Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 9, 1927, p. 4

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paok tus okoboktown huau march olh 1997 wcsuox clocks and walches lowered rig jtmi alurmcluulth nu 42a big ben luminous clock now titlq america alum cioolca now lttl block bird llnnliuuw clock i 00 watches pocket llv gin hen now sirfi ybo uiugor nml tftaymoud nwdlii far a el willson me slmvaulsin wealifei standard anthracite stcranton coal in all sixes automatically boreened and loda coal wood i baleet turnip for domoitio and thrashing purposes 8mitbiag and caanol coal in tact learry everytblnf to b found a any uptodata goal and wood yard 1 john mcdonald phone 1 9 georgetown t auction sale op far smiapksmftls be tha undersigned has been inttriuied by wins ctooks to sail by public auction t int 10 con 9 bsaueelna on tvasrlay march iftth at om oclock lb following horwa black perchon horse 6 yn i block maro courtage brown borse car- riafei chestnut borse general purpose cattle jersey cow 6yrs milking due in julyt jersey heifer 2 yrs due in april rod cow 4y duo in april i rod cow eyre duo in slay rod cow 3 yrs muklajt 2 yearling calves bej- furtjlluro ala chair bulior worker wood beater coal oil beater hanging taaut aladdin lamp talle lamps mblss a fork and otbar articles innlamaoti- deerlng olndar deerlng nummti intereallooal bay loader bay tedder mh bay rake tudhope manure spreader roller sylvester disc drill float at wood disc cultivator spring tooth cultivator pan bat vaster mi of barrows 3 ssctlool ditcher t levellers bay race pig rack wagon with boa 9 tt uuek wagon tudhope surrey j boggles cart 2 heavy auighs pleasure sleigh cuttar chatham finning mill market wegoi olivai riding plow verity plow platform seal 2000 iba da laval cream saparator acuffur 2 uddara biitsty nod cuttar pole 4 aat wblrlatiees j mcwyokea 8 aat of heavy hernaeo wi plow baroaau 2 tata driving harness 2 stogie baroaaa abou20 tons hav in mow housbtuyf old oattabout 50 bans terau hans graintbayand all i of 93000 and under eashoyer that aasouat 7 month credit on joint note w a wilson hen petcii clark aucll ladi mulfeenc awctnilnc name ju try as our prices ere reasonable mrmrjbulueo ipskss78wsn8 btartiku hihuikom coal beat d l w scranton coal in all size auo smithing and steam coal mrs jtwalklus hon station pbone62r42 j sanford stewarttown phifflblagtiasmiuiuig i cscerishy aves me mr ii k i ft f fire insurance j w kinniiy cctrgelsvs atftot for boom at the strong cost- piao wrulnjr inauranco j aw vou pratmd j itmawfaa hnllntav vrtmm vimwr it mtorvd hp rests awd ueaarlng it was a blow on us tik durlnat u bnlli triateh that u u krursl sab im doaf sbd uuuib for two yaaia oulit- nriutly be got a upltaine in lifts lnii r and wnl to doctor liuvt lr rmovid it was ao deeply iultldd and ib linger ao badly liihunid that tin surgeon rvooin mi itii d un anatsthotlc tbc apllbtor wum reiunvud then aa uiw batlant mint mhiuii an attendant todebed mm lav up hlour- hv irld loudly and tlarly tin quit all rigai hi wan and now hftira nod aphe a uk vwr bw did 1 hlu im by no nttua tb only oasw in which a vurglcai opetauon- bait liuil a rtault nut mpactad by tha opiruinr a blind man who van utto dumb wan avut from m nortbaaap- lutiablr village to n specialist in uod- furd ym a writer in aaasrara an operation waj to bo perforated for tb uatia oyea but whlla waltlnk for u thi patient ml over a cblr wbn b waa pieked up it wa found tbat li could sneak tb opttrauon on iiih yca was sucoeaaful and now lia enn htio also anotlirr blind nuui wu aurougbi to d lllriulnghani hoaplul to b opamtad upon for a tumor on tb brain whlob tbrvfluned his ufa tb opmuon was sicrhuiful and to tbe patlamta mirprlsu knd dallgnt hi eigbt r- turuud s tbnn ther wju ntmn of thirty whoso lbm is raeordad in aba latnc who was opralitd on for enuraot lit ultt olugow opbtbalasia btailttti ha bad own blind front birth tb operation aucmauiy raatorad bla algbt but hnro u tb ttrirdlsry thlut the flrst tint bo naw tb color yellow it niad bint ulta glek on tb otbnr band fad gswa bias tb grlet dleamir in ih4 a hungarun nallad flalk- ly who waa in tb stat prlaon of tnny i vanla aantaneod o thirty year for murder had a dreadful ac cident raattlttng in bla head boltts out opaa and tb skull damaged tb man wo a giant brut hardly hu man who inspired abr urror in bl feuowpriaoaar tb prlaon doctor had to operatr in a hurry to aav tho niai llf stlbely reoorared rapidly and wham ha waa abl to nvov again it waa found that bla wbol character and vsi hi vary apraailna had ebanged h had baooen a brlaht kindly la taulgant paraon obalant charful and ready to bain un wardera or hi fauowpriaymor in any way poaalbl jaaaa board wan a similar raja her waa a boy of 8ftn who waa an incorrigible criminal u too bad a bead injury andwbn an opr- atioa waa performed it waa found thai a ple of bonowaa preaalng on tb brain aitar tbl was removed tb boy bacaw quite a dlffrttt b ln cheerful pltmiant and intelll- rant a moat astonishing eaae waa that of alia annie ellison a girl who waa badly injured in au uutomobu awl- dent aa a result or jableb tb wbol of tha akin waa rtrippad frou tb upaar part of her left arm oraft- ing waa aaoeaaary and nagro aar vast who wu davotsd to bar nals- treaa offerad n part of bar auav tha operation waa uebimfttl hut altar the wound had haalad lb akin of tb patient arm bataa to turn blank and this continued until tb wbol of tha injured nart waa aa black aa tb akin of tb negro fift br4f youth victorious in quebec dog derby youth mudo luprfmacy succoisful bid for in tb dog raelttff realm whsn emlle st ooddard 19- or old dog muaber from tha pas xlanlioha won tb eat lent intrna- tlonal dog derby held at qube ttbruary si 33 and 23 ills ham of avn hlkhly- trained greyhound husklea dashrd over lba finish un of lbthrdiiy roof eoxerlng lb iso gruelling miles in 11 hours and 74t minutes banting all previous raoordt by 64 minute aud second ha aaeured for tb oond tlms the first in 1933 tb handsome cup donated by the quabae international dog sled derby club laenbard sappala hero of the ple raoa with aerura to tb stricken alas kan city of kom was a strong con tender in the quebec clasaie and fin ished just so minutes beblnd st ood- dard sappala experienced driver ai he is was forced to giro way to n man 90 years younger driving a team or batter trained huskies than bla own sepnlla bettered 8l ooddnrds time by leveral minutes in tha last dov cf the rnce aa tbe winner was rfatnftrehdbabjffcy 3gaultftaasan sma tsiasjmkavhraaf6rti 4auatta eetqfiliiiibri bei dart of tba ran owing to a strain- undoa in bu let george cbavratto disputed every inch at tha hilly court for second place but waa bestib out by tho alaskan nusber paddy nolan tbe 15year old on- taatant made one of tb most r- markable showings in dog racing an nals when he finished fourth out of fourteen entries ha added klory to the reputation wad laat year whan although bla dot were disqualified for fighting ha stuck to the trait and ftnlabed ninth in a field or so tha whole of the dlatanee being run in a bllndlnv billiard a gloom however hoe been east over the nolan house hold recently for the diiy after pad dys great rate his mother who bad been lying 111 in tbe hospital died aft each day of tbe race paddy would leave hi dor lu charge or friends and go to his mother bed side at tha hospital the courage or this lad is n general tuplo of discus- alone nnd old nnd experienced muibers are coneemrd over bis per formances young st goddard bulla from tbe foioed to stay on the sled a grnler northern mniobn town where tb the base auretel j94if mela eepe iuattr4ievttt r use of dogu is a commercial naoaaalty her it was that dog racing in can ada first took place a group of de vote wishing to perpetual the all- alaskan sweepstakes which died out in 1mb gathered in the snake room of tba opasaual hotel and arranged to bold an annual race which they have carried out st ooddard has been tbe winner of thla long rac at the pa several years including the race in january- out of 100 dog in tb recent race at quebec ther were but thre reo- ognlaed lead dog they were tobby st goddarde leader prlti seppalaa lead dog and ro ver trained by tha youthful nolan frank dupuls winner or the race last year flalibed 8th with but thre dogi in harness it la tbe driver who eon successfully train the leader or tbt pack who is going to pilot bis team to victory dogs la a team are not unlike any other racing animals ther mutt be a guide seppalns famous alaskan malamute entered tba canadian race this year ecentlnic victory they battled heroically but lost to a bettertrained team why b u a imcky kasaihart prom tb vary aarllaat tlaaaa ear- tain numbers have b4n credited with mystic powers thre and aeven for instance being thouglrt lucky while thirteen warll omened the procuta raaaana hav never boon de finitely settled by scholars but tht svvvn supenitltlon baa alwaya been tbouuht to lrau bon baaed on prlml tlvo mans very flret knowledgu at astronomy for instance ther war seven da a to each phase of tb moon and only aaron planets at flrat known to the anelents it is probable that from thla re mini tin number seven flrat enquired its connection of luck so w got tho aeven virtue the ativaa alepre und so on modern acleno tn after njtctlng tho old id en la sow eom- ing to th point of view that our hod lea renew themselves avery aeven ara and that after all tb old aeven belief may have roal fonn datlon dating far into the pant of tha race railway tunnel notablo railway tunnula of tbe world are the slmploa in tha alps connecting italy and switzerland length 13 mljea uount bt oothard- connect in k italy and swltaerlaad 9 mllea mount cents also in tb alps eonneotlng franc and italy i alii arlborg in auatria i mil the connaught on the line of tb can adian pacfde railway under uount maednnald of the selkirk range of the rocky mountains id british co tumble 6 mllea in lenath with two railway tracks the hoosaoafobntaln tunnel in weatam massachusetts h miles the st clair tunnel car rying the line of the canadian na tional italwa under tb st clair rlwr hmwevn sarnla oat and port huron mlrh s miles larg salsusda greenland a danish poasnsaloa it considered to be the largest island in thi world with un area of 827300 tquar miles the ancund utund in else is new lulnrn in tin rtouth iailflr leloag- ini to great britain nnd holland it harf an area of 33n0oo icua re ratto nonifo also in the laclflc and also bdnnulnn o ornat dritaln and hnl laud is third in site with a area r sroooo aquare mllea the petmlaua oatpat thi petroleum output of the world is ubniit early 1001 m 5000 barrel of 2 pnllnne a lengthy waterway tin 1 iii rih oi the waterway open d i i bv thti suaa canal ta lto milaa great i ii opp f heavier reductions than ever on furniture during march 7pieoe libiao st gsobjs for ilbrarj table 8 00 for oatk sil97 for dmk s199b for 1s9b bwtlonn book ctm 13 off kllcben cabinfu 12600 for couobna 93000 for carpet sweepers uplioluarwl heed rookert s2do0 for 1000 2sss 1298 1495 149a 2498 380 a real chance to save some good just think of being able to buy a hlshsrade genuine f in peabody oveiau 2jm for aj9 highgrade shirts poreythe and other good makes 300 value for 219 200 value for 149 au other mens and boys furnishings at excep tlonaipy low prices see the goods see the values j jacksons georgetown iw l w frampton carpenter and builder mmioea ah phone 204 sardlmfaad fltor asaedally georgetown fresh groce wa hav a new and uptodate una ot seasonable groceries peels candies nuls cah mi tevctttsiic ssr prleti mi stfsre isyino forsters irmai cash oeoraetowii phone as i erwingoldhams meat market cholee fresh and cored meals fresh and smoked fish ele all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 svsa clarks bakery grocery best quality bread and pastry the choicest groceries vou will find our price the loweal when you eonaider the quality of good vie provide for our cuatomera iit aa han tour wsxt order mark clark hamcm mi si tew advertisement imicelsfi mum lu mm um lu jfet your agtlut it hs ihit- ion fratlahl nsul call and a smiiiplat saw prlnlew mattef on bow to us timf weltef ii mocr anl pining itj a 7if wood 4 4 ho ionii hhrilumvj ball- tliutt m uiuttlt tfitl 900 a liwd mluatl wood hiumuk quflutt i la lev uhd 4uruiivci cbimks 00 o iflad mhpla tllhl vlvoil ct r t on un ihijui murray ilitftt lr 1 l vi r 1 eitrqwrtwii wj fbksuu vert ahnice hardwood heacli and hlmftk 9410 tur sltiala cordl choict hardwood ulubs 9175 per ltlfl wd mined mils 9j00 per ulugle rordi seined uood 9tv per sltiicl cod till u all trottj kuhind dry wood and at ihcu price th tod ihiylne kautf action guarsii tfd j itrarulfort wau 490 nhotu 15 r 4 casorustown wm4 bsfc- suu larre iianllly of good dry hardwood ulso uie uuiility offloodary vadsr fey kintllinff alined wood always on hand prues as usual cash on delivery iyohibi sarvfve w emmeraori phona sw gacrselown tf susittsu vsetsl xlsclenn s suuiiiv crtad a nsluvi- a i alagaxma desiree a oral reprmenia live to look altar naw anil tanewal atlb icriptlons expiration names are sun piled and full to oparaltonrglvofl larva oirniiius for ucctul worbera ooly num nr uoiiiait ot pood addrasi iharac ter and atbdiiy need appll write lol repraseuiailvn depl maclaana ug- nn toronto it nattee of macstlm is the utblshve imsailj f tse rtsvlsee 01 1 bbngseben 4 ttaa 25c matches 3 peas corn tomatoes lialiilml am asaf ia amlililllbi si laaatma- aalaaaaa jam mlabiiitnj bshaftaeeasaavv 49c laad aaavsas sa9f eslety aisaa jar aaawanalada 39 thla la syrup saaaonh paveqsmbes on 6jc maple syrup m jfe crswesrssashra atsua 17 cora syrup au notick is horaliy aivon that ap plication will be made to tlie legir- utivo auinibly or tha provinc of ontario at tho prownt toulon tlidiv- of by the muninipal corporation ot tho town of georgetown for a apoelal oet to eoniolituitd tho floatinff inclebetlneia of tho ooid corporation at tho sum of 910500 and enabling the viul munieipnl corporation to pnui u b law of tho uid corporation for the iuue and wile of debenture for that amount without having ob tained the asrfeut of tbe electors as proscribed by tho consolidated municipal act 1022 v tho amount of exibtingnjeoentura debt of tho said corporation exol naive of local improvement debt i 168 00002 and tho amount of local improvement debt aecurad by apoeiai rate of nweument u 6928812 making a lota of 237st864 f i heath clerk of tho town oi georgetown dated at georgetown thi 9th day of fobruary 1027 6 notice to creditors la ta imau af karen ifaaal liawava all potholm having olaim against tho estate of margaret mabel law- son late or the town of georgetown in the county of halton widow deceased who died on or abont the sevouth day of dooember 1020 are hercty notiiiod to und by post pre paid or delivor to the undersigned kseeutor of the last will and testa ment of the deceased on or before the fourth dnj of april 1027 their names and addresses and full par ticulars of tlielr claims and tha na ture of tho securities if uny held by them duly verified immediately after tha last men tioned dati the said exeoutpr jsrill proceed to distribute the assetaof the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claimn of which it shall then have notice am it will not bo liable for the orbwh of tho estate or any part thereof to any person ot whoa claim notice has not been received by it at tho date of suob distribution the toronto general trust corpora tion 203 bay bl toronto 2 kxocntor of the estate of hargar- il mabel lawson susm wattsruse just 1h mckinnou bldg toronto 2 lu solicitors bated february 24th 1027 marks of distinction made possible by volume production on tbe baais of its nurvtunus beauty and trace it many mechanical improvements and its rrmarkable performance the if oat beautiful chevroh in chevrolet iiutor runstllutrs the tnoit ouutandlnn automobile value la tbe lowprice field amonr fit many rtflnr- mrnla arr included rslurr wlikh have been rrfardrd heretofore u nuirka nf disunctloa on tbe mnm nuily of ran new botflas by fisher new soaa gsuaj i new duto color naw ax oil hltar ntbttaolatae j caa ntw bullm4yp lsmaa nm caiaelaaaul slsariea nnrlarawslhrlaiwhnl sad laamaa lock vet dor to tar tcoaomw of voluror produrtlea oonuionml by tar pamitnwiul populsr- uy ol camom lot uol ilraulllul catvrabt la catvnm uuiory u no sruloi at iuw aad kven lowes plictf th lewsal lor wait casnakt as w bull aukl in caiisds s vking georgetown ontario he rr ingtons east end meat market choice homekilled beef shoulder roost round or square 12u blade or chunk roast 14 thlolc rib roast ibn plata 11 hank 10c slew beef 13c prima rib 17c tessas ivlosa euw oaab if yoa cant coma phone or let us know and we will lie glad to rail our momo rump roast whole or half lbv round huiak roast 18c round steak 20n sirloin nliik 22o p h htoak 24c pork sausiigu 18c bcrvioe phoes tea oeorcatowa tasafaiasiaaftrttrtttiitimtrriifiir iiiiirtiiifttiitimiiii mmui nbv lowgk hucss 1 hiloa farm for sale 800000 00 aere noli loam land very slightly rolling rail plow ing all done large iwns bam hog pon drive house garage a roomed house good well fenoes wire and rail farm is splendid condition 8000 moderate u ment good terms for balance j a aberdeen ssbtata s3a georgetown sammtamasak4wame stltts shoe hospital i a ilulliiiitine iium installed a huh1 pivsh for mpuiriiib rubber boota golushen plnllipa atirk a sole pleas es lumpx nut of insoloa faatana on umm1 tuul- etc i la u complete inicluiii no inula to hurt the feet wit nliio do all kind ofaboe re pairing wbolf or half nolea aevn on liiatliprhulutiirmutitfd on velvet oak mill u npiminl oument tinod for thi oju ration tan nlines dyftd black htkikaniul unlotuiuoluiti rubbar hwlti ton lnps atoel nmhoa built in nltutrim hhurpenpd akatv riveting by mndiii i or by hand wisaora aliarp- fiipil m i ict tmj thing to be found iu mi up to ihtte repair plant this iv ono of the best equipped rvpiur planth in canada today and our work speaks for itself yon are invitod to call und give thin ahop tbe onon ovur price are right we uw bull iog leather by requwtoiil j a ballantine 8ho habtulrler ss bliop opens from 680 am to 10 pm working hours 8 am to 6 pm wood mivul rails 1 wr siugle oor or 2 oords for tfi also hardwood at s171 delivered in george town j i v j h smith pbou 84 r is oworflkowt t r

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