Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1927, p. 2

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paok a th okoanirnrwn bmbaej march oth 1m7 births tnajriagaa and daotho aura now cbarfad for at tho fottosrlng rata blxtha roc nurlifm boej j tba wei mamorial carda ftooj 10a par una axtra for poatry mouhowai rnunpton on haturday wanb5tli lottta mcdonald widow of tba lat arthur morrow n bar slat yaar obituary mra iklda wall in- word wtu received at norval of the death ut ilmiilfartl of uk himn wallace who rtnsnod nwny utter a lengthy llltieei 8be wiu the daugh ter of tho late mr anil mm wlllliira jaekson of morval wliere she wan born one sister mm j v miipher- ud of norval nurvlvtngltor her una- baqd predeecnqotl liortmd nholemen three daughter mm a morrow tho funeral took plnoe monday afternoon to orcniiuouil cemotery georgetown or mm a morrow wliou death ocoured at bur into homo itotedale avenue ilrarnpton on sat urday after u lengthy lllnoiu itev a lloyd smith of oroco united vhurob oondueted n short aorvvae at the house mrf morrow wu in liar mst year and was bom iu dutfrrin county a daughter of tha late aloit ander modonild oho baa resided in brarajpton for nineteen years going to rjiia town from georgmawji mrs morrow waa member of qraeo united ohareh her husband predeoeased her ten year ago bbe is survived by two daughter miue beetle and marjory and two sons john and ed ward alio iter mother living at georgetown throe brother c b mcdonald detroit mleh a g mcdonald toronto and vlotor mc donald georgetown and two sisters mn crawford adams and mr v h erwin of georgetown public school board board met at 8 pm march 2nd with all members present the minntee of the january meeting were read and adopted on motion of menus edward and monolly mr rou then presented her re port having completed her inspeo- hon of the sehool children with re gard to health aondltions it wa decided to loave the question of fur ther impaction to a committee to be appointed mr tucker of the groelier comp any toronto then addressed the board urging the pnrehose of n tet of book of knowledge on motion of messrs criohton and menojlythia matter wan loft over until the neat meeting moved by messrs crlchton and harriaon that the following aneounta he paid carried evarey digging drain 93000 hydroelectric light 081 r h thompaon co hud- plleeetc 2147 j b maokemie slabs 800 mn rom health inspection 5bo0 moved by messrs mcnally and edwards that the board place on re tard their appreciation of the faith fill and satisfactory work dono far warded to mn thompson with letter expressing the sympathy of the board for iter in her loss carried moved by maura monally and criohton that the board advertise in the georgetown herald for n score tarytreasnror application to be in by noon march 12 1027 nalnry to tie 7000 per annum carried moved by mr mrnolly and mrs creelman that a vote of thanks lie tendered mies a ryan for acting as secretory protern carried the property oommittee reported havingjnipeeted the building and having authorised the caretaker to engage a helper for a few days for work in the basement the board then adjourned to meet saturday march 12 at 730 oulook norval the annual shamrock tea and concert under tho auspices of the norval presbyterian church will be bald on the evening of tbo 17th of march tea will bo served in the aohoolroom of tho ohuroh from 680 to 830 after which a good programme will be given by the following artiats- mr bailey baritone soloist of bramp ton selections on the guitar by mm baileyi mrs thomas ronnie bramp ton and miss margaret maodonald oakviue soprano soloists mrs har vey mokioney toronto contralto soloist mrs norman real and miss leormonth of toronto and mm mac- donald norval elocutionists the orchestra of the presbyterian church georgetown will give selections durj ing the evening mr john watkins accompanist keep this date in view the event of the season ad mission fiftycents 2t the ladles aid or norval united ghnrcb will present a three act comedy entitled btriotly business in the church next tuesday evening march 16th they will be assisted tyafiitiojaaecjrahestra and a treat is in store for all who attend re freshments will be served at the close admission sffo and lor mrs j n maphenon returned home from brentford lost friday where she had been attending the funeral of her sister the late mrs hilda walloon mrs rev mckinnon is noufln- ed to her room with a very severe cold on tuesdn evening the young people of mt pleasant put on a good program in the united chnrch here refreshment were servnd by the norval voung people and u ver enjoyable evening spent be young people of norval will give a play entitled safety pint in the presbyterian church on april 28th its the early chicks that pay graham and clements carry a full line of poultry supplies buokeyo incubators brooders colloglaia oto town cornell count met at 8 p in meruit 11 witli mayor molntyre m tlte chair and coatmlllon ashenbunt barclay llensey denlson rvlbu- and kellj prwoiit communications were read from n1i brown bell telephone co o o cameron department of health neptnm meter co fidelity lnsur- mum co union or canadian muui clpolltea wallace ft tlcman toronto and ii r miutnu mr ii g melr addressed council re georgetown tannery and also about some back taxes moved by john d kelly second ed by a h feller uwth k mimiru be appointed auditor for the year 1027 at a salary of 430000 he to audit all books prepare all statements inoludiug auditors statement to department of municipal affairs and riliotthtr clerk be instructed to prepare a by-low- to this effect for next council meeting carriod moyod by john d kelly second ed by h p denlson that the offer of h r mimms for the purchase of as0o0o issuos of debentures 700 and 0200 at a price of 10180 for the 700 issue and the flret ten year maturities of the 0200 and of f 102 00 for the eleven to twenty year maturities plus accrued interest from date of issue to date of delivery be accepted and that these debentures be deposited in tho bank of montreal at georgetown to be released as paid for at above prices carried moved by w 0 betsey seconded by w barclay that the offer of ohio ruddy to build and put up 4 signs on outskirts of town for 3000 be accepted at per letter to council march 1 1027 carried bylaw no 43a for the borrowing of 9760 on debentnn for ooncrete walks on union and king streets was read the necessary number of times and- passed in the matter of collecting arrein or taxes against property in town it was decided that no abatement be mado at this time in the process of collection of same moved by a h feller seconded by john d kelly that the following aooountf be posted bejl telephone co chufs res 205 80 ml 2 05 bell telephone co town rail bell telephone co ifun offices f l heath paid expnea ww heruymardimentfw wsooth 180 its 11 0 1800 henry makhment w w 600 ste ltoo 1800 hsttry makhment w w 460 sis laio lboo henry marebmeat w w 800 mm 841 1x8 16181 147 177 11108 sm 2147 800 874 2 55 sim eta 180 hydro electric fire hall town holt wwofflee power town hell frje hall ww orllee th w quudlan draw p b haniimt ataiapa7 ballay broa plr protaeuon r h ttvunpaon 4 co v kaptoua valar co matar u ih aoss a uackniia ehartty flm laf- frty houa 90 t p orlava w w tha aehoolby tbeir lato booretarv o umlr bal ufufm sm trtoauror mr j a thompaon anfll movod by a h feller aaooddod thttacopyofthin ictolation be follyw baiolay that wo do now ad- ji mi jonrnto moot at tha oait raguhu toeflting or at tha call of tha mayor card of thanks wa baraby eonvay to friatub and nolsbbora oar vary alnera thanka for tha many klarlniinaa and aympathy oxtandad to ua id our baraavomaat by tha daath of our balarad dautfatar mr and un prad cook united ohurcli hv or ihoklatt hubjmit fw ktu- day momltik keb 4 3th will lw jolitlhn thti flhuruli uml in tlu avail in j be will rpuk mt till chou of tlftt ht ittasgni oltuhli tmmvnrsw thurwlay mur 1th child nrnn ijnitotii hrelw ut hltt p u l hv caiiuii i h marttl reoumof lrnr cliumli f 11- ton bunday textmrvlm tufollnwh 8 i m holy communion xi u tu mathm and bannoti by tlu us uir 7 p tu evtmaon and utrninii by tlu rv k i- boyd lttur of norval hockey in out hockay gam botwoan groriftown and milton at tha arrna hn laal friday night milton won by a rworu of 6 to 4 wlint taiglit luiv lwn n real good gaua of hoaky wohauoltad bywilnxmietintrifri id tltfl ant pariod each twin wotod thrb goal oaorgatown inaklkig tho hntt tally in tlu immiond only cjiih goal wiu wored ami that by uoorgo town milton evaoml tlui ucora in third pariod and wara allowud unotlutr nount on a vary muoli dlipuuwl goal limiting tlurin ona up in tlm ftnnl tliera wai aaiaa good pla h bolji tiiiiiuh during tha gauiu announcement i have just taken over the business formerly conducted by j w kennedy and will continue to do buaineaa ram the tame gland with graham ftt cle- menla eatimatea cheerlully given on all clktaea of work plumbing heating tbwnithing and electric wiring re pair carefully attended to g r muckart shop 25 phones house 3l9w storage batteries voh rubber case 1 1 ti5 j n oneill son georgetown the finest shocmaldng is found in cnstom balding lat ua batch yaur aava far you lala saaton ia our uaauaotb euctrie loetiba- lor if ua act ou want haiebad tha aatiar way wwuibfud to do 11 thai way for you wa hava tba aspartaaca and tba aqolpaiant cou of batefalaa fcparaga biacu pricaa ao unga lala book your erdar far aaaea now aad avoid balng diaaaaointad brluanla poultry parts j saaduaky at 8oa rr 6 bmau iob oni em 1014 phona coolnvula abrll ct clearing auction sale faw slwlu laplf f 9h ek tba uadartlgaad haa baaa uutrutiad by wthoampom to tatl by public auction at tot 8 lawn lina eiquaalag tp 2 nil balow norval 5 miautca wall ireat map ss w toroato to gualpb radial oa waiim4lar at i oclock tba fouowtagi horaaa taam 10 yra 1400 bona toyra 1400 hw houtaia can la- cow u yra iraab cow 6 yra iraab caw s yn fraab cow 5 yra fraabi caw 4 yra vraui cow 4yra fiaab caw s yra fratbcow fra fraabi caw 3 yra fratbi cow 6 yra raftbi cow 3 yra fraahi cow 3 ri lrtbicow8yrafraahcbw 3yra iraab cow 0 yra lull flowi cow yra full flow cow 8yraailklaawaucowo yra muhtnc wall cow s yrat doa tlatael aala cow 4 yra dua tuna of ula cow j yra dua luoa of aala vooagcatilat uolatala bauara bradi holatala balfai 30 aaabt 3 uolalala bauara 16 auatbii holatala bull 6 mm ml abova catila wai raiaad on tba ana plga13 cbuafca ts lbai voriiiura aow brad dae i4 vorlublr aaar btad jan lltb varbattlraaowbrad vab istbi vorbablra aow brad liar i tataawonb aow brad fab 8 taauwonk aow brad fab ifltfc hamaaa 3 dwbla tat 3 abutlr aat lalaaunuwublaaoa ploub na 3 pluray plouab nn 31 1 haaumra sioub suljiy plaugb aaw no 31 1 sulky plouf b cocbanutii 3 ar9uoa iroa h nowa 4 aac tloa iron barrow i j aactloa woadaa bar- rowa hairow cart taddar fanalaf mm aad luifir 2 if aiay mawara 3 m fl ft daartaa mowtra 9 ftimaaaay raka 10 fi uaawy drill isulaci maaaiydriu tobaai uaaaay bladar 7 ftilfaaaay corn bladari llaaaay eom acualar alalia acaria tur nay drill maway praadar adama wima i aat aluaplajba3cuuai 3 bay racka i h li uaplalaaf vrala arlndari 300 faua oali a 1 aaadt dalaval aaparator ataal roller dltb ifaaaay cultivator wagon bugay milk tlaiab 4 gaiaa htiihag truck llcortnav adlbar idaubta ualtii 2 augar l aula griad atooa ataal oil bar- rala 2 lea aawa j taddara 2 eblcka1 broodara quautliy of barry boxaa crataa fofbai abavala chaloa aad otbar artklaa too numaroua to aaaatlaa tarau grata aad all auau af t3000 and uadar cash ovar that aaiauni a me rrdli co approvad jojpl uola 3 par cant far caab a wilson rbn pbtch i clark auuloaaar wa ca bartjett gcorgclowa mul brampton a with safety five points 1 li mmk united bonds are outstanding id connection with ever issue of uulted bonds we sponsor and sell a location we make a personal survey of the locality that sec tion of the city in which the seourityproperty is situated mast be a rrowinp one showing a bona fide need of suoh a building b buildino we examine with searching attention to detail the plans and speciscations the building must conform to our standards he well designed of sound construction and materials i appraisal the bond issue is alwayitbaiml upon our own ronserra tive appraisal rataee d revenue a douse in the trust mortgage malum it a lint claim upon all the rerenne from the huhdlng for the purpose or pay ing interest and principal of bonds n due e supervision we supervise every bond issue wn offer to investors from the day the proposition is laid before us until tho day the lost maturing bond falls doe and is paid these points of unosol merit and this sustained supervision whioh preserve them are what make unitud bonds uuiqne as a complet ely aafeguarded investment ste- trcaak wmci tim fublie scbool bonrd llf rtva mppliceuloaa tqf ihej poftlliotl ol ntvt svrjf wm tiaaurer ui lit noon on balutday umt i2lh salary 7j p vr addram tommumhauodiuvv 11 kfrttnor ihalr man of board f bowes co ltd tmowto hltlpmir iwim to llu- itowtn co ful and tut tlut idgliti jiriihm jtun5 a benson will upomu our trunk mid t nil on rimiurt in thla awstion for tllr ctwitm phono 33j and liftvp lilm dallvor your omhiw waiwwaia3a3aj chicks for sale bredtolay uun aacks aku mar lakkd ulm per im sc mt ucaains v sm pu im otmtatw haiablaafoa pmw um auimit for mlllcrn mtl itirmltitaih and llnnmlim nil itjtu leon a cook phone 298 georgetown rmi ur i lammrw tjamm wlm omoall ot1 flower jaujjn ihimp iwv a kntilli acicmi oni apply in talmt 1 roonmej ttousw llifhlt wal lwui c atplv a u kpalmm jobi kt lip a t mnity of kmd uti baruy it nal luiuii dub itlumllflrm jewtfrtlowii 4mioia a ijimnliiy ol 72 o ac l oala crt i or kjtlt frwin h0vshawn bowes co ltd tmonia new wall papers something newwe have a line of wall paper guaranteed absolutely sunproof no more faded wall paper al so regular line of the lalral pattern see ray aamplea and get eatimate tor complete job gel buay and save diaappoint ment faiattif aad paitrkuaiih e bludd phone 5 ring 5 glenwilliama ontario m b53 jgrandys h th put food gtociry 1 introductory offer 35c value for 20c with emea purcham of a halfpound pachag of balfri prtmiam shrtadeoeoaitatal 20c a fall tix of can of bahtrt soulhtrn style cocoanut free a m grandy phone 78 pot and pan sale blue and while su h p enameled ware see our windows regular 2m pieces lor 129 for your spring floosedeulng needs we hive a complete slock ol h s painta and varaiihoi mallotnnn flat wall paint euatioa floor varniah laaqttant plooranl vamiab stain 61 floor vamiab gannine daoo qaiok drying lustier aubaatina and mureaco vi and 14 quart galvanised paila s4o and 39c johnsona floor wax 75c ll guaranteed floor wax 39o lb 35 40nd 60 watt t ongatan lampa 6 for 100 plumb xslatrlel wirin tiaamitiluk mmr hw qami imvliuitf jptiltfx iw tmr bji honay 15 wptmui a k vvhrutltr n vvhluttllfr attn si toon uk mo i if ta umi 6 rooniml ho iui tui murdtvk klratl tflfttrk hkiii whi utilja tvy rtnavt laj irrtrmahllalb hmin41e apply 11 f t anwm ir nubbew liraj lop iwugy uooj m mw compleia apply to m hunir prnll 230 girwyeftown hay aailula cuhui quahiy hny tor gala apply john mcdanald qtiaan si if hay far auia iinamity of alulfa td thitthy niimtnj imv tor m phone fwlt 0xra town oac 7ifrj from wiad v da uu uatiab ifrajn aiwj itrsivy ylarvi ut miruiioir httiartanlaad i9gt or 1920 xrw sainpuv mi lawmkia mill or lurild uhica ivamitl prka claaiwd o o hrowii phona hi j baa4 0maai a quynuiy ol giuml i9j5 aaadbarlay for mtla apply lo ii v lawaoo r b no j phona 46 31 3t ruahrawla a nuiubar ol pint traaa fbr aala aaiifh4 lad by ibalula john anpalbaal 15000 ft apply to or gollop uaorjrmawfl it saad aaua ataad otfaia sad flannar and klerliug aala and alao a quuniliy o fd mivad krala apply io j c wllioii bona4ail top 2 watttad wafb fruniiik alflo dicing callara cat- pool dr4tifjvlr rrrmeplly doaa by ed varay tucen bi mi wairli waalad wuman would llfaa to da waablaif or scrubbing by tba day apply at ha raid offlea ttp wttaklaiar a4 ksyaaiiaat ivdman will do waablitf and loaihg ai boma or any kind ol laundry work boa 127 gaorgatown orpbona im tl polica dug anawara to na ma of splbv raward for hi ralum to l e fladf gtwgatffwn rartaja six room rama houaa half cra of uround adjoining tba golf unka walar in lluuta elactrl light furttaca j600 tar mi airstigrd roaaaaaion hay lat culla holland farm an on it a ar tala ar baakt iroparly for aala or rani brick cottage jornar ol llaorga and ann ttraata all convaniancaa and in good raiuilr alao ban houaa a daalrablalot wiu ba vacant april fat apply to lira hannah e rlngbam cr u voode r r now 1 almaonl p r h thompson georgetown ontario raganaratad abundanca aead oala govornnni leatad or gormlaatloa and waad aaada germinallon 94 ptr cant primary waada none waighl 42 iba to tba huabat alight admiktnr of bariay prtca 00c par butlial k c llnduy pbmia 9jrj tieorgelown wasted leocal bopraaenutivaa ratpofuibla man aaqulrad la rapraaant firm ot invaatmant banbara salary and commlaslon rrfwaacaa addreaa ad- varliaar co f w hunt ad van iaing r vita 33 richmond ut wart toroato 2 wood for sale i hsv ecurd qusntily ol slabs from hi aoru0tnn tumtter cc and will sell ibsnrst vjroii irr single eord laem ore icnpd blar slb bur now end sive money ihey ll be ma auwei utw j brandford ttrx 0 ehcuie i35h ieorgmown dept- b20 please forward without obliaation yaur booklet xhe highroad and information alwut isstuui of first mortgage hnnde uow heing offered name btreet v city or town h r mimms local repreaantauve phona 114 oaorcatawa 1 er i bonds united bond co 19 mtbavsr tomomto see our 1927 model home ww all the caaftrts aaa emvenienee of a muukw this new houae will be open or inspection on saturdays march k2th and 19th from 3 to nine oclock and at any other lime by arraneemenl with us by phoning either 33 or 139 we invite you to aaa ail the convenience of thla houae even iff you do not with to buy thih cottage bungalow has six rooms and liathroom wirh a plastered garage open ing out on to albert street diningroom lias builtin walnut buffet the kitohen lias rt mink and builtin kitohan cupboards the bedrooms liavo a builtin ilruuing table with ihraeway mirrors xkis home is wired for eleetrio store and is heated with a kolsnv i lot air pumare nnd the hathroom has enamelled bjth mora fliurns tilth un mlarl lm oleum floor oar prle for tbl ha boat la iaaoo with toraaa arnsacad to alt paroaaaar j b mackenzie office phone 33 houae phone 139 furniture for sale dining labia and chalra buffet eblaa i cabin ainrrla ctulr library labia 2 i oak tablaa oak waab aund oak draaaar largci while anajnatud draaaar 3 daubla imnbdat2 alagtatmm bada upholttarad couch and chair parlor cpblaa maboa any hapoy tnouubl raflfa 4 bumar coal oil atova arool earaata aratar psavar waabing macblna alactrts aatttrr for living room ura j j allan uala st north georfraiown 31 clearinu auction sale op favnsmt iflffstii dc ilia underilfrned ttai racalvad intlruc luuia irani da evan lu aril by public auction at tot l 3rd lute fatjuabiiiif mi monday maroh 14tb ai oclncrf ih folloalno houa ii d mara 7yrac6odla all harninai b b parchaon coll 3 yrt caiila aymhiracpw fiaabllana ofaata llolatain cow ipringtri janay rear ub ln wall i durham cow iraab data ol aalai i llolatciii cowa dua lime of aalat 7 hal tain enwa aprmglnp calvaa 2 aarlna hulatriii halfara 4 um fall htvlilh hrifra im a h piua ahoui 170 lb 7 nica i hunk j montlibold otkablra aawand 12 pm oomj rv raiidrr inant i amadaannvcoritbindarnawf fvarlnu ii mar nawt darinjrhavlaadar kood aa m wi dairrlntfaida dallvary raka daririr roller almoal nawt daartaa dnll lshorti 4 pitwdrag harrow cocaabult manur aprradar alaioat nawt cocbtautt rldiiitf plouifhicorkahuit walbina plough printf tomh cultivator taam com etdllva lor wftlkliitf arufflar lumbar vagca and boa hay racb ram pulpar faatuajr mill aat of 3000 lb acalaa uood loppad buggy opan buggy good rutiar 3 pirn crataa hayforb car and lopa coal oil barral 40 gala aavaral faad boxaa 4 i aoodan water barralifofba abavala koaa croaacul mwi and otbar artlrlemtoopaai atoua in manlion llaraaaa bat o doutda haiaau tarma 1000 dollara and uadar caab ovar ibat aanounl ala moniha crotut on approvad joint notaa u wilson henpetcii clark auctloaaar motlcela haraby glvan that dalla 1 ellubath daviaa of tha town of oak- villa in tba county of hilion la tba provinca of ontario marriad wonia will apply to tha parlunwdt of caoad attbaprcaant or ntxt aaaaioa tawraof i for bill of divorca from bar hus band william hanry davlac el tba cltyofouaipb in tba gamo of wl- llngtoo in tha provibm of ontario suaamin on the frouad of adultiy and datad at toroato la tha pvovbua of ontario thia abtn day of ffabmajy a d 1127- jamaa rftoaf m lung 8t e toronto sulwtor for uwawwa uamod applicant dtp

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