Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 23, 1927, p. 4

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paoe tub oeocoktown etkbaln march 23rd 1697 i who wrofr il there are lenu of thousands ut poems the authorrblp nf which no uw knows mud ponlbly iwver will know tim following u one of them lot dm today do sometrang that shall take a little sadness from the worlds art tore and may ibtit favored us to make of ioye too scanty sum a mile more let toe not hurt ky uny srlali ilonl or thoaghtleta won tlie heart of foe ottriend nor would i nous untuning worthy need or tin by slunrt whom i should defend lot us tonight look luuk across tha span twist dawn ami dark and to my conscience say llecsuae of some good ai1 lo beaut or man tha world is bcttir that 1 lived to day kr new sfltr vttftrt cmamm nattmal b fifty standard sleepers are to be added to the ulproont of tlie canadian national railwajs during the current season and the first three of the group of thirty manufactured by the catuullun cur and foundry company limited are now in the ooach yards ut st hcnrj for necessary equipment und will lie ready tor aervice during this week these core will b othled to the transcontinental and the maritime routes and hate been specially de signed for uomfort of travellers on long disunoe tuns the plan follows the standard iow in use on the canadian nntlbnal railways the care being of atari frame construction and with the exception of a wood and canvaa roof are finished in steel inside conforming to the standard the interior finish is of u ood the cars ore 84 feet 4 indies n length over buffers and each weighs 169400 pounds there are twelve sections drawing room smoking room and ladies dressing room the latter being commodious and pro vided with such details as wing boadou mirrors other details of the new cars lu- olade thermos bottles electrically- controlled exhaust fans designed to purify the air radiant buttons on tha bills and electric light controls to that tbay can he operated with esse in the dark the passageways are wide the comers rounded and each car has been provided with nn antltelea ooplng device which provides tlie mvlwmm of safety separate cur tains for upper and lower berths and heating controls are other features which make for the convenience or the traveller h ere an dtli ere th canadian padflr purchasing efflc lotalrd st ulramou bc rant mors than 1100000 ir i1km for okanaaan products vllln years ago amli purchaa amounted to but 13000 notice to creditors lath ateaat at uerla beu4 lau of tn yrasala ast stagnaafag la the oeaatw afaltea wane- votlm i hereby given pur sunt to the statutes in that behalf that all creditors and others having claims agsintst the estate of the sold dafteeied are required on or before the 26th day of march 1027 to send full partjenun of their olaims duly proved to the undersigned avtaat irssrtlatyjr tatlta ifo tlm that after march 1027 the exe- ontore will proceed to distribute the aseets of tie said deceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the olaims of which they shall then have notice and the said executors will not be liable to any persona of whose claims notice shall not have been reeelvod at the tine of euoh distribution dated this 28th day of february 1037 h o melr georgetown solicitor for executors clearino auction sale faf stttfc stiff h pc the oadereloaed has bean lastnitled by ta sell by public ouctloa at let 5 7th has- rtsavlilce one wile and a half narlti csmleraay oa hoboar bfaiwm ssth at 1 oclock the feuewwgi iioremgrey team geldings emo oemuseuui eew calf at foot helatelfl cow fresh holeteln eew doe tlam of sale holeteln omv milking well seas heleteia eew milking wellored brudle cow due time of sale black eew doe time of aale red eew due tuneof onle red cow fresh brlndlecow aauklag well bred red eew milking well bred nan cow fresh veal calf gy larhng ateera yearling heifer york aow bred about 40 plymouth rock hens implements- bain wagea and box eat apriafi so and uetrt low track wagea euel wheels top buggy cutter set eleighe deerlng blndr77f 1 1 deer- lag mower 6 ft deeriag has drill it dsn act barrowai disc eprlngtosth en- uvsior u teothi 17 tooth cultivator deeriag home rake 10 fti bay tedder slenu plough no li bay rack 1 stack rank forming mllli root wiper ben- frew scales soon lbs newi suae boat wlmllwrroer atael pig crate sower efclppen grind atone 4 card of cord wood caoderuaber quantity of stove wood 40 gal atael ell dram primrose eream separator newer pump and lack black- aauwalna vice about uoft of 1 1 g galvanised pipe extenteloa ladder milk palle aod etrelaor groin baga fetks bevels chains ana other artlclee too atasavrouo to mention ilarmeeoct of crotch breeching har- neea art rjoogbharneas eat single ear sramabootj bus of alfalfa aaedi am boa of oats about 00 bus mixed grain- oipuarde hall reek tapeetry rag 10 1- till yds of rag carpet u yd ataohe gwrythlaa- must be sold without re serve as the farm has been sold tense- grain fowl veal calf and sums of ho anil under cash over that amount 10 months credit on approve joint notes per cent per annum o w a wilson bun petch clerk a with tit flahsrles of lbs province of urltuh columbia running to al- 000000 annually or lialf ths can- aillan total numbers of shqulrua ar blng rclvrd from financial in- uresis in astrn canada and the vnlud slaus with a vlw to spy ing out bualnsts epportttnltlea until the problsm of truck com petition is salved satisfactorily si transportation in canada will suf- fr according to t k mcdonnlt vlwpresldsnt of the canadian pa cific express company in a torontu audrese recently before tha trans portation club tie stales that under the present transportation regulations the railway and express companies ar operating under very unfair conditions for the ascend time in three weeks the stork has paid a visit to a cana dian pacific passenger train yes terday on the imperial limited go ing east from vancouver mrs olsen of malakwa bc gave birth to a son between mslakwa and revel- stake mrs olson was en the way at the time to the revelstoke hos pital railway officials and em ployees did all in their power te render assistance telegraphic dis patches from the hospital state that both mother and sen ere doing well the election of j h r palrbelra of montreal chief engineer of the canadian pacific railway as presi dent of ahe engineering alumn of the university of toronto was an nounced at a dlnneremeker of the alumni held in hart house recently mere than iso graduatee acclaimed the new president with the enthusi astic spirit characteristic of a gath ering of school men the chief eneakers of the evening wm sir robert falconerrprealdent of the university and mr falrbaln the rapid strides made by prlnee edward islande aeed potato boat- neu aggregating toojom bushels for the past season mostly shipped aottth formed a subject of sueeaa- alen at ths slit annual eoaventlea of the new brunswick fanure and dairymens association here it was pointed out that this bualneae has rapidly developed that tea yeara back net a single seed potato woe sold outside of the province tlie remarkable advance in this buelneee waa due it was claimed to tha are- doetien of a dleeasetree potato immigration to canada in the tea meatha of the heeal year oadlag january 81st amounted ta llgjm compared with 7ms9 for the same period of 1b9sc tab la an ln- ereaae of 66 per cent jeanary lae- mlgratloa amounted to clio eeas- pared with ut4 for the prooadrag january a gala of 78 per esot of tola immigration m were british os from the united stales and um rem ether countries daring jean- ary s7 canadians who had geae ta the united states with the inten tion of remaining permanently re turned to canada making a total of 6otm so returned for tha tea months of tha fiscal year the ben william d enler minis ter of di and excise an nounces that the preeant parted of 0 days of tree entry into canada of united stntee motor touristr oa a permit will be extended ta 00 days te conform with the privilege new granted by the united states au thorities who admit canadian care carrying motor teorteu free into that country for 00 days the only dlfferonee will be that the canadian permit will not initially be for m days but for a first and second so- day extension if and when the tear- late can show kenafloee and raeam- auadatlon from reputable aaaeeln- tieae of automoblllsts in the united states a larger tourist movement la canada is expected ta result from the change oeaeoaaatanoaae ma glstalllag aiallai stsandard anthritxarre screanton coal in all automatically beraebed ood i coal wood salaot lamp for oatnaetm and threahing pprpniee smlthliig tad flewr canx in foot toarry varythiag to be found ta any nptndate coal and wood yard john mcdonald ph0hb1s aaaaeeeaaeeeaaaaaaaqeaaa j sanforb steweurttown hmririhtllualtuh it ushtlillr aea kmemru it i lit i true distinction 9u edan not mtrnrly to pttivltlf n txotmj- tnkal rngnt ul triimmttiuuu luu m the atm in the uluit thn uu4 htulfu cbcvrulrl but tu pro ilur h ur rt liw rlee whltfa would trtif dtitliulum u vltwnl in rvery ho tit 4uir itulll umiu t th ml rlmulku olfvlowt lit clmrvmul i1u tory luhncnumt nd fctwvj utu m tvdehlrd in ik ww ik coloduii lit that tuh hikutum uuwl4trfw in ibtf luntl4imaf ntw ravdutioy drin lb ujunuv full rrtewn ffttivt in 1m mtiiuluy bat4wv in lh comku ntu at lu arulntticnu at thrttt tbt fiualttyf iw llttttmih- brrti in tin kpmneac o itw moat tiruulhu clwvralh in cwrtlrt iii loy an lberc i tk imm quality tn lift twhnrmance stjw tthnantt mm to tletf wdootb tmwefful ctbtlrllh rl- kiiwr tu krw a c air clnian and ot flllttf tat imloha tkanlt awuir- hnc of tnicf life brtlrr opmtlonukbl bfcjlfc moftomy iw mod rrautwul cwvrtvrt t cuv- ralh llutoty u ttow wlunk at nvw ttrvd ijwkh rrlckhtw low lor whuh lltrvrolrc hi nrf brn iuld in toittadj ul chevrolet evrout history bcvaoj vmbqttvtm crape 7aoj new coach x700uw uithstm t lower ouelttaaoojm w twuvwv wsjoo pciijcvixoj udst twkit afrdriery diiewecteatenaamml terri futr s va king georgetown ontario new wall papers something newwe have a lln of wall papera gtwrauleed abtolutely sunproof no mote faded wall paper al- oo rttular una ot the laleel palterna see my aamplea and get ettimate tor complete job get buay and lave disappoint ment paatjaasi ms pevcttuaslbaf e bludd phone 5 ring s glenwilnanu ontario coal beit d l v w seianton coal in all sitea alao smithing and steam coal mrs j walkte moral btauaa phooouures a b 8 s 6 g b b b b 440 owing 10 iw talnmtvlytow prummramtel nihyaiwrlietli u uuav lev dayk whole ul toit w juuiitfevy aaal rofosavommi wakmomowwumm watlatela omtooti flour 99 ptimslabd slbpau 4s8 itavaviam lg0 ro if cmk saklmpwalr 3a veay vsemkkvatt raisins wghnia i owsaaeaesh soojool hkt uacmtt ska dataaenite ivalta awea the alsiaae lai mti mawlaa s cwartal mamsmpu 14 catog vewakvm etlaia x vulasry avomeo meklm 2zl xo taegaailhi tsve waatmbiaet motaut 3 tta mo m m ea- v ssss vsssmmuu jh b b b b s b b i tbe new star s e dan vj csmthuuul ueler uowsaw cua draw fall tmturt lajvlcauea ianesefewrr brain saavsrsuiraw sferhag ctu mwttnl coanii frew vctlrlawast accturtlltm dumtynnyu ftub jueiy acetumluy art mesjy olbtr quduy feef awn nliamwue strvirt tvlluin nd other automobile ct7here is no automobile of any make or size j that offers the canadian buyer more per dollar than the new star car exclusive mechanical and body features are backed by a manufacturing and sales policy that is consistent and thereby guarantees stability of price service and resale value durant motors of canada limited toronto canada tshe new star car four bfxbb- jbe aristocrat ofwjm thejbwtpricetield tjspeight k ere an dti iere georgetown ontario aft honor waa minfurrmd a poo captain jamo turntmll cuh autr cafxnmatidoi ot him u median pacirto htaamnhlp xlontniilrn rofant y tohan it wan mppolnlml aid u- latut tu ilia uajamly klhkt ufolm v all vulfltmt trocortla wr mbullmd rocoally wha k tmmkii loctil in a tulfttr tluylnk on th c uua- dlau iridfltf toiirktet luiiriiru ktfur- d kola lu intt twlm lu onu round of tb alchlavtttltola hokm tu- flrl waa bbtalnad nl itut flflli 1iua uliuh la 118 jurd and iti mrond ml iltv ftlslmlfa bou wlilcb u 310 yunlh durltty tb beattlli f jaiiimry of tk promut yai huioiaobllit tirnluc- llotf 111 cbadjt has inoraaimml 91 pr coat ovor tad aov tha broduetlio far th imrraapoudluit moo lb of liut yaai bains 1 8570 can u c6mprd wltb yfes fdr lb rvioiu yur al- oe6at hair of tb er producad war for aajoh newcd i m to lha domlu- loa boraau of flululleu im uaittory of lb ut col goors h haw ut uottlral daau or railway mibuelty mo in nortb amtrica bmuttful utfuortul norclt u balnaf retal ovr tb door or at jobnu churtb at whitby by tb tuoruuara of tb woouaa caruidlan praia jab ttw ut col maui din lu montreal oa abril 14 ut mmr jtu eivo paaaaukah oh tha ettoundtha world eruua of lb canadian pacific ftasaalp em- pr or bv4ld b4ifud tbrousb wtuntuiar bou in a pillar juat battlttil tbe coloaaal imafa of buddba tn uta dalbutiu tempi bar ya tar- day tharaby aeblvlaj aecordluf to aaetottt tradition to abort rood to paradla tb board of control a toronto hava fonually accplad tb offer wad by sir lalcaatar harm worth ensliab broat or uouraura por trait of oanaral john gravaa slin- ooa aftu- whom tha county of 81m- eoa waa oamad oanaral slrneoe not up bla flral ovaraiuatit at york now toronto tb palatini will t buns la tb toronto city hall al ready adornad wllb a eollaotlob of btatorteal palatluka roinliad tint of tb flaaaf of us kind la america m atqu val hull aad para- wall cbo4 throuib tb auattira praclaeu or tb canadian pacific raiway offtm board room in mont- raal ratanlly whan tb weatmlnbtar boy choir la tokan or thalr appro eiatlob and thank for tli car and tb tbousbt taken in tbalr ik in if durlnx tbclr 6000- mlla tour of cun- ada which tbay computed on march ii whan tbay aaued on lb c p llar ulaaadota aaas a parting anna a latin for b w baatiy cbalrnmn aad prvaldant of tb company in whoa ear tbay bad mad their mamorabl journay tbflr exounclaa the oovroor- oaasral sad lady will inn dun will ha givb a warm welcome utt the octa- loa of ovalr flrat visit officially to watrn canada the muay ccutrea tbroocb wblcb tbay will pan areul- raady prparlns to raealv tbem tbay wilt leave ottawa by pedal canadian pacinc train marcb ll und ar ached ulad to arrive at vaacou- rar marcb 20 leenvlng tbe latter clly tbay will so on to victoria the aama artaraoon ami will spend n ooupl of week vulllns points of later on voocourar island r lurnltta to vancouver april 19 back from a abort trip to england oa canadian paetflc and telekrapb business john marmlllun eeneral man so r of telesraplis or iho rail way returned c p ktrnmshlp montcalm aad hsa agala ukeo up hu dull mr maculllaa atattvl tbat purcbas of cobles for tb raelfic coast in coaaactloa wttb tha sw ovarian cable wlr for th eaeaad australian cabl waa eon- alatad durlas bu trip this ma terial wblcb reprastnu lenttb of a buadred mllcn la two lections oj wlra was repofm under mr mac- uulana riipprt tlon and will hv ab1ppj to ibla cojutrjf early la anrll weslloxaoeks and watches lowered dig ben alarm clock now 435 bis ben lumlnoua clocks now 880 america alum clocks now 176 meek bird imnsluoua clocks 300 watches pooket ben now 176 glo ben now 3b0 singer and raymond needles for aebewillson large ejaaatuy of sned dry sardvnod also urge oaaadry of goes dry cedar far un allied weed alwaya on aaod vices as usual caakoa dellvsry rroaset w eaaenm phone 310 income tax refunded rii ttornaaj tlaua la- cow law ni lit n all ih- otaej vmlaed froas kla la vaalmntv u uahaj almeta ta rfuadml te lb btwiabellar tktfoueth mm upon oaf aad if ytiu aira laiarm in wliat la th iulvhaf f an ihomatax emetitl memurlty jat your fuada uur oetanaae will ha of lalareat to you will you writ ua with out abltatatloevfr dotall at lmtin we are new otfarats unntn mnd co lid iluuuid i utl win uruwti ir irunldeiit j ami umiiaitliic hr rtwr u impaital laavk um tohuvyai kv war i li i 1 1 mmslsuj kmtau- tie rwae 111 ctwfkwn new advertteemeiils wood 4 00 load hardtvood bmlr than a inblaeoad 00 a load mluad wood kliidllns oubc llaa tar and luraaw cliuivknssubauiad ftlapla pud iv00 pr cord any taogui hurrays pfcaa wr3 aeorgctowu if w4 aatieae ver balc bardwoad 8ch and uapu 400 nf alaatu eordi tholet bardwnad tjab w7s f tlagl edrd mlhad ralu axoo pay alaert cord mined wood slso per tlhkia cord tale i all wood sound dry wam and at tba prieaa i good buylua tuiisfactiod uinui teed j uaadfonl boa 401 pjw 113 r4 georstowa bowes co ltd tatew bhlp jonr cream to the bowes ua ltd and get the latgnest prioes jamea a beuaaon will operate our trosk and eall on farmers in this section for tbalr oream phone 337j and have him deliver your cream bowes co ltd momnl ladies sauinmnc nucnimc omasum nntwc am stiketac ty tu our prteaaara vaiewoaalila mrmrsjehmika ewmhaal fsmcs lw a hi wood mixed mils 3 per single oor or 3 cords for tbs aleo hardwood at 378 deureredpn george town j h smith phonam r 13 oeorgetowi notice b hereby given that delia bltaheibdavlee ot the town of oak- villein the county of rahon la the province or ontario raarrfejpwonvsa will apply to the parliament of canada at the present or next aeealon thereof for a bill or dvore from her hue- bjixl wollara henry divlee of tha cilyofaoainh in the county of wel lington la tha province of oaiarlo salesman on the ground of odoltry and desertion dated ai toronto la the prwiaee of ontario this ath day of pebrauy a d 1027 jamea k ibaf ul3 ft k toronto solicitor for the aheve named applicant ttp nttee m tlftfui is itw uawattve famaohrl ite rravuee m alafto notice is hereby given that ap- puoation will be mado to the lagls- utive asaombl of the provlnoe of ontario at tbe present session there of by the inunioipal corpuralioii of the town or georgetown for a special sut to consolidate tha floating lndelmlnoas of tha said corporation at tha sum or 10800 and nhli the said municipal corporation to pan a bylaw of the aau corporation f or theuisue and aale or debenture for that amount without baring ob tained the asaent of tha bhutan aa presoribed by the consolidated municipal aot 1933 tbe amount of existing debenture debt of the said corporation aielasiv or local improvement debt la lftg 090b2 and tlie amount of local improvement dobt eeoured by special rata of assessment u swwkllt mailing a total of 2stsfae4 f h ubath clerk of the town of georgetown dated at oeorgetown this ota day of february 1937 a

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