Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1927, p. 2

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rrrtfci i paob 2 blithe aaarrus and death tn avow diund for at the following nuii births 50c i rtarrlamr 60 9she 60j memorial cards 60c 10c par lbie extra for pootry gcorgdowbjinlors win group no 7 emx fnayunm charci aaulmectag born hardlnoln esaueslae on jut 2h to mr andmnl v c harding n icarl boy haborkavesat branlforj ganav el hospital do thursday fab hrd la sir end mrs john harersave h sad john mclay nsa hilda rankin norval r dimd jojcxandkrin ksquealna- townahlp 00 wedaeeday cab 2nd tall ollva cfclebolimtbslaved wire ef w b alexander in har 41st yesr slewartlown tbaumuil meeting of tbewomaue auxiliary at be johns cbtircli rjtewarttown wat hold ut tlie home at mrs thotatmon there u a good attendance and good reports were presenteill by tha officers a bexear was held during the year with satisfying results ilodgt money and other calls were full met a cheque for 110000 gftoii to the war- dent ana a ulee balance on hand with which to begin the yearn work election of ofifcsrs followed president sirs j r thompson vise president- mrs w d jplm ton oorreapotuhng and reoording h- rataiy mrs j a traoy tressoror mrs m a ball- seftretary of little helpers mrs bally seftretary tjto mm johnaton fleoratary ecd mrsjno bird auditors muau flora murray and jean thorapeon stat ibbkllul wuimncouilnmk acton the members of tbaathoirs of knox ohokb st allans and the baptist church were the goeata of tie ehoir of the united church at a akating party on wednesday evening and a tery enjoyable function it proved to be mr 1l p moore p m has been oonflned to bed for a week put with a oaaeof bronchitis saturday waa the birthday- of the oldest native bora resident of aotoo lit thomas sommervllle the day waa fittingly celebrated a number of friends and relatives participated there waa an attractive birthday cake and numerous tokens of remember- use from friends and neighbors mrs 8ommerville has been ill for some time but waa feeling unusually well on her birthday her maiden name was hanoy brown and she waa the daughter of squiro alexander brown and mrs brown her birth place being the house where mr n p lindsay and family now reside she baa lived in acton and vinoinity aul bar life andnooltiien ia held in higher esteem by those who know her gongrattdatiobs upon her attaining such a ripe age have been received fromraany friends free press wotval the nona branch of the womens institute bald their february meeting on thursday afternoon last the meeting opened with singing the institute ode after the usual busi ness oommunieatlons were read from hon j l ralston minister ol de fense ottawa and mr vv j l hampshire milton regarding the purchase of the arroouriesibracom- munity hall after rouoh discussion a eommittee was appointed to meet air hampshire view the building and confer with him arrangements were also made for holding a valentine tea on thursday february ltth in mrs hewsone tea a very inatruotive and entertaining paper the child the parent the teacher waa given by mrs hayes oeoreetown in dealing with the child the speaker said training should begin very early in life the training of the child until it goes to school depends altogether on the par ent there ehoold be eooperation between parent and teacher in mould ing the character of the child tho duty of the parent to both child and teacher was clearly set forth in that splendid paper boloa by mrs gordon brown and mrs danes instrumental by mrs king beading by mrs mcdonald all in their usual good style contribut ed much to the enjoyment of the afternoon refreshments were served at the close of the meeting and a social hour spent by the thirtyseven ladle i and number of children present tbe euchre bridge and danon bald at norval school on thursday night was a huge success notwlth standing the faot the weather wks bad the first priaes for euehro went to mrs arthur wilson hornby and mr floyd varey norval mr greenwood secured the bridge prize the remains of the late ellen maria hustler who passed away at brampton on monday last were in terred in norval cemetery on tuesday afternoon atokllcmm last october there was a terrible railway oroaalug fatality at milton by whloh three men were killed and now the railway company must do- fend a 180000 writ for damages tor the deaths of a ii couch and a e jones of hamilton and jessie klpps who was also killed and mrc jones badlyinjured the 0 p b it is recited in the writ left a train of thirty four oars atandlng on a track near the cross ing and that these oars obscured the approach of another cpr train which struck the automobile mow over it ia contended that theap- pnaaulng train sounded no whistle or ben and was going at an eioessive apaad mr couch lived in montreal in tn junior oha group no 7 pluyon gomes between brampton and oforgttown the first game was played at brampton on friday night rust the brampton tram wlnbiug by the score of 2 to 1 a largo number of supporter ac companied the team going by three special busses mid in private cars the georgetown boys were greatly handicapped by the small lea sur- faoo and inadequate lighting system but neverthelees gave algies red shirts a run for it the first period waa fast and clean with georgetown always aggressive and at times very dangerous but the marvelous exhibition of large in the neta for brampton saved the- day for them near theolose of the period brampton suooeeded in lasting hoi- loway for their first counter the period closed with the score bramp ton 1 georgetown 0 in tho second period georgetown again took the aggressive and onoe more large was the hero of the hour and got in the way of shot after shot the georgetown seitett were pushing their opponents hard and after many unsuccessful attempts walters bulged the twins for george towns first goal shortly after the faceoff brampton again btat hol loway for their second goal and the period ended brampton 2 george town 1 the third period was a repetition of the first two and referee worthy handed out penalties in quick order to both teams georgetown kept up an incessant bombardment on the brampton net but large proved equal to the occasion and the game ended brampton 2 georgetown 1 the return game waa played hen on monday night when nearly 2000 people witnessed one of the fastest and cleanest games of hockey ever played here brampton same up with a one goal margiu on the locals and were confident of being able to retain it and win the group but the molntyre duncan aggregation bad different views on the subject and before the night was far spent- put the margin on their aide long be fore the time set for the game to start the arena waa well filled the band waa present and kept the large crowd entertained until referee worthy called tlie teams to the centre of the ioe for the usual bit of fatherly advloe before the game the period opened with fast clean hookey and honors about even al though the locals had a alight margin of the play brampton was trying bard to maintain the one goal lead they obtained at home and large was an usual right on and proved a etumbllng block for the georgetown goalgetters it was a close cheeking affelrwitb neither team getting re sults ind the parted ended scoreless the second period waa a nerve- wrecker with georgetown always getting the bulk or the play and after about eight minutes monally got the puck and before the boys from flower town ware aware of the fact had beat large on a nloe shot from the wing for the first goal of the game aigie of brampton waa hurt in this period but waa able to finish the game about five minutes before the period closed me nally secured the rubber and again itwas too hot for large who bad to let it pass making the score at the end of the period georgetown 3 brampton 0 the ioe began to get heavy in the third period but this did not retard the play any and jones scored bramptons first counter with a wing shot that beat holloway this made the teams even on the round and the faat pace waa telling severely on the visitors who were short their subs the georgetown boys were now showing their real form and king on an individual play scored the goal that gave georgetown the round final score georgetown 3 bramp ton 1 the teams lined up aa foilowa brampton goal large defence jones and algie oentre coalisi wings gibson and mocatcbloni sub f glbsoh georgetown goal holloway defense walters and harlay centre held wings tost and monally subs king gibbons and cole referee worthy torobto notes it wan u good game and a record crowd the selections by the hand were well rendered and appreciated we missed jim algies cornet sel ections after the second period after a few clashes with walters jones was glad to let well enough alone the fans went wild with exoit- ment when king secured the goal that gave georgetown group honors reld was there at all times and waa watched olosely all through the game it ia hard to pick out the stars of the game- holloway walters har lay reid tost king gibbons mo nally all played a star game but we havo to band it to monally and king for getting the goals there was no one more proud of tlie boys than mayor molntyre and aligns duncan and tho appieoiation of their efforts were manifest by the record of the team and the loyal sup port of the citizens at the game tub ocoaosrrowi hebuld fenramuy 9th im7 tlnehoose ilsntma the members and adherent of knox praahyteruli church george town met on monday evening jon 31 to review the work of the uhurch during the year the session repor wus given by the mluister and reviewed tlie chief events of the world and of tlu uburch for the post 12 mouths indicating the great loss sustained by the church by the death of sonu of hfr most valued members au organisations of tlu ohurch report a year of uuusual activity and each one shows a good blenor on hand la spite of many extra demands including the balances carried over from 192a the oongregatlou shows a grand total of 0881 for all purposes for missionary and benevolent purposes the various argaiilxatlona contributed more than 8140 of which amount the wm b contribut ed 427 the sunday school 811s and two organized girls classes are educating 2 glru in india lit an annual cost of 440 the sunday bohool lias surpassed all former reoorde in numbers and 8416jh in contributions and 20 oer- uflcicsi were recently awarded for regular attendance ut church and sunday school the auditors state that on the busi ness tide of church work knox has had an exceptional year and on the spiritual skle the session states that this congregation hss enjoyed a sea son of activity growth and harmony such as few congregations have en joyed after the appointment of the vari ous officers for 1027 the congrega tion divided into groups and over tea end coffee accompanied by sand wich and cake the ocagregation sat down to enjoy a social hour the writ is said to bo for one oti the kitchenorgalt game being played the largest amounts ever claimed in in kitchener tonigbt will play the the local courts a fur the game the boys were given supper at browns and mayor moln tyre gave each player a little present in token of his thanks for the tray they worked under him u president of the club and under angus duncan aa manager the boys fully appreciate the way these officials have worked to bring them op to their present high standard on friday night the winners of nswjtfiwfya u watt mlavfl the township of nassagaweya haa completed its first century of muni cipal organization the first meet ing of resuunts of the township to consider the election of a council and township officers was held on new years day 1827 john marshall the present town ship clerk haa kindly f urnishedja fac simile report of the proceedings of this historic meeting for these columns and for the edification of all interested in historic incidents aa follows where at a meeting with the in habitanta of the township of vatsa- gaweya county of halton district of gore held at the house of william tnulgeoviin the said township on monday tho first day of january in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and twentyaeven by the virtu of a warrant delivered to the constable of the satdtownahfp given under the hands of daniel o bayley esq and james mobrlde esq two or his majestys justices of the peace by the present kings most excellent majesty by and with the advice and content of the legis lative council and assembly of the province of upper canada consti tuted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an act passed in the parliament of great britain entitled an act to repeal eertain parte of an act patted in the fourteenth year of hit majestys reign entitled aa act for more effective provision for the government of the province of upper canada in north america and to snake father provision for the government of the said province and by the authority of the same that from and after the pasting of this act so much of the second clause of an act passed in the thirtysecond year of bit late majestys reign en titled an act to provide for the nam nation and appointment of the fol lowing offices n this township that lstotayi william trudgeon town clerk peter mosaics aid donald mcphed- ran assessors robert langtry collector elijah higgins william menary david scott archibald mokellar soloman winter road masters robert huteheon pound keeper henry winter and john smith- town wardens hogs to be free commoners after six month old for the past hundred years the township of nassagaweya haa had competent municipal government it is interesting to observe that in several cases descendants of the original officers have from time to time served the township and the county one of these is our present capable county treasurer david huteheon esq the annual meeting of the lime- houae piaahyterian church was held in the ohuron on wednesday even ing jan 2toc a good oongregatlou tumad out to hear the repotte from the various ehureh organisations and to elect orhoeis to carry on the work for 1927 all the wports submitted indicated u good year during tlie year the old organ was sold and a new otic pureluued and a very small balance is still due ou the purcluue price t young peoples guild met regularly except for a few stiminer montlui and made all evening meet ings wore enjoyable by tho purchase of two albuliu lamps n the wm8 liasluul a prospevous year and contributed lu cash and suppliaab808 toward missionary enterprise the congregation con tributed toward the budget funds of the church 10240 thus over sub scribing lu allocation the managers report a balance on hand of 13946 after all current ex- p had been met and no special meansadoptd far meeting those nx- pensrs the sunday school met regularly thoughputthe year and under the gowtte of h small band of faithful workers is sowing the seed of future harvests a the members of session were well pleased with the progress the spirit of serviceand the haimony which prevailed within the church during the yeur ft the annual meeting of halton county loyal orange lodge was held in milton on tuesday and was largely attended every lodge in the county being well represented past county maste- bra a peterson of milton conducted the election of officers and past county master bra g chls- halm of hornby conducted the lo tion the county lodge is in a nourishing condition the officers elected for 1027 are jis follows county master bro w booker oak- vllle deputy county matter bro c brooks georgetown chap bra 8 d blnkley hornby rec8ec bra w 8 beaty milton flnbec bra h l ritchie aotoni treat bra v bradley mutom first ltot bro f norton glenwiuiamtj second loot bra j e roberts campbellvllkii marshall bra w e mocready mil ton auditors bros g chlsholm hornby and george hillmrr m p p oakvllle l btjtflby root king an old respected r dent bare celebrated hit eightysecond birthday last saturday we all wish him happy days and proiparty all the way through robert wears well congratulations mrs a m rosa of hamilton it here for a few days and ia staying with mr and mrs o chapman and mr and mrs 8 binkley renewing old acquaintances the anderson bays motored down to st michaels hospital last week for a abort visit with their father who is making steady progress in the tor onto hospital ur and mrs foster e brown ridge oelbrated the 28th anniversary of their marriage on wednesday the 8tb january at their home when all the near relatives gathered in with the family a nloe wedding dinner waa suitably served aad everybody did justice to the tame the after noon waa spent with splendid music and a real old fawilysrtunlon spirit enjoyed many happy returns hon 0 8 henry minister of highways haa teat out notice to all oonitthlea and traffic orhoers that all drivers of 1828 motor markers are to be prosecuted for violation of the georgetown team at the arena here i highway trasoaet i opportunity heavier reductions than ever on furniture during february 7piece library set 985 for- 2995 library table 1800 for 1295 desk 2195 for 1495 desk 1995 for 1395 sectional book cases 13 off kitchen cabinets 2600 for 1495 couches 3600 for 2495 carpet sweepers 350 upholstered reed rockers 25 for 1000 the gtswiy travel sub 1 of sec it noperson shall operate or drive a motor vehicle on a highway as a ohanffeur unless he is licensed so to do and no person shall employ anyone to drive a miitor ve hicle who is not a licensed chauffeur penalty for violation of this section not leas than 81000 or more than 8000 for tint offence sob 1 of sec 2 every commer cial motor vehicle and public vehicle ahall be equipped with a mirror se- enrely attached to it and placed in snob a position at to afford the driv er of such motor vehicle while driving or operating the vehicle a clear view of the roadway in tlie rear or of any vehicle approaching from the rear penalty for first offence not more thantu00 sub 1 of sec 15 every person travelling npen a highway with a sleigh or sled drawn by a horse or other animals shall have at least two bells attached to the harness or to the sleigh or sled in such a manner aa to give ample warning aoond penalty for the first offenoe not more than 8500 sub 1 bee 44 no person under the age of 16 years shall drive or oper ate a motor vehicle and no person over the age of 16 and under the age of 18 yean ahall drive or operate a motor vehicle on the highway unlets and until such person has passed an examination and obtained a lioente at provided by taction 17 of this act and no person shall employ or permit anyone under 16 or over 16 and un der 18 to operate or drive a motor ve hicle penalty for first offence not less than 9800 or more than 81000 the above act will b strictly en forced by constables itecinhy ted it ia to easy to critiolae leaden and pobllo officials who are trying to accomplish highly important civic work each of ut should ask self- directed questions and profit by the astounding results shown upon the red ink side of tho community ledger here are a few of the tests during the past year what have i done to help the town how many meetings in relation to civio problems have i attsndedf on how rnany committees have i served to help this community in its civic commercial and industrial growth have i stood on the street comer and criticized or have i aided in solving the problems to help bring about remedies to improve con ditions have i really tried to understand what this town la facing in regard to its future growth and the prosperity and happiness of its people in short have i eared have i tseu any higher than my counter or looked any farther than the pavement in front of my home or plaoe of business have i realiird that comparatively sneaking u few men and wometivrrfuy community have uctually sua ported it in a civic way while i haw not done my full duty nor oontribuw my full share have i merely msjv- staying in town or have i been living here have i merely been a resident of the place or just one tf its oltlrens level been holding back and letting the other business nten in town do all the wuiirtlslng to stimulate busi ness and i doing nothing but reap the benefit of their efforts to- bring trade to the town why should i not realise what others have bun doing and resolve to do my share of the boosting for the community dur ing 1827 these are real tests of good clureiiship how many of na can make a satisfactory passing sank badtt matt4sih4jat springs and all other furniture at very low pries a tieal chance to save some food just think of belntf able to buy a hltfhsrade genuine peabody overall s2so for highgrade shirts fortsythe antj other good makes 219 300 values for 219 all other mens and tlonally low price see the goods boy 200 values for 149 furnishing at excep- see the values sjacksons georgetown iesa rvjvvev dollar box sale saturday february 12 prize boxes galore one box contains ladies 1 5jewel braclet watch one box contains gents i5jewel pocket watch come in and have a drawyon may be the lucky one man bik wilsons jewelry store quality guaranteed solid copper wash boiler na 9 829b anil il41 10 doten clothes pins for 28 no 8 copper nickle plated tea kettle rug 8248 for 10h 111 quart galvanised pails 14 quart galvanised palls 11 waverley floor waa per lb si bee vac electric cleaner with tools 49bd 1000 gravity washing machines regular 82300 for 19011 prontena washing machines regular 1800 for 1200 eco eleotrlo washer with 4 premiums electric iron ulothar dryvr tubbenoband tub ohoii we caw uve you money on sulphui salts sallpelre poultry grit hockey stirlu ccm skate axes and handle croat cut saw stewart a power clippeti save satboar oa oyetar shell t sltft par 100 lb bat dr jleea poultry panacea and stock tonic guaranteed we give yon city prices tad city delivery haltliwakk plumbing pdrnaoe work electric wiring r h thompson co phone 46 gborgeown shoe hospital hiiuiwbtu hiitullfxl p j a itautiuiwouu intajltxl n tlmjl pttrmi for m pairing rubber boot koloaluis phillip htlak a mole p hi lump out of imuilott fasten on wood iwk et its u complet tiiftrliiiie no nit i in to buitom ft v almi do nil kind of itlw r mmiik wliitlti orhulfmolth wwu on ifnilrttr rwilfli wnumwl oti velvet oak ami u mpwjlul tmmmi uwh forth tjifrhtioii tun hiwh djtvl hliuk lioauuuiid slhuhulmtigtvl kubtw li4tlt lo iyhlv nrtmum built in rtkuuifl rjmrpflned nlmu rl voting fay laufiliin or by hand winnor nharp- tmwl in fiirt anything to i w found in mi up to ditto hvpalr plant thia iu ono of tho belt equipped impair pluuti in cuiadu today und our work peatm for llwlf yqu ah luviuwkto call uhd give tuis hop tba nnrff ovtu prioth me right we uu bull dog leather by wquft only j a ballantine hoe kabtallsla sbbbbaiatiebvsbt 134 svaaeaiataw tsftsfe jtjsa shop opem from 680 am to 10 pm wortliig bmirt 8 iim to g mtre thin aa bmtail in offer you imum of llblted btuida which we potuor we ghw you uow than a mere laveabaeut we offer you ae well luuiw upenrleloa which makee united bottde a good investment kept good when united bond are lulu ta bled we wake aeakutw eoquttiea aa to the moral and ftyttjai wortbof tha motututwi earamltve the loauity aearch the utlea of lande aad fa0- arise ourmlvee thorouaiiy with the plane and tpedfleatjona thee we malhtalfl a mieonal wpenieloii of the irulldiitff dating ereeuon following that we aupervlm the upkeep of tb property liwurene upon it and the eolurtton of money from iu revenue to meet naymeats of intereet and principal aa they mature we render to our bondholder a uatalned lavettment urvlee wulwiimmmamawm totalae mu4hiaw aumajaamar at- t united be fiaeaw uame howard c wade pre wn brown vioepre and uanaser fittbayat imaeirial bank- toronto wlndeor local representative h r mimms georgetown ontario new mverttocmttls iissst1xsijss tire chain tit 33 a 4 alauml new on tuesday feb sib ftntter ale pbn 41rstt l u1 loan of 94000 on good farm ejcurily addeu box b harald offfce fevlau cook stove wood or coal also about 15 plots can b seen at rtoajs if sin st apply ia jamss briefer terra cotta rtiwhaarftlei carload of faediitr molaesse for cut 28c a jtauoa in bajrsl iota j t tbosap soa newartiowa paoaa xr31 sip leas chain with iwo key pindar pleas laiavs at poet offlc tf woaua wul ao out turslas by in day or wesk or to oo taadry work al basis ptuxu m or writ to p o boa 137 lirotratoaro it rrtu good ctrtblaf eoplee i so par baa h eoey isc per pound a r vannatter ww grtorawtowri rs ho i tf toauatt cotisat on church ureal water and ughi apply tt mis h w tteaaedy tf rr bau 6 kliehirn chairs oak table fllalag charit arm chair 2 roccsri 2 iron bad complsta hall stand blicben clipboard uxtsoiion tabic now oak sitjeboard divsasr vapply afisr a la e van lags mrs j a kvaru charles st t aunt turn oaicesin onslli rloclii heated pply to j n ontlll it snn georaw- ptro t vary choice hardwood nti aaa msids 9400 nsr slttajle cordi ckoftf hardwumi slabs 9a75 par slagl conl missd rait 9300 per slnifl cord alaea wood 9- j p singl cord this is u good sound dry wood and at thritt price is fjood bulitfr satlsfactloa ajuarao tasd j lir ami ford bos 400 photvt tii r 4 gsorfistawn t karst h roomad htrjs on uuroocb straetfv electric liaht water nslda uswly raaova lad lauwuata aoaseeslon apply to if t arnold li lare quantity of mod dry liardsmod also urn qiianutr blndtta sluwd pvicw as uaual casboadeuvsry prtmuc aervlce w fsisiaraoa nkeet 330 gacrwetowo tf ity of good dry cedar tor wood always oa head wood as00 lead hardweed bellsr lasa a slafle cord 8900 a lead atlsad weed kladllaa oushec healer aad luraaia clviaksuooalaad llaale plud iiv00 par cord aay leoatfa alurrsys pheae w r 3 oseresiowtt il hake a taowaai by ssivlas a baaulilal aesss salid ktkk eeattraeueo rooaia with aalle talk bflt sir uraaca flraplaca aad an aadera eaissess cemsr blast aad i am an highway i ij acre lei irull trass iluelagarejre aad ii arst psysssas aad assy im at w c tf1uuam sireessa sad bull baisll btm psysssat aad paoae 41 r 5 0jrstows

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