Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 19, 1927, p. 2

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jjjft iu paok 3 tim oabaaktowk herald january 19th 10x7 itivuviw btrthe inanrburea and deetlia era now charged for at the following rataal births 60ci marriaaea 50e deathe 60cf memorial earda 60c 10c par una antra for poetry credit loigeafrul obilnary ft tboiam k arthurs ou monday morning ikwumnw j7th 1120 mr thomas kitrftf arthur of tht kiiiini district tuihwhl uwiiy from tlu aodnmi of oartli to ik for- ever with his lord mr arthurs wits bom in tht county of tyrone ireluml lu thfl joar 1rw ho woiono of umi ohlldrtfn live ivnyu and tfvo uiru ilia finuim with bin family eralurutod to ontario canada when t itottiaii was sown years of uittv at the uifo of jw hftyoiu year uro bo u united in mnrrlugu to abch altken who mirvivta him nlthoiifih in feeblo luvilth klght children were born to them two died nt iu- fancy thrco ufuir litivinif iviuiiimi maturity and thr surviving joiutph of tha ninuti district in whoet hmnoi bis father died mrs jnnwj mjdowijlli of killarney nnd tuuk n near nej bor of hia brother jomtph mr and mm arthur wuiuri the year 10111 und have iniulo heir houu in tlu vkiuity ortniiirft ewf since gnjgini tlu tteeutiind rwnfot of all for their sterling tuttlitior of frieiullinciia and neighbor i new early in life mr arthur ulitfed with the presbyterian uhuruh nnd found great delight in us work urn worship throughout tlu years he was us peolauy interested in the life of tie young people uud sabbath fcjobool work devoting much time to this work t almost a year ago be became imv aciousof failing itrougth cancer de veloped and by slow painful degrees finally claimed iu viotim a patient sufferer u loving husband a kind father a good man has gone to his reward like a shock of com fully ripe leaving to- raorun hu lots hii widow two cons one daughter and ten gmndchildnn the funeral service which was held on wednesday dee 20th was largely attended by friends and neigh bore the rev j c mofarlane conducting it speaking from the words a good soldier of jews christ and then the remains were interred in the kinga cemetery to await the resurreotiou mom ninfca man news correspohdeoee editor of the heraldr dear sin the canadian btatidanl efficiency training is undoubtedly giving the teenage boy throughout canada more and greater henofita than any other orgouliatloii of iu kind it moeu the needs of the youth of today and offers guidance and council which possibly the lad an not obtain elsewere the principle of the organiiation is booed on the hoys ganging spirit by getting the fellows into tuxis and trail ranger gioupe all the evils of the gangspirit are done awuy with and the better aide enlarged thin organiiation in just like any uther corporation it requires funds to carry on successfully in its great work the only feasible way the ontario older boys parliament de cided was the sale of bonds these bonds are of one dollar and five dollar don odi in atio iia what interest 4o they pay you oak these bonds do not pay any mere seven per uent but something immensely better titan money the betterment and further ance of proper oltiumshtp in the youth of our great country the com- ins leaders of onr nation it is my earnest desire that whan the members of the tuxis and trail groups call on you in the brat week of february you will receive them with an open purse in this u very worthy cause your sincerely john a mcdurmid fficcrs tar 117 mffkl art tmsi lift on friday evening jan 14th the oflloem of credit lodge went installed by vw hro 0a ford iuwiuh by u w hro k v uurmelough po im1m past mamteraoftlnklit lodge togother with w bro oalbrajth wm of 8t clair tfjodg milton and w ltro wilson wm of wulker iodge aitoti uuuohi ponied by sev eral past master of walker ioalgit lui follows w llro walter lawtum wm w ilro w htuug ipm hro h u mimtus hw ilro w t evans jw w ilro a morrlugtoti clianlaiu w ilro lion g oil op tread v w hro qj kord t lira j no d kelly ai lire l k ireenwood ji it v lrt e jfiirrutlough d of ct s fbiwth feller and j wulluee hro le marehiueut j tj bro 11 redsliaw tyler at the rouu union of the installa tion eerimiuny the installing master presented on udialf of tlie lodge w hro longlpm wiiliu punt mu terii jewel after tlie loilge elael the breth ren enjoyed n very much appreclat wl biuiquet prepnml under tin sup ervision of hro w t kvaus jw after whieh tlie following tfuut list was presented tlie king and tlu- craft hod saver the king grand lodge of cunudu- proposed by vw hro oeo ford responded to by hw hro e y barrolough past master of credit lodge proposed by h r mimms respond ed to by w hro grant and- long our guests proposed by w hro h dickie responded to by w bros k mclean g galbralth c wilson and d leslie during the evening bra bharp sans two songs which wore much on joyed by all and bro greenwood gave several selections in his usual happy and entertaining way the toast to tlie wm and officers of credit lodge woe then proposed by vw bro ford and responded to by w bra w uwion w h after which the jw toast brought to a close one of the most successful events in the history f credit lodge si georges church juaaal vestry aa4 caaarcf- dul eeflai w yew ccracw received diploma awatsts smtlak fww cmkktj ai tatmlt bsjllnatad mr d- j sinclair spent a day or two in guelpb lost week mr robert cole and bis daughter annie hare moved into mr t mc- 01us house here which was form erly occupied by mr wm how ting and bis family- mr fred near happened with u very painful accident hut saturday while helpingto taw wood at mr robert coles he had one of his ling ers badly cut on the circular aaw in addition to the haudsome gold medal mr j w niokell of lime- house was awarded as winner of first priu in the oldtime fiddlers eon- test at toronto exhibition last year he has been presented with a beauti ful diploma appropriately worded and having his name engraved there on as winner in the contest in the design of the canadian national exhibition 1026 award to successful competitors in the various dosses and departments the new province of ontario building is fea tured as marking the beginning of a now era in the development of the worlds greatest annual exposition an era to be featured it is hoped by nimilar enterprise on the port of other provinces of canada by great britain and other units of empire to gether with various foreign countries representing the arts of peace of every race and clime the symbolic bgures of science industry agriculture and art dis playing their various contributions of human achievement ore grouped on the pediment at the top of the de sign and below on eaoh side the musical features of the exposition are typified by tlie muses with lute and pipe seated beneath the wild olive trees of traditional greek myth the official seal of the cn e with the signatures of the chief executive officers endorsing the award com plate the design in the panel at the bane uttl quell m wae the local council of women held their january meeting in the best room of the public library on mon day afternoon with mrs h w henuedy presiding miss hutt con venor of the local committee of our natural resouresgavoa most inter esting ulk on the conservation of our bird plant spid animal life coll ing attention to the bird sanctuaries 4eme preserves and other means of preserving animal life and also to theaenanoe to our plant life through the wanton destruction of wild flowers and trees mrs c b day foot and mrs a adams wev elected delegates to the meeting of tho pro vincial council to bo held in toronto on thursday jau 20th a largo amount of correspondence won dealt with and subjects discussed that am to be brought before tlie provincial meeting the annua election of of ficers is to be held at tho february meeting the bagpipes wo are told are very undent and appear on the sculpture and coins of hebrews greeks and romans a terra cotta of 2tm b c found at tarsus in asia minor shows u player with bagpipes we suppose this will help to con firm every true scotsman in the be lief that adam was really a bcotaman and that if scotsman rule the world it is because they deserve to and really cannot help it i slewsrttown the bishop of niagara was in charge of the services on sunday hut little leona smith and lome murray were baptized by the bishop at the baptismal service the second uervioe was a celebration of holy communion the attendauoo was good in spite of the stormy and cold weather the bishop announced that the rev mr boyd would move into the parish and take charge on february 10th the annual vestry meeting was held monday evening january 17th reports from wardens sunday school and w a wore given and showed a very good year mr ban- ford was reelected peoples warden sidesmen ed bailey jos standish ed flan ford frank jenkinson rom thompson sunday school superin tendent mr john bird 88 bee trees rosa thompson auditor miss murray and roto thompson mr john smith our ioe merchant has started to out and store ice the ice is very thick ami good at last the measles iirbtewarttown are over and all the little folks are out again several people have had the flu but are getting around again the annual vestry and cougiega- tlotiul meeting ofbu georei church took place on mondiy evening ut h pm preceded by uu ukeellent up per provided hy tlie diiuuhterri ot rli chuteh over ito pttunl tlie kexitor f ii wtue on- tied tlie meeting with prayer and then called upon mr j ii wallaie to read tlu minute of tin- tint veutry uweting which were adopted mrs feller secreturj of tlie v auxiliary guvu nuoxollent report or tlie years work whuih winrin a very satisfactory condition receipt for tlie year amounted to well over a00 mrs john price president also ml dressed tlu nioctiug tlie report of the lurior wouienri auxiliary wuri given hy mm t w smith and stated there were 27 to 10 member with nearly dao receipts and doing gnpd work mra k e young mipenuteiidoni of birblea hraliuh reported wiitty three imlnvn on tlu cradle rolr mid uppke of extending tlie work of the brauuh tlie daughters or the church report showed tlie donation of a beautiful ouk pulpit and uhancel screen to the church in memory of all the incumbents uf st georges since the parish was founded in 1862 tlie girl guides boy seouu chancel guild were reported as doing good nnd teiy useful work mr w f bradley cholnnnster reported good work by tlie choir and spoke in glowing tertm of the future of tlie church tlie report of tlie sunday school was an excellent one und was very ably presented by the superintend ent mr f mcnally th were 140 pupils on the roll 11 oacltars 3 officers and the average attendance for the year was 10ft mr mo nolly asked for tlie cooperation of all parents and friends of the schcflani in the great work of the sunday school mr john cnohtou treasurer reported receipts a 28728 with a balance of 7002 in the bank the rector gave a short report thanking tlie congregation for their kindness to him and for their en thaslastlc support in the work and worship of their beautiful church he spoke of the grert improvements of the ohurch grounds by the build ing of two hard tennis courts and also tliankcd the daughters of the chnrch for thei splendid gift of a new pulpit and olianoel screen the number of coramnniuants was 1720 for the yoar there were 8 baptisms 17 were confirmed 3 marriages and 9 burials ho pointed out that 1097 is the 75tbanni versa ry of the foumttfig of 8l georgen taridi nnd hoped it woiud he fittingly cumaieui- ontted both the retiring wardens were thanked oil well us mr joseph beaitwi and mr k l wlbion for tlielr help in the vervicex uf the chucch the lluuncial report hum then presented by tlu peoples wurdeu mr l f deiiuoti iu u very able maimer hhowlug the church to in in u good condition hiiuucinlly the total tectfipu uiiinuuled to dl4h470 with uhseu on tlie property uud ftirhumtifpof over ioouooo next was tlu ehwiou ofottlieru for the year uud the rector nomin ated as bin uhurehwurden for 1127 mr k hoy edward mr 1 it wallace mmed nnd mr john price rieconded tlmt mr l f denlrinii be rtelectel im peoples chtireb wanleu for the fodtiny eir entiled iiihiniinouulv mr k l wlluon wuu uninitiated tn the ofheo of vestry clurk sidehineu fur the jtur uert uw fol- luwu menart f aruwtroug j price e bmndiord p w ktilght w aslwiihursi f mcnull k bar ker w uwius m walker f ijiw- l l llerlutrt a norrington w thompson k l wir t w smith w v grunt chus iueui john kimner nelm cook t b wilauni and elmer thoiiipuiii with power to elect their own tiuinenor board of management letted- j messrs john price d l hurlwrt b kirk ray thompson elmer thomphou w a ii a cohiompaton david crlehtou 1 11 wallace and mrs v l herbeit nominated hy the women v auxlllar- auditurx for 1027 mewr 1 ii wallace und avm f bradley very hearty tliauku were tendered to all the inrioum societies of the church a well as to tlie auditors aud church warda us and utter tlie adjournment of the meetiug was movwl the hectorclofcul with prayer a congregational meeting was tlien called to elect u luv delegate to the diocesan synod for the perioil of three yeirs it was moved by mr brndlcv and wroudml 1 mr jack thomiisun tlmt mr j h widlnee bi elected delegate to the synod which meets this year in bt georges church guelph kome time in may tlie meeting was declared closed and the doxology was sung as a fit ting ending to an excellent meeting bitting up with it sick friend in a pastime compared with nursing a froxen radiator mr robert mitchell of aurora lius completed the purchase of the dracoss grist mill in streeuville nnd will have it running as soon as possi ble mr mitchell is at present with the aurora milling co he is well known as a first class miller and will make a huecesh of tlie streeuville mill clearing sale of all winter hats selling out mens furnishings at prices tbat are worth your investigation mens windbreakers v sweater coals h ere an dtrf ere in tw yar ndlna june 0th ustt t407 talnlna rlsitns mmrm staihad th provine uf qaflwe rowrlna rf of 40hoo0 scrvir ecordlna te ft brallmlnsry vrort thu is an itv craur of 81 pet ent ovr tb y tfor bit quality all wool 47fi vuliirir llu jhiis vuliii- rir ihii 141 vului- tor 43u jxps vuliii- riir s4ti 4tau valuu fur 5n 71is vuiiih fur j5hu juio villvv fur j2h value for 18t s4w vniui- ruf v 8i4i 40 vuhip fur 4awi 4us villus rur gahu fcnusiiw rur 84i1u da-eovului- for 4hu 807s vjiuu for 4ll 8flvlll fur stftttf boys sweater coats windbreakers jer seys and pullovers at a big reduction mens pants and overalls 17ft wdue for 11u 200 value for 1a0 2ff0 tilue tor 108 27f value fur 210 memt fleece underwear100 for 70c mens all wool uuderweur 10 for 9110 mens gohnh und pyjaiuut at speciul low prices boys pants knickers and shirts all at reduced prices mens shirts mens dress work gloves mills bcttiue smfeeaue soutb mfark ul brcu surit 121 vulue tor 8uu 1a0 vuliio for m0 17a villus for la 8200 vnluo fur 181 822b value far 817u 380 vnlue tor 108 300 valni for 82h0 flou valuen fur sur 7ou valueti ror wk 100 value rar or 195 value for huc 1jhi value tor 110 200 value for 1159 280 vnlum for 8108 prices 1 tojeach misses claridge herald block upttairt curling five rinlu competed lu the curling match at tha arena on tuemloy even iiig for the prim donated by vice- praaident w vroranu the com- petitiou wo keen and the friendly rivalry between the oppoalng rink mode the game one of tlie rawt in tereatlng of the aeaaon in the linul round between rinka itippair hy n tuck and ralph kau the former won oy 0 hiiou thrum compoiing tlie wiiming rink won e uccannali j j ooldham n tuck aklp j llliliena ii kip- a farm for sale 1900000 0 acres splendid loam soil lurge bank barn hog pens tool house some orchard good house splendid neighbor hood tlrstolass road near town kierj thing iu splen did condition good term j a aberdeen rsmcm georgetown sm iis fresh groceries w a new and uptodate line of seasonable groceries peels candies nuts cts lavasgtle mr prlets asi tmb stre mjim forsters terraai oaalt qmovfuntn phone mens sox ties handkerchiefs sealis caps and suspenders al big bargain prices can save big money on our furni ture and house furnishings prices every house can use crockery now is the lime to save money on our selling oul prices you f jacksons georgetown 8haaisjsjs instead of vragueglatt uxunbrvakablo celoglass no more broken glass- let us supply you with unbreakable celoglass slarl your pullet laying dr he poultry panacea and slock tonic guaranteed x to give iceujt we have a freah stock of sulphur salt saltpetre und poultry grit oyster smi pur 100 lb bog 128 28 40 and 00 watt tungtli lamp i fur 100 mhot ciun bbellm per box ouu guaranteed floor wux per lb 39 axes ani handles cross col saws wedges stewarts power horse clippers and plates buy your hardware from urn and save mono iiardwark plummnfi kuknack work i klkctric vyirink r h thompson co phone 46 tolmceo browlnb is bseomlnir a mrious baslrtms proposition in the vicinity mt kiowtiiibc two has- drd aero will be plant bd out et strmaos cawkten ohvr htwl osoatoou rwxt yesr whll the act mgm st kslowns will also be lu- erssd northsm albertas wolf netut tlon is of inrft dlmsrislonb no twa thsn sooo skins hsvln besii ship- ped out of this province as furs in tho lest yssr thejr form a sub- stsiitfsl source of wvenue to trap psrs in the wds nova scotia lrdlnf hsns am be- klimlns to attract the sltsnuott of great britain john r hrmulun of this city has just shipped to chlwrs and bon cambridge ens luml four bsrred plymouth fioek cockerels this is the sscond ship- msnt of breeding stock msds to this firm curl ing- hlstnry of a unique na ture was mads in qusbw city rv ctntly when the jacques cahlar- curllna- hub the first french- csnadian curling orffsnuatlon in tk world was insuamraud and their- new cur una rink formally opened a dettaatlon of seventeen preml- nsnt montreal curlsrs htsdsd by t howard stewart thane of granite curlers arrived back at ths windsor htrt station from tbs anclsnt cspltal rwsntly wbsra thsy offlelatd in the opsnlas osrsmontss of ths nsw club in tha bslchborlns elty ths worlds poultry conirmss t b bald at otuwa july 17th te aug ust 4th nxt is to ba a blf affair in vsry sanss floor spaos will b war than z060m squara fasti tba nstlanal sducatlsnal axhiblts utttls- inr 55000 of that footajp thara will ba approjtlmsuly 1000 hv birds on axhlblt of avaty brasd and varlty caumsyelal aahlblu woj ba a auln attraction and ena ftws mskuif incubators has already con tracted for 7000 feet amona tha european countries that have da elded to uka part la tha catifnsa are germany soumaala italy russia denmark poland belcluas houaad spain and latvia fridays to to pm other days at fela residence quesa ausu rar bau klvelubs neuirodyna radio set wilt lubes miphone and speakar in mod condition 04000 caih apply to t j eaon arutm hu gaorgefown lip woman to take canto invalid lady aad do llffbl housrwork apply bos a herald offr ii steward t a reward will be paid to may person alvlnar information tht will load to tfc conviction of iha paiila who broke into and destroyed pruvmwiy n tb needle vvorks huildlntf joho jackson chlsf ratscuaa sal a few hajr o choice potato left al 200 per bin delivered in town order aarl jimin farmer phoaa 137w jtp varlau typewnier in eood condliloa apply t herald h very choice hardwood beech and llaple fl00 ft slocls cordi choice hardwood stabs 9375 per sloale cord mlsed rails xo0 per siaah cordi aslaad wood tvs0r lalt oord this is ail rd sound dry wood and at these prices rood boylns satufactloa sjuaraa t irudford boa 490 phoaa iu rciowa lohiistuiis floor wan pr lb 7tif rent our joiiusoiih kltctrtr klixir polislmr rier hour mc pprda 200 now it ilt lima to set your atcul l lel pi a sample also printed mailer on how lo- lural umi wrwn that leiyh1 is ood st os per ton f reibl paid band aw lime walter ii phone 152 tip- ta marat 6 roomed boiso on u unlock street elevlric llghi water nsldc newly reoova ted immediale poemsslna apply to i t arnold ii we4br bau lurif o quantity of iond dry hardwood also urge quantity of rood dry cedar for klndlina jklised wood always oa itaad pntee as usual cath on delivery praam service w kmrnerson phoaa 530 qocriftown u heaay ftsrr fala iwu lover honey lie pel tb ansbr honey u 2c per lb a u vaaalter ana t georffetowir rr no i tadieftetterveoe j tub do porasi crosilsy new com pleiewnhnew siorajrs bsitefiee aarlal nnd phones ready lo operate soap al sjeaoo phtne norval ww 2t via wnsithd plaslromolo iso lbs warned w m tuottetl ihone lojrij georfatmrn good cedar posts apply to c brio 5 or lot 6 con 8 luquesina r r no georaetown 3tp tenders are askad for two lures aama lo be removed from lot 7 aast aad of gooraatown adloinlaa taaasry tfaavy limbers end in bood condll on apply at herald office v woman will ojo out nurslna hy tha day r week or to do laundry work al home phoaa au or write to p o bos 17 oaorfetown ftp wood 400 load turdaood baam ihaa alafu cord nod a lead auaad wood kuklling ouabm haalar and toraaea cauallalllloa lead hapu aludtlloo ear ion any umia tlunara pkoa mrl uorpatawe

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