Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 5, 1927, p. 1

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x f the georgetown herald slxtvkiiitt yeah op 1itiilkation q wednesday baning january tth i tmi pair annum in advents si 00 lottoc ibe georgetown heram 4 m hoou uuufcm- j rhr maalstuh usiw fl tbl loinfl k1h mat 12 01 tlti paaaebiter 848 par 883 pw o7i pn ooino weuri halt l7 60 m 918 uni sua pui fiumk sunday 10 14 am ooino vobth kuii 800 abi mall w pm ooino 80dtb 111s sun 784 pbi naltowl oeewe suitway unaotmo wm8tb0uhd dally dally hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds lamps irons toasters always on hand at the best prices office town hall full of flavour salada aaaa bbbbbaavbabb raaaaw w so why aecarpt anhauittil bulk tee tu a 719am no 1 785 am 4 037 am 8 b8i em b liotara hu8 m 8 187 pm 7 184 pm 10 aoxpm 8 r 8 sb prj 11- flotpm 11 s85pni it lb7m 18 78 pm 18 as7ub 15 b85 pm 18 ll58vni 17 1905 am special hourly service during the period of the canadian national ex hibition ysvwsj uuatatr a tat use uaafcd westbound 98ft om 235pin utibpiu eastboand uv60 sum 300 nm 7 30 p m waiting room at norringtons store w j holliuger urn mgr eniingoldhaiiis meat market 111 fciletai jis n l fish wmie nb tmof cracac beef pork veal lamb special puces on bed by ibe quarter al meats leapt in electric refrigerator get the best phone no directory milton waixsmmb oals awimn tssiishaea lu m am o l aw rials u okar mart sew oln m a nana serrisser souctur etc usas hid tt georgetown itatl 9am leap a upas wmllrilt aad bsluwuy evealaga awfooim s mln it t-r- ituif ruu l hears aas lo i p oee weaoasslay aad fltfuraay evealues aa a t paoi maia1wriir- hsaltb la reqnaelng tawaehlp oa jts t aa t u i a lillim mala street s charse case udtusm maagwjmii eae a ne o is still the popular car at a popular price the demand for fords this year promises to be greater than ever you get better value for less money in a ford than in any otner car choose your new ford now progressive i euchre and bridge at norval public school tl friday january 7th card will atari al 815 iharp rcdcahmcnl aerved during the evening profd arm in aid of lha schiati fair tickets fi anuin ttn na uolittflat 1 eant ekblalu lb atrucium of a plant orlajk lniiikmiwxaanlcuriu tirau 01 pralopuvma and at ftttut buttualabuuiutluiex lx that boy nr mtnit lu much libf m whh6rtilmti4ialrlw rllnua htwhat im aura tvi atymngar tauaht him tlmt thow hrmaltatueua on to alow which irrtuuhla motbtr u wftlot amuifmmuryaataruy hand to ilawdl juat that uay i aaa him llvlna oarand otr so much that iwaa a that middaiilna baiffaranw to i aoldad far tha uttla tmnaa ha oucht to do bbould ba aoimwud but i know i did aa ha doaa lonjr aao that lovavtt lauahlar and of mirth caua with hln on hla day of birth in many a fault and many a whim i aaa myaalf rabom in bun and itiunfair to aeold a lad rtor maraly balnir ilka hla dad edaar a tiuuat clarks bakery a grocer best qlaiity bread and pastry the chalcesl groceries you will find our price thlowel when you consider the quality of good we provide for our cuitomera lt as iists tour wast ordsr raise hi mark clark jtaast e w aoss naleaaad sarfaoa sj sua oaorfauwa phonal xhoau saacaos oaof heasllal toroala a t wniiiaaa ayttlia anil flnrf ann ttadlml oaoar tt raajm oaottatowa omoa aaa baaloaaaaqaaaa st booth onto haan8wab m and 68 pm alas by apnolntawau aa hvsaasxajrd moaa axl throat 8naelailat azxtawpmoan wadnaaday baturdaif haajat pm til o pm or by appolot- athtqlaaaaa boaauad mb at was hatthaw uain st ho paoaalwre if a wa p u tt mda astll aaj- ta saaapt i ibth ldj ooa aawmi aaoataurv carriaaa vaaurr laatuia aa ba a utavaaomth valarlaary kurfaoa ataacaank obomoaaotio jserrice odala last ananaarr ma lbs aual csaalala aad upto nsra chlfoarseueauy la oatano tbolhbtulw aaa tyaap i u onalu a oarairs wadaaadaasaladay ito 57 to 9 pm aaikar days aaa oora by appoi w wavi raaldaac 110 viuaawmfvpfcoaa 3ij laany sad jiftoml m w a willson xhimmmw hi ixatahmslalsft mmaasllmm a ltfisbsflam auwiufcaa w ltoaaahsana alwassy4w a 111 9ht h a coxe ford sales and service garage acton phone 66 il we save you motiey on all hardware lines l7lcf let us fill your can with british american coal oil a car load of oyster shell just in buy il by the bag from us and save money use couman lamp and lantern on your farm we are headquarter for coleman supplies see our une ol saws axes wetfges etc we specialise ini winter mill and glove ratfio batteries quebec healer charcoal stove pipe electric and gaso line heater beach quebec cook stove graham clements phone os y a o a garage repairing on all ywaicee of atettsriss pulaaa aattariaa atsaaitmi kssalas aad ohafkal work wa feavo a aat twu i fall stook of wst radio a it b hiituirin flmetamoylna mjn aaaat aaaaa ptaasw w f mills oaul omttury tliomai arthuni word wan recaived by roliuvoi bow jiut week of the ilxatli or tnonuu arthum at his liomi at king manitoba mr akhuw had miohml the ripe age of eightytwo hia boyhood and much of hia lifetime was apant here and he and lire arthur removed to man itoba about fifteen yean ago he la survived by lira arthura joaeph and john of ningi bella mm modow- ell also of manitoba captain t a arthurs auotlier son was n mission ary to china and during the war went to france and was chaplain or chinese labtr battalion there mrs wm 8cott a sister or limehouae is the oiil surviving member or the family mr arthurs was an esteem ed rrsloent here n memeber or the presbyterian church the funeral took place jmterdoy at nln free preas walter 8hortreed tlie funeral of waller shortieed one of the pionaers of helton county who died suddenly at hia home in eaqueelng township on saturday night was held monday afternoon and was largely attended inter menttook plaoe in evergreen ceme iety milton deceased was in his sevolty seventh year and and before taking up farming he taught public school near drumquin in trafalgar township his wife predeceased him several jears ago he was a lifelong member of boston presbyter ian church kftqueeing township and in politics he was a liberal he is survived bl two daughters misses isabel and elizabeth thanks tvxall those who have re newed theitsubscription to the herald we say thanks bahlnabd the boys here entertained quite a number to a dance in the hall last week sir wm howting manager of all verhill fox ranch port rowan form erly ol bajliiufod hod the mis fortune to cut one of his hands with a hartdate the wound reqaired several stitches mr ben petah conducted a clear lug sale for mr archie raid eighth- line lost week and good prions were realised there was ahoat fifty attended the fowl anovoyatsr sapper of the beef blag on thmsdor evening december mth in uiekkjirbara xjr robert want has purchased the late peter morrays farm fourth line kiss bessie binal of toronto visi ted with iter parents during tha holl days mr and mrs d j sinclair and son garnet visited with mr and mrs j w burt of coningahy dating the mr nnd mrs d mcclnre of the ota line spent the holiday with if a alexander campbell in toronto mr and mrs peterbhnrlerme line vuuoijoronto friends daring the holidays m und mrs wm howtiog and ftborjraoved hut tuesday to their bew home at silver hill port howsn mr archie reid eighthline en tertalned about fifty of his friends and neighbora one evening lost week to a fowl supper the evening wss to all those in arrears we would appreciate a prompt re mittance kindly attend to this little matter now please ioofxapa0ofooctsotos wanted five or six girls the glen company glen williams ontario spent in social conversation and other jr i 11 hi jjr vsviaon uion amusament and all had a verv enjoy able evening erin miss blugham of jeorgetown mr and mrs w kentner aoton spsnt christmas with mr and mr w r bingham we are pleased to hear that miss etliel salmon is able to lie uroand again after being confined to her bed with blood poisoning in her leg mr and mrs marshall of lime- house spent christmas with mr and mrs tlios marshall and family 7th line the many friends of mr john mo- per uth line erin who is in hia 92nd year will be sorr lo learn that the old gentlemun luin nni been feeling quite so well recently mr and mrs m thnraoii nnd mr and mrs john leali- sjient christmas with mr unit mrs ii leslie georgetown mr htewart ttoott narrowl escap ed serious injuries and perhaps rteatli when he was attacked by u jersey bull the property or mr frank mo- culloch the foot that the animal wss dahornad saved mr scotts life as it wus he suffered man painful bruises and waslinally removed from a nasty position when mr mrculiooh auooeeded in bringing ihe unimal under control advocate elors vs georgetown at the anns tonight general news john gibbons agricultural liuplc tnent agent kockwood passeil swa at his home in thai village on the yjwl in i he hail bnen ulliiig off anil on for u fiw nioutlu but it was only during the past leu diijs ihat ills toiiditlou took u nerious turn johnkajriosi iirnuiwloii ihiil ant lloekwdod passed nwaj nt the guelph general hospital curly lust thursday morning he undeiwcnt anoperation arter boing brought to the hospital some time aga pneu inonia followoil and was the immedi ute cause of his death mr parries liad reached his 78lh year william harris a pioneer of ore county died abed 0110 huudred yours at the lioirto of hia daughter mrs j w maiilnuajil clarksburg recently a very painful uroident liappnucd to mr llttlcwood or tlu rllrllne or peel one day last week while run ning the separator it exploded and fragments went flying in all dlreo lions one hitting him on the jaw infliutinga nasty cut which went cleamothe bone and also a bad cut on the hand requiring sivoral stitches to close tlie wound al present lie is getting along nieel federal government rellar to tha home bank depositors during the last nsasl year cost the public treas ury 8221082 lho new york hufe fair com mission has dooided to present a silver cup to hon john 8 martin mln liter of agriculture for ontario in recognition of hia winning the ponl try cbamajnuhipat tlie new york stale fair for 21 years in succession hon mr martin whose fatm is at part dover onu is one of the largest and most successful pnulm breeders in north america the present population of tlie ontario reformatory is sos added to which ate 122 inmates confined in the psychiatric ward these figures are shout usual for tlie lime or the year the election or m a mccollum progressive in south bruce has been protested by the conservatives an account or the puj ment to j o anderson liberal candidate or 1250 said to be election expenses previous to the lattera retirement from a three cornered contest at the time of nomination bstwoen 700 nnd 800 has been snbacrihed ror tho purpose of start ing an open air rink in inglewood a plot of ground 80 by ico feet has been enclosed u booth and heated dressing roams erected anil wiring in stalled for eleotrto lighting mr t h groliam is president of the provi sional board or directors a large skating rink 80 fiet bj 180 feet is being oroctod ut the appleby school by bukelnok bros contract ors of oskville who expect to have it completed early in january married men employed in wiscon sin factories wliere tliey are required to work on sunday hae a grievanoe it uw tho custom of employers to lay tlie nien off on monday they oom plaiuthat their wires take advantage of their presence at home to com mandeer their servicos in helping with th family washing mrs joseph bailey oollapaed while ottsndiuga christmas carol aervioe at strsetaville and died within five minutes mrs bsiloy was 70 years of age her husband also ilied of heart failure fifteen mouths ago burglars entared walkams hard ware store at tottenham on wednes day night and carried off jawelry pipes knives etc to the value of 800 they also stole so dolhus worth from the store of miss milligan nine hundred english boys for on tario farms will be brought out next year it is announoed by hon john 8 martin ontario minister ol agri culture the boys will be given a short psroid of training at the vlray bldge farm near guelph at the rate ofone hundred a month about hoiea mi comments it h the advent of esutb new iwir tlie average inuu indulges in u utile mental house leauliriv and pro- reeds in clcuii out soihtl of tbac cumulated rubbish or jealousies and grudges and personal gngiia thai in- hits iiioii gathering all thraugh llieliasl year title a gooiltjing for us to don little dialling uirjind tu srart lho new year with a oleafi slate we can inalo life much mare pies sant ror the oilier fellow and feel u whole lot better ourselves last week u lady telepbaned u local hank asking advice concerning uu automobile stock which n agent was trying to- sell iter tardito saturday night ahwiiiij gave quo tations of a broker on thin slock oifer- ing to buy at j0 am sell tot 8js yet the salesman was urging tills lad u buy it i iaj gtml inveatnwut rrpportnnlty people who are bothered by stock salesmen will do well to follow tlie example or thlrlady and consult tlie hanker be fore coraralitliig themselves in auj way none or these stocks which are being peddled about the ooonlri are in any danger of jumping lu price during the time necessary for reference to a financial aothoritj if a salesman objects to waiting for a bankers opinion it is pretty good evidence that his stock is not as de sirable as he paints it in these rlaye of rapid communication anj one who rails for the glib talk of o stork salesman lias only himself io blame if lie loses his money barrie examiner if history and experience have demonstrated anv one thing in par tiiular it is that the human race must lie governed without control it runs wild another thing human experience has established the foci that ihe great majority of parent are dependent on their children for happiness no mlittr what else may incline u mother and father to enjoy life mioy cannot do it if a sou or daughter becomes u disgrace lady astor lias strong nnd lis we believe correct ideus of the governing of children in a nuient interview nhu said parental control should be gin in the cradle i haie six extrem ely vital children v ho would get nut of hand in a moment if i would alio it you have to keep after children nil the time spiritually and physically the am a wholetime job w hen they are at home i get up every morning and h av e my breakfast with thorn and get them started right 1 dont play bridge i dont even go to a movie but if mother can command enough help she can he a good mother and do something else without discipline humanilv would run wild the nee ewitj or work to provide for its iieods and tlie penalty of pain are a large part of that discipline upear eh imwtt- rolllcking railway yams crowd the pages of rail life by amreji prise a veteian canadian pacific obelal the sparkling wlttlolsnu of h ham and stories of two hundred and fifty british lads have been brought out ainoe tha in oeption of the plan this year hornby mr and mrs j h andemou and family have returned home after a short visit here motoring through to miss helen w mrlnnea left on the torentovsneouver train last mon day evening for the west miss matilda morris was in torou to with friends last week messrs jos galbraith david douglas and henry peacock have been duly elected elders of omagh presbyterian church mum thompson of toronto is spending a few days ut tkehomn of mr and mrs george wilson messrs john king f huffman and l brown have been chosen as elders for hornby presbyterian chunh the ordination servious will take place on sabbath jan 10th omagh nt 2u p ni and hnmhv at 7 pjn the annual nioctiiiu or hornby r ii p no808 was held at milon on monday evening dec 20tb the rollowing iirflera were elected and lu stalled lor the ensuing yearw p sir knight j d mackemne dp sir knight m job- chaplain mir knight j a elliott register sir knight geo hihner treasure sir knight chas rrooke lecturers sir knight v k bradley and g j chapman censors sir knight b d binkley and e j linsday standard bearers sir knights dr r k an derson and j e wilson pursuivant sir knight j b lindsay tyler sir knight w j lindsay committee sir knights dr it k anderson jao mcdowell g g chisholm h newell ii m bradley n mecauum v e bmdlep wor sir knlghe w j lindsay ennductad the election and tnatauation neocy leonard stltt oboras are given all with the real savor pf the transportation world aradbgpthe stories is the following pretty play on words credited to the maple leaf the new york cluba rqagazjue a member of the new yprk city canadian club recently mad a hying trip lo canada after ompleung his business ho went over o in ela tion to see about bis reservation let me have aleeping acoom modatlon to new york hetfild to the man at the window r por a single passenger no lie replied im married but im going alone this time a sin gle shelf will do upper or lower asked the agent you understand of eourae the lower is higher than the upper the higher price is far the lower berth if you want it lower youll have to go higher wo l the upper lower than the lower in other words the higher the lower then why do they all prefer the lower 1 inquired tlie traveller on aooountof itsnponveaisnoe the agent replied meat person dont like the upper although it tower on account of it beingahigher and becau wh you oocmy an upper you havo to get up logo to bed and then you get down when you get up i would advise you to take the lower although its- higher than tlie upper for the reason i have stated that the upper i lower bsoause it is higher you can have the low or if you pay higher but if you an- willing to go higher it will be rower too deep for me replied the man ill ride in the smoker where i can sit up when 1 sit down ourjselsmj is etjlers nuun the threatened polatoc famine lu the section of western ontaste will be molded as the importation of potatoes train new brunswick and other eastern voinu is mborteclto be lieavj during the last few weeks the railways have handled many oar loads of potatoes which have bean shipped to western ontario tha wholesale potato trade is reported brisk up until a few days ago hat it is stated ihat one carload was of fered as low it 1 is a bag the importing of potatoes was nude ne- oessar by the failure of the potato crop in this section of the province due to the wet weather wholeeelere have purchased large quantitjs and the supply will no doubt he lares enough to aeet tha aaassnrl a

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