Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1927, p. 2

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ffi v rfnfiittiifrv in paqk s ibs okososmnn hswabd fenrooary 28td im7 tr bbtta now charted for at ibo fallowing rausi blithe oe bairlacm ioe hatha 80c nonoiul earda soei loo por lino extra for sootrjr born morribonon saturday feb 19th 1924 to mr and mr prdlorrlon jmiumfaa ft dustltr dfaf thoalpsonat th farhlly ruldeno qumn btrmt cuorgtowrl on son day rob mill 1b27 john applb- thorn boob rually baled husband of blirli at bii rambhaw- at hor ham 1ml ht aetoo on saturday february i ism martha pildlmr widow of the lata thomas ramahkw in bar r2nd yoar camcvat ik hohwufhla daugh- tar mr prank l walker nlaon township on ttwsday fd loth us gao f caraybbad 87 years inmmmoriam apire8ln loving htaroory of mir son and broutarpu cora spires who dutfrib rar3 lilt baraat la your hurts th plaee you field there will never dais and lais eaoy banquet atesdtsg maw mu atd gtstmargai marnoty uaar u our ejpaee and ail through the yaara b tney many or few will ba illud with remembrance deer geoff of you aruotrorlqlb loving memory of our daar alaur maud lwu arm- at-rona- who departed thla llo fab 23rd ibm owhy waa aha takan ao young and u fair whan arth hald ao many it battar hard waa tbeblew that compelled ua to part hem on whom wo lovadao deer to our heart we do not forget you daar slater we loved you uodeerly for your mamory to fad from our ayaa uka a draam lip bod not apeak whan th haart uonrn emeerely butniaf of an dwalla where it ml oom i oeen badly mlaaad by th family tracy- in loving mattery of albatt u who alad b- ordt tssj w a thinking of you daar albart thinking of th peat ihetttrlnif you in mamory jatt a we aaw you uat yeu uf t behind you aching baarta that lovadyou moat atneara tfest never did nor never will forflptyou albart daar badly mlaaad by patbar lfotha and bawcnufav ontoary fllmooproat by the death of simon prout on monday fab lath after a abort ul na glenwllliama lovoa an old and respected resident deeeasod waa in hi 78tb year and waa bom in eng land eoning to canada 70 yean ago ana settling in the glan where he has rstirled ever tinoa in religion lie waa u anglioan and in politic a eetutfhratire he ia survived b his widow formorly susan marflhraent and one daughter sin wm kimball of detroit mioli mr prout waa on orangeman for many yean and the funeral services were conducted by tmesr of the orange order and her tfr sawyer of aston the pall- bearere were ua au nepbewa elmer harry floyd gordon leonard and walter olanhment there wa a urge attendant at the father and bon banquet given in the united churoh sunday school roomm laat evening by the laillea of the ohurh a aplrit of kwu intereat and en- thuubum in the aetlvitiea lielng nro- luotwl by leader of boy work waa monifviu the beautifully decorated tnblea were 1njlni with a delielona menu which the ladie aerved and tlie father and aont enjoyed mr earl lantenalager premier of the older uoya parliament waa the chief ipeakerof theeveniug audwaa introduced by m- jock a modermld holtoni hprewntatlve in the boye parliament the premier gave a ipleadid ad- dreia and dealt in an lntereatine and pleating way with the attitude dad ahoold have to the lad and alio the duty of the lad to hi dad he emphaaired th main advantage accruing from the work being oaeomn- llihedhythe bay movement which tended- to a better cltiteuihlp and a deaire for world wide peace recent ly an axpremler had attended a worlds congreu of boy at which delegate from every country in tb world hod been in attendance and hi experience after mingling with thee boya wa the evident deaire on the part of all of them to footer peace rather than war a very hearty vote of thanlu waa tendered the speaker by mr j d godfrey for hu iplendld addrew other speakers were rev dr dickie arthur tyndall john mo dermld victor nonrington and mrs wm tyndall a vocal election by mr event cole comet solo by mr charlie wil ton and the numerous selection by the splendid 8unday school orchestra nnder the able leadetehip of mr h o melr were all much enkged as waa alto the ting song during the evening medal won in the bond selling contest were pre sented by mr jock modermld to the fallowing ooyk praaer mimma silver medal for telling most bonus john lone jock maolareu arthur ooyfoot allan mcdonald john abel george dickie jim evan and mihran jekneoorian bronw medal a hearty vote of thank proposed by mr h b mimm wot tendered thou who took port in the program just drink salada afojitoaw mlas annie hoggin has returned home after apending a few days with friend in brentford afro angus mclean fell on the ice recently injuring one of her kneel wa on pleased to note it is improv ing- miat binnie of erin is waiting on mm wm shortiu eighth line who uill the hallinafad boys and the terra costs boya played a game of hockoj recently in mr horry bhortius held and the terra cotta bay won 9 to 3 mr john cole one of the ballinafad hookey team received a bad cut in the face when a playerit skate ttruck him in a tumble mitt annie hoggins of ballinafad returned home hut week from attend ing the funeral of her hrotherin law mr wm oldham of brentford mr and mr clayton betwiok and mr andmn donald mclean jointly otbbtated their tenth wedding anni veraary at the formera home on mon day evening feb 14th they enter tained a number of their friend and neiehbors and the programme at- amsd the form of a valentine party aa enjoyable evening was spent and a number of muchappreciated pres- eota were reoeived by the hoetn and one of esqucsings attractive homesteads 150 acres halton connl s17mm favorably situated t utile from station tbreefroiu leorgetown 80 from toronto s w acres under oullivatlop 15 ucres good timber jso acre frethly seedwl to ulfafur 30 acre ohohw 1 whjt plowing done 7 large out stone dwelling pioturesquely situated among grove of maples and elms furnace bath room three piece spring gravity flow ot water lu boose and bam large ojttom full cellar two fire placet large basement barn nicely painted good suib- ling driving bonis hen house garage and tool houu apply to walter t evans georgetown ont v s hornb geo anderson bopee to be home from st michael hospital in the near future hie many friend will be delighted at his successful onera- tloa ilia valentine social held at horn by eehool house was well attended mil fetter bad the pupils well train ed and prepared for this event the school wa prettily decorated rev p w maclnnet took the choir and gave a ohort addrea on the boy seoota motto be prepared itrees- ing three thoaghte being prepared phyeloally mentally and spiritualty the programme oonauted of songs recitations readings dialogue and drill with tome coona taking part at wall which caused quite a laugh tor jaa mcdowell nrepoaed s hearty vote of thank and thi wo duly seoonded by jaa spenee when all nsmtted themselves by a good eln of the hand our district has lost a real home mother and a highly eateemed eitlaan of thi coramudltr through the death of lira samuel king which took place on sunday feb mth after a week ulnete the funeral took place on tuesday was very huge and was conducted by rev p w mao- innea ably aaeitted by rev w j bonkad oaator and friend of jsrituv mr kitchlng odr united church minister and rev mr vlpond anglican ofstreetaviue also took part in the service at the boose- our sincere sympathies go out to the boy and all the relative at thi tins in their sod low and ber eavement mob sdmml news on tuesday but the high school hold a okatlng party followed by re freshment and music oo thit occasion high school diploo were received by the following gor don alcott campbell sinclair alteon moore aiteen ron beth miami john crichton sam h aoreniie dorothy cranston jeaai mckay and ruth qiffen the championship medal for field day sport were alto presented senior hoys john buck junior boys charles denltoa senior girl ethel jometi junior girls edn lnnon acted the acton friend of mrs nell mc donold hastings units in sympathy with her in her tad bereavement in the death of her titter mrs ella pres ton bneehridg uat week mill robena 0 chirk daughter of mrs w j gould bower avenue acton and who hu for a number of year been on the teaching ataff of toronto schools is acbeduled to go to england or scotland en the years overseas hat to teach therefor a year news haa been received by friend here that the gordon p hayman re ferred to in the fatal accident in brit ish colombia waa the young man who resided in acton 4 number of year ago mnch regret i felt hers at thla ead ending to an esteemed yonng man free press its superb flavour satisfies htmaonimo onuar a dr w barnard opt dro ajumrtftlt eyelw smd mdai wegltlsrsl waaaslslil ay faasalautflaaaraaaat steyal c wm why suffer from eyestrain headaches and other ill due to the abwnee of proper glosses dr copeland have your eyca examined at wilsons jewelry store main st oneill block georgetown ii miller anihninees the winner of the j lucky number contest by means of the following special bar gains for wednesday and saturday f gteniriltluts a number of our citiien attended a social evening at the home of mr joseph eaaon on monday evening refreshments were served to the large gathering and th mule for the dance was supplied by mr and mrs j nlckall limehooae all report having a splendid evening mr wilfred mokinuy who ha been oonfinad to hit bed for tome time u progrataing favorably his many friend with him a speedy recovery mr joseph beaumont and daughter miss eleanor bailed from hew york on monday for naples our mill are busy and no one appears to be idle in the village at present the united church prayer meet- log on thursday evening will be in charge of th young people a good program and mfmahmenta will fol the glen company ltd hav im proved their premise by erecting a new sign the quarries are buoy getting stone ready for spring ahipaunt mr and mrs boy miller hove the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement caused by the death of their two months old bahy on bun day morning loaf mens work shirts i 95c i all kind t ike etwed aafcer uil whltl mr tnm awh- vast tmh w us le ffmuktall kj 3 us mens all wool heavy rib bed sox 3 pair for 1 r out they go ii any overcoat ci 9 ca in the store qmqov miller mens wear nextvto dominion store georgetown ontario quality guaranteed aolld ooppiir wash boiler tfo tjw and t j 411 10 down clothes pine for ji no b copper nlckla plated tea kettue teg 3ai tot lux 12 quart galvanised pails 34 14 quart galvaulred pails mt waverley floor wax per lb sit bee vac electric cleaner with tools 41100 lboiigrnvity washing machine regular 42300 for 1ij0u frotftena washing machines regular tto00 for preinluins electric economy electric washer wth tub beucb and tub iron 1200 dottier dryr wioo we can aave you money on sulphur salts saltpetre poultry grit hockey stick ccm skate axe and handles cross cut saws stewart power clippers w itooarjr os oyatatf slttji sit tlm pte mm lb bag dr heas poultry panacea and stock tonic guaranteed we give von city prices ami city delivery hardware plumbing fdrnace work electric wiring r h thompson co phone 46 georgetown jnjbonjnlwaninsrnini grown in the best gardens in the orient blended by men trained in the world greatest tea m redrose tea fiood packed in the best packet yet found for teraluminum auction sale op horses tb uiutawijgrvsd has bsmti imtrui letl by tolua bpvii lo ull oy public mictitmi on saturdusy vebrttavry sotli 1 vlclorla hot hrmpifvi imih touowingf- 30 clyde mart aiu frsfldlnvs usiuhms dam lioo lf k00 llw 4 t 7 jjs old tbata aru not rmntf bva th were ralad by he farmdra of manitoba ury mart saniald by ctillhcoiti mattb pair brown fljaldlnitai j up pair hank uorat tflfflrw almoat iwwi rotary nimp 14 bn uculc motor larjrtf bullajo ub win eyllndtr overland roadilur car twroucatb bbrtuebrldc curk ben petcii audi wear pair or tortolaa ball glauea owner buy haw aama by apitlvinji at herald and paylna for tbia adwt great j opportunity heavier reductions than ever on furniture during february w frampton carpenter and builder nerval our women institute held a very suprieulul tea in hewsons tea roomr on thursday evening there was a good turnout the object of the tea a community hall wa dliimoem at length by some of those psesent and anproved of by all norral women instunt will hold their monthly meeting at the boms of lira joseph hunter thursday mamh8id at 780 oeloek every person weleoms dont forget st pauls w a tea on saturday mil phone m arltslll fl i ahliky georgetown sssmwsvelswaess farm for sale m0oojm 80 aeres rieh loam land verj lightly rolling fall plow- ing air uonei huge lnk barn nog pen drive house garage 8 roomed bouse good well fenoes wire and rail farm i splendid condition 1000 moderate pay ment good terms for balanoe j a aberdeen hwacm georgetown 9u hi eawseiimiilli iiiiiiihllllhinilmlm iwiiiliirtii 7pieee library set 3985 for 2995 library table 1800 for 1295 deak 2195 for r 1495 desk 1995 for 1395 sectional book caaet 13 off kitchen cabinets 2600 for 1495 couches 3600 for 2495 carpet sweeper 350 upholstered reed rockers 25 for 1000 beds mattresses springe and all other furniture at very low ttrlcee a real chance to save some good just think of being able to buy a highgrade genuine c9 10 peabody overall 98jso for 219 highgrade shirts foreythe and other good makes 300 values for 219 200 values for 149 boye furnlshlnga at excep ii new advertbeinents au aaavsmtwesats il v rmr beje a quaitliiy of cthltrf loh fw smv apply it mr t ii civa it m chi v plu ti riofm w hvuu lai orguk lilnl fiu aiml rlii i tvtii lu tow lii hkli4ur w if hrrtwit gt co noival pbone w r j it hmwllitf iimrtllliet willi twehslyfhir ittcbi saw ivif7v00 appkloa n kurh qmumiow uu nolvvvmjr jj 2t auet i ulvejj u hlmntl mirw oi tuttajay vh uiu plmler lta- phtit ootid il barley fat galst atwtly in wo aprtelw phono wrjt w fttk e caoritatlrtwii jp imesfy wtaiu4 uiun of ihuj on good farm njeurily addfeirbom b haraltl office rfawls coow nova wotntot coat lo about i j p can bt smh at lt kif a hlfl si cotu apply ti jamea slrlngtr terr good john mcpanal say isvauu uamiv buy for apply vfet bt tfay ar atal a quantity of alfalfa nod fliuoll miatstd hay for aal phx twrl f uore town stti a bf rersals ufl new mi jjl in tloop aexshi n o nelll si ron rf iai a quatillty of ood cislaraoala for mat auo a quantity of tbntitby ud ammv it 10 jr kcolt llrrttbouta i boo raby cltlrk for sab alio euuocn kaicb injf wlllewa liletl rurubaiora all uf u a cool a phone- kb jip t auht 0 rooihed bous llofbt water luthetc apfrly to a r soalghl jofcnsi u wauu4 a good mcond hami violin biuynt llmtbouaa a a u luwflv cello a quantity of mlid alaba for aala gacrgtown lumber company it sjteanm vewtai maclean llacailtw cunadea nailon- at magasina desire a local rspreeeola- l iv to look after new and renewal attb- tcrlptlonfl eotptrailon naoses ar tup- plled and full co on oral ton glvn lmtm trologa tat auccesatul worltar 0v man or woaua of good ddru cbajrac tar audahiltty need apol rfweniaiva dpt hi wfh local acleanj ustjrae clearing auction sale in i he townahtp of eaquetlnay fevm stodt biaamli lay elc the uiidrrc ignod has received tnurwr lion from j p aaflnuik lot 23 con 6 eaqiieeiag right ml uaw- hous radial and onb ouuloaoo lha dr ltadiaya farm lo sail by pueltoiiius i loll oo taaday karali sui at 1230 o clock sharp tb followltagt honaa i black horat 3 yaara weagvt 1600 1 black marc 7 yaara wetgrbt tsoolt bay hor 9 yaara weight 630 roan mare 9 ara weight t00i grey horw ii years thau are good tofa and right in all harness 30 cowa dairy cows absuum grad houialna 10 fresh or atippoaad to fresh en tlmoof aala 30 asippoeadj to freaben in march april and may 10 aieer 3 yr old 10 htifera 2 yra oldi 2 stavra rising i yean bom yoong cajvee vork hogs york aow eupaaaed to farrow in april 7 sows tuppottd to far row may it j hogs about 100 ibai 1 ahoala 1 i 2 nutntha old implamanta farm wagon buggyv cutttr prrti wood wmlar 7 ft with sheaf earner and track all coauvute nw unt cul 40 axraai ut sloop awgbs ia good rr l maauy llturla mowart 5 i 2 ft cut good aa iew wliu unlvaa wau on boat will aliatviuga all comolaul uanftcv haru ler i wbral sulky bay raho 10 ft jiml nrwi 17 ho maiarv harrla ruliivator lo good shanr disc harrow t deeriiiu vi hot drillino 21 rteury plow art of faiar aevtioii barrowii a mfflef i daering knife grinder new bay forks allng ropa and pallaysi forks boa abovala cbaloa clavlom tc housaboul furoiiure buffet labia cook stove sofa hay 20 tons of qratcusa mlvad hay terma aumajf 1000 anj sader cah over that 10 suhuba cradlt will ba uivan oo furelsbloa approvad jolat notas percent offforcasb hayiaab positively in raasrva as the propria tors leas haa eaplrw aad tb farm ia renird to anothar party i3al cto tut bald unbar covar ii i rsnwmber the data tint aad plaea r j kerr aactktrr iboaa 36 acton oat all other man and uonally low prices see the goods aata see the values j jacksons georgetown iajajajajiajaajajajninjaj auction sale uv fam stock sis lailfnii that undtraiunc baa bean instruct ad by but stui to rl at rubbc aurtiuo at lot 25 4lh tin west thlnguarousy f albert lyon homvftleid on tntxdftjr mari etlt at i ocloik the fcllowlnu- llorste orey marr 5 yrr itoolthi1 bay maro tid 4 yra by ountmttari roan gelding 3 yrai brown ssar grp s vrsi bay mare hd l yraj bay mar in ftul 12 ra reg holslslos cow 4 yra calvad n sept row loym duoin march t cow b radu in aug 4yrs duslo mari cow7re due in juttoow3yra frb ilcifr2 r tlradtellelfsr 3yrs cajvad in dact iobri due inllarirad cow 7 yra due in ma t ifolslaln 7 yr calved ia ian holainn 6 yn calvad in jan llotueln syradu in mar holetaln 3yrsdue in mari bluu balfirr 3 yra dwalnuar rod heifer 4 yra mubiaa wsll holstaln s vrs mllbmu wslh holsteln fiyrit tpilklug hi holstsia bslfer 3yrt alvd la jaai part iaraa oyrs calved in jan roan cow cajvad ut jan i blue cow do la alari briadla heifer due in mari holslaift 2 yra do ht april i bucb bifr 2raird holslein bull 2 yr from high testing- air and dam ilgss chunks tama implsmattt corkthoit drill 16 dlict dhrtntseultlvator 17 poialii stall rollan slturak and tedder oombmed masy- harris 2 row cofw cultivator if ii i set bobttalgba wagon bog wagon steal whsmlsaflai rack democrat wagoa amky rake sulky plow oliver i sst 4 actlcn harrows with brldgeat on bora milk wagon own buggy 2 ut fugla barnaaa hora collars aei light wagoa itarttaaa st scales 2000 lbs quantity pf hay 200 tmnhal barlry cream saparaters d lavej no 17 nwt 2 12 itp lolatwalloa- 1 ta happy tboogbt raaga oak badroom aulla tarms- hay grain ad auau of 20 and uodar cash ovar that auaooat mootha credit on appiovad joint not a a 9 par cant off for cash w a wltfion icn pbtch clark auctkmaar

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