ssa jja v tin onojiorrowurjhtuib mamh 9th 1927 wismfai lalr3ohpciloni hbhcig wragcettes drug stoke tooth brushes regular 35c 19c the nyal quality store prl- local news items illackhunis tor ltaruulns rahekah ourhre und daur day assltfs open at mlllon march slit 8m th now low prioee on titor- age batteries m 1 n oxelll isons garage 1 special atlreutious ut lllc kox tbeatr saturday afternoon and overling keep tbe daw march 17 open for daw and nipper in glenwilllarus afternoon and evening keep thursday staroh 17th open for bt patrick tea and concert at norvol presbyterian ohnrob 2t uenl are yon securing your bar of tbe bargains at hlaakburns big sale of clothing furnishings elu we thank the members of george town womena institute for a lox of dellcloastarts donated to u hut week jtherecnothlng too good for tbe irish hie will be proven to yon at tbe st patrick tea in the public library saturday march 12 strictly buiineee is the title of a 3 act comedy whksh a ill be pre- aettted by tho ladles aid in the united obureh norvnl im tuesday mar loth a meeting of torgetown and eaquialng humane society will be held in tbe council chamber george town on thursday menlng march 1mb at 8 oclock vmare koatrum that famous picture produced by rex ingrain will be pot on afternoon and evening at tbe rex theatre next saturday dont miss booing it next time try britiah american high grade ooaloil white row high teat gasoline costs no more than any other ooololl or gas for ale by graham and clement hard ware phone 25 eaquetlng womena institute will meet at the home of mrs john h thompaon stewarttown on friday march 11th at 280 oclock dr gollopwill give an address roll call answered by apple recipe blackburn la offering some vary postal bargina in mens furnishings during his big sale now going on if yon have not yet visited hu store it will pay yon to do so at once a euchre and dance under tbe auspices of verdum rebekah lodge will bt held in the arena on friday evening march 11th music by miss jessie leavitt and mr jack thompson euohre 830 to 1030 dancing 13 to 8 special lucky num ber prise admission 7o plus 3c notice i have bought back my shoe business and am going to slaughter pnoee on everything in tbe plioti mens rubber boots site 6 9800 leather laoes s prs for 2jo insoles 8e a pr polishes 6c splen did assortment of mens fine and working boots from 3s0 to 94s0 pan neatfoot oil for tale allan roney will sew all rips free of charge on boots sold from this store and yon will always find him on the job aud get satisfaction at lowlest living prices you eon oome with every con fldenoe to us j roney i have awn a lot of comers and goers in the boot business up stsnkli au all members of tlsy lvgrei jtitaly tiro rwruuiitcd m be out for tkractire mxt lnoadn nonlng miircll 1ltli itaxe sueltal j mills murgurft djcjtiu hchl u piano recital at her home tuesduy utter uoon mnrch 2nd when some n ber pupil performed those participat log werv- herniee m e i o u a 1 d dorothy mlmms muriel whitmeo ruth evans beth mlmms ada lane joan mokonrjo arthur dayfoot aud george djokie at tlie oloso of the programmo miss dickie was present ed with a beantfful hunch of sweet peas by the class the misses aileen moore malik mcdonald hilda erwin and isabel modermld assured in serving refreshments to the tints and their guests imssmmeljsllaaj tbe marriage of miss leila kutli orino mclelland daughter of mr and mrs thomas mulelland 87 annette st toronto to mr william fisher lawson of toronto son of sirs mary lawson and tbu late walter lawson of stewarttown took place saturday february 20th at st johns anglican church hnmberslde ave tho rector rev r macnamara omciating the wedding music was played by mr percy madonald the bride who waft given away by her father woro u pretty gown of shell pink georgette with tight bodloe and pettalled skirt with pule blue velvet ribbon trimmings urn bat of tho same shades her slippers were of pink satin and she carried u lam quel of hntteril roses and lily ombe valley and wore the niridugrooms gift a white fox fur during the signing of tho register miss daisy mecneilt of toronto sang very sweetly until after tho cere mony u dinner was served for tho ira mediate friends at the hotel qarla kite the tables being prettily decorated with spring lowers and tall pink candles in wlver holders a toast to tlie bride was proposed by tho grooms brother mr wulter lawson and responded to by the groom the bride and groom loft for montreal tbe bride tm oiling in green orepe dress with small green hat and black seal coat with gray squirrel trimming on their return they will reside at 4m annette st toronto mrs kdward piuluy georgetown out ulinouneea tbe engugement of her daughter margaret llnwden to mr ronald harrison of tomnio murriagb will take plat lulter part of mlnih mrs a mcdonald mr and tin k c adams mlaam malsl and maud mc donald mr and mrs vletor medonalj mr ii erwin mian ww ml muls- llne errcln mr and mnl k it mc donald mra wm mcdonald llr w mcdonald ml laura monow mr and mrs w c anthony ur and mrs a 3 oniu and mrs j n odmii atundtd the furwral of tha late mrs a morrow at ilrampton lost wtk glen williams tin- ladles aid of the united church glenwillinms will bold au old tyme concert in tlie town hall march 11th talent provided by the ladles aid of limehnuse every body come and enjoy a real treat admlsslom adults 2nv children isc a social evening will be held at the home of mrs m- merryday nienwiuiami st patricks day mar 17th nrtariioon and eveulng dance nnd supper e x c o 1 1 o n t music ladles ulie gentlemen aov proceeds in aid of worthy cause notice to creditor lutka ketau f klf ma- uu f ih ttwuiuv kamalacf 1m 4k ttwttty w httlim klna- 7vovctoars a saturday treat ill lluttonu u vry iilt vcmu luin with fri il ut 40 ivr lb weekend chocolates fruit buttons a very nice conrc lion with fndt hiitor tutwtly sold ut 40 per lb special 2sc lb these tdioeolutes are supreme others may try to imitate but when you buy our chocolates you muv rent assured that you are getting both quality ami value haul and soft ieiiln wtmkend chocotat0t 32c lb easter goods or eur uooalki hav urrivd cotuoitiaud look theili over and hkve mutu rerv4l for jou we havo thaw in all prictj from ho to 41 tw arthur norjrlngton maik st phone 39 curling pago 1 cluh cbumplonshlp i mcdami preseuteil by thsilld playuiry at tlw arena list taeaday ml wuh won by tuhjnlltiwlug keiiile kd lbmhaiu 1 b wallace skip has been very activo seusoii und much rivalry boa been dls varimis oorapelitiona il by members or tlie ifotioo is liercliy given pur- suunt to tun statutes in that behalf thai all creditors and others having claims agalntst the estate of the said deceased are required on or before the 26th day or march 1027 tosend fall particulars of their olaims duly proved to the undersigned and furtliew take wrv tloa that after march 1027 the exe cutors will proceed to distribute tlie i assets of the said deceased among tlie parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which j they shall then have notice and the said executors will not lie i lalile to any persons of whose claims notloe shall not have been received at the time of snuh distribution dated this 2flth day or february 1027 h o meir georgetown solicitor for executors real estate for sale v lrsmum ivssisaa hmumi aa omalplt st ted double living oonu dining room with ehlna in kitchen with stationary cupboards built in lights stable and hen houoo on tlie property evi a snap at moo othot tsmratlf til brink anil frame bonnes at low pries r a good chance for aiiy one wanting a paying business a garage on main street and this highway one of the best locations in george town price is right smot call e a benham plum mi box480 oeoboetown hornby mism j m stewart passed away on tuesduy of last week ut the home or bur sinter mrs rayuer trafalgar she was a daughter of the late mr stewart minister of the hornby pres byterian church and was bom at the hornby manse sept 17tli 1802 her loss is mourned by two listers mrs charles rowell kansas city mo it 8 ami mrs rayner and two brotkcnctoin toronto aud willie pelee island ont the funeral took place at toronto a short service conducted by rev p w maclnnes was held ut tlie borne a very delightful eveuing was pent at tlie home of foster brain on monday night when a large crowd of members and friends aud pariibloners of norvul nnd district fathered to gather to welcome the newly ap pointed rector rev mr boyd into the community after a little speech mr boyd ran off the program which was made up of local numbers by messrs brain brown and others mr greenwood of nerval charmed tbe large audience with his readings rev p w maclnnes pastor or the presbyterian church gave an addreas on the two words keep true 1st to the church 2nd to the minister sd to tbe master and community he also passed o the greetin of the prelr here a splendid lunch was served by the ladies after which everybody went home happy and delighted champ ion personal whan itisk t ausllusa dont fail to attend the annual tea and baking sale in the public library saturday march 12th under the auspices of the local council of women and hear a delightful pro gramme showing the depth of patlioa and height of humor of which only the irish are capable it vsak bf sslsls sw ismst white nh 16 fresh hike herring and fresh oea herring 2 lb for 2oo smoked baddies 21b for 2o smoked fillets 18 and 22c flounders 21b for 26a salmon siloed 20c whole flab 16o- fresh and pkkled shoulders of pork 22c fresh cooked tripe 2 lb 25o t w smiths fish and meat market spring is here see graham und clements for stauntons semi- trimmed wall papr martin benour m mocualg mrs0 100 psr oent pure paint stains vur- t nlsbes alabastine mureaco etc ex vkats wednesday march oth diplo macy starring blanoh sweet and eorle williams chapters or casey of the coast guards comedy ghost of folly friday march 11th seven sin ners a mystery melodrama starring maria prevoat com edy hu private ufa fox news saturday march 12th matinee at 8 pm- mare nostrora our sea starring alloc tarry and antonio moreno made by the man who direct ed the four horsemen comedy dog dane cartoon felix in pedlgneedy ookvllle orchestra prions matinee jse and 24c night 2aa and 30c coming tony runs wild starr ing tom mix tho ilabermon kiddies harold loyd in for uaavatvt gaka mrs duncan campbell of moffat spent satardny with georgetown friends rev dr dickie and dr h g reid were at guelph yesterday at tending a meeting of tlie presbytery of tbe united church messrs lynn askln g t pierce fred j clark and martin mcgaffery of wallaceburg spent tuesday at chief jacksons mr and mrs jos colman and son ernest and mr and mrs wm allen and daughter gladys of toronto spent the weekend with mr and mrs e cplman mrs l wraggette who fell when going to ohureh a oouple of weeks ago and fraotured a small bone in her ankle is still confined to her home but recovering nicely miss ruth johnstone of chatham a fifth year student in medicine at the university of toronto was the guest of miss margaret diokie at tlie parsonage over the week end mr a kirk and mr charlie kirk attended the ohorol services given by the boy oholristers from west minister abbey at bt- pauls church toronto on sunday evening among those from ont of- town who attended tbe funeral of tbe late miss ethel cook were mr and mrs moffat dr and mrs norman ferrier mr kelley clartidge mr masters mrs moomillon miss ruth henderson mr boll miss crawford mrs spenoely mrs harry noble mrs n noble mra nicol mrs simpson miss emily durnara mr and mrs j a wiuougbby mr and mrs will lawson mr billy lawson henry of mr and mrs r a hatcbluson mr and mra a g clark mr and mrs stork of whitby mr john moquarrie mr and mrs clarence ljom cheltenham mr rod anderson mrs g r anderson mr and mrs a g anderson mr and mrs norman anderson dr and mm john lawson mr jos lawson mr und mrs j h mcclelland mr douglas mcclelland mr and mrs m g chantlcr mrs kee mrs norrul mrs margaret johnston mr and mrs 1 n crawford mr john crawrord mr rob crawford mr and mis albert kee mr and mrs chas llowyer mr m n carter miss mabel carter brampton miss nellie cook guelph hospital miss margaret cook ur c cook ospnnge tlie pall bearers ware mr moffat mr k clarridge of toronto mrclias llowyerof bramp ton mr- meir of georgetown mr aiklns georgetown mr douglas moclsllaad midwinter ij j all our winter lines tare now being sold at a reduced prices i j j in order to make a quick cleaiance follow- ing are just a few of tlie items offered mens extra quality penmans fleece lined shirts and drawers all sizes 78c boys scotch ribbed combinations sizes 30 and 32 only now 98c stanfields red label all wool mens shirts or drawers reg 250 now 185 mens combinations woolsey or britania reg 900 for- 465 mens strong work trousers reduced to 1 85 another line of trousers of strong tweed 245 mens felt hats clearing at 1 50 mens hercules black denim overalls with bibs re duced to 119 mens bull dog extra heavy denim overalls with bibs black or blue reg 250 on sale at 195 mens cotton flannel work shirts large make with double yoke reduced to 94c ladies and misses allwool serge straight line dress es nicely trimmed less than half prire 1 98 ladies and misses allwool flannel dresses various new styles and colors greatly reduced 325 so- at as as- asaqaa vp s vve hava now only n few ladlm winter coat lefts we are clearing them at leas than half price we ale o of far a number of lines of winter furnlthinga at clearance prices aaaajaa d brill co phone 167 new goods dress goods new arrivala luslade orepe de chine flat crepe broadcloth flannels 8ertire8aat03r bawon silk cham- bray voile ful silk silk broad cloth in the mw aud lateat colors hosiery our stock or ailustoolllliaj is vail uuwrluil holeproof hosiery thaw is a great demand far huleprool how u iiuvc ilivin in tbe lumreit colors in bilk 811k und luk hdk ovcrtiislinu-n- art silk and duw thread silk prloim si no 81 25 i 1 ami pull fashioned at 9200 per cr bupersllk host all odors at yi 511 bitax hom blank and colors at a2b cortlwlli hllk hose all silk to top spwilal at 1 mi clearing sale of meroury pull fashioned silk how black while and ilrou n with ciox were 9200 bale prioe o80 kaysor itnhnn bilk how ware 3 b0 sale prioe 201 mcbean co bj georgetown try the beatty easierfoopcrate only two operating levers georgetown iai it t m f y bamthitdy the best washing principle washes paster liumph in mechanical design lasts longer remendous sales first in canada ours-now- balamct in equal payments for i2m get our complete outfit your clwk of my four accessories fpeewith ewery washer ihts mpba tmitua rxactthc ihom jwifw rttain jn oneill son phone 14 georgetown