Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 8, 1926, p. 2

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tln iaqk 2 birth marriages and deaths aro now charged for at the following rates births 60c marriages 50c deaths 50c memorial cords goc 10c par line extra for poetry tub ghoboktown qkrald decunboi married mitchelleasonln toronto doc lit 1926 lillian daughter of mr thomas ban on of georgetown to mr r h mitchell oflrin died laavsonln georgetown on tuea day december 7lh 1916 margaret mabel grant widow of the late ii p lawton in her 51st year j l the funeral will take place from wis late residence on thursday december 9th at 230 p m turneyondec 2nd 1626 at hoi late residence 620 pulton st chic ago annie mckenile widow of the late james tumeyand sister of mn exra bessey obifoary aligns grant angus qrant a widely known and highly respected resident of moose creek passed away at his resident there on monday novemrjor 22nd born in the 2nd concession holt township 8 tonnont county 77 years ago a son of the ut peter grant and was one of a fatml of eleven children in 1872 he mnrned llim ellen begg who predeceased els en years ago as wasnis tustom ht wan taking the milk to the station on monday morning when lie was seized with heart attack and to which he au oummed about 4 otlouk that altor noon all his life hu jiad lived in roxborough township his efforts and influence were al ways i dentin ed with au movement that meant the betterment of the community life it was especially in the church that mr grant sjient most of his time and energy both efficiently and effectively for the last thirty five years he filled the position as elder m the presbyterian church and since the 10th of june 192s in the united church of can ada in politics ha was a liberal and a strong advocate of temperance in everything that he undertook he was extremely consciencious and painstaking to the extent that he gave of himself freely to his chnrch work he gave the best that was in him and there he will be greatly mibsed in the community hall where the church services were held he was a familiar figure and a real inspiration the funeral service was held on thursday nov 25th from hia rest dence to the c cemetery in the cth con cession rox and was conducted by rev n mclaren resident mini eter of the united church assisted by dr mcleas resident minister of the continuing p res byte nan church bev j h urqahart of ottawa and rev d n mcleod of alexandria a former minuter the floral offer ings were many and beautiful testi fying to the esteem in which the late mr grant was held mr grant leaves to mourn his loss five sons and five daughters henry a los angeles cal p a duluth min jameu d maxnlle wm v georgetown g w on the home stead mrs t e armstrong ottawa hra dan barker north bay mrs h g mackercher sandnngham mm e a korvell montreal and mra wm blair montreal the children with the exception of one son henry living in los angeles cal were present at the service peter from duluth having arrived about one hour after the vice was concluded in the passing of mr grunt a kind and loving father an earnest and upright citizen and a god fearing and consecrated christian will be missed and mourned deceased was the father of our esteemed townsman mr w v grant who has the sympathy of all in his m l near reeve was elected by 111 ola hior ityal the polls an moaday at tin 1 1 mn u ipal uleuliuii for ri in lowti on mind mr m i ntar win njuled imr mr h lung l a iiiijontj of ib mr nuirianou mo mm it tin lou tu il jkmrd laving irwd t lit own hi loumillor for 3 joam mr long hat been i inuiiibor ot ncil for the pant nifl juars and ileitrvmg of tin thinks of llu rattpajin for hia htrnut it lit council llourd during that umi the result of tin polls wtre is followh u ward i the ollicial connl- ol i in voti tin for oi ihi following are tlw figures j mr hlllmer n majority of 16b word milfhtu vikn 1 jj1 llu ohhial genu al long near ward iii long near majontj for near the mayor itetv mid cuunullors elect were strumded by the band on monday eienmg the boys nreivod thtr usual jwartj welcome atidnfreih ments from the town i n presents tiv terra cotta wauli for date of 10th liii a ret option was held at the hoint of mr and mrs john press wood i pnduy evening m honor of the daughter edith who was mnrned to mr alvin bumu m the presbyterian church georgetown on wednesday the bnde was made the recipient of many valuable add useful presents also a cheque and addrefts from mr joseph boa union t as a kind remain bran ce to one of his faithful employee for fifteen years the employees of beaumont s mill gave the bride it mibcellaifeous shower on fryjaj evening the voung people were en tertained to a social dance musk was furnished by the nicitell orches tra of li me bo use and messrs j craine and j meqaarrje were floor managers mr and mrs stlrrat will reside on the 9th line all join in congratulations mr l rogers left here last week for his new home m toronto bulger of the 10th hue is ill with a severe attack of pneumonia moil ielophoiie chiefs rea 4 30 mun oirloe 7 22 town hall 405 hydro town hall 1 b3 olll 1 71 loer 48 j7 hrt 1ml i 0 ww building 11 murchment ww john litltii gnivtl lutui tost ji 11 maruhiuoiit u h march men t w j oh n tost sts w vint corke milk h francis corke milk 11 mara h men t sts h man hint nl ww henry frantic ork bniltj bros ww georgetown lumber to du r h thompson u nta j a simpson sts p b harrison stamp tu j t mnrchment sts guulph general hospital w t evans insuraiice w t evans rehaw a j bhukbtirn chiefs suit nassag iwejn j j milu 6v 1h00 hiki fioo 18 00 18 00 38 so too 4 00 18 00 18 00 100 4 25 14 jo i8 60 8 v 000 1j98 204 60 177 65 aoo aft 00 kim or riiotujuwn itianni klmer ihompeon lourt wm ward ebun j b mao ken tie coal j li maekenuo hts muniujal world hiipphe mi hiiinhiolloiu jf40 400 400 14 24 5 40 4tfi 286 36 oeorgt uwu herald printing iw18 llatli dro p 11 harrison i h o john mason d it o a norrington poll olork w fonl poll clerk dougil mucoll poll ltk j balkhtini rent fur poll public librar rent fur poll carritm hlllmer matry inttmsti george hlllmer mpp of oak nue conservative 6164 iinrr m petti or freemuu progressive 0t a 6 709 majority for hillmer 306 this w an inoreoe of 89 over the un official figures given out oneleetion night v halton c0lntv equalization judge elliot having delivered his judgment on tfte appeal ogamst uie equaliiauon of the assessment of thw county for 19211 the county council met on monday accepted the juiignwsit and pasted a bylaw levying the county rate r 61 2l 1d0 was granted towards fie expensca of the threw month school of 143 agriculture and home economl 1 the following are judge elliots flgurei j67 municipality value otjuhdi ete sufinf 118 georgetown 84 milters 1598088 1549696 8668120 0142100 118 oakvillo mvt esquessing naasagaweya 2 385812 216 nelson 6202769 175 trafalgar 7970686 tf 76 u8 frb lttj 7 170 6164 5 uiorit for hlllmer 362 town council council met op tuesday evening wuh reeve malntyre in the chair and cgnnofllors kelly bessey bar clay and ashenburst present minutes of previous meeting wore read and confirmed communications were read from tfc u1 i i georgetown tannery hospital foi jjj hkltai bnrk works have 8lct children toronto- t n hiu the ladies of the social hour held dlnnnff of drnn tlieir second semi monthly meeting at the home of mrs k jcom on thurs- afternoon a most on joy able pro gram was tnde red oakvllkluy seeee fr itllm cfjaty possibility of secession of the town ofoakviue from the county of hal tea was freely discdased apparently in a favorable spirit at the meeting of the council last monday night in oavville when die report of tho deoi alon of judge elliot on the re- assess ment equalization was presented oakville has been very hard hit by the new eqnaization as have allthe towns m the county and members of the council expressed their ldignation freely an appeal has been entered meanwhile the aolioitor has been ask ed to report on the question of repar ation other towns notably burlington which is leading in this matter are oonsidenng like steps withsprcstf alarm at the increased hardens to be placed upon them has led to conceit ed action with reference to tho appjal the equalization of the townships has ttm lowered last year oakville a assessment for county purposes waa4l 760000 raised this year y 3 800000 the total county assessment was raised from 90000000 to 32000000 so that oakmlie is paying this year 1l9 per cent of the county expendit ure as compared with 85 per cent jatt year this means ihat 21000 approximately will have to be raised by the town as compared with 14 800 last yew cumrcu am sddj following is the report for nov ember applications for children 2 children involved 3 children made wards 2 complaints received 4 investigations made 7 ksil received 61 mill sent out 63 jttjeage approximately 375 office interviews 7 court attendance 2 wards heard from 4 wards placed 3 f wards retnrdedto shelter 1 wards visited 1 we have a boy 15 and a girl 14 to v place w h stewarfl bar pins in white green and yellow gold set with diamonds and other stones from 5 00 2fi 00 a b willson digging of drain moved by barclay seconded by ashenhnrst that thomas n hill bo granted a rebate of b0 per cent of fas 1926 income tax he having been a resident for only 6 months car ried moved by kouj seconded by bes sey that the following accounts be paid s 1698479 i 41410 58580 136669 62608 15t806 68287 84700 1000 2 160 2656144 the county rate levieo abqve figures v othird expenses twothirds of a mill for roads auto the special rates nob 428 439 479 495 526 the totals were acton 1 8827 06 total 1868996 2978890 1764467 1626448 8881926 6202712 2876987 6 206289 8022686 132866248 1 6k mills for general lucomw none none 84776 18250 none 2876 5926 1600 49800 19298 13 11868 17 10429 06 85127 76 16246 60 40086 86 the result of the appeaj of the township of esqnesing against the 1926 assessment was as follows acton 1368996 burlington 2978 890 georgetown 1704467 milton 162fl 448 oakville 382l9m esquesing 5202712 nasaagaweya 2376937 nelson 6205289 trafalgar 8022586 the proportions paid bj the van is municipalities in 1925 and 1926 e 1926 1926 aoton 3 36 burlington georgetown milton oakville esquesing nassagawej a nelson trafalgar 710 4 40 366 860 22 80 760 16 95 26 65 9 21 545 602 1181 16 08 24 80 esquesmg county rate is 36 127 on the former basis it would have been 488 61 therefore the town ship saves 13 734 or 5 7 nulls georgetown s increase is less than any of the other towns while aoton stands riext mr lekoy dale rep resented aoton georgetown and esq g during the hearing at milton jnst what you need now bed6utfits bed mattress and spring from 15 95 springs mattfessesbed couches cribs comforters blankets pillows bed spreads sheets pillow cases we have a splendid showing of these at very reasonable prices new lines of the newest styles in sweater qqls wind breakers pull overs hosiery gloves and mitts turnbulls highgrade under wear reliable goods exceptiona good value serviceable garments m a de pendable quality 2 piece suites 4 piece suites dresses coats sweater coats jerseys stockings gloves mitts caps and underwear many new lines of mens wear windbrgakers- jackets pullovers dress pants the best value we have ever shown 350 tos5 we havejadded to our line of high quality shirts trie jnewesf styles of forsyths see ike goods see the values jacksons f georgetown new advertisements for ski r iwi good voting jeriey cows a culler 1 kothi londltioi alio a roll organ pi i itioi llonijtiw lei rgatown p l for 11 ly t j i i it k n 1 iwll zz- e i tor rnt r i r o 1 mrt n si hnce hunt loti 1 heq i6apply j a i agslooe agrfcnllutsj umalont 1 8 1 rr n drl vrrl inb gtkc irdoa apply i rtj to kant uie 11 m n siroel north alco nd plumbum apply lo j w u wood for saja limnnty of goodovy hardmo4 qu- u iy of kood dry cedar or hirill g xixed wood mwaym on kaod u1 ciih oil del very prurnpt w emmrrion phone 33ft kennedy larij gi for sal n uooo rlo let at sis 00 por moniii i free fl and wir ralei hie aol d bn k ten rhataly occupied by the late rev cameron apply to mra 11 p s i georgetown rr 3 if holw for sau ueil clover how uc per lb amb honey 12 1 1c pe lb a r vanallw ann si gtorgetown rknct i wood for lala ave secured k large quantity ofdry iieech an j mploje1nrerd anywhere 1 town ot gteuwlllianu at 1 00 per toad am cord of 11 imb woodt alsn eitl 1 a 93 00 per load and mixed wrod at 1350 per load j sraftdfonl boa 490 georgetown phone 135 r 4 3 whole time opportunity lor enetgetic landing reply b oger room 524 foi urwatmo- for slo good heal ma stove 1900 waabiofp h nc nd mabognr flnished waab i j apply at herald llj stand irtp znear kockwood dec x buck wo blueifckd fox tiouud a rowardof ltt 1 ottered for information leading to bit recovery l rifa 38v willard ave toronto oni 2k i r i for bale set of heavy sleight new auluble for bush work apply wm dawaoa at j t craincs store terra colta phono 61 r u ferbalo an inval d chair in good condition price eatonable apply 10 p o boa 148 1p r pautooa bn ba0a juil received a car lit of choice paf t ie delivered in town it 2 00 per baft georgetown floral co phooe 35w rorlau sheading oxford down ram the agdenofi phone 61 r 15 oeorgetowat chellenhsm p o ii banes in tartar j to the people of georgeuwn 1tuh ingto buy orjrent homes in tonsss would be assisted by writing mrs wis legrow who hu several muses to mt from t26 00 to 100 per fbonui la the best localities in the eliy moore m and north toronto corresponmsm will be promptly answered mrs wa legrow 159 balliol hi toronto w ontari phono hudwn6801j top forallbtf upmilertai during the month of december i hi prepared to give prompt service m every job of upholstering and wlllote a reduction in price otrau orders na thu month only see j 8 baddy er leave orders at w h willsons futbi- risbnas day is on the wy now is the time to m pick your xmas gifts our assortment larger than ever a fewr suggestions o c m tube skates j2so per pr ocu hookey sfcutes baourd tnbe kas alnmo tabe skates hookey sticks sleighs flaali light feu knives oqaster wagons kiddie oars eleotrio heaters toaster bleotrio table zamps hot plates community plato qilver war beevao qleotrlo irons guaranteed 10 years beeyao eleotrio va6 onnnt olevner sleotrio washing maohines and range 1 1 1 m n n mr farmer f dr hew poulirj panacea b guaranteed to gie results or it does not cost yon anything get a paakage and start your hens laying while the price ijl good oyster shell 1 25 per 100 lb bsg see our stock of mitts and gloves hardware ptomtag electrical wiring and sbeel metal work r h thompson co hphone46 georgetown

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