Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 6, 1927, p. 3

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tub aiosobtowk bnuo april 6th 1927 page i u i wkagcenrs db1ic sto 2 for 1 sale purely us uli advertising plan wi have armiigwl with lli nl products tn uspnlil sulnuf null li aill us iiuici prislui u at the pbimomciml price of two fur tint prii folic ttuaw listing iwlnw justu rw nr the hundreds f well itnouti articles that feature the sale a i miiplils lilll t nntuiiilng all tlu- ileum has lieen mulled to tii kiln iiimwuiii tooth iluu 2 for koi ueiilaalor tooth paula 3 for ml 2fic nyultooth pastu 2 for 28 mli- vyul while iinlmimh 2 for 2c nynl curliollc salve sb jtlci nyal lnxncold 2 for m tfce ivya quality store 5hbi 51liialjul a personal local news hems monti vrlitoy mill easter sunday 17lh dance at stowartluwii kridaj our boys havp dlunwl to phu lacrosse township touhcll will raw april lbtlt the 36 mlu speed limit in now in effect iat oh bo careful black bottom pants liuvu made their appearance on leorgolown streets the w a of 8t georges ohnrch will hold a tea and sale of homemade cooking on saturday april 23rd all book water- rates moat lie paid by may lot or water will bo shot off oluoiul notice next iuue get a lacrosse stick boys atid grt into the old national earns that 1 going to bo popular again in georgetown this eason tin mission band of the united church gave a splendid program at tbelr concert on uonditj evening there won a good attendance our business in still going right ahead very few shoe traveller call here now since i commenced to slau ghter pricee repairing as usual j honey ltp the gentleman who last satur day night by mistake exchanged robes in the temperance shed is re quested to telephone mr a m hruyns 137 r j limehouso the annual dance of stewart- town fife and drum band will be held in the town hall stewarttown on friday evening of this week april 8th a good time is in store for all who attend samuel dolaon lot 16 4th line west chlnguacousy has sold his farm and will hold a clearing auction sale of farm stock and implements on monday april 11th ben fetch auctioneer town council met on tuesday evening and after hearing a c bar kerandc 8argantrewater extension and mr chevers of gaelph re street msa adjourned to meet on tubs day april 12th a e richardson lot 32 con 8 nassagaweya on highway stop 91 radiol will hold a clearing sale of stock and implements ll choice dairy cows on tuesday april 12th b j kerr acton auctioneer it korval womens institute will hold their regular meeting at the home of mrs gordon brown norvnl on april 14th at 230 pm tart contest 1st and 2nd prises for best six tarts a full attendance requcut- ed business of importance tie publlo are cordially invited to attend an exhibition of the auto mobile chassis combined with an ex planation of the merits of the new star oar to be held in the show rooms of t j speight on saturday april 16tb by ourant motors under the direction of their mr blake the old fashioned mother a play in two acts will be given by the bells school house literary society in the sunday school room of the ashgrore united church under the auspices of the sunday school on wednesday april 13th at 8 pro admission 2o and lbo vocal and instrumental music between acts 8twrttown fife and drum band will hold its second annual oanoe in the town hal stewarttown fri day april 8th j peckett pianist wui provide the music oanoing s0 to 2 lunch provided ticket 100 extra lady 50c sumes stifles m company will comiaenco their annual training on monday evening april 11th at 8 pm at the arm ouries georgetown all members are requested to be present there are openings for a limited number of recruits c j cunnings major m a p cealsst them wai a large attendance at the high school oratory content held in the town hall last thursday after noon principal ross opened tho proceedings with a few nppropiate remarks to the contestants after which he called on the speaker as fallows misses jean watt made- line erwin constance dean isabel medennid and messrs c avery k bailey chas wilson john a mc donald all the younft ladies and gentlemen acquitted themselves re markably well and the judges were called on to nuke some olose de cisions mist isabel mouermid who spoke on the league of nations was awarded first prize in the young ladles contest while n bailey who chose a his subject the oil mining industry carried oil llrst prize in the young mans contest of the two winners the judges awarded miss mcdermld first priie the speeches were interspersed with instrumental selections on the piano by mr charles kirk and mr jack criehtcn tiihibm at oiker lwiu mr and mr joeepli h irwurwere awarded si ttui mid eoiw in their action ntfanliittim town nr orange ville mm irum recmvd ijlftflofor injuries hustnihed to her uiikle when she tripped on u plunk nveringn culvert and her husband 21w for loss of time fttteiulinu her h h chureh oraugeville appealing- for defendant and v henry mark- dale ror plaintiff wife otor ueraid osaj mrs mofnul wife of dr a t me paul 8r died nt the fnrailv home in collingwood on monday march 28 site liad been ill for some weeka but on saturday developed pneumonia mrs mefaul whoso maiden name was mary carberrj was bom in erin in 1887 slio lived in stayner ror 12 jears and in collingwood for the past 2o besitlofl her husband she is sur vived bj one son dr alex mcfanl and two drniglllcrri mr arch anlil toronto and mr not new york acton to the 7th line a distance of 3g miles it is expected that work will commence on this as soon as weatlier will permit open dltolies will be abolished in all provincial roads constructed in tho future the department of highways announces owing to the largo number of serious accidents that have been caused by this typo of rood the deep ditch is to be replaced by u shallow gutter seven feet wide wlmm tfcsatve wednesday april flth para dlse for two starring btchard dix chapter 3 of the bar c mystery comedy croxy liko a fox friday april 8th the magician starring alice terry stage 1 of the collegians a aeries of 10 com plete stories of college life fox saturday april ith loddio by gone stratton porter with an excel lent oast including little gene stratton granddaughter of the author bongs of central europe in pioturcs comedy jolly tars cartoon felix busts a bubble coming were in the nnvj now the winning of barliara worth by harold hell wright trm blase hel the membership drive contest closed at last regular meeting thurs mar 17th with sinter carters team in the lead on friday last sister peck and iter worthy followers banqueted the wiuning team the affair was held in the arena and took tlie form of u bountiful chicken dinner during the evening bro graoe was presented with a half dozen knives and folks as a token from the lodge in his now adventure in life the remainder af tlie evening was spent in games and dancing prise winners for the evening were guess ing contest sisters mrs wright and mrs mocreight soda biscuit rare sister retn tost musical chair sister irene tost consolation prize sister mrs cook and forgaves um ttmltrt itvtrfailfc tlie annual meeting or the lawn bowling club was held monday evening april 4th oluoers elected for tho coming yean hon pros major l grant president j j gibbons 1st vieepres dr r t paul 2nd vicepmer j h wallace socjtreas p b harrison asst8ooy f d lacey games committee dr f l heath dr r r niche ii dickie ground committee dr r t paul 11 barnes j w kenned auditors j w kennedy and dr r r nickel bowling weather will soon ho hore and ardent supporters are anxious to be on the areen rolling the bowl for a kitty toucher or a running shot to clear the lead the on thusiasm shown bespeaks well for another active and successful year a oordial invitation is extended to one and all to come and join in the favorite summer pastime gle mr will sflott who ha befln in tlin guelph hospital for nomn time u improvinu niool mtmht- robert lily tin ami harry preuwood have renuxl mr fred thorn paouti farm on tvmi cotta nmeroail miu g ruawell apent the week end with friomlain guelph onr fifft and drum hand have started their practise offftin mr john hainoa haa poruhaud the farm formerly owned hy mr w daviaon dont rain the mook trial of wythe va barlow in tho town hall glenwilllama thursday evening apr 7th under the auipioeo of the ladle aid of the united chum admimion 95 and ts oante mr prcutv lurmd luntit inn wiil uftw hmitdinu tlm wliilfr with nliiilvf in femihciirnllnu minn mti thorn won iiiih rotnruml liitnik ufhr hhihuiii u oupl of uioiitlit villh rlntivtt ul whitliv 1u muv k mcllut of towintn uimiit u fiu iliijrt lawt ustk ut tilt homo or mi and mr w t authoti mri kiiuiuu miirdoiik f tlmmiiin out in humidinu a fatiplo of woeka with mr frierd mm w c- anthony mujordnuitund mian leiiwuon lit umdwl tlie len gvm hy ihnd mrniter and mh ouoiit at apellw tdiool inht hatmdny mrx ir williimiri ind dauuliier helen arrivid honu taut uwk from winiipik whert ulin uuht wvetu hcelut vinitink with lier imrtmith tru sliuik armktwnb wunt to ilm woalom liwiilmltormtit lnaiurvtk for tcatiiniil iir inftiiy friend wuh lnrnpewly wntorution to hrilli mf and mm win cooke of kan uintf huvo movl to town nnd art now coinfortnhly etttid in their imw limm on viuiiyan ut onr pitiwnn ftilcomft mr nnd mm cooke miihub erie nmnimtoii votniffiht son of mr and mru arthur norrinjt- ton who rorently underwent a sortour operation atuuelph hoapitnt in uou praftrtwna nieely and will noon lie dhlc ti return honu mr jumu adainx of morn was the guest of mr und mra m wll linraaorj during tho woek he called on a number of old frlendu when in town who were delighted to see jim again notice to creditors ltt ike ssattsw ef tk aviate ef keif ultuy lulls utrtksyswu- salst ef ksaasslasj lis tke cftuitr f sfaltes ravessr ekyflciif is hsrsby given pursuant to w tiuessee act h 8o 19h chspurl21 that all creditors or otiters having claims or demands against tlie estate of the said daniel roy leslie who died on or about the ninth day of slsnb ad 10p7 at the township of esqussing sssirsniilrejl nrinr jisfnro the uurteentb 5yossy isjtto sttd by post prepaid or delverto the undersigned solicitors herein for ueorgo leslie the adminis tratsr of ths estate of the sold daniel roy leslie deceased their christian names end surnames addresses and descriptions the full partienlavsln writ ing of their elalms a statement of their account and the nature of the security if any held by thsm and takbnotick that after each last mentioned dste the said administra tor will proceed to distribute the aessts of the deesssed emotta the pertiec en titled thereto having rsgard only to ths claims of which he shall then have no tice end that the said administrator will not be liable for the ssld assets or any nsrt thsreof to any person or per satis of whose elsim notice shall not have been received by him at the time of such distribution dale thompson solicitors for the said administrator dated at deargstown this thirteenth dsy of april m27 notice to creditors la the hatter ef tks kstate ef win- lass lwus late ef tke fsws shift ef tiastslesj la the geuty ef m elle yaraser jssssseii notice is hsrsby given pursuant to section 6 of thetrueteee act r8o 1914 chspter 121 that all creditors or othsrs hsving claims or demands sgsinst the esute of the said wdiiain lswlsr who died on or about the twentlsth day of usreh a d 1927 at ths township of esqossing are re quired on or before the thirteenth dsy of may 1027 to sand bypost prepaid or deliver to the underslined solicitors hsrin far wllllsm lswur and oliver telford uckay ths executors of the estate of the said william lswlsr de ceased their christian names and sur names sddresssss and descriptions the full parueulsrs in writing of their chums a statement of their accounts and the naiure of the security if any held by them and take notice that after such last msntionsd date the sold exec utors will proceed to distribute the assste of the deceased among the par ties entitled thereto bavins record only to the dsiras of which be shall than have notice and ihat the said executors will not bs liable for the sold asseta or any part thereof to any person or per sons of whose dsim notice shall act have been received by him at the time of such distribution dale thompson 8olidtore for the ssld executors dsted at georgetown this thlrteenih day of april 1827 notice to creditors la the ssattee ef the estate af aasls h ateaastt late at the tevasklp ofwcfsslaa- lataeoetustyerllsi- tea ssesttei wesaaa slesssssti notice is hsrsby given pursuant to section m of the truses act rs o 1014 chsptsr 121 that all creditors cr othsrs having dafms or demand against the estate of the said annls u bennett who died on or about the nineteenth day of hard ad 1927 at the townsut of esguesuix are required on or before the thirteenth day of key 1b27 to send by post prepaid or dsiiver to the undersiinwdl solicitors herein for isaac it bennett the administrator of the estats of the sld annie ii bennett deceased tbsir christian nsmee and our names addresses and descriptions the full partleulare in writing of theirclaims a statement of their accounts and ths nature ol the security if any hsm by them andtake notice that aftsr such isst mentioned date the said adminis trator will proceed to distribute ihe as sets of ths deceassd among the parllee entitled thereto having regard only to claims of which he shall then have no tice and that the ssld adauaistrator will not bs liable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons or whose elsim nodes ehail not have been received by him st the time oi such dis tribution dale thompson solicitors for tho sold administrator dated at georgetown this thlrteent dsy of april 1027 notice is hsrsby given that delia elisabeth daviee of the town of oolt- vllle in the county ef holion hi the province of ontario married woman will apply to the parliament of canada at the preaest or next sseainn thereof for a bui of divorce from her hus band william henry daviee of the city of guelph in the county af wel lington in the province of ontario bslesmsn on the ground of aduitry and dessrtlon dated at toronto la the province of ontario this 88th day of february a d 1027 james rrtosf m king st e toronto solicitor or the above t smr uality ina f namef would ym boy cstiiuj goods that bortf ho ubch would you buy ma aufontd bit of unkndwo trlr wj uulfrr how crwant nobody would b at i oolkhe ymi g tm tnut a mm tv a labl jual wyeti ml ui ttmt m kduut llkttmiatl tiikitflfiwy mad lowf dllis taw fa why vuf thm tad faoumbeld uuatifa b4im the smpum w hwujii yithatt qsufdah by njijitw ml rehtfajis ttm falli4batf utd mj wpfrdourk fa mmimmmitl tttu vskh smjumi vulky tt fimi bsbbidsup tmf smirtmsvallwucttcdl itb uumheai tokumyo wfhmii tu j duohyon vancouvci caluabv in the best stores evervwhere coal beat d l 8c w scianlon coal in all sizes also smithing anrtsleam coal mrs 1 watklns nora station phone 62 r 42 vorringtons saturday treat turk uli otlitflit will im our nphilul for thin it it in winnl diliiuiitu nnd uii had ultur ootnc im ttw laut time we hail it fur u sjhmul ui uri nitirtlv tnlil out saturday treat 26c lb weekend chocolates tlifriimlplluhtful i liihohitori aw mill in dittitand woek by ucck mir htwuly i ulnmiri rnmi for them whltih gow to uhovf flint thev knou imu uilm hurd ami soft rentreu wmmkend chocotatma 32c lb easter eggs lett ua riiipilv yt with iour eahter noveltiea the hem ituiurtiiuut in town if 5011 want hot crou bum you want mum of our iciiull li in us your ortler for tblki great event hrownv of toronto mutf with yijitnii nnd peel motamyt of huiiijiton jli i1ox in iu arthur norrinaton maih st phone 89 pnuag 4 real estate for sale 7 room friauta iiou on oumlput hi beautifully deeora- ted douhlo living oomn lining room with china cabinet built in kitchen with stationary cupboards built in bath room eleetrio llghtn stable and hen house on the property everything up to date a himp nt 3soo other beautiful brick md fnimp imuren at tow prices a sood uhiuiii for anj m wanting a paying buaineas a garage on main street and the highway one of the best locations in george town- prir is right see or oaul e a benham oeoboetowk phone 104 box 480 quality hardware at lowest prices a- i isl ass a vpvpbvavbrrbvpbsvaavaa gravity waihina machinrt 1900 10 doz rlolhea pini 25c copper nickla plated kettle no 0 198 12 quart gal pail 34c 14 quail gal paila 39c guaranteed floor was 39c lb johnatona floor wax 75c lb brown and black rubber stair treada 19c each tungsten lamp 6 or 100 glasi caitor cupa 5c each we have a new shipment of round rotted colored and handpainted lamp lowe brot hs paint mellotone elatliea floor varnish 61 floor varnish lacqueret and neptunite vamiah stain rent from ui johnitona electric floor polisher 50c per hour plumbing amaasaafcaafcaafaaafaaieiatseiam e aaaaa heating phone 46 electric wiring r h thompson co georgetown ontario aomoaot announcing the arrival of our new spring stock paaa vara we are now fully prepared to look after your spring needs in clothing and footwear and offering tke best possible values in the seasons newest styles we have items of interest in every department and we shall be pleased to show you our stocks without obli gating you in any way d brill co phone 1 67 georgetown 1 i i i 1 i 1 1 new goods dress goods i hw arrivala inolnde crepe de chine flat crepe brtttadolotlia flannels berxe baron silk cham- bray voile faarisilk silk broad cloth in the new and latest color hosiery our ijtonk or bilk gtormngu is wnll iiuortvil holeproof hosiery there is a great dvinaml lor lialoiirouf how uv imvo thorn in the newest rplors in bilk bilk nnd iihic bilk ovorculnuw ah bilk and mirn thwad bilk prlw 91 1 m 91 til mil pull positioned nt 200 pur pair supersilk hose all colors at ubi hitea hose black and oalorsai is cortloelli bilk hatmm silk to top special at 1 mi clearing sale of mercury pull fashioned bilk how black white and brown with clox were 200 bale prlco oso kayner italinn silk hose were 93r0 sale price 200 mcbean co georgbtown the unlimited allrisks automobile j policy provides unlimited coverage for public liability property dam- age collision fire theft transport- ation with additional features as described below punle uawlily and property dimjigc xajssjrlaa to pabue or douaulk to te property af othura up to an unlimitod amount either foi nnc pcmon nr nnt x socident includirig law costs 1 the unlimited aurisks polic protects the assured t against claims not only whilst driving his own car but whilst driving any privato car other tlian his own the t importance of this will be obvious as a driver ma be pro- e ceeded against jointly with or independent of tho owner of the cor i collision and damage locar i tiiimahiy tranmlt and t tranayortattloa t many fonni of damage con occur tn a car whirh do not coma within tho interpretation of tho word collioion ami aro x thowfore toohnloally ootaide the standard policy this pol- icy oorers additional haxarda such as upset or overturning t flood malijiou damage wtndatorra urticlon falling on t car exterior explonion and all damage in tmnnit or j traniporution fire bnrglary and theh i the policy pays the replaoement value of the car nt timo or t loss i additional standard equipment theft ooorue per 8100 01 minimum premium 460 rugs and personal effects art entirely excluded death ol or ldnry jo the policyholder tho policy provide indemnity in tha auni or fno thouaand t dollar 500000 for loaa or life and pays aun for loin or t sight or limb provide nuch death or injury in nustamwl while tha policyholder is rid in 2 or driving 111 thi innurvl 1 automobile x walter t evans i georgetown ont grandys th par food groetry- i specials 0 string brooms 10c or 3 for 00c ii lux s pkgs for pearl naptha or p o soap 10 i akr 10c m plexo per pkg 0c and 21c sea hawk sockeye salmon 1 2 lie n sea hawk sookeyu salmon l i prunes 2 lbs for 10 apricots per lb wc stuarts orson oagn plum jum 3 ll jar jv harvest strawberry jam 3 lh jar ioi- black eakln raspbern lam 3 lb r 48o rolled oata lb for 26v cornmeals lb for 2v sugar crisp com flakes 3 pkgs for 2fln shredded wheat2 pkgs for 24c rj kellogge corn plakes 3 pkgs for lie q i a m grandy phone 7s

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