Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 6, 1927, p. 2

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pack 2 tna owotamrowh herald april 6th im7 btttha rmiriagae and death are now cbund for at the following mni blrtha bocf nmrriagee 60c etattha soe knemorlal cards 60ej 10c par mm extra for poetry in mmmoriam edge in loving memory of our dear mother mary uonnlly who departed this hfe without farewell on ranter sunday april 4th ll20 luat a thought of vou dear mot hor jtiat a memory fond and tnu just a token of affection that our hear u atll actu for ymi khe did not fall to do her beet her heart wan true and tender bho worked fco hard for thn on mho left thath something for uu to remember sadly missed ad dueply mourned jocu and jack edge- in loving memory of a dear wife and mother mtiry ann menelly whodemhed thi lir without fare well ct easter sunday april 4ili dear la the spot where our mother la laid sweet are tho mcmoriie that never i will fad fohdhopea shall woenflrinli that noma day well meet ktteoun togothpr at jeaua foot badly mtimed by hr loving husband and family new pastor wekoaed icccsum tojevrtel rev a h- aa mrm ha by ssatm caaercfattm hallon rillcs ritsumtul h a kiniifttatimi platoon of nfuywij u rvluy ttain und aevaral imliviriiml t mtiriimitn tin iulton rifltfti took part in tho ufitli brltfado indoor t jiampionlnp nthlutlr iwwt at othiiwa hatimluj hat 2hth tlw mgmsmuil pnrt almut 10 m number werj ilitfil by imu from acton to ucnigotowii rtturniiitf on saturday tvptin amoua the events tit oulmwa won a dinplaj of infantry drill by thu ontario kegl merit and pbyiiiml drill dwplaya by tlui toronto ivgiiuihit thu ualton rifles platoon won ompilof i company men the majority twiny from aoton tlui platoon was com innndetl b limn k g flunkey sgt v c ployd notintf iu ueoond in com round it s m a trottor arcom pflnied the party and mvral oftlecr of tin rejfimint worn prwumt at ottawa to cheer their uomradoa on cpl 8 buruholder rfm f spirw rfm c staple tou and cpl a ruhop eorapownl the rolit team which famed ucotul plnu in itn heat at the utinual regimental meeting and the annual meeting of the officer ra held nt oakville arrangemente wan raade for tlio traiuhig ramp to he held at long kraneh the week commencing june 36th committees were appointed for the current yearl and the financial statement presented and audited date for lowin gun training were announced an fol lows muton april lltl lhtli 2th h pm acton april 12th lbth 2tli h pm georgetown- april lath 2lhh 27th8 pm burlington april 14th 21tb 28th 8 p m ookvillo april 13ih 22nd 2flth 8 pro it is planutxl to hold an offioorfl dance at the oakville club uliortly after boater imitation will lie luued al once on friday nvenlndjaitt rev a n frith tin new ptuitoffor tlu tlaptut oluirvh wan given u warm weleoaut by the itiikwgtitlou oval hilnirleni und othtirn afur ti uumptuoum uupper provul iwl by tlw lailltwof ow uhureh rev c y camorou smtretary of tlte uap lut iloiuo miiuiiou roaid of ontario culled tlui meeting to order lie uideh th congregftlioii the following wero pretunt rev c t cuiueron rev dr dlokle mm dickie rov k mocllean mm maolean ur b a dylut alrrk d warrwii mr sehaver tiupt armenian farm ami a letter wan read lrom rev f a wiuui reuting hi inability tn be pktient after tli singing of a hyuin rev dr dyke led in prayer the tilialrnian rev mr cameron in hit address npoke very highly of rev and mw frith following the formeracicreer lnee the days wln they were in tuillege together ho ulno gave wholesorae julvlee to the churoh numibero dr f r watuon euteuded a wel come on belutlf of the ohurch and wordu of hearty fellowship w e r e spoken by rev dr diekie of the united churoh rev mr maaleaii preshjterian rev c 1 cameron rev dr dyke mr r d warren mr sehaver bupt armenian farm rev an frith n his reply oflknow- ledged the gojkl withes of the brethren and xtated that already they were happy and hopeful lu t b e i r new work just before the close of tlie meeting mr w w peek on behalf of the congregation presented dr dyke with an address and a beauti ful gift expressive of their apprecia tion of dr dykes ministry among them while they were without a pastor a duett by mrs p r watson and mrs l marohment and a solo by mr a n cole were much appre ciated by the gathering prayer by the newly welcomed pastor brought the evening to a close bum awl pmeauum halton chapter no 234 george town did honor to two of ju members hut evening when a complimentary hanqnet and reception was tendered very ex comp jt camoron and very ex comp h meir in tho masonic rooms liere after all liad partaken of the bountiful spread which was tastily arranged and excellently rorved hy members nf the craft ex comp george c brown finit principal of halton cliapter ralletl the gathering to order and proposed the toast to tho king he then called upon very ex comp john marroignelph who read an appropriate address after which rt ex comp henry t smith and rt ex comp dr w h price on belutlf of halton chapter present ed very ex corops h g meir and j t cameron grand sword rearer and grand steward respectively or grand chapter with the regalia of their office both rem plont responded very feelingly thanking tho members tor the splendid gift and aiuuring tliein they would endeavor to prove worthy of the confidence placed m thorn a splendid toant hut followed pro- sided over by ex comp geo c brown and was interspersed with choruses- jed by camp harry holgate of guelph who presided at the piano and songs by members of the craft the seloctioiut hy the united church orchphtra before and during the banquet added much to the en ioyment of the evening a number of grund chapter oflloers and other visitors from out of town were present at the banquet chu n rv dr dioklta subject next hun day morning the lotli taut will bo relinian and tho homo und in tho evening he will preach nn tenuo uur high pruwt haptlftt churoh on banday moralngo in the hap tilt church rov a n frith 1 giving a brief aeries of sormons on the pat- raot letter tho nibjmto arc- the moitor prononit the mooter praiuou the mooter protehtm the mooter pmtcnbe the muter promises neat sunday the hubjoot will ik the mooter proteato evening xubjeet not for from tho king dom bt georgem church bervieeo thurulay april 7th iun- torn oorvieo for ohildron at 4115 pro adnlt lautem oorvloe at 730 im ooadcetad by the rev o w tehho rural dean r e o u r of st lultet church burlington who will give wm hole beautiful piaturox jeouo of naioreth palm sunday april 10th celebra tion of tlie holy communion at 8 am matinu and sermon by tho rev r andrewi of campbellville at 11 am kvenoong and wrmoii by the hector at 7 pm new hoosefnrnisbingsii t 1 cvrmptl wit scfeelei the mock parliament at george town united chunh loot friday evening drew a large orowd and we think we ore oofe in ooyingnone were dioappointed with the entertainment given the eeleetiono by the or uhettra under the leadetohlpof mr h g meir prior to the opening of parliament were oxoeedingly well rendered and heartily applauded the parliamentary oeeoion opened in dne form with the following membon in tbuir reopeetive ttotiono speaker mr l wraggetfa clerk of home mr c7 waltero sergeantatarmi mr jh lillioo premier ii g meir secretory of state ralph root minister of juetioe w t evono labor c b oayfoot marine h r minima finanoe j medermid agrienltnre bertparr immigration bob ue menemy leadernf the opposition neil cununingi notionoliot party leader mort clow progreiaive leader leroy dale three bilk were brought before the houoe the firet to opend ts000000 on a navy and theaeeond to com- poll ladleo to remove their hate in ohurch were pnt through by tlie government but the third lrought in by the oppooition that all taxoo bu auolikbed cauud aame of the member to flop and the govern ment wont down to defeat the de bate on the different b 1 1 1 a by the memhery woo quite intonating and vory amuting and the evening woo thoroughly enjoyed by all present our boata an bought from the john mopheroon co one of the old- eitand moot reliable firrao in canada call and look them over repairing on usual j roney 2tp congoteum rugs autfby the yard new pattortia now coloring at now low prlrro unoleniii and ouciouis new patterns better values wall papers new patterns rich decorative effects u furniuhing for nil walls new papers from 10c up window shades curtain rods draperies beautiful for any di bedding bd maattrans auld sitrink ticvw slmmono make and other big values at httlo moro nvnucj mm tweaeo oprings oribs at lowest prices see the goods see the values jacksons georgetown beautiful rich effects a grand range of different material snituble for any drapery scheme at prices that are low for quality ed holmes shoe repairer guelph st georgetown alway on th job and am pric arm right your patronage appreciated prompt service erwingoldhams meat market choice fresh ana carol heats fresh and smoked fish etc ah niaato kept in electric refriserator get the best phone no 1 reports oft canadian crops orom telegraphic advices received from its branches throughout the country the bank of montreal periodically compiles seasonal crop reports dealing with conditions in canada these reports are mailed to business men and others on request total aucu in excem of w7soooooeo bank of montreal eatmbuthid ulv frost tight lock is why buy a ring lock when you can get the frost tight lock at the same price every style oi uplodate fence including chain link and lawn tennis wire posts gates and everything complete ice ice season we have a large quantity stored for thn coming season let us know your requirements by phone and prompt service will be giveni all kinds of wood at right prices rails per single cord 300 hardwood per single cord 375 delivered any place in georgetown j h smith phone 84 r 13 georgetown t startling used car bargains the greatest used car values ever offered in george town 1923 mclaughlin model 48 touring car newly painted 2 new tirea 2 bumper upholatrring top and cutaina in excellent condition sale price 92sk00 caah and small monthly payment 1021 dodge coupe with amall mileage newly painted sood tirea velour upnolatering automatic wipei 5 wire wheela and 1927 license sale price s20000 caah and amall monthly payment 1921 special studebaker touring paint good anubber on rear leather upholstered aide curtaina and top in good condition sale price 920000 caah and amall monthly payment 1021 chevrolet sedan equipped with four nearly new tirea thia car haa been painted and ia in good condition sale price 91 oooo caah and amall monthly payment cad touring i careahjjcyjindera seven passenger mo good front licei bumper snuuber adjustable headlight control and ha 1927 ready to drive away icenie on sale price 1 7soo caah and amall monthly payment buy your used car now und got the full enjoyment out or tha motoring mosnn tnkf uchauiaire uf mir nosy payment plan ao then is no extra charge for tirao naynivntoanilnp gui you a fro insuronoe policy with eoeh ear for one yar vour pnwnt ir onihtilonfl is imrt payment on uny of the nbovs listed now j n oneill son georgetown ontario are you overlooking this economy at tan oclock about five duyo a wcok jfonoa of kit- chonor uy to long dis tance i want to apeak to k ii white poterboro whito looka forward to jones calls and ia always nt his deak ready for them why do tyou always ask for mr white a tele- shorn salesman asked mr oiioh because he is the man i want no one else will do but mr whlto is always at his desk if you said to the operator please got mo anyone at 624 petcrboro you would jjot mr white and th statlontostatlon rata would be about twenty- per cent ehsajw he txeltuhilu hi finit u ttmswsrs tvaru rstfasmohc and oshmo kmuy new advcrllscracdls bur aur rjulvrra otott boy wmnted good m4rt boy with fair ducatloo to imrn prittiintt apply at hanild otrcm y7tuu child f crio hlh chair aiwl puabcah cibip apply o mr a r spalkhl john st if cream wlcbar baby camajra for uw lira hulkholdr gaorgaiown it kmri a raward will b iaid for iba raium of two 110 blj it loaf taat waak bavtwm footv dry and poi office dan cook it houmhcepar jrood wafats muil hava bait ot rvfarancm apply to thia offlca iwa 0t on car choice albarta recuanad oafa taal 47lba iiarminalloa guirinlt goroiown elevator 44 rriu 100 acra farm w half lot 18 con 5 eaquaalfib tp all undar cultivation sood buitdinata j ml la from georfraiown ap ply to d radcllff on prafniaaa jt flaauatekaait 6 rooma dry callar wall lipjhlad fraab- y dacoralrd modarata rant apply r i crealman goornatowii 34 wood 2 400 laad hardwood bat tar than a alnfrto cod t900 a load mlxad wood kindling ouchac heater and lumaoa chunuavooo loatt mania pllad 91v00 kr cord any length ijurraya phona r 3 naorpwlown if wni ar sal large quanilly of ffood dry hardwood auourjto quantity or kood dry cedar for ltfndlinff aliaad wood alwaye on hand pruea aa uiuil cash on del i very prompt fvice u fmmoranii phone 330 gerrfrtown tf wm4 car sale or vltnlco hardwood heahi and maple 400 per ainsle cord choice liardwood kuba 375 par ajngla cord miiad ra la x0q put wnile cordi mlaad wood 150 par ainrla cord thia la all food aound dry wood and ftl thf aa price i good buying satlafactioa guaras lteed j urandford boa 400 pbona 135 r4 georgetown laaw tar sal at lot so 4th una eaquealng 1 1000 ft i inch baaawood 3000 fi i in aim 4000 ft 2 in maple t ii hafidaraon 31 shaw st tpiooto j clearing auction sale of fsira simk a iwlrnrhi the undenlgned haa received inalnicl- iona from joimpli ettob tit aell by pohllc auction at lot 2 ih line vvi chloguacouay on wdaedy april wth at i otlccu the tollowingt horae team bjiy gpt bucli ouje t vra good in all liameaa caiile holaleln tow apringlng llol aieiii iow du tiina of aivut brindle cow frctli 1 week holiiein cow fraah 2 wka molftirin co fraah i month molaiein hlfertrrah2wka blaik haifar brad 6 wkai hcluein cow brad i monthi hoi- aient heifer freab 2 moniha not bredi hlue envr freab 2 monthi holitaln heifer iual fiih hotel aln tow freab 1 wka lolalein bred novi holmeln cow brad nitv milkiig welli roan cow brad t month llolateinbull rising 2yra tiga qehunka 13 pigs elv waekaotd implemania maeaey llarrta binder uauey karri dia drfll 1 hoe mccor- nick ntoaer aew 4 aedittn diamond har rowai maoaey manl cultivator dac col li valor 2 furrow cockahutl walking plow i horaa rakr drmocrat baavy wagoa and boat 120 ft new hay rope aeiofnew aliaga and bay fork 1921 ford roadeter in goodcondllioni mfumlecraam aapara- tort 100 lb capaulyi i do of good cedar poata ami olhrr nrilil too numaroua to mention lumeaa heavy llraeching haroaaa i good aa new aet of driving barnaaa furniture sideboard dlninjf labia gla klirbei cupboard aet of picture bedroom tulta chatl of drawara happy thought steel rauge good aa naw oil love bnitiing machine broader tar me- for roadsler fumiiura arid tl tuma of 2000 and under cash ow that amoout 6 montba credit on approved joint notes 6 per cant annua off f or cash rfn rftcii auctioneer fire insurance x w wmm cewfctowa lnl for siuuaol lb mrtuful com psoas writing insuraace are you proceeted

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