Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 15, 1926, p. 3

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tbk oeohobtowh hkrald dwoixiix 15th loaff iaaiaic5mbi5wac3iin i 3f3si3t wraggettes drug store vjfe an iu position to supply you with a christmas present fur eery member of the famih and for every fnend ou will find in our stare we think tile verj present jou will waul to give and we invite ion to come in and brow ne around we will beoulj loo glad to show you what we have wnttlierjon buj or not just look oer ike list below it is oulj a small part of wbat wl tsiie theu coine in and teu for yourself kodaks from 1 5 up stationery from 26c tu s3 50 perfumes from 25c to 4 60 toilet atan from 1 to 2 llath hilta frojn 76c to si 50 pace powders from 60i upr tallunij from 25c up cigarettes cigars ji todet seta i5 to 6 50 ivory acts ut all pncea mamuure set from ik bibles at all prices hooka at 86c and 2 flashlights 130 up pipes tobacco ponihes id tobaccos ct f- local news items s hull dec flat nine more daja till christmas township n nmiruation dec 11 township council meeting dec 16th wanted bj erww goldhm some good veal calves yon can solve all jour christ mas gift problemist jackson s thanks to all who have renewed their subscription ot the herald jaokons wishing to discontinue stoasjngtoys offer some real bargains to clear a girl s watch in nickle fanej shape with ribbon at 4 00 at a b wlnsoos jyhat shall i give isit jock eojievery department full of useful suggestions nerval public school christmas entertainment will be held on tues uaj dec 21at st the band will take part in the community christmas tree entertain meat on dae 24th the arena is being flooded and tliere will soon be skating if the weather keeps favorable will tlie party who found ladys handbag on tuesdaj kindly return same to mrs c stacey kngliah lenthor roods in wnst bags bill folds torn parses writing sues mono cases at a b willson a a special meeting of the george town fire brigade ill be held on friday evening dec 17th at 7 10 sharp mr elmer c thompson lna- nranof service georgetown has pre sented the herald with a hand some 1927 calendar the norval united church will bold a bazaar on dec 10th after noon and evening they will also hold their 8 8 entertainment on dec uth l0 l no 68 will hold a d ince in smwarttuwn hall on friday even ing december 17th campbell s piece orchestra tickets 50c von are in vital itfboj dale has moved his law office boa the kennedy block to the ofsbe formerly occupied by j a jvulooghbytn mr a v kings block on kiubtrest christinas teals for the beck memorial hospital for tuburcular children maj now be purchased at th hydro office buy a few and assist a good cause the ashgrove sunday will hold theu christmas entertainment on wednesday december 22nd a full program of recitations and dialogues admission 25c and 16c mr archie retd will hold a ftlwipg auction bale of farm stock and implements at lot 6 on- 0 erin on friday dec 17th at 1 oclock ben peteh auctioneer the busmen men and boy sonata in own sincerely thank all those who contributed to the support of the community christmas tree to be held on the evening of december 24 th auction sale or household furniture will be held at mr t com bers back of the provincial coated paper mills on saturday afternoon dec 18th at 2 pjn terms cash ben peteh auctioneer the final meeting of halton county council for 1926 will be held on tuesday 31st but and warden j jw blain his issued invitations to his banquet which will be held in the evening at the milton inn any person wishing to con i tribute to the christmas cheer dis tributed under the auspices of the womens institute kindly leave their donation with mrs d livingstone not later than december 22nd what could be more suitable v than a phonograph for a xmis gift 7 we have the new apex at 100 00 come in and hear it and judge for yourself if you have ever heard bet ter music wilsons o neil block clearing auction sale of farm stock implements hay grains and roots of the late peter murray lotl concession 4 town line enn and eraaaosa tuesday december 21st at f i30 o dock b j kerr aoc tioneer meat specials for friday and saturday freeh and pickled ahoul den of pork 20c lb sweet pickled and pea meal cottage rolls my own cure 2flc lb smoked boneless pic ma hams 25c lb these prices are for cash if charged 2c lb extra t w smith butcher georgetown it have a bah only 50a where at the fish pond on saturday dec 18th at graham a clettjents hard ware erevything open nothing wrapped eveql article suitable yjaaajlft everything guaranteed the vafueofsoc many articles worth j0q and qrer in this pond will be a childs aeroplane value 10 00 1 r- oak tabf skates value 3 60 doc stainless steel dessert knives mirror finish value 000 ckpitmu eatutalmwut knox church sunday school will hold their christmas entertainment in the school room of the chnrch on tuesday dec 21st tea will be lervedfrom 6 to 7 45 after which a good program will be given by the children of the schools admission 26c and 16c everyone welcome jakay ola t day the georgetown hockey club will hold a tag daj on saturday 18tn it is hoped that that the citizens will give generously the oiub has changed its colors this year to blue aid white and the proceeds of the tag day will go towards the new sweaters and equipment ahhwffheiurulwut there was a good attendance ai the united church on monday evening when members of the young peoples league put on a beautiful pageant entitled thecbauengeofthecross all took their parts well and the audience was delighted with the en tertainment miss ada lane presid ent of the league presided ftlnlas ftttr the annual loatug couoert ol the georgetown public school will be held in the school auditorium on wednesday dec 22nd commencing at 2 p m all parents and friends are irdially iimted siuer collect call and see the line of fruit tony restavo has in stock tor the christ mas trade which includes the follow tngi california oranges at 30c 40c 50c and 60c per doc lemons 2 doz 45c cranberries 2 lbs 26c dates 2 lbs 26c grapes 20c lb or 2 lbs for 36c grapefruit 3 for 25c special mixed nuts 2 lbs 45c peanota 17c a lb sganish onions 4 lbs 25c cook log onions 8 lbs 25c potatoes 40c pk sweet chesnuts 25c a lb also celery lettuoe cabbage etc at rea aonable pnoee wednesday dec 15th t in gods tommy melghan latest picture chapter of radio diitentrve the boy scout serial comedy wife tamers friday dec 17th the boy fnend starring marceuna day and john parron comedy spry bound fox news saturday dec 18th matinee at 3 pm shipwrecked drama of the sea skillfully produced and icted by a brilliant cast comedy honest injun cartoon gold mining coming the lost world by conan doyle nell gwyn historic british picture in the softball tournament at guelph the halton ladies team de feated peel in the preliminary game in the second and final contest the halton ladies had to meet a picked i from greensville zunmerknit waterduwu alderahot which was quite an unfair prtpoeinon in so far as the senior dty teams hare an opportunity of playing 15 or more games to one of the rural teams the halton team led until the 6th inning whentbe score was tied and the opposing teatawmaudcessfuiin winning of one run in the last of the 7th the team made a very credit able showing and had the players had a few more practices they would have undoubtedly defeated all opponents personal mm o t mokay sp til the wrk ii i u itti relatives ut s indhill mr bert thompson n home from the collage of phamuic for the holi dnvi ur tt m cole of toronto spent sunday at tlie home of his brother mr c i cole mr c maguiro ot kegtua visiting with h daughter m i praine maguire at norval mr moriej petut miss petutand their neice left on sat irday morning for maimi florida where tbej will spend the winter mrs i m moore returned home oojund from welleslej hospital toronto when- she underwent an operation four weeks age misa j farmer who has been at the armenian farm since it was opened left yesterday for- hamilton where she will follow her professions as a nurse mrs bessie kobh had the misfor tune to fall 6n guelph street yester day afternoon and fracture her nght arm near the wnst she was taken to guelph general hospital where the fracture masfet mrs cathennvljjliai g a t o georgetown announces the engage ment of her daughter ida to hugh allan davidson toronto son of mr and mrs hugh davidson alliston the marriage to take place in dec ember rev and mrs wm btirge of bal gome sask announce the engage ment of their daughter isabel jean to mr roj bennett vaunatter eldest son of mr and mrs ira b vannatter george street georgetown on tana the marriage will take place dunng the latter part of this month among those from out of town who attended the funeral of the late mrs h p lawsoh were mr and mrs e c coleman mr and mnv charles booth mr alex booth mm albert maj mrs h d hall mr buster hall mm james murray mrs gregory clark mr norman hil lary mr arthur hillary mrs mc- dougall mr and mrs george law recce miss agnes mcleod mr b d warren mr james moleod mr george guthrie mr nat guthne mr shiltou mr h holdroyd mr ainley mr ault mr imne mr harpin beaumont mr paddy fen- ton mas pnngle miss edytbe cole man misa jean greig mras phyllis may miss constance danes mr and mrs j a wuioughby mrs wilfred somen toronto mr boy manbert mr alex thornton mia w cowan oakvitts mrs french mr and mrs philhp early bramp ton ijr and mis john vina judge elliot leoton mrs c w chapet mr jack grant chicago mrs do nellis waterford mr andrew steele mm lawson steele feigns mr thompson mrs mitehel whtbj ir john cameron acton st georges church sunday school entertainment will be held on thursday december 30th commenc ing at 8 pvnw card of thank we betcbr convey our linccre tluovi to fncitds and employee oismtlnfc stooe for ibalr nuyr kiadimdcii mad btrml tnbate on ibe occtinori ol our rsceiil xl bercrivament tiuhdm comber am faally me wvwsulrw stand anthracite scranton coal in allsixe aotomatioajly screened and loaded coal wood select lump for domeetw and threahing porpoa smithinsj and oaonel goal in fact iofirry everything to 1 be found in may uptodate goal and wood yard john mcdohald phonb is georgetown sacred cantata- the glory of the lord to be given by the sunday school of the george town united church assisted by the church choir sunday school or jiestra and soloists in the auditorium of the church tuesday wednesday evenings december 28th and 29th 19 2 6 cpnhpenang m p in skup church news stgeorgft liunli services next sundiiy will in as follovn sum hoi communion ii ttln hoi cmmuuion choral aid sermon li thekector 7pro cvenaoiigund sermon by the hector united church hev lr uakie s subjeit next sunda moruing dec 16th will be the new commandment and in 1h evluiug tiil good and the had norriivgtons santa claus mixture li vely ukhirtiuuil of jrllkn tkitmriu wonderful ulue wly can t a coroner be appoint- in gtorgetoh ii it would save ixhdela when one if rtsjuired here nort al prsibj terwn churth sun daj sl1io1 nll hold il ur hnliuaa enlertait mem on mondav deteraber 20th a good program iwn been ur- rangrd andvoii are inwttnl to be pre- u j alexanderofgcorgetowu sold x wo of hispurebredtamworth barrows compele v the chatham inter pair winning first and third in strong rcimpetious also reserve champion of the show fnlt shnror the true blues are holding n fruifc shower for the orphanage an per son wlilung to oun tribute to same please leave donation at the homo uf mrn peck church sl not later i hau saturday dec 18th mullmtrbbtt litm no is the time to get a lint as we are often ng onr felt and el vet liata at half pnoe for chnstmas a goodasortmcut of flowers suitable tor furs anl dreasej these make nice xmas gifts misses clandge herald block npatairs sptctal 2sc lb 2 for 4sc weekend chocolates i a ill need a supplj i f iheic tim hodiolulen fur xinni t uied tliu wee end chocolate 3c lb eiup xruaa cukea pluin pndduigs almonn icing crackers cunilj canen and everytlung that goes toward ft saeet festival comt m und look our stock over u ranges nuts mid drapes at popular pnies arthur harrington st phone 89 xmas presents for the whole family we have a floe selection of neilsons fancy boxes and rowntrees englishmade ckocolates in plain and fancy boxes our stock of bulk choco late in hard and soft centres are always fresh xmas stockings and novelties we for smokers have a variety of case pipes from 1 50 up ash ttays cigar holders cigarette holders and cases tobacco pouches cigars in xmas wrappers 10 cigars 1 00 up 25 cigars 235 up all th ugaat itnea of tobacco and cigarette in xmaa wrapper at the utual price mouth organs from 25c to 150 on- stock tbacch ours u giwettes is always il first diss dwtittai e e young phone 16j georgetown adults 25c children 15c scholars of the georgetown united church free you would likethis array of investments wouldnt you you would be sure jou had in vested your money with absolute safety such a collection of holdings is expensive to purchase but there is a way by which you can obtain the benefits of all the safety of these bondb and you will be certain of 5vs p cent on your money bonds of the national debenture corpora hon limited have back of them as secunty more than their equivalent in dominion government provincial government and municipal secur lties and approved first mortgages for every 100 00 you invest in the national debenture corporation limited bonds the corporation must place with its trustee 105 00 par value in trustee securities the national debenture corporation limited bonds bear interest at sj4 per cent are dated may first 926 and nature m wenty years q a stimson co limited a8t1m80nco umttld 300 bay street toronto t oun bmi i caaoi consult with freeman keraey o ontario the national debenture corporation limited is an investment trust 4mong the first in canada in britain investment trust bondholders and shareholders have received steady profits for half a century the national debenture corporation limited follows the sane con servative british investment trust methods let us tell you about the national debenture cor poration limited write for our new booklet the invest ment trust and learn how you can obtain syj per cent on your money with the maximum of safety for forty dve jreari no bond reaanmended and told by our organisation ttas failed to pay principal and interest g a stimson t co limited 500 bai oiuxt tooro gnurmek ptrav end ml bout obugithm to th new bookleltbe invtstment truit a merry christmas tjne thank you for your patronage dunng v the past year and it wjl always be qui desire to serve you to the bes of our ability during the holiday we will display a full assortment of useful xmas presents s iyender underwear juliet lauuiltr silk ests 1 95 ijiilits livotuler silk itloomtrs do liuliei lit vender nilk hlipn t fit liulrtm llvenili r iilk night iouiih i to lailies ln ndertilk 1 jamas 5 00 niarht gowns lftdit3 cnp night kowiii in plum colors muuu lt i li link und blue hosiery laans hose in silk silk and ttikil chsihuiti all wool and utiiiu udiea bi wi silk hie in bla kund colors 1idies holeproof hosi silk 1 00 1 50 2 00 ladie- holeproof silk and wool f l 15 ladies holeproof ho casliim re muck an i i jlors 1 5 ladles superailk hose 1 50 irildira knvaer hose lidie kid glovet iulits buede doien ijidiea 4ilk glomes sweaters ladies j umbo bueatt ladies ind breakers ldies fantj silk and fl ool s 1 50 4 9 4 5 siena and ixi ties to si 00 mens silk hand kerchief mens silk and n ool mji mens e nglish all a uul aox tie a hrge 32 50 3 50 4 65 5 95 l ulect from 45c 5h 60c 75 5c 75c 85c 95c a large assortment of lnderueur bilks linen cotton to web bath tonih ouest towels ind guest seu house shoes a loieli range of ladies jiouse sbppera 90i 1 1 10 81 t5 si 75 s2 25 mens house shoes 1 75 i 25 2 oo s3 00 mcbeanco clarkson3s is the headquarters lor your xmasneeds we can a liu hie orlstaas frails iidailag cluster it oisi ns g ra pes bon chocolates candies chocolates in bulk mixed nut dates figs orange peela bananas apples als vegetables la head lettule ljaf lettuce cauliflowers tomatoes celerj don t forget to lake home a quart of cidei for j our imncemeut m clarkson twnt m tnen rnpauy ddlverctl horse shoeing j h oheill at son are now ready in their new blacksmith shop next to rex theatre to do first class jhorse- hoeins and all kinds of general blacksmith- ingr we have a cood stock of sloop slelchs and a few cood used cutters on hand see these if yon need a cutter j n oneill son georgetown for your happiness and success we extend hearty good wishes this christmas season we have a fall stock of choice groceries to choose your xma sapply from hollomng am a few suggestions cntste 4 black ne i is lams and marmalades hemipi kle in bottle or hulk ohrcs puit and ttuffed clusu r ilutins mixed nubt tan 1 oranges grjjics and grapefruit xmas crackers and holli sev nur ollertionof fano china a m grandy phone 78 stuslactiti camatet maal lenverjr r

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