Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 22, 1926, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixty flltsr kvk of- pom icaiion iqeorsvtown wednesday evening december 22nd 1896 1 00 per annum in advauoo j8 00 to u h bceorfletownlkrald j m moore pubkar mm pravrlaur ltmnogar omk tttkw goihli bah1 mtul i- pamemter mill uji bn inlay qoinu wes 3aofeer mail spasaouger i passenger paaaadger bun day doing nobth uil qoino faui 7 1 am d ltw m 1018ftra uw pro biepm 6 32p bjlfipitt 7 81 p 7 tf nw 9 1b l 812 pal 4 60uo 6 0spm 7 08pm 10 24 a boo a 4 65 pm 1115am 7 8 pm c m hshwl electric ubtbound wrbtboohd daily daily xzmlb train it 8 719ani no 1 7 8fiatn 611 57 m 8 167pm iff fijte tro 18- 6j7pm s7 87 pm 3 9m am 6 ll8oain 7 1 86 p m h- 8 b6 pm 11 fi86pni 7spm i tj57 pm 16 9 85 p m 18 1168 pm 17 1800 am special hourly service during the period of the canadian national ex hlbition ipdkaer ft lmtfwj tmilm llattet westbound m 235 pm 8 05 east bound batvistarfsattcor etc jjfbt msll it jqsorgetowo cxwkvioai don4mumxvotllm hours a as 45 pw opn imtekordmy evenky v avllpjroi jtilot in eaqueair opjwa hs to aa xtmoyv mom gayaidaa and airgsoa u phone 2 georgetown st south sh hoan910sro 1smndmpm also by twmi a omfijmmm imi la na ana dcof m ovawa caaga vaatarr hows dr ft tfatllmw veterinary surgeon 1 a 3t t t m dali a naata qnht can jv otbr daja and boars by appotnltocot iso iuiklajca 150 i ja ioaarpbom 2tiattno4tj ifcusi egbtisfiffimgr try hamiltons bread whole wheat r89k2sb2asss5 we carrya full line of pies cake pastry and also talte orders for choice xmu cakes any size you can leave you r order for pure almond paste prepared ready for the cake at brown s confectionery i store or hamiltons bakery main st read this xmas presents they can use and keep our xmas sale now on y group no 1 pookol kuivait silrerware stamlens knives and forks pyrer thermos kits carving setn everready flashlights and radio batteries brass jurdineeih scissors butoher knives etc oronp no 2 pipes tobucco poudigu plajmg cards nut sots shav ing brashes purses bill folds bazors mittt and gloves oronp no s tea kettles steamem teapots percolntors roast pans food choppers oluld s cup and plat group no 4 coleman lamps iruus lanterns heaters electric table lamps irons toasters heaters curling tongs ml waiers washing machines and ranges v bluiten hotkey sticks pucks oronp no 5 snowahoes skis clm hockey gloves ek oronp no 6 doll toys xmas decorations sleighs wagons aero- planes blackboards kiddie cars beelbirraws rocking horses- v dolls cradles eto a merry xmas and a happy and prosperous new year lo all graham ciements phoftte2t5 we aim tofloton jconey hpeotsl pauvsrf n xmani ere greetings anb oob tyth qtijc derail btfiires to toisffj upon pou ttic beep fjap- piefit cftnfitmafi tafion of all pxiar life ana ttat jrofiperitp anb ooofeer map carrp pou on its crest for another pear night in bethlehem sull was the night in belhlchem fragrant and tltll and unby the tbg of a imle full r that abeltcred them v drowsy and warm lay the huddled tbecp wlafi the sheepboy beade usero half aileep surrid uacaiy and seetntd to keep watch for they knew not what good or ill h bill wa the night m bethlehem holy and atdtf then through the dusk of ihe darkling night through the brooding gloom tlitffehrokes flare tbeudden bjoom ftobfchghl and all xoigh uvudcattd thuadenngs aidfclpk thrift xjdmidtble ungs that on earth cauld tarud room jstl full was tonight imlwdehem of glory jiad tight t surpraed aaddazzled and 6re datraught ln adaj than any day which thfx falnmjot and they teenwa o hear from a choiring throng r the hnwif rioroe celestial mug 3dwi me jwen lifted and borne along ftotpw deepi toic faraway oh jdad wathe night in bejhlehem fwaecommg day i glory and glory the voices sang glory and peace 1 in dream of unearthly harmonics the anthem rang pm night a bom to the souls of men a light that can never go out again tyhtttemr utmulu or woei they ken for thn u the guerdon of man s release oh glorv there was m bethlehem pica and peace thmk not the evangelgiven us could forfeit he nor the prtaotse becoioe ta humanity leugfqrtqua forjat place f god fcour heritagi powhthe anturjei ctwnes the gage treeomq and power to evfary age beyond all dreams of mortality a4 jhe 4sht dunes ever from ijethlehtm virfottil juia p dahoey sacted cantata rwtnsrffrltaaflis mettt marke u the time to order your chriatmas and new year turkeys geese chickens ticks also christmas ibef and home killed lamp ftork au4eal all meats keptln ejectric refrigerator get thb best phone no 1 xmas greetings 1 choice une4n bar pins cuff links tie pins m 10k and 14k cmn and whttt gold torn tttwukdidmondumdatlmnpmth a nictchritlmam gift whlson next to hotel mcgrbbon nnlllui then my other hoi luy of li lol y a thoae who have sett il toirii on i ko ninny times have slmuirt a often decided that never thurrafur would thoy pci lit thonuolvti to be novvd by m insistent appeal in home leg rot bi least many havt believed thenuokca to be scroofrn of a sane and naaon looking bock on christ it they have fadeu to take vit of christ nuuet to come of the chrutmasci present trill nai all ben and how rithal some hava perauaded that thej are tired oy giv inga with thoa about them tncy to persuade tbemaclvei that re membmncci from others mean noth ing to them yet there b accompany ing even the tiniest testimony of another idve and affection a ineffable warmth and jijy that the heart all of irs atv children when christmas cornea possibly the explanation of all this if not hard to find it requires no deep or searching analysis to discover even whore it might have been least expected that most gcneroui of hu man impulsei the desire to express kindness and altcction it may have been imagined that it l merely e wordy theory that proclaims the great truth that it bj more blessed to give than to receive but even human ex imheneo has convinced many that no truer words wore ew times we ictget but again with its illent ami convincing influences for good and even the hab- 1 ttully thoughuest look about them to discover those upon whom some simple bonnty may be bestowed christmas is no longer a tradition merely a holiday it ii an tnsti tion it could no more he legislated it of human experience than could spring or summer or seedtime and harvest the greens and lights and songs form no ritual neltnertloea the mere giving of material gifts con stitutc its seasonal nte all these one chooscs to believe are but the varying and present accompaniment to the deeper and finer melodies that arise within human hearts wo are all children perhaps we somewhat bash fully seek to conceal lions andrwith ntctbreaque diaguisei jest of our giving i but the deed remains to bless both make harmless those who give and those who receive the day itself marks neither the he- 1 ginning nor the end of the season of giving it is more aa if with the memories of christmasea past and the vision of chnstmases to come there has surged up in the thoughts of all t us in this christmas which is here clearer and better realisation of all the blessings love has bestowed he glory of the lord to jitx given by the sunday school of the george town united chwcb assisted y the church chow sunday school orjieatra andsolouti inthe auditorium of the church tuesday wednesday evenings december 28th and 29th 19 2 6 coromeningat 8pm sharp adults 25c children 15c scholars of the georgetown uoited church free- k6s3wls5w t when chrfstmas comes it has bin in th ulr tor up 1 in th thuujdta or men a ml lirn- milliohi upon ch 1 in n for no nth th ng about th christ rk cleave gowdy that the trcnaur pay fair grants an follows p cleave treas esoueunfc agri soc 125 00 wm johnston acton ires acton fall fair 126 00 also m j icirton jk5 00 to be aptnt by him on tht support of an indigent family carried carton lcslit that the treasurer pay the following wire ftnce bonus w mccurdy hornby 60 rods 12 boi thos f howden 32 rods 8 00 wm frank 66 rods sis 25 h kodney 48 rods 112 00 jas sprow 94 rods 123 50 job laid law 97 rods 124 26 haxen graham 604ls s16 00 mur ray sproat 55 rods f 13 76 w s chisholm 40 rods 10 00 ben har rop 40 rods 110 00 jas mcdowell 72 rods f 18 00 milton pressed brick 64 rods 13 60 fred hardinp 16 rods 4 00 carried cleave gowdy that the treasur- pay accounts as passed by board of health as follows guelph gen era hospital re t rigby 237 00 toronto houpital for consumptives h gillingham for november 46 00 e v barraclough re moody for dec 120 00 j h smith sanitary inspec i tor 28 00 dr paul four months salary and two board meetings 48 45 g 0 brown car hired and expense removing indigent to old peo- sles home and attending four board leetings 10 00 e y barraclough board meetings 14 40 w g ap- pclbe attending boatei meetings 12 80 st josephs hospital guelnb j mcclnlli 8g 00 carried cleave carton that the trcasur- pay geo leslie postage and excise 48 00 carried gowdy cleave that the trcasur- pay bell telephone account 18 88 tree is decided upon tor acton the sad news came on upnday of o sudden death of lucy gtratham wife or harry strasser formerly of acton in detroit mich mrs straaser was down street shopping for christ- hub when she was stricken with heart failure she was hurried to the hos pital but expired almost immediately from the residence of mr and mrs g edwards church street oo sunday mrs straaser was a woman much be- lovd an active christian worker the following officers wtre elected for 1927 at tho reguur meeting of walker lodge af 4 am gftc no 321 monday evening w mw bro charles w wilson i p m w bro j a leslie s w bro w h hortop j w bro n h black treasurer bro c a conway 3 dbro james sobie j 0bro w r e bu r i q bro sims mclean d of c w bro d mctavish organist bro john lewii s s bro j m mclean j s ua james dobble tyier bro john jennings ctaislferthenrfls among other delightful traiui of the scandinavian people it their cus- wim in their yula festivities of think tugnoionlj of the happineuof thetr pihle ones but ot teaching these chil dxen to bear in mind the happiness of others and in particular of the animals about then we have seen that they uotefomit to provide the tiuafy household msse- with his yulo dinner of pombge but they ako remember the birds at tho yuleode sison the marketplace of chnstinia now oslo presents a vary gay peot filled as it is with spruce trees or all sizes for the children b festival but there u a feature tn the norse christmas that i have not heard of in any other country in that in this markutpluoethereis for each thirst mas tree ajuleneg or little sheaf of barley each person who buye a tree buying also usheaf then when the tree is net up in the main room of the house at yuletide for the baims liorn as they are called in norway the sheaf of grain is fastened on the id of a pole and put in the yard for christinas feast for the blrdi if the degree of civilization of a people be measured hj itn bchavio the animals nbout it the this turn denotes in it c nonvmciii high pin t uidsyl apf rkwe turislsus gills ramaobskbl gkarcea or wternariilpi ik r 0 ojiirtaw tjenai sudani opudu for both bcsullng and distance j jane tatjtsuaibteetf at wilsons jewelry store uin st 0nollbiocav qfpraetttwr esque5inc tp council si murttuwn dtc lb ijo council met pursuant to ad ht th hccvi in thi chair iemtwn all pnainl iho mi null a of last mulnik wei r a i and ton ckavc carton that tht tniuunr pay wllfn i uonlhi urn s tup kllkd hy dogs 16 00 wm ole vnluntor i trip 2 00 currel gctvdylishi that thi tnaurir pay jim iluaacll 1 ahecp kilk i by ilogs 16 00 a s wilin 1 trip valu ng ahttp 00 carriud gowdy ckavc that thi tixasurer pay jo sanford labor and mat trial for hall 5 14 georgetown lumber co material for vault 15 40 john ii smith wood 3 60 elmer thump- ion insurance on hall 28 00 jas drown pound ketpl ra tixs for 192d 6 00 carried carton ckavi thatthe trcaaor iload supt 891 73 u 1 ii i will nt itiaplrt ull i w j nlty iiinpiniti i to 1 1 mom t dunitini r i t- i rodui w ri jou rat l ui u ibuvt ill li ihiiibigti thrn in wlutat itin wh nulmuiui i inleliigt iui th in rfiiul till t p tluiu m1i h or mxiel waum uny haw ii t tli it dntne spark f inspinitloii hkh i uth ituentiui to no lhl viliwil whill wluintin nn not wrk biu alioi i men to mini tl r i h reading talking hsliim ud tbinkiiit iispiration comts mil ii tlruugl i hi right kllid of oiivtrwliw 1 th deep ami p lfouil kh fit in otlir vonls a wt literal ur injs bock lwrmgi ill rhl nor prupows hipir 11 nadtr to lift him m ol t rk htnpor l ii i known lo nuj t lh j proper nupi tlis m puble uf kin i imgtlil diini spark f itispirition rinrt ire mini norkimi ulu stinug thurtixitm imbitions tv lailj meditation i n tht ideals of thur occupation and upoithi vast poasi bilities iiiigdrm4nl in their field oflabor omailer suffered bj imagining hiob jiggpr than it real 1 was of such imaginings is in spiratoon madef inspiration hitched up to odulation r just plain know ledge is making men ommunmui nations business enterpnsui and all thl great imentne in iustnal ami eommentul marvels of hip twentieth eenturj tliereian ix no great and lasting uork without inspiration braersoi brown 26 8 han 124 carried carton leslie that the treasurer pay the following accounts in connec tion with equalisation j it lindsay balance of account 18 00 elmer thompson 16 00 g 0 brown 26 10 thoa mckerr 12 00 lo xf dale 2643 41 portion of this amount to be recovered from george town and acton carried carton leslie that the treasurer refund dog tax on dog assessed to charlotte mcdonald 2 00 t mc master error in trustees rate 329 harvo mcdougau dog not assessed but tax paid 2 00 a l noble nprval tax paid on dog owned hy tenant who has left township 12 00 carried gowdy carton that the trcaaur- pay refund to annie carradlce re bate on taxes for house burned 6 00 carried leslie carton that 2 and 4 col lectors roll be reduced 32 66 being tax on george irvines property it being twice assessed carried leslie gowdy that the treasurer y members of council following amounts lbc meeting 42 00 comm 95 20 total 140 uo t l leslie meeting 39 00 milc- je 113 00 comm 84 00 total 136 00 wm gowdy meeting 39 00 mile age 18 00 comm 84 00 total 180 00 j carton meeting 42 00 mile- 114 00 comm 84 00 total 140 00 geo cleave meeting 39 00 mile age 10 40 comm 80 60 total 136 00 carried cleave carton that leave bo granted to introduce a by law to en able the reeve and treasurer to bor row necessary money from bank of commerce carried leslie gowdy that the by law provide for the borrowing of nee esssry money having been read a first time be now read the second and third times and passed and the corporate seal attached carried carton leslie that leave igranted to introduce a by law to pi vide for holding munlcrpal elections for 1927 and that said by law be iw read the first time carried gowdy cleave that the by law for holding municipal elections hav ing been read the first time be now read the second and third times and passed and the corporate seal attach carried carton cleave that the reeve do now vacate the chair and that it be occupied by mr leslie carried gowdy cjeave that tho thanks of the members of esquesing council be tendered to the reeve for the able and courteous manner in which he has presided over the council meet ingt during the year now ended carried for a golfer iliotoflr n his home r or the owner of i oiithandci ten doll t worth of street ci hekeu foraflappercopj of what a woman of nlnatj oughtn tto know for a grandmother tennis mc quet pair of antes or re ha he ahum clock s ror a pedesttian ceroelm plot fora traffic policeman one bun dred now cuss ords bor a ihmtlegger sw f guiuim scotch for a five- yearold cigantu uiso sport roadster or golfing outfit on pnm at chicago peel county farmers are becoming famous for the alfalfa clover seed they arc producing the following prues being won at chicago 1 harry walker malton 2 beverley car- berry mono road 3 w l wilkin son brampton 4 harvey rtuton grampton 6 lansdcll bros bramp- n wm ostrandcr georgetown a n hcwiiliam dutton and 8 ge elliott malton this makes th fburth winter show at which peel growers have won the premier awards xht others being at royal winter fair toronto ottawa winter fair and provincial winter fair guelph the rowers are indeed to be con gratulated on their initiative in tak ing advantage of this method of keep ing the superiority of their product before the public on both s des of the line iflsplriutn of ll r i il ui why ii pjs it pajs to real the herald u cause it loiitmis minj important notices that the public generally art interested in aside from the news olumus there is always matter of m tcnst and importance in the advert ising col urn nn a miii wsigns you ma bo a creditor the legal notice or the assignee tells whei to put m your laim a note is lost it a advertised n the paper- whi n it turns up in tni hands of the wrong li older you an saved from bnj ing it bj the warn ing horses or jittle stray anav from their own r ai advertisement la at- n bj the findtr an 1 the lost are restored there is something you wai l ui buj and so tl l ham of use fulntss innttnues link bj link as a medium of communication it is valuable and tonvenietit alike to fchoso who have announ ements to mikti ai d those who are interested in hear ing tin ni and it is above all cheap dot t bt without th local paper il su you its pnu over and over ouislmis ui new year travel had flcr aaaptta4 while operating a saving macbm i merkley s planing mill at milton a nmlson of mill street met with a serious iccident the board slipped and the index finger of his right hand i came in contact with thn saw the j finger was so badty mangled that the surgeon found it necessary to amput ale il mr neuson met witha simi lar accident some time ago throughout the jear there isno period so like a maguet for drawing people together as ohnstmas time nomatterwhomyoumaj be there is an intensive longing for christmas at home long ago when travailing fa oihties were limited people journeyed many weary miles and endured great hardships in order that they might bo with their friends and loved ones on christmas day but this lias all been changed by the application of modem railway methods whereby evou the continent maj be crossed in safetj and with every comfort in a com par atiely short oumey this jear chnstmas and hew years travel promise to be heavy and v ith a view to placing every faoilit at the disposal of their patrons ca i adian national railways hnvo made their advance preparations and diana for extra trains aud additionol equip nient on regular trains full par ticulars will appear in nen ppersattd special tune tables will be shortly ob tamable from an agent of the com panj those who wish to prepay the fare of relatives or friends from anj out side point can deposit the money at any canadian national agemj and the transportation will be delivered immediately and economicall the canadian national tele graphs plane at your services their wonderful facilities for the quick transmission of holiday greetings a special staff is engaged dunng the chnstmas rush n order that transmission and dc livenes ruaj be quickened to the high i est point a very attractive design of message form in being prepared for the holiday tim canadian national express offers the beat vehicle for the safe and swift transport of chnstmas gifto that particular feature receives special supervision it holiday time and this in itself is a guarantee of efficient service remember that a canadian national express receipt will protect j ou and will ensure com plett satibfoctiou canadian national aoliuls ur patronage for evi rj i ranch of its public sin ico utilities lverj effort of each employee is i id hi tl efficient performinix of 1 or hir dun and tho ho plai their bus in the han in of this uierchandiz irganiiatioi maj rest assured that the will recent- the full valu- forwhateer exprulituie thej moj ake plus that meas in of personal iteresl w inch is tl e tnu implement of pirfect semn mrsil mcdowell mil ton heights ntes to the toronto glob as follows 1 noticed in thn southeaxl corner recently that a indj in whit bj refers prulefullv t her chnstmas cartas 1 mat a 1 hue one that is6 years oil unds 1 foot high w h feel in diameter 8 feet in circum ferencc and has 4ir blooms on it now with manj buds

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