Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 5, 1927, p. 4

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lf paok 4 tlik gkoitflktown itrulam- uillllir fth idgfl j if you can keep your hair when all about you at ehaarlng theirs and wanting you to too if you ean hold your tongim when other mock you but make allowance for their mocking too if yoi can force your heart arul nurve and iimw to kp your hair long after lhlr is on lo it when theres nothing ob fbold the will which waya li you if you can talk with crowds and ltei ji your loeka too or walk with shlekmnor lmu- mir common wnw if neither foes nor hiving f hernial un hurt you if women dub you freuk in nilf d ftuw if you can unillu uith not u hut in iu you if you can sigh hut never shed a uar yours la the earth and everything iliui h in it and which is more voull be u tody dear by v l luiepnerdiii harper mag azine etedttl ticket 0ws in for leful tickets hlu the mivithbl7hn k eus aowetiiuefi mine home to nuhit but thi ivjonl for lornunu it bj one just received b pa cenortnumt ot the cnnririlan nation al railwoati dated 1r7u uilli u niggeetion that there nmj be souie ifund coming ity and if so irluill up glad if you will semi it toiue the ticket in question in uu exeur- tioq ticket iaaued by tlie tirund trunk railway at portland maine under the title of centennial exuiihiou ticket entitling the hulder to it jonmey from portland to imiilndil- phia and return to utteixl tint reii tannia it hi signed by sirlwepli hifikton at general munuger mill punch marks show it having been used aa far as detroit the inter which accompanied tin ticket signed by i p smith of port land me states in looking orj uum old papery belonging tomj late father i found the enuloand ticket while i do no ever remember mv father who was over oight ut the time of hlu death mentioning ha ing been to the centennial at philadel phia in 1876 and the tiuket only showe having been punched u couple of time the thought octmrt lo me that thera may hewnae refund i ora- ing on it and if so twill be ghul if you will tend it to me thera wa no refund due but the 70 year old ticket bos been added to the collection of the old graud trunk records in the caimdinn nntmnnl archives taxi in foreign lands need no spewed limit careofpigsinwinter ubmtitctem oil iiiikkv kku of nimmkk hhk skkiiku mi 14 an lntmtrtmn4 vmriur iii mmim wiluu- w moliln mmj tlombaltid aerlamiu tr6iiliit l u i humane society reward cpr hero h recognition of his heroic m lion when at grent personal risk he rfgeuet a lady from belnif crushed under a trumrar jonopli tummaro clerk ant stenographer in the investigation deportment of the canadian pmdfli railway had been nreiented with a eittilunito of the iloyul canadlar humane asaodation in the ofjleea of the department nt wimlmr street the presentation was made by jfrlcqrnenit e de d tunet chief ol the department of investigation who in hundniir over the nurchment to mr tetnraaro atatod the whole department uns proud to think he had so dla unwished himself at the rlik of his llfo for an entire stranger it was a very gallant action and one that they all admired mr tammaro in reply sold hu uoulu rjt lufltalc to repeat it if thf occasion arose the accident occurred in july 1023 on st cnthfrlne street a lady craning the thoroughfare fell on the tram cur tracks n n car v as approaching the conductor had no time to pull up and she would imvo been run over but far the presence of mind of mr turn mum who drapuid her to safety at the cost of spraining hu ankle ill shu lm mm mm la lb llms f llhlmhm 10 till rii lllmtf eaw a very ommlav mi mt ffl raa rmfiiff inu i4mi tasl af all iav r vera ml taalsffr 141 tl wmmriiwu jlnrirluas al jspaift carling brewerj and exporting oompony of london will otldtn their already large plant at n rowt of about 250000 ps ftfe a b willson tmrfta ye te sn mary stuart v tinutm tuooa platb thumph tt toll i i ilmtff irr hd mom a tlhwnmh at tftsur u aotan pike tudor plate ytssmsujusscr j 1tmnvmxh26eta real estate tvooooo kiihi irilmxn 1m nirtw light loam land tit tin pot a to dimtnit lurge lumk btrth impleniuut huuu sheepuiid hog peiitt 7rooiu house 8 mi ion from oraugeville 5 from hillmhurg goiml higlmnj terms to mint pitrehiiiier j a aberdeen eetat braker georgetown bra l plwaesi he rri n gtons east end meat market choice homekilled beef sliuuldfr runht rounil drhqituri 12c ijifulp or elmiik ruiwt 14i tliicu nil ninit lti plnln 11 plunk li sten liwl is prllui nli li itiiinp nkixt uhuli ur luilf lflr hounil nunk miimi isi hiiuiiil hlunk 20c mlrliim uliik 22c i ii mmk 2- inrk hiiusiiut 18t theie prices are caab if iii iiinl i unu ijiioiii ur m ut know ami ui mill lu ultl tuiall sirvirii our motlii phone 108 georgetown sell your cream at home where yn can get ike highest grade and the best price opea every salnriiy nlgfel georgetown creamery co m saxe manager f ajraau ror aulatta oraaaaoav- abators call ana aaa tbau 688i888fl8b8jq8q8fl86868s888s8q elaveil leiwiauy it la not reoaonabla to accept laae interne than you can obtain with complete safety of prladpal ualtad first ifohsag uonds pay 7 per cent and safeguard your capital they are never issued to more than 00 per oast of this com pany a own appraisal of the value of the property securing the issue in several inttan- eea where buildings have been sjoldubswquent to the issuance of bonds the bond lasue spon orad by tie boa been leaa than 50 per cent of the price paid mr oiebultding there t no beiu money than a completely safe guarded first llortgage bond upon a eelected property ho ccnaervatlvely appraised la ne aeaul van 4ialk ef tha isssms aaurtsui uv uaked road f ompmy aer erity for homrd c wd pr war brown vlmpm and usnuvr tan bn st inpril bnk rssito wig windmi loml raprnaniitlve ft r mimms omwiooti onurio another opportunity of obtaining your favorite blend of dominion stores high quality tearat a very remarkable saving during our gigantic tea sale domino blend tea r 65c lb hlb 33 ilb lto r 77 bu ol ceyloa d isitua tj luncliy laperud by ut tuh tbt richmello tea 75c lb i z ral t nmmmi oar aicfcsvllo eutd hich i blet1 ol thr finni tr inm vhjthrm ladta lyloa ssd nofthtt isdls vu ui i tw drllchud with thai blnuj dal bulk tea rt 59c ib 55c lb jam afch st georges e while u uu raisins the mjtus sessltu 2 lbs 27c is oi eaittr wj ibc clwiusajrru cooking figs 2 lbs 21c candied 0ru peel 27c lb santa clara prunes lirf slie 2 lbs 29c flexo hie bow ecobmlictl soap flake 23c pkg cilileraia stale tta asparagus 23c pocket siu safety d matches 21c dalmoal crushsd pineapple n 2 tie 27c ukj imnplne our nifwliirn cities wltliojt ta or worse mill without a speed limit one in mrustomed to step into a taxi and reah a destination many blocks or mile awny in the space of a few mompntn yet within n speed limit or all would he liuotlc confusion with taxis runnlnie wild through the titles thxis und spetil are two words synonymous in the united stotns and elsewhere then are however many countries en pari til l in the imme- moreul i j out uhiih use conveyances nniitterlng the mime purposes for hhlrh no spoul limit is needed they moe alontrlti the leisurely waypf the orient and vet meet the require ment or turn lo in those ancient lands the aednn chair said to he named frdm sedan frnnre where it was first made or ued l uited extenpliely n china it i made for tarrylnc a tingle person and is tiaunlly hornn on poles by two men in lions kong rirkshaa are alee used on the lower levotsoftha city but the sad an chairs are used on the hills the ilnriekeha of japan la the nearest approach to a taxi for this thing thai at times nearly bowls one over la the mantaid of the bast the rubher- tired braas- lamped white cushioned vehicle possibly peklaghaa the greateat collection of atrange foreign taxut nf any hly through the chlsn mao the front door of faking come strings of doublehumped longhaired ilartrlan camels from the gobi desert bringing the very breath of thiv desert with them and a11 the mystery of the mongolian wastes the next vehlrle that may enter the chlen men the mouth nf that fabled dragon whose eyes are two of t heother nine gates and whose body is the breathing city itself la the peking cart this is drawn by a little grey donkey ulth a atrlng of clear ringing bells this la a small compact twowheeled iprlnjitcm con trivance coiereu in blue and it is eometlmee drawn by mules arrayed in silver harnesses a similar convey one la also favourtnl by the japanese who call it a sado the camelcar of india is about the oddest looking taxi of them all and it never breaks tne speed limit camel- bark too is a very populnr mode of transportation and not too bad for abort dlfitanres the native omn also play the part of turia in lndlj tfiealght of tjjem h trapping larp off far hotels i a fait rate of speed and thesight m them dropping larrh suit cases on twfrbatus und atari inn is just one of theunuiuhl thinm whlih fiaxunsera on the canadian paclilc iner fcinprrm af scotland ulli uee on the tloand the world re mir winter whlrh leuves w york on december 2 and ruuirna in april 12 f band at arena -on- tuesday saturday evenings trail riders finish romantic journey w tf ff acevalesde ef 2b0 horsemen the trail rldere of the cenedlan rocklee whoee lone rldae and ax- plolta over the twlated tralla ef tha top oi the world have become claaale returned recent to lake loulae from uielr annual ride tbua adding another romantic pare to the hlatory of this organisation in the wast their return wu atrangely allant and different in fact than one might without thinking eipect no undue ceremonial or eong terminated the mountain journey of these men and women from ell parts of america and europe for being true nature lovera they had in their communion with the alienees of the mountains found the aolece therein the aplrlt of their ortlr was they knew a reverence for the majesty end beeuty of neture thslr homage had been paid and thslr journey ended they would revel in the memory of it silently for they had learned aa aomeone has put it that great joye like great grlcfaareallont dut the sptrita of the rldsra on the trail at all times ran high while camped on the flat heights of pt msrgin pess a rodeo was held with no end of local weatern color llerry knight canadian bucking horse chsmplon ouy wsadlck of calgary stampede feme dill bugby chief buffalo child lone lance end many other well known figures in the west accomplished the trail riders this rodeo wee carried on et en altitude of 8000 feet end brought ebout an important diecovary amongst the dentist of the pert it wss found thst s horse thst bucked four feet into the elr st the calgary stampede wu only capable of e ti r j 111- harge of t stampede eliov the clouds foot lesp at thla high altitude guy weadlrk waa in charge of this novel the great tovwow which took place in tho ptarmigan valley on august 14th combined the lllders of two nsrtles which hed set out from banff end lake louise with plane to meet at thla point the two eartlea met on the second day near laker lake a picturesque seene they mid with their bright scarves fluttering ee the long line of hones centered do n the trells perhape moat pictureujue of ell the group of philadelphia school girls in their breeches end cowboy hate all eipert riders snd aplandldly mounted each was eager to earn the gold button of the trail riders given to those who have ridden 600 miles in the aaddle artists writers scientists explorers end othere ol internatlonsl reputation made up the parties in the ranks of these loyal devoteee of the trail were men with auch distinguished titles ea duke de leuehtonnerr count of beaubaraolaj and tho if erqulae dai- blssj other prominent membere who recently completed the ride at lake louise were if orley roberts john aturray oionoa lawrence j burpee aad madge uacbath all well known writers sad cerl ruagius leonard ruhauad rba a c leighten aad other prominent artists the directors hive decided that next year e ride should be els day one through the asajnlnolne cooatry covering over iso miles on the third day this party will be lei threeay or- earth creek party will be joined by a contingent through sal k aaii ivt baut considerable effort haw- bvtti pendf d in attrutts to discover ault- hble winter ratloaa fur younu ptos during the siiinuir wbui pigs are at fctautura rlfktti mid outeupurosls are tiulte rare oceurrauote issturi uram yltlds uu abundance ot ull the iv eeutly studied vltuiiilnee and ho aa part of tli ration aupplus thv ueeda in uiftabollstu end prevents he eon dltloh kuown aa rlukets wluter plge bed a wlutxr subttttuif for pasture of a tw tuat resembles green grow- lu grasy and can be fed lu k prac- tltsl wsy thu is beat supplied by a feafy jcguuio as well cured second crop ulfslra hay if the leavea ot the alfalfa arh well preserved and of a green color tbeu feed a quantity equal to flvv per cobt by weight of the grain ration sllnwrals audi aa grobnd luusuloiie ground phosphate rock and grouud boaetueal should also be fed in total quantity not ne cessarily exceeding two por eeat of the toal ration the alfalfa and the minerals win be veryetbcleut la pre- veutlug laruaneae riekets and par alysis in winter plga l steveusoa 0 a college ouelph ymutatya w vo hots ostieej by the rottndl wohu aeearw littavfarleoldea tha teru tbuwpe u used by most farmers to describe a lung dis ease of pigs there le a aulekened breathing and rapid heart action ueuy little pigs become unthrifty and othere die aa a reeult of the in festation it le during the bret few wet ks of the pigs life tjiat the round worms do meet of their particularly destructive work older pigs seem more resistant to the effect of worms fiifeavtauion tho pens and yards in whleh the brood sow and her young are kept are frequently well iubpltetl with worm eggs particularly bo if they have been used by alga for any length nf time the worm egge lying eg tin door or in the yard are picked up by the plge either while rooting or nursing the aowe udder le fre quently wet and in contact with the flour thereby gathering the egg if present on the teata ready to be passed on to the little pig during the rlft feeding how be uoewe oettm rkwayms soon after the eggs are swallowed by the young pig they batch if ripe and the young worms ar liberated in the stomach ana laleaune thau ver minute young worms burrow in to the wall of tho bowel and reach the blood stream eventually reach ing the heart and lunge thla takee about twentyfour hour from time nf hatching once the wurme reach the lungs they grow and develop quletl for about a week then they burrow their way into the large air passages this causa an irritation with coughing the coughing brings up mucous aad worms which era swallowed by the pig the worm passeon to the intestine where they hecoinet attached and remain until they reach maturity on maturity the females lay muuoaa of egge which are passed from the intestine and eventually infest the yarda and pens the presence of the worms la the heart and lunge te responsible for trje disordered breathing and heart action aeen in the condition that we rail thumps prevention r cuenl loses la the keynote in pre tention of saca rid or round worm infestation get the aow and her jarull out on the green a rasa away fnmi old buildings and pena if poo- ttilf if necessary to use pena scrub the floors with hot lye solution aad clean up generally bee that the sow is clean outside and in arrange for the cleaning of ihe pen and a supply or clean atraw every day flunehlae and clfsn ground to range over are great aide to the prevention or thumps l stevenson o a col lege ouelph varieties of foil turnip there la a limited acreage of fall lurnlpa grown in ontario each year 1 toot a of this class usually yield more per acre than the swede turnlpe but they do pot keep eo late into th win ter other namae for fairthtblps are aoft tumusand white flesh tornlas two variettea of fall turnlpe have hen urown under teec at the college la aeh of the moat eeventeen years aad the following gtvea the average annual reeulte in tone per acre or tope and of roote for each of tha varieties red top white olobe 4 0 and if s and cow horn i aad llt in ltli the fled top white olnhe gavi- sit and the cow ifom is 5 tons of roote per acre in com parison with these in the teat or the past year the buttons purple top mammoth gave lof the suttoae imperial oreen olobe ill and kel- we qreen olobe if tone gar acre uulteemllk far chlrka chick fd buttermilk until they are 41 to 12 hour eld will give them a belter saiv off than water alone when the rhijka are aral placed la the brooder they ahould be given all the freeh butteretug they care for it is better than water because it gives ihe chicks store strength and allows th digestive syxeui to get in belltr working order the unas orchard the ideal home orcha d ahould oo n tul an several kude of fry it repre sented in many eaoee by a onslder- ehi number ur varieties rlpenlnv one after another ver a lonkuejlod jtrgi- yields good shipping quality jid utiritleneee in hppesrunce all ray he made secondary to high dee- rt quullt or apeeul excellence for iuklig pjrpoaoa a wild row of tho polled ahbur breiml eauaad some egoileuint in uuiidnllc on shipping da thu un taial purchuaed from a farmer in ibe prey wan luuled on the tur ut the htimikunlh with tint other tjittle but before the door waa closed it made its exit anil won nut raptured until finally alio mo fthamlllaei auejatswdl standard anthracite scranton coal in all soloet teutap for dontoetio and tlirwabing purptieoe jrrditbing and caunal col fa faofa 1 carry ovarytblng to bo fount in ouy uptodau goal itnd wood yatd j john mcdonald puonfi iii eeeewewaeeeweeeaefcaee v hbrwwlinoiadh iiasanrance alevaey ja3ttj prtelexltd iklkltewrwlfli as elflmf ce timbfpsolt lasusance seavkk lllw tha time janaary 3rd 1m7 the plana gudph bosiness college guslph ont par tj satlmal laallbbs iwhviaaal latiriwam r tsiliwi tiytrieatta laa levcry aiatle ucales start jam 3rd all muck ivtodaalexwilvikriiir collections we handle collections only 38 years expsrisnee sneaks for itself asbunna efftdsruy and re liability kelly aiken cetlectms 0acavtlle nasi ooreej staoavi ref standard bank of canada j sanford stmwarhowa plumbings tkuaittaiflg lltsbajttuenritay wt hmstmrll cctvshmra a b tiw 1 coal beat d l v w scianton coal in all siieg alio smithing and sleatn coal mrs j wilktos noral 8atlnn ihlooorr4j- wanted now saletsus or ur sltlfw pey weekly exclusive stock end territory we crow the etoek we sell end deliver fresh dug hardy canadian trees- nursery 000 acrea felawnhsd 40 yeer write now- peeltuun nuvsmry cex toroato stoatwrio 8t fire insurance j ar immav eweiat agmufor aosaeof lae aireegest ce palee writ lag ineuroace ar you protototcjd wood mixed wum iter single nut or u cords for 5 also hardwood ut 37ti delivered in georajo- town j h smith phone url9 jkorgetow ladies suarssm scaus wctaunc nutnsc urn sbkomg tiy t otu phcem 1 rimiwimi ur mrs lilljlttra tfteetn v

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