Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1927, p. 3

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c ii in iti i m m i- tmt flkobocrowv rriutn january 2oth loar i wraggettes drug store facial protection there is no time tirtbeear when weather condition 1114 mow harmful tu tlh skin than lln preeiil wluler iiintitlei tin itilj biting winter wlutr the drifting mww or the rrnlv air will work havoc with i he eniupkniion uud it is mm- nime than tiny other time tluit special care should lie given to it itetow oil will tllldluttyjl ereutwlllid lot4on wliiih will uive yiiur iiilliplexion tlie proteelloll it lieeilu day dream vuil cr mhi day dream cow cr hju yurdloy colli cr hv yardley v11ufr iuk nylotla itedtlme cr 0u darulh cold cream lc nyul face cream flov woodliury faciaur u0v lergcns lollini fl0e wiuih iliuol cream uk- italian llllllll nylntis alninnij lwiu 3ftc the nyal quality store tipy m asm 11311151 personal chnrch news local news hems pino and cool minstrels tonight thli b tin lust week of juuuurj obr up it will ho wnrtuor in july reeve m l near wo at mil too on monday attending county council are you enjoying the band at til amu on ttiwisiiy and batnrdaj evening then will be another lucky number prize at the arena on flatur- uy night norval public school progress- lv ochre and danee thursday feb 3rd it 8 mn 2t th tbennometer registered 21 below at wm gambles last night it waa 18 op town thu morning note tha change in date of tho monthly euchre and dunce at the norval public school thursday feb 3rd 2t rrtite program of st george minstrels will commence promptly a- 81ft on both wednewliiy nud thurs day nlghu a necktie ocai will be held in th pariah hull of st tioorgefl church on the evening of 8i valentine day feb 14th particulars later muielda tirzwell of lime- houm held the luoky number at tlie arena uit saturday night und was preeented by the management with a chicken on aoooant of the severe weather extra precaution u being taken to hare the hall well heated and extra protection on the window for the minstrel show this evening in response to a request from a urge number of patrons another old time donee will be held in the town hall glenwilliams on friday feb 11th watch for pottem the regular meeting of tlie wo mens institute will be held on wed 2nd at the home of mr wm mar shall moinfitreet mrs r p betsey will speak on tlie idea woman mr john stringer who hoa been residing in georgetown for the past six months has purchased a farm at btoynar and with mrs stringer and daughter pearl removed to their now home lost week we extend congratulations to our esteemed townsman mr j u mackenzie on bis election to tlie presidents chair of the ontario lumbermens association john has done much among the lumbermen to put georgetown on the map special fish prices this week labrador herring 10c lb lake herr ings 31b 25c flounders 100 mi had- dies a lb 26o or 15 lb box 8100 choice freshly pickled shoulders wltttont hank 22ot w smith fish and meat market sale of homemade baking under the auspices of the womens aux iliary of st johns church stewart- townjnon saturday afternoon feb 12th in the council chamber after noon tea from 330 to 0 quilts towels aprons etc will also be for ale 2u ufcshsfcs atutu t dont miss our next regular meet lug fob int mtwtlng called for 730 ubarp after whifr the lading sidv fn tho content will ontertahi the winning stdo to u skating party and cards if you cant skate you van piny cards nefredlimentit und a good fime in utore for all hew ttate cut t hmvii mamma said little klsto do men ovor go to lioavan why of course deario what makes you ask that cause momma i nover see nny pictures of angles with whis kers well anbwtired her mother thoughtfully soma men get into heaven dearie but only by a vtry close shave hetmlty 10 1 iumut the annual banquet of hornby l ol no 160 was held in tho orange hall lost week and was largely attend ed tlie first part of tlie night was spent in playing progretfftlvift euchre after liiia all did justice to a dainty supper which wow provided by the memberswivofl and daughters th rest of the evening was spent iu masio and dancing ifttlal irukawt the musical eokardu swiss bull ringers and variety entertainers will appear at the town hall on sat urday evening next sinoe their last visit to georgetown four years ago the kokardts have engaged a new company of performers and promise an entire chat i go of programme the companys orchestra will furnish music for dancing after the perfor mance u t n lwdhm or llitmllioii wuu in town outiutulu mitw kuthtihn llurko or toronto wan ii tmui of tht mim ktintwly tver tho wthk tnd uuv mr rhiirtvm ut lrnijfllmiiiili wan in tovtii ikmi friday tnidtiuide the herald a pleiimmt null mw icjmc thomptiou luwl the iiiiufortuiutto fill on the ley pav- hie ut on sunday inoriiiiig uud friu tun litr arm minn lily micaun who reoeiitly underwent an operation for append- citiuut ju4dph ilospiuil has returned hoiueuiid in loiivuleseiitg nicely master gordon hale sou jf mr anil mr haxelton hulo underwent two operutloiin at guelph hospital durinuthe past week he i report ed to be progressing favourably mr robt h gilwin of carbon hill alabumu wuh in towii on mon day for u short time he had been culled home owing to the death of his ulster miits sarah may gllisou at cltpltenluuu among tlie frioudu from out of towu who attended mrs masons funorul were mrs puuny and mrs cm 1 1 on hamilton mrs bailey tor onto mrs kanuhawaud mrs luns- bo rough acton v mr jiuk thoiupsou wuu ut o- goodu hall torouto last thursday attending tlie ceremonies in oonnee- tion with his call to the bar jacks many friends oxtund congratulations and wish hlin every huccess in his profession mr j b mackenzie wus in tor onto last week attending the annual convention of tlie ontario lumber- men assooiatiou mrs mackenzie miss jean mackenzie and mr sam mackenzie attended the dinner dance given by tho above association at lie princegeorge hotel on thursday night ht georges chun h friday evening next ut h ocloek the bishop of tho dlocnio will dedi cate the new oak pulpit and ulmneel mnwn glvrh by the uanghtrru of tlie churohlu memory of all tlin in- aumhents afut georges church kluee it with founded in lhhlf the blthop will preach and all are hohi ially welcome nextsuuday fli 3lh tlure will lie u oelebrauoii of the holy nn- tuuiiiount h am mutiimund sermon by tlie mmtor at 11 um kvetisong audsenujm by the wwuir ut 7 pm 1 united church ilev br iiikhs aitbiecl in tlu itultetl church next riinda morn ing the 30th iiihu wiuw t1m art of public worship jfixil in the even ing teauworkm christian ser vice 1age 8 hl th anna company appreciate vary moan th ooopention of the poblio in refraining from unoking at the anna daring the hookey game latt friday evening the atmoa- pherio oondition waa mnoh better for the player and more pleaiant for the udlee than on aome former ooeaaiona tnanka gentlemen yonr neponeewai appnelateil while out hunting rabbiu the other day george mouonalil of net- aon townahip had an unusual ex- perienoe he ehot a huge jaok rab bit and wounded it but before the dog could eloa in on ite quarry a large owl awooped down and carried away the rabbit theie birds an liecoming is regular menace to tho poultry yards in this district favjitrtaat t oaaut another jitney competition will be held by the curling club at the anna neat monday evening an 31st when priaos presented by mr peter smith of acton will be played for every oarler is requested to lie present at 7s0 sharp a wmsat laatltau the norval branah of the womens instituto will hold their regular flaonthly meeting on thursday feby sid at um pm at the home of idas haopbereou good proaram paper by alias hayes of ooorgetown masio nfieshments a cordial in vitation is extended to all htdiea a pareal post social under the aus- ci of the ladle aid of hornby hyterian church will be held at the home of mr and lira geo a wilson 6h line eaqueslng on tues day feb 1st good program tea will be served adulu oo chlldran 15c ltp to talc baatkua a story of russia in the maelstrom of revolt tlie bitter recollection of oenturiiw of oppression and persecu tion rankling in tho twisted brains of downtrodden naaaantsv suddenly re leased by fate to war against their opprossora bore is real drama the greatest piotun spectacle of the de cade see this at the rox thcatre saturday afternoon and evening oe te beatlaaa rev j- e mothorsill u a for merly of taylor memorial chnrch montreal who was recently eolocted as sole nominee for tho vacant parish of kirkcudbright was elected minis ter of that parish on jan 6 thin is one of 8cotlunds finest and most oharming rural parishes the con gngation has a momhership of 1000 theuipcnd is 4000 and a manse mr motherolll 1s a sou of mr and mrs joseph mothersill of bmnjpton and a brother of mrs j a willough- by best tlteatm wednesday jan 2dth you never know women drama with florence vidor chapter j of casey of the coast guards comedy meet my girl friday jan 28th tho teaser starring laura la plants hero aomes charlie fox news saturday jan 29th matinee at 3 pm the volga boatman by cflcil do mille who claims that jn many respects it is superior to his famous the ten commandments comedy ship shape folu car toon felix in the land o fancy prices matinee 10 a 20 night 20 a 30 coming the flaming fronteer hutorically correct as lanysrtael oesuh oam considerable interest has been aroused in tho community over a dog and sheep coxe which comes up for trial tills week w a wilson is having w c anthouy summoned to court on the charge of allowing his dog to kill three of his sheep tho case will ha tried on friday jan 28th at 8 oclock in the basement of the united church georgetown he- fore judge munolmuasen and twelve jurymen the plaintirf will be re presented by lawyers bute and browu while tlie defendants interests will be looked ufier by lawyer miur and cummin gs ah home line point of law will come up in thin uasu every body should be present when court opens admission 10 rent m lsrtt oeatvae a contract list been awarded by tlie sister of loretto for the construction of a now abbey in toronto work will commence at onoe official of the contracting firm htated this morn ing the uew abbey is to he of the tudorgothic type constructed en tirely of htone the nmin building which is 300 feet in length contains the sdml nint rat ion neetlon uud living quartern tlie school wing which is 300 feet in length contains 20 class rooms science rooms and other neoe sary accommodation the contract for tlie titone for this fine building has been awarded to logans quarriett gecngetown by pigott and heoley who luve the contract for tho building logans quarries are noted for their excellent stone the ccjx matter awl bartjli itf lawfastl card of thanla mr mason and family wlah to convey to ihsnda and neigh- their alnesr thanks boom for their for their many kind acts sjm patbyand floral tributes in their men sad baraavamsnt tuesday january 18th was the acoasion of tho third annual mother and imugbter banquet hold by the cgit or the culled church the successful banquet shows the deep interest which is being taken in the cgit movement this movement sets bofora the teenaged girls of canada four high ideals cherish health seek truth know god and serve others in ondeavoring to livo up to tliese mur standards the can adian girls an in training for living the banquet was held in the sun day sohoolroom which was tastefully deoontted with blue and white the cgit colors tlie tables at which about eighty persons sat down look ed vary attractive with their pntty flowers and dainty favours dorothy frampton waa the capable toaatmiatroas of tlie evening the tout list was as follows tlie king dorothy frampton response the national anthem the mothers edith davis res ponse mrs h w kennedy cgit work isabel modormid response miss macpbersort the sunday school helen fore- ter response mr j d godfrey dunug the evening several musi cal numbers wore given by memben of tho gronps a piano solo by miss margant dickie a quartette by maudo mcdonald ada lane con- stanoo deans and inne tost and a piano duot by elm frampton and ada lane the girls wen very fortunate in socuring as speaker of the ovenfng mtss maophcreon provincial secre tary or the girls work board miss maophersons splendid address waa based on tho hymn i would be true and should bo an inspiration to the girls in thoir futuro work a sing song conducted by miss macpherson was mnoh enjoyed by the girls and their guesta and the evening was brought to a close by the singing of the cgi t hymn and tups dealt with as first uid caw ut 4bu plant are now being reported to the board for medical aid in 1020 tlie total compensation awarded was 8ttm3moo or nearly 300000 more than in 102s dur ing 1020 silicosis and compreaaeii air or caisson dispaue4 were added by the board to the list of industrial diseases and very considerable expenditures were inado in 1020 inuoniimtionwiih the payment of claims for silicosis there has alio been a marked in crease in tlie amount paid for medical aid in 1028 tlie total having been ws884stl70or slightly over vll2000 more than in 102s the total medi cal old for 1020 amounted to 21 per cent of the benefits awarded hy tho board in schedule 1 m morley stated thot the acci dents pnvenuion associations form ed under 8eotion 101 of the work mens compensation act plan to eon tinue thoir work and hope for n con tinned reduction in the more serious typo of accidents over period of years death cases nnd pernianeut total and permanent partial disabili ties bavo shown a decrease which in itself has encouraged tho executive committee of the various accident prevention associations to continue their present plan ofcainpaign fcpi2c7ijl servick dedication of new pulpit and chancel screen by the bishop of the diocese thrtright rev d t owerj dd friday evening jan 28th 1 1927 at 8 oclock the bishop will also preach at thia aervice all welcome x ikmulm auiathsv standard anthracite scranton coal itt all six automatically screened and loaded i coal wood belact lomp for domestic and tbreafaing porpoaaa smithing and cannel goal in fact loarry everything to be found la any aptodate coal and weed yard are you overlooking thta real economy sale at acton produce aft grocery co quality first and always- motto big special in our meal dcpj 35c pure bulk lbs for 1nnl 2 great stocktaking sale now going on flsauuolettou utnpud vjumifltittu 3in at striped fhu letm 27 ill nt white ilaiinolott3ff in nt whlto flonulletto 27 in ut plain grey domot dt in at yam cloth plaiu und fancy stripos uc for rancy wrapnerotte 2so for towels liiilii towula 00- for turkish towels 20o for turkish towols 2ac for turkish towuk 10c for towelling pure ebulk 2 lbs for rhortuing 32c canned goods week l john mcdonald phohb 1 t gmsrgsttmn llurfanl peas 2 for 3b1 com ilbbjm pork ii beans 2 for 35 campbells soup 2 for 3s lihhys pry mustard giiir jar rog 20 for 15c exwuiior pastry 24 lb hag 95c quick nnptlla 8onp chips rag 2oo for 20c bulk soap chips 2 lbs for 25c for on cob reg h5 25c palm free soap 1 dox sqjbj i dinniniul clenukor rog j 12c per tin our price 4s mixed nuts special por lb striped linen towelling 20u for striped linen towelling 28c for chock 01u towelling 28o for f wiilo iluekiiluik tuwclliiiy llir ror xibtdleu vuata indies vlnn high niuk long sleeves 3i- toi childs vens whit 110 for hoaiery llilies cuturcil iliilunurc hose blown heit licrs indies brouu lisle hose ofto for ladies plalllnll wool hose brown onlysioo for olovea and mitt mens leather mitts 20c and hoys leather mitts mens hand knitted initth sou ami ladies whit gnuntlot gloves misses gfiitutlet gloves luc 10c 22c 17i 28c 27c 19c- 2llc 18c ltlc 311c li- 10c 21c jlk- ic 10c title 3oi aoc ific 70e aqa 40c windbroailrere mens heavy all wool 8o0o for boys heavy all wool 9201 and ladled nil wool at 840b s32js s301 35c jolly powders 3 for 22c orange pekoe tea special 2 lbs tor 139 acton produce grocery co the independent grocer phone 169 chan k browne proprietor dreaiea missei flannel drosses only childi flannol dresses only drew crooda r4 in homespun dross goods 2ji0 per yd 18 in ull wool serge per yd 12 ill nil wool flannel 8100forii 3208 s2bii mjli mr 7llc a grcit nssortment of ttomunnts odiu anil kiiil u little uf everything goinghju biir reiluction the nbove are only n few of tho many bargains offered m mcbeanco m georgetown mstsaassssusm sssiswssbsssii norval one of those inoident that un al ways of interest in a community took place at the united church parson age norval on wednesday january 10th when he v n d mackinnon united in the bonds or matrimony margant irene anthony and milton thompson robinson both of the township of chinguaoousy anniversary services in connection with the united church norval wen hold on january 16th conducted by rev c v mclean ala ba of annette street united church tor onto tho aervioea wen or high order and much appreciated by the large congregations present at both aervioea tlie choir assisted by mies marion noble of toronto and mr lung of dundee contributed much to the pleasure nnd profit of the occasion compensation cosls speaking of the accident ex perienoe under compensation in ontario in the post year it b morley general manager industrial accident pre vention associations cites two n rent cases oue an employee whose thumb was injured while removing nails from lumber and who developed infection from tills alight wound dying within a short time another cose was that of a worker plaeing belt dressing on a blt on a drive shaft when the shaft caught his clothing tearing ft completely from his body breaking two i lb and giv ing him minor cuts and abrasions mr morley says that uu26 then wen 08016 accidents w ported to the workmens compensation hoard aa against 80012 in 1025 the fatal coses lnoreaaed from 8th in 1028 to 400 in 1028 an investigation ot the mpcha to the compensation board showe that a gnat many man case havo been reported involving medical aid only from thia it appears that many accident formerly and now for that overcoat for those men who have put off getting their winter overcoats we have a limited number of highgrade coats the balance of onr winter stock i which we are now offering at bargain prices materials such as chinchillas ckeckedbacked blanket cloths tweeds and various shades of nav gey tan and loyat coats which sold regularly at 2250 are now 1475 2500 are now 1875 3500 are now 2450 aaaaasataasasal aa i w also a number of youths and small mens coats sizes 34 35 and 36 which sold regularly at 1500 to clear at 995 we also offer a number of lines ofwinter furniahinga at clearance pricea d brill co phone 167 georgetown yvoafar saturday treat assorted fudge will be our special this vrook and it ih a wonderful value it rome in aborted uvord uume hm nuu in it real good eating special 25c lb weekend chocolates iet a good rtupply of those uhujolatej while they uru so cheap munufaoturorn are asking inoru laonoy for thoir hioeolatej on account of the high price thity nre iiaying for coatings buy while the buying is good astnrtid flavour wmikend chocolate 32c lb fldiuilnuimns vemt u ntill going hlrong uud many arc duib feelinggootl result from eat ing thoin nnd in remarking ho wlimi they coino in for n now supply have you tried them if not do ho and you inny almo feel improved in heilth we sell the in to take home or we can mix them with your tavorite drinks arthur norrington mais st phone 89 i jgrandys the pare food grocery on a cold day than a dieh of macaroni with cheeee and tomatoe tr ggffi s 33b what is better 1 1 i i f a m grandy h phone 7b sliell mucjiroid j ibtt long macaroni 2 paekugot redieut mueuroui 2 jmekngeh spaghetti 2 paekagus mehiz bpaguttt in toiuiito nauiu per tin lioo nnd oidoheetu per ih kowchoew rrlh ii a loaf choose por lb devon hnmd tomutoth 2 lint oaropbeuti roinato soup 2 tint ilninxtoiuutfisoup ifiiut sih 31i i- sloll lse 2u lflo 1 sitttudta cavawleew rnnal oruver m 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1

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