Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 9, 1927, p. 4

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tac pads tnn oeoiuktown i1ehait rvornnary dili 19s7 suzb k h ere an dth ere during ik ver i0jh ikiiii 3 xhi live foil of mm mvi ruin vwlu nf fsoo aatfh warn rmrlad hy alx farmara of mthv kdwartl lalnnd tny nlei aold uluiul 1001 fun ektne itt htt avariim pilu of iiw ash xi thai lh fun tannine imlin- try in tit provlnc haa ilfillwl a evnue of aluiut twn million tlulliirtf ttv firat k rvli o of llu hlnrl- torat of th intvrlnr lliriuuh llm foreet nursar slnttuna ut liullun head nnilsblwlnil mill nut 5132411 liltu trwa for iilnnllliv an the pralrla farms during tin mmihiii si 1w wnc the biirlnnlie of thll work in iwi the louhimiiluir tif treea eu ealll nut linn ihii u little over 117800 wo the canadian iaclflc llmr ha etontroyel aniud fruin niu wk vacantly on liar pit vint crnla to the wi indlve ciimlm nlumt 160 paieeiigere fruin nil part of i an aula and lh united lnlia the aralsewll uiiu four woiba with tha liner tuplilnii nt fnurtaoh porta in the uiil inillia tllu mnlnlaiul of south alihrkji and th tanuma canal sonu ann nun mint ua mud at cnna- hn falrtt hallway hesdquarttrs in siwkrisl tn the effmt that charlaa rdrnrd ihalpe formerly city puaaciikir atlint of the rom ping at ahlngton hai been op- polntad tn nerul agent polsanger uvfuirtmriit mil and atoaniehlp lllua tt ulilimtnn dc mr phelpa haa been seining th canadian pa rifle from washington tinea 1810 llfly llehrldenn and northern trlnh families will be eatahllihed in a new taloiiy at baddlr laka aarly thla iprlnir this wilt no tb second settlement of ita kind in thla prov jnee the first havinp bean rtabllli mi north nf vr nllllon buildlnft ara bow bfine rrocttd on fifty farm at fiaddla lakp ami it it okpoctad that iiaw arrival uill tiilo ovr holding harp juat an a an nreoasarjr rxranavmanta inn ha modr for la fltai ulna in tna hbtary of attwau alfalfa aaad la balnc hlppod to dannaork tltla la racia- urad grimm alralfa crown by tbo tlrlmm alfalfa ttaad orowara aa- aoclallon at brooka whlah thla yaar paodoerd on third of a million pound of thla aaad if apnaara that lanlah icrowara haajbaxparlmantad with thla ad i thaaat aod hv now plaerd an ordar tot tofiob pounda tlt nova hrotla prult crowara aaaoclatlon haa rotuaatd tha krov inelal napartntant of atjatural ha- ourra to appoint and aond ovar- aaaa a omlaalan to nqufia into tha condillona u tutor which nova qcottu applaa arc markatad tha auktaatad partonnal la iba 8cm- tiry of tha nova scotia fruit crowara aaaoclatlon a raprwsanta- tlvo of tha unllad prult companua and tha nawly appolntad provlirlal uortlculturlat prof wlcuuaton mattaa la ataiaaaaa i huvu been pjliitwl unoiit for 1 k iiibla con ruitn eeda oiiu uirlpy i and whki pottttoea i alio liaiulla itlum iinww platoa nuwt bcro mill ilifoker board call and aoo nainplo nnd got y 0h oarly for nil k1 0 w btoroy iporiiptowii tvoetmmmm now la iba lla 10 al aajiuul lural um whan f ftj tl bs par ion iral w m and aaaoipla alao arllaf mallar oo mi ipbonajji ii5 aucfln saalei farm stock tha ondatainnadhaabcaolnalrucladby if h avauata mlalawauaa to aall by public auction al lol 38 wh una faauaalok naar glaowllllaauymi woduamulajr a4jtla at ona o clock iba lollowlimr 10 ojllch cowl brad to c sap and oct jcowo dua in pa and uarcb 1 1 8 vr old alaara and haliara o aarllnra 9 ealvaa taplaa iftcbubka taoa 8uomc30ad undar cash ovar thai amount 8 moolba cradlt on auirovad olnl uolaa ben pbtch aactloaaar j fresh groceries eteg iiiih in leeimii i we have a new and uptodate line of u seasonable groceries jj peels candies nuts i hi tew forsters twbui oeali oaercetowa plume s9 ri 3 i clearing sale utall w inter hals prices 1 to 3 each misses claridge herald block upttairi hydro eiectrie system vaaaaaa a atjjaaai apaar ajaaaaaataababababbaaabbaaaaabae4r orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds lamps irons toasters always on hand at tha flaaatgprleaa office town hall the new immigration in ca i erwingoldhams meat market lauuadataaubfaaauy aaaaaiarrbala la oaaaaaalkatip uamwuaamaba- lamy rf aattlaa faf ika canadian aw tia tprlnj of 12 wu aa baajomsntouyi taking a dlrtorant vlaw of lmmlra tlon tha day- uaaaad pr tha lama fhlgtatloa to canada u n- soms ssttttuimktat- aood to tha ouaktrmaw urz ljcg- 2s snsfrsdo cobadarhi- aructatnutlad tba now imnltra- u la on o th moat ooupr- hatuhx that haa taati wttun tha fazlmaimxaltritiott opi4 up to til yrti tancm iaw w wwl to brint ont a virtual jlu- tlob in nearly arary phaaa of um sutar u actually for thaflrat llfva kaltratlea bacama a publlo lwtla rjsawod tha thought and attanlloti it slaarvaa front tha baopto o camttj endwu raallud tova of flrat national onant immltratlob to canada j satmam bafora tha war wight ssghlyt iombd to throd sraara pourhm into tha dornlilon and mraadinteut uncontrolled tn all dlraetlona tho war andadand a graat popular innug from mwnr putad for canada h j lac largely becauee tha trend wi slacouratid at the outset canada unllki auatralla than regarded im migration aa a poaaihle freah problem uatiad of an aconomlc remedy the canadian paclllc hallway which in anpecutlon of aaayy poatwar moveroent had organued a oploniaa- tlon department moat keenly appre ciated the change which had coma sxe omlltlosi in general throtjljout si try and tho heeeaaley ot a ninoans viaw u iiiuniatr he daya ol aurglng flow had maeau probably naver to return in iheiame way end in any etee ouch an baphaaard inundation wae hardly mr cjilcanot than describee tha gnat immigration work being carried out by ocoree of immigration ooctetlm tn canada which coma into exiatenca throuih tha new latereat of the canadian people in immigration aa tho result qf auneryujion through thaw many eocuueethe type otim vtmpvxv ehonnala lietlnnlng to act continues m chlctnot aa l-anala- its mr ihictnot each pouring ita trleklo of new ilia mood into canada tha railway equally eolldtoua as to keeping thtea people in tha dominion altar arrival directed attention to the other end of the horn and set about turning the new popular in terest tn immigration to practical account people actuated jiot alone by tha national good but also by a pride in their own locality and a desire to sea it prosper and expand hod merely to have tha mesne pointed out to themuioedaftliat natural sympathy tor the nowmor ratghruki practical form winter holidays in northern forests tvt4vteeyay 4- canadas new governorgeneral arrives lord wtlllasdon rwmuy appoint ed oovrnorunarl or canada to lueetad leord byaf rathlvsd a hatrty wslcom to cainadua ahorai at qusbac city whara ha nnd lady willltakdoa arrtvsd at uia birtdiiin or octobar on tha canadlaa ihelho llnsr emprsm of scotland tbay biwatdhf to nidssui lun otua tna orrtelal raaldanotf of tha kin rrpresantatlva in canada tha nawa or tha sppolntment of lord wjluru- doo to tha blathsat rapraeeataura post to cntuda haa ben fteeordad wldaspraad approval both in cauda and in tha mother country and hli arrival to canadian ahoraa haa baan craatly anlleipatsd that this an ticipation haa batn mutual van eon- tfue by lord wllltnidon in an in- tsrvlew with tha prow on board tha rniprsis of brotland juat prior to hrr ilapartura for canada my xpartaneaa in canada in arlltr yaara wars axeeadlnaly plaaa in mid i am looklnjr forward with vory mucb plaasur to my stay in iinaln lrd wlhlnadoo stpted i iiudoralnnd bat a ptaat part of vb kovarnoraaasrala dutlaa u to tt about tha donjllnlon and aaa uu oonntry for hlmsslr and x am look in a forward to many opportunltlsa tn thla dlraetlona in ims lord wllunidon was ap pointed oovarnor of bombay an ap pointment which ha held until lllv whan iu waa appointed oovernor of uadraa ia returned from india in 1914 toat his tenure or office in india was inoat popular was confirm ed by the 131 wsn an official potsn- tata of th indian government who haa recently been rtaltlng- in canada and ho oneurd the national exhibi tion nt toronto this fntl tba dlwnn n former premier or the o- cbln stall nf rnulhrrn tnitln became cloaely ronnected wllb laord wllllna- don reamtins administrative mat ure in trllnite to lord mlllnxdon tha imwan slated recent i am oaruln that tlit kins new repra- senuuve in canada will pro vary popular hi admtnutratlva ability was vary htchly reaardad tluoathoot india ha waa oovarnor of uadraa when tha popular reformed ayatem of aovarnment n modi system or home rule waa established london bade a fond tare well to thla popular english nobleman whan ibry left waterloo station for tha empress of scotland hi uajeaty tha king waa repreeeots by vis count ilambladen llautcol l c am try secretaiy of state tar do minion affalra was present premier haiti win was repreeented by li col pfr ronnld wrtrrlimme lartr uill- inadon s aulte on itonrd tba llnar was wfllnlsli smothered wllb flowers llirne inclmllng a magniricent dlaploy nf farnatlnna sent rroro prsmler tjlnlty baldwin glut lira bajdwul 0se is good tea toslxt f rose orange bkoe a little hisher price than other teas but a real difference in quality now packed in aluminum llii fish tnetlau nattt oysirn pork lamb special prices on beef by the quarter all tneau kept in lmtrta refrigerator get the best phone no 1 r clarks bakery grocery best quality bread and pastry the chokes groceries you will find our pripea the laweal when you conaider the quality of goodg we provide for our euttomeirt t ma aatov year avwt order mkteetn mark clark mm si t ill li eaeieii a mih e t aatowtnllttg lew prices on provlslotis r gffa pieaaie vtomm-jt- ity fawaeel cottsgflib rolls 24 pure lard 8hortilnaj 0sat22 bacon 35 mthk haa taqtv read teas jajuaelle mj jj raa aae daauaswlklmaaee lew aeaaflae to te maw bbw fa alil bbbw a mn aai eie a i i i i i i i i osafopocxtfpostejx thanks to all those who have re- newed their subscription to the herald we aay thanks to all those in arrears we would appreciate a prompt re mittance kindly attend to this little matter now please lakttkjt bxoao ykafut ij httmm karwiihml lrae iu tab arttr yauru of labor frtaiatits tf uunif iluinivrad by areliatn i ok lets tn tbe tekrlple of apollo smvrfa at oyren in italian nahii rrlitvfaav bn atthf ifhr hb n rlilld s frlg- mw pussle shd rrd tba slott riijou nit tit prii lo b tb ubl of lawgtnr auammus uj is ttossa s000 year old only token aoekhliia aad ro let fr ies tmtbaa was tai offort eaud to tadtaisvar tb frecsafau tbeu small btit dfar uttre stoesd aat thera wre 140 llmui outal laef a mimuhj from tbe kcaiperor auauatus t the pr4t of cyrvue ret oeutury id attcuatli caeeafs ulmieage wly writtm lu a blinir laspertitlve etyl mi ludieated tha mauaer in wbleta t colony abould be foverued and also tb nieasuree to bo talten to enforce difrnt lawa lo future this eaue uebmue was rimlbed to all the coumlee of ihr umiflr fvaliowluk a custom of uyavs tt had bu oonravtvu on atom and blaed in a publlo place so that all should learn the imperial wish alt bo u kb it was np fikpt lu isil wbtb tbis woudefful tubltt wae ua arthad it waa not until tha ephaa or 1114 that ii waa deetdtml tbat us otnelal abort abould be koade soma pbotoa war ueoeeaory but tb first lot taken proved ibiuoaei- ful before new ones could be taken ibu tdlseloii bad to return to tha 1oi 1 1 fled seaport of bengasi owlug to t uewed hdsuutiea by the arabs of la ttttertor for the moment tha tablet waa fo rot uu when comparative a ease wss rv lara a new attempt at icmodmtdi in waa sueeeaaful at last a complete report ooalsab ing a vary clear repruduetttjiv of auuustua muasaae reached oese tliwn there waa trouble wun delay caused by pubuabema onaqalal dlnv caltles and owing to some legal daf- acultue the bunuaortpts and pbmoe were again lield up contents of augustus ceva iw perlal edict are generally known cyrenes prefect on rclpt ot the letter from augustas bad its content chiselled to atone and put in o proaa inent public meetlna plaee tb temple or apollo nor walah ut ublet waa round was probably in the middle of the city people have wondered bow tha to aerlptlon was ao aurvellaualy pre served during l000 years tha rte- aon la that tbo ublet waa buried la sol when an eruaunk abaok thin port of north africa sows aeoree ot yaara uur reception or thaaa lawa by tb people of cyrene must have beoe wonderful lo behold for thla wan to period when the worship of home and aukuatna bad begun to aprvad froen asia minor to africa tn eo- lealoaariea who tortaad tha colony joined in tada wonl or a uvtnjr emperor and all ws tows wee blind ly at the bottoen of the atlantic lie a jewel bound copy ol omar khay yam it waa on iu way to america lu the luiatad titanic which atruek an iceberg on its lrst voage and fonndarede a similar volume u however atui in enlatenou it la in tn muaunm nt frankfort and in ita binding twentyone opals am set another jewalbonnd book whekt waa in tha hands of a ccmtlmeatal collector la n aopy or roman and juliet it renreeanu tho tohoe ot two baan for eighteen months tjiesw ore four hundred praalonn atonoa in n sett rag or uold on th oovor nnd tit weljcht ol tin book la saeau 1 pounds tbtt jewels and thir gold aettlng form hearts dovon and nowora emblebstlc of love tb red fewer or foraned by ctuatera of ruble amacua p an illuminated copy or tn pnaatt of uentn which la vnbiad nt aonwthlng lire 91000 th noama or written en vellum nnd llluatraled with original watercolon it la bound tn morocco elaborately goldtooled inlaid with over 440 pueee of colored leather and set with over 1000 precious atonea act in gold tha book contains a mlnatny of kuala aet in clusters or pearls nnd tnrminlaea why he knew asamted do you mean t aay she- an claimed that you have never mar ried no the bachelor auuiwd bar gravely have never married and you have lived a happy llfaf peacf ul nt nil arents sh frowned life waant nsnato tor nones it waa made tor advaatture ah re- toftad ton ought to hnv aanr- riadp tho alhsear forded bar grov- m for f ninluae in ain- tynln years of hnohelor ufa i aav naked nonyticn diaterent woman n marry m nnd they nil anld waadagw i ami heal man sir jamas tnea n auig tybnr donton who left hta hams aovea yenra ego to take up n poet with tho iru- aon bay company in the bloalc ansae elnte haa just returned to eitmn- ntlon he hta been alone during practically th whole seven years eojnlo tor himself the name wrive lonallaot asnn ha reeeiv- ed n mall onoe n year and to naaot tb nont containing his annnnl anton of uura froan the nomsuad be bad to trnvol over 4 aatlaa with hi team he thinks the nearoat peat 700 mllee away wuh ita- four knlid- tngs and aeven lahnbltanta la nwoh too orowded oyhodhril isaoasao llndriaal houae are bain ed in germany to eojte the i problem tha houae are o dnrdinm eonot all ssitiona be ing tai i changeable ream axeon two soors nnd o onpoto intended for etorngo pntroim enrmennu th wood uked rjjlsi pur single cor or 2 oorde for 0 also hardwood at 3 7a delivered pn ooarp town j h smith phone 84 r 13 tiaortwtovi j sanford plamuatlat isemtu i i aiihei a kaij

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