Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 2, 1927, p. 4

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fll- il lie krr paok 3 tub akobortown urakljt march 2nd 1m7 follmrin father homm a tribute lo lsd a host of friends mill good otiee ton we have to ranke im glad hut while on earth owl gives to you ami tne juat oho dear dail im thinking now of year ago when i wan but u taxi n after school i iited to work atouiul the farm with diwl j used to get so tired out wheii eventide van eohui that i not sorter anxloiiblllu about the journey- home hut father ueod to lead tlie wuy an then turn round mid say so oheetinliko ao hinder come- my aon youre almost lium tint nllem uiuhi to help uui omi wlien folleriu father home iio old an fceblijjowriin grey an trembly ut tlie knee rat life u jest tlie saniotiidny a then it seemed to bo for i am still to tired out when eventide has cnmo that i get kinder anxious-liki- about that journey horai now fatliers footprint mark tlie way that ishould travel home hi voice still ao qheerllisweet whispers at oloeo of day bon plod on till lifes chores aw donel then f oiler father home dr j h vouiir hohiim nirtiiotr tow llarilom kau vhm ti katerfal abots lawmi easterta flierliona la addition to balng ike dirtiest town le tha world u said l lu too highest is000 in above se laval otilltxl wrmry ud de pressed after hour of eaourelng by the tlbtturl wind in a monotonowa valley he travaler forests the stalo doroua reputation or the place wnea rouddlna a apur be gllmpem it solid fortress lines hare at least b thinks are mat and hllr it kaa a maaaiaeeat background en ovr- hanalna parapet of ettaa 10000 leai high the sacred llouotaln cbomot- liarl iho ulywblte mother of saow venerated by lornoa sad pilgrims on the plain well away froal the lawn la a walled peat ovr which tbe union jack blaa a ttlagraph ease un the una to lhasa suinii laugh at ua lenlariea frosa thu native buildings be a saga af british supsreluous tleo bad ondamaed lo apaad years at aautrt i mink i would reatavba a tautorb i if i bad to build the aabarb nkr- iilf writaa cant j b 1 of lk mount bvsraet bspsd why pharl u an dirty em oaa explain olbr- imbtaa tewae ax nulla different tkav houaaa bunt af iud atreuntbvaed with the bawaa hoenshalr and akhu al dead caddie aeetn burled beneath ike eeral a the alee msta attend sal mr herbert taylor or cheltenham haadupoeed of hla 100 aore fura the taylor family homettead to hie bwtherinlaw mr alotor d d vraahofnivervllle manltobar- mm fraxek la mr taylors youngest aiater and hat lived in mnnitoba tlnce bur marrite fourteen yean ago mr and mm proier and ftmily have moved eott and taken poaeettion of the old home place tliii property hoi belonged to the taylor family for three generation mr taylor atlll retaina 200 annw to be uaed ae grating lablaa and you daaeaad la luund boor from ike hick level the rfuae oulalde wukia aoot torn yak dun tree anata avavy- invrlasa auction sale rtm slmk anl umwnh tbe uaderalgrird kaa been uialnidad by tlummttl 10 tell al public audlae al lot 35 4lb line weal cblnuaeeuay albart lyene hnaiaefeiilj nn thmu mmimlisth ml i oclock th following i uotm off mar syr 1700 imi fcy mil bd 4 yti by puanoturi roui uloff yni brown mar fp- frii bay un bad 1 1 yni bay nuuv in itul ag hftulfltcw 4 vri calved ia s4 cow loyrt lujlo marcbi cow 6 ftm dtta tn aufi ow 4 yrs do in liar t cow 1 yr du in juiwi cow 3yn f i oruuf htlur 3 vri ealvad i dci cowsyr diw in uartred cow 7 yrs daalfl lfarl houtala 7 yra euvcd in ibet houttln 6 yrt calved in jani olufkla a vft du in liar holiuln a ft do tn liar blua halfw 3 yrt dualnuiri id batror 4 yra mllbina wall i holmaln syn milltmr wtlli llobula byri muklng will holataln buw 3 yra calvad in jfaai naf ivrtat yr calvitj la jan man cow calvad in jan i blua caw du in liar btindta halfar dua in mari holttain 3 yra do in april buek balfar 2 yra ir ad holttain bub 7 yra fro blfb tauina alra and daaft piffa 5 cbunba tama imblaamntncnckabuii drill 16 disci darlocuulvum 17 nalniii wall roliflr aldarafca and loddwr comblnad ilaaiay llarrla s row com cnluraior if hi dial bdbilaliiba wajron box wagon alaal wbaalajut rack damocrat wtoa sulky raka aulky plow ollvari act 4 aacllcn fcarrowl wll brldfaai ona boras nulk waffoo open bumry 3 aat fogla bamaas trora collara a lijibl wagon bamua aatacalm 3000 ibai quantity of hay 300 boabaja barlry craam aaparatora da lava no 17 nw 3 13 b p lotnrnallon- al aethoa hapny tuougbi rang oak liadfoom wlta tarau hay grain and aunu of 30 and uadar caab ovar that amount a aummhaeradu en aporovtd joint notoa sparcaatoatfor cash w a wilson ben petch clark aueilonaar clearing auction sale in the toanjiip ol eeauealaa fira 8tmk layleamate lay etc tha undartlgnad baa racavad inatfuc- liana from j p buek let 83 con 6 eaquaalnar right at lima hou radial and cnr station on ilia de llodaaya farm to aell by oudiic uuc tloa on ttjwaiclmy marohsuft at 1330 oclock aharp tha followlogi horua i black boraa syaara walglu lauw i black man 7 yaara waighi l8cvitbaylwa 9yara walaht 1630 roan mai9 yaara walght 1700i gray baraa 13 yaara that ar good boraaa dairy cowa not born grade t rtgubi ailharnaaa 30 cowa dairy cowi halatalaai 10 fraab or aupposad to fraab- aat tlaw of aala 30 wepoaad to fraaban in utucb awu and may 10 ataara 3 yr old 10 haifa ra 3 yr ftldi 3 ataar ruing t aoma young calva york hog york aow suppoaad to farrow la april 1 3 aow tuppoatd to far row llay it j lion about 100 lba 17 aavaaulf9 aaowlba old imalamanta farm wagon buggy cvjuartrvat wood bindar 7 ft with anaai caitiar and track ail compkia aaw juat out 40 acroai aat atoop alajgtu to good rapalrt uaaaay harrb mowor 3 1 3 ft eat good aa aw wlib 3 kolvaa wagoa boa with ahalvloga all comnlatai waaaay harrit alaal waaal aulky bay raka 10 ft juat nawt 17 boa uaaaay uarrla ctdtlvator in good akanai dlae bamtwt daarlog llboadriuino 31 plauryolowi a of foar aactian barrowai atrmfflari daarwg half grindar oawt hay lorb atiag rap and pallayai forka boa bnvala rbalnr hrrtr ale housabold furaitura bufat tabla cook at aofa hay30toaa of flratclaa mlad bay tarmaall uaujf 91000 anal itodar caak evor that 10 aaomba cradk will b thing hint which car tha bold vltof flaw ud anlo thtttalva in ua half in th tru ehlldrari klag la alluklna pool wraad fa rag and matted in bltb yt thy ar lolly apltltad harpy yeuttgmata if you racoll from lh drain wbiab aro thp thoroughfar yoo eanlav apoct tho whol town by walking ovr th roof aad jumbtag aaroa tn road th hovl tims in urraa and cluatr round ui jong tk fort- tihtm that crown tba hill vrotm lta battlamvnta you look ovy tha whol town a panorama of aut urraoad roof brokau only by th mangy dy- or pel and gnttvrlag pryr 4ag tho sound of tht bowling of bbt don float up matty mirs of th aluma vr try leg to aatiafy- thalr hungar on th houa raoa wbij la thrown into tha atrma to rot with th rvna thay aaw th aoavaagara of tha plan two twin oovor in gorgaou robaa of chin auk ibbroidrd la gra and maava llv within th walla of th jong an normou dof- nl lawimaskd rva aa hjdr ror on orihin llunra of tha ordr of tba backward sloping pa eoeka walhr and tne ordr of tha oryatal buttob thay alt in thalr oaa- tla thalr long cawfullymanurirad nail algna or xalted ranv eoaoaal- d by blaavaa that almoat swp th ground tuara at th rclpt of custom tby tract tax from th tradaw who ratbar at pharl from bhutan napal india and tha utariar of tlbat for the plac u a grat trad entr tho amount they must aaad to lahaaa 1 fixed annually by tha cntral oovornmant with tn loedl oavarnor and lhasa laavaa than a fra hand in the collmtlan tsay rolv no pay and tha dlflarano b twean what they can xtort and what thay are compelled to remit to th capital la thalr reniunaratloa luiid rule of etlauott govern th transactloq of huatnea with than a travoler arat paya a call of eara- mony at which it 1 eonaldr4 im polite even to refer to tha real rea son of hi preaanc compllmaata ar oxchankcd wlthacarva of boaor and nrallmlaary prtnta ft 1 a sort or drat round in which old oneon enta watch for new trick and a one tak each others maasur oa the second vlalt come the ral bat tie of wlta the bargaining auav aad pollti but deadly sarioua mnuawhlln oulalde the scavenging doga whine and th count sttll auert themaelvrs with deadly prtl- oaclty evtin in lhi face of th roaring rniro of the incraiaut rleaanalns wind why a llrld wrw vhomat to worn from very onrly daya hare hfcn udaaaiely eonneetod with re llcloua rttaa jnilt used to b offer ed up in anrrlfloc to th old gods and the flnwer which com befor th fruit wrt ued lo garland tha uecka of ant ma i sacrificed oa the aucleat- allara then- wa r aymbollara in all thla the flowor landing ror tho glorias or tho hnrvfsitobo and so in olden time tho mnrrlaa festival waa bau tlflad by those emblem oradoally th aymbollam crow particular flow era being given particular nuanlags so the orange blossom aa beariai fruit and flowora tngatbvr stood for youth and maternity the illy tor pur ity will if the rose and rayrtl wr oupficlalty co nice rated to venue god tlfi of love today the exact yn inbt are uonerallyrorcottcn but tht hriuul douquettstlll remuln larg uhlpa the lariit ahlp afloat dlmenalona conaldrcd 1 the british ship lla- jphtlc dlmenalona slfi feet in length 100 feel linam and 51 feet depth jmluod by urom tunnag tht ivvlottmn is the lareeat ahlp afloat her illminaloua are length 907 ft imam luu iet and depth bf ft if r krona tonnage la 6t0t7 tone she 1h united fltatea ahlp if raenhiirrd according to the rules adopted by british lino her tnnnagf would ho 54s3 tone or 3349 torn limtr than the tonnage of lb uujectta ilant without root amunu the euroua plant grown in un rhelaoa en r land physla lardin u nno which ha no roots ii innkh from the branch e of tronleal tr and drawe in food through 111 1iaw iv on fureiabla anerovd joint notes sfweamofttfarcaab hayaab poiuviy ao raaarv a tha propria- tors laaaa kaa plrd aad tb farm la rtd to anotbar party sal can b bald uanar covar if oacaaary rm amber th data urn and plac rjkerr auction phon 36 acton oat j sanford stewarttown phifluail tlasaillbliia lowribxr vfa mcmrll bin i oatkat of rnbhar the worlds onuual output of rab hmr in about 1b6000d tons of which fully do iwr eont la produred on plantutlnna most nf which ar ta rliuh ionrmhslotin la lb vr feaal ladies owuiraemc auicousfi awctsutas nnmibmmum try us our prlcm r rpmiobkbu lnljjbiillleo mtwtelwhil vtwkt itftw 7i coal bai d l w seiantod coal in all size alao smithing and steam coal mw rilkla norajbuuoe pbaasr4s ojoesjeojo4j5jodh clearing sale olab winter hats prices 1 to 3 each misses claridge herald block upmtain when you can buy a ilia tea wlay bat conteant wltb lofavrloar tent b lenten suggestions vtaw tke t mail lui tomi oaaav i mel tl blateanmil tm elagjmrtfj lj3 lo aw laalrk 3 cfmemw imaw cau4ual juv iljlmtyoidl cfaateuiaj xroinceicaa bs sr salmon haam avaakaya f tfc 404 al o wt i canada a fc hjc hifc m matt fi syiiaer ban arg a xr auinx bakwl aaaam tv slshbiiihhiirmlg fresh groceries w havtja nvw tuid np4oat line t seasonable groceries pcds candies nub cf awi ivttllfse mr prlcea ass mi mk tmijrlm tolas cmkaal wam la 8talmttl he preuler salaj oeeaakaf s3 forsters teurumi oaah orcatowa phone e iiciicanilltaii tjfi tlmklm bmuji ft jvaavaalurtdnaar tw asbodkwlmtrlaw as aiaa e ftalwll tf ssvs jam 4 mi claaaan aa4 vauahm luetiau dee soap huj oaiaar parlaueat floor wax srla4 s3 5 mwa istelukmltovatta 4av axsxataiatfft jastt wbjbad mt coffee uahaaaltebleate 1ekma m 4wub hay bealaat balka to people harlnj hytolntht and other ilalba which hare flowered in the home thla year it will be interstt- inn to know that after flowering they may be removed from pota and pnt in and or earth without rumoring green tope and planted in bedt any time before next year bulha will only do wall one year in the hoote bat will inornate and multiply if replanted in tha garden the llbertla of hamilton went- worth and helton and other eoantiea are planning to bold a monitor pisnio in june at which premier king and cabinet minltter jjill be invited to peak r auction sale op rar filiffc isaf irsirali rir th undaralgoad haaba laatructad by wm oook a to all bf public auction at lot 10 con 0 baoumlfiga oa vmm4aay axaalwlfclstlu at on octocv tba ouowlng- ii nrs- black parchonltar 6 yr i air lag brown bora ear it bora gaaaral purpo y cow 6 jrsjawlklag du my balfar 3 yr da lo 4 yra da lo april rd block aura cairlag brown bora ear hagi cbaatnut bora gaaaral cattl jry july i jrjr la li april tra da lo aprlli i may cad cow lyri aultiag 3yaruag 4 clva bahars cow 6 yra du la may pig rack wagon with boa an tudbopa urry 3 buggl purauor als chair butiw woratr wood baatar coal oil baaur banging taaap aladdla lamp 2tabl laatpa teibtaa cbaiaa fork and otur articl inaplaaianti drlng olndr dhng aaoomr laiaraatlonal hay lodr bay taddar mh bay rait tudbopa aunur proatur lollar bylvmtrr dac drill ptoat ft wood disc cultivator spring tooth cull i valor paa baivlar aat of barfow 3 sactionsiditcbar jlav11r bay rack s truebwagon cart sbaavy aulgbs plaaaur ligb cottar chatbaai finning u aurkt wagoat otlvat riding plow vartty plow putforai ual 3000 lba d laval craaai saparstor acufflar 3 laddara btiggf aad collar pol 4 at whuiuii 34acatyok sat of basvy haroasa t plow baraaaia 3 ata drivlna barnaaa 2 lagl barn abevlso to bar la atow ajuy of old oats about so nana haas grain bay and all bum 2000 aad undew east ovr that amount 7 asoatbvj crdlt on approved lolatnotm r wta wilson brn fetch curk aurtloor first broadcast in eskimo tongue cmlji lih alav lf inta h jyflr t3kvaj drrly ve ea icai wr c4v r ecv alwji airi a c atatapm aawanabb etarbttlrlaimiai tawa gaur to tba kaloao jghjtbiubicamrtwflold inlat wuhothaanttocnja totknasrsklithawtriot of kaawatbi anil bonuriagth wattam aboroa f hudaoa bay tbeaa pboiiatb awd would tall tbcm that thay wr wm batog sdrtrtaaadfeytbab tatliar tho high prtut in othar word mgr aroa turqoalu of tha onla c tha oblataa el aauy iabnaeolata and apoitollo ftafae bay tbeaajkboatts vpy th l r r jet of hudson bay tbaaa phoaauo groana form part of tho maaaag la ayllablo flkarastara abown abova which ia th wiittn languaga tnderaioodl by tba eskimo and indian paoploa in lba nottbero porta 6t tba dominion vtha miss ago wag broadoast by mgr turquato from cnho thaotuw autlon of tba canadian kaumiai railwaya radio dtpartmaat and bing tranamittad in tba eakuno tango waa tb first occasion on which that langug bad boud ma broadcast 1 tha prslata sfioka in franco than lo engu ilstanervln might undsntana what waa being aaid atthaaamotun liab tmhat all nslthar ealdmo nor indian poa wrlttan un- sjum bafom tha advant of tha whit man dtough tha indiana bad a olotara language which u rather dlflarant a wblta man utantad writtan language first osad by tha onos then adoptad by mlaalonarlca of rarioua r ilgsaoa bcliafs oatil today it ia in gmcral nca thla wrlttan languaga ha bn picturaaniajy tarmad bireh bark talking dua to tha oaa of bark and burnt atlak la tha aarly atagaa of lta dawopmrnt tba ayllablo aharaeteta an tho inwtion of jamaa eran an englishman who landed in canada in 1s3s boa fa aaa captain who had remained long afloat owmg to tb naieoleonis war young eyans iwalrad a longer acboollng than usual during which tlm ha dlapuyad a nmarkabla aptltudafor history and languaga af tr hla arrival in ccaadav mr evana obta4ndrjniioymnt a a school teacher and in eoura of time aarrad at tarioua place in ontario and ultimately advanend to ralaalonary service in the mathodtst church mr evan ericountered many language dlmeultiaa whan his work lad him among tha ahoriginea and ha art to work to devla a maana of mtahtichlng eommunleatlon on a more general scale than then possible the car alf the its dktiactlve baaaty tad u auy aava larllled yoa ea tltet but ifclt l wily blu tea uory tba llaal baaullfill cliavrabt la cfcavrolat llbv tery alao egera a bau q machaalcal inpravaemau tad qualulaa ol per- lerauaot tlmou uabtuavablt la a car at ulow a price take a rida in this lieu brautltul cfcamwt niria lu loltsdld newer u tfluothncai lu easy cflaklcta aerlarauace uadrr all drcumiuacaa link laa crcaur conlorl ceavtn- leaca and atlaly ol drlvlni ibe mull of lba new aad urwi umrtau wntcl nuir tetlly opmud tearihltt kvar tad aaufttacy brake aad many otbtr nadlly aadtreal tmprovrmtnu aad tulr ikal lba mou bcautuul cbevrelm in cbavnkt llulory u ulum at new lowflt prion lowrafar wbkh clicitnut baa rrr barn teld la cauda crilie s vking phonaa34 georgetown two humlrad mamhra oa eluba in mnntraal and othar rantra in qu1m uft nvar the canadian pacific lilt raeantly to attend the annual convention of tha canadian and us snowhoo union at aunchaaur nll japan ranka third in world ten ant- great britain head tha hat with analravaaata tnnnuaa of 21 ul00o una tha united staua aac- end with 13740000 tona and japan third with 4000000 tone oarmany follow with tfldofim tone naariy 100 ueeeanaera ofthe cana dian pacific taucrapht wore the ueate of the company at a ban quet in the avindaor street station baikjuat hall reoantly the compli mentary dinner waa tendered to the boya e a token of appreciation of tha aarvlaa rendarad to the ebmptny and the public in thalr dally delivery of teleavaph meataaae throughout afohtoaal immlirratien te canada for the eejendar year 1026 wat ikfiii eoinptiad with 84907 for 10s5 a ain of 00 par cent of the total new arrival 4810 eanje from the brltiih uletl s0ju4 from tha united state and m2i from ether couik thea retnmed canadlani in the period totalled 6233 aa aaralnat bjk7 in ims purorea aubmitted at the annual convention of the nova 8eotla delryuene ataeeiatlon thowed 27 eveamerlaa eperatlna in the province in 1026 producing 4764000 pounda of butter or an incraeea of fiwi per eent over the production of 1025 the incretae in value waa 642s81b j e ifartln tuperiatendent of the fleh culture aarviee of albojrta auaouboea that nearly 00000 brown trout eate have atfely arrived from wltcontla at th banff httchery alpj that th trout which are eloaely related to the loch leven trout will be dltttibated throachout tbe trlbu- tariea of the red deer hlver al berta e w beatty announeed reoantly that tba canadian pacific la to build a thouaand room hotl on the alte of the old queeni at toronto the new hotel will be on front street appetite the new union station which it to be opened in june and it will be thelarceat and flneit of the famoni una of canadian pacific hotel and it will be toronto firat bl modern hotel entirely owned and operated by a canadian company caaadaa wool production in 1026 la eatlmtled at 17180270 pound aa eeaipared with 1b4b304s pound in iks the value of the dip of 1026 la eetlmated proviilonally at tsttofioo at compared with h- 001000 la 1025 ontario led in pro duction with 42613 pound fol lowed by quebec with 4am410 poondt alberta led in weaurn cantda with yield of 2400000 pound new trade arrancementt will be mad between canada and cuba aa a remit of the vitlt of th canadian minuter of finance to that coun try canada will receive preferen tial treatment from cuba and the product of that country will be ad mitted to canada on terma almuar te thee ascended to prance end other favored nation during the twelve month ended november 126 import from cuba totalled 407440 and etporte to cuba feted by the governor of the state the mayor and many ether prominent people of columbui ohle haa been the experience of 8am diode mlcmtc guide of the muford camp in nova scotia who arrived at the windier 8utlon montreal recently on hi return from a tare week vitlt te colombu where he attended the convention and banquet of the league of ohio sporttmen glode i noted throughout the wood of nov sootla for hi uncanny ability at maoee celling addressed tht gntharinir of ovar 1600 eporte- iiri m canadian hunting facilities uartliularly in reference to nova acotla eooeeoeaaeo he aaevelllmg baeialrad standard anthracite scranton coal in all slxea automatloally borwned and loaded coal wood beleot lump for domaatw and thraabing rarpoeee braitbins and oannal opal in fast ioarry everything to be found in any optodata coal and wood yard new advertisement rmemtofaatomia now 1 lit ilmfl tu ui yaut agtuul uirml mm wltil ll uflem k amd tlkt per itiii rlklil tialj cwll and rt a it mu rrlnlmi nutll tut how tr nf innr walter ii mikra ainri h- i it i wood ewoo latjtl limrdivoml imiiwi- ittmit a miimlucoed aofle llud itllnml wtmml kllllrltf ohltvt hfmlor- hill uflaetm ciiuiiw s oo u iit uh piicj n oo ihr tiril uuy lunxtli munuys vuotit w r 1 viirjrtowm if wd fevecatle vvr t i u ic n imfflwvaoj lltmuli utitl miu ftw00 ntr hlnalo rofdi cbc4r iisrtlwoftj ua 37 pi alttgld cord mined reilla 4100 wf alfttvlf rtvtll wuhj ioj tlsopeifftirthu card till li all tttutd ubtind dry vvthvl td at tbrgj plcu l aood biiyliiif kiuuctlon yiiaran ld j hraiidftfrtl tla 4w ptimt is r t gorvaiown iftfb quantity of dtwuldy liardwntul hlso ufi quantity of tfuoddry cadav tar ulrullln ilkiad wood alw oh hund prica- a iiaual catvh on dallvavy pronthl aylc v emmimmn hhoh 310 gaoraatown v t slltutlaa vaeaal hfaclatia alagamiita cjinttdj nation lmafratin dnraa local repriaaia tlvr to look hftar itaw ntuj ranawat iub- ftrripliuiia kiipiratitmi nama art iup- plied and lull irittptwalloii ivthi laig tftrrllntca ftv nuccerurul wwliwa otily man oe woman of huotl addraai charac- tar audabllity nd apply will local kprmiitillva otti alaelaana matf ina toronto jt notice to creditor la the matter or the eat te af jehu yeamaeitiute ef the yewaaua at faejaealae im tkeoeaumy ef bajtea eavbaaraeeaae4 noticc la hereby given pursuant to taction us or the tniitee ad h8o 1014 chapter 121 that all creditor or others having claim orde manda tgtleit the eitsto of the said john townaend who died oa or about tha alitecnth day of december 1s2s at the said township of esnueslng ere requir ed on or before the ivth day of march 1027 to send by post prepaid or deliver to the unaerslgned solicitors herein for william coie the executor of the estate of the said john towneend farmer de ceased their christian names and sur names aderetee and descriptions the full particular in writing of their clslms a atatement of their account and the nature of theaecurity if any hold by then and take notice that after such last mentioned data tha said executor will proceed by distribute the assets of tne raid dsesaaed among tha parties en titled thereto having regard only to the olalma of which they shall then have notice and that the said executor will not be liable for the said aetata or any part thereof to any person or person of whoae claims notice shall not have sen received by them at the time of udi distribution dated at georgetown this tenth day of february vof dale thompson solicitors for the said executore lhk 01 jtipmrtjim ta tl utitiwvi auctet ai the pravuee of oataria notice is hereby given that ap plication will be made to tha legis lative assembly of tha province of ontario at tho present aostion there of by tlie munioipil corporation of tho town or georgetown for a special not to consolidate tba floating iuuebodiims of tha aaid corporation at the sum of 10600 and enabling thu said munioipal corporation to pass a bylaw of tlie said corporation ror the iiuui- iind sale of debantnrea for that amount without having ob- tninwi the hum lit of tbe electors aa prescribed by the consolidated municipal act 1022 tho ninonnt nf exuting debenturo debt of tlio aaid corporation axoltuiva of local improvement debt it 168 09002 and tbe amount of local improve ment debt aeoored by peeial rate or assessment is 608812 making a total or 923737804 f l heath clork of the town of georgetown dated at oorgetown this 0th day of fobmary 1927 6t shoe hospital john mcdonald phone 1 geoirtiatof i fire insurance j w illawuv carielatva agsat far aeesaef ibe irons com mase wrillaar laauraaee i am you prouotvd 1 a llulhintlno bos in til pnws for repairing robber boots goloshes phillips stick a sole press es lamps nut of insolci fatten on wood heels ot iu a oomplef machine no noils to hurt the feet wo also do all kinds ofshoe re hiring whole or half soles iewn on catliur soles cemented on velvet oak iiml a special cement nsed for this operation tan shoos dyed bbuk hooks and eyolettesolunged rubber heels too cansttee1 arches- bnlit in skates sliarpened altate riveting by moiiliinu or by hand sciusort aharp- enod in fact anything to he found in an up tu date repair plant this is one of tbe best equipped repair plants in canada today and ourwork speaks for itself you am invited to coll and give this shop the onoe over prices are right we use bull dog feather by request only j a ballntine shoe rcbolldar ftkta st fataae sm taiaj bliop opens from 080 am to 10 pm working hour r am tn 0 pm wood mixed rails 3 per single oor or 2 oord for s alto hardwood at 378 delivered gin george town j h smith phone 84 r 13 flooiamnil

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