Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixty pikst year ok pu hi ication qeoriretowik wdnaday eweniargr december lat 1826 1 co per annum in advnnco 2 00 to u 8 ifcegeorgelown herald j h moore roikhw aa4 preprlaur taawlla waauj nw- cji h tlwa tfcl uoimj kabt paaaenger 7 is am paaaenger 1 an paemdger 10 is a m mail 12 04 pm pmwmar 8 48iini ml bupni pmftflor 8s6 pm fsaaaenger sunday 7 111 i ra j 0o1no wetti iio 7 80 n m caaanncer siem pusenger aia pm hail 4g0i passenger goapm pfcmenger 7 08pm passenger surupfy 10 81 ii m ooimo n0kt1i hail u00am auil 4 55 p in uoiko bodtu mail 11 16 nm mail 7 84pcn cwafla hattou ekdric tothni babtpotjnd westbound daily 4aily tmla irmto so 4 719ajn nol 7 86am 4 957 m 8 9 88 sum ft luam 6u86ani 8 1 67 p m 7 l8s p m 10 857 pm 8 8 86 pm via- 567 pro 11r 5 85 pm 14 7 67 pro 181 7 86 pm m 16 tvfft pm 16- 986 pm 18 llidpm 17iaoflcam special hourly service during the period of the canadian national ex bltdtion- 1ktf tteheser ft imam buliacs uatte westbound 93b sera 235pm 8 0s p ni eaatbouud 1000 am aoopot 710 pm waiting room at nomfigton store w j holliager gen mgr i iutwv sofcdtor elc owfe wit st gaorirtawo hear 9aaa to 5 p w opajlfaiaaaayjaj saturday fwinp ouminimnmin uml p ste a rm wiotwl tut atim ebmm s gtwa htmpual i 9 ft iaakmomtb vamrtoary srgcoi ijaijaya ma- oatatohynewa garar mdmkrlt sath4r2 s- to9 p ymmrdaya b pp jfjuw im rsic i p jw jjwaiwn t forrf car uiris out lhe prcorbiio chnll that comes oiuti in lite time came to houdreua of fonl owners iit tlie westenfiur ioiidon on sept 18th when they aaw i htundard ford romp awaj from hippet and chevrolet competitors in tho special fie miu race on queen park track tlit ford finished nearlj six hundred- ards atiktd of the other conteatauli nwking the five mila gnnd n 11 the rice waa a sptoiat feature of the fair program resulting ffrom a hallfnge lssuttd ltj the whippet representatives to all owners of light cars the spectators saw a thnlliny rui p despite the fait that the fold led the whole waj for the tirst four miles the i on teal waa exceptionally keen betwen the whippet and the ford hut the chevrolet was eatnl lapped the whrppet made good tame on the orncrs but oh the straight the ford oomed ahead like a racing car ford cars are sold by ha gdxe main st north formerly browns garage we save you money on hardware oyster shell a cir load of oj ster shell just i liens need shell to produce winter eggs 100 lbs i from balttmora your special price 1 35 per class repair that broken window now glass w erv heap work mills and gloves we aim to build up a good mitt business that is wbj we carry such- a complete line it lowest prices winter specials charcoal 16 perbagtove pipoa 20c ea horse blankajti from 1 75 up eveready radio balleries get year rftdiajworking at its beat before election night we cany a cumpleto line of radio batteries every battery fresh xmas specials lor the whole family dolls toys sleighs waggons com skates hookey sticks pyrax sdverware stainless knives coleman lamps lan terns irons and heaters electno lamps ironstoastere wash eta ranges plates hair curlers and wavers smasors roast tpsnateapgta and kettles carving sets thermos kits and bottle flash lights pocket kimea pipes playing cards purees bill folds coffee peculators shaving brushes etc we cmpfe mk cty prices a sain fepwk will hh y wttde us xws graham dements phone as branftfard for your barn roof cm brantford arrolock slates neither gale rain mow nor frost ctn budge them and they laatfor yu th law idea pi small urlsc cast mak lham taa awst 1 nol of ucsptioaal valae ton c brsjtfbrd teofltfcnl heilej brwntfejqohc stock cwtiw i irfernatlaa puralalwduid siwlm georget laimbw co ltd gtoi mtflft municipality of georgetown h interim statement cash statement of current account for perlodrom let jaumary 1b88 to ltb noveniber 1bs6 receipts v taxes 12c t463 0 taxes urrears 84m 01 fees rents kinea 297 60 1 uwibea t hoioing commlwuon g iv her works im 00 ii5fi gl 5591 m conpler il fii new water works refundj w 44 10 loans rank of montienl w2ti w sundries 95 40 smith stone instalment 1221 80 smith ac stone interest 1911 95 interast ou current account 2 25 98090 18 192u overdraft november 15lh 9074 87 cheques quttanding 95 48 10720 03 expenditures tax rebates 40 15 dog tags j refund on rent 6 90 1 iki housing commission 6592 13 wttqr w orks 680 u cemetery 283 26 telephone 86 80 expenses election and municipal govern 1 menj 609 00 salaries allowances and commissions 1980 00 printing advertising postage stauouerj 463 l inburajjge heat light and care of build ings j631 83 fire water and street lighting 9008 00 lawcoata 198 40 streets and parks 1316 14 chanty 482 96 public school 7300 00 power excise and exchange 1170 89 101 05 new water v orks 801 25 public librarj 798 60 fire protection 448 65 loans new 26383 09 loans old t096 38 interest s4i8 87 ouelph su railing balance 44 60 good roads 527 23 board of health 117 00 property tlag pole eta other costs qrants eta 62 72 807 83 police protectiott dial protection 7 95 148 16 high sshnhl debentures bonus loans 2500 00 2399 18 debentures water works 1022 17 debentures general 3964 14 debentures schools 226 50 debenture internet schools 743 22 debenture interest other than adiools 9938 1 s 90248 42 0 tenia ft 1925 december 31 17011 61 107260 03 assets dmfcea taxes- 1926 26664 44 taxes arrears 6236 81 bonmiac oommueion inatalmentadue 6183 w s04s fin 8226 74 adwrnnoe from qaremt bank aoooont to be teplued by sale ol defaentuns mew waiewjeki guetphov 17433 01 4268 38 local improvements 617 18 bonus irfwna irae by companies h corkju 13132 47 marshall hudson co 2626 24 georgetown foundrcj 326 00 smith stone 3487 37 georgetown arena 2510 40 watefrorke unpaid rates ovprdue 1141 24 bjnk balance u 17 00 water rate eolectionastimate 1000 00 hydrant charga 1100 00 interest toae enlarged andaddad to debentures to be issued to new vi aterwotks 1926 999 98 to guelph street 1926 277 70 to local improvements 1926 37 03 for above 1926 2520 00 debenture recoverable hydrosactriq 1462 98 rewenmefron00od boade 806 oo liabilities bank loans 64800 68 debentures due by december 31st 1926 8177 37 public school balance ot estimate 2060 00 high school balanboaf eetunau 1600 00 salaries and fire protectioi 2600 00 interest on loana bjdanee of year estimate 050 00 county rates estimate 9000 00 90778 05 estimated surplus 3706 52 erwrnifiomttams meat marke heuterfehicis while osh bamie and ruels all meal kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 at a haw obows ou a little i anxious to have our wj a llttlo leu ready to wold or blame a little raon care or a br lir name and ao wc ar ocarinr the jaumey end vihery time and i iprnlt meet and ltd a little lest care for bonds and bold a little more teat in the days of old a broader vltwafld a saner mind and a little more love for all mankind a little more careful of what we say and so wears fannga down the way a little more lave for the friends of a uuie lea ieb for established truth a little more charity in our views a little lew thirst rorjtbrdauy news and so we are folding our tents away and passing in aileuce at the doat of t0i a title more leisure to sit and drram a little more real the things unseen a utile bit nearer to those ahead with visions of those long loved and and ao wa are going where all must go to the place the living may never a little mure laughter n liltk more s we shall nave told our increasing years the book is dosed and the- prayers are and we are part of the countless dead thrice happy then if some soul can say i live because be passed my way rolllnj wells ucal cwdl 1 we men the regular monthly meeting of the local council of women was held last friday in the rest room of the public library having secured permission from the board the coun oil had arranged for the cleaning and heating of the room f onnerly ustd by the civic association and it is now- available for smaller meetings at a nominal fee for ovejherd expenses the pretaflent mrs h w ken ledj presided and reported that through the instrumentality of their committee ninety names had been added to the voters libt the coujf4 oil acceded to the request of the w c t u to become lesponsible for the prizes offered in georgetown and vicinity for the essay and poster contest on scientific temperance education miss lawson gave a most lnterettiug report of the execu tivc meeting of the national council held in st thomas on nov 6th and 6th mentioning particularly the items bearing on the safeguarding of public health the beautifying of our towns the immigration work and the ban ning of offenslvo uteratare from can ada hiss hutt the contenor of the citizenship committee reminded the members that suffrage had oeen granted to canadian women during the war without the straggles that accompanied the change in otner countries and emphaaed the fact that the privilege was none the less valuable and should be used by ever woman she quoted the following poem whfoh contains a message worthy of consideration you say that taxes are too high but do you vote about extravagance you sigh but do you vote how- long you wail mut wi en dure this state of things that keeps us poor how long ido not kiipw i in mre but do you vote the lights ate bad the streets a mess but do you vote your indignation you ejtp ess but do you vote you say that bosses rule the snow tjttt graft is reaching high and tow ad doubtless all you sa is so buudoyon vote you growl at rotten politics but do you ote you howl at bosses and their tricks bat do you vote you say 0 decent citizen we ve heard you time and time again we want things run b business men but do you vote unless you do i wonder do you youve got fust what is coming to ynu property holder tie hmkmilres secret tq be a millionaire i man must not only get rich he must be able to stay rich a eertain well known millionaire when asked how be stayed nch said i invest my money only in sound established companies that man has learned a valuable secret but a man i money honever much he has is never worth so much to him as his mind his intelligence has it ever occurred to you that you should invest your intelligence just as carefully as you intent iour money why not invest your intelligence in a sound company b suberiblng to the louths companion it ir the oldest magazine for j ouug people in the world and nearh the oldest of all the american magazines it is also one of the most interesting practical every famous author of the past hundred jeare has written at one time or another foe the com pamon only this fall for example the companion published a new story by jack london do ynu like stor ies of adventure mystery romance they are all in the outh i compan ion here are the terms of an- in vest ment guaranteed to be profitable 1 the vouths companion 52 issues in 1927 and 2 the remaining issues of 1926 all for only a 3 or include uccall s magazine the monthly authority on fashions both publication only 260 the yooth s companion sn depl bos ton mass subscription received at this office first annual meeting oigimztl novetiibm 12th 192fi mr georgttown tsiiuesiug ilumam bocn ty iirh nda utsed the lirxt linlentiiui i ilh exim m t bt fore koiiig furtlier mi tttsli to ex ureas our thanks to tin f i n council ftiruifuiiriging anil uwiai ing us in unr work our tl nut art also dm our gnuitl fcdit r mr moore who has i uotd int so lulling ij undjo those kind anttjhhouglitful oiiis who hau sfni us hi oiupluitits a brief suimnan of tht jeir t wurk reads as fallows cases nuestfguusl regarding sturv wl attained neglcmol und abandon cd aiiiumlx v2 n iniings gnett 10 iinmlwrofcfiorimimiiiud 11 nirt ofthew9wor iestfojed 80 ultle wen inspt tid ui ownem ordend to provide food tidslidlcr forsime within 24 hours 24 pigs examined owners ordend k provide proper food and shtlter for same within 24 hours asm of dogt investigated 12 warnings given 4 i aot restored to right ful owuer 2 logs placed in homes dop destrojel 3 the town couucil attended to ill iases of stray dogs within the town limits through the tag system cats hum an oly des troyed 30 total number of animals cared for 189 the work of the soi letj is not only in tho prevention ofcrudty to annn als but tn educating pecaa and children in kindnesv to annuals the greu interest lieing taken in t work by che teachers and pupils of georgetown public s hool mil do wonders in this way theofflcers for the uisuing jerir nire elected as follows president dr h g rtnd vicepres win ashenhurst secjtreaa mrs g 0 bronn inspectoa g 0 brown executive mrs d i herbert miss l held riv h caldwell mr ed tounseud esquesing council the council met pursuant to id ournmeiit the reeve in the chair membera all present the minutes ol last meeting were road and confirmed carton leslie that the treasurer pay bell telephoui account as foil own 99 11 si 64 84 33 1 79 total s3 43 toronto hospital for consump tives w eston re h gillinpharo for october 46 50 h y barraclough re robt moody for november 20 00 gio brown silvercup recoun ml a resolution 12 15 i tor chis hojm milton copy of deed 1 80 jt l leslie fee for title piud 65c gamed gowdy leslu that the treas paj twp road supt pay sleets ap pre eented no 1 3186 no2 05 57 no 3 445 61 no 4 267 0 no 5 159 60 total 969 80 carried cleave carton that the treasurer pay a q clarndge lamb killed 812 00w b shortql valuator archie ecoles 2 sheep and 1 lamb killed by dogs 44 00 vt r shortill valuat or w b shortill 2 trips valuing sheep 4 00 camed carton go wdj that treasurer pay tho following amounts for witness fees etc in conne tion with the equalization of tho county tiisess ment f l thompson 20 00 m campbell 28 00 jas r lindsay 24 00 hume curne 2000 1 1 stand ish 20 00 geo d thompson 20 00 p g mcgibbonfloo thos moffat 4 00 m sproauoo jonathan neil son 4 00 geo cleave 8 00 win gowdy 8 00 t l leshe 8 00 w g appelbe 64 00 m j carton 56 00 carried cleavi i esbc that treisurer pay to arthur bcahraont u trustee of glenwiliinms hall a grant of 50 00 toward expense of roofing the hall as the township has an mtereit in said hall carried cleave leslie that leave be grant ed to introduce a by law to pass the county rate for 1920 ind that said by law be now read the first time carried gowdy cleave that tho by law to pass the county rate having been read the itrst tuiu 1 now read the second and third linns mid passed carried carton leslie that this council t now adoiirn to meet december 15 10 a m carned okrlatnaa entartalnvaat tbeduffenn st hool ss no 10 second i ine will hold their concert on december 9th it 8 p m a good programme will be provided bv the rrapils orchestral music cornet saxaphone violin solos and scotch dancing will lie special features ad mi rsi on 26c and 1 x trim mil en oy a good com ert to rapraeamt halton tack mcdermid of cirgetown ill be the member for ha it on county constituency in tin sixth older boys parliament of ontino meeting in the parliament buildings at toronto dec 27th to 31st in the election held suturdiy he i merg ed victor by a majority of is v oles er alvingarahl of acton tho election was well fought nut both boys working energetically and en thusiastically in the campaign both defended the various planks in their platforms with much enthusiasm and considerable oraconcal ability in the several meetings held in the vanou towns of the riding during thi paxt week they acquitted themselves remarkably well and we h e i i e v e aroused much interest in bova w ork in this county jack will make n splendid representative and the boys of georgetown e e 1 particularly proud of his election correspondence i in mijor nt mm h vi2 it ban linn iwn a i n mv mil 1 lo loniitlliie t mnki h j iu eiupuriei win tt wtlim 1 is tin re any delimit ffofl u ing put loilh to stcuri ueu hid lit ries for tieorgi t w u and art lim conn cil uitl board of lmde i o ojleratiiig lo that end i understand there ire some iiiimi upied buildings u town that in nvailabte and siutabk fai factory purposes keeping e crlahttuglv it it brings success 2 iherf uud to im amonp th eorpuritiori rcgul ttions vvlit hi known n i hrchiuit bv lav i presume n i till thui one of its obj ctn 1 think was ii pn vi nt re donliil distn is hung defaced bj the trection ol imildiiigi of casilv bunulle mitinil at i doul tful de sign prohubl loriisetul pnrpoaesj entirely outofuenril with llie sur roundmgs bnr the rthiit and 1 u uri attrai tiveitjifl of tin town shoull not this be avoided 3 thirty rue years ago the town constructed a water hystem at an ag gregate cost of about 40 000 00 recenth ml luxihutry system was iu stnlletl at a tot an i ouderatand of about 70 00000 in view of this should not the poo pit of georgetown be able to secure more favorable insurance rates has the council or board of trade given this matter con stderation and taken iction accord 4 am i not right in thinking thnt the town has gone to the limit as to debenture indebtedness would it not be a good thing to an alyzc iu detail the items tluit inako up tho total that stands against the corporation practically on a mort gage and hee what wo have for our money 9 and would it not be tid vi sable to tjirafuily watch the future inordi rto avoid taxing the people too severely and thus erecting a bar rier that would discourage acces lions to the population from outside yours very truly r d warren four- year sentence i bert d angelo the young italian who once bootlegged around hamilt on and onkville will go to the kings- ten peiutentiarv for four years for his part in thopoisonalci hoi epidenuu of last summer such a sentence was imposed up on him saturday by kr justice robc who iu so doing stated that he could not give as much weight as he would like to give to the reoom- meiidution of mercy which tho jury added to its verdict given thursday ivcning of guilty on one of the four counts of manslaughter on which jio had been indicted while the jury has reuommonded mercy his lgrdsnip said we must remember that the jury is- not in charge of the enforcement of law we must show an example lo others by this sentence his lordship decreed that sentence should date from yesterday with no allowance for the months whloh d angelo had spent in ustody await ing trial the prisoner 3 legal guilt was established through the ontario temperance act he said and moral guilt is shown by evidence that the prisoner knew there was great danger in drinking alcohol except thit dis tilled from proper materials he had however ohosen to run the risk for nnanuial gain in his lordship view d angelo had committed a se rious offense deserving of severe pun ishment tt fair assizes olosed yesterday james horton aged 50 years a mm ing engineer of elk lake was honor ably acquitted of a serious offense hart br ovi cr g l hamson of esquesing town ship met with a painful accident re cently his car had been left in gear and when hi cranked it it start ed forward knocked him down and ran over his leg breiking both bones 1m low the knee baef cattle at qualpk fair entries hnvc now been completed in the beef cattle section of the guelph fair and the same excellent competition to which guelph has be come f a in ou will again hold true shorthorns had in numbers with hereford anil angus in the order named the following are acting as judges shorthorns i d bnen ridgetown hewfords w h hun ter orangeville angus w c pat on queenston entries iu beef cattle have been strengthened by ex hibitors from saskatchewan and man itoba the commercial classes for steers an e zee pticn ally well filhjd there being a total of 137 steers en tered in the show here in t battle among breeds us tl cksmlnrttteu throws all btveds togetli r ti compete agtinsl one another on their merits as beef rattle new feature in conj ncction with the 120 fninsaslangh ter competition for beef cattle- where the unttnals are judged alive and after slaughtering the carcasam are judged shorthorns angus and hereford and steersf or slaughter will be judged on mondav nov 29th commercial classes of steers thursday dec 2nd the g ildcn sheaf mission band of huov presbyterian church are holding a tea and sale of candy in the church parlors nor 27th 1926 from 4 tdl 6 10 there will also be au informal program come and bring i your friends 2tp

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