted by the rev kenneth maclean of georgetown interment being made at glen will jams cemetery mr george townscnd has rented his farm to mr w j rati edge who is going into the sheep raising indus try quite extensively the services last sunday evening in the united church here were hugely attended the rev mr wad a number of our citisens attended the presentation at the home of mr and mrs ben petch last week and report a splendid time halton children s aid encouraging reports were present ed wednesday night at the 13th an nual meeting of the children s aid society of halton officers elected were honorary president judge elliot honorary solicitor crown at tomey w i dick president j m denyes b a firstp resident e f earl second vicepresident j f little treasurer c h stuart secre tary mrs t j brown executive mesdarnet anderson gorharti sander son ramshaw denyes peacock mc phail willmott brown misses bews campbell blain messrs maxtcd robertson shorey mockndge little denyes dr gowland dr anderson mp rev canon haftel rev n a hurt but dr watson georgetown mrs popt burlington his havtll acton and mrs inglehart oakvillc school of agriculture halton is to have a three months school in agriculture and home eco noralcs from nov 30th to peh 26th inclusive with christmas vacs t on om dec 18th to jan 2nd this s college course offered to the boys and girls of halton county many of whom have not had the opportunity of attending a high school or colleg iate the course ts very thorough and compares very favorably with the first year at the 0 a c and mac donald hall guelph the boys and girls of halton county both rural and urban should make every effort to take ad vantage of this iplend d opportunity duncan campbell mortattifeurts prominently tn the prise list at the royal winter fait toronto with his exhibits from tuv herd of shorthorns he has captured a irumbar of valuable siies including second prise for rind champion steer halton fall assizes iii b op i i at ll tuesday tht first cam to mat uo wu that of uirt 1 angelo the hamilton bootleg gir the four cliargn of manilaugh ur gu nst him irls ng rrom the kuths of g o gil james johnson an i wm msybci of oakvillc and olive gtnsrton of toronto wen in clulcl iruone taiictnunt and the five of a i ministering poison alcohol wen reduced to one in his opening charge to the grand jury his lordship lx pla n fi the scnoun nature of the poison alcol ol cast and said it was the first of its kind n ontario hi spoke with regret on the great in cnase in crimi of all sorts in the at 5 p m tht grand jury brought m true bills against d angela after spending the altemooi in hearing the evidenct of the witnesses for the crown and the court adjourned it reopened yutirday momlng whan d angclo was placed in the dock and his tr al begun will macgregor young kc of toronto as crown courni 1 u d hugh john uacdonatd k c of toronto defen i nghe pris on r who pleaded not guilty the day was spent n the examination of wttnisses and the case was unfinished when the court adjourned n the even ing the evidence was a repetition of that given at the pre miliary examin at ons and reported it was resumed this morning the grand jury brought in a true bill in the case of vera fish of oak vllle charged with concealment of birth of her child and jamas horton criminal offence against a little girl and no bill against w h patterson toronto motorist charged with man slaughterman the result of the acci dent in which loretta bosley of toronto was killed near oakville last expanmantal farms nolo not a year goes by that there are not numerous complaints of heavy loss of fruit trees due to the ravages of mice and rabbits injury from mice is comparatively easy to control the succulent bark of the young tree is particularly tasty to them in tho lean months of winter but as they arc under the snow and do not climb the trees some means of protection will prevent their damage ordinary building paper does very well not the tarred but the plain grey building paper cut this in strips 6 inches or ti inches wide and tie around the trunk of the young t banking up around the bottom f0m little earth a better and morep4nent way is to use wire protectors made from either galvanised wire of a fine mesh or from expanded metal lath cut this material into strips about is inches high and 18 inches or so wide to allow for expansion of the tree and fasten with small pieces of wire this material will last several years w thout replacing and insures ade quate protection against mice and against rabbits as far as the material reaches but rabbits have the faculty of getting on top of the snow and chewing jhc branches above the snow line 1 his makes protection a rather difficult matter there is not apy really good treatment for rabbits but the following poison has met with some success and is worth trying white arsenic 1 part com meal 3 parts mix thoroughly and spread about the area to be protected a repeliant which has also been used with varying success la as follows unslaked lime 20 pounds flowers of sulphur 15 pounds water 40 pounds apply this to the trunks with a brush m b davis division of horucul lure central experimental farm rural fire protection to the farmer has come in recent years the telephone the motor car the radio hydro electric energy the rural mail delivery and other con van iences to make his life less lonely and to remove many of the disadvantages of living in the country among many of the advantages that have not yet come his way except in a few com munitiea is protection against fire and we wish to poiqt out that there is no reason why this should be long delayed there is no question but that it is urgently needed how often have the readers of this article seen a house or a barn in the country being destroyed a mass of runes with no fire engine other fire- fighting appliances any where near the danger of are on caught in the act charged with the shooting of nng jtfeed pheasants in violation of the gatnc laws a toronto man whose name is being withheld by the police was arrested on thanksgiving day near milton his gun was confiscated and he will appear for trial this week at oakvillc although there is an open season for pheasants in certain parts of the province these birds are protected at all times in halton county and a heavy penalty is attach d to any violation of the act richard white publisher of the milton reformer who has been con fined to his bed for the past six months was on monday last presented with a purse of 1200 in goldtby the halton liberal association in recog nltion of 50 years of faithful service to the association and the liberal partj loft ball tasrmawiant as a special evening feature on thurrlav december 2nd n soft ball tournament for ladio wilt be staged the new arena at g lelph teams have been entered from wontwortri halton and peel count im and a picked team will represent the city of guelph tl e old time rival it ex jisjing as a result of former competi lions ik tun to l again in evidence id an each toam brings its quota ol supporters a packed hquse should these teami have bewh practising faith full and tha halton county uam la hopeful of again wn mng the beautiful cup donated bj the gnelph mercury which must be won three times before becoming the property of any team

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