Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1926, p. 2

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imm plr i btrtha nurritrii and deaths arc i now charged for at tho following rates birth 50c minmira 50c deaths 50c memorial cards 60c 10c par line aatra for poetry tub qhoboktown iikrald iwvmimi latti taso obituary mrs rl p uwwn bj the death of margaret dram wulow of thelalo ii i lawiun our town has ion an etitetmed rttiun null btloved mother lias twmii re mined from tin bomi dewaied wan the oul laughter or major grant ami was borti m lumugelown 51 jew agtk her death took place at her horae4iyrc tui tuetdsj lec 7th after airftliiesa of soim weeki shew survived b r fatlier major grant unt brtthir mr john i orant of the uk stan bank chicago and a lauul of three daughters and one wu ii earl toronto missel mar mid helen at houe aol wat appolbe school fdctrastd member of knox piabyterian church where she wan an active worker in both church and sunday school until her late illness the fuming took place on thuradftj afternoon to greenwood cemtter thestrvite be log ionduttd bj her pastor rev mr mi lean of huus hurel ac tuated b rei mr taltlueli if t tit united clmnli i nuelioust tin pal tknis nin litr it w i iiu roil j b barber v viler jobu a mcdermid rwnrt fcarlt ind a beaumont tin re wen iiuint lieuu uful floral tributes mm r hull the dmtlitjf lrs j hall oi iiuml ttisdf morning ufttr an ill nertuf ntuiriy throe ears mrs hull wai a lifejdug resident of hndgrow district aid was bora across from the farm on which she died she was in her hfu ninth tear mnl it is a daughter of the late william i o in rebgion the was a presbyterii she is survived bj her husband two daughters mis wilma at home and hn h anthon narval and four brotliers w j lowe and a d lowe snelgrove- matthew jowc of an couver bc aud robert lowe of i white hone yukon aud t q staters lira charles jaikson begins iind mrs harold walker onllia the funeral taken place on tbursdaj afternoon to duout cemetery public school board 160 2 95 834 165 060 800 12 ib sr6e0krsciinci orw4u oaavraeatlaa at oaasr- atlaa knlm 11 oeadualaa wi laaytac hii ay rlajkt m darerya t glenwilliams m irllm man im mlaj sl tl grtglitl wiitiugmpatitj oftht ihurtli ttt as milled in si dr bur b lint sutdaj timing to tffi toit inn ud lwtiilirulsirut of ltmtinmtioi at tin hinds if bis lordship ibt bishop of niagara mttnutu t mitlklitu c h 1j girls were pre uted tu tht bishop i l the itttlor of tin piinsb mid ftt r of ibt holj scnptun i btrt the nmmli i ustom of the ljtjlukiil of luttdit is ivtorditl in i tin htta ot i lu uptwitis n ml i he lptsur w tin hebrew the birihop prealbed u lerj elotpjint aernmu on ihe text this la the daj whuh tht 1 ordliulh nuult e mil rejoice and tit glad in his lordihip pointed ofit tliat this daj the da llotlm w hra lit mr lolm ni kul njojiiig tbtir i hi dleli pond ii p pi inltr sp rl wns tbt ds towhuh nig the boord met at 8 pm on dec 8th with members present the minutes of the lost ineptuig were read and on motion of veasra har nson and mckaji were adopted the report of mrs freure auen danoe officer was read and on motion of mr mcnally and mra creelmai mra frenre worteeugageclaaauen dance officer at her present salarj moved bj mr kentner seconded by mr harrison that the following accounts he paid wm emmersoii wood hydro repaint and lamps hydro light for november l h wiaggette supplies j p reid supplies j b mackenzie slabs r h thompson supplied corned moved by mrs creelmau seconded by mr monally that the following insurance premiums be paid fidelitylk c thompson 78 75 guardian h b mimma 78 75 1 norwich j w kennedy 7875 oentnryw t erans 78751 cained it was decided that mrs creel man mr cnchton aid mr ham on interview mrs ross with regard to the medical inspection of the school childreu vid report the re- aou of the interne at a tipecia meeting of the board to be held on frjfr wednesday december 15th morod by mrs creelman seconded hy mr harrwan that the bonn mow adjonro oarruxl terra colta the ladies social hour club held their opening meeung for the season at the home of mra j l craine and a profiuble time wgh spent present it wan j cain of georgetown who was floor manager at the dunce lost week and not j l crniue an stated a iiumberof our joung people at tended the old tyme dance at the ulen last kudo mr george ede sang a solu at the united church service last sun ba evening which was much appre ciated as wan also tht sermon b rer waddell mr and jin thomas webkter of credit forks spent sondai with terra cotta friend miss eva menally of georgetown spent the weekend with her parents here the boj aud girls had baliilook forward to for laars irurbf thej were i uiuiug forward liefon god and the longngutkiti i tiiki upon thtin iles tlu ows and promiiht maie b them or fortlitiu in their luptiiin tliohevtih tthluh tliimglnrtiite siui pi tud easll undirstooil b etry on reulk loxerwllhe whole of lw lhnitiiin life mz 1 11 to renounce isiil to tliee whit w i ttidw whul is nght u bislioptlnu went onlosit tbitthisdai n i- olso a dai fortfn premiit to luaki i new start in tin past is done u itb it i an uot u ns tiled he future is stiu in le lnu distance mid we know not hat it in u hnng forth but one thing e do know e hae the present wt llj e today uwlay 1 all its boundless possibilities for iooii he nlwided with erenone prmedi to giie their liven afn sh jto god along with the boys anil gfris who were now to renew fheir bap tismal promises and receive the gift of the holj spirit through the laj on of hands his lotdship having pnt the idea tion to the candidates asked for the prayers of the tongregation for them ind after the singing or the veui creatoi come holy ghost our soul inspire fall knetling the bishop laid his- hands upon the head of each one and invoked the outpouring of the holy spirit upon them thut euded one of the most beau tiful and solemn services t ver lield st george s church the choir as osuil saugverj oflect- iv ely and gave a sflendid interpre- tauon of shelle s hark hark my boyj the solo parts iwiug taken ex tremel wellby mrs wilfrpd preston mrs samuel kirk mrs a rfeller and miss wiuuirred knight the choir were under the capable under ship of mr william bradley and mrs bradley verj ably presided at the organ being assisted bj m thompson mr joseph beaumont la reader acted as chaplain to the bisliop both jat this service and also at the glen in the afternoon the names of the candidates who received the laying on of hands are as follows irva thompson ethel hall grace cassom edith tost louise bulhvant mary casson aileen hamilton florence brandford mmme sargeant gwladys weston marjone gault betty dim hon fred morrison george sargeant charles casson joseph hall charles den iso n greetings this happy cbrlstsbbi sesson client we convey nr appreciation lor tnauranct butlneaa tntmsted to ua in the past year elmer c thompson inmimnce service pknu hsw gewittowa notice ijfcrqilors la ta atttor oft ertftta or ktw t maortaaj- lat at tit tawi af qaaraatswn ik tka coma- tt t haltoa wuoar itmutd nuiice is hereby given purauaul lo i 56 of it tnee aci r s cf 19h ctupter 121 that all teditors 6t others havini cuinii or demand again it he ei uic of ihe id- mrgmrct a p juccartnev wbo died on oi about the fourtmilb dny of november 1926 at the mid town of georgetown are required on or before i be uxleeolb day of januiir 1927 lo nd by posl prepaid or deliver lo ihe un dengned solicitor herein for cxeiutor of thecatalc of ihe iaid urgarot ann mccartney dcccaied thrir christian namra and surnain ihrm and de- enptma be full particular in wrilink of thrir clatroa a latemeni ol ihcir ac couoia and he nature of the ecur y if any held by them c and tak nodce ibat altr such unt ealuned dale ihottaid rxecuiora will oceed lo dbtribule the asteta ol be mid deceased among he paiim cntiitsd tberelo having regard only to ihe rlaima of which be ahall then have nonce and that ibctaaid eieulor will not be liable for be uld aaicta or any pari thereof to py person or perxona of whose danm lotioe hall nol have beep recti vet by him a be timctol sucb disinbailon leboy daje solicitor for the uid eieculors 0llaawra4 m 00o lllitt tlfluvtiiil tlullir uiiiri i in ir si tu misn i lorta loltoi tr akwiisllht tor niokiulieu hit i n linn i n r omiuil j tilt invirofllii imlltdldlsullb k t unwl rnr uie lltllitlf ipenliil tor 10 000 dninagts i i inn houte ln ill in id t in ir mm it u 1 inti rtiiuiiihi i iiiiik ltt mlxr i baria4 la iuwm4 the fuller or the ifttt mr ftoii bit ho wan an lib utility ihol iti her hiitnu here on satunln inst took plait on mondo w retuwixil vm tlira tlie arrvicis n iiiulucw hi it y ii w ist of st biorgen biinh iheniutl s liunluind and fit mill hun tht hmiiuatht oftbueu lire iuiniiiiit in their ven sad i te la esurijtuuaabi mint phomtut siliotll hh invent b i lue hill bold their m let litb a gihxl pro ill u nmilld in tlie d j tuitikf fwi ilt of tin set light luuh will ml i vill i- n aid uf the piano gifts thai last why or reach acrotm the table for the aalt when there it a ekaker betide your plate why akop away from home when you can get what yoa want here save travelling expenses and get a better article in watches vmgs jewellry- something for ct or something for him we have what you want compare our prices with ity prices wilsons oneill blork georgetown sack mttagculol good work was performed hi young fanner from the counties of hastings prince hdward northum berland pcterboro ictona dur- aham ontario vork 11 ait on and bpel who entered tht threeda swine judging tompetitton which was held at the union stock yards to- 1 ronto kwt week the nova judgetv one class of hogs alive and lojer the same animals dressed and also tested their abilit by grading a bmnh of hogs m the regular stock jard run while there was no prm for th jugh man it is worth noting that james pinkej cookiiiille who head m the live hog judging also stood up well with the others but under the rules he was onlj allowed one jprue moris head head milton placed 24 hogs out of 5 in their proper grades the awards were as foliilws oradinglisehogs 1 morraread toadruilton 2 john cruirkshanks pnakford 3 uarotd collins keene ho l jamea pinke oookstide 2 john pawlcy bramn- tofs art mrcaugherty streets- tule carcass eompetltienjim bunham stjeetanlje 3 duncan raokjjc kellam 3 leah thomas vt tille l limeboose mr jns 8 iiewton former of limehouse has been elected mayor of sarnia mr newton is a cousin of mr john m newton the annual unatmas tree and entertainment of the presbyterian church will lie held on mnnda evening det 20th mrs j m new ton who is ill at present in guelpji general hospital is progressing very favorabl our merchants are disputing bhuice vanet m various lines o christmas gifts do vour shopping in the home town in dtjea ma t ties steadily growing in value the returns from them are defi nitely stated not subjct to fluc tuation united first mortgage bunds promise two things 7 percent- per almoin earnings paid half yearly promptly on the dol and 100 per cent principal paid at the maturity of bond also promptly on the dot these two things he two esatn tiahi ef a sound investment are guaranteed li nu us fat del uh united bond company limited 297 bay st toronto onl phone s079 4 imperial bank bldg wlndsor loealrepreaemabve h r mimms geoegetowa ontario fire insurance j m moan miciai ajjjnt lor aoaor the mrmwnt co iwm wqjtog ii face ave you protected wfll n sjpuni r tfiis yieur brccinsr oi domsiontor wlicfe quality count s carefu1ly examine i the items mentioned below you will make some remark- i able savings that will help you in making your chriitnuur i purchases 1 oranges ml sg- mmi apples 39ci49c 4- s31sux fumf red emperor grapes 3c lb ftalt raisins f ttiapm steiltu 2 ibt 2c 1 15m ddamte sttotu ltc 15uddamtesm lie lludakrteaea 2 ik 25c peet im ud oraife 27c lb glna 55c lb jwibticlbixed 19c nnribllnriditei2lbi 2sc candy awrtfj cunlito sweetheart 3b he chest lib 39c wdcnurecbctuul35cn llbucllro cbocdila 29c 23 iki nnrbrniu rontl wdao lone tmqai almttit i sumabmaa sselb skdlei aricn sen walnuts bvjmu tscb priric gnat hnji 25c our own make christmas puddings arw aachlabawl 75c and cake plalneralbondloed 3c lb unciccaiiswb 12c lb a a3ata5 natta mixed nuts ataa brails olb christmas witucp i crackers tmjnut sultana ralsinf a7elb tamtnos men klpktaunca jiar sec malaga ctoatarrautbi 3c c flout fuutr n 7c waatamodlclac 43c i pi mm tare sha ltrb christmas acajael anwsaej rtaatt mincxatbat ktnolmfor twa sbtbjuvrs jsut powaara 4tarael atartaspicn aaa tina aef drabtaaarr dates smj hnktlaacbzakrs ma j btrss artap ptwscr s i package biscuits tatga asaartbmat z to 15c christmas wines atwrtad finer armours 29 datums 49i tea rletuweuo 791 deaalnor- v9 dslbnlk 59 j assbaasiaabs b christmas j christmas gifts for every t member of the family j in every department we show a good selection of quality gift goods presents that will be of service and long remembered f gifts for men and boys shirts 4 i il iiiw jiatterifs m kngluli broadtlolh fur suhpumki ties scarfs haudkerchlen gloe bocks pi jamnt iji jii i veir sw emter ail puiioli rt indbreuker c ipi pauls rlitin ii lers armlni ds gifts for women and girls dainty htdilkfrthiefs omi boxed scarfs loves jlo si i taint ja th buuiter touts silk under tr uooi on gifts for children smts ireses coats jcrseta inanl white wool urm l uaiuiua culs gifts for the jteeome comfortent bedspreads blaukets hlieets pillow cases fjncj tonels guest towel seta faaoy linens a large tquectitin of fanoy linens for every use run ners -tnuare- table co era tray covers and a host af useful pieces a serviceable gift a selection from our furniture depto book cst secretaries desks library tables hmo stands umbrajhi stand tardmeer tatida chairs bookent couches vanntwdreasera chiryj cabioets kitltten cabinets white enamel tables rugs carpet sweepers atrlftthmt ererw onisui will appreciate fine oblnaa r2oh ctetolaw art ooods vajea jatreeers faney baskets fanoy goods brushes cornh- mirrors toilet sets smokers sets n purses rjatidbags and a host of gift articles gift books pons pencils puptir knveloptvi games tojs kiudergurten seta sleighs euuttes aa we sre eloslac oat oar farnltare ltnetf yon may look for some resl bmrcalns there is only one way to get any idea of this stock is to come and look it over see the goods see the values 1 jacksons georgetown n new advertisements hut alcr tainrrlmmh m jjood yp ill b will rhf i mh ubn ndr 1 resit w j kx nlrr i t mntrlown far sal ck cllm kan wamitt clofd and cvrt ak ne oube htl cab rsn kitchen and chuu graoaopijo ad 3tontt chain table itdoieud 30 oq ard m mt oaveopoil mad ham lo match jaam mower rdfli loolv all at ndrioo am leavo loam too grew coll view phone l itp ta koat ltou uakri street ceorxe a llemy f aale lrall ichalhl i wetsun j ap ply tojowpbwalaan georgelow if an street laloljr octped to dale poaaeaahht jan 64 h mrtl v kennedy tf kalttlhc 1 in now tt tun tocka and stockinira ladira mmmnd rtnldmat reixnaitle lei ui hare rour order oj ha varaniec a afat r nejir am st soulh i o bo i 1 rts 3i cmkorja bar sad d luired bock cockerel apply ijifarsnehr nor patataai car bala ikk wutpci del vercd id 10m s200 cr baj lohn fanner henrj block hone 127w deoijretoirn ji ckrlataiu traaa chnumu lire delivered id loan o it gaily iba farmci pbone l7a bar ta blvai wip h re hm lo rcsponatbli parttea at any now t f brieve church si georgetown g wanted live aaleimu lo ctl new automatic damper specialty for runuceandatovca eacluovrftemtory extra frood money automatic damper ca 67 adelaide sc 1 east toronto oat 2lp far boat 6 room house on man si furnace taanl aod aofi wain- rent 16aporf j a aberdeen queen st georgetowo takaart 6 roomed btwie on mordrtck street eleclnc liftbt water matde dcntlir ranova boaemoa applr to h brick houte on main street north elec tro i gha and plumbof apply lo j w kennedy t waklhrlab irge quantity or kood dry bsntvnod alio large quanluy of gooddiy cedar for khndhnff jlned wood alaraya oa band prices aauiual cub oa delivery prompt erne w eaaniai pkoot 330 gecrgetown tf haaaybmatok best clover honey 1 5c per it aaatx hooey 13 1 c per lb a tt- vaoatter arm si georjrrtown r r no 1 waaa aaraaua i have aecared a large tpiaautt m dry beeca aoi uapje delivered anywktre t town or olenatbunwial 400 par icaas about a cord of llrta araod afco cut nula a 3 00 per load and ealaed wood at sw0 per load j brandfonl bn 490 georavtown pbooo 135 r 4 apfswaa r eauabl for wm dawaoaatj u e terra cetu paamtci r 32 just received a car lot of dtofee pa toes delivered utdwn at s oopar tug georgetown floral co phoaie jjw toaes tatsrtis to the people of georgeraarn- wish ing to buy or rent hornaa in toronto would be assisted by wnrjisjr sin wm legrow whohisserwalbooaeato rant from 25 00 to 1100 per noath la the bestlocatitieiinthe diy hoon ptok and north toronto correncodenca will be promptly answered sin wm legrow 159 bauwl si toronto 12 ontano phone hudson 6301 j 2tp hnuatt upmtfeilai iirinethenkiouiaf i prepared to give prompt every job of upholstering uniniigirg a rednctkia in price on all ottlmi for this month only see j 3 buddy or leave orders at w h wbisotvi furni ture store tp 888ieiei88r3330es3l now is the time to pick your xmas gifts our assortment larger than ever a few suggestions c o m tnbo sktci 1850 per pr ocm hooker skte ballard tbj skate ilnmo tube skate hookey stick slelch flaih licht pen knive ooaster veiont kiddie oar eleotrio heaten toaatar eleotrio table lamp hot plato oommtmltj plate siller ware bee vac eleotrio iron aaaranteed 10 tear beevao eleotrio v0 onnm oleaner

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