Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 26, 1927, p. 1

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the georgetown herald hlxtvhklflni vrah op iullmuation aorcalowb wednesday eweninir october wd 1839 1b0 per annom in advano 1 00 to utt the georgetown herald j m hoom rklikr a frprllr mw wju wkly umk tlai tabl loinu kaht paaunifur 7- iatuwiar iliiwdlir iolhani muil- 12w pm pimuuuit 4hkim iluil- ub2 iini iuufuiiiir tl im ivuwaicir humlay 7 hi im tunin wkhi mil 74h iiiii iaauauuer s h i-ii- imenilbi- 10m in uiiuiiiuir ia li mill iso iiiii paaaeafior oou pnt iwusuuor 70h pni inuuaiiuor sunday loiil nm uoinu nobtu mail tlail mill mull uoino bodtd 465 pm 112a am 71 pni cawmuaa natuaal elcdrie sauwayi tru aekawle matlwa ea8tbo0nu wrbtuound daily jailjl into ream mas 710 am no 1 7h5am 4 9s7 uro b ubj am 8 lmaro 6 llbbarn vhjlfvwr mfodi m pump loo gallons of water for one cent no one could hiro you for auch work at aucb a price yet how many tona of watar do you pump how many mllea do you walle between your house and the hand pump each year a duro walir syitem will relieve you of all thl dnklaery t will work for you year after year at the rate of only one cent p iqo v 14 wtpm ls ampjb 18 9j17 pm 18 088 pm 181188 pm 171808 am no 1 uml 2 tninm will mil run tsandayk coach lines limited watkaa4 enrylar sm0 am 411 pm 040 pm eaatkaab erjfa aib om 23r pm xiiao piu xsaturdayh buuduyn and public holiday only toronto terminal 4 wellington strut vveal le it worth while to endure the drudgery of the hind pump anil ii when duro water syitem will work or 10 little ii firtt coet low lower now than ever before convenient term can be had the empire brass uinalmlurlig co lm dumjih toronto voncouvtvr tlnnmithinir pluinliinir iliotltiff bliitrli- wlrinir pressure c tt riressttr xarfitteni systems duro guaninteos satisfactory wiui ervici directory dale thou pfon juvkteev amal selielisr georgetown ontario il jeaua a tkeaep daceakng bwg 14 iii st- h o barrister solicitor etc uttce mii st georgetowe hour 9am to 5 p m ope wain day and saturday evening cljlwlxxcx b wiooins ainltuf ballalur mataiy fafcui oeiumneiix block- ciesvcetowi hours 9 m to 3 pm opm wedtteaday and saturday evening f ttj nt hfirt tslsaat dr ft t faux ffcyelejaa awl suraaae vadlcal olroer of health in esqueejnff townablp oftee v aura j to ad ta p m ihmttt ottaa kwldaaaa uaia straet attth opuualt itaahytertaa obob sm c r w iou pbyeiclmn and surajeon tlui sirm georgetown ibooe 22 cumoua sunraon grace hoapltal torodio m o v miysidan and surgeon iftaellcaj orboer of ileajlh geo rue town ofluie and raaidanoefquaan su south oltw haun910atn l3andfthpm aiao by appointment or utberiiahd ear noaa and throat spcdaliat ieorfttown wadnaaday saturday tuoura7 pm till 9 pm or by appoint maeit qlaaaaa supplied orloa at uua matthew main st hoina phona 107 r fl v r watiow d d m d oaatrgatow ohlaa heni0 l 6 exaapt tkmnatay awar ptl mbtatm lda ooaj demul orat ta laaaa blank oaa doer aarct tat cneilla carhaaa faatery hour- i a an to v m dr r learmohth veterinary siurgeoo mala atu afartn ohihopaaotio ke maauaiaa nrfrf 0taaptky r uaatrulijr caeuraasj j service o dale ladt attsamajit haw tka asoat coanleta and ujtio office chlropracllcajly in ouiano meilus tka curapraour ralamar ofalaata ia yi peaatlaa orce neal to oneill uarajia wednaadayli saturday 2to 5 7 io9pm other daya and houra by appointment arad 150w uealdcnce lhi a mlltan ihons 3ij tueaday ana fruuy 2 to 9 pm ihfe year eyes eumincd ybret walker p0sc pa euaaaeafromlsoo upthebettleniea wad frame auppllad w h wuiaob vaulmftajmr aul uatmaaa eambalmer auuewbu or horladrawnlleaim pkoeie alfkl eeday me or jl j clarks bakery and grocery- best quality bread and pastry the choices groceries you will find our price the lowest when you consider the quality of good we provide for our cuatomer let as han your next order pfcmettt mark clark si wards garage georgetown phone 220 is where yttt praail service aai unlelau warh- uaukip all kind ol auto repairing done promptly by firatclasa mechanic we guarantee aatiafaction to all cuatomer and our price are moderate gas oils etc chas ward mala si aftesitcsawerf meawrial fiearfctawa l fiylakc your rooma firrrcaiatant and free from 1v1 drafta and cold by erecting cyproc celling and panitlona in your home gyproc can be put up in half the time required for lath and platter uvina time and labor coste cyproc take any decoration let ui ahow you a lulleixed gypror board ready to apply whtr for ttrm bookwt my vtm ii will ull rod ikjw cytvoc ituctnuril tjpasufa ibauuhm fuiraihlm ernl iiuulrsiaul rrdut your lucl bill ffum so lu40 the owtajuo ovfum co umitcd pjutll canada 131 ajpffepsorwallboord tor si by j b mck3nle georgetown ont 4 i w f mills garage wluard flmte bmtterlea inr konl clievrolpi hur ovrluiitl ktti al aiihi hilly uutiruiiuwl car aatl latta baherlea reaalreaaa mmarah itkiallth to all makkh ok oaks phone 980w unelpb st oeorcetowm cmuxlates the cosy home try it ttwumueb heattsr buy it apyona who haa actually aean thia heater wfll tall yow it la by fhr tba harultoiuimit pioe of bomav haating aquipnunt vvor moda ita exceptional beauty it juat one of the many reaaoaa why you will want thia maauraooa to your home it doaa thraa thlnea well it roaiau beat it ctrnilnui beat all throuffh the houaa and it iowa with chaerfulneaa juat the thins or chilly nlahta and bluatery winter daya tba enduaiva thifltf aboot ihiahlan-ialhedraft- arransemant to kaap the beatfromcolna uptba chimney to aavo fuel and holdfire lmatajidard flniafa la of we uavilla pcliahod ateal aud uickalad trim m inge the da luxe model ia all pxrcalalti tiamal walnut to match your fumwtlng elthar ooa will deuarht you 8a them now r h tbompson co happy thought specials cream of wheat ppr bo hwaun iown cake flour per box qmnk qimltpr oatn aluminmn littirk quaker oau uliinu vi low corn mal tiirfc pkir- 1ib1ih olivh jut riiimll imi t it- jutland sardine- t tiim we save you money on- hardware solid copper boilers 298 349 floor wax per lb tin 39 dcw paint per quart 85 stove pipes per length 20 stove pipe elbows 35 125 25 60 175 40 cold blast lanterns lantern globes 3 for barn shovels long handle i ply roofing per square polishing mops each stable brooms best quality 75 flashlight nickle case large siz complete 100 see our stock of quebec cookstoves heaters and furnaceltes fart wire fttf bum hedrieal tvlrln sited ueuj writ pmacm on earth hume havo found u hi a uardmi hoioh liuve fninul it li n nfwani ror 111 paiue of true mtfliitiiifiit in tht tfbtli or twery dream hmiif hiivo ftjitul it on the hill topm and tlw urcli iht agei old hut uo man lion ever fouud it in u rutlfjiilt trite fur sold oli tin plain what men are aftr au they wramble witb the throng tt4 thtj hope of very toiler through tliu weary dayn and louf tin t ho hope of evry sailor doing duty fur at ftea the p4ai whiuh folhiwn lalmr in the tlayu that tire to be there are ruuntuwih wayu to win it kuiue have found it in a child siituc huvu come toitthroutlhiorraw whoii lwir hiurth were recon- riled hut whiihovor way ynii wander and whiuh ever iliooeou make von muui leave a tonuh or luaiily for the hupufnetui you take vim will never rent uoiitmiled if you nerve yoitraelf alone from iour romrailan fmm your neitthlmirn numea the jwaue that 5 on would own 1 1 ih lioru of love uttd friembtbip in u thmihuml waya tu told hut no man lion ver found it in u hellish xtrife for rold kilipir a fluent highway sakly campaign may tara the tablet aa leek- leu brlvers 4 4 111 ii 24 15 as yj custlle soap liaml nize 8 lor 2fi good supply of fresh candies and bars a on ban forsters tsrcaai oeul georgetown r h thompson co geogatown ontario 1 o0oa3o3kl ttalti car leuaaaca to atallway bajala aaaat ta fauaw aaalaumto haaa ctaeeleeeaaei motnriflu who refuse to atop look and lulen whnu approaohlng hifihway onvtitigfl over railway traxktt or other railway property and who by reuklefu driving rauae dun uge to loiouiativer cars croooln- gntw eiei- tuti j property or wuipment face tie proapeet of lieliff kami in court for whatever damage their nuhneaa may caaae anrordiug to legal ofrioers of the canailinn national railways so many accidents have ocnurred ceutly wherein driven ot motor vehinleii iiavo rraahed into the aldea of standing or moving trains tltat hurh n ntep has beoome neoetiary to plane a check on rookie driving it b ouhtomary on the part ol the public in the oate of oerldentn at level growings to consider that the automobile or other private vehicle eanoerned ban been struck by the railway train in a large proportion of recent caaes however the aroi dent has heen the other way altout the train having been at ruck by the automobile while the train web on the erosaing either btandlng or motion in such eases it is claimed unless there ore rpecial air inmstances surrounding the accident the fault rests with the driver of the automobile much property uanv age hits resulted and many uvea have bean lout through such accident daring the past year a one ease recently reported five passengers were injured when the driver of a touring car after raring a canadian national passenger train far a mile approached a level crossing at auch a speed that he nould not slow down in time to avoid crashing into the side of the train in another ease the automobile was driven into the side of the fortyseventh car from the engine while passing over the road crossing suits by railroad compan iea against automobile owners whose reckless drivingdamages looomotivea cars crossing gates or other rail way property are on record the itighest judgment on record is one where a united states railway was awarded damages amounting to 1000000 following an accident in which a poaaenger train waa wrecked by on automobile in other caaen uward were made in favor of the railways ranging from 250i to 190000 at a recent meeting of claim agenta uf the canadian national kailwai thih matter was dlntmsaed uml u paper woh preseuted which htated the pdmitirtit as follows to a curtain degree we the rail wo it are custodians of our passen gers and employees it would seem to follow therefore that where the ttt fety of thfwe passengers or era ployeea ia imperilled by the owner of un automobile or other vehicle we ought as a matter of principle and on a deterrent to others to take such action as is open to us to follow wliatever remedies we have against the offender so it need not lie surprising if in the future wltere an accident occurs through reckless driving by which u motorist damages railway property suit to recover damages ih launched against him emakreiud dame a euchre and dauce under tlie our pices of the georgetown hockey club will be held in the arena georgetown friday october uutli k mih ir from h10 to him dunning until j good mutic refreshments served at 1j oclock admission plus u tax parties wishing to communicate with m freeman please call phone 02 r 22 georgetown tr the womens auxiliary or sl georges church will hold their an nuat baxoar and sale of homemade i wking on nov 17th dont miss hearing dock lllaira piece howiian orchestra at norval united church chicken supper and concert muuduy eveuiug oct iiliu a highway safety curnpaign is now in full swing throughout on tario working on the iiw that most motor accidents are preventable the highway safety committee is asking the oo- ope ration of everybody so tint tlw determination to prevent accidents may take permanent hold upon the consciousness of tlie public the executive is composed of hon geo s henry minister of highways cliairtaan w u robekson secnv tary of tlie ontario motor league 1 p h wyjw seoreury ot the ontario safet league b j diukau chief of police toronto t marslutll secretary ontario huant at trade v uhikell hegifttrnr or motor vehicles und r m smith acting deputy ministers or highways au advisory committee comprises all editors jlvads r municipal goverti- meuth ioliw chiefs presidents or boards or trade automobile clubs and service clubs innugurutiiig tlie ciimpuign a few days ago hon mr henry htiited that people do nut realize what tlw tremendous increase in motor traffic meant and that greater vigilant a ut i caution are now nailed for it is on the individual diver that the responsibility rests wid hon mr henry when a man takes tlie steering wlinel lie in a- rauch au instrument for proteutial destruction as the mail with his finger on the trigger of n gun mr henry stated that the cam paign waa not one to continue for couple of weekh tliea stop cure needs to be used ii2 weeks in the year lie added and we intend to keep that fact continually lie fore the public kduoation we think can ooconipluh ii great deal but for those who in spite of wanning continru tj jawrmethsthe reckess driver must he removed rron our highways and he will be kept in check either behind tlie bars of a jail or by having his license to drive taken away from him the driver who is merely incompe tent we are trying to eliminate by the new system of personal licenses but it takes time mr henry also gave it as his opinion that pedeatriann using the highways could cooperate by exer- clalng greater care ho advised pedeetrains to walk on the left hand side of the roods facing the traffic remember always tliat accidents will be largely eliminated by the exercise of care courtesy and common sense concluded mr henry almost every possible means is taken to make the pnblic traffic oonaoionn radio talks are being given by leading public men and experts iu highway problems striking advertisements calling at tention to various phases or accident prevention are appearing in news papers posters are being hung garages and lilting stations hair a million atiukere witb the wordi im for care and courtesy are you v are being distributed by fill ing stations the hope is that ever motor driver will paste one of these stickers on the lower npht band corner of his windshield police chiefs heads or municipal govern ments editors hoards or trade and service clnbs also signified their in tention or cooperating this is one or the biggest drives for occident prevention ever attemp- ed stated j p rickell registrar or motor vehicles for the ontario government and a memner f the executive committee we hope to make a permanent impression so aa to lessen accidents we isslleve that we have good laws anil regula uons in addition to a rigid n forneinentof the law we want to impress care courtesy awl common sense upon mntaruu and pedestrian alike haiioummn song marjorie harrows in child life mugariuc three little witches pranced in the garden three little witches danced from the moon one wore a wishing hut ohm lurid u pussyuat one wfitit pittypat and wbinpnred a tune who glared at tlie kitten out flew an owl who stared ut tlie rest dat icing with haughty uow khcu nu tlje otliers toes down past the puiupkiu rows under his nest three little witches hlew on their- ilroomstfolu throe little witclien flew to tlie queeu overthe windy glen into the night but then the will be back again next hulloween woles si coi tub outlook suggests thia aa a suitable prayer by motorists teaoh us to drive through lire without skidd ing into other peoples business pre serve our brako linings tliat we may stop before we go too far help us to hear the knocks in our own mot ors and close onr ears to the clashing of otlier peoples gears keep al cohol in our radiators and out of our stomachs absolve ns from the mania of trying to pass tlie other automobile on a narrow rood open our eyes to tlie traffic signs und keep our feet on the brakes in the fourth quarter or the last century people when they desired to he uncomplimentary called ce wwului oountrv trurnug ot nours to the wideepntad uoaof wom itrti construction or buildings bridges sidewalks pavements etc today statesmen and conorainta with far different feelings describe tins do minion as the softwood storehouse or tlie empire and urge all canadians from patriotic as well as from busi ness motives to conserve and utilize this great resource with which a bene ficent providence has endowed the land the appalling death toll iu the province this year due to automobile accidents lias stlrrea the govern men t to action in an effort to make tlw people realize the seriournesa of the situation and to seek their coopera tion in combatting the roenien and making the highways nafer to thb end the highway bafety committee has been formed and a publicity cam paign lianbeeii launched whereby it is hoped to enlist the oooperatlon or every sensible motorist iu this safety movement it u recognized that carelessness ia in a large measure re sponsible for a majority or the acci dents on our highways and if the situation ih to be remedied car opera tors must be made to realize their re sponsibilities care and coartey will go a long way toward reducing the hazard of the highway millob obituary margaret graham rosa margaret graham ross daughter of the late wm and aun ross of esquesing township died at the home of her niece mrs hozen gra ham stewarttown on tuesday oct luth she was tlie eldest daughter or a faintly of three daughters and three sons the oldest brother duncan died at the age or 26 and the next breaks in the family was caused by the death of david ross who passed away at iiih home acton seven years ago ana mrs john stalker or esquesiug who died in june 1920 a sister mm wm thompson of acton and u brother james ross or toronto are the only surviving members of the jaruily maggie itoaa will he greatly missed by a largo circle of friends because or her beautiful christian hpirit and loving helpful life slie never was happier than when she was able to be of service to others und many helping hand she lent to those who needed help tlie news or her sud den death was a great shock to the community as site waa iu iter usual good health until sunday morning aa ahe waa preparing breakfast she was seized with a pain from heart affection which waa the causa or her death which name early tuesday morning the funeral waa lield thursday afternoon from tlie home or her brotherinlaw mr william thompson acton interment being made at mmehouao cemetery j l clark is holding an auction sale or registered and highgrade jersey and holsteln cattle at lot 16 qth line west chinguaoouay near norval cnk station on thursday october 27 th we are pleaied to learn that vr g s king who won operated upon in the gait hospital some time ago and was quite ill afterwards ia now making good progress towards re covery mr and mrs william garbutt milton ontario announce the en gagement or their only daughter lottie isaliel to mr clifford taaker son or mrs tasker mid thu late it tanker milton tlie marriage to take place quietly the latter part ot october among those noticed from outside points who attended tlie funeral of the late samuel r bews were mr henry gray formerly principal ot the milton public school col p ii deacon dr c a warren mr joint m warren mr armour haniaou mr prank barber mr aiiaon bar ber mr l v harrison mr jack robaon mrs jos harrison mrs scan ian toronto 9r ana mrs j e harrison dunnville mr j h harrison port co borne mr and mrs e j hodgson churchill rev dr c t scott mr ed morse auu mr prank dickenson hamilton- mr and mrs a ii wilhvrn ami mrs ii w kumiedy georgetown one many others reformer tlie fallowing is a brier liuineti summary uf trade iu ontario usued by thu the bank of montreal under date of oclulhid wholesale trade is witiflfactoryj re tail trade is somewhat above normal collections are fair to shxi tlw iron and hteel industries ore well employed agricultural implement manufacturers have had a satisfactory season plour mills report a good domes tin me mand but export trade contiuues unsatisfactory there i seasonal slackening in the uutcmobit industry furniture funtoriea ur busy leather prices continue tirm with u rising tendency some im provemant in the boot und shoe trade is noted cotton und textile mills am busy some rartories ruu nlng overtime and wollun mill report seasonal improvement iii demand fine weather lias prevailed and u good crop has been harvested tourist traffic this seosou bom na iled all rarmer records since jauuar 1st h227fi aixty day tourist parties entered caiutdu through the border cities which represented an increase of nearly 123 per oeut over last years tigures

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