Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 23, 1927, p. 4

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paok r i i ii tub obobobtow bbbald fenronary 28rd gg7 thimgt work oat because it rains when w with it wouldnt because men il wluil tliet often shonldnl because crops fail unci plan go wrong bouo of un uruiiilju wlljjx k bof aoraokow in apitv r t li- mi 11111 ilouhi it owius kt tlic i it thui lliinu work out because wc w ulion ui honed lo uitfrtj because wu tultur u utile puill rlecuiiu we taunt work wlwii wed lllw tu play borne of us whluipor uloiiu lifes wi but somehow an always follows tlie night moat of our troulilo work oui nil tight becauso wi iniidot fuivvdr nmili becausewfe mint trudge in tlu dut awhile because we think chut the unj u long some of ns wliimpiir tint lires nil wrons but somehow we live nnd our why grows bright and everything seems to work out all right flo bend to your trouuh mid meet your cam for the oloud must brenk mid the sky grow fair tot the rftln come down as it muar and will bat keep on working mill hoping till for in spite of tlie ier who hi nit chiiil jsoenjiow it seems nil thing u ork out the kid grows up fc thsuty lt a scotch firmer hid agreed to de liver twenty hens to the local mark at onl nineteen however were sent and it wuirfirjtsh evening when the twentieth bird was brought in by the farmer man said the butcher jou are lata with this one aye ag ththr lmt ye seneftanahky iintifnts after wesfox clocks and watches lowered big ben alarm clocks now 428 big ban luminous docks now jm america alum clocks now 170 black bird luminous clocks 300 feature of ontario winter carnival watches pocket ben now l78 ola ben now 280 dinger and raymond needles for abwillson haiteniamtcmn ik miri uhrty a idtal burt g i mm la tfca efottsaef the abbluauaa af tasstaltea tttleafceae oeasfany f liltl israatheeity ts ilium llnsnrgi- be sisvlisrviss aia00 u mbarsfis annuaa apfmetwri far heahig ta oatarlo aajlway ad wuolelpal abate heehy epeolate wettaaaday thaeeeaad day of march ad 192 at lb aw of half puflo oclock la lb faiaaaaa la lb court hauea la lb towa el mlkm rhrlojt lb above appllc- tlaa all parsoaa having an aunuln tua auitar aod daatrlag to tw baard ar dbaoiad to ailaad at lb haw aad plac uaioruld dated at teroato tble twelfth day or rawuary ad wit figd ii c 8tnall saeraury mmnlhi u the irfjilajlvr ahtauy ffee ftwtitvp n marl notice ia hereby given that ap plication will be mads to the legis- lative assembly of the provinoe of ontario at tha present aeaiion there of by the municipal corporation of the town of georgetown for a specbu aot to eonsolldate the floating tndabednessof the said corporation at the sum of 10500 and enabling the said municipal corporation to put a bylaw of tha said corporation for the issue and sale of debentures for that amount without having ob tained the assent of the electors as preaerlbad by the consolidated mnnloipal act 1032 the amount of existing debenture debt of the said corpora tion exclusive of local improvement debt ia 188 00063 and the amount of local improvement debt secured by special rate of assessment is 1028812 making a total of 3373786 f l heath clark of the town of georgetown deled at georgetown thleotb day of february ubt jtkla cooaun tlm litttr buy atav or tlie mftvlca wu lopima la a liullywimml mudlu y 1w uonlba saw by a luudlydrvmautt uiuu jlr jtackli 1 wluli imil neara a u row uiltiutve uultl ibt taaa la a hourly louu ivu aul aoaiul wobirwrulheiy its aa laveollua tliats nutuu to make lorluax w cwrylil ouufaeied wltb it aad i waut tu lot yeu la ou iba arouaa ttoor luvvnliuu dhow ii tu uie aueuv well 1 lunt huvu a btoam wltl in cli rue oul unit us aala and ibi luventor wont allow it eat ui bu unlit but thus imtlaisalal will iirovv to you what a tl thlaf wovo got its auaw attaebnus for ruovlu eamsras were iwluac abarm ut 1100 a auee the imajr is uvidad lo but tbr ibvmtlea o rat msrkit but thoae who buy aow should uskv 11001 the ant yaav prbape ill taka a aaare sau jaskla all risbl think u avsr bat uc me know this alleraooa er u raay be too iktu jackie wmt atralabi is hu f a loruinr vaudavllle arlor kaswa aa jsek toosaa 8r who nails alaaiy ta ovtupy bin nowadays aa bis sods uianaacr tu eaa do as yea inta kid said tb elder coos but i want lu warn yo that nearly an tbesu vrudosltloria are erosked a uund bualnesa can uually banaw money rum tba baak- still dseiee tor yoiirsd im keug to put 10 late it aanoubeed jaekla he waa alvaa the mone from bis private aeeouat aad turned it over to tba eaavaaaad la axebange for a handeeata eertlbsa a few weeks later be waa eauav- raoaad ts view a aaranle at tka work asesbipuebea by the laveatlea i was raa oa sa a mstle alatitre aeraaa la a dark raate aa4 at braved u be a maaa nastier head aa tan eeaiej be made of the btaarad aim an ac aart than arose anal r that the ana waa a fraud i feel asoy far tha mlaaalaaa staaahelaata fa tfcar have leet all they eat lata u ha said jaekle waa dowiseaat bat aet broksahaertld nsddiag hie kaaa aaiely he remarked saah tktaaa utmn laaatl pat whan seal bar p triad to lataraat him at aharaa la aaotber uae he shaaad him out of the studio tha above is a true story from hollywood it was told to ma ay jackies father to elve the bey a lev asa la the wise handling of msaay he is earning morn monsy than aa other child in thv world jaekle cooran has a contrast which brings him in aa income that has varied la the hit three years rem ii0s0 te 00 a weak his father la bstk his guardian and manager aad draws from the boys earnings a aal- ary which supports tba family ta- eludlag a msthsr and baby brother a huge surplus however hee ease set aside each year for jaekle aver alaes he entered the stsivus at the age of ave he will have mere than 1000000 when he ceases ef eg tba only chance ef proteattag htm against poeslble kpaadthrut lespalses is by isatllllng common sues he goee ts school when ha was alas his told me i began to nay him lie a weak he waa told that ha earned that maeit but ax tha seme state he waa sands to feel that ha waa en em ployer rather than an esspleye his dlreetsr enacted 11 a week i salt aad it would have te soma eat of jackies money i levied eoasathlaa hsrs aad something thsre snd also ebargad the kid two shillings far cashing his cheque oaly a fsw shll lings remained as pocketmoney tho drat dlscovsrv ha made waa that hla director was getting a salary anyway he laaulred the emeuat and waa indignant at tha eoatrast be tween the fat say envelope and has hardearned f 10 be had te fork over so he complained to ma a while later ha teak tha initi ative in what i eeasldand a trely amaslng manner he i te a bank in u angelas and eeked what charge they mads for cashing cheeses tha cashier secured him that there waa ao charge he thsre- vpob informed me loftily that ha weald deal with the baak stoee i had bean reeklag him the kid was seen eajeviag asset of his ii a week i seat jsekle himself la mew york he was reeding a fairytale the tfisass tutor wtm acwimnsilse aim everywhere waa beetle him pretartag hla seat lesson vsah from whst mr ooefaa had told me abeat training jackie te take ears of his money i saked what bavs you bought far yeoraalf in new yerktt well now wltb my asm meaey ive beuiht a rasshsrss gams and lots ass a eoople of lanshaa too hs answered naively but my fath ers bought a fsw things for me and whata the meet tateresttag thlng youve seen haret the zee oa my the wild ani mals theyre so wenderfal he ex claimed spselally the lions why ths hoes jaekle its because theyre haadssase aad aad dignified thats it tow dent nsed anyone te tell yea theyre the kings of the jungle lasklt yea esuldat blake a ilea rue a race hea too proud to do that but the big eleshsatll ds it dm yeu know the elephant could rue taster than any other aalaisl there la in tha whale wldo world t faster than a greyhound veeslr if the greyhound wu sa big he could best klm its beeaeee the elsphanla legs eab veaeh te tar that he arias thsre literally transcribed la a sample of hew jeskle ceogon talks in an intsrvlsw i dont think jack coogaa br nsed worry shout ths so eeuveneea el b s system of training rrastoa pru lrsstrprw- si the bey only far the winter eeralval which was huakbsi deaa they had been reeding about they isafcsd nothing la eottaalaam tba afternoon moved the rernortobetrtisbutthajalonayof theeoses was greater than tha huskls entry was rendered ji eombsf anal relegated te obscurity ee far as the race was emetrnsd by the peamfuhooklai collie in tha centre the stnwekkekoflni ikllng and all kinds ef wlaursperta prondtient r snorts speed and attire skaters lathered for the evente from many porta of can ada and from ecrees tha border preston springs pronlmlly to toron to has tnsds it iotular aa a w snorts gathering place many in ontario sent representatives to snorts gathering place many iluhs in ontario sent representatives to eempete in the esntsiniludlnil the weuknownjtiaxrueratini lub aeembtirs nawwow concluded the annual winter carnlvalat aeetflstlsrnawwow concluded the rtarhuns provided tha utmsat festivities of the annual carnival the jtw pstst t i j grounds of the preston sprints hotel were thrown open to the merry- msksrs who svallsd themselves of ths opportunity thus sftonlrrt for outdoor fun ladies munmnn huctlunw ictning iiiiiiii6 aw mam try tu out pialeew arej feiawflttltl mrmijbullleo 4mtfmacal rirmh tti coal beat d l w scianton coal in all site also smithing and steam coal mrs j watldas nonl butloo phone os r 49 s b atmfatttv hatiatct aal tahai1ai jf dutch claamaar 19 camaela tatuitlry starch smgs felt nsalka sear ii bin mm cseafevt surpriss aa mmm sunlltkt seep ft cuerme ei urns 2 pktj tm ben ami cors m caautasoabtsae iii aeoaucefce bier me cham nnaitasnavlag ana guest ivory soap slersm palmolrve soap saarfdi flexo rewamm hill wlililsg i vw ithlwlbgriania arssmg wa bayama braaval yaltow paaakas sm aieevybvrua twli 99 edpuuj clmjrhm xsm anarim walssi 7 veaewasae vsmsbw swel sags jh aeja molaaaca g 8 9 b vgtbl wiutbat1n pattry flour mi- bob caenr- stmawtl llmnnekm with remrlf susu s tmbtrt r e a tlti boiled dinner m potted hhbu3iv veal lcwf s3 u tomato catmp ier tastt bread hlekae vatj wkb crmrairimuvi cork syrup lib me pau 3t b g b jfbr eixauncaw vltoount ami vtaooatet wulnnim mailr many friatt on their voytfa front eaguad to qobec on board tha rareahiin pcffic ntwhlp emprtai of sruiund wbaa iiu uiraiup cama htrt la october to bana govtnuramwral of tba potngfibii they paid villi to alt parti of tba vuul duttfaf wttb atw atttkra for canada aad i rttuung at tht varloua fiiartloaa uut uto plaoa aboard gsblp luritg an ocaan voyaga shariflf tbtir popiibrlty tbatr cairn terrier mttty who waa fritada wttb tvrryoa aarpt prrhapa a jump cbow who loolead to him aa though he ought dint lop into a daagaroua rival anadaa thlftaaath govaraoaganaral bad a fin rrcrtoa alitfi tlw ahlp dockad at quabec 11a atruek a tactful note yrcyhcaaadiaa aiiitianra h t too coujj braald so whra he told i r clln ilcaoeat from tha nsrmaaa and that fraach wood liowad in hii valaa equally aa la tmlra fn tbla country tha demoaedaati oi our two racaa bava wetted for yaar uulr tbt brttuh oowm for a i purpoat i object namely to procnote tha wilfare and pttsaperity el tfea rople of thia woukrf ul country ftrat tnpralnni an vital in frtabluhlng uo jul itlv tiotu tuid ptrbapa ao tmpreaalon gnv an cordial an affect aa one of iiu ituhlpa apafhbea abuanl the emitrem ul wot tad which waa biika all over canada in il ha aidl i maer if i may venture to add on word of rather aa uttnuta had patbnj character li is ttua n wuhiag aji mv fauowpaawngara tha beat bf good luck in the future aad all health and fopputew they ran pnj1ty rxnect and oebtala nuy i aak litem one and all to ajvi an raagdaal ttiawghn- a wiwlly thouaht to otta who la about to utidertalet vary grave raefitmialuutlee for tha nriluh emnlie fan the great doinloa of canada r that tha true otnocrattc note toiuuud wttli rmxbarji urls saved by force woaskm siauooatornom uajuaa at at kah abmef aelety eeliu ike a cewy te ouvy ow the work v ill olrk irru wrtl la btreaew tales ore bl0g lold by darkeyed lesaalaraat slrls of occur- ranees that link iottdoil and hie aelatle elty of aleppo aad that are hurrying aloag the laevltable collapse af the harem la tha household or the turk writes bareh uacdourall in the oadoa ntblta alepeo about 101 aillee aorib of jerusalem aad just aver the duaert border from turkey is the centre of adveatarousaetlvltles bt ahleh the karetna are betag depopulated at an uapiredeated rote aad the girls giv en their liberty this is bli ac- aouipllehed mainly throuuh oun of the transact markets in the world an agency where ii is paid to anyone who brings la a young woman who has been rescued from a harem during tha irst alee months ef till they bought aad paid for 3000 iris woetly stlrsctlvu armenian maidens who were delivered at tba dooreteg of a comfortable hostel which eouua use to be their borne un til they and eougealal ettieloyuoat or gst married or go back to tbelr own people grrsr aloes tba la gue of nations waa givon guardianship oer girls sensing out of harsms there had been b feeling that the work was progress ing loo slowly given after the turit- ish national cotraell paasid e law prohibiting mlyganur and president muatapha kernel pasha of turkey de creed the liberation t wonie in karoos the number of return screes the border did not sous up to eg- kot uetll tbe muledrivers and the eamelbbye aad tha nomad tribesmen had been taken into eenfldeaee end entered practical rewards if they nsjld help mberairlji eapuve wo- soea did the eauaelaauoa movement show aaythlag like tha alacrity that characterises it today aa matters stand aow any girl who is willing to be immured in a urn of say luxury behind a garden wall rathsr than eeme out aad go to work mum wateh her step for fear ef be- lag stolen by some unwashed wan derer who is willing to divide jhe spoua with say servsnt who will help to get her out ef tbe house it waa someone la london who thought of ths idea of offering ii a head for the girls a relief society working la liaison with the lregub of motions is tarnishing tha funds ts tree the girls many oi tha young women who earns beak from the harems are re turned aa mysteriously as they wars etelaa at the hostel in aleppo fsw auasuea are asked either or ths girl er the escorts whs take them to erbape two or four are brought is 1st thar la no ornrial yrylai into hew many times ths ii must or spilt before evsry person contributing ts tha rescue has his shore the girl pj bask that la the important thing a darkeyed syrian girl who bee heee at eouajrs in constantinople be- tare she waa spirited swsy tor a turk fats assay esaeer and who recently geessl through london is convinced that part ef her ransom money went ee the eeek of tbe household whers she wee a merabi r ef the harem rot three years this turkish aervent aha recalled became suddealy mad end enlleueus about her tulure and asset advising her to contrive aom eseasb te get eway airls rrom he esses one had hoard wore being seal tvem ajepee aad given aa opportun sty te start life all over again i actually believed that old wo man nald the ealmeyed soft- voiced marls- the prospect of coming te amgmnd was ths irst thing thai btamifsl me to wish te gst eway front the momsnt the promus ana w saunas escape was always in my exlnd the opportunity rami from the kltahsa a atranger war outside did i wish to ride sway ba hla eartr ths cook would roll ms np in a rug nobody would kaow providenoo had been kind ths l any and had sssa te it that my turk ish hnahand waa away most or thi benesheu waa aslsep for the dsy wee easy warm the quickness will which i waa bundled into that nil nnd eattlsl to the cart they would ease taken ass evsa it i had fought ssaat at wer a while i was frantic with bear i thaaahi ebould susocate in that rag i suspected i was not ne ons taken to aleppo at all but war being stolen by this bandit for soni lasisahahls fate i begged him tc let me eat iter e long tlmo hs wet deaf then he sell i might sit on the seat beside him but nrat i must bbboar my tase and put on boyi slothes which he carried he told see he meant no harm that ba had issmisd saany glrla end would reeenf many mare it would take two dope tha irst thing that surprised ms about the heetsl le aleppo was ths great number of glrla my own age there wer about 100 bo silent thinking their own thoughts behind nulet syes as to my ufa in the hsrsm i think my turkish husband loved ma but 1 waa rebellious all turks an aet an erual aa yea have bssa taught te believe i had ths beet clothes hs eeuld buy two las gowns that cams rem peris aad more jewellery than 1 var wish to hare again in the hostel i mat glrla irons ths kind of harems where they abiu them lato alavas snd bitch them br aids doakeys to till tbe land semr had been branded wltb hot irons the head of tha hostel came to me eaa day and named a friend ol my elder brother he was working aa a machinist la america and had saved ssonoy ha would marry saall i eeuid some mends of that hems la alebbe will meet me at the otaueo aa will eeate te ea wood miied nils 3 par single oor or 2 oords for to also hardwood at 375 delivered gin george town j h smith phone 84 r 13 cleorgetowt j sanford stewauttown ttat urttrig wfrca namnril etaa i ejlteocxtct selling ltaitoypsji roflts merchants nod rnanu- faetarera an begin ning to reallne that it la the coat of lolling mora thun tho coat of production thnt limits profits mm timonvln machin ery kcojmi down pro duction coats tlme- wvina machinery la just as important to keep down gelling coats uuo the bell to gjl and you will increase snlea at much leas cost as m many aubscriberg who tiled to think they had to mnke person-to- person calls now find that they roach the pernon they want with station- to- station calls they ore quick er and cheaper atven blt felrsashe it a lff clsfsncs slsrleu shoe hospital j a ballantine luu iuutullud u ateel preaa for rapairine ralibor baotn goloahet pliilhpa rtick a uola prctm- a lam pa out of iiiholm faatena on wootqala to ju a com pip u moohine uo nulla to hurt tlie fmt w alao do all kinds ofjajhot w pairinff whole or half hoim ho wii on laathartoleawnieiiu on velvet oak and a apecia ccnuut used for this operation tan hiuva dtul utunk hooka and toiott4mu1umolt rithlttr heels toe capa stpl aflioi builf in akatea aharpened aknte riveting hj ntoohinu or by hand bcuaoru almrp- ened in foot anything to be found in an up to dftto repair plant tina i ono or tlw lest equipped repair plant in canada todnj and our work speakx for itsulf you are invited to call and give thla ahop tlie on re over prioph ure right we uw hull dog tatlur by rwineat only j ballantine she bmbnlmer fsj st bage m ccwfctowa shop opens from llanra to 10 pm working hours a nra ti pm eeseeeeesseeeeeeee eeeeesee he bhevelllag gugalred standard an11haaacnre scranton coal in tdl si antomatleally boreened and loaded coal wood belect buap for oomeetio and threehlng porposae smitblbf and oannal coal in fact lonrry everythinc to ba found in any uptodate coal nnd wood tnrdf john mcdonald phonb 1 1 ca3orgtovn lliileeeeeseeeeeeeeee notice to creditors lathe pieusa alths beute ef john tsasisalute ef tha tewnskln ef efltaltsai la thaoaaaty a notice is hsrsby given pursuspt to section 68 of ths trustees act k8u 1114 chsptar 111 that all creditors or others hiving- dalma ords rounds against the estate of the sold john lownssnd who died on or shout ths slitsanui day of december 19m st ths ssld township of eequsaliur er requlr- cdjon or before the 19th day of if arch 1127 to send by post prepaid or deliver to the unaerslgned solicftore herein for william cola the executor of ths estate of tbe ssld john townsend fsrraor da- eeassd thslr christian namee and sur- hamss aderesssa and daaerlpuons the full partienlrs in wriunw of their clslms a statement of their aeeouato end ths nature of ihs security if sny hsld by them and take notice that af tar snch last msnuonsd dots ths said egeeutor will proceed by distribute the mists ef tee raid deceased among the partloa so- titled thereto having regard only to the data of which they ahall than have notoaumtthasjld exawuor will not hs liable for the said aaaata or any pf i y sjiyperaoo or persons of whoss claims nodes shall sot hove ich sam uwm u thum d d dale a thompson boudlnrsfor the ssld executors taxcftoolslaofllng the celleeter has hssn laurunsd to bill all ponies u arrears ol lassa for assaualedtte the mualelsolliv eucaa ash will ha at the wsisrworhs ogtes oa rrldaye 10 in i am otker days el his n h ere an jtr ere at a mmtlnc of tha fox brdra tr ttitf aniatklle valwy bald at ilddlkil it waw htutaxj that llvef blnck fox in captivity in tha pro- vine ttutnbr pproximmuly 10jxh which at a luw valuation of 2ou rtli make a tutal vmiim of 2ihw- u0 tha annual ravanua to th vanchtira u pitted at oooo0 whaj i- imictlmlly tha firl ut eoipf hiliitklt re f liiad and rollarl in canada la now at fteglna to uo on tba roof of the new canadian iatlfuj lloul thfrtr ai at 11 gin a aud at banff whtire hihrnifleiit naw houta art balng arvctud by that company canadian malarial will b iud in th- building of th new toraata liolal tht papulation of tha fiai4a tre v1n in llfsa wu 2m1to1 a offllrig to tba tiu takan in that year thin romparai with lflflftls7 in kill and 1108 040 in 1wmj 4n tha twenty yaar partod lfanltaha haa la- erafd hi inhabitant frow saoflm to rurnrn flaakatehawan front t7- 7fl1 tn s2i042 and aluru frona lbmltf to c075s4 in view of praaiura on the- trana pnrtatlon farllltlai of tha canadian va-jfk- hallway wtian tba full tlda of immikration and harvait tvaval li fih in tha coming ummar and fall wont hi the railway haa alraady taken iu pi to fop with thla by and i nir 216 colon lit eara for rapalr am overhauling to tha antii shopi tha work to ha flnlihad upon than- not lattr than april lit profaiaor w l carlyla wanajfar nf the prlnca ofwalaa raiwh aaar- high river li tn routa to ataclandt whare ha will comnlt hlu royal aw- ptoyar rafardlng builnaaa mattara pertalnlnu to tba ranch purehai aaw stock and arrange for tha ttaaal yaar by yaar axtanslaa of tha prlntaa comuarclal actlvitlaa in al barta tha praaantatlan of is ural aid awards to mawbara of tha itaafaraal tarmlnala auff by a d lfaaylar vlcpildnt in charga of cpr aatern llnaa raetntly bringa tha total number of awarda aarnad by montreal amployaaa of tha cawullaa paclfic during tha paat yaar ttt tt 78 tha number of amployaaa paaa 1ng tha naeauary yearly taata la la- creailng over 700 amployaaa at th angus shopi atoaa now efficient 1b tho work al f reico lunch oa tha rlalta la tha latent innovation to provide tha an- uaual for th guaita at tha chataav prontanac quebec at tha faahlan- ahl hour amartly nnlforawd walfcara that out upon tha lea puahlng a arvlng table mounted en akatea ita crowning glory la ataamlftf tea urn and ita appaafanea la tha aigttal for tha ittatara to gather round to alp ral english tea tha innova tion hai proven a great ancasaa far it adds tha finishing touch to aa aftarnoona skata a naw variety of wheat haa aaaw developed by prank lametanba af uinhurn alberta ita vital quality la ita drought iuung thla new variety of grain haa haaa raglatard at otuwa aa varmnion in 1919 mr lamomba dlawverad in hla wheat crop a lav bead that war obviously croaahrad and that ahowed drought raelitlng quality ha leapt tha karnala aewad thaaa la 1020 and gradually built up 1000 buihala thinwhaat la alao raportad te ha heavy yielding tha following wire waa racalvaa recently by c e uashar ganaraj passenger traffic manager cphu from j c phuupa praaldant of tha hassachuaetta plah and oaau pro tactlva association on bthatf of tha uaiaachaaatta fish and game protective ataocla tlon want to axtand our appract atlon for your vary fine amhtfclt at tha sportsmen show and tha affl tlnt way li hai bean handled by jour renraaantatlvaa slgnedf j c phuupa prtiidaatb taauat cwtaga on church atraei watar aad light apmy to mis 11 w kaaaady if far sau 3oud coaklihg tnfplaa iw par bag hofury tic par pound a r vaanatlar ana hi gaorghowa rr wo i t taataat 6 rooaid hoit on uurdack streat alaciiic ughi waiar aaut aawly reaava tad iaubadliiie riasaaslan apniy to i t arnold u ltfewattltfovamrt now ia lha km to got your agricul tural urn whan ibw letehlit la me4 185 rttw fftlghl paid call aad apt a sample alia prlnlad matter oa haw to us llnu walter ii moor agaat pbona 152 tip wood 400 load hardwood bailor than a blaglacad 99 00 a load mlaad wood kuidllaer oubk llaatar and lutaaaa caurvka500aload maplo pilad ivw par cord any wigth murrays phoa 99 r 3 georgetown ii waaal swlala var ctuvic hardwood oach aad llapt 9400 par sinata cordi ckvlct hardwamvl slabs 9375 par alaala cord mlaad rails am00 par alaala cordi mlaad wood 9j0 paraiagl cord thla is att good sound dry wood and at iha pricaa is good buying satisfaction guaran lad j bradford boa 440 faboa 135 4 qaargatown waagfarbaj large quantity of good dry ttardwaode alao largo ouanilty of good dry cedar for k hulling ifistad wood always aa ttaad prtca aa usual cash oa delivery prtmsat earvtc w emtnarsoa plwaa 310 gacivatowa u fire insurance j w keiitbit ewratl4s agou for ssais of ths slreefsst eea psalas wrulsa issnrssss am you avototad

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