Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 1, 1926, p. 4

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thk oeoboftown bfbali ifhi h lm 1026 herandtkere ph bd p a th er e p the bei 1 p n of swiiuicpnlenn nl po i j hi on y ll n j hn s mar o u u m a m y n ca n i an ivf ln and i pn i ue ut on th t ng h k of i j u re r h inl 1 b b rd fro 1 of re ukhi r i h b i sh r n v lliafcl of ju lbi af r witifl mii fro he uestn n a and b the do nuu co rnn nt ami vi ra o plant at he furjj f place a fur 1 er u rgi of 5111 lb of it d s of llo h th sed nw zealand quebec tl e canndnn pac f c ra lwy h i cnl d tu add th ee hu dred run s o s famous hos telry th ui u 1- ro enu and uken h miutrem a ha n a un r ov ur per r the pr sent hu d npts through the cunatruct un of he proposed new wns the chat uu rruntemic wll probab be ome the la r rest hotel in be br t si pmp re ha ng some 120 rooms chriatn at travel from canada to tha old country ii expected tfl bflt exceedingly heavy this year over the c p r lines and by the cana han pacific liners h gh wfaet prices and food crops are given as the cause for this exodus the rush will be naugurated virtually by the sailing of the cpr liner montroyal on december 7 for which special train will be run o sh p side at saint john t itecogn sod throughout the west as two of4he outstanding author itiea on mountain transportation james and w lliam a browster president and general manager re pert i very of the brewster trans portat on company vis ted cana dian pacific headquarters in mont real and n an ntervtew for the press predicted great popular ty for fianff lake louisa and other po nta in tha bock es americans they stated were regard ng these cen tret as some of the ou standing hoi iday resorts n existence a br tish columbia hen a white leghorn has taken the world xec ord in egg lay ng with a totar of 348 eggs given in 800 days th ban was entered by the university at british columbia in the domin ion experimental farm contest ex tending from november 1st last year to the same date th s year previous egglaying records were held by new zealand 342 eggs per year in 1923 and by australia mt eggs in 1924 last year tha honor of establishing a record for this cont nent ent to a hen in puyallups washington with 336 eggs laid in the year an excellent specimen of bull aoose with an antler spread of 48 inohes was secured recently in the woods of nova scotia by james w 6 tuber sportamanedkr of colum ut ohio who beaded an expedition into nova scotia for the purpose of securing exhibit for the ohio fatal museum in reporting on his tr p at the tourist department of the canadian pac fie ra iway in mont real where detail of the expedition were arranged ii s tuber stated that according to guioes and old residents in the d str ct where the moose was killed it was one of tha fl ist spec mens taken out in years liner and planes irt 3000mile dash to effect scoop i gertrude pdcrles recent victory over the fngllih channel wrote an epic lo the nl ready brilliant aquatic records of america and ahlle this youthful swimmer broke ail existing records in jjr channel swim was being lionised in europe for ber victory ft sequel to this event wse uklng place in america which will go down on omsntle pages of journn sm us of the biggest scoops in newspaper enterprise fains n four plane relay in co- ope nil on with the canadian paclf c steamer tho empress of scotland rep esenfuttves of tl e new ork news landed tie octuaj photographs of the great chnnne it win lulnelr offices in new lot fully twenty four hours before other pr nls could possibly arrive as the gangplank of the empress of scotland was being raited at southampton a messenger dashed up to the ship and placed ft bundle at prints in the care of a passenger even the commander of the ship was ignorant or their value until s radio massage manned in giving tho in struetioas mr vje disposal of the riots a seaplane would nick them p near antlcostl island true to the arrangements the seaplane was sighted a few mites fro the island near english bay and commander latls gave instruction to on officer to wrap the photograp a in a water proof float and lower them a er the side pf tha ship tl e seaplane clr cled the ahlp and nllgl ted in a fe minutes the package was picked tip but the sea had become so choppy that u took the piano several hours u taxi in the lee or the island be fore it co ifl rise finally taking to flight it flew straight to lumousk where the rt in f a vldpd nnd placed on board two waiting land planet these two planes bopped off for new york and were hopeful of reaching new yofcfor the saturday ed tlon of the news but heavy fogs descended and killed all hopes one of the planet was fo cad down at sf em und success w up to the other plane after flying la the fog almost to mnnjrenl ff turned ra th and landed t plnttaburi ffnd toot to othe plana at the parade gfrjudrfi there hers the otfaar plane took tts plcturvt and began e last leg nf tho peri ous flight lo new york plying at 112 miles an hour through three electric storms and one of the heaviest s ever encountered by the flyers be pinna landed at the west side park jersey city a little over three bourn after the final dash was begin the pictures were deliv ercd at the offices of the newa in ncjr york 24 hours ahead of filcfun en rout tinnev yn v xmas greeting cards call at the herald office and see our line immeetei9mmtetmmssiemsmmi hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds lamps ronb toasters alwrays on hand at the best prices office town hall christmas bahjg sale vmt nir fdmlwhh tmp79v la sobr cbhltnu btunc omllty wi mu qp bbal valus- wlttahttirumr flour doimouaho baking fmfltmluutli29c 16b dalvmts sdlwrwa 1m flfcn fuutcmu ik 27c u peel ik 27c lilltcutmphl9c tabl el ik 25c cwihlw1ptmjl5 w cuai tip i ui 19c 21c peas dimw m 19 the finest canned goods somi3t1c shortening 43 asurtwl cbocoutet sweetfaevt cheat 3ib bex 99 ltbub 39 ctdi1i23c25cs shelled wdnnta or et p bnisnma lb 23c nt rouepoajs tomatoes corn 529 ssdaltifcar jgik- flexqgsga mixed tartr nuts25 extracts 23 gte mother looks forward to my telephone visits nr at weldon 1wm appoint ment u vke nfrenjdent m oinrte of tntfic end express canidlan nn uonal railway to succeed mr j e dalrympte is announced h erear m ere said lie ttiat tu flnt f r he first lime fines silver fuxen h e bwnexl b ted at 11 rojbi tt nter fkit here on- tar u b ee lr n la e striosly hal jenk a the ku mhi of the prlme j edword 11 nd fux farmers immigraton to tanadi tor the first ne monll u the ea endar year 1936 shows an increase at 06 per cent o er the same period a yn ago accord ng to a statement issued rece tly by the department of imm gratlon and colonisation moncwi new brunsw ck froien blueberries are now being shippe4 in quantity to cleyelfitro anl other centre n e urdttd sutea so tar vltht carloads have left mono- on iced go that the fruit will re main frdxen two more carkids are about to go forward victoria british columbia famous players leaky are to estab lish a plant in british columbia fof film production it was innfttioced in connect wits tha hoobooo coaoern known as the famous plsy era canadian corporation limited of toronto traffc in grain from winaipci along the canadian pacific hallway lines this year has been heavier than last year by over 12000 000 boahela w th 110298 085 bushels marketed and 63 010 cars loaded the increases over last years ten mtu th per od were 12168 437 bushels and s 538 cars antwerp belgium when the canadian pac f e steamer hehta arrived recently she was given an official welcome and a great popu inr deraonstrat on as the ten tho snndth vessel to enter the port u antwerp ths year sbtborato programme no arranged in her utk supreme cmt iobuti between the oorporauobi ef tw town f omraseteva puiatlst wanted now siksaufm- ymrhitrfcl fay weekly exclusive stock a territory we row the stock we sell and deliver fresh dag hardy canadian nonery 900 acres established 40 years write wojv- plham nursery co toronto 9 ontario that expressio has woome ajnonytn fqr maki g good this market makes good with the folks who depend upon it for tl eir s ipplj of fresh inspected meats market ths nomcw 12vauxy meats phonetj8w fire insurance t h anidt finrgcltwi uaal for boom ot the st coin snsitis writieg- asswrsbce art you fvotected purausn to the judgment herein and to the order for immejisto sale made in this cause and bearing dste respectively the 7th day of decern 1926 and the gth day of november 16 there will be sold with the approbation of his honour judge elliott if aster of this court at hilton at georgetown by ben petch auctioneer un the premises here in described in the town of georgetown at the hour of 12 o dock noon on the 4th day of december 1936 in one par cel all and singular thst certsjmpar- cel or tract of land and promises situate lyingandbeinfinthe town of george town inthe county of h ton and pro vince of ontario and being composed of town lot no 24 and town lot no 5 on the east side of lamb street in the said town of georgetown accordinirio a map or plan of part of the said town of georgetown made by james hatch eon esq and p lls for john trean or dated the 16th day february and filled b the registry office for the county of hal ton on the 6th of febru ary 1kb as no 118 and which is more particularly described in instrument no 4334 registered in the registry office for tha county of hal ton in book h for georgetown which amid pieralses were formerly occupied by h corke co the properly will be offered for sale subject 0 a reserved bid which hu been axed by the said master the purchaser shall pay ten per cent of the purchase price at the time of the sale he shall be allowed ten days in which to investigate the title at his own expense aadtheaajemustbecomple ed in fifteen days and the balance of the purchase price paid on doting in i other respects the terms and cond tinea of sale will be- standing con dtbotu of the supreme coo rt of ontario further particulars can be had from harris kescnie 26 adelaide si w toronto j dated at milton this seven teeth day of november 1926 go to cdlkge by hadio there lucatlon on the air time in with a king iftouhb buhned would yonr insurance provide financial safety canyon aw tenv auu aamt to aetata breaceeeelmrea erect notonltr be joe tbraoghaceoelgeejn etbuanjiet rtmetabot eae tuasacbilolrtltjbr7cekaal kin huum0 most mdioper bolter tltkre8 a gensdae eut ravfla far 1 iiiiiiirhi 1 nf llvocttommnitmmadmsnu hot tnen loupamfe bfc yoo cssrt rarbatjbsantu ihimt srffafrnd wowmflawicsesmt tmt mm teg u cest m sf uo0- st ewsft to wtry ssfsssb to her husband is u wo lerful idea of yours fred that 1 should altcmite my tetters to mother with telephone calls she misses me a good dsat and she wan ju t del ghled when ahe heard my tjtc ws talked over u lot of things too settled it ore questions in threw minutes tl an we could hav done li twenty letters and its so much easier hat writing l ue both so pleased that 1 ve nrrsnged to call her every wednesday night to bridge those unavoidable gaps there it notl ing 1 ko on occasional talk b long dls tancft tor a few minutes tho muen ire rolled away and sund cred friends are brought face- tofsca ri ma skavsulmst baslrm standa8d anthraoite scranton coafc in allislies automatioally screened wld coal wood select lump for domestic- and threahing purpoeett smith ng anij cannel coal la fact ioarry bterythiag to be found id any up todato coal and wood yard john mcdonald phonb 18 georgetown wanted echcioeleeaelaedeetaneoe asbjd to rakei rjae tkkav vr br ooeceaaileadcia in looks j oovwaaoofc wv b staajr y i i i am nn t teal ato ax tio zeis car eaeial 5 v easi h rm inn fl a oaai ooo a estsejosiasfs ler jretr prargjt better sam elmer c tbonspsorj nsoiajta sance rastllw cewiknni lessodb tor toots king radio in yew home a wll qualified stino graphtr several such advertisements have appeared in the local paper this eek every graduate of gutlfih buatnett college w located the eurployincnt department of the college hail rail tor 2 bookkeepers this week but no one to send your opportunity is in the business world gt a thorough training now whiter term jan 3rd 1927 at gnelpit basmess godege students are now enrolling individu 1 nhtrncbon produces su penor resulth send in your appl rati 0n i unci prladphil prarltlsr collections we handle collections ooljr 35 years experience speaks ftr itwelf astninng chwency and ro i ability kelly aiken couectms 0wvllia and owbwwspi tandard bank of j sanf0rd stewartttowiv plumbiogtitlimilmnfl esbmatteerlaqr-avcs- rknemrl teerfdom kl ns j h oneill er son oswsuttown ontiuue coal1 beei d ll w sctantoo coal in all sue alao smithtng and stemtacoai mps j wattto i fboeostci

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