Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 30, 1927, p. 4

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paok tbboamobtowt or bald mftioh 80th 17 dependable taxfree income the interest ml on unit mhi ir am lilu m itomh niihliilcnll 1h t mhit r rmliml nirroal ouiihi artfiy oiio pmlminuajly in xtflu ur toromft poirntt or m yk od in x i j rtlun fui il at tlitf iptl j til liinillialiur 1 1 1 uirinul ptmlrtloi lr rnr in t lnlrt freuf ihcr lumu la rttuiijmi 10 iiir bundlixmur mm niand ttir upl ua writ- u far detail palls h ere an dtk ere united bond co ltd howard cwade prautt win prow li vuivwlant and usnogm director wlmtmohi j iwhm1 itamfet mutf 4 touottroi 9f mmy 1 1 hums ucal btpreimla- tlve 111 cemfttotn new wall papers something new we have a line otwa1l papers guaranteed absolutely sunproof no raoie faded wall paper al so regular line of the latest patterns see my samples and get estimate lor complete job get busy andiave disappoint ment rtjailaf u j papetiuailai e bludd phone 5 ring 5 glenwilliems ontario if tbmdilasbumlm standard anthracite scranton coal in all sixes automatically boreened and ijoaded coal wood balset imrap for domestic and threshing porpoeee smithing and gannel coal in set iearry everything to bs fonnd in any np to date ooal and wood yard john mcdonald phone 18 georgetown wbm the lnlrnal trouble- whkh haa baen devaluating china for the litnt two yenr aubeluva a tremen dous mnrkt will open up fnr cana dian wheat in that country arenrd- ink in j k lcntt wnreaekitlne a lar llrltlh firm al hong kong on hi wuy back tu ltniliit to report dountun poll for hobrats l now uroiuwlck by the depart ment or i mill anil mlnoa wave so far xceeded tl figure for the cor- roipomlluk wrlod of tt year according to l a iogium rhlof game warden who state that wild rati nro being killed in greater num liera each yar ontario buyer of milk row have about completed the purchase of fv tnrloade of guernsey cow from col cheter cumberland and plrtou eountloit the buyere ara andr0h suaotliori and metjira graham and caldaifrom thi hamilton dlitrlcta th rirat auction aal ot boraaa that hu takan plac in mantwal for oina yeara waa opanad at tha cast end stock markata march 29 slauwiff wai put at 202 hormi and it wai atatad that appranlmauily 200 horaaa wrr aold tha dauand wal ntoitly for haayy draught horaaa frrcharoni clydoidnua and tha ilka for carter and tor lumbering pur- poaaa comlntr chlafly from albarta and saikatchawan and aoraa from tha middle waat conacquant upon an armant ranched at a anaral confannca of canadian and united statu tale- araph eompanlaa tha canadian paci fic telegraph have announced that coda wordi will be accepted at all their office in future for day and night lettera thla departure will af fect both canadian and international builnei the eempanlea concerned being the potalturaph com pany tha canadian pacific tele graph the canadian national tele graph and the weetem union tele graph company tha development of a new indus try from the propagation ef muak- rat and other water ftubearlng anlmala in land and water area leaaed from the province of alberta through agreement with the do minion government wa indicated by hon george hoadley mlnlater at agriculture in committee die- cunlon in the alberta legislature tha amendment would give the gov ernment power to regulate and llcenae fur and game arm and to tea tit dominion water and land areas for tha propagation of such animals a keen competitor to betay wiley tha nova seatla worlda champion milk and butter producer haa been discovered at pox river cumber land county ur henry 8 kerr of this plaoe claims that ha owns tha champion butter producing caw in her class this eow is a grade ayr shire and durham cow which haa just raeonuy freshened in one weak she produced 855 lbs of milk which churned sou lbs of butter after deducting approximately is quarts of milk and 1 quarta sf cream far home consumption this record is creating keen interest following npon his reeant an nouncement to the affect that to ronto firm of archlteeta would ha employed in connection with tiu erection of the new canadian pa cific hotel in that city e w baatty chairman and president of tha canadian pacific railway recently stated that meure sprsatt and rolph had been appointed asso ciates with the firm of boas and muedonald of montreal to handle this work messrs ross and mae donald have been employed in cana dian pacific work for soma time uuj latest of their building being the companye new hotel at regliulfj it la desired that the new hotel shall bo thoroughly repreaentauve af tha city in which it atanda and tha ap- pnlntment of a firm af toronto architect u made is further this puiposa wcsllox clocks and watches lowered big ben alarm clock now j42s dig ban luminous clocks now sijo ainarioa alum clocks now 170 black bird luminous clocks 100 watches pocket hon now j176 gio ban now 260 singer awl raymond ncmiim for ale aebewillson clbarino auction sale op fara sittk tlilwfa tfceuiuurslgaed haa received taatruc tlone from w hedavaiaob lo sell by publle suction at lot 21 con 10 biqueelnf at gunwiuiaaia oa thtwadavy mmrtii slat at on oclock the followlogi- horase day exare 7yra gsi bay are 3 yra g p an aura goad fan team calllejeraejr cow brad march 3i jar ey eow bred dec- si jersey cow bred july oibriadle cow bred nov 31 1 jersey cow bred jan 6 1 jersey heifers 1 yra brad in oeci heifer calf 4 months oldi registered jetaey bull 14 mo a good one iiga aad fowlrrood eow 40 while leghorn beoa duck aad drake impumealauaaaey harrle binder 6 ft cuii prcat a wood mower 6 ft cuti froal st wood seed driui erlaet tooth cultlvatori sac harrows bay rack bain wagon sm sleighs buggies culler hay rake gravel box aeraper eahaineio set breechlag harness near ly new set farm haiseee eat single bar neaa cream aeparator delay chum grabs aboul 300 bue good seed grain teraugrain fowl and all euaasrt 920 and nadar caen over that aaaouat asoolha credit oa approved jolal aataa 6 per caftt ner annua off for cash vv a wltson ben pbtcii clerk aucuoaae notice la hereby given that delia eluaheih daviaa of tha town of oak- villa in tha county of helton in the province of ontario nurrtad will apply to tha parliament of canada atthanraaant or next eeealon thereof for n bill of divorce from bar boa- hand william henry dahes of tha cltyof ouelpb in the county of we lingua in the province of ontario baleeman on the ground of adultry and ileaefhon n dated al toronto in the prorlnoe of ontario this roth day of feiruary a p iwt jamee rrjujaf so kin a st l toronto uollcltor for tha above named applicant tip flourishing immigration prospects p iaiiifraliiitrn f- i this y fir well ovsr 3000 tuttl ftuve hmn lundsd in canada liy tln canaillnn pacific llnors ply inn 1m twmii this country nnd ii mothcr- und it is intcrostlnir to note that about sixty pi cnt of tli npphcunt am minor and other wtio lio uainv knowltkltt of and itprlnr ut farm work th volume or twrttntnt innulrlw from united statu afhejlturluu with reuard to wmtern canadian farmlhk fwiweta haa liwn much klaulet rahomlly tk active immigration season of 1027 that haa just opened will a according to authorltatiy informi- tloft ftlven out by the department of colottlkatlon and development of the csnadun pnclflo hallway the laktfee and moat affective addition to canadian population of auy almllar uertod since the outbreak of the great war la the opinion or authorities it la not unreasonable for the dominion td enpect over 200000 new citizens or about 70000 more than during the year 192 during thla year canada received 135084 settlers several factors tend towards this promised increased of which one of tha moat botent in the gradual tn olu- tloti of eyeteme and a development of new machinery that has made the organlaatlon well nigh perfect fur ther reductions in ocesn and rail rate from the drlttshilaee have in duced considerable numbers to sub mit to the examinations for accept ance under the cheap passage appli cations at the rata of several a day are being received it li reported already heavier thin year than for somo years tills is regarded as a ijltho report rijoat rollal lo index to the trend of tin movement a new and si en iii print movrmetiti to develop howo rr is that of tobarro growers from north and south carolina vlrainln and otlinr states to western ontario ittlng attracted b the may project tn now faring the nnsdlan tolm industry taino growing though lanii settlement londltlans have drastically clumped and the tendency is to placp newcomirn on vncant lnnds within reasonable dis tance of the nilnaysjt wa pointed out that it was a jnlstnkr to consider that homeiteadlng is altogether a thing of the past aa a factor of v tern canadian dvvelopment diirlng the year iflso litnnctcad occupations in the wmf amouhtoii to niii imrrase of 60 per cent over the opfcupatlons for thu pnlnus jcar and accounted for the occupation of nearly a million actin of raw land this movement in continuing ft is evident in the flguretr of fdllngs in january 102v which fterc 12 per cent than those of the same month of the previous year the moat significant factor today it was pointed out is the lorn olonl- ration hoard through which the general interest in immigration and rolonlxatkm takes practical nhapf under thedlroctlon of the railway about 150 almllar boards now tint in western canada t juvenile immigration the impor- tamef which la bolng nckainicl realised in recent yenrr promurs to be very heavy durinrthc jenr 10j7 all of hich in helnu dlrectetl tnmirdri the land after long tests we are con vinced aluminum is the best cont for tea redr0se now packed only in aluminum coal best d l w scrantod coal in all sizes also smithing and steam coal mrs j walldus noraj biatlob phone 62 r 43 j sanford stowarttovm plnmbingtliisuiluiing t tslmhw ceatcrfesjy qvcb rtmmmrll j a a a i 1orit wsk these whut items do u lack in jroor stock nowt why disappoint customora by not hav- injjthemtyoqr whole salers or rnanufao- torers warehouse is nearer than next door it is right at your elbow telephone your order in the morning at the low statlontcstation rate and the woods will be shipped tha same day many subsprlbera who used to think they hud to make rerson-to- person calls- now find that they reach the person they wont with station- to- station calls they are quick er and cheaper a feat unequalled in golf ettiery bill tltptmt it a loup distance sfnffoh ladies siahnswc auccljunfi tmcuujmfi nittlngus 8dke1n try am our irlcaetjr ameliesoststbl mrimrjlluilleo ihtimtmtmt tknttttiwltn wood mixed raits 93 per single oor or 2 oordayor s also hardwood at s370 ilellrered in george town j h smith phone 84 r 13 oeorgatowi vla ristocrafo the vlhh efs4m1 ss mth in utivl tret t reseuy ummatwn jtkej jalemrttllt dfen wlitfii li jlhllrlj m hf4ei im tail til lht nrih if tttauhii la sftlon elaulua ohj of hu h tanabn livraf vancouver rolfcf went mil fur u round on the c-ani- dlea paciltr knilwiv lenaar olf course one tine diy in rebrtury tlna jeir aad created a worlds rccttnf when hi holed his tee shot twice in our slut on the fifth and tlxtecntli erven a feet that has never bcn euallsn in the history of golf mr tannba before this was not known to fame but now of course lumps into the limelight hit shots were duly vouched for by prominent vancouver golfers who were with him on the units at the time the longata coutw was ommsj inkt year hy the cp r after ctmmtr timi atacxmfofllboooo theau-lw- yeargolf that can b playd eu tawb courm is well indlcared by tha taa6- graphs which slow tha fifth asid saw tsenth greetts as uy appwred february afternoon when mr astonished the voal i 2 buy mclauhinbuick for power esaslts far ateeper than any found tn ordinary dsfay f w ing offer no obstsdea to the resistless power ot vf mexaugnllnbolcks valveinhead engine btyfive actual horepower is beneath thhood of the qraateet mclaughllnbulcu yet ao flexible so easily controlled ao responsive so vibrationals that you era unaware of the presence 61 sn ennlne snd realise only that a tireleae force la working to your will how little the mclaurminbulclc owner is 2 with thle masterful cn msy be judged by the facta thst ha need change thi oil only once a trenhlee due to crenucsse dilution the p sence of dust grlt or water are eliminated by the cron y ayaten the sailed chsule and the triple sealed engine a combined protection found in no other car t any bo for power abundant ontlring dependable flcxlhla i eahaiinili buy mclauohunduick s v king georgetown jlucrtauti meiaughlin- buick buiu ji tlieres no better 2 value than the d new star cah i yhere is a pcrtninency in the policies back of the new star car that in part accounts for the contentment that goes with star car ownership the new star car is built to a quality standard and is worth every dollar of its price- it is sold and serviced through a permanent dealer organization that is not harassed by highpressure factory methods for this reason and because of its mechanical fitness for canadian roads and weather it is the best automobile investment dollar for dollar before the canadian public today it- the new star coupe joe sref vjtfj coejmavnfa meier full swiiar uitrlcslkm uoru sutut cisim drtvt tbtrmetlthauy cemfraunl coauaf syilrm vkmwtmi antlttnion lormolivflypt brtbt suprrsjmtilhr srrrii ctu khtllti cktnii fnmt ami olbtf qullly pnlum ntllemwur smltr fawuian purant motors of canada limited toronto canada he ne sta car- fouhg jm gptjbs aristocrat offasfl thejow price tield tjspeight wmih sam etetltouostlss am lu wlauohuwsuick will suiiathim t erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh and cored meals fresh and smoked fish etc all meats kept in electric refrigerator get the best phone no 1 a a kvtry ifemisajm store nri conplda line of ationaliv advkktiiid efrtsalucia whtfti quail i y cetunu n put that will aavg u maawy wt ttarexi ffatm ttu mattuf tttuftr luu uvini th mi jrllrrnan pralu and km irysafi aeti piiud dlncilir on io you in 4dm en tu ihlt ihtit la itvt urty sltn rtavivi h mtrchandtt a m nwtlin u quit at t ikttmlf h star etillflsmbul rwdtr 4 j- c pfjg white naptba soap jo sakss df9 old dates cltwamr b natleaal katehup week haa aaua te aail an halas taejum katahap anajl siaa3fe targe far 5 j b b georgetown ontario quaker corn fi nkaa 3 pkts h7e creipa nuu a pm osa icollogaa com ffaktsa a fee 81c shrodded wheat locotit cream of wheat 84e poet totutua a fr ole b a i ivory soap 4 vjc b h p sauce sbo tiger caltup 9- lip sauce 34c klpprsutklufl dirde cuelaml iso sadrruia oraaga marmalade 49c aawelrut commaat sweaaea sstk oelmonte aapacartui rueeoawwe mapu byrsjp qc kettle s ha est i7 tas1t bread woj ila eeisaselleu ahartcnlng lll t7a ewiai w- hpall 4q w ibbebmsbeasiagismrsa aytmts soupa atlna 19c qesleh otuvkw ao

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