Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 16, 1927, p. 1

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the georgetown herald v sixtv ki11ht vkak ok 1uiimoation craopattowii wednesday branlnatt maob 16tb 1997 160 per annum lb advance f g00 to uk ihegeorgetown herald j m moore nw cju wiiir omm ti- tli ooino bast passenger 718 ara puubrir 018 am paaeengor 1018am mali r 1204 pm puuour 848pm mall 083 ptn pumtr h80 pm pnuwilh 8unily 791 pm ooino wuhl mail 780 am passenger 918 ini passenger 91apni majl 450 pfai passenger 009 pm paaaenler 708 pm passenger 8undav 1094 am ooino ilomn- mail 800 am afail 485 pm ooino booth mail 1118 am hall 781 pm casaslaa naumul ekdric etaltwayf veeeaita saihurtajs sairwev k18tbo0nii westbound daily dolly thu nas 710 am nol 705 am 4 9b7 m 8 981 am fl 1157am 5 1185 am 8 167 p m 7 lbj pm 10 857 pm 0 8 8spni is 657 pm 11 685pm 14 757 pm 18 785 pm 18 987 pm 15 085 pm 18 1158 pm 17 lsooym special hourly terrioe during tho period of the canadian national ex hibition storage batteries 6 voh rubber case 91195 j n oneill son georgetown hjflol ukaa aflfc4a4avflat4iaaatslaajt4lsvs4 directory daxc 4k tuohhoii luuu aaa salleljara georgetown ontario fjeaev dal jeaat a tlis oaetskirv bid mill 8t a a sms bsrruler solicitor elc oexee mill 81 aeerfstowa have 9aab lospm onaa walaesdey and saturday vnlna oaiauxoa bwiooik1 seusttee- melaay vaula nu block- m hoar 9 aai to 5 pm wafliiesnsy anil saturday evenings hwiw m over 30 years the same good tea now packe in a redr0se red rose orange pekoe is extra good os st favi sfc awl suessw msdletlosetrof health in esoueslng township osjee he ta eaae t la 9 main strut a ovacteua presbyterlaa enure hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and- as a r w aoaa physician and surgeon ilill btrrm oeergstown phone 21 batfout suraaea grace hospital toronto aa o v wuxisiia r and bargtoa utdleaj obatr of health osorgstown oflba and rlsldsnetqussn 8c south onva honrtoio am 13 and 68 pm alto by appointment aa mrralbaauurb eye ear noaa and throat spteisjut at gterjrttewn wednesday saturday hours tpm till 9 pm or by appoint ment glaeasa supplied onva at miss ltatthsw main 8t uoma phone 107 r 6 su watsos u a ains oflhaa auaiais ta 6 bxeeas vkaraaay flavaaaaa t heath los oos osaa la laaa btaak ana daar oertl al owatlra oairlaaa mutarr bann tar ta a m appliances of all kinds lamps irons toasters always on hand at the best prices fftttttgigiai ssaaousus ohsrvea dr w barnard opt dro 4auutr4ul 9st4ihrbt fcy kjuthbuttomvavlaist auyaj oaouc suumo wjy nutter from eymtrain hwuliuihftft and other illn du u the ftlwcnw nf propor bliwtpi dr copulntul hovoimirpitfl fxnmi nod nt wilsons jewelry store main st oneill block ceortfetoum ufm a uttlu luiifchtasr and time far ouw a utwuh fifduty imd n liuur for plaj tin tltiih wt mawli life iourncy troiiuh iw yrt ytmt iwliy euru to trewuhi thth and tfiuy a friuud or two whoe faith hi us r mmlni a roof where love hu hiteid ovory drtaia hum counted all iti loaten and iuj kaua theio mnlto tlu fabric of lifes no- hleit uheuw i aaw a gatuepliiytd with u crowd of boya men gflvo thm wlrnnd strins and nftilt atul tin and uaid a prw to him who bwt employs thme uiolpni thiuifs and brings his prodaotin thou from those trival hits grow shlpasoil one lad tho mod f u flaiua raodo atul there i saw us all who aim who fail although twas but a game the youngotem played life gives us bits of joys and hits of oaros and bids us fashion something as a whole we ohooee our own design and tf it boars thestamp of iwrit flod rewards the soul edgar a flamt tfce csmsreal rsaea bond governmrnl municipal and morioage bond bougrit and told al prevailing marekt pncea and ordera promptly exe cuted carnal saalihin always as lyle aad aavtk alaaly isralam in surance bj 9 i i special canned cola sale h aystdb braaal tlnslti ca-a0- 233s icaaaaaaha4stus sttash ifsilaacoiui sssbf uc ym ak4vatelv insuieb7 life fire automobile and other clai ae of insurance written and efficient ser vice assured h r m1mms oneill block phone 14 georgetown da st lbasuolrtu vatarloary surgaoa aiaauaarui odala ohibopaaotio sfailalna aarcarr oataaaauy av slaaiatalty us arrutdajrr sa tha aumt cowputa and uvlo oftjriff cblropractlcauy in oaurio xlfloisbir tka oauapraaur sataaaoaaaaata istaapmauaa oaea namt to ontlllv garara wadaiaday 4t saturday 2lo 5 7 to 9 pm otbar dayi aad noun by appointment panaa i50w jtaildcnca 150 jltlbuas phona j1j tuaiday and priday 1 la 9 pm w h wulson itadartajiar sad zdesaasd embslmer mala st q aatoaiablla or ftonadrawnllaana pb alght or d 54 w or 1 collections w bandla eollaetlona only h man xpariaaea ipailu for iutu npf afneiancy and ra- kelly aiken csiuenis waaw1i b owa baaa4 rat mandard bank of canada m o m chicks for sale bredtolay hies iscssafril aa4 may hakhe4l2am per 1m scwusbmns- sttmaerim oastasm batakjaca v nj agent for millorn ideal iucubntoraand brooders all sire yilslt cliilt ayni leon a cook phone 298 georgetown i general news pinal reading was giran by tbo mouu to a bill to prorlda s250000 for canada jubilee otlabratlon it wai arrangad that uw drat matting of tha executive will be bald in ot tawa and that abo july 3 aj well aa july 1 will be nude a pobllo holiday ii r alex voir collector for nlcli- ol townihip eontinnea hie nnexeelled raoord aa tax collector thu year ba returned overy oent amounting to s27 c6024 there being nothing out standing the brat sib of the waioo waa talum from lake ontario and phtwd on tlie market hy o c corey of port credit he caught about one hundred pound including white fiib and lake trout eome weighing over ten pounds acting on behalf of the town of brampton clerk c m corkett turn- moned the oempater bread company of toronto for aelllng bread in the town without a lioenaa three home wivm of the north and of the town were called aawittuaaea hagiitrate crawford heard the cue rewnring judgment r i blain son of the late senator lilnln of brampton haa been elected president of ontario retail hardware association for 1037 mr c a overland of claremont formerly of erin is tha owner of eleven plymouth rock pullets which during the month of january laid 232 eggs forty oitians of oakville in all walks of life were each fined one fly honery j moorx tha best position for rosea is n fully sunny one if such is prouuto i from the prevailing winds so much the better for the bushes during win ter and the blooms duripa sumuwr if edges or massss of sliriibv afford splendid protection in our colder localities though not essential if the rosea are adequately protected over winter roses require a cool and moist soil for beat development the perfect soil la a deep rich clay loom usual ly such a soil is light in colour ana thus is relatively cool in summer aa light coloured soils do not absorb the beat of the urn to any extent it is also a moist soil as being composed of very minute particles packed olose- ly together it will hold tbo moisture considerably longer than n porous sandy loam when preparing the soil dig it deeply and work therein durina october or november manure from the cow or pig stables these are manure which do not heat on desouposition but which give off a lot of moisture thus they favor the conditions which ore necessary to an ideal soil namely coolness and molst- thc mast popular roses ore the hybrid teas which are crosses be tween the hybrid pwpetuals and the true tea scented hoses they have inherited same of the hardiness of the former and much of the free blooming quality of the latter they bloom from june until october the cumbingroses are perhaps a good second with the dainty polyanthus and tbe rugged hybrid perpetuals but leas free dowering types fallow ing the baby palyjsntrus are fast increasing in popularity and merit a more general use on osoount of their free blooming qualities and extreme hardiness april or early ma is the best period to plant roses in our colder winter localities in mild localities november planting is equally as good dig tbe holes so deep that when the roots ore in position tbe budgraft is two inches below the finished surface of tbe soil and so wide that tho roots may be spread out so that they radiate from the root stock cat away all broken roota and immerse tbe plants in water for on hoar and when planting keep the roots spread well apart by means of fine soil placed between- having tramped and firmed the soil water it adequately always plant rosea firmly and in such a manner that the roots are not cramped plant hybrid perpepoals 3 apart hybrid teas and baby polyanthas 3 apart as rotes flower upon tbe years wood it it necessary to pruno in spring april planted rotes should be properly pruned when planted if autumn planted the stems should be shortened somewhat and in april proper pruning be effected in all cases remove the dead and weakly growths first leaving in the case of the hybrid test three or four of the strongest and shorten these three inches above the graft in tbe esse of the hybrid perpetuus leave five or six strong ones and shorten these j six inches or to above tbe graft al ways tee that tbe remaining growths are well tpsoed and shortened above notes and comments ti1k wwji rrii fmiml lilwhiuitf annually on our wiilii strmts aud along the highwjiya i throat ihh wishttxtltidtioii if a bill uou befotv tha ontario lgiuluturj btrotmis law that bill wiilrhtvtr municipality urban ur rural to appoint mid pay compel property ownora to destroy wteds of all sort and laleo every pteoautloii tapreveiit sprend of tlit scwd tho hill la a good one for hundreds of thoimaiidh of ilollaru worth of crop am lout or partially destroyed annually through ennroarh raent of wowlu whkh in miino pjirtu of thfl oowury aro allowed to grow without- let or hindranro tlu flit proviht for the appointment of lit speotors in every muuifiipulity who musr hefont th lflth of juno unuh ear uend u uoiiw to evori resident of whatweedv on liij plu nnjltiro attention peiialtifr from s20 ta tw urejrovidcil for an mrreasf in groas earnings mi increase in net enmingki and a dim in- utiou in operating ratio for the month of january are shown in the state raent issued hy thetbnadian nation al railway during january last tlw gross earnings or the canadian national railways including thv grand trunk 8ystem hues in thv united staten reaohed a total of 201682x0 ranipanhl with 1h 7o11w40 in januorj wv an in enase for january thin year of 91 40710ifil during january 1027 the working expense amounted tj 181330ww as roropared with 1607277288 in january 102g an increase of 110113207 net earn ingt in january amounted to 92 034358410 as against net earning in january 1026 of 0172838101 an inflreaw of tuvsft71r4 in favor of january of the current year and equivalent to a pain of 1770 per cent in nut earnings labt week the legiriluturo had the liquor control bui an chief feature in legislation an the debate thereon will no doubt he the out standing item thin week some of tho bills main feature had been correctly forecasted hut among the points made clear b perusal of the actual clause ure tho following supreme ailminlutrutivo authority in the hapna commission ulthsanforrt- raent of tha law like all other laws of the province through tho attorney generals department permits to per sons over 21 good for one year uud to tranientn for one month j no public advertising of liquors constables need no warrant for nuaroh no liquor roaj be conituued in u public place druggist may use alcohol only as a solvent or preservative and sale of essences and extracts in rigidly restricted an person con victod of soiling is to be imprisoned a pon first offence the act is to borne into force upon proclamatfon probably may is cteahmil cfsuls dollar by police magutrate shields a1 tv last week for failing to wmovo thl i thmk p dari snowfixuiefrtortlieirkenom i ftw 5 growth of hybrid teas or hybrid perpetuajs respectively the amme distance from the wood of tha previ ooa year prune the baby polyan snow from the front of their nsidenoes as provided by the town bylam mrs bert smith of nelson town ship was the victim of an accident hut week when she broke her hip mrs- smith was in the bam and leaned against the bam door which had not been hooked when she fell to tho ground a distance of ten feet years ago says the detroit free press it was the custom for a man to take a drink shut up and walk out nowadays he takes one folds up and passes out bstatetrtfrs jamy ivsrdam 4ts tr nhtmi waa a tarnllir iii 8 f s5egfeu ttary seat 5 zse swflussss flbxo laitasaaiss fimysti lebsbsiyisq l tq shs9 clbmts sagyutsstat b ibs sell your cream at home where yaa caa fid tfec highesl grade and the best price oaea every salaraay wsu i georgetown creamery co m saxe maroagar aaaass ssattalaua pnassjsw nun oall eustamirbasi see our 1927 model home with all the coatforts and conveniewm of a susrios th be op inspection on saturdays march 12th and 19th from 3 to nine ochsclt and t any other time by arranseraent with us by phoning either 33 or 139 mra wa invite you to sea all the conveniences of this house even if you do not wish to buy nouse i t fw of h roou and oom with a ploshiml garam open- iig oat on to albert strart dining room lias builtin walnut buffet the kitchvn has a slnkand buutln kitchen cupboards tha badrecw have a builtin drewlng taw jth tatv j heatod w uh kslity oleum iimr hathronm has cnumdlnl latlmim fixtures with an inlam lln oar pries for tbia fine heas la 8too with tertna srraaasd to j b mackenzie office phone 33 house phone 139 that in april by simply cutting away all dead growth from climbing roses the dead and weakly canes should be removed at the same time summer pruning it practiced to use a continuity of bloom in the esse of the hybrid teas and baby polyanthas and also to favor the production of basic growths which the following year will produce flowering growths as the flowers fade they should whether as in dividual or trusses be removed by nutting tbe stems above the third leaf down not later however than july this will cause tbe production of growth which will flower during the current year daring august tbe old canes of the climber which have flowered should be removed and tbe strongest yourg canes be trained to replace these the long and wayward growths of the hybrid perpetnala should bo shortened to about two feet in length before winter to control such as aphides green flies which sack tho sap spray with a solution of niootine sulphate 1 oz to the gallon of soapy water and to control red spiders spray with the same solution but to whioh is added a handful of flowers of snlphur tbe whole being well stirred for leaf eating insects spray with arsenate of lead pari green mixture or dust with a mixture of pyrethrum 3 on parts green 1 ox flour 1 on when tbe foliage is wet continued next issue owiuiry mm d hartley the death occurred thursday mar 10th at tbe home of ber daugh ter mrs murray crawford campbell- villa or eden shields widow or the late david hartley of milton de ceased who wot in ber 86th year had been ill for several weeks she was a lifelong and active member of bt pauls united church milton where she resided for many jesrs until a short time ago when aha went to reside with ber daughter at oampbellvllle she it survived by three tons and three daughters people dont have rheumatism it hat tjbma the following grants were made by tbo council at tuesdays meeting ae recommended in the report uf thu standingcommlttee on education j m denyes public 9 school inspector for dor ical assistance in 1910 40011 halton educational assooi- ajion 4000 burlington high school balance 119w32 georgetown high school htlanoe 432098 milton high school bal 1311811 oakville high school lialll98407 acton continuation school balance 04807 brampton high school 29432 watordown high school 77717 oakville board or education 81882 being the difference between tho cheque received from pool couuty and the amount overcharged this county by oakville on requisition 1924 and 192s loss s73 tbe amount of the committees fees in obtaining the adjustment with the county of peel the committee did not recommend the payment of 100 per cent for maintenance or halton pupils attend ing watordown high school u asked by iti boanl on tbe ground that this would bu contrary to the act it was suggested in the report that tbe townships should make arrangements for next september the four high schools got 92001 each in january and acton continua tion school got 80000 umeoouse mrs rogersoii of streetsville vim- ted friends bore last week mr and miss marshall were hpfnc from the city over the week end mr campbell won hmty aesing around these porta lust k the member of the wmium in stitute held a surprise party at the home of mr and bint hlaak on fn day evening mar 4th und presented mrs black with a iteautlful naiad bowl and spoons mrs noble prom dent of the institute made the pre mentation the remainder of the evening wan spent in music ttong and speeches the best wuiiuh of all will follow mr and mr hlack tn their now home to late for hut issue a new high hchoul in went worth roftjnty to lie located nt free ton is under consideration ninetyeight per oeut of the ratepayers of the pro posed new high suliool district have signed petition for the project

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