Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 5, 1927, p. 2

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poa 3 tna aaoaarmrot hbbam jonuary 8th im7 b blithe mtrrlagae ud death ore am chargad for at the fouowln ntaal birth boel ramrru boj i1i aoe manorial cards 50c loe par una extra for poetry leslie born mckfauo iaixtowri thi sunday f bad 1027 to mr nd un j nf tfmxtio h ort l t l mcuw jowiy 3olm loioub n mmmotiam boiiemlllirj loving memory of y uasr bcolaer who pesaaa away january 7od ims maw god wbo keaps account o mil waoa eye dotb bot kupi sans lib lll aualcbty wing our lotad oa aafaly kfi elbst the malu aim of the waaltly news- papejrjitorsye newt of its own dis trict rmotlhlstiowiistiot-ally- obtained and uo editor can cover it all without osslstnnoo especially is 4bja tale wbeu you have visitors many of tie lsdler think that person als ore the moat interesting reading lathe whole paper your visitors ore usually glad to have theirnamee appear so send theu in sometimes the people coma in and give the im- rjimiltm that they aw taking a favor whan they want ui to intert the nausea of their friends who have been attending ofew daya with them no person need feel that way about giv ing ua newt it ma for we are glad to gat them til dcdcd reeve aai b br emacttagal ike h one of the lun1 friendly election eotileetii that lins been 111 id ill the iwn of wiii fo womo tli unehoase took plaoo an monday lt when tfui ntlupith ulmtutl the reeve and dopuiy4tve fur tlifl your wi7 the otitt wa- keen ami tlte voti poltt r6utl iih follow j lu hpraat 28 lb milton heights 40 2a nnrvul 24 9b-llaruby- 8 stewarttown 87 4 dubllu 21 8a thompson ooroors 3h 3 27 bb limehouso 24 m c glenwtlllams 00 163 124 s 3 3d 3a 97 h8 g mnl john newtfia rttururwl hoine frutn tioalph hoapttatyu momlayl mtd u ieaovntttig vary llcaly ulw iwr operation mr uid mr wm rulott of uuelph upmiit now vimtrn with mr uiul mm lkuarty- mlt nwhie l l iwtuvued horn from toronto ufmr rrpr tit week with frindn arthur latin in homu fur tho lutll- du wo were socry to luuir of uw dvuth of mr thonuu arthur hut wvdfc ha npnt tait of hu lifwtlm iu km- qtiming baafon uoittg to the wt rrfcrl greet total- 3t4 600 43 majority for lmlla v mniorit for gowdy 104 high school retkhl ihe nwnm nre gtven in uider of the total number of marks obtained the flguiwafatr the tiaohm denotn uw numlier of aubjoau in whinh honor atandlligfta per ceilfc or over wua obtained konn iv m kiiiiihiv 7 ii minimi 2 u a1uou u junuhtoii i jt it m btull 2 k lloluer 2 jthiokuy j l c lia enlerlainmeol and sacred caniala qborobrown ehurohaa do not differ materially from thoae in ttelghboring towns in the matter of ohurch flnuioea onoe in a while we aaea ehnmh whoae membera look wl after iu treaanry but in the teat majority of inataneee he ohoreh membera are not living up to their privileges of being cheerful giv m there ate people who can well afford to inoreau their contrlbatlona who eotuider they tre doin g their part by tiring fifteen or twentysve oenta ainnday others whocan not afford it give aa ranch the real crown will rest on their heads the person who is tborooghly seised with he importance of the mission of the chnrch the only reck in the present tea of restlessness and who bat itemed experimentally of thtf- value of generous giving has entered a field of service that is unknown to the lukewarm giver te co a number from here took in the aselal in connection with the guild at union morval young people try ably famishing the program a aplendld tea waa aerved at the close of the entertainment and all report having a very enjoyable time together oae item regarding mr j town- ends death in last waekaiatne which we inlntentianauy omitted vmm the pallbearers who were his six grandchildren namely gordon stringer willie stringer w e townsend and willie hnntjr also hoy and arthur mokeown both or aeton ur if lyons our enterprising thresher haa just completed hia ataaona threahbig this week and re ports havingdone a good trade ilr and mrs b bnrgets and fam ily have moved to the credit forks wa are tarry to lose such estimable oltimct from our midst but we wish sham tomeaa in their new home mr charle slmpldni had the mis fortune to fall on the hard pavement oa the stoop recently fracturing bis arm mr george coulter of toronto apant new years with his parents haw a dumber of our citizens took in the firemans ball at georgetown on friday evening and allreport an cauint time mlaseramenally of georgetown spent new years with her parents her mr walter hayward ofguelph apant the week end with terra cotta friends mr and mrs hilts of georgetown apant new years with their daugh ter mrs j marehmant of this place large gatheringi both tuesday and wednesday evenings of last week were delighted and inspired by the presentation of the sacred can tata the glory of tho lord in the united church it wit the occasion of the annual sunday school enter- j tainment and following a abort pro gram of dialogues recitations and drilla which were exceedingly well rendered this splendid biblical story was wonderfully and beautifully portrayed by the young people of khe church the senior and junior choirs and the sunday school orches tra the stage settings were arranged to represent toenet in bethlehem and the players appeared in oriental cos tumes making thpresentatione most effective the anthems by the church choir and choruses by the junior choir were beautifully rendered while the selections by the sunday school orchestra under the able leadership of mr u g meir added greatly to the evenlngt performance the manger aoene tableau waa very beautiful and the cantata throughout waa magntficlent and most appropriate for the occasion prof mtouren very ably presided at the organv during the evening while the piano accompaniments to the various aolos were played by misses maud modonald and jean adams hnoh credit is doe to all who took part in the evenings program for the able manner in which they perform ed their various parta and especially to mr h b mimma who waa res ponsible for the training through out the oriental furnishings were kindly loaned through the courtesy of mr levon babuyan of babayans limited toronto iftgt on sunday afternoon ifcw 20th a special ntsetlngof halton-obapler- b am was held in tlia lodge room for the purpose of frateral greeting to itt ex comp it corke now of st hyacinths quebec there was n good attendance of the member who took this opportunity of doing hon our to the original first principal of the chapter th feature of i lie meeting was the presentatloir of a silver platter suitably inscribed to rt bx camp h corke the presentation being made by ex comp j t cam eron and the address being read by ex comp h o melr rt kx camp j110 v marr of quelph ex camp b g arnold and most of the original offioers of the chapter made felicitous remarks in acknowledgment of the services of rt kx camp h corke to halton chapter the latter replied in on interesting manner giv ing some of his experiences since re moving to his new home after the chapter was closed the members remained luformally to spend an hour in exchanging good wishes with mr corke who was re turning to st hyacinths next day oattvea am 8dety following is the report tor deo- emlien- applications far obildren 3 children brought to shelter 2 children involved during month 22 complaints received 3 investigations made 6 mall received 78 moll sent out 1b9 mileage approximately 323 office interviewi 9 wards heard from 4 wards placed 1 wards returned to shelter 1 warnings given 1 one ward operated upon for ap pendicitis one word was married one ward waa legally adopted some very fine little boys for place ment we have one boy who is 13 for placement w h stewart ashprove on friday evening december slat the members and friends of the u f y p o held their annual aattlng at the home of mr and mrs t browaridge the business of the yaar was reviewed with satisfaction tfca timimui atateaent was pro- nounoed encouraging the mem bers were again asked to enroll for the coming year an invitation waa extended to all farm bore and girls to come and oin their own organisa tion an interesting report of the convention wot given by the of le gate after the holiness of the even ing had been transected end obeers appointed the programme varied when oar hostess coma in and an nounced that the oysters were ready to be eaten we were ushered into til beautifully decorated dining room when all did ample justice to the delicious repast set before them after the inner man had been more than tatlafied there were speeches recitations readings eta but when the clack ahimed the old year out all stood on their feet and welcomed the now wear in while the following lines were read by the leader the now leaf everybody shook hands and wished oae another a happy new year each one telling of tome good rteolution he or she had mode for the new year which we have just entered jgtw a m0t tujoyahle social hoar wot then tpent a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the host and hostess and the singing of bleat be the tie that binds and gad save the king brought a happy evening to a close all going home feeling that they hod made a start in the proper direction for the beginning of the new year while operating an electrically run sausage machine friday r j armstrong batcher of hilton bad the misfortune of having the top of hii iadai finger taken off st ceaffte s s bskritbanwtfa the annual prue giving and en tertainment of st georgea sunday slhool took place on thursday even ing last december 30th before a capacity audience each class in the sunday school took part and the splendid drills action songs dialogues and short sketches performed to splendidly by the children reflect great credit on the teachers and were warmly received by the audi enoo a short play in two acta waa very well dona by tome of the teach ers in the sunday school aa waa alto the drill and new years message put on by the girl guides the hector before presenting the prises spoke very highly of the work of the sunday school congratulating the teachers on their splendid work week by week also paid a warm tribute to mr fred monally who had done inch faithful work aa superin tendent for the patt ten years every boy and girl in the sunday school moieved a prise and the singing of the national anthem brought a very enjoyable evening to a close 0 stew vsub aw ceaatjr by a law which earns into forae hut april the county council is now responsible for half the cost of main tenance of indigents from this county in hospitals sanitariums and other inadtatioua wbereaa formerly the town village or township whereia the patient last resided was toddled with this expense aa it now is the county pays half and the minor municipality that the party comes from the balance a uniform rota of 1b0 per day has been set aa the mivlmnm amount these institutions may oharge for maintenance of each of such patients form iii p saxe 6 g suther land j bolger 3 f molnughlliil c ross 1 e btocklord 20 frump ton 1 j walhuw 2 n hancock 2 a leslie 1 jlluok2 l graham 1- a hume 0 stockford 1 j bird ir modonald 1 c kirk 1- j mc dermld 1 p betsey 2 it harris 1 p vannutter 1 b heath 1 form ii nmaily 8 rcriohton 4 g plckeriug 1 e mccumber 3 c l deans 1 j dllly 9 i thompson 2 ferpayiib lj moaulta jonietr h lawson 1 c dculson 2 g sar gent 1 l cola i eitliompson c kentnor form ii cominerelol w lolllsr 1 c allen w king r bell 1 form i e mcdonald 4 m glffeu 8 z graham 4 8 htaudlsh 1 e glass 3 a bolger 2 donlsoii 2 v morrison 3 ii monally 2 e ashniow 2 jbrawn 2 o dickie 1 f ferguson 3 v hrantford 1 f bludd 3 e lucas 2 n taylor 1 hotel smith 2 m bludd 3 j mc donald 2 w stull m erwln 1 m mokenrie 3 m kirby 2 0 mc cullough 3 l held c molaughllu m boyle l bulllvant 3 k wright e marshall form i coramerclall saunders 6 f larusso 4 r moenery 4 k hepburn 6 m collier 3 m graham 2 h bell b c avery 2 o davis 1 m norton 3 perfect attendance and punctuality form iv j crichton form ii n bally r cricbton j harrison form lb a bolger g hurley form la l wilson w vint r bark- holder uz hihmiujeautualarltm it may be interesting just at pro sent to publish the estimates for 1928 which were pasted by the county council quite recently they are aa follows mothers allowance 7000 public school 3200 high school 48000 administration of justice 8800 roads and bridges 1800 goal 1600 printing boo interest 6200 county properties 3800 light and insurance 200 municipal government 4300 house of befage 8300 childrens shelter 2800 debentures and interest 72620 miscellaneous accounts in cluding highway aoaount 4000 interest re oakvllle bridge 2700 etc it 648 miscellaneous grants 1500 to apply on overdraft 1000 hospital charges 680 j a splendid opportunity to add to the home needs jat a great saving selling out closin out our entire stock of crockery china and glassware h ere an j the ere i jug coe for jugs 78u for 4lu mo lugs win for b9ir jugs110 rirti 7u ueallopa 69o for ue seallops 4bc for 38o buallopj 3tfe for 2u cupsuml saucers 3 for 28c cups anil saucers 40o to 60c for 28c copt ami biiucerh fancy shupes and a variety of pnctorus french and engirsh mokes from hhi to 128 all a big reduction dinner seta 97 planet best english inako 3498 for 27b teapots 60n fur 8uc bin platen per liuir dm slub for 8189 rriawrrtriminic7fqr7i 7iiir for ode bill ptuliis uoe hulf itnz fruit dislloj fll hairdos for ble tea sots s for iuii broad anil celery tmyj 4225 fur139 tlreodwd celery trays 27s ror 8141 nut and fruit bowls 2 so lrl9 cake plates 140 tor ohi- e french lornose roso paitani large soiipturine 1260 for 79s m6r cymlsw are on th way to cmliada from scotland it u x- pxud that iu yvavs imfnrta will run lo iso record anc tha war ovor million christmas trvas hava baan kmpnad from mw bnuia- wlek uajinlud btataa uarkats fu astliaus basad on axnortaof soma koo ear- loads tvarttlna 2000 trass to the about 1k0 francocanadians from the prairie provinces travailing undar tits auspleav of the surviv- snee fratualss arrived in mon by special canadian paclfie hallway train at the windsor stratt station recently to spand christmas and new year in ths provlnee of their wria i therevenuee in the tooountlng offloes in halton county and the vic inity for the year were as follows acton 896011 balunafad 18bt6 bronte 148l7s burlington 984304 camphellvilla 1877bo freeman 201409 georgetown 1008398 glenwuuams 71118 hornby iwabb milton 1028346 moffat 48948 norval 111794 oakvlllo 1826882 palermo 42l11 port nelson 106683 stmeuviue 242677 waterdown 218106 lte ftfomci following it a itatemanr regard ing the expenditure in connection with the community christmas tree a norrington candles 3960 a norrington oranges 2840 w e wataon paper 1700 0 ruddy alga 100 r h thompson star 200 t grieve taxi service 200 total 7100 awojmt aaeat at aataa the vacancy caused by the retire ment of ii b holmes the veteran agent of the canadian national roll way at acton will be oiled by mr william mlddletan of bretlau mr middleton haa bean agent at bretlau for the pott twenty years and it an experienced raowoy man total 184046 lut eftke cksvlll tsoaedy judge tytler dismissed without costs on action brought by mary marks against roy a stewart aeon stable geo marks the plaintiffs son wot killed by the constable dur ing a scuffle int ear after he and three companions had been arretted on the highway near cooktville but july the mother asked for 2000 and the dismissal was by consent f7peca english dinner seu best mukh 3898 tor 2095 7pecu dinner bets fine ahlna rota pattern 4800 mul hsoo yalies for 3900 cut glass in many beautiful pieces fruits servers liohbont butters votes avn 7plsce cut gloss water nets 150 for 1 19 cut glass tumblers 3 for 28c cut oluss tankards 98u for 79o teapou 49o for 39c tcapou ffllkffor 49c casterole 198 for soups 179 half doz jardlneers 828 far jardlueers 480 far 169 141 198 298 jardlneers 178 for 149 jardlneer 128 for 98e jardlneers 100for 79c brass kettle 195 for 1 69 a host of useful and pretty pieces in vases odd jugs troys bonbona- tugtrt creams artjpottery figures etc a cleariug of aluminum ware roasters cockers pudding seu 4c 138 for 89c i selling onlilens furnishings we are doting our oqr preoent atock of all lineaof men a and boya wear we have a large atock of aerviceable dependable guaranteed mens wear all at clearing pricea if you are alert you can pick tome real moneyaaveri juat apace for a few sample pricea mena hoavy fine weave fleeaellned mens work and dress shirts 180 119 underwear 100 for 79o mens heavy all wool underwear reg 180 far 119 ment work and drett thirtt l2b 9se mens work and dress shirts 200 180 mens pants and overalls 178 139 mens pants and overalls 280 219 selling out all lines of furniture at prices that will save you money large reed arm choirs and rooken 2800 for 1000 we tava you 1800 simmons bed mattress and spring walnut finish cane pane ends 3398 for 2408 we tave you 900 a beautiful out oak dining suite buffet table 6 chairs 6 chairs and 1 arm 168 for 12900 we tave yon 3800 we tave you big money on every piece of furniture in stock special clearing pricw on all una of floor cowringt it eomla you nothing to mxaminm thm good a aa mfuaa sale starts monday january 3rd 1927 at f jacksons georgetown voty clralca hardwoad bcb mad upu 400 ur ilaala cord ckolc hardwtwi tlubs tsts par u cord relsdriu sxs0 mr tttutt cami mimma wood v00 ptv tlajtu cord tw la au ood ouad dry wood sod al tbrw irteoa u mod buyla satutacuoa guaima- tj j braajlord boh 400 pboar 1ss r4 qtortlowa 1 heres the overshoe that solves the question the question of tailormade s the question of adjustability to any sis leyl the question of protecting skirts from bockle teem the question of buckles opened by oaet hohooa the question of perfect fit warmth and llrflilnata the question of concealed fasteners the new aijmu overshoes mode exdoarnlybr this firm not only answer all these questions but in quality fit and appearance so far outdistance other overshoee that there is ae own caw avalw aff essr self ajjuutf ossrsbts try ttierr u no subslltule for tl fort made only by the maker of i jfebuoy rubber footwear the kaufman rubber co united 3 kitchener out dbrillco georgetowtt skates thm ifhejdmlu almttlnmntops wcmto seasonable suggestions oo h tmbetskattiafajsopar pr ooic hoekey bluatea ballard tab hktttea almaaotalmskataa hoekey buoka btelkha futhughu pan kntvea ooavater waupona kiddle oara bleetvle heatera toaatera eleetrlo table idaaaaa hot plates coaumnnitw plate silver wtere baevae eleetrlo irona caarattteed 10 years beevao bleetrle vao- oavua cleaners eleetrle waimag ottavoliibea and baacea mr parmer or heat poultry panacea is guaranteed to giv results or it dots not cast you anything get a package and start your hens laying while the price la good oyster shell 128 per 100 lb bog see oar btoek of mitts and gloves barware plmnbtog electrical wiring and sheet metal work r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown areordlng to a vacant atatamant ef e w bsatty chslrmab and prasldsnt of canadian poelfle bollway ths record of the railways eowfrion stock aa at june soth 1mm indleatee that mm per cant is held in oreat britain 1su per esnt in canada and 16 par esnt ur the united suits all previous records have been broken by ths salmon pack in brit ish columbia for 1mk it is setl- nated that the total pick- for this yttr whan til veturnt ore in rlll be in round figures m0ooo eoaee the nttrest tpprcteh to this waa in 1924 whtn slightly mere than 1100- 000 eases were put up early in june next year it is an nounced a regular airplane service between chleoutlml montreal and toronto will be tntuirurated by the canadian transcontinental almsoye company t corporation whleh boa juat recslved its utters patent the alvplanes or hydroplanes will make steps at riviere du loup qasbee three blvers montreal and ottawa nearly a tea ef mlstlstee wotted he tweetness on the evtlett air of the canadian pacific kxpratt com panys ysrds in vontrtal at christ inas tlms it arrived from pranee and entltnd via the canadian psv elfle steanuhlp mentnalrn and was boxed in twentytwa erttea of whleh twelve vert deatlned for new york and the balance for distribu tion in this elty two hundred and ninetyrear vas sal of bkm5 grcee tons and 4utt net tans werbuut in canada and registered during ths year ims according to the dsnartttsnt ef murine and fisheries weed vtttelt built ecnslatsd of 140 sailing ft steam and 182 motor and metal vs- eela of i sotting and 8 steam of the total tonnage 21448 waa atttmr bntable to british columbia lljbtrt torn to ontario 7870 tons tt qae bee and 2102 to nova scotia new aftertlsettttls a lurgm tli qubc btwior la sratcu condition alto n in rl on bona bob alaiflta and cual ou atftvt u proa- an ouaan st up maaciviavvav wamtaa apfiif la owo baadwrliuw in flrtt lo- uaeoioboxb haraljjomea atrial aai oo docaaibar 37th ladlai iabu bmwaaauru wuutiamtwaoaadc n station pindar statu ratura to ftfn ma whilaawob go4oh ffiraat up rvala aa rood aa otw una livlu room aa i alaluar jlaar a bargain 0500 ball aland s00i lajva dialw room dot turallo00 phonamot up oamtakar wasta caraukar for icoajc praabytarun cburcb duilaa to romrnanrt van lat por ortbar parllculara apply to o t mckay it 4vtfceir now it iha ilrna to cat your arlcuj- lural umf whtn ih lalataw la vtmkl 1u5 par loo fralght paid call dad a aampla alio print ad matter oa how to lima waltar h pbona 152 mocrv agaat 5tp black whla and un raala botind u lnctsrt high fiont faat and laa wbtr pottod wlib un ettwn tntbaoaawot dtclt ai aaan oa saturday dacam- bar i5ib pindar puaaa botlly william hull it p oaoivatowit or nboaa jobo millar 65 r 16 goorffatomi uawaid it nw thaln fnr autn owntar phoa 06 y up oalua ya ftraja- wall trvj coiila pupa for ula w h pldjiar pbona 101 rl ooorcatowa nor val po if ta karnt houm on markat strart balonffinf u oaorga a hanry for aala or rant can tratly tocatad poaaaanion jan lit ap ply to joaaph wataon oaorgttowna tl 6 room houa on mam st fumara bard and loft watar rant 16- apply j a abardaan quaan st qaorgatowa i 6 rooawd boiaa on murdock siraat alactric light watar naida aawly raaova tad uomadlata poiumlon apalr to i t arnold tl large quantity of mod dry hardwnod alao larga quanilit of good dry cottar for ynduog mixod wood alwaya oohand prtcaa aa tiaoaj cath oa dilvary proatm aarvlca w eaumvaoa paoaa as oacrgatow if baac clavar bonay tso par hoaayis t2c p lb jcft ana st oaorgatowa rr no i fiftfilnsuiunce l tr unjuit 6cwitt attkufkr teeuef ike ureaarati cea rhsjaswrkkstlaaueaaee aro you pmbbaatad rl i

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