the georgetown herald bixtvkihmt ykut ok publication erop47town wadnaadriy evening hjuob sd 195s7 180 per annum id advance gg 00 to us f tv rhe georgetown herald j m moohe mvr caudua wkly kw umtt tl joind pawenger paaaedger iumiii mali pumtir 8111 paeeetmer suri j 001 no mii pummlr paaeebgor moll peaaerli iftfer ir bund 04 pm 848 oro 882 pni ajtpu 7ai rm 780 aen 918 lto j 818 pm 480 iro fl08ptn 700 pt 10 iu m mail mall oblho nobtii o0im0 bodd luil 8 00ani 488 pm ii is am 784 pu cims nahmul eaedrle ataowavi a4a luiau atatrwav rutrttboond wrwtbouhd dally daily rrata mat 710am no1 788 am 4 987 am 8 u8i at ells7bi 8 1188 am 8 187 p w 7 18s pm 10 887 pro 9 88s pm ib 87pn 11 5 86pm 14 787 pm 18 788 pm ib 0j17 pnj 18 088 pm 181188 p u 17 l0am special hourly eervioe dating the period of the canadian hationol ex- bjutjoti one of esqaesings attractive j homesteads j 150 acres halton counlj 1700000 kmombh rtituntotl millo frmu utation thiw from 1 georgetown u from tofanto j vda n under ulrivution lfl atreaitpod timber j awttnrtts fn4hl aetttlod to ufnfa iw acres jchnlcu j wheat roll plowing done 1 lurg tut rjtono dwelling pluturflaunicly situated j among groio of mil pit mid kiwi furnace bath room th 10 plttc spring grovitj flow df water iu liuuw mul hurt urge risum full iel1ar two flrv t plniuva 9 largv basaincnt burn nirl painted good stab- t ling drluug houne hen house garage and tool house x apply to i walter t evans j georgetown ont i when weftes will rn wrtji hnue dogs directory maui tooatmom mill ll mm leluhete georgetown ontario lieheybale lelu u vawssyaaat ofmkln bldf hill 8t no hub harriet solicitor etc ome mill 8c georgetowe hear 9aai to 3 p m oeea wejeaeday and saturday vantage ouuiim n wiaeui hir teueltee met rwhlia tmoeefnamx muxat o hoera 9 bm to s pm oeea wedaeedev ead selarday eveoluge i reaicmabla otaavfii dr w barnard opt dro mnthrltl etliki skfulttl oittalai etasmevej oteeeetelet fey awemlmaluft ofmdeate keyal oelleeje 8 el erne m euffer from eyeitrain headaches and other iiim due to the alwenoe of proper gtauen dr copeland have your eyen eiumiued at wilsons jewelry store matin st oneill block gesortf atown an entirely new and unique tem will eoon be nude at the chateau rvatnic quebee by arthur beau- vale driver of the ifronteuae doc team he baa three welvea which he haa reared from fcabybood tneee have been kept in a kennel in the ante build with hie hueklee they are ehy little thlnte and appear u aliena amonf the doge they are hot ae playful ae puna and to overcome their ehytuee beanvale often but three little buelde pupe la for play- raktee when they forte themeelvee and aeem leee bomeauk for their parenu and the treat eotdoore tneee utile ereeturea are now only eight mentha old yet la thla abort time have learned rnuth of mortak and they have already had one trip to beaten where they were exalblted by the canadian faemie railway at the sportamane show one momlnf a brand new aporty looking eellar waa placed on one and the dignity thvwlid animal uddenly aiulred waa amaelng t waa like aehlld with new ahoee it turned lie little heed flret one aide then the other end eat down in a edate manner all lour feet together ad held lie bead high haukhtuya aid with ite eyee now look at me and db b t pavi pw end hednealeflearof health in eequeelng townenlp qava91eama to eana tuip a oalee ana neelaenee aleiu atreet eleejak oaeeelte preebytehan chimb 108 1 pkrelelaa and sergeao mid strem oeongetown pheee 31 ksfeue surgeoa grace hepllal teroejta bbov phjeclan and burgeon tledleal offteer of health georgetown omoe aad p queen sc south orbwuewa 810 em lsand88pm alao by appoi ml hlmanblalid etyeblarneae and throat bptelallat at aavfmtoira wedneaday saturday hottte 7 pm till p pm or by appoint ment glaeaee sunnlled qfloe at lllaa itatutewv ualn st hoaaa phone 1ot r 6 do wild anlmale underatandf ye indeed that wild beast waa ai eelr- renadoua o any human decked out in a new regalia shortly after the return of the wolvee from boeton one of the little w frampton carpenter and builder w bl vawi8 b u bf b odhee bunhi te 8 bzeept tbejoay ahmim p l heath ldj oo oaaee la laxe meek one doer nortl e owelire cerriace ttetery oeur t a an t 9 m be u lbabulolfth veterinary sorgeoa kemaaae tutascaiertn ohxkopbaotio he meeaete geeejeey oeteepatby chreeffjeaeueii jscnice ukuw ammtwt a vftdes ik mom cenputd aad upte mrt cltimaraellcmlly la oalano ullthir tfca cfcld4taur fafsurhrilril uymeyvaatlm omta saat to onauls garajta ifltllilmltlt otliar 4ay aad baurt by appolattaaai i fcwsstsow raildeatca 10 1 aft lbhpfcob 2is tuaadty and rwyttoo- w h wiluon vaelewtakaw and tiltl8180e1 fawtflltinr amew or heree4rawallarm 1 ptwte eight or day s4w or 111 m collections on dy for we handle collection kjearo asnty keuyjb aiken cmuctmm ejnejajwltle end 8wa ead bef maadard bank of canada the ford is still the popular car at a popular price the demand for fords this year promises to be greater than ever you get better value for less money to a ford than in any otner car choose your new ford now i frf am mwt phone 24 mthwttitutn asedmy georgetown its fine qualities preserved in the m alu package pcndacp jjuiiu3t te ai good f red rose orange pekoe ia extra good h a coxe ford sales and service garage acton phone 66 erwingoldhanis meat market choke fresh and cored meals fresh and smoked fish ele all nwhita leapt in electric refrigerator gbt the best phone no 1 clarks bakery grocer rest quality bread and pastry the chokesl groeeries you will find our price the loweat when you conaidei the quaily good we provide for our ctuloroer jjt htev tear lfamt oreter mark clark hmultt si he rringtons east end meat market choice hotnekilied beef baoaldarroaat round or njuare 12o bump roast whole or half lfio blade or chunk rout 14o round ateak rout 18o j rib mot f hound eteak 20o fiajakvvvvvvvvvvioo btaw beef 12o prima rib ito sirloin ateak 22o p ii itesk 28o pork aauaage 18o thaa prioaa arej orub if you cant oome phone or let u know and we will be glad to rail burvice our motto maehu isa o ereeturea apralned itaehoulder whn beauvale entered the building end went up to the kennel or eempert- raeat allotted them which haa wire netting around the poor little thltib came up to mm for eympethy if wee duly rubbed with lotion end eered for not in the leaet reeenung anything which wee done for it a eut little alelgh ivneh-cen- adlan la daelgu haa been built for it and the picture ahowe little maeter beauvale all ready for hie flrt ride ae aeon aa the wolf le harneued it la now three mentha alnce thla wild animal baa been tame enough f or thu tittle child to play with and one vonderi if the old laying a little child ahall lead them ean ne applied in thle inetenee it een however be etated that when thle picture wu taken the wolf bad to be literally pulled out of the etreet back to it kennel it wee intereeted in the people around the doge the teile and alelgha which paaeed aa he poeed for one of hi many pleturee token lately it will indeed be worth while te follow the adventure of a wild creature from the wood of quebec province into the blggeet orgenua- tlen of lt kind in the world a fre quenter of the chateau proatenae one who haa alreedy taken tripe and who will in time know the heerta and klndneee of people it will come lq contact with japans new emperor flltice llio utr iht pertuuufjuy ml oil nl uk uonarelmri or wueb um lla 9ortune lhaa tbo iwnumsllty of ivibia uluutr or a vonlgu aim mry hut thin fttraiuatoa 44 sot apbly to jumu aad that whgf li ebaraeter of thp aff katlrmaa llfrobljoas a maliar of tba flni ka oortaae to tbi wbrld iiiily in i riotiim be u jatmti vpuu jatreui lias bni w6dmis4hl in uahy rbebt it aw for u aupsror rmultt ua- hatikd its mfard for um royal fumlly part of its hllgjc ihi nmitii illuttralml by a uttu atory ann hard tslu ta in nw tot herald tribune uaifajlnf au auar- lean on day looking out of a tto- wlndow la toklo ww aituaad to sm hundreds of rnsit in iba atrt below with ihnlr llttlo brooms a tb dust into prtty pattaru to maba it mort beautiful tor tba younjt triaea hlrohlto who wu axoaetad to baas that way probably tba nw kbl uom not rsgard blusair aa a god bat if his aaopls wub to aadow htm witb sudraatural altributa it la aot 11 ly that ba will sk te duabot tbaaa in oaa luaortaat raapaet ha u -uf- front from any or his arsdsesaaora 11 has had a western aduatloa aad u faas travld about tba world ba- jo tba aral of his long lln avar to lmv isft his kingdom ha ala drea in tba etiropma faabloa aai plays buropaan iraw suab aa golf and t son is ha uhse tba au japan ss sports of ashing awjaunlag aad wratllflg too ha u4oa4 of wateb inn- bassball gamsa la tcaala ha used to take rsgular lutrtsatim roaa kumraal tba sotad japaaaaa auyar- who was bada to forgst thai hla pusll waa th ragaat and raaiaasbar that ha was attroly a youth who laalred to icara to play a daoaat gaaia it would bdt aa battary to say that hlro hlto gavn ku usual soma of bla aaoat anxloua ntouanta oa tba canals eowrt it u dlfflcult if not inpoaalbu for an outsider to avt any tlsar idas of tba eharmcipr or a japan eabrer la japan he is not on ekblblttoa ha lu not to b vlaltad ha doaa awt raakf spasehsa whlrb ar quotsd ha in a mare myslarloiia praaaaea but hlrohlto whan he took hla world lour camp into the opn as it ware aad many psoate bad aa opportunity or obsarvlni bias his trip bntadajaai blw but bla education bitforahaad had broadaau blm it is rslatrd that oaa bight ba sat on the dock of tba japaaaaa war ship rutorl watahlng motion ale- turea tba eraw of- lbs ship had crowded on the deck to as th show and had been crowded baek ao thai the men might not approach too near the royal prestnee but tba pribea gave orders that they aboald be al lowed to come closer then ha aaked his royal brothers aad tba gentlemen in his suite to bend down ao that tba view or the sailors might net be ob structed one day a dog oa the ship irave birth to nine puppies aad it was decided that three ware aa asany aa should be permitted to ufa tba others were about ta be east ore board whsn hlrohlto beard of it ha ta ed the execution aad used ta omuso himself by feeding the puppies and playing with them latter oa thpy ware sent to tba imperial pal- 1 ae where they are aaid to be ioar- tshlng today even onto the saeoad i and third generation on bla twen tieth birthday ba gave apaetal orders i that tbo bailors in the japaaaaa navy should ahare la the beware and ape i cfal featlvltlaa wars thereupon pro vided for tbaaa at gibraltar tba governor invited the piinoa to a reee meeting aad aa american naval ottasr arranged a sweepstake for tba benefit of the vis iting japaaaaa tba bone won aai the american quit naturally banded the money to hla royal hlgbaaaa but no japaaaaa emperor la history bad evor beaa known to touch meaey aad bealdea japaaaaa royalty a aat load of gambling- the japaaaaa ta tba royal suite ware la eonataraatlon but hlrohlto received the money aad nubeequeatly handed it to bla ad miral that it might properly be dealt mlth hla people have a aaw aad curious emotion lor thla atlow sol emn looking young man until ltt when the imperial ruler passed along a atreet the crowds immediately fall upon tbalr faces aot daring to lift their eyes to the royal eouateaaa but when hlrohlto appears tbey stand up la hla presence and cheer the new emperor has aot objected probably ba feels that ao long as bla subject can cry banmai with aaeb aeartlaass bla utreae la secure oat of lift from a nearby city doing htultieu j and it m nait that not oc of these i firms has any matorinl tnuret i twkul inhm mdo t brlllinna dssrl town other uuui as a markotuiff witt two tr thtme eonoerna pay suiall fiuml buaiiicss tax into the town coffer and ieavo a oetalii amount of money within tlw eorpor fttiou through th rental tf um build lug owl the payroll of tholr staffs the third firm of vory groat interest to the lipue raomluint uarrlea a door- todoor aervloe and pays into the corporation u eoapamuvely stnaji pedlars lieetiae there may be and probably iaothtr competitive aoureea bealdea these three which are given mention there la abaolulely no doubt but what the home aeronaut has plenty of llcenseto rlilm that in thla thdre la ah in justice living as bedoeawlth in tleeoubtunh pay inn earth and every legitimate municipal tax for the upkeep and welfare of tha town be ia ttftuts within hla rights in slat ing that the ptesent ayetem whereby ah outside arm with comparatively little coat other than uio usual oper ating overhead oaii enter into a com- munlty and distribute their warn it dooa not augua well for the pros perity or advaneeraent of any com munlty as practically every cent that enters the outoftown flrraa treasury la lost to redistribution within the centre from which it first camp a suggestion made in the oaltville council which would in aoua measure curtail this monetary toes to the com munlty and our own community in particular would be to have legis lation paaeed whereby thsenroaching firm could be taxed oocordlng to the volume of business done within the town according to iiewapaperdespatobes the authorities of oahawa ore oon lemplating some similar step it ia reported that the oahawa retail merchants association will meet at an early date to pass a resolution to go before tba private bills com mittee of the legislature in regardtoj higher taxation sot department stoves tba oity oounojl at a meeting on monday night of this week gave the matter full consideration and have announced their intention of coopera ting with the merchante oakvllle record nor mint to come ui fuioe hut initio to fill uomo humbler nwd itm lasting lmi to cliiitu what muturs if tltat futiui got b and fails to uotleo uie lite twiubhi in my luuj u oe i at 111 a joy to ww could riuher frioiids ivo truer than the ones along ray street and oouid i be a happier man if motiarchu i should wwt what though 1 luwp a humble po4t where prai is little known ive many a splendor i can bokol which grvhtncsri may not own ive friahds to tiharo my am at night good neighbor duelling near i gather nmn u nwoot delight throughout tint pauliig war i walk tlih woodn mid wiiuo tlu at reams leovo birds utid floworu und trii i have ftx mmti golden dreanw as rich lypn if ou pla stripped of tlto porup of weulth and fanw 4 tjiu life wo livo on earth glvea to u all about the winn pew lasting tiilngn of worth edgar a guout notes a com whoever wioui tlie following did it well it i not what peaple eat but what they illjost that make them atronff it la not what the gain but what tlie aave that make tbera rich it ia not what thoy rend bat what tbey remember that make tbem learned it ia not what the profeee but what the praetiee that make them righteoue airttrtw3 flraavn si pewwt l nrtjhrrtffsifj thouiande of rarmereln aousiweet- ern ontario aftetjiank and free die- etuajon of the oooperatlve pool aye tern of marketing grain crop have aeoepted it starting with a bumper meeting on jan 5tth at chatham and covering different polnta in eeeex kent elgin lamuon mlddlaaex and huron oonntlea and enthualaam waa dlaplayed which indicate a feel ing agalnat preaent marketing con- ditiana and in favor of the pool speaker at theee meeting in- included oolln h bdmeu of wlnnl peg preldent of tbeuanltoha wheat pool ha ouroy or alriuton prealdent of the united parmer co- operative car ltd j j itnrrieon secretary of the united palmare of ontario and other at every meet ing ejneetiorja were aaked by the fanner ahowing their in tercet in the propoutioo elevator men alu are intereeted and bare elected a com mittee to wait on the management of the united parmer cooperative oa ltd the primary object being to a certain what arrangement can be made to handle pooled grain through local elevator interettlng experleneeo of the manitoba wheat pool and nirprl- ing uooeaa were recounted and de tailed by ur bumell who talked a a fanner to firmer at fint the member of the regular grain trade were inclined to laugh at their effect to organita in a abort time how ever tbey were taken aetionily for many thouaand farmer had aigrjed a contract to deliver to the pool all their grain for five year it wa pointed oat that the pment member hip la 188000 and that hut aeaaon 318000000 buhele of grain were they were good old day all right winter year tgo meant aomething to be enjoyed not aomething to iw dreaded the deign ride pattr meant health onjoyment vigor apr v petite anii courting and the court ing wa often the beat part of the outing and there wax or it aeem od there wa more of the spirit of good nature tlioee day did any body ever hear n complaint about the overcrowding of the nlelgha en peclnll when the hoys and girl were properly diatributod por a girl lo be compelled to sit on a boya kneo waa regarded in the light of a privilege rather than nn inoon- venionoe and tho patienoe of the boys in furnishing seating accommo dation waa remarkable poailbly one reason why there i ao much eora plaint these days about the length and severity of the winters is doe to the passing ot the sleighing part by a recent amendment to the ccmoterj act when the owner of a cemetery cannot be found is nn known or is unable to maintain iu film municipality in whioh noh ceme tery is situated shall be deemed to be the owner and the council shall he charged with the duty of keeping it in order every county council shall havo the powor to appoint one or more inipoctors to look after the cemeteries and to enforce the act iff township council fail or nogleots to pioperly care for a cemetery the inspector may secure a court order dlreotlng the eounall to do so if this order is not obeyed every mem ber of sudh council oan bo held liable for contempt of court and punished accordingly onleu they can prove to the aatisfaction of tho court that the were uot consenting parties to neglect the rural cemeteries have in the post been aarod from ntter neglect to a large extent by the ox ertion of women institute the amended act will at least assure such organlratlons of theoooperation and financial support of municipal coun cil bmoeror hlrohlto is aot very ranch handled by the pool in manitoba like the prince ol wale though he la bewa yeara yonagar he ap paara to belong to an older geaar alien we doubt that he bee the nrlneee gilt of getting fun out of thiage aad no doubt be aa beea rigidly trained that a deee not un derstand vkat at i to get bored re went through hi appalling oawal pregrant wtttent the augatae alga at tmratlenee it la related that when he went to vtatt the deke of athel in scotland he heard the japaaeee aalioaal aatksaa played ea the batv nieee and eapreseed himself a pleas ed with it ifaklag a speech in tba lawaea oouaaeji ha shawad hla royal composure to goad advantage he began reading from a large roll at aaeer it aawlaldy aad ks test ale plaee thar wu a deed ell- m a it mag rlae wru4 la a gentlemanly maaaer wtta the rent n beer war wanting lo ahetil or arara to relieve the teaalea nut he waa ealia pataealsed wbn he got the paper stralghtad out ha eoeaaded wkare h had loft off why hould h yemit hllf to get nerv- ea beeanae a crowd of people most of whoa ootid aot trace their an- ohtry or vn a theuuad ear were walrjngt be prohably eoaldr- ed that moat ef thau wr lucky ta be vrltbln ead ef hie vole nodimb whi ibre assail twu 8a free unfair captlltoa fcyoltip ftnu in small eitlea and town every- where than ia a rowing movement and agitation to limit the unfair competition that the department tone from nearby larger urban oentree is waging against the home merchant in the oakvllle town council the matter wo brought up some time ago and received consider able attention in oakvllle than in ureraj firms rjoakatohawan and alberta fifty- two per oent of the wheat crop went through the pool the remit wu that oontrol of eiport grain had now passed out of tba hand of three urge export oompanle that formerly controlled it he positively rtated that the oper ation of the pool bad meant at least 2sc a boshel more for the farmer on hie wheat than he would have got had there been no pool and he as sumed ontario fanner that it would mean more money for them on their crop greater attention to the marketing end of the farming industry was urged by mr morrison who spoke of j experiences he had had a a young farmer theu oa a foreman in a city enterprise and later again as a farm er he pointed out that men in other callings were well organised and that the farmer was only one who had to ask what will yon give me after referring to the euooea of the pool in western canada and the eeg pool in ontario he aaid he wu eoutlnoed that on ontario grain pool would be of great benefit to the farmer of ontario president guroy saw in the growth of pool organiiitions an institution that would bring the termers of east ern and western canada closer to gether and a movement that in the near future would be world wide uani noltoaigneoootraot end pieeidend bumell wu witness j t anew of cornier signed the eoond contract at the chatham meet ing other alio insisted on signing np although those in charge an- nonneed that they would prefer that they studied the contract before sign ing their ruuaae ooonty captains will be olaoted uvettolsg this ia the age of advertising advertising is the gredtomt business builder in the civilized world with out intelligent and truthful advertis ing then can be no great and eon- apiouotu aoooeaa advertising ia not an expense but rather an investment john wanamaker knew this when he out started in business the first day he opened his store lie spent practically every cent he had in ad vertising and took a nhauoe in gnt ting result on his money the object of advertising is to im press jour iianit and business iuto the public mind ao that when people think of anything in your line the think of your name first but you must keep everlastingly at it advertising is tho only power that grows by its own momentum other rtvore lose by expansion radiation tho strength of advertising diffu sion its life it grows and inoroaaea in power by a hat it imparta it ear- riee ideas from the inuul uf ono to the mind of many advertising in the only harvest that grown the more h reaping etra went to doctor to learn what ailed him and the doator aaid you ought to take offfleah oct a oar and get out mora and ao i got a oar and got out more aaya kfra i got out six times iu one block and took os a lit tle flesh in four different places the last time i got out was through the windshield that was the tlaw 1 took off the most tleeh x and canvassers numed to complete the organisation in the uirritory in tba near future