Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 29, 1926, p. 4

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h ereani dtk ere t inli- nl i the thtr hlbltlnn ofsthcr k ds wl ho held in mllaif i lv from jnnunry i to i and i r m h t be a greater luuerss ihim eilh r if iho oritur exhibit or it in id i r rop business transact i d iring tit fir t two cxh bilions mi u ua t o r iat h iuo r- all luxe forritrly n niirtd to be paid in it 1 un i otel bills unlbs i and medical alio hon- i tuilth ru eorfi hove been t ol hed ccord inn to recent inforn at 01 i en it by the royal consul uiiurnl of italy su h information will pro interest ng w tounsli totitimplat ing u mil to that country t quebec vhat is aid 0 ft record hipnent of cils 16b tons left th port for new york recent y the last of eight lonsignments atnee the beginning ot november all for the sane ity new workers have acquired a partiality for the eel from the region bclon quebi nd thi tradt is growinfceach j i tub oi out i i own riikmd i in expressing to you dur appreciation of the many courtesies received during the past year may we extend our cordial and sincere good wishes for the new year antwerp honors canadian pacific ship e yoijng phone 161 one or the largest fori senral months to n sin brant fsrallj was rtiuitly effected in the purchnig of a 20 acr- tract five miles so ilh coat of brandon by a lutheran farmur and four sons the purchm price be ng 28800 according wflr a 1 connell tho faalswcll equipped with slock and buildings sheup from the prince of wales alberta ranch south wtst of cal jrary aro superfine according to walter charles pnddy of tho cor riedale sheep co gndleyf call forma he has just purchased forty bead of imported shropshire from the royal ranclj as well as fifteen from other flocia in the district asbestos wje aa a soil strength- ener is the latest in the lino of by- products early this year tho de velopment branch of the canadian pacific railway undertook an in vest gallon and inaugurated a se- riejt of experiments in the use of this material maodonald college actively cooperated and results so far show that this material baa a real tain a when applied to certain ooa a valuable consignment of tweaty- alx silver black foxea valued at ap proximately z0 000 waa handled by the canadian pacific expnaacom j pany in montreal recently the ani mals were shipped directly from the meritt silver black fox ranch at meritt bg and will be for- i warded to messrs baullon and paulin grenoble france to a i new fox ranch of which this brit j lab colombia shipment will be the nucleus completing the tint 8200 miles of a ten thousand mfle journey from liverpool to osaka japan thirty canaries valued at a hundred pounds sterling arrived at the canadian pacific express company sheds in montreal recently and left from the windsor street station for vancon ver they came over on canadian pacific liner montroyal fo saint john and although they had ex perienced somewhat of a stormy crossing- were in fine feather and singing at the top of their voices completing a two month visit to canada daring which be has tra versed the dominion from quebec to victoria returning through the united states c c e young in charge of first class booking office of the canadian pacific railway in london engseen at headquarters of the system in montreal recently declared that the country had been a revelation to him folly explaining the great attraction it is increasing ly exercising on tourists the great facility of travel luxurious lies a of the hotels nnd the oppor tunity for seeing practically virgin territory make up a combination of advantages that arc perhaps not to- be found le there in ihe vorld to- ijay be laid heire and there cannon i irlh ral 1 i i- n irhitr ruer f llr rll nrnlt rl k 1 un ft m 1 parnl f t ii nit i i tritt ratr i t 4 i tho th nd a 1 australia cone t will i frjrln 1 an i wn m fall ol c b- i low r nnip th 1hh thr man f clt r i j nlutri is et ih j i wi h mn f f th f sell your cream at where yu can gel ibe highest grade andihe best price opeu ever salnroay nlgal georgetown creamery co m saxe manager nralalotte cream sep- new butcher shop we handle the very choicest in fresh cured meats fowl etc we guarantee first quality goods at tight pricca and solicit a share of youi patronage prompt delivery g w herrington phone 166 georgetown we never fell yon that hurlbuts are jurtagojad hurlbuti standard byivbkuall chudrens shoes are judged d brill otirftum ska specialist i carry a full line of h urinate petsvtae fcr sale just received a car it of choice ptrta loea dehrarediotownatflooperbrg georgetown plofal co pboos 3sw real estate n 1500000 lisl j irifraxi 100 iwos ligiit luua land li tltf pou to district inrgc bunk bants implement housn sheepund i ot pciift t room liouse 8 miles from oranghville from hilhhiirg goodihighwaj terms to suit piircluslr j a aberdeen pbbe8l georgetown h btx us hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and- appliances of all kipds lamps irons toasters always 911 hand at the best prices office tot5ali f a happy new year we take this opportunity of thinking our numerous en toners for their continucdjmtronasc during 1926 and sfcttnd oor hcirtleat wishes for a prosperous new year let us help where real value is obtained finest california navel oranges 49c 59c and 69c doz crispofigbars2lbs35c camf bells tomato soup 2 tins 25c other kindi 14c tin 15 ox iu raisins 15i 1 1 or umz raisini il z5c u peel 27clb vili pki peel 19c finest corranb 2 lbs 27c sutacurapmnu 16cft sedates 21k 25c table fig 25c lb table raisins 35c pkt mixed nuta 25c lb new washed brarilsl 90 filbert ujc 123c i ft shlrrlffs jeuy powders 4 pkt 25c dtntniob stotm rich fruit cake 3sg frys breakfast i mayfield brand cocoa l sim post i bran 2pi25c honor was brought to the british hipping wprld and more especl ally totne canadian pad fie liner mclita when on november 14th she steamed into the harbour or antwerp and was the 10000th ship to enter ihntitroat port durinit the year it created a record for the number of ships docking aft any european port v the aole exception ot lone rath a period jpp occasion was marked by fetes throughout the dty in which the whole population of antwerp took part telegrams of congratulation were bent by notabujtefl from all over belgium including one from king of labor industrial and commercial ions in the principal streets mnse to the welcome given organisations in the principal streets in response to the welcome given themelttabythedty w d groseet menacing diractor for the canadian bisieu ny vapv a u nuuo wiu mander of the ship and officers tie guests jnduded mayor van cauwcl merdal industrial heads of the port mr groaset ioiis address of wel come said he watfprand to think that s s meitn was the 10 000th ship to enter the port of antwerp since the beginninjr ot the year hotb because she flew the british flag and because she was a canadian pacific ship he pointed out that this vessel the s s minnedosa the s s montmurn and tho s s mont royal oil used the port and dttng tic current year had earned over 10 000 puasenera burgomaster van cauwelaert read follows i thoak you tor your thoughtfulness in communlcntlnk to mo this happy news and 1 send to the city ot antwerp with my heartiest congratulation my sincere wishes for the over growing increase of traffic of the port roost imi ortant factor in tho prosperity of the try signed albert consul genera rowley said that 10 000 ships within it period of ten months and a half constituted f record for any european i ort lon don exceptcq the port was the outlet lor an interior navlgatir- port its leputati ery high the world lotls also addressed the fn shipping circle all i cant notley also gatherlri in a humorous speech whun closed tht j roceedinkti at night captain notley s ofli ccra and crew were entertained at the city hall at a reieptio lentered i y tho mayor and aldermen at which governor baron liolvoot cnmillc iluysmans minister of s icnce and arta meml era of the consular bodus and it ading shi ping and commercial men were present mayor an cauwtlaerfrcail a telepram rom m jaspur prime ministtr of belgium announcing tint mr grosset and harbor mistt r cartuin stp ker had been nominated knights of the ordur of king leoiold the major in his address took the opporturtty to express to the canadian pc ifc rail way his msntiments of e itm and gratitude for a company 1 h in the past l nl iinra ha i 1 wi a regulur rustoti or of tl t port hi then handed over to hi nmlci tie prchent given by the nt to tl e trew of he 10000th slip to tntir ht port in 96 apt ho lev r i tl e le y icsts thin wrott trtnui n tl e ooldcf ho k of 1 1- i a wonderful record of growth the romance of tho early history of the dominion express com pan j- which started to serve the canadian public in 1882- one hone and a second i and wsxon and the wonderful progress thjt haa been made during the forty four years of its existence was recalled fast week by the striking paradei that were held simultaneously in the four bhtfrcnt cities of canada to cele brate the companys change of name to be canadian pidtlo express co whole floeu of motor express vehicles of all types including tho new trailer boarimr in shining let tcrs their newly nuumcdtnama made uielr way through the street of mnntrnal toronto inninek and incouror on september tlrst when the change of name becanio tffoc- uvo dut the horsedrawn wagons and ancient servants of tho com pany were not forgotten in mont real the parade was led through tie principal fltrwu of lie city by samuel nightingale who is com pjetrng his 30ti year fn the service driving babe a remarkable little horse that haa served the company for 19 years and con still take tie steepest hills on high the wagon in which mr nightingale waa seated was put into tho service in 1890 and is blill on dally routo the vnnwnuer procession was led by ho oldest pensioner of the com pany in thin district robert mason of ftorth vnncouver twho joined on july tt iks1 and in tided the old est double team w a iron in regular use in the company boelnrs in ciaada driven by p j lierett himself an old tuner ot 26 years 3 samuel ntaattoaau and bab eddis hand leader of the parade at toronto was personally oongratu lated by w a stout president ot the canadian pacific express com pany on his 41 years of oontlnnouc a ctrre service mr stout who has been president for many years waa appointed sup erintendent of tho dominion express company when it was incorporated almost a half century ago with seven agencies and a territory ot tk mllea today the lerrloe ex tends over the breadth ot canada and to all parts of the world with something over 4700 agender in assuming a name that is more closely identified with the parent transportation system it is thought that tho canadian pacific express co will reap increased business in both canada and in other countries r5 advertising pays try it sniff uc tu ul the pi 111 same ex tht h d n the ms stollf aufnd rt standard anthracite scranton v coal in all sizes lutes th r fust becoming i uw ixed a gold mod i awarded to the cn idian pic dc railway in rceogm tlon of ihe excellence of is exh i tt the canadian lihib tion rtoltitl held in toronto win neitl at head iitrttr if thr iuni here to day similar i dh have also it n irded to ih di n nlon and i r vincial uovernitiinu and to u a ed nut il er of exhib tors tlis from tie lethbrldge herald is h trd to surpa s farmer itovid onto u half hiitiun t thf iron spr l gs d sir ct lnt sjirlnn he t in a goati crop irrigated carefujjy and watched results lie threshed a 0 uoo crop in th i first yvar paid on his innd 1 goo on equip- nd cleared off a s4q0 loan this left him a comfortable balancq of ii 200 to go on with tl t pris dent bcatly prixe is be ing offered b the president of the cansdfan pacific railway to the man training the highest number of marks during the coming tram ing season at the training farm of the british ministry of labor at brandon norfolk the award i slsta of a cash prize and employment t current wagcj upon the cp r supply farm at strathmore atber ta a similar prise will be made available in the spring of 1928 an outstanding feature of the past few weeks haa been the export ofuve foxes bj the canadian pa clfic express in montreal trade statistics show that in the past fia cal year firao live foxes valued a 1431691 left canada fpj other ccuntrics canadian foxes have gone to he foundation jatock in the imted states united kingdom belgium france germany new foundland norway switxerland ttnland japan nnd itulslr f annoancemcnt was made from canadian pacific railway hcadquar ler here recentlj that two free scholarships covering one years tui tion in the faculty of arts and four years tuition in architecture cheat leal civil mechanical u electrical engneering- at hcqill university art offered ky the company aljbiect to competitive examination lo ap prenticsand other employees cn rolled on the permaneaf staff of tte company and under 2f years of age and to minor sons oilemplpyeca the recent snowfalls have direct ed attention earlier than usual to the coming doguerby the 1927 eastern international dog sled der by which is lo be run off nt que dec city on february 21sl 22nd and 23rd six entries have been re celved so far k chevrctte who will carry the colon of the puqutt co ltd an ontario paper co entrj h i sutton of chicago two price brothers entries and p j molloy of berlin new humphire such is the line up to date about twenty entries being expected sir frederick williams taylor general manager of the bank of montreal points out in the current public utilities issue of the finan elal times that canadas utilita tlon of power has increased 180 per cent in the past ten years and that the country now stands second to the world in he utilization of hydro power when present plans mature canada will have 4 500 000 hp in use representing a capital invest ment of 86 000 008 while pnde oped power wealth will still be pro dlgions conservatively estimated at gflwfiw hp coal wood 3ect l imp for dotnesur j and lhrorthiuk purposea suijmi uk anil cantiol coal in tint icnrrj evorjlbut to he futlti i in tin up to date i co d and wood yard j i hawoliws3h insotmstfe ohyompropei ahwup fujijptntetint talkifoverwffhas elmer c ttanpson msu1uhx siivke pane usw thetima january 3rd 1927 guelph a oak ttsnaia tne irawas iav1iuj uatrartlm by kaslaen txtaiaat lastradar evtocraiialcucalal start jan 3rd i dbct priatlsil nt fftarlelw notice to creditors la the stvtttaur tk eaut of ut aret asua meotnrtaey uu at tk tows af 0orttswa tt tki coun ty r haltaa wuw 4 no i ice is hereby given punuant to sec ion 56 of ibe trustees act rso i9n chaptc 121 that nil iredrlor or otben ig ila ms or demands against the tt jfthe u d margaret a n mccsrlnev he j onoi sboutthe fourtcenlh dut of november 19j6 at the sa d town of gcltihii are required on or before utter th day of january 1917 1 sfnd i y pel prepaid or del er in die u drrs i rd sol li tor here n for cxsuo tfllintalo ol ihe sad margaret a mccartne deveased their hniu nes ami aumames adhrrsst and di iption the full narticulan n w lin is nnd ihe nature of the aefut ty if i elj by i hem the bfler rs lt ol hi proceed lo di si d dneascd irrlo hat ng regard only lo he claims hhchtiethill then have notice and it heisa d exemton will not be i able for the aa d assets or any jurt thereof id iy person or persons ot whose da mi iceshbli not have been received by him ihe i me ol such d mnbul on lerov dale solicitor for the sa d executors dated at georgetown ttu i4lh day of december 1926 wanted now- saloaua lar taar wstrld pay weekty exclusive stock and naraeiy sod acrea eatablibtied 4o year wtita now- 1 pelham nursari co toronto soatario collections we handle collections only kelly ajken otstravliu ma ovmjkwsa ref standard bank of catted j stewaritojkn a merry xmas and prosperow new year ftmemrll cnrittowa k nt i coali beat d l w scianloa coal in all sizci r also smithing and steam coal mrs j wattiis nnralatioa phone 62 r 42 wood 2 mixed kills par single cor qor 2 cords for 5- also hardwood j at 3 75 delivered in george j h smith phone m r 1j qeorgatown ladies ssmtrwdrs auksuifk amcbkuss ntroncut sbbbsb try as our pahctpa av mr mrs jhiillleo alfrisswtiirkimintt n

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