Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 22, 1926, p. 2

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paoi i till gsosdhtowr flgluln decembci 12w 1988 diruu ma trial t a anil deaths m now charted for at the following ritti blriha ooc marrtagra doci umtha 60c memorial ctni 60c 10c par line eitr for poetry ballon chapter ilajm community xmas tree born sjrtlbohunfc at llmahuum a dec i9lh iw6 tomra wjiiiar rredrifi shslboumt a daughter bertha hlaabelri in memotiam i iiawkokd in loving memory ou dearniw j an elisabeth crawfor who died one year ago today a biaslrous fire mr bnflk uflus use hesuesw ail conleits bnnel al five u look last thursday mum mg mr and mm hugh logan and family narrow 1 1 escaped from thur burning home on the ninth line west with the thinuometer registering th btlow zero an i he man who ooraes to ilo tho morning chorea was ap proaching the house tin noticed thu entire book or thu houm in named he at our aroused the family who escaped with their clothes imt nuth iuk men owing to the si en i the fir spread rapidly ami before help could be uminoued tht house was a mass of charred ruins logan sun peels that the fire inenced in the adjoining building whore u delco lighting sysuin was installed owing to the rapidity with winch the lire spread the i tents of the house were totally stroyed by the flames mr logan estimates his total loss at 15 000 as he earned no insurance hockey t following is the revised schedule of groups no 6 mtheoha un lor series clubs elora quelph tnurgetuwn bolton and brampton convenorj 0 adams brampton met at brampton dec 26th georgetown at ltolton dec 26- guelph at brampton jon 3- brampton at elom jon 3- hlora at georgetown jan 7guelph at elora jan 10- bolton at guelph brampton at georgetown jan 13- brampton at bolton jan 14 elora at guelph jan 17- bolton and elora it georgetown jan 19gtorgetoiwuu brampton jan 20guelph at bolton jan 21 elora at brampton jan 24 bolton at georgetown brampton at guelph t jan 26 guelph at georgetown jan 28 georgetown at guelph jan 29boiton at brampton feb 2 georgetown at elora elora and bolton play a sudden death gone at georgetown on jan 17 and it will count as two first and second teams play off team fin ishing first to have choice of games hornby mr and mis john bowie and son harold of detroit were recent visi tors at the presbyterian manse before gang on a trip for three months to glasgow scotland mr jonothan featherston hornby ontario announces the engagement j of his granddaughter albertha lavina birdie to mr thomas heatley of walkernlle ont son of mr and sire j h heatley of botli well ont the marriage will take place the latter part of december miss armstrong has so far recover- 1 that she spent a few day oronto with some friends miss douglas who has oeeu mrs george leslie for a couple of weeks has rotuned to her home at acton mr and mrs george wilson enraptured over the arrival of a grandchild into their home last weekj congratulations mr wilson wears that basils that won t wear off this u a real xmas boi mrs robertson sr has been oon fined to her bed for a few days with bronchitis rev and mrs f w m acinous announce the engagement of their daughter helen wright to gor ion k wttloughby penzance bask church news georges church service on christmas day 7 a m holj communion 8 am hoi communion 11 a m shortened matins holy communion choral and sermon by the rector sanday december 26th services nil be as fouowa8 a m hoi commonion 11 am matins and ser taon 7 pm shortened evensong carols and nevmtr sacred cantata the adoration special christ mas music and carols will be song by the choir all welcome dec 31st new years eve watch uaght service of holy communion commencing 1130 pm united church christmas servicea in the united church nwt sunday dec 26th rev dr dickie will preach on christ- mas gifts id the morning and in the evening the christmas story will be told in picture and in song fort beantafullj coloured magic lantern view will be shown and christmas hymns and carols will be sung mr passroore of toronto will be in charge of the organ and direct the choir i sarriea dtoratltl ltcol conover has been gazetted thelong seince decoration andfi j ving hearty congratulations on this honor he has pat m 20 years srvue enlisted with the halton bibes with whom he remained until he went overseas with the 4th bat talion in 1920 he was commanding officer of the peel and duffenn ffegj ment and has been promoted to bri gade major brampton conserva- ofhceri ftr ih7 luudh kj rl eicomjtfcif marr the iiunual itiritallatiun i iftwra in halton hnpttr itnjol anli mm ons was hold on krldnj kvphu k lam in tin manouu hnll ltl ri cuiui luhn i- mrr of guelph on 1 1 n stalling o 111 m r in harge of ll c i on inotnua unj lit wwuhily aulinl uy x comps it o vrnold i t tjil iron 1 ii wnllacand h mrir tiil ottllim tpr 197 wh rtr in mlalled are kirat principal hi cump i c 1 1 z ex comp i a arrwjd stcond pnndpal comp w ii loo third principal conip w v gint 3 elex comp ii g mejr trmex comp j b waitacw smcomp j d kelly ps comp h dickia ss comp goo hurray j s comp f d ucoy d of c comp h qrnt m 4 v comp i sumdert m 3 v comp t reurie m 2v comp j w tlmpn m 1 v comp geo dobaon janltorcomp w t mllller organist- comp k l wilton st b comp s kirk sw b comp a h rellar m stewardcomp e ucwbhur stewardcomp l uawuntil auditor- comp g 0 brawn audltorcbmp e c thorrjion afur the ccromoii uf installatioo was coiuploted j plcasmg feature of tho evening was the piesentation b rt ex comp marr of a pant z s jewel to ex comp b li arnold the retiring principal then followed a lianqnel with the usual toasts rt el conip marr and ex coittpl allace made spirited ad dresses which were mueh appreciated all the newly installed were heard from and particularly comp j saunders who was in splondid form comp walter grieve of quelph re cited oua of his scotch readings and comps k l wilson and wm gowd each contributed songs which were mm h enjoyed correspondence the follow mg letter describing u trip by motor to the sunny south willie interesting to manj herald readers helena oa thurs da 16th dear mr moore we reached here this morning after a pleasant trip most of the nay left georgetown saturday morning and spent the night nt east aurora 20 iniks out of buffalo sunday we hod bnghusunslimealldonthrough the susqtrbhatiiia trail monday it foggy part of tho way down the shenandoah valley and just ordinary through the pidemount trull but the rain caught us wednesday when we got rjlthe dirt roads of south caro lina and georgia they said we brought it down from canada as it had been a fine dry fall till then on monday we left ice and snow just out of harnsburg about four hundred miles from home byxu day we were leaving off coats and wraps but wednesday and thursday the cold wave followed us down and the progress southward kept us in about the same temperature the moat noticeable thing in the hue is the way the day lengthens out the evening twilight is more than i hour later than at home when we stopped for the night virginia we thought we were tn the south when tho waiter said what will you all hae to drink but we i absolutely sure the next morn ing when she said how will yo have yo aigs they never dream of asking if you will have eggs it is jnst how will you have them needless to say the poultry industry thrives another sign of being in the south i mean the old south where the cotton andthepiokanmnea jjtow is the way of preparing and mg a meal at a hotel table you are given a plate and at least eight little side dishes so that when throe or four people are served the table is absolutely covered there will be gnu invariably and hot buscuiu no meal can be served with out the latter and very few without the former hominy grits are pre pared i from com and when served the dish looks like cream of wheat imt it would be unpardonable to eat it as aoereol it is eaten with salt and butter like a vegetable then there will be sweet potatoes fried and sweetened irish potatoes french fried and other vegetables a fritter or twaand at least two kinds of meat the soqthsnar is very enthutnastto over southern cooking and to live for weeks on light bread as we do without either corn bread or biscuits is bejond his comprehension the fare here suits me alright but to any one wishing to reduce i would sug gesl going on to floida where flor- thern cooking prevails ge orgia and the other cotton states are having hard sledding this year on account of the break in cot ton prices but they are optimistic and think they will pull through yet cotton is still being picked peach es and apples were much the same whole orchards loaded with fruit were not picked at all i suppose the answer is diversified farming we are all certainly sorry to be away from home at christmas time and hope that our georgetown friends will remember us at this tune and that a fullness of the joys of the sea- eon- may be theirs this and a prosperous mew vfar is the with of the pettits yours very truly morlev pettit frtiay nw al qmttrot mala lit hit streets wat okm ibviu all calmr irgelowiib imiminiil h rut ins lm will in hell hi kriil ij i en 111 lo jtth ill t lie orn r of m un mil mill trrct rherv will tw h good inuiiutl tro- gruil uur low li imijii imd lilt i in till rluuraof ournhunheo uiita olaun is oupottod to nrrlvn at ml xharp wlifii li ill huvca tnalfur uvurj hilil prtn nt id on luiul mid tiling tin thlldreu that tlift uiaj nn it nal hrirt rails thrill ifek hon t forgot tlic tiintisb sh rp public school report ullowing is tho standing of the pupils of georgetown pubuv school far the mouth of december- l class honours a day foot j haclaren m ixnuon ji tost rissj hill o diuj p hill p hlair i owlfrej and g weston g caason m roevo and n scrym- geuur a glass w chaplain e mcmullin m trwanor 1 mulhol land f mirams r firasune d sykes m stockford j ross j merntt i armstrong r reeve sr iii honoursbilly maclaren katldeen hale charles cassou alan mcdonald and jane morrison ernest alcott pass omar diggins helen modonald helen brown louvaine woods frank dawhurst rosa polle jack tost wilbeh bradley horace hurley mihran jeknavorian ai jack suunders jnn sargeant wufie ritchie bruce mackenzie mary a nold evelyn hoaro waller mogil livary ijswrcnce cole ireuu hall alice walker max freeman haul barnes dorts green bthel spenoe jr iii b honours edith bui livaot beroice mcdonald david cwhton percy soxe nellie may- nard david haxe pass ross duncan annie hall mxme bell aileen bell jean evans vernon mvcumber and robt emraersou and mona sarymgeour bessie hiltz lena hilta walle nor nngton and david brydeu tnd lillo francis flora graham floyd hilts verdun wright margaret caa son mary edwards reggie hoare munel whitmee ruth beaumont jean mcallister margaret keutner jim ritchie jr ii honours riilmrd rid i dull clarence kennedy margaret j long l pass francjs evans carl hyde hazel ftmithmiohael lconnally bes- bib walkerhormanlferuert lloyd sanderson margaret latimer jim moniven helen meaiuster john cummins edna hurley albert beere frank kentoer bocco loms bo gladys martin alfred sykes dorothy sykes margaret burnous 8 ii honours enc nomngton helen armstrong ian mookenzie brace kennedy mary tost manon xhlly roy lacey duncan tost rce- le lprosso esther bnll alastair keane dons lacey una diggins alfred davidson harry dewhurst kathaleen muuolland albert supleton clayton bradley godfrey collier pass frank bolger annie lornsi so isabel emmerson david free man dorothy minima lenore woods dorothy sargeant hazel walker hassdl varey marjone hilts jiml valantine helen ritchie irene brotrn fred hoggins mary glead all edwin shortill gordon hale irene starret sr i honours joyce staoey audj mary feller evelyn sanderson robert fool is marjone evans and elms tost aileen dobbte doris keari and vema lacey violet in gram lorraine wnght mary collier waller braudfprd mildred david son earl hornby7 biule ltftimer k pais irene carter margaret evans grace edwards emest hyde stephen emmerson and jessie mo- donald arthur armstrong lorraine latimer and evelyn wood dorothy menlveu teddy arnold clive bailey clifford hilts and flossie smith alan brydec and elmer mocaaber grant minims edward huggins lillian bell jane denison bulie filler leslie- clark and quednie marchmflnt audrey gneve frank king lome clarkson and john jr ii honours j poile k edwards a mernt r davis g leslie b bnusby and g riddall k caason pass i sparling s maclaren a buuiyant d besaey j ross w murray f deans betty simons erra hiltsr r weston h alton e wnght j emmersoji betty k grace primary honours arnold bnll jean sanderson edith hlta alice j coatigan margaret starret ethel alcott elgin simpson gordon hilt pass fearl carter jtuth james william cooneuy malcolm stacey jessie walters and jack hoare mae deani joan young bilhe caason douglas bedshaw kathleen dwins btllis oxky kathleen redshaw ipobel benme willie cummins manon beid francis reeve douglas ailntt ethel webster high school board dnhuimt 14th tw lmird m t with all nikiubeni pmtent dm flliwiii iii utitim wexi ptuumxl united typuwntvt co 7 00 p r watson alcohol 9 w gao konl i6 86 r rims suet y account 19 0 i j fvanpaid crtncej ou ouitral scintiiiico 4fi w huggins i fill on motion of mmtm kirk and llutt it wasdeolddil tlmt tho school nhould rvopen on tuwdayjan 4tli moved bj measm kirk a u d evans that a statement ho given each juartor li thu iruaiuror of ro celptn and expeiiillturoa uidau witli thi oxpeiniilurub alanhiul and tii saint- for nomination daj and i fully detailed statement at the clos of tin jear pnrriod bttavluo lox huttonvdle orange lodge has had a particularly good year and reports an increase in membership as well as a balance on hand the newlyelect ed officers are w m a0 moclure d m arthur ward chaplain w j tnpp r8 f j marshall fs alec blacktreasurer p h copeland lecturers ar meclnre w j mccbure marshal w g meclnre conrmittei w ward w j cbesnej eari hyatt j e mcclure e- mocturc i p m w g mecjure acted aa installing officer j ekaal la afplmitai the school m a gn culture andl home economics will reopen on jan 3rd with the undermention lecturers j horace shaw gas engines tractors and radios harry strait 89 a horticulture vegetable growing grafting trans planting etc g- o i hand b s- a farm dairying r r fleming nd a g ireton feeds and feeding and live stock judging these are very practical subjects and the farm boys of halton county should n miss the orportunuy of men a aplendid coune in home economics there will be the follow tng lecturers mush deransv and mrs jam allen and domestio sceience bj miss evelyn shortreed anybcoeverbeirv flapper slngl hom3weet home wa a nativa or eaqumiilf on thursday hut r dewart flern ing trafalgar was called to florid because of the sudden death of hi undo wm j fleminf of chicago who had go no to wlnterhaven fia to spend the winter ha was selicd with paralysis mr flernini wm bojm in scotch block wqunlng and wm the last olalx brother than is one sister mru john applebe of stewart- town still surviving they wore chll dren of robt fleming one of th first settlers of eaquestng township the late r a fleming of trafalffar was a son star whatever beuuue of i lie old fashioned girl who at this time of year hud u dresser full of doilies mid fanoj w irk prepared fi r limtmns giving a metrc christmas to everybody a happy new year f to all the world and god bless us every one a clini tm nt trol united bond- company limited howard c node prei win brown vitepres and manager oo0oo gifts that last or reach across tha tabfo for th alt whin there i a thaktr betid your plate why shop away from aom when you can get what yoawant here save travelling expense and gut a better article in watches rings jewell ry something for her or omething for hirnjwe hove whal you want compare our price with oily prices wilsons oneill block georgetown new butcher shop i we handle thevery choicest in fresh cured meats fowl etc we guarantee fint quality goods at right price and solicit a share of your patronage proxmyt delitary g w herrington phone 166 q clarks bakery grocery fltt l aa da cmhkts lrleif a very merry christmas ins prosperous new year jiaiaelc 1 christmas necessities we have a newand nphrdie lifts of christaiak groceries peels candies nuts cal a4 lakahtlc ar siktt a4 haa marc klh 7 forsters trwt oaik i owvatown pkone 99 1ballalalaejj icftristmasl christmas gifts tor every- member of the family i see the goods in every department we show a good selection of quality gift goods presents that will be of service and long remembered grifu for men and boya shirts sptial new patterns in english broadcloth for tulip make ties scarfs handkerchief gloves socks pvjama oowi h uiidnrwtar sweater co it pulloiert windbrcakors caps punts sihpeuders armlmnds gifts for women and girth dainty handkerchiefs some hoxed senrfi gloves hc- shry paiilj juekets sweater coats silvj underwear wooi uu dim ear gifts for children suits drestes joits jerses infants m11w wool ganuents llamma coata gifts tor the home comforterg bed spreads blankets sheets pillow cosea finny towels gaest towel seti fancy lneqj a large collection of fant linens for ever use hun ners siuares table co er 4 tray covers and a bust of useful pieces a serrioeabie gift a selection from our furniture dept book casect secretaries desks library tables music stands umbrella stand jardineer stands chairs rockers couches vanity dressers china cabinets kitchen cabinets white enamel tables rugs carpet sweepers a gift that everj woman will appreciate fine ottna rich ont glass art goods vases jardlneers fancy baskets fancy goods brushes combs mirrors toilet sets smokers sets purses handbags and a host of gift articles a- ziargpe assortment of gift books pens pencils paper envelopes games toys kindergarten sets sleighs skates as we are closing ont our furniture lines you may look for some real bargain there is only one way to get any idea of this stock is to gome and look it over v see the values 1 jacksons georgetown 1 glenwllllams mi- lrtl uanhiu ha r riml fr ii tiilpl lltiiul au1 i ipriivmif mci uliluii thunh ill duu nnunl nulrrulnmeiit m tha iwn lull oi thursday evoulug it 8 lk adtnissiuu ijw and 16 an in ulehowhti h hape dw mg the hixmi dikaslrwus am which louillj delinked ihe handwimn rrsi i me of mr hugh jgan on th ith line on thuraday morning list is wurtlij of mention when the blnn wiw unit h overl by mr thou an liwon empluym by mr i ogiin to do rumor work around the pre nil s n wi giinrd considerable headwaj afur arousing the family sir anderson evidently had returned k his room to oliuiu certain articles of wearing apparel aaiinconae- quenee hud uen overedme by smoke tlie fnimli on reaching aalfcty m the old gentleman and mr- norman logan immoiliauly returned to the miming building which was a mass of flames and found mr anderson lying ma onsr luu on the upper floor at great risk to himself he earned the old gtiiiltraaii ui safety where every attention and comfort wen made uvuilalilj for all b kind neiab bori new advertisements fcrsafe bay horae 9 ytmn old good tna xittt in a haftkaa el for farming- i gif f en phone 96 r 3 geonrelowp zip calll paya an- bala well bred colke pap lor sale w i fdcnerptiona 101 r s georgtaowo nor- houie tm markei sireet befonnn ie george a heiuy for sale reni cd- lrall foaaasuoojao i at ap- ply to joatpb walsoo georgetown xt to work nailtehii c b djy co qaorgel ing room apply to far mast ofllre o mam siren lately ocewad by lbov dale potaouon jan 6tb j apply iomnh w keaaedy if kmuumc i am now koiiiink socks and hocking forladlca cwoand children at romooable price ld us have j oar ordera and w guarantee mulafactloa ceorre r near main su soulh p o ron sv9 gaora- town j banaatebii will hire horse to responaibu pfit ai any iimr t f grieve church st georgetown rt wanted live salesman to tell new rtatusaalii damper specialty tor funuccaaukf atovea eiclasive territory extra good dmmcv aulomalic damper co 67 adeuije si easl toronlo om 2lp 6 room house on hamsl fnroaca hard and aofl water renl 16- apply j a aberdeen queen si geor 6 roomed boise on murdock straet electric tight water iiande newly raeova ted inunadule poasiiaimo apply to h 8nck bouae on itaia street north elec tric lifrfau and plumbing apply id w kennedy u waritolsl leqmuititymmddry hardwood pncesgaa uaual cuboo delivery i gecrgetowi beat dome honey isc par lb amb hooey 12 t2c per lb a jl vanalte ann si goorgetown r r no 1 tmi ftsrtau i have aacured a large quanuiy of dry beech an j maple delivered aaywhare lownorgtensnlliama al j400 per toad about a cord 01 12 ineb wood also cot rada a s3 00 per load and uaad weed al s3jo per load j btmndford boa 0 georgrlown pboos 135 r 4 patataa fat sau a received a car lot of choice peu dditered to town at 2 do par bag betown ptoral co phone jjw a merry christmas to all gf eriibnaj day pick your xmas gifts a few siiggestions o c if tabs skates i s50 per pr oom hookey skates ballartttuba jkates alumqtue skates hookey sticks sleibs flask lihu pan knivl qoattftr wkqfs kiddie oars eleotrio heaters toaster deotrlo table xtant hqt plate oomanunity plate suver w beevao eleotrio irons guaranteed 10 years beer- vac electric vac omun cleaners eleotrio washins xaekines and ranees dr hess poultrj paaocca is guiranteed to give results or rt does not rost i ou anj thing grit a package and start j our hens laying while the price is good orster shell 1 2fl per 100 lb bag see our stoek of mitts and olotea fiartware plumbing etedrical wiring and sheet metal wert r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown

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