Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 12, 1927, p. 2

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paoe 2 t tn oiobomowpi ei kb am taiinary 13tli 1997 births marriages and deaths are now charred foa at tho following nttee births 50c marriages doe deaths 50c memorial carda 60c j 10c par itneaxtis for poetty old and new town councils married cilahaefcociiuaneal milton on dactnber both 1926 iiy hev canon naftl mia dorothy m cochrane daughlor of f b cochran to chri- tophar graham wm of hithard crnlwm norvsl mr and mm graham villi r- alde at tiaoraatotf n in mtmoriam nevenflln loving momury of my uncle ur s novenswliu pussad away jan h war dear ones luv u shadow fall loving memory outlaslaatl- ever ramcmucrnl hy lhlr nl mabel nevona mclaughlin utt over i amims obiectiuu wuu rutuou in wwiklj court inst thursday by 8 v wash idgtoli k c to mr jusliie grnnt hearing a motion on iwlmlf of trafalgar township ugiinnt tluj county of llullon tlw motion rn wuuasb i the section objected to impobh1 rates od toe township uml niuiblo pro perty therein nutlet ii number of pmlal rating bylawa ur washington uuoluroil that in view of a case brought by iinlton county ngalnnt trafalgar township in vniubull the mutters involvfil are to be brought up the present motiun eerned rnorcly m attempt to aide traok the issue there nro aomo ver nice points of law involved and should dislike to decide it on affidavits i believe any judge will want to hoar the evidence of the reeves and wnrtlona who are familiar with tlw ease said the judge after the discussion of both hauiih ton and toronto it was decided that the greatest speed and convenience would be secured by trial nt tho milton attiies in march next mr manning council for tho town ship suggested that the legality of an agreement might bo decided on affidavits tim judge asketl if it was not the fact that the township got monoy from the county spent it on roadsand now refuseiho repay it on the ground that the agreement to do to was ultra vires onmr mnnu- ing admitting this the judge said the township had uliard hill to climb me sh htd true blue lodge no 303 george town report an increase in member ship and a vory satisfactory year at the regular dccombur meeting bro earl mecroigbt district deputy grand master conducted tho election of officers and at a special meeting the following officon wore installed by bro fred mennlly past ddo m w m mrs karl miicnight dm mrs peck chaplain mia a momdith rs miss eva monall vb mrs f mcnnllj treasurer mrs h dickie d of c miss n francis conductor miss n long i t mrs 8emplo o t mr a lewis pianist mrs ncuromiugs committee mis murshall mrs j long mrs w rouoy mrs a rob inson miss l mcnally degree mastors mr fred-mo- nolly and mr n cummings anditorr mr a robinson and mr f monolly silver wemla 4 we- uu knttw yew afarmcd tern uccasccs m make aafttrlrilm to ceaadl couiiuil of 11211 hold their t meeting ut 10t0 uro when a num ber of accounts went passed com munication wont read from willis chlpman d o cameron tourist association of ontario and tlie cock- sbutt banquet committee moved by lutrcuy seconded by ashenhurst tliat this council as the representatives of the people wish to thank mayor dale for the able and courteous wanner in whioh he has courteous manner iiiwliicli lie ha presided over the affairs oftbmoouu cil or the last live years during which time lie was mayor and also to thunk councillors duncan and long for their able work during tlieir term of ofllcc carried the uouncll or 1027 held their hockey reerring to jnnior hookey tnatoh at urangevllte last wm the banner of that town has the following georgetowns junior hockey outfit proved t lhtlo ion good for the oraiigevllle junior th champion- ship game staged oti the amna ice on monday night lust tim lint period was all in favor of tlw visi tors who mil in four goale before the locals managed toflnd thr nt mo nally held warley uul walt went the trimpshuotngiuugihi0 eadh harold bandarsoii counted tno for orangovlue nenr the oloat of the period httthy took unothorfor tho visitors in tltfl sotoud and kiug add ed the sixth in the ftnal period har old sanderson uegotuitd a isotmter for tho locals in wuih quarior nuking the final worn 63 for georgetown ttnr weroi georgetown goal holloway du- feiioo walten and huiuiy oentre held right wtug king luft wing ma n ally in i gibbons tost and coin owttigjuilla c it h gn o glenwiuiams miss emma beadmont of toronto spent the weekend with glen friends ajimi msrthu sjarohnutnt mtumed home on saturday ufut hpendlng u wmk with friends in toronto hnslness is uv its height in th woollrn mills as both plant a litivv taen working pvertlm kveryone is preparing for tin old tymtt daniw in tlietown hull mi kri ilny 2lmt ibbcwat a ouug licrrisuir wui uukrd to defend a tramp who was ajwusttd of stealing h watch thelatirrister pkiulwl utth all the ardor at his comma tut dniwltig u pathctk picture with siuih uonvliw fug energy that at tlto oloae of the argument the court was tn teat and eveiijbe tramp wopt the jury dellbetiited uud wan found tlie prisoner not guilty then the tramp draw himself up rwsjwasiasisjs your are interested in saving money now is the time out selling out prices on furniture and h shirley was so surprised to hear my voice vuu know i have rest a aoad dnul ultout isana duturtts ssr- vltnf ft this ufternoon i tailed my marrjd dsushur liu you mean hhlrlsy who nunc up to mormuiulll last sprlnff oa und do you know i could lieiif her o as distinctly as hcur yours hhlrley was so nurphsd and dsltjrhted that t h wants me to van her every uek tfl r 10th the silyer wedding anniversary of mr ano mrs anffus ijiwson of oeoreetown was colebrated on christmas day at their home mountain view farm 4th line euuesing when about thirty guests ottered to shower congratulations on the happy couple and to share in the banquet given in their honour the bride and groom of december 26th 1001 were recipients or many beautiful gifts and tliey also recoiv- od many messages of congratulations from their friend showing the high esteem in whioh they wore hold among tboso prosont were mr and mrs john mcdowell of erin mr and mrs aif marshal of connor mrs duncan currieorcampbellvllle mr and mnlt choate of brampton mrs d ross toronto- mrs osborne mjwm and harvey mcdowell or esqaesing mr and mrs bert mc dowell mr and mrs harry brown of acton their families and n num ber of others after the guests had partaken of the banquet the ovening was spent in uusio and gamos having had a very delightful time the gueu de parted wishing the bride andi groom many more years of health und hai piness unit meeting at 11 am january when tho followiug geutlemen having made and subscribed the nec essary declaration bf office took their seats as members of the council for 1027 i molntypy mayor m l near iteovo jf kelly wm as- honliurt w utrolay w c bessey l f dentaonvnd a h feller councillors tlu mayor outlined work off year briefly and usked for enoperauon of council ror 1027 the council then adjourned to meet on tuesday jan lltu at 8 pm georgetown jan 11th council met at regular meeting with alaor molntyre in the ehair reeve neur and members of couneil all present tho following standing committees for the year were appointed moved by barclay seconded by- feller that the standing committees ror tho year 1027 be the following finance and speelal committees messrs kolly feller and near streets and walksmessrs ashen hurst bessoy and denison waterworks and fire messrs feller near and bessey building and property- messrs barclay kolly and feller charity light and poliot messrs bessey barclay and ashenhu l printing and contingencies messrs near denison and asheuhurst industrial messrs denison kelly and barclay these formed at the suggestion of the mayor and reeve carried a bylaw to borrow w3000 from bank of montreal for current ex penses war passed mr e mccannah was appointed taxcollector for the 3ear 1027 at a salary of 260 miss k d ryan was appointed collector of water rates with chief jackson assistant dr c v williams was appointed medical health officer chief jack son sanitary inspector and joseph watson a member of the local board or health albeit tost was reappointed eire chief at 475 per year and angus duncan depntyeuef at 18 per year e mccannah was reappointed assessor at a salary or 4228 angus duncan was appointed a member of the high bohool board for 10272820 j l thompson was reappolnted a member of the publie library board wm ward and e coleman reappointed pound keepers all lioense holders in town must mako application for license at next council meeting feb 1st or their places of business will be closed council adjourned defence l banuersou v loftus centre u price right wing 11 san derson left slngrrr-braamy- rubs bellamy suell and ii rutledge irorgotown 1 milton u the junior o h a game played at the arenrc1ere on friday ntght last between milton and georgetown resulted in a win ror the borne team by one goal it was tho fastest and best exhibition of hockey ever play ed in the arena apd the rans are justly proud of the geotfetown jun ior team the first period was fast and clean georgetown having the better of the play throughout and kept up a con stant bombardment on the milton nets and it was only the miraculous goal tending of hewson that saved the day for them there were no penalties in the period and no goals scored the second period was equally as fast u the first with a raw penalties barulei out to both teams neither teams ware able to wore although the home team was again masters of the situation the final period opened with both teams determined to score but it was only during the last five minutes that gibbons found tlie nets for georgetowns firsthand only tally final score georgetown 1 milton 0 the teams lined up as follows milton goal hewson rd robert- soni d vsmghan e andersont for wards chambers morley subs cle ments stewart and vardoe georgetown goal holloway rd walters id harley c reld forwards king and mcnally subs gibbons tost and cole referee lou walker the intermediate fixture played at the arena on monday night between biamptonand georgetown resulted in a win for the visitors by the score of 82 the brampton boys ont played in the first period and scored 8 or the goals in the next two per iods the play was more even and both played good hookey pinal score brampton 8 georgetown 2 said to the barrister bir 1 have never heard sutili a grand plea i liave not cried since i was a child i liave no money vrith whioh to reward you but drawing u paokiige from the deptlis or his ragged oloties heros that wnteh take it and welcome saves you big money i fwj sesvi it swiiit hear ju4m furniture oil monday morning last mr mac hollluger who resided at acton wlien leaving the house told mrs hollinger he would be back in half an hour noon hour uame and he fail ed to return becoming anxious a search party was rormed and the community was searched with no avail mrs hollinger thinking he might have come to erin motored here and was again disappointed re turning the search party continued and upon information found that a man had been seen walking on the urd lino wev of aotou sideroad tlwy t uowed thu clue and fiually oarae to tracks leading into a swamp where the unfortunate man was found dead deceased had been in 111 health for some time mae as lie was known by many old erin friends was highly resneot- ed and quite a few years ago conduct ed a butcher business in this village later moving to acton where he was employed with tlie beardmore co on thursday december 30th he re turned from a toronto hospital where he hod been takingltreatmeftt and was seen to be in u discouraged mood the funeral took place from his late residence aoton on wednosdoy the interment being made in erin cemetery he is survived by his bereaved widow and four children also his aged father james hollinger in pusllnch township and one sister mrs wheeler of acton the sympathy of the entire com munity is extended to the bereaved family and friends erin advocate musiu and mugaxiue stand 1000 t ror 898 plush upholstered nriu ohair reg 2800 for 1001 upholstered reed setee extra large 2408 ror flow uedroom ohairs aaue bottoms up to 1080 ror j898 kitchen cabinet 8828 ror 2808 kitobeu cabinet 1800 for 900 buffet 4878 for 3098 buffet 7800 rur 4009 buffet 8000 for 6900 chlffioneer 4828 8098 dreasiugtnble 2flh0 ror 2308 vanity dreseer 7800 tor 4000 bed muttresa and springs special 1808 4piece bedroom suite walnut nnish 14000 for u030 will sell separate pieeihi dressers 8000 for 2908 clearing lines of window shades at very low prices library table 1898 far 1308 7- piece library set 3986 ror 3898 living room ubles476 1298 couches 3600 for 2700 cote 149sror 1198 bed springs 798 for 840 mattresses 760 for 840 mattresses all felt 1000 ror 798 matresses 1280 ror 1098 bed matress and springs bed walnut finish cane panel ends 3396 2496 big saving on rugs brussels rug 9x9 8998 3996 tapestry rug 9x9 4600 3306 union rugs 0x9 2000 1408 union rngs 0x7 1680 1296 brusselette rugs oxloj 8878- 3105 grass rugs 0x12 1600 ror 008 mwhsurfl there will be no difficulty in identifying ontario motor vehicle plates dming 1027 both the number and the name of the province and tho year stand out prominently in black on a light buff background the figures designating the lioense number stretch clear serosa the new plates and under them the word ontario and the year are printed in full in letters and figures an inch high the new plates are now being issued and those baying 1027 licenses wlu find a 8 redaction in the price a month ago a st thomas roan purchased a farm of iso acres suit able for tobacco growing the other day he wss offered 8000 for the land which is 2000 more than he paid ror it tobacco land will boom in this district in the spring accord ing to all reports cflfrf of thank on behalf of the member of the llmeheose athletic club i wish to ex- presa their slbeere appreciation of the very aoasntable gift p to tham sswoimrsof the soft ball aeries tl debbie manager esqncslng council esquesing council met on mon day last with all the members pres ent after taking the oath of office tho members of the counoll took their seats as rollows reeve thos l leslie deputyreeve wm goudy councillors geo cleave j l blandish and geo cnrrie a full report of the meeting will uppear in our next issue very fine quality jacksons georgetown tsiisisisiiisiiaiisisi uiim lyrtkvteflm ctardi mud in an announcement of importance and of interest to the and gonorul public is contained in thu janu 1927 issue of rod and gun to tho effect that the well known sporting magaxine has boon aooepted as the official organ of the canadian silver fox breedintc industry the change is mndo as a ntsultof the rapid growth of thu canadian silver fox brooders association and a desire of the 3800 members to have an official organ tu ussibt theiu tho regular magaxine lias a vory good table of contents for junuary with stories and ortiohn on hunting fishing trapping kennel aud outdoor subjects rod and gun and cuuudian silver fox news is published monthly by w j taylor limited woodstock ontario early in juuu this yuar it is an nounced a regular uirplane sorvico between chiooutlmi montreal und toronto will bo inaugurated by the canadian transcontlnuntil airways company n corporation which lias just received its letters patent tho airplanes or hydroplanes will muku stops at riviere du loup quebec three riven montreal and ottawa the annual meeting of union presbyterian church was held on monday jan 10th 1927 then was a very good attendance to re ceive the reports offche various gaulxatlons whioh showed much gross having been made during year the meeting was preeld ovor by mr thomas anderson ii macdonald presented the report or sessions mr t a macdonald presented the treasurers statement whioh showed a balance on hand of 16886 the following officers were elected board of management mr j as mckane mr p c thompson mr burnt leslie organist mrs thos anderson choir leader mra p thompson it was decided during this year to liave the church redecorated and a special committee was elected to ob tain the necessary information as to costs cbi the sunday school an nual meeting folluwedt presided over by mr edrtownsend and showed also very good results the treas urer also having a cash balance jli sssswsvai truly mmafrltuf oilj4ae pw lb m at- mf ipro w mrthanks keauwell secretary donald molntyre ex- warden of helton placed on the rec ords of tlie home for the aged at thu last meeting of theoommiislonera for the year a resolution testifying to the exoellenb- condition in which the home has been found during the past year special referenoe being made to the handling of the home farm by superintendent it h partridge tlie resolution was aimed by the sec retary warden w n riddle reeve j j jamieson exwarden james wain of milton the members ol the commlsfipil oojc3o ttttsxtt skates ii to all those who have re newed their subscription to the herald we say thanks to all those in arrears we would appreciate a promt mittance kindjy attendto this little matter now please o phone 46 georgetown cuimbtnt improvsmsitt in ul- fih tins etuipitmttt and mrvle6 ian virtually ahdllshsd dis tance ijvsry diy fruntls in i ulan hundreds of miles apart nro lounltiml hy tlia itkulsim muifli ijinif blrtuim have you avr visit a dis tant friend by t is phone if not why twit rive someone m juuwant suiphse call her hy ixtia duuneeu new adverlteemaite urua runs 1160 for 89fi special prices on confloloum and linoleum rugs and piece goods if you havent got a carpet sweeper do not foil to secure one of these hi grade blsnll sweepers at this exceptional offer up to 850 for 405 selling out all lines of crockery glass china aluminum ware at big reductions selling out aj1 lines of men and boys furnishing can you afford to miss the bargains we offer s 7 r reward a rewsn will be paid to soy y swots rlvlns infonaaitivittut wit lead to tits conviction of tba parties who brake uie sod destroyed property n the needle works building jeha jschaoa chief re sale goad lot with bea house stage and tsblei csfiiratly located apply to wm sinclair georgetown it w4 swtal ver wbolce hardwood beech aad jjsple 9400 ser sinal cordi choice hardwood sube ts75 per stasia eordt mlsed rails 300 per sinjrle cord laae wood tl40 per siaru cord this is all i sound dry woo aad at the ood buying satisfaction j urandfotv r4 gsorrstowa vev sale a large slsi quebec beater in aretcuse condition also a set cl one horse bob elejjbe aud a coal oil stov ii free man queen st it epamtva alt swghf ss caretsker for knox preebyterlao church dulles to commence peb let for lutber particulars spply to o t mckay at nfttteetori mod sound dry wao4 aad at tars eriee u good buyuts satisfsctlea sjuarae 14 3 urandrord boa 490 phone ijj now is the line to est your agrlm tursl llau vrfeaa lb slelahlet is coed i8s par loo flbt islj cau ad f a asmple also erlatest autier ea kew te uh llau walter ii poons 152 ueere sfaal tfi black whle aad u riacle hound is laches high fioet fast and lags wblte soottad llh tan answers to the nssse of dlcklaeeeaaa saturday dacaav bw3b finder please notify william hsu rr oeorfauwn orpkeae john l iu r 16 oaocareteivn bswsid 3l teauett 6 rosaisd liite oil uurdeck ktreet lclrlc llahl walsr welds aealy naeva tsdl immadlale poessaslea applv to l t arnold it waaats gau large quanllly of nod dry kardamod also targ quantity of good bf eedst tat kindling illnad wood alwaye oa hand pncas as usual cash ea delivery praaspt aarvlca w bausanea pheae u0 oecrgalowa tf staaatggab- bast clovar honey ise pet ik ab honey 12 12c par iba vaaattar ann si osdrgmowe rr no i seasonable suggestions s ikja o o m tabs skavtu rm par pr oom hoekey skute baaictrd taba bkstoi alnmo tabs bkatu hooker stlekg blick flub lights pain kaltaa oomstr watou kiddle oar elsotrle heaters toasters eleetrlo table xiaunps hot plates oommanitw plate silver ware beevan eleetrlo irons aaaraataad lo rears beevao eleotrle vao- eaam cleaners fileetrle wasbins m and hancea mr farmer dr hess poultry panaoeu is goanuiteed to give results or it does not cost yon anything get a package and start your hens laying while the prlos is good oyster shell 9128 per 100 lb bag see oar stock of mitts and gloves hardware plnmbtag electrical wiring and sheel melal work r h thompson co adlo sale 2 lube d forest croesley new eoa- plele with new storage battarlee aerial and pboosa ready to operate snap at gmoo phone kanrajt p0r3 t wga waate4 pibsfromsolo iso ihs wsntsd w m beonem rhone i0vu georgetown a capable general nuld or ntelstsr houiekeeper mutt he good plain cook aad isundrsss good wages for rlaht apply to mr- mscjoiuld ttis norval oesftav paste lev sale good cedsrposie apply to c brid get- lot 6 con 8 ksqusmlng b r no i lieorgetown jip teuders are asked fur two hams saaw to be ran wed from lot 7 east aad of georgetown adjoining tannery heavy timbers and in good condition apply at herald oibce himlaf woauuwill go out nursing by the day or week or to do laundry work at boaw phone 3vj or write to p o box 137 isorgtuwn p auction sale -op- oattlse horses th undersigned kaa ba instrocted by h s wilsoh baemky to mil by public suction al ul ii aenh rarnsrolelh una trslalgar township on thnrsday jan soth 1sst at oas acleck ike fnllnwloc ii keraas is cawa asaw fraeki 9 sleara walgk froai 1200 le i kb ibai m sbaap 20 pigs lac ousatily ol kay 1s0o cedar paste no raesive arfaraa is ranted sam binklbv den petcu clsrb auctlwae fire insurance x tf kennest 6ewlkvs agsst tor soeseol ttu s4reageet cum paaiee writ lag lihiireeco ar you ivotneleml r a fj

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