Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 30, 1927, p. 3

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nais tn asoaasrown hnuo march 80th 1977 rfi trrmnin page i ufsthj wraggettes drug store vttamines are essential to good health undplivfih ul growth certain tiutrulonui ilimiiiwm rhunutlariuhl by mn of weight vtvmiltnorw iuirvrun i onilhimth eotmtlpntlminkhi uruptionx uiiilirmhivolopiiumt of iiliihlinii iih now uiuhimni by inwliotil utithnrithti tit flu luok or vitumlinn iwalvitamine tablets contain yenio in uoncuntrntcd farm with luimiuu lkiiriuif hiiii stances ropnuumttiig vitamtntt a it and duuitusc calcium nnd iron 13lcerophomphaus und therefore suppl in eoiivimiliint mid readllj iunliiiiuilnv form tho niiitusnrv vitainiinji so rmmntin to goodlumlili mid iltivolopinont price 91 oo the nyal quality store oiciiiiili jllalall personal local news hems get y our qnrdim tool ivndj house cleaning time iihh arrived town counrll miwtinu next tuesday njglit georgetown is going to have n lacrosse imu till- summer a boy anil a small riflu nre dangerous comblnatlon 8ee the six blaok bottom blare at th rex theatre on 8aturday or wauon lias returned from thu south and in now in his office again mr t j lilll of glcnwilllama who u ttul in brampton hospital is reported tome better this week w alexander of ashgrove had hu ben roost robbed of some thirty prize fowl one night qnlte re cently- see the pipe and tobacco bar gains at haghey modonalds a pipe and any lftv paokagu of to- baono for 29c a meeting of halton education- al association will be held at milton on april 11th a good program has been arranged the nigh school oratory con test will be held in tlie town hall tomorrow thursday afternoon at 3 oclock the public are invited to attend the waning hex with loautl- fol norma shearer is the big attrao tlon at the bex theatre next satur day night dont miss this special nttraetion as march is the close or tho heralds year we would appreciate an immediate remittance from those who are still in arrears with their subscription the mission band of the unit ed church georgetown will hold a concert on april 4th in the school room of the chnrch kindly keep this date open ltp all interested in sports for tho oomlng season are requested to attend the huroase meeting in the council chamber next monday even ing at 8 oclock the regular monthly meeting of the womens institute will lie held on wed april stb at the home of un w h kentner queen bt a foil attendance is requested new spring millinery all the latest styles at the most reasonable prices consistent with quality it will pay any lady to inspect our dis play mlases claridgc herald block upstairs ouality baby chicks for sale at graham ft clements hatched by essex hatching co essex ont largest producers of qfballty chicks in canada every egg aet is sterill the high school inspector mr a j husband made the following remarks in his report which was read in quaitota duottaond of tb belui svomtt not for tho look of a gym terra colli mdtobj frw fromdlkm 100 pr fur coftt b oent delivery guaranteed we ooagratnlate g a dllti on hia acquiring the acton free preu on of the beat weekly papers in ont aria mr- dill is a capable young man of considerable experience in the newapaper bnalneae and we extend beat wisbea for future prosperity ltdiea i now u your ohanoe to to bay an eaiter bonnet or diets mim adams is offering great values in hats and dresses for friday and saturday april 1st and 2nd smart spring dresses at 91005 and 1105 hat specials at 205 and 305 the reason my business is so good is because i buy for cash and get 25c off every pair of boots no clerks to pay 25o off no rent 50c off and by patting on leu profit i can undersoil any city atore or anyone else satis factory rubber and shoe repairing j roney georgetown utp lava ftuwllac dab the annual meeting oftluulawn bowling club will be held in council chambers town hall monday apr 4th at 8 oolook all members re quested to he present i sau a urge eagle which has boeu seen in the neighborhood of logans quarries on several oooasiotm recently was ahot by mr harry logan lust week it measured nearly ft ft from up to tip of winga and was on ex hibition in erwin goldkamh win dow in town for a few days mr logan ia having the bird stuffed hhpullasuat at the mock parliament on fri day evening next in addition to sev eral debates of a humorous nature there will be one quit serious on the government bill to vote five handled million dollars for a cana- dian navy this will give such h pell- binders as h r mimms ralph rosa nell jammings c r day foot and leroy dale wide scope to exhi bit their oratorical jjowem the or ohestra will enliven proceedings with the latest popular selections suh as therell be hot time in the old town tonight admission 25e humum almaaaa tho dupartnumi of soiiiiitjiiii hiu itwuttlthi time tjiilti for the mid summer ixammntioitri th hi fill sdhoal untmme tkiiininiiliniih ntntt on tuohdny lunu litlth thu iowor school on friduvt juno 24th und tho middle nml updr heliaol pupiln fltfirt on lunc 20th swavk sm k hlkwy it m rt ported un or gool authority thut tlm highway on art on itossroad from thu mivunth lino to i ho canadian national railway tracks in to be tlniblied with n icment surface during tho coming niiiiimor tendon are already being put in for this section of the- rood on tin ihihh of ioraent pavement duaud cauvuaaiaaht there was n good attendance at the concert given by the solmbett quart t in the town hall on monday evening umler the auapitew of the cnlttvl clitirohleaugo the program given was one of tho lwnt vor heard in georgetown and patrons enjoyed a real tivat solos the company proved thomselvci artuu oflunh nttnjjiment soleetions by jh3stj alto much appreciated the mem- berfl of the quartette messrs minor skinner morgan and harwell with miss rioliardson viollniit ure n combination hard to beat and their reappenrauce in georgetown would moali a erowded liomu- em tkamtm wednesday march 30th the ace of cads ntarring adolphe men jou chapter 2 of tlio hnr c blys- tery comedy loves last laugh friday april 1st tho phantom ilullot weutem with hoct gibaon coraody solid gold fox nown nh owing george young in the 2500000 caulina swim saturday april 2nd waning sex starring tho beautiful montreal girl norma shearer comedy wife shy hodge podge wise old owl vaudeville night only six champions black bottom daneern prices 25e and 35c coming the collegians lad die by gene stratton porter havrtseartalay a quiet but protty wedding was solemnized at tbu home of mrs edward flnlay on saturday after noon march 20th when her youngest daughter mnrgarct howdon was unit ed in marriage to mr ronald james harrinou of toronto son of mr and mm joseph harrison brampton the ceremony wan performed by the rev dr dickie in the preuenro of only the immediate relatives tho bride who was given away by her brother mr john m fjnlay was gowned in biege crepoderhine and wore blonde shoes and stockings later the happy couple amid showers of confetti and good wishes left on a motor trip for buffalo and other points the bride travelling in a gown fcand black hat with touches of white mr and mrs harrinou will reside in toronto mini dorothy murmuuviiftoniiilo ujmmii sunday with fritiidi in town mr 11 m keumdi or owen hound wiih li town during tin wek mlu kim pnunpton i upending the wtxtk with friend n in toronto mrn hnmu of lmdon in vlwlting with lier hiitler mr j w krnuly miah mur lnwou retumihl home on tiiewlnv nfur hpeudintf t nionthu in tlilifornm dr nud miu f it wntxou urriv- ed honii ontiiomlay ufler upending tho imihl two months in florida mr nml mr j a memattur and son frank of detroit were visitors in town and vicinity during the pnut week miui uhltiuee loeul numagtr of the bell telephone co has recovered from her recent illnobi and resumed her dutfo4 mm e v hiirrao lough of glen willinms left on tueula for a visit with rriendn nt olgen utah mra john giant of lihtnwel neeompanled her mr u ii ijlr44iilgc etuperiuteiid- ent of the haltonpeei old peoples homo at brampton was in town on tueuday ami made the herald o pleasant enll mr and mra john u fin lay and fton stanley of toronto mr and mm edward ftiiloy on j miiwthel- mn butt of buffalo spent the week end with mrs edward fiulav alessrs e y barroclough george ford ii r mimms and walter law- son were ut toronto last friday attending tho semi centennial of the initiation of past grind master and grand treasurer e t malone kc at zetland lodge af am chord news unltad clin rob hev dr diokleh subject next bun- day morning april 3rd will be train- big the children and in thu evening lie will m peak on the christian culveii ht george chumh maroh 31st child wiih luutoni service ut 415 p hij adull lantern bervlee at 730 pm sunday next pawiiou sunday celebration of the holy communion nt k am beeottd celebration choral and sermon by the rector ut 11 am evensong nud sermon by the veil arehdeaoou g f seovll m a rector of hl georges chuhdi giielph next butuhij the corporate com- 1 munion of the w a nud the 1024 and 1020 conflrmatlflii classes vof i ngton9 saturday treat asharoye tlie ashgrove womens institute nml at ilw home of mis wright on wednewlfly afternoon march loth the program consisted at an apron demonstration and pattern exchange conducted by mrs 8 k ruddell und an exhibition of work dono by miss louis huildell and miss pearl brownrtdge during their three months nt the home economical class in slllton a short paper was read on house fenis vvo were sorry miss bertha barnes another of our girls who attended thu class was unable to be present at the close of the mcellug the hostess served a dainty luncheon the next meeting will he grand- mothers day and is to be held at the home of mrs clayton dick on april 10th a seed pool will be conduct ed at the next meeting fwwr high srimal it is rumored that a woollen mill is to bo eutablishod here mr f c thompson is shipping stone from lib now quarry on the 10th line air l rogers of toronto has re turned home after spending a few days with friends here although qver so years of age lie is still haje and hearty mr a burgess lias sold ids farm at union and rented mr george townsenda farm here he is moving up this week wd welcome mr and mrs bnrgesa to their new home mrs joseph beaumont of glenwil- llama spent afew days last ueekwith her ulster mrs j coulter it is a long time sinoe our roads were in a bod shape an thoy ant this spring mr and mrs g thompson and family of oakville have moved here and are living in mr f c thomp sons house miss 8 proaswood or tho 10th line is ill with diphtheria mr rogers is getting ready to re sume operations in his quarry on the mountain miss flora maleod who has lieen spending tho winter with friends in orillia luu returned home much im proved in health mr and mrs mcdonald and family have removed to their former home in limohouse our boots are bought from the john mopherson co one of the old est and moat reliable firms in canada call and look them over repairing as usual j roney 2tp card of thanlu we hereby convey to friends and slgbbora and the officers and members f lol 45 our very sincere thanks very einesi- for the many kladnsaass sod sympathy extended to us in our bareavemaht by the death of our bstoved father the lata william lawurfamlly gfrt regarj tlie accommodations as fairly satisfactory especially in view of the fact that tlie building was erected years ago tlio up to date laboratory indicates that the mem bers of the board are seeking to make as much provision as possible far carrying on thu work of the school it is to be hoped that the board may yet be able to erect a gymnasium and an aesembly hall as without them it is impossible to carry on the work of physical training in an etticient way and also other student activities through which lessons having an important bearing on tho future life of the boys and girls are inculcated almost unoonnciourb it is wise to make a reaioimble appropriation from year to year for the pnrehom of tho more recent works of reference as well as bonks for supplementary reading through a school library it is possible for the teachers to foster in tho pupils a love of good literature and also to impart to them somo knowledge of how to use books to advantage cupboards should be provided in laand ib for portfolios models etc of tho art classes provisions for teaching the coursoa the organization provides fairly udequately for teaching the objects that seem to the principal and the board to meet the needs of tho community it would be wise to make the commercial course or efficient as possible for quite a number of girls and brys are seeking to fit themxelvea through it for positions in the busi ness world all of the teaching that i observed was satisfactory the people of georgetown ore to be congratulated on having a competent staff of teachers- in their high school although the attendance at this school is not large i feel certain that it is giving the community bood service it is well organized and the work of each department la carried on in an efficient way the principal has done much to improve the general conditions of the school everything in the bnilding la arranged neatly and the walls of the classrooms and halls have been decorated with pictures which must have an important cultural effect upon the pupils i have already referred to the need for making the commercial course thoroughly practical and efficient quite a number of the boys and girls are looking forward to some form of business as their life work and it ia not unreasonable to feel that they should be equipped for that work in their home town tho course is al ready established and the teacher in charge of the department la cap able it would bn necessary how ever to give hor adequate time for tlie various subjects and also to provide a room for the class in type writing this could be done by utilizing a part of the hall and also the room occupied try the lady teachers it was a pleasure to note a very commendable spirit of work in all of thu classes us welt as a desire on the part of the pupils to cooperate with their teachers in every way- that was possible only aa the seek to do this can they foster the habits and acquire tlie training that will help them to win snooess later in life moirs cniuiiio will lw our creams in atuiorted flavors saturday trmat iwil for saturday nice frenh 2sc ih weekend chocolates a wonderful ashorl incut of chocolates which come in hard and soft centrcu wmmkend chocolates 32c ih chocolate cherries wc have another uhlpmont of chocolate covered cherries which we will box up for lou at 40c lb husbsusbssis new goods dress goods easter eggs come in and look ovei our tock und have uunput your choice nwuv until jon want it for easier arthur norrlngton mais st lphone 89 coal ter l tt w seranton coal in all site alio smithing and steam coal mrs j welkins saihaisstloo t6ooe ttt f i real estate for sale t room frsuae house on ousjlph st beautifully decora ted double living oomn dining room with china cabinet built in kitchen with statlonury cupb jinllt in bath room electric lights stable and hen house on the property everything up to date n snap at i30o other bsstutif al brlok and frame houses nt low prices a good chance for an one wanting a paying business a garage on maiu street and the highway one of the beshoeatlons in george town price in right sb ox cstfe e a benham patoaa 184 geobqktoww box 490 lwwjaririvaj inolnde crepe de chine flat crepe broadcloths flannels bertfe bantoy bayon silk cham- brav voile fttsbuk silk broad cloth in the new and latest colors hosiery our stock of silk 8tnckings is well assorted holeproof hosiery there is a great demaiiil for holeproof hose wc have tluui in the newest colon in silk bilk aud uslo sukovcrcashmore art bilk and bum thread bilk prions 81 ml 81 2s slm mid pullfashloued at 4200 per pair supersllk hose nlj colors at sl0 ultex how black and colon at f sj2h cartloelll bilk hose all silk to top speciatat lfll clearing sale ot mercury pull fashioned silk hose black white and brown with clox were 8200 bale prico 0c karscr italian bilk hose were 3 b0 sale price 8200 j mcbeanco georgetown w card of thanh w hsrsby convey to f rlsnds s neighbors our very sincere utaaka for the many kindnesses and sympathy ax- teoded to ua in our sad and sudommr emeat by the death of a beloved e and mothsr- i if bennett aad noreen card of thanlu we hereby convey to mends aad jlhbora ear very sincere thanks for their many kindnesses aad sympathy tended to us la our sad bereavement by the loss of our dear son jackie mr 1 mrs arthur cook aad slaters quality hardware at lowest prices gravity washing machine 1900 10 doz clothe pina 25c coppernukla plated kettle no 8 198 12 quart gal pail 34c 14 quart gal pail 39c guaranteed floor wax 39c lb johnatona floor was 75c lb rubber stair treads tungsten lamp 6 or 100 glau caator cups 5c each we have a new shipment of round frosted colored and handpainted lamp lowe bros us paint mellotone elaalica floor varnish 61 floor varnish lacqueret and neptunite varnish stain brown and black 19c each plumbing rent from us johnstons electric floor polisher 50c per hour heating electric wiring phone 46 r h thompson co georgetown ontario j announcing the arrival of our new spring stock we are now fully prepared to look after your spring needs in clothing and footwear and offering the best possible values in the seasons newest styles we have items of interest in every department and we shall be pleased to show you our stocks without obli gating you in any wty ewe44 d brill co phone 167 georgetown erwingoldhams meat market special price in pure lard 20lb pail 290 all meat kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 to close an in teres 0 elvksibf i wmtuf iim situated on gravel road in the famous scotch block district soil very rioh olay loam good seven roomed solid brick dwelling large hasemont bam good young orcliard apply to walter t evans georgetown ont 1 e i i i i i i gr andys 0 tho pare food groeory pie specials 1 3 lb tin crisoo and 1 lunch fryer 8160 u pare lard 5 lb pall 03 pare lard 3 lb pail 86 m domestlo or easlbrst shortening a lb pail 83 domestic easlarst or peerless shortening 1 lb pall si h domestic and eaaiarst shortening in 1 lb prints 10 dl eaorfalor pastry flour in 24 lb hag 100 bjoelaior pastry flour7 1b bag ho apricots per lb ills prunes ii lb tto fige3 ibe 21 seedless raiaina 2 lbs 20 seeded baiatns 2 lbs sfi choice cooking apples per peck 70 h gold medal pumpkin per tin is nice juicy lemons per iloj 2s h data 2 lbs 20 g a m grandy phone tb m bissfstlw fssmmi frat mlvery an

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