Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 26, 1927, p. 4

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plan tub qkobuktown hkralu january imiiu im7 what do i owc 1 tr i hmva atraitli i owa ux aarvlca of th atrrjng if malady ihava i olh world 11 i eariatarid whan ll around piy poat arafallln if i can run with nud whan toady haartalara calling and if my torch can hunt lha dark of ny night than i mint twy lha jlt i iw with living ughc if haavana grat haa iloworad hw with onw rmrw gift if i can lift uoia othr load no olhara rtranglh can lift if i can haal aocne wound no otbar hand can heal if aflma great truth lh rwaklnif akl til nttf ravaal liwn i muat bo a hroaari and a wiwndad uilntf if to a woundod world my tdta no hail ing bring ror any gift ctod glvaa to i cannot 4 tay glfta in moat milt whan i rrtoal glva than all away ooda wlttt ara ilk hli flowtra whlah abow thalr right to atay by giving all thalr blmot and iragranca away ricbm at not in old or land uti or marta tha only waalth worth having u found in human baarta the enwertb harald 1 dont let your tele phone stand idle use it make it work for you un you wouldnt 1st ma chines stand idle in your factory if ou could help it m now that harvest time is hero in the business uorh reap all the benefit ou possibly enn rench out for tnoic buslnooa by long distance many subscribers who used to think they bad to make pcrson-tc- person cnllr now find that thoy rcneli the person they want with station- to- station calls they are quick er and cheaper btry bu tuptuhs u at ltmff distant- station f a b willson mary stuart thuset tudosi plats iwampb a rlaalft nn in in imrjlrlrf aadbaanrf a auvanraflt c cjsturf u a aodanta ptka tudor plate j sanford stewarttown plumbings tinsmllhlug esuauks uieatevy uvea raaalmmi tt b na i coal best d l w scianton coal in all sues also smithing arid steam coal mrs j watklfis hani station pb0d0 62r42 wood aiud raila 3 per aitigla oor or 2 eordi for ssi also hardwood at 9315 delivered in george town j h smith phone 84 13 georgetown mite roin of f j suuxkm oaijii l i mil iriiii u lollaetora uluudpt ini uiiuilu hud home of th rurtf ii rlmi iim in tin world tare lr ivinuii ii jauki in ukj uddreea lo tin v i in iiii tumidlmt llulorleal rtool t ui toronto rw ntly tin mtihtiifli dollar ih uneaker ulut d wuu tho cttuhtluu turreney prior m ifiro anj hi vnlii wtutoui to nn i it hlli uf u twuiict l vrll a ivallni ulth tltf vahuukt lii of uluw miunifiilhird in cubfldii ur juckcw lulil t nit uritlub columbu flu hiud 20 uuld pluoii imuod ltt i wl liy imritor ikiuuuw tlivrtl ur lo dii iiil wvii of tb- i0 coin in tkutttic out or tliwm b- uv iifcurd lu th hrlluh uumiu llbd vahmd ut tlyoo or tb f sold puti uuly four are known of at fin uni lie biild patr mwar watt lunuod n lln form jf yramlssalry nolvfl ou be bflrkh or ud ttlaytnk crd iind nu worv frtl eatam in to bu ntltu tuthl than ware isnucd u wu uvldout www wau ootltjkkldir thn tin contliu ntal tuooj whub at imp tltun flood od tbt country had oil ciliated tin tilintkm not wdrth u coniluunibl in ui jobn oravmi dlmeim hud urokm up he spaaub dollar into tlw bill rfollur quarter of a dollar etc makim a live 111 co lonial rolnavi it was lator round that coptur tulnaf wun ncary to nmko rbuufv atltr the nutbnak ot boatilltlchr luliu oon drok dwltlod that the war would haw to bv flteittd o yapor uml ruiy bills wr uwubd la isg iso and 1100 dcttotttlnatloui at flkt a tmtrlotlo aattoeiatlott u- huad thv bllli ind aftar tha tltnitb or drock tbay war flt out from arm iwadquahora at quiba and boro ini n ut at farthlnu a day tbu reason tho nrodurtlou of thr ton and twtnly doltar cold pimm bad ihxti vtopptvl in drltuit rolumbla wan du tn tbu fact that i 11 crown whou uamtian wo onnltt in th matter did uot approve at liavlna tin colonics dabbling in monoy for which it uould ht rthhtonblblo and ttwand ly beaiifh from tbo wptclminh mnt ovwrsoip it win airirtnln d tbul itoth pimihi vrcro uori mart in tlmlr woleht in uld ili 110 tfrr enn tnlnlnn sm in uum and th 0 about i2b in kiiu from p inltirtor h ntundprtlni ibr hal tlollnr mad in trlnn ed ward inland in 1803 lit rni of the moil lnt rthtlnuand vnhmbli coin ihrv rpcnk- r rtnit d in 185 tin governm t look full control of ih iii f tunntiy tt nmimir ht iuitiri llrchpit hiiurltir lo ll lliilll in tfaihliui d luutidt luulmi plum fur ft co 000 ouo inu nmtlon ul toll lirldgu aterujathe mi ijiwrnct i ivor in thf itnai jtum r nsort r- lon of the thoutand l landf havt tihti lomputrd h niold i hap man stunt ututi itilniti yi albunv lor hurt w rrcmii n rnmlnfnt north nrn ni irk md florida botp man and um aiihitr who hail nlnidy tforanit ntnr1tll of th rpaiifwil options anil rlulnt of wn mr frwmrnjjdtjjoi lli rtc- nin wa ohtaliifj from tht famous and ilrm t mar st i ttenburr jnil tain in flntlti ml today hr ipniu i tb bill r tbul it would not nnh lu a popilloi nnitc both indun iriall and far lourltn hill would be kucii a innn makrr um t inon bay for umtf it ronnrrtii two ureal in duutrinl rnrlona i nd u 111 nndoubtinlly bn a inpular rout it ttltl b thft on i britlfii between montrial and vlmnrn fnlla rroailns ihn boundary nvod the ltnlt htatih ldr at colllna ijindlrtr about four niflif from thr vllupi of ale- undrlo hay upplnl tb clayton alexandria lioy mot hltibwu and will end on tha klntri hubwa about four rallpa from tlorhport onturln thri will b tivo apana llu oral and lonfcat binir 6b0 ft ions be tween colllna land ins and wcllealry bland a lift or draw auction will be ptaeod tkara to take ear of navl cation the rout will than run aeroea the biff walleeloy laund toujr and o no- half mllee whan a forty foot a pan will run to iill ialand another amall apan will connect that with a third ialand asd the fourth apan win atao ba abort the fifth belnl 6c0 rht and oonntetlng with the canadian aalaland it will abw have a draw for tbe traffle of the canadian ehabtui harry arthur who la aaaoelated with mr freeman la a wealthy real tor of daytona florida why he falntisl the little man who was the moi k eaeort or the big woman in her ram bla through the atorea in march of bl through the atoraa had fainted ia he aublect to thla aort of thtnfft aaked tb ahopwalkor oa no applied a block of lee to tbn mans head aad motioned the crowd to stand fault not exactly replied the woman pleklaff op aome of tha purcela ber bttabaiid had dropped ilea a llttte nanry at umaa i triad to buy it with out letting him ae but ht heard nn- ffiee tb order buy wfcat aaked the ahop- inclex of canadian pacific coastal service growth rollufpui vaa tb aoawer bfyafrtaaw ufa paxae am imittaadlng feature or the paat fear wnka baa faaaa tha upon of ur fott by tb panama patlrtc ttr trade au abow that in the hat nasal year llto uv texaa valwd at 14i4ii lart can- ad tor ether wustrlea oanadlan fare hare come to be foundation atoek la tb uauad sataa united kuffdom beltlbja franoe oermaay newfooadlaac narvay wahurrlaad finland japu aid knatu oanada blrtb rat uada all tb white raoea aof tba woetd aocordlag to a eloa attidy mad of eomparatlt flffttraa oaaadaa blrtb rat la is 4 to tb thousand and aaatralia osma aaxi with si t bactaad aad walaa fall allshtly below rraaa with 1 i ladies siamntfltfi tfjuchjmc wctllukc fattmc mb smbw try na our prlcva su rsmaaonsabl mramij jlwavlalattl fmm t7sy 41178 wanted now pay t weakly exduelv stock tree nureery wowrea e write now- pauhani nursery co toronto soaturio t territory we arrow tb pbxk w aall and deliver f reeh dug hardy canadian ax f hv ist new tsiee tb appointment of j j forater which bna recently betnr nn nounced to tb poaltlob of htlnm- ablp oenaral faanencdr ayrnt nt vancouver marks anotlmr mrp in the wondarful rrowth of the cana dian pacific service on tbo purine ocean ur poritari advancemant from the tlu h joined the pacific ckoan vbhmv4w r faervlce in 1013 baa boan colttaljfrul i with the growth of the port or van- eouvfr up unfit that time the com- nan h tthlpplnu hiinlncia bnd come ilu undir tho ititlu ay dnpart men hilt with mr torator a ajipolntf itipnt an general arotu n iiconvrr nt tho time when tli cmprexr of riiifla and the rmprcm or asia war added to the pacific fleet a new dei partment waa formed the canadian pacific ocean steamship more recently the bmpreaa of canada and the cmpreaa of auatralla brnh to run on the pacific to meet tho mrrcailntr traffic a further indrstloirottbo tramendoua crowth nt tbo port wnn tbo opening thla fall df- a new pb i tl at bis now put van- cnur r on thi irrri with the great- oat porta of tbu world golfing around the world h ere an jtn ere durlnar ln2d th cnnadt colonlsm- tlon arjaihjiution nrlmfil 7 14 famlll on irtflom acrro in uitrn canailit nilh7fl mrift of vhirh u re u the provime of uuhiiouh pbtm hnvf bi4n nmplflid for the worlds poultry cmmr to be held in ottuww from july j7th to auguat 4th more tbun thirty count rlfa wll be reprefntkhl wml the number of duuifuiie i vnpfiiiil to reach 0000 hunnbat- la at the preaant time optrratinir more tmlly huss car rying more pusaengiya per mile of route and charging a lower fare in tvrma of gold wares than any other ayetim in thv world the rhimpjon jersey cow of the world no out and out british colum- bin prodiirt la to go on tour accord ing to the directors uf duvld spen cer limited of vancouver who u i died the champion would arrive nt the canfullan pacific ektpres yards shortly report indicate that the many dairy companies tn nova scota haye hid a most suceetsfulyear one company reports that they manufactuttd well over 100000 pounds mort butter than in 1d2k thla increased production waa valued at qvjf m00o ski njj in tbo laurentlana la be- comity or popular in quebec to itipo ulth tlie greatly increased truffk of winter sports lover tb caiioilinn pacific hallway company an i el niiiie special trains into tlie mountains during the week ends from jtmunry 1 to march 11 cana dian ivinter sports are attracting a crrnt number of americana of late- thm mits enlcncd by the inrush of lll ut the chateau front nae it qui tec city who came alroaa the bonk- during the chrttnias anil tin nt n ears atasqit leaver trapping will be permitted uridnr an order- in council just issued hroughout the upper part of the novlnce of albertu north of the 65th parulle within these bounds thv i lose season wbicb now holds fur the nhol province and for th uhulc iar will be opened for four months january 1 to april 10 tho claaslc dog aled derby of tlv csat is drawing near on february 21 22 and 28 aome of the moat fitmoua huekle teams in amer ica will battle for supreme honor i at quebec city in thv eastern in ternational dog hied derby the tolalu t am of th race la 120 miles cruelty lo the dog dur ing thla grind is eliminated owing to the faet that the rules re quire that any dsg unable to finish the race muat b carried on the dog sted to the finishing poit th firat prlau is 1 000 eamh a grund raaa- quvrndt ball at the chateau fran teno the general headquarters of the winter sports season will b th finale uf th dog derby dainty china is packed with robin hood porridge oats and robin hood rajpid oats youll like these good cereals from the prairie land made of finest western milling oats pandried the robin hood way particularly appealing in flavour theyre just lull of in vigorating healthful elements perfect for the children indeed for everyone in the family the shortage in highgrade western milling oats this year will not nffect robin hood ceieals ns only the highest grade oats selected by our western mills can bear the robin hood name tlus is your protection when buying robin hood dainty china in every paccaget in every package of robin hood porridge oats and robin hood rapid oats marked chinaware youll find a beautiful piece of china which is very cleverly imita tive of limoges you and your friends will appreciate the fine quality and lovely patterns ask fijr robinttood rapid oatk if you want a cereal preparable in two or three minutes poriidgo oat a other wise they come in two sizes larje anj smaller square and round with or without chin t as you prefer scientifically packed salada as free from dust as tea can lie s actual savwos are euperisneed by customers who trade si dominion stores here te another list ol money savsrs start now end save isgulirly by buying your groceries at the nearest dominion siwe raisins z 1v 23 vsuraoraaga marmalade s5 crufx vig bare 6 6 clearing sale of al winter hats prices 1 to 3 each misses claridge herald block upitairi farm for sale t6tgod00 twaoivi hplomlul loim soil lurt liankbiirn hog petia tool huuw homu orrhnnl uood hnuw hplmidid neighbor hood fiihtclami rood near town krjthinb n u dul cimditiun aiiou tortus j a aberdeen catat bareltar georgetown bsx 1u i b l t aaafrcsh groccllcsaae we have a new and uptodate line of seasonable groceries peels candies nuts cau asi tavetbgale aar prices aas faaai aajrtai forsters tarmaioaah oeoruetown arboa so

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