Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1927, p. 2

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j paok 2 tub oko oarrow hkrau jmiiiary 261 107 blithe marrlacee and dewthe i bov ehund for at the following rateei birth boet ttarrlam mo i deatthe 60c memorial carda o0j 10c tvr una extra for poetry mason in umimmii on wdn- day january lttlh 1u7 ualxsrat artnstronab1ovudwlf if john mart- on in hr mth year obituary 1 0 conury in tho death or j 0 comity which ooouwd at inn hqmi- lltfl yurluhlw street jan 20th uflur a lonailiy hi- hmo oiulpli town a wellknown mtldent mr couory who wa in hit tlxtyotghtb mr was barn in huron county coming to ouelph 23 yean ago until till rotlteuumt quo and a half year ago lie wna one of the ollya bort know contractors having conducted tlio itoyal aril bolal btooo co ho was a raainbar of tho canadiun order of forottera and of speed masonic tjodge and was an oitulal of dublin btrmt unit ed cbareb he is survived bybts widow two aoru and out daughter borah may ulbaon there passed away at the home of bar brotherinlaw mr frank me donald chaltinhani monday jan trtb 1027 sarah may gibson daughter of the lata jainaa gibson and christiana oluon following a lingering lunwo in bar 03rd year deceased waa born on tho farm lot s erin township oo the town line erin and caladon where aha ipent har life sha waa a member of mel- vulaohunhoaledon blia a onrvlv- od by her aged mothers one slslor mra frank mcdonald cheltenham and two brothers robert at carbon h11l alabama c s and david at brampton the funeral took place on wednesday afternoon january 10th whan aprivaio aorvloa wasneld ut the bereaved home after which public aervlm waa hold at melville chttich when her pastor rov wad dell eonduetsd the aervleoiu the praaenoe of a large congregation of frienda and neighbors the inter meat being made at melville church orueury advocate mrs jojin maaon another of georgetown ettaemed and respeeted citizens in the poraon of margaret armstrong wle of mr john maun haa been called to her raward after an illneu of two weeks she paaaad away at her home hare on wednesday jan lotli dooeaaed waa a daughter of the late michael armatong and wes born 63 year ago last march in tho county tyrono ireland sbo caroo to brampton canada in 1882 and waa married to john mason in 1884 coming to georgetown the aame year and resid ing here over since four children were bom to them one dying in in fancy a eon garfield waa killed in action in the great war aug loth 1918 the remaining two albert and mrs braiaby live in georgetown there are alio three grandahildien in georgetown and two in toronto and font skiers are mill living in ireland the funeral took place on saturday jan 22nd from hor late residence to greaawood cemetery deceased was a member of the united chnrchnd the funeial service was conducted by rev mr caldwoll omitted by rev dr dickie the pallbearora wore mayor d molntyre reeve m l hear j cleave g l watson w 1 johnston and j godfrey there were many beautiful floral tributes from the following pillow from family spray from grand umldren- misa brown toronto spraji mr and mrs jack armstrong and oarenoe wreath mrs merrlt lyla and daisy armstrong wreaths the public school board wreath the womens soc baptistchnrch wreath mr and mrs a reevo wreaths mr and mra penny hamilton aprays mr and mra oxley spray the neigh bonra wreaths mrs r logan spray the public school staff sprays mr and miss asbenhurst sprays mr and mra peel and family wreaths mm moguigan and roy mogill wreath mr and mra cannon hamilton pray glenwllllams mlas rena mocaulay ol toronto spent the weekend with glen friends mitt mabel marohment of tor onto spent tho weekend at the home ol bar parents mr and mrs jos marohment icecutters havo oommenood work on the river hero the ioe ia aaid to be about ib inchon thick mr harry smith who had the misfortune to break his lag is able to be around again mr thornton had a narrow escape on saturday afternoon when bis hint ran away throwing trim out and breaking his ontter a song earvica will be held in the united church on feb oth special music by the choir assisted by the georgetown united church sunday school orchestra under the leader ship of h g meir there waa a good crowd at the old time danoe in the town hall but friday evening and everybody had a good time they are looking for ward to another soon asbflrove on friday evening jan dim tho anaoioua home of mr and mra geo nora was well fluod when about seventy guests and members woro present at the annual banquet of tho ashgrove up upwo there were games also speeches by the hon president rev h caldwell llawhouae rev j w hitching hornby and others it was impossi ble for mr bumell president of the international wheat pool to bo pre sent butwill favor the society at it later date with hia able and instruc tive address after a hearty vote of thanks to the host and hostess a very enjoyable evening came to a close by alagidf god save our king baphsl anniversary urge am jfry itsjactj sensmtt w nrwfl hi rwkaaf memas- lertwversuy another udlo utoue lias boon pass ed in tho hlstorybf georgetown hup tin church and the occasion wus fittluglyfiuurked by aiintvunury m-r- vlorni hxl ou sunday last tho proaohor of the day wua prof k ii parker of mcmaster univer sity who delivered eloquent and in spiring uoruione both looming and evenlug to large congregations in the evening the speaker bused his remarks ou the lath chapter of jlosea and after drawing a vltd plotur of the prophets faith in the power of god to ransom a fallou people from sin and iniquity he said in part israel had forgotten god and while aba made a abow of grati tude it waa simply form her people hod fallen into false practise and a false conception of god it waa a despairing situation in hoaeaa day but he realixed they were oade people and urging them tosrtut in god he prayed o israel return unto the lord thjrood for thou boat fall en bjr thine iniquity israel once a holy nation had lost her glory strength and pjwer through the in iquity of her people but hosaa would not let israel go and when almost brolieu hearted and de spondent be eaught a ray of light and hope and pleaded for his nation to come back to god and seek for giveness god will forgive those who come to him as truly as hosaa forgave his erring wife and the prodi gal son waa forgiven by bis father prosperity and the ao called plea sures of this world tend to make us forget god there are some tonight wandering away from him- sinner returns come with a sacrifice of words of prayer and compassion and seek forgiveness and he will take away that burden of ain and ahame and make you clean again come back and ask god to leoeive you again there may not be much left in some of na bnt there is aomethtng in every life god can use when the heart be- cornea pure when god lifts yon out of your iniquity the least you ean do is to give him a oonseerated life return ob wanderer return for jesus ilda you come come back to god he will love you freely and put a new heart and spirit within yon he was bruised for our iniquity ha loved ua better than self he that cornea will not be cast out return although thou hast fallen ha seeks you to night come back to god rev kenneth maoleui of knox presbyterian ehureb and rev dr dickie or the united church oulsted at the evening senrioe v the special mnsio by the choir tho vocal solos by mra wilfred beasey and mias harton and the or gan voluntaries by mr a b castell daring the servjoes were much enjoy ed and appreciated pobuc school bowl the board met at 780 pm with the following membera present mrs creelman messrs crichton harrison kentner mcnally and edwards mr edwards taking his place aa member for the first time moved by messrs crichton and edwards that mr kentner be chair man for the year 1827 carried the chairman having been install ed the following committees were appointed moved by mesan menally and edwards that mr crichton and mr harrison and mra creelman be property committee carried moved by mr crichton and mrs creelman that messrs mokally and edwards be the supply committee carried moved by meson crichton and harrison that mr j b mackenzie bo reappointed as member of the public library board carried moved by messrs mokally and edwards that the regular meeting of the board be held the first wednes day of eaoh month at eight oclock carried moved by mr crichton and mra creelman that mr j a thompson bo reappointed secretarytreasurer carried moved by messrs harrison and crichtou that the following oooounta be paid aa road carried hydroelectric 9 bm hydroelectric supplies 200 bank of montreal 800 j n oneill son 8b georgetown herald printing 1080 moved by mra creelman and mr criohton that mra roes be edgaged to eaamino the health of the school children and report to the board carried moved by mr mcnally and mr edwards that the property oommit- tee make a general inspection of the achool and report the condition to the board carried on motion of messrs monally and criohton the board then adjourned ateaaauloaai while jack miner is well known for hia interest in the breeding and conservation of wild fowl compara tively few know of a remarkable farm almost in the suburbs of toronto where all varieties of wild geeaa and other water fowl arj being bred this interesting plane form the sub jeete of ono of the articles in the new vcram ickckah tfte following ar the ninnm uf the ofttaerfl of verduru uebnkiih lodge nu 184 irorgetown lustnlhxl at the ittutallutltttl ttilrtn report last liuuit png bister k illartkliurli ng hitler e kciilncr vg sutor l armtftrouif mbec bister m forgmvi- futr bister n lohlhnm triuu bister 1 itill wurden bister m vulluattir conductor bister m buck cliaplalu bltuirpnorriuutun kbng sller e cmive ssng sister d thompson r8vg bister m murray ssvg sister iron ig slstar p scott og sister g forster pianist sister j leavlit bister blackburn was rpioteuted with a past noole gramvslewel slater telfer district deputy presid ent of miltou with n glassjcpiid jur itisjrf preulon was uever ao truo as it is to day the whole world so to spouk has been made easy of access by trun- aportatloii systems hy rail ocean automobile and aeroplane while the advantages of travel are uow available to many instead of the few the reflneraents of modern railroad transportation and tho exacting re quirements of the modern traveller aa regards hia personal comfort have combined to make the detailed ar rangements of an extensive tourist trip rather complex every traveller making a vacation trip wlahes to do- rive the utmost benefit in pleasure and education to spend aa little time as passible arranging its many details the itinerary and train connection securing sleeping car steamer and hotel reservation- etc he desires also to make the best possible use of the tinfe available by the inclusion of the most important and worth while attractions and above all to know how much it will ooat all this is done for you in the personally conducted allexpense tours which have become so popu iar with the canadian public the best known and most popular being the splendid tours operated via the canadian national railways under the direction of mr martin kerr b a 4 beulah ave hamilton ont and mr a e bryaon 44 silver- thorn ave toronto ont of the kerr bryaon tours two more such tours ore announced for july 1027 one from toronto through the candion woat to the pacific coast lnoluding wainwright park jasper national park the triangle tonr vancouver and victoria b c re- ituraing through the united states via yellowstone park salt lake city denver colorado springs piki peak and chicago tho other from tor onto east to montreal quebec ste anne de boanpre the sagaenay river the mortine provinces saint john n it prlnoe edward island the bra dor lakes halifax n a land of evangeline annapolis valley boston mass and finally ottawa the capital of the dominion descriptivo booklota of both these t tours will be available very shortly and in the meantime furthor informa tion may be secured from any canadian national railways agent or from the organiters if yon have not previously been interested in these touts it is woll worth your while to enquire about them they will solro your vacatit problem agnew elected warden etiwarl agsew tetve 4 natti cmy cmhmji at thy unit intxitipif of itltni county iouikmi htthlut milton ttitr- diiv with nil hmrtuiitiitve prtiwiu ktlwuril auiiiw uawvt itf nukwi- uawujfo win ulwitl wutiliit r hiil- tonfor the jwir 10u7 ho won lli ullimildoufl cikllcrt f tlu memshtv notmlw itattu lwlnj iiuutiimw hotkey jbfelm ftetol lrm4o 41 be fete hf tnwi f scbur mm win rrom laler iltuaki tuam wua 11 tarfp tfiithuriiik of atiuwtatohi at tbo artiin lout friday night to witnoim tltu gau uytwroii hbhirototon and geopbotown in tho tw tywta jjdnior o ha urim motwith- vclfltandlng th foot tlmt tin ic- wum a tw gtorifutowir ituyahud tho lnht or tho gflmu throufihout in thy una period neither taura mom1 in tno acuond priod hfotnpton ruotvd nhortly aftor the puolt had boon facod tlifti woiiuh to put pop into the home day utul it wan not iodk before wul tew had tallied two and held do malting the scow tit tho end of the eoond period mln fuvor of iforgo town both toura btnrtod in utroag in tho third period und although georgetown continued to have the boat of the piny they only succeed ed in adding one to tht ucoro gil bent did tlw trick und the ucoro at the end of the thlrtl period stood 41 in favor of the home team tliu lintiup waa an follow- georgotown goal holloway defense walters and harley cunt re itcid wingn kiug and mcnnllj nubs tmt and glbbotu nul goaler cole hrarapton cioil iarge defouae drown and done centre carr win go gibion and algie- nubu p oilman mocutelwon roferoe- leou wulker torontj in the game beiv on monday night in the intermediate serie b twoen georgetown and holtou the latter won by a wore of 20 our boy pat up a good garue urd al though they held their uppouentu down to two goals thoj were unable to flcore better luck next time boi referriug to the junior hckey same at milton last week the champ ion uiya the game was ono of the best and cleanest with few penalties all for minor offenoos muton fans were dinappointed but there was no i fault llndlng georgetown may have hadtho better of tho biealui but won fairly and has milton best wifihes for getting into the flomifinali ssglling out mens furnishings at prices that are worth your investigation mens windbreakers bealt quality all wool s47u value tor a0 f wos value for 3b b4 vnlur- fur 4 so sjfluj vuluutur imah rnil vulmi for 89 79vluv for 3s8ii 9hm vahe fur ijsv boys sweater coats windbreakers jer- seys and pullovers at a big reduction mens pants and overalls 17fl mw for s13w 200 value for 1bi umehoose s mens sweater coals tj26 value for jlmo t4at vulue fur a4 4 so vnluefur iejlval ror 83so twbh r0a vqluo forv 4tl fl80 vuluo for 481 870 value for 8608 value for 8870 the businese summary issued ly thu bank of montreal for january la as follows for ontario wholesale trade haa been fair while retail mer chants report seasonal quietness following the beat holiday trade in miiny years industrial produotion continues on a steady basis and manu facturers are closing their year with confidenoe automobile manufact urers have resumed volume produc tion and are planning for greater out put than last year ran and steel trades are well employed and boot and shoe manuraoturera report continued improvement in demand manu facturers of furniture are holding their annual exhibits in different parts ot the province tire com panies roport seasonal deoline in sales the gold mining industry in northern ontario is in a prosperous condition nearly all producing gold mines have increased produiitiod plans under way and proapaota for 1027 as re gards tonnage are eaoellent bufb- cient snow has fallen to make good aleighlng and provide protection for pastures and fall wheat cattle arc wintering well cold weather has prevailed and conditions have been ideal for woods operations anm afrkaunl satm ly published february issue of rod- ana onn and canadian silver foi news the contents of this issue in clude many fine stories of hunting and fishing the regular department relating to angling guns and ammuni tion and the outdoors contains e great deal of good information on their particular subjects with the cover of this issue la included number 2 of canadian silver fox news which justifies the promise shown in the first appearance some important fihaaea of fox farming are dealt with n many articles rod and gnu and canadian silver fox news is pul llabed monthly by w j taylor limited woodstock ontario the annual meeting of the hulton agricultural society was held tues day afternoon when it was decided to bold a field crop competition in fall wheat and oats tlie fall fair will be held thla year on fiiday and saturday sept 80th and oct 1st the following officers were elected for the coining year hon presi dent e m readhead president e horrop 1st viceproa l w olds holm 2nd vtoepres a l chambers 6ectreaa a l alaonabb auditors j m denyes w j mcolenohnn directors nelson m w clements d hartley h moarthur w read- heads naaaagaweyo w a bhuklock w read f uonivru lqueslng a hume w snow n mocallum o monalr trafalgar j h wilsou d raid captain morden c hocaun w e mccready a e woodley hilton amoolbbon n a sinclair e byer t o ramshaw b jones delegates to attend fairs aasouiatlon convention at toronto if moarthur jand l w chisholm tuesday evening georgetown fine juniors played their schedule game at brampton and were support ed by a large number of fans who certainly are enoouragiug the boys tlio first period was fust but l- llttle rough in plaoes and there were a- few penalties given to each team all the ployors on both teams were out to win aid with eaoh good plu tho rink echoed with thu voices of the fans tho second porlod opened with a goal for georgetown after about two minutes of play the goal was a hard shot to the corner of bramp tons not about half way though this period brampton evened the score and every play was fast the fastest stania of the hard fought game was the lout and all through tills tlio fans were shouting enoouragement to tho players both teams worked hard georgetown showing more combination than tho brampton buys it was uot until two minutes of ploy that brampton nottod the wluuing goal though brampton won the game two to one tho score does not indicate that they are the better team because george towns speed and combination was in itself splendid to wutch next monday night when the juniors meet orangeville here thore ia sure to bo ono of tho finest oifd fastest games of hockey ever plajed in this arena come one and all and bring with you the boys best helper which ia your encouraging oheors miss mavis berry entertainer 70f 2ft0 value for tloh 827t1 vuluo for 8210 mens fleoie underwenr100 for mens all wool underwenr 180 for 8110 mens gowns and pyjamas nt special low pricoh boys pants knickers and shirts all at reduced prices mens shirts vlr utul mm h doughty vialtvd ttl tin limiw nf iv nvlmont acton on biiulti mr miirrtty himmurvihv of huniui- iimhi in vlftiitt lit tjn ol tionu lutv am nt aaron tim itawltiill fftni lim m vfiy ilijmultl fm thiit duiuo nt tlut honttf of harry turn wall on kridiiy wivttiiiug tlio ubottt wim rkivsi too lite for liiul iuiiu th tint fih kttrt ffrtory to pr- ht it cbda i biir aurttaj h by tb canudlan viw nt co ua flnhcdby ctijn n pi 11 mhj vmioyihir cmrthtjiimt uhw illtlior- to th nr uid by catiadltiu fub- mh hv b lwtwrtd from ku- rop und th uhitd suu- which hay at litit nulltd heavy ioaia owlhf to latt dllvrtaa grain ifft manlra1 for i4vntma dlffrnt eouhtrt in um ima a-t- on ortat britain imrtaj to th litavlcit fitnt followed tin ordr by hulland cvrimjiny balitiuw italy franc norwy cr4f iralaiaj portugal nnd kouth africa gvaat britain innk 39sdl7tti buihtli or 91 p rant of tht total avtiotta from ihr port btinf alao thbay- lft purchaf ar of oata morxray j and holland wro rha two lavgaat i buyara of ry j th train harvat of lftm haa laftlf morv mnnry in tho country than tb krrntrr harvt and louawbat blab r prict of i9t mecordlng to m m patron prldnt oftha ffatataaai slmmihip company and owaa of a hundred country eltvmton in th wat with on ntbar elty auvator now bwr built at a contract emt of shm0 at fort william wr paterion who wai inttrviawaj at tb windsor ilotfl tnuentiraal raeastly havinc arrlvad sl winnfpat la travail withil fatbar u4 motbar wife nx ehildwn and two urtat by canatjian psetflo roni and and auauihlp to batlaiid wttb viw to atayinv at bounuttuwitli f lh next three moatiu eiuue scrvlttallc styllili wrk awl ircu suh 9l2o value for 89o 150 value fqr 119 17ft value fqr 190 300 value for 159 22b value for l79 250 value for l0 300 value for 28 mens dress work gloves milts boc valuos for 10c 7bc vafues ror 56v 100 values for 70c 125 values fur 80c 180 values for 91111 200 values for 189 260 values for 108 mens sox ties handkerchiefs scarfs caps and suspenders at big bargain prices f11 save b8 money on our furni- u ture and house furnishings prices every house can use crockery now is the time to save money on our selling ont prices uacicson georgetown i new adveruseekflth taxes oatslanding the collector baa beaaj laatrneiad t bill all panlee ia arrests ol taxes or enumnia hue the muoicjp4uiv s lecaat- oh will le at tbe weianworka otfe on friday 10 to 3 nm otber dayaal ua reud4wrcbtmn si sum ft money in mail wl told fwd er pteau return to uni h w keeoady and receive reward ft tesuett cottage on church at reel water awl llahi apaly to mia h- w icanaedy it sffjuuree far 20 ibarra m qaorfeiown arena coas- piay for uu apply m llarald oftve ltp re seje 6 hiiohcn chair oak table dlolec cbjlrc arm chair 3 ntknrn 2 iron bed complete ball atand itlicbao cupboard exteniton table aaw oak aideboard dreamer etc apply afer 6 la ura j a bvana charlee at hay lee sal good mixtd hay for aale or will ex change for reed sraln thomu laraea norval tkailon tip olell at sewing machine word experieace anot neceaaary apply to c d dayfoot fit co gaorgetowa ii si wttll tlik musical eckardts town hall sat jan 29 25e 50e phu tax dai0 after jnitfiadcf vramloglas use unbreakable cfloglass no more broken glass let us supply you with unbreakable celoglass star your pullet laying dr hesa poultry panacea and slocic tonic guaranteed to give reaulfi we have a reh ttockof sulphur salt saltpetre and poultry grit jalinstons floor wua per lb 7ao hout our johnsons eleotric floor 1olutluir per liour fiou irilu 200 t turn two oaieo m 0nill rlockt bjialaj apply io j n oniu son 3mr own if fa sou a iiuamily of wliaal straw swl alfau hay h s usli pkana r 3 clulua hsm ii sacs is lalar prwh hfl dallvsraa aaywhsrs phcui tio vvudwoari oorawowa h woaun td tak car or iavalldl latly and da llabl bouswork apply baa a hrram offic it latata4hi tsr sal a fw bags of cbalos polaioss laftas 200parbjtkdlivsrad la town ordar aarly jihn fanasr phoa i37w 3tp oyslorsluill par 100 lb bag tl2s 25 40 and 00 watt tungsteu lamps 0 for f 100 hhot gun akells par box 00a quaiuntnl floor wax noplb se axes and bandks cross cnl saws wedges stewarts power horse clippers and plates buy your hardware f romjjs and save mono iiailllware plumuikg furnace woiik klectric wiuinm r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown ver ebmee hardwood maple 400 par alnffle cordi choice hardwood alaba 375 per alaale cord mlaed raila i00 fust aloizle ord miated wood flso par aifttfu cord ttua ia all good aounddry utaoiamjal ibrae pricea ii good buying satufaction aiarao lead j uramllord boa 4k phone tm r 4 utoriratown ntlleetofa nov it the lime 10 vet your arcul lural litnf whan ihat alelaumat la vood 01 h5 pr ton rreijibt paid call aad wee a utnnla alao primed mailer eo how lo e limr walter ii more aeai pilimk tsi yip te ate b niomrd hooe oo uurdocb streel tinmc litflil waier iialda newly reaovm led iiumadute poaaeiaion- apply to i large quantity of good djrw hardwood alao urn quantify of rood dry cedar for mndunff utaed wood alwaye oo band pricf a aa uaual caah on dallvery prompi e phoae 330 aervice w gee nfalown deal clover honay istf pet id ambe booey 12 l2c per lb at it vanatter ana si gaorawowiiujtr no 1 2 tuba de korea croealoy new torn- pteiewiihoew atorac battariee aerial und phonea ready to op rata soap at i300 ihoae norval wv3 2t t good cedar poaia apply to c brld- b lot 6 con b itummff r r no oeorgetown 3ta taodera areeawad for two haraa aame io be removed from lot 7 aaat aad of aeorgeiowo adjotnlnc laabery heavy limbaraeadlogood coodltloo amjv al llarald omce wood k00 load hardwood baltar ikaa alalia cord ajoo load ailud wood kiadliiur qusbac hsalar aad faraas ckuaksunia laad uapu ajlladtloa sir uwd ay uaatbt uurrayt ltoa w r i oaoraiawa

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