Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 23, 1927, p. 1

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the georgetown herald bixtvwkht vkatt ok publication oov wdnur eresnansr march 28rd 193 7 140 fcsr aonum id adfuira 200 to ub ihegeorgelown herald j m hoom hmw cwuu wu mx ma ouiwii bus pangr 7 peaaeog 2 fumogw jlijl la 04 pm puumir 848pm ifall 833 pto rangr aaspu passenger sunday 781 pu ooimo- wain ull 78 atn lummltfalfiii 91 vm etehitr 818 tfw usll i 4 60pm laeacngflr 60spu ps-sseager- 708 p rd humugti flundav 10 84 ew ooimo wouia uall 8 00ani mail 480 pw ooimo sotroa 1116 a m 784 pm otoiie f ata maum kambodhu wkmb0du0 dally dally vttb yala no 8 710 am no1 1mm 4 987 en 6 lu7m 8 187 pm 10 887 pra ib bj7 pm 14 787 pm 4 ib 087 pm ibims pta 8 ubtfam 8 ll8satn 7 184 pui 8 bmvm 11 b8pm 18 78 pm it 888 pm 17 1808m special hourly ervle during the period of the 0iudli nutlonal ex hibltion directory ajum ruourtom maflslm a- lihjiw gsorgatewn ontario ubflkla jiblanmltu oftae king bldg- mui st a a hub barfiat souctlar etc otc uu1 81 gorglow hour osusb to s p ai opt wswlitsr and balurday outmsnoa slwiooiha bbisvj tullese mater pallia n t hoots 0 lospai ope wavmhiy aad ssjfafliy jg db 8k v faltl itaesealcmaeret hasltb in ifaqosslag towmalp oats batras u t aa 1 n taeta onlihl maarhriia cbbmfc aa o m aioaa physldae aad 8argoa mill sim oargiwa pkoaa jj bxhsaa aurgam oraca hospital tercete aa o v wirtiaua fayadaa and 8orgea al ooatr of haeuh omwtom aad baatdabmqohb 8t soatb omehx10m m and 68 pm alo by appaiatmcat n ear nee aod throat gpselallat at o wadaaktaysaumuy uaaraf pn till 9 pm or by appolat- gffaail one at mia matin mala 8t has phut 107 r 6 r k valinftll 0 at ds ooua auaiar0 a 0 bxaapl p l hiatm lm odo fjlii lr fa- aaaaaar aartt at ohaltr cartiaaa ram-t- oaao 1auna b a jjuiotu vatarlauy harfaaa odma ohisopraotio urn fallal aa h onaapatlqr labv attfarbalr afav laa aul cataaula aad upao alaea calraraetleauy la oatana -wtlj-bll- taa cal aalamcmaaaili utaa paaalia 04ka aaal us onilut oaraira niliitr t t r otaardaya aad asur by appol paaaatsow raildfnca 10 at ifjuaar rtwea 1ij tuaiday aad friday 1 opb collections w haadla eollaeuan only h in aparubm aoaak for itaalf aaainas anwaaey and ra- nabllty kdly aiken cmuctms qriaitf baf i hubdard bank of canada announcement i have juat taken over the buaineaa formerly conducted ty j w kennedy and will continue to do butineaa f rom tke aame atand with tirariam cle ment entimaln cheerfully given on all claaaea of work plumbing heating tinamithing and electric xviring re- paira carefully ajtended to g r muckart shop 25 phones htiuae 3l9w t8xa storage batteries i hhihi nm 6 volt rubber case j n oneill son georgetown rtwioiuabla 01uub dr w barnard opt dro yuattrlri eyctlim stohuk dam wnlitinl pptianlrlit kf uulaauaa0iiaata baal c b why suffer from ejatraln haadaebei and other ilia due to the abaanoe of proper guuuaa dr coplanil have your eyes examined at wilsons jewelry store main st oneill block gxnfatown hydro electric system orders taken for ranges and- appliances of all kinds lamps irons toasters always on hand at the i prices office town halt clarks bakery grocery- best quality bread and pastry the choicest groceries you will find our pnoea the loweit when you conaider the quality of good we provide for our cuaromeia xet na hav totur vamt ordav mark clark rttmtiti jalh st w h wiluon vailamrtadr tass nlrtrhlr llxuaalvawahaarm paa aural nr day uu or ml sell your cream at home vhfft vm cm ccl the highest grade am the best price i every srihay i georgetown creamery co ssmanajgr gansrsitesi bond government municipal and mortgage bonda bought and aold at prevailing marekt pricea and ordera promptly exe cuted carnal sja amice glai iwayt m lyle aadl insurance ue vu wvtiktm munwr lifefire automobile and other claaaea of inaurance written and efficient aer- vice aaiured h r mimms phone 1 14 oneill block georgetown chicks for sale bredtoly 1111 mcks asru asl hay lukldwl tun aer 1m scw ucmins- utmptt ih agant for millar ideal iaoubator and brnodeni all iz leon a cook phone 298 georgelomn i correct in style and wear like iron bwooobsau- ayt 43mmv tm w c mrllictf gcorfltmown ani brtmpk dwells in the home where paint and varnish serve place oar ordor now for the lwautjriit sunworthy bunrhon semitrimmed wall paper flotluo 30 llinuti- quuk ln ink enitmel alaliaatirw and mareaca our brightennn department ohnllengos the world we took neatly every highgrade vamlali made make your home a better place to lire in when y iu bay martin senour 100 per cent purr paint right ittyour own town we serve the best and sell for less service and low our aim is quauty graham 6b clements phone s8 atkeye larajmtri asi ro f ma clan tvave aaecasaaa rlhia ifriraa caalwi erwingoldhams meat market choke fresh aai cured meals fresh aid satoked fish etc all meats kept in electric refriserator get the best phone no 1 jresh groceries we hare a new aad nrmotlate line of seasonable groceries peels candies nuts cal aai lawawialr oar prlect asi ajaoia marc kaylai forster8 turauioavaa ootoyn pboa m tkm situ of omlulon it innt the thing you do dtur itll the thing you leave undone that ulveu you a hit of a iuhui- tuhe at etling of tlu kuit the temler honl forgotuni tlu latter you did not writes tito flower you dul not irtul dear aw you haunting ghoau at uight the atone you aught have lifted out of it broth way the bit of twartuiue eounul you wte hurried too ranch to ay tim loving touch of the hand dear the gentla winning tone which you had no time mlk thought for willi trouble anoufh of your own thcae little aou of itlndnem so cully out of mind thcae chance to be augeu which we poor mortal find they come in uight and auanoe eaeh tad reproachful wraith whan- hope la faint and flagging and a chill hot fallen on faith for life u all to abort dear and aotrow 1 all too great to luffer our ahow eorapeation that carre until too late- aid it iint the thing you do dear it the thing you leave undone which give you a bit of a head ache at the letting of the iuh margaret e sangater the caaan uttt by henry j moor continued fiom lut imu the wont fungoid peat of roaa are mildew and black spot to control the former pray with potaatlum sulphide g or to each gallon of water tb latter with a aolutlon of sal soda eoruuoo wean ing aoda h on to the gallon of toapy water well ehumad three time a year spring before the bathe flower stunner at a favor able time when bloom are at a minimum and lata autumn re move and bum all infected leave a they fall during their growing aeaaon rom may be greatly benefitted by an occasional application of a liule fertllltar thii may be applied a a aolutlon euan aa nitrate of aoda i ot to each gallon of water or liquid bom ruble or raanare pile or from a barrel in which a bag containing manor ha been aoaud in any oaoe it ahonld be dilated with eight or ten parte of water mixed arti ficial fertulter or a little ndlphata of potaab applied daring july and raked in juat attar the malt of bloom ing 1 peat will work wonder in greatly promoting both growth and the production of later bowera every aeooodv or third yaar a good application of coaiae bone fartiurer ahonld be applied containing lime and phoaphorlo aold entailed bone help to tuntraliae aall addlty and produce large blooma do not rely aolaly on artlseial mannrea every aprisg u neceaaary fork manure from the oow atahle into theaou organic matter humua i neceaaary to retain the molatar roaw reanlm acting aa aaponge it will hold raolatar and give it oat gradually with the advent of bud fraata during late autumn protect your bind room each a hybrid pr- petuala hybrid teal and baby poljantha by mounting them up to a height of about ten inch with poroojioil procured from an area other than where slant grew otherwlea depreaalona will be made in which water will atand and freue and probably caua the death of the eubject in cold winter localltlt protect the cane of climbing bote by laying them down and covering with a few inch of atrawy litter in extreme odd loaalltle a box which will admit air ahonld be placed over the can under no elrcum- atanoea ao cover the elema of beaw that air eonnot reach tham the covering ahonld be a parvloua nature and never be placed on ao thickly aa to imother the plauta thoroughly cultivate the aoll be- twaan the roau to cooaarre the moiature and to admit air air la naoaatary to the lib and development of bacteria which aid in the formation of nitrate the moat valuable plant fooda remove all weeda water the oil artificially only when cultivation faili to bold aufflclent rnotatnm do not pray hoe bathe with pure water in afternoon or evening alway in earl- morning the preaenoi of moiature under certain condition induoaa the growth of mildew on the leave at night the buahea ahonld he perfectly dry at aunael geieralnews bixt one year ago march 8th the firat troop were called out to repel the fenian raid marion the utile threeyearold daughter of mr and mn waaley allan acton had the mlafortune to tumble down atair and apuater bar right arm the little one had jdat com home from apendlng a weak with bar grandmother in balllnafad a number of pigt helonglng to b a ollleaple a fanner in dandalkdla- triot and a atray ahaap that had ihared their feed were found dead recently having ban poiaoned by aoaa unkown party particle of pari green were found la the trough the total laeilamoo esksftlf cotjsdl btewarttown march 14 1027 the council met punuant to tul- jountment the keeve iu the chair member all preaent the ulnute of lut meeting ware read and conflrued gowdycdrtie that tmuurer re fund to jhaa mario liuehoua tax paid dti dog owned by mcalplne in 1928 1200 andiew dewlmrat error in 1028 dog tax 200 carried oowdycurxe that traurr pay rood lilt m preaeuted by rood supt tairuw carried cleavexrowdy that trea pay bell telephone aoct to date 0888 j a thompaon aupplle jan 1028 march 1087 01377 00 currte tuppllm for indigmr per dom tore 3ot wu col uuehouw 1 iheep killed by unkown dog 02000 geo htruunott valuator 2 trip 8400 paul kennedy damage to aheap by doga 10 m a g clarridg acton 1 iheep killed by dog uto0 geo hendewoer valuator sundbhcttrrie that treaa pay board of health aceouttu a followi walter moore digging grave for john drake 700 w h wilaon burial of john drake 4000 toronto hoapllalfor couauuptivea weaton care of harry gillingham for feb 04200 gnelph general hoapital care of klghy from dec 4 to mar 10 at loo per day 14400 j h smith placarding and fumigating 08400 carded gowdystindlah that the council porch an adam eight foot grader and back aloopr it a price of 180000 to be delivered by the lit of may to be equipped for tractor or teem carried qowdycleava that tb auditor report aa preatnted by the auditor for the year 1028 be accepted and that the clerk be inatrneted to have one hundred and 6fty edplea printed carried govrdysundiah that tbia council wlahed to exprea to the treasurer lb george leaue it deepest aym- pathy in hi reaant aid breavmert by the lea of hi wife and eon and that a letter he sent to mr leali to thl effect carried ctearfrcutrle that thia council do now adjourn to meet again april 18 at l30 p m carried thk june exuiuiiiation in tlio pub lic acuoole at whitby imve beau eliminated pupila who make ut least an average of ok per cent in their years wock end sessional ex amlntiona and whoe iittnvdanw hiabeen regular will imi promoted next juno without linvlng to write theflnnl exainiuntion it in argued that a child record forthu term is a much bettor indication of ida abil ity aad jlllgeiioe than is th paultig of a promotion examination thla la a period for atrong man to come together in a aplnt of harmony for canada la greater than the moat impolaiv optimist can even imagine canada is a young country with an jwtufj ud iimitl prospect be fore her confident and capable of aafdiwg in the development of great nation theaplrltof the pioneers of the adventurers the oonragaona who roaa euperlot to every oireamstanoo and who though atorm and tem pest of public thought and opinion beeet them everywhere continued to aail on and on with faith fixed on a certain goal even whan other aaid torn back or cast in your lot with acme other power there are each today who are fearful let them dig tbemaelve in deeper find new wtrenehmenu to hold them to can ada let them prove tbemaelve su perior to ovary circumstance and ave an example to their chlulren of the aort of oouraw they recollect in the uvea of their forefather many of whom hadnt onequarter the fa- vocable etarvmoat of the young po pie of today today the youth of the well todo know nothing of raaa hardship they are petted and pampered do not have to work out their own problems and are provided with everything for their oomfort and oonrenunoe have a nlrilny of money to buy service of whatever nature so why should theyworkf canada i great in herself and re quire man atrong in faith and works even when the appearances ire dla- eooraging moat of which discourage ment are largely because some feel ings have bean hurt because certain view did sot prevail canada require the greater spirit of faith that aail on and on and on until the goal la reached and that goal i viewable to the eye of im agination by all who are not blinded by ooooeotratlon on the mocking over of earthly thing and too busy thereat to the nrightneaa of the ana of promise that gilds the holton be future i of the i gnelph mercury the ham of mr and mrs wm chaplin waa the eoane on wednesday march 16th of a very pretty wedding when their only daughter violet euxabetb waa united in marriage to mr brno brigden son of mr and ml ed brigden of aahgrova rev j w kltohlng of aahgrove omolat- ed under a large wedding ball in a tutefally decorated roam the bride who wu given away by bar father looked charming in a crepe gown of hydrangea blue end coronet of orange bioaaoma she carried a bouquet of roaa and liliuoftbevallay miss edith frances the brldcemald look ed pretty in a canton orap dress and earned a large bouquet of carnations mr percy chaplin the bride a bro ther assisted the groom after a dainty wedding sapper the happy couple left for a honeymoon trip to fort elgin the bride travelling in a ham trig coat of flemish blue twill and hat to match a boat of good friends gathered at the can national autlontoaee them off amongat aaower of confetti and good wishes on their return mr and mr brig den will reside at aahgrova bert marsh carpenter of manae- wood tripped and fall in clemenu hardware atoae at milton loetainlng taueehmaan rib notes and conunenls iiihkd lu wonderful thing tlwj see in the illustration oeed catalogs gardeners and farmm often eeud away for winethlng which they could ytft uccliuuiliiuhl uud of as good or better quality fruul growers nght in our own touuuunity if you have goad seed grain or seed potatoea or other vegetables tell about it in the iwal paper the annual report of the ontario provincial police tabled in tb leght- laturo on thursday shows ooudltlonu throughout the province to have been good on the whole luring the year gen vab williams commissioner reports to attorneygeneral price that tb public peace and order have been very little disturbed with exception of a apaamodlo outbreak of banditry generally isolated anil not continuous the professional crook and lawbreaker has given thl pro vince a wldajbetth it ia alto pleas ing to he able to report that there waa no induatrial trouble there la nothing that con be more annoying to on who love a tree plant a tree cares for a tree and than have aome thoughtless driver come along and tie his horse to the tree and the horse ut the hark and break it or have acme atray cow break it down or some thought- leu youth com alone and juat for the fun of it double over tb young tree and break it a bill ha been introduced in the ontario legialature the provisions of which ahonld be widely known on paragraph reads a follow any person who ties or fastens any animal to or injuries or destroy any tree growing for the purpose of shade or ornament upon u boundary lino botweon lands or who buffer or permits any animal in hi charge to lnjuro or destroy or who trims cuts down or removes any such tree witbbuttlie consent of the owners thereof shall incur a penalty not exceeding 28 crowds gathered in the galleries of the legislature of hut week to hear a continuation of debate on the liquor control bill enjoyed an un expected feature in the urst division of the house at thla sesaion it in not generally considered that the fer guaan government has a majority of anything like 70 but that is the way it worked out on this oocaaion w- e ranay divided the house on hon ur montaith motion for second reading of amendments to the corp oration tax act and the result was a vote of 88 to isin favor liberals except blake miller or east elgin and william neuwman north vic toria voted with the government a did also the two c f o memliera preaent l w oke east lambton and farquhar oliver south grey on account of decreasing revenue the racing associations claim to b losing money and the government la cutting the per diem tax on mil track from 7800 to 8000 the aame aa half mile tracks it reaarvau power however to increue the tax to 010000 if conditions warrant mr honey doubted the necessity for the cut and debated the bill at some length fred taylor slipped out or milton jail last wednesday evening through a door which alfred mayes turnkey had unlocked to bring in the prisoners supper left the court bouse through the front door tamed to the right ran down mary street changed his jail suit for an ordinary one iu a bam and couunud eastward on the 2nd line of trafalgar in a motor car the turnkey and lea servos overtook him bat he ran into the woods and got away taylor waa sentenced to thirty mouths in penitentiary at burlington by police magistrate hair for break ing into hiihiona gang at port nelson and was awaiting transfer to kingston he ia well known to the police as he has a criminul record and ia likely to he recaptured new- comes that mi mocann teacher of boyne pnblio school left her ford coupe in a driving shed at omagh and that it has disappeared apposed to have bean stolen by taylor biulaulad mr jamea anthony who is nvitding with mr and mrs w a shortill ol the eightbline esqueaing is some what ill at preaent mr thorn i wilson ol lot 2 the nintuune erin bo sold his farm to mr j f sinclair or ninth line eaqneaing mrs a lang of rockwood spent a day or two but week with mr and mrs w b shortill of the eighth- line mr fred shortill is now quite busy making maple syrup the spring assizes opened at milton on monda there are tto orimual oiaes hear the schubert uiirtel in the town hall on monday march 28tb read the program in thla laeua

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