Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 81t hlfu h ic uh 1 i ftl k hh geqrifetown wednesday evenings december 15th 1926 a advance fl 00 to u h rhefceorflclown heraldllslisaiibi muoitl christmas necessities 1 pnitacfiiris psaenierv n a j luiwntrr i j i ihsiiir sfti i 1 ill hi 1 so t uoj 61 ul ii 1 mo 7 i caartlu natlwil fclectrtc rauniys teronta sbu rhu r v dul wcsriiout- dili train nos- 7 18nn no 1 73 ii 4 8 57 kin 3 lllmi 01 1 57 a it a 1 1 35 a m 8- 1 67 i in 7 1 b- p m 10- 807 tun fl 8 36pm 1- 67 pm it r n 14 7 57pm 18- 7 85 m 10 8 57 pm 16 jbopm 18 1108 pm 17- taooara special hourly service luni g tl l period of the gaiiadiin n luc i ii hx hibitioii twmk uektmr uian asuksuahca westbound 9 36 am j35pm 8 05 piu kaatbouu- 10 00am 200pm 7s0pm waiting room athomngton s store w j holliuger uen mgr directory chilton walxbridqe a dale itnbtm salkiui eto toronto and gears- town ofltca kennedy btock rer dale la oaem o qaoraa f bq meie barnater soucjlor etc office lid st georgctowj hour 9ata lo 5 p ro open walacadap and saturday otvabkkot b wxqbuis lllt katy puie hours 9 a ei to 5pm opau wednesday aad saturday even igs sau a v pan wjelsla aad tarmn t mesxkoseerof health in eaquesing township o r w ion payatoan aod sargeon jiai strah geoctatown phone i r pttyadu and surgeon medical offleer othesltb georgetown qftaiid rwi gt q osawe haanswio a m lsand 68 p m also byypototafait xn strrhxaujurd ar now and throat spteuiisl at geomtowo wednesday saturday uoara tpnv tfll9p or by appoint mantgtaaaea supplied otw ilsnaa matthews main st bow phone 107 r 6 r l watsov p ik i k d tltm 9 t ft eimft v tmtt1 ldackoa oaatiat 4mb ta 1am blot oaa door nottt atmnvauta carrlag ractarr hon 1 a an 4s a p am h ft xjejjuioatth veterinary surgeon immb mabist mortb h ohibqpblaotio ii gbdrlalaa lanrat mauk7 aw tfce bmmc complete aad upto date p t oouno wmxlmsm la oalaati raaaa biadaiala uynprhtlaa oace aaat to o neilt garaar tirartliiailij tr j p- ouht daja and boon bjr appcxntaicnl fhomlso rwidmce ii itliatm- phoo ji3 tudt and rriday tid pai w h wiuson taaartakat mid uoam4 hwlwliw or horbedcawnhcare hi or day j4 ors1 wo have a new niid up to datl line of chrisimas peels candies nuls call and inustlgate oor pri a and goods belof buylug forsters terms cohh guoi btown ptaoiiu 3 there is something in ibis list of gills that the family will need flashlights xraas bella dolls toys sleighs wagons aeroplanes kiddie cars wheelbarrows dolls cradles silverware stainless steel knives and forks pynx with fancy stands pocket knives razors pipes tobacco pouches playing cards roasting pans c c m skates hockey sticks carving sets electric irons toasters hair curlers and wavers electric table lamps vaccum cleaners nut crackers auto rugs cuantletts mitts coleman lamps and lanterns irons and heaters thermos kits food choppers hair clippers shaving brushes purses and bill folds alarm clocks ever ready radio and flashlight batteries etc oarhardware store is the place to find asefal presents for men women andhtidren in our store it won t lake much money to buy many gifts come in and look around graham clements phone 25 erwinagoldhams meat m i the time to order your christmas and new year tiirkeys geese chickens dueks also christmas beef and home killed lfimb pork and veal all meats kept m electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 sell your cream at home wstrt tu cm sd 1st bights unit aid the fctsl met wool wanted forash orrw every day also weddesda and 8alurdn nights georgetown creamery co m sale manager farm for sales i86oo 200 wros linrlc 1 oiwe urgi lank lun i lei 3 1 01111 tear iu ip mj tor n 7000 100 ncretetone honoe frame kin loam laid t rt id 2 i 2 miles to town j a aberdeen eatata bntw ftwaeb georgetown bex 113 six feet of earth bank of montreal established l8l7 assets and liabilities 30th october 1926 assets cash on hand 834116543 deposits widi and nota and cheques of other buiki 5084411781 dcpos f w th central gold rcktvc 1700003000 call and short loam on bondi deben ture and slocks 160811 301 37 dominion and provincial government 79 15761418 canadian municipal sccunt cs and bntish foreign and colonial public securities other than canadian 19130714 16 railway and other bonds debcmara and stodu n 4463111 16 quick assets 424919084 27 loans and discounts tffd other assets 33085387006 bank premises 1180000000 liabilities of customers under letters of credit as per contra 3 95 87 totjd assets 781 525145 20 uabiuties to pubuc notes matrcuution 4717508950 deposits 656 159467 65 letters of credit outstanding 392 other liabilities 103011710 total liabilitus to public 5 7 77s excess of assctb over liabiiities to pubhc 62 10769 98 try hamiltons bread we carry a full line of pies cakes jpastry and also take ordeis for choice xmas cakes any size you can leave you r order for pure almond paste prepared ready for the cake at brown 8 confectionery store or hamiltons bakery mam st georgetjown zjay qtr lthw 59 stn 1 is all we we do it 1d0 k of the wurll 1 it ran 10 jopl caoraalowa cituam anil fornar raaldanu of stwrtton calvbr 0th wadduik day anil lorn hut covers n true honist heart but itccauw he a not dreasejl i ice his neighbors in styje jr why society keeps thm apart r on one fort urn sinilca wh le the other one fails yen no matter what venture hi tries t it t me calls tnt11 both to the grav in the end and six feet of tarth makes uh all of one sue then when you sen poor fcllon that tries to baffle the world an i its frown let a help him alone and perchance he ii succeed dont crush him jtccausc he is tor a cup of cold water n chanty given id remembered w th joy a the we ire all but human we vc all got to die and six feet of earth makes ue all ol one fliic uukljii k tl tin ul- w should riovtr affei uut think of the ad aire it mum be y fnend that sis feet of earth makes 1 all of one s n 1 the r el man w th tlousandf lo shan f l kes hut he haught ty ho ida up his hia 1 11 i hi th nks hes above ttiv mech an c who toils and is honestly earn n his bread tut h s gold an i h b jewels hi cat t tnki awty to the worl 1 up above tvhen hi fur leath le in all and conclusely flhows that 11 feet of iarth mult is ut all of one am 1 coat that lb tutterc i as she was setting the table for luncheon mrs jean comber aged 2j a was shot and instantly killed saturday at noon by a 82 rifle ct unuitentlonally fired by her 7 yearold half brother tommy gem mel mrs comber dropped to the floor dead the bullet had penetrated her brain entering directly behind her that point coroner u a mccoll of hihon investigated the case late saturday afternoon and announced that the shooting was accidental and that an inquest was unnecessary the little boy eyes reddened with crying sob bed that he had only been playing while thomas comber husband of the dead woman who brought the gun into the bouse stated that he had not known it was loaded comber an employee of on of the mills here had planned to go rabbit shooting on saturday afternoon on ills way from work he borrowed the rifle from a friend and proceeded home to luncheon entering the kitchen where his wife was getting the meal ready he laid the gun on the tabje the boy walked over to the table and picked up the nfle boylike to fondle it he did not have it uv his hands more than a few momenta when there was a sharp bane and mrs comber standing a few feet away fell to the floor in a heap dr r paul was in the house within five minutes but all the speed in the world could not have got him there soon enough the family is scottish and had not been in canada very long the young eoopte had come here first and a few months ago were followed by the i little boy and his mother who is also tb dead woman smother the latter was in the kitchen at the time and corroborated the accounts of the shooting g ven by comber and her mr n jeonrllowi monday u cimb r 6 wh n about fifty git nt3 icuthircd at the horn of nd mrs it owl 67 strath nvcou toronto to shower con gralulations on the happy couple and iharc in thi banquet g nn honor if the ivint tht bride and room uf dcclmbtr g 187g wen tni re ip ent of u purtfe at go 1 from th mmediatc fan ily presented by the youngest grandchild master donald wnggksuorth an i thiy also ncciv ed many beautiful present an i mes sages of congrutulat on from their friends showing thi high esteem n which they ore hl 1 mr and mrft leonard brown of carlisle sank present the latter being a sister mrs wriggles worth and the bndesma 1 of fifty years ago the groomsman dr t wngglesworth of r au claire wisconsin was prevented by sickness from being present and in a message conveyed the corurratu 1st 1 ons of his wife and himself to the happy couple mr wrigglesworth was bom n halton county and ts a staunch lib- he was for many years a mem of the mumc pal council of bsqucsing township and of the county council of halton having held the position of reeie for three years mrs wrigglesworth was also born n halton county and before her mar riage was miss mary mcdowell like her husband she ta a methodist among those present were mrs c cowlcs the only daughter and her husband of toronto mr and mrs francis wrigglesworth erin ont mr and mrs g a wriggles worth toronto mr and mrs walter wrigglesworth georgetown out mr ad mrs h w wrigglesworth toronto with their families compris- ng eleven grandchildren mr and mrs j h cameron the latter being a bister of the groom toronto mr and mrs f h martin hamilton cousins of the bride rev and mrs caldwell l rnehouse ont mr and mrs mann miss mckenxie miss dav dson mr mercer of toronto and a number of others after the guests had partaken of the banquet arranged by mr and mrs martin the evening was spent in music and games the mus c being jaipplled by the misses olive and it delia wrigglesworth after a very delightful time the guests departed wishing the bride and groom many years of health and happiness reasonable ciuuncea dr w barnard opt d k 0 oftukitfel ejroitu sawlabsl opudu lalatwd optamatrlat hextkltun idftt bal coll souae christmas suggestioh for mother or dad a pair of xarfalljle bifooal glasao for both reading and dutancn lave yaar rjts aatah at wilsons jewelry store main st oneil block georgetown t iiiii seetmismark princess f0r value iwil evett princess dumood regardless of sist a care- aj in fully fcleaed bj expert for in blue- white fire and purity fiihamblcwh corgrerncoltlietnrigi make crciy ftincesi r naabrautt bt princess dumond ming r ng w th implicit confidence gumnmilbr i vutjz p wdjjsoaubn4toeiian w mx diumnd tmpon imth 177 jt 25djpj a b willson jcwtlltr npxt to hotel mccibbon o h a scheduxe groupjiz intermediate 0 ha and group seven junior oj3a adopted their schedule here last night at a meeting in the queen hotel j 0 adams was convener elora was given a bye in the intermediate group u1 ton dropped out of the intermediate lie the schedules intermediate group six thursday december so george town at bolton monday january 3 guelph at brampton monday janu ary 10 bolton at guelph and bramp ton at georgetown thursday janu ary is brampton at bolton friday january 14 guelph at georgetown wednesday january 19 georgetown at brampton thursday january 20 guelph at bolton monday january 24 brampton at guelph and bolton at georgetown friday january 28 georgetown at guelph monday jan uary 31 bolton at brampton first and second teams play off february 2 and 4 junior croap jun or group 7 monday january 3 georgetown at orangeville and brampton at muton friday january 7 milton at georgetown sna orange- vllle at brampton wednesday janu ary 12 orangcville at milton hon day january 17 brampton at orange ville and georgetown at mil ton fnday january 21 brampton at georgetown monday january 24 milton at orange ville wednesday january 26 georgetown at bramp ton monday january 81 milton at brampton and orangcville at george town first and second teams play off february 4 and 7 jh at port colbome mrs willmott of milton was run and knocked down by a bicycli which a boy was riding on the side walk ar sustained a broken left arm during sunday night fleming a arntstrongi butcher shop here was burgunted the robber gained in silver from the cash register and made hb escape through a small door at the rear the burglars tracks were traced through the snow but anally lost baformer golden weddings the toll r i nfc alio virsarj of vvi kklesorth of ua celebrated un mil u h u luuartrra today u til the pro mot on of major jnmrs ii pedley m c to thi rank if hiutoaiel with effect from ilureh 17th last lieut colonel ped ley commands the halton itifles w tl compu en at oukvilie mitton bur- i niton and georgetown the regi mental hen iquartcri being at th latter town he served with the 411 uattaiion c h f france and after the r wh le practising law in hal ton county took command of th milton company of the county regi subscooonuy he served as rly officer on the staff of the nfantry brigade and returned toake the senior pout in his regiment on tl rut rcrnent of major h m kenn dy colonel pedley is a mem ber of ii i gut firm of fcdlej 4 oth r ehang k just uubl sh i u captain j ii f aco k m iton w promoted to be major lieut b g arnold ifoti to the ii rve of officers major g brock chisholm m becomes second n command being transferred from the reserve of officer capt j m chisholm is appointed regimental quartermaster lieulcol qjo brown is appoint ed pay masuf provisional lieutenants are ap- sppomtcd as follows tv l j grout g p doty b w hlllmcr f itchishoun c f wynd lieut j r barber and s robert on and confirmed in their rank the following have qualified in the theoretical portion of the infantry syllabus at the provisional school of infantry held recently at oakvilte and milton as sergeants j s redshaw j chapman l black e c mcnab h a sinclair as cprporais a l redshaw h arjjyfi mclaughlin itont r h lock is trnnsferrett to le reserve of officers capt j l kmg former medical officer is transferred to the reserve of officers having left the regimental one of the most interesting and njoyablc events in the annals of the family history of mr and mrs james mcintosh occurred at the maples their residence on frederick street acton on monday evening dec 6th this was the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of james mcintosh of esqucsing to mary jane graham of enn which occurred on the 6th of december 1876 at the baptist parsonage georgetown with rev mr mcgregor the pastor offic iating on monday mr and mrs mcintosh rit the day quietly gtabful for many glcssmgs they were in pos session fit including good health and extremely trankful for the half cen mclntoah quietly remarked well mother i guess we 11 spend the whole of the day quietly together and enjoy tile anniversary without any visitors anyway you know we decided long ago we werent going to make any fuss over ft when our golden wedding did arrive but a genuine surprise awaited em just as the clock struck six there was a knock at the door and there walked in mrs mcintosh s sis ters mrs george scott of detroit mrs robert watte of sudbury mrs martha armstrong and miss elizabeth graham of acton and her two broth era dr w h graham detroit and mr joseph graham coppcrclift and then there were the sons of the home and their families mr and mrs frank mcintosh acton and mr snd mrs roy mcintosh and grant of oshawa and then to make the friendly circle complete there came with them mrs robert strieker their niece miss mamie haaalcs a friend of long standing mr james 13 raham and the pastor and mrs baxter the company brought the wedding feast with them and it was a happy company which surrounded the fes tive board when the wedding repast had been fully discussed and toe wedd ng cake had been cut and sampled mr frank mcintosh the elder son was appointed toastmaster and suitable toasts were honored by the company during the evening mr and mrs mcintosh were the recipients of a pursvof gold from the children and grandson and another from the gr nam fannbr they were the recipient also of other valued gifts kind words were spoken many n terestlng reminiscences were recalled and pastor baxter made a brief and very happy congratulatory speech it is needless to say that mr and mrs mcintosh werenivercome with the an expected and very happy event k was a very happy occasion indeed mr and mrs mcintosh came to acton thirty nine years ago after spend njf the most of their previous wedded life at stewarttown they have been good cftiiens and their activities in the baptist church have meant much n its progress and sue the commun ty congratulates correspondence obituary mr aod mrs rica on monday morning information came to mr and mrs a g clarridge of the death of mrs s rice sue cecduur a stroke at the home of ber son william at kiiitfoh the mes sage further elated that mr rice was critically hl a few hours later an other message came saying that mr r ce had also uassed away and re questing that arrangements be made for a double funeral from the united church acton their church home for many years on wednesday afternoon mr and mrs rice came to acton about twenty five years ago they lived n their comfortable home on willow street for many years pre viously they had lived at glenwilliams and cheltenham for a number of rrs they conducted a grocery store the budding occupied by mckeoo ft poweir clothiers owing to advan clng age they gave up their home here four or five years ago and went to live with their daughter hrs james whetham at burlington the past year or so they have been living with their son william at kingston they were both seventyeight years of age mrs rice s maiden name was margaret kain and her birthplace was in king township york county two sons and a daughter survive william of kingston and lester of saginaw mich and mrs whetham of burlington they both were greatly attached tof acton and partic ularly to the church of their choice at the golden jubilee reunion last august they were both present and none enjoyed the services more fully than they they enjoyed the esteem of the community and appreciated- very much the friendship and hoapt tality of mr and mrs clarridge where they made their home on their visits here the funeral was held yesterday afternoon the service be ing conducted by rev r e zimmer man ba interment was made in the family plot at fairview cemetery they were an affectionate pair had lived together for fiftyfive years and in death were not separated they celebrated their golden wedding very happdy in acton five years ago last october free press scientific temperance instruction mutton bay canadian labrador october 29th 192g my dear friends the barrel of homecanned fruit luh jellies and honey arrived yes terday not a leak and in perfectly sound condition there is nothing that you could have sent that would have been more acceptable home canned fruit is so delicious and we appreciate much here after having only the tinned fniita this morning i took some honey and crab apple jelty to a little girl who has been in bed four months she was so pleased i shall think of you all roostkindly every time i open a jar and i thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your kindness in sending so much it is just the nicest donation you could have made with all good wishes to you all and a merry christmas to the george town branch i am gratefully yours marion a murray nursermcharge there must be training in the fact to enable youth to understand why alcoholic beverages are out of date and generally unsafe in modern social and industrial conditions un dentanding of the principu involved in his choice of habits is essential to enable youth to appreciate the rela tion of his hab ts as to alcoholic dnnks and other narcotics to those qualities of physical fitness achieruur ability- personal character and social resnonsibl ty which charactenxe the finest type of citlsen in order to bring these facts and principle to the thoughtful considera tion of the boys and girls of our schools the georgetown local coon c 1 of women otters to the schools of georgetown and esquesuig township in part the following prises in the essay and poster contest arranged by the w ct u for the county of hilton best essay from middle and upper school u 00 best essay from lower school 200 best essay from fourth book- 2 00 second best essay from fourth book 1 00 best essay from third book 1 00 second best essay from third book 50 s lvcr medal in elocution 300 the prises for posters are the same as the prises for essays ait mentioned above mus annie gallagher of burtinc ton hs won for the second time rn succession the second pmc 8 00 m the provincial wctl ib2o2fi poster contest miss graolkuh of no 4 trafalgar won the 3rd pntu 2 00 in the th rd book essay contest m the province ornj put lie school christmas entertainment will tie held on taes aay dbc21t st atuliaarr half prtea n ow is the time to get a hat a wv- an offering our felt ind velvet hats at half price for chmlmaa a good assort me t of flow era suitable for curs an i irwwe those make niw xmas gifts miwm clandge fisrald block upstair

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