Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 2, 1927, p. 2

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page x tllk anobortown hkrau novemlier j i id igs7 birth ndrrlktrt unil dualha urn now chanrod for nt tho follow inu rates ulrou 50c- marrtajcua 50c tuaihs roc nvoroorlal cards bor i or pr line extra for poetry born tbnnantat htiwarihwn on huiur- dy oct tulh 1027 lo mr unl mr s c tennsnt tt wm albert vlitn died kafkutv- huddenly in hlrau illinois sunday oit srd james k lftrty gu tm yurs hurled in newburg ont wednesday liivih hurvlvtrd by widow und iml diuuliler mr ii o kon gnnantiit oni huttonun saturday 2tlillliilmr 1127 st th uriicrml hfuplt al kiimu a growing industry bedrte raasjes l straavyeal wards decfrlc c mack la teauuri tut kllxabelh i o ilulton illltloll hlhltt l in memoriam bhookr in iiiviiik mumor of our little luil lllli llrunke who inlitoil th land of promise unil unlinutoil opportunity nov jib iik1i daddy und aumfi mil obituary mrs lulin itohk death cnijit hifddenlj alii eu aid widow ul the iuu john itnss who passed tiwuy at her home here tut ttmmjiiy oct will tjeccumed wan boru in oxford mich hhe ws nmr ried k0 yenn ago to tin lute john rots who predeceased her 11 enr ago bhe hrht uaiiw to curgetowu iu lhtta and with thtt exception ol a few years spent in london and uuelph has resided here ever mine of her family four daughters and one sou reibiiiu to mourn the loss of a beloved mother they an mm chorles valentine mrs leorge adonis mrs a thurston george town mr samuel kotm wnlkerville and mrs paul collwrt vnlleyfleld oue also four grandchildren two listers and one brother reside tti the statei deceased was a memlier of tlie methodist church the fun eral took piano on friday afternoon to greenwood omotory tin service being conducted by kei mr wane the pallbearers wore y green- sword george martin a gitihcmi h erwiu kd giblvcn and george adams among those froiil out of town who were present at the funeral were mr and mm buuuel kotn wolkerville mrs fatil colurt valleytieltl qua muut ailthju hohh detroit mm ada smith mm iav lira muknery urn ham mm ito roe mr and mm nixon mehxr cecil aud itrt jaw toronto mm sutler imu churrhvilli asbgrove pourtwinu in tho ardigrovc sihool iheport for uatouur iv xvern lunuth x donald mi nabb xhonut uamex xwiniufrwl wrikgunworth margaret it u i 1 h kvelyn wolali sr ill k harvey nume x i- abel alexander jr ill xjohn munabb xiohu alexander uluai hull i xmary alexander k d 1 1 h wribglcflwonh prxanguri monabb willie jlradley frwldie kiulmnlhou dolm bradley ouea markeil with aatnuk hav ihonour standi nff o christmn tfarher the ootober motiiiff or tho wi bela at tlwt home of mm m hrowu was vry interesting after tin opening exertlkea deletfatah appoint ed to repnient our brant b at the convention at toronto current event were read by mhw k karnth voeal duett wa nvm by m tirowu and mifu hrown a paper on freindulup watt given by mm w ivriggleaworth and one on friends by mrs c wilson tho not ial hour fallowed and a dainty luiilheon wuh wrved after whiah the national an them dosed uifl meeting the nov ember meeting will lie held at thtt home of mm ward hud del i on nov 15th glenwiiliams thecoit of the united chureli held a very hurceiuful liulloweun vatty oo monday evening tlmrc was a large attendance and a number of children with their halloween drees made the evemug more real the songs solos duett und gtuneh were appreciated and our otiug girln should be enooumge in uieir good work mr and mrs j hepburn v mi ted xlieir daughter mm knrr at wenton over the week end a number of our ritizctih have gontf on a hunting expedition and ave wish all of them good luck mr joraort hepburn aruj mihh xueanor hepburn of toronto iim ihe weekund at the hoimi ot then parents halloween was uduhrated uiu ltrejy thin year by tlie liuat of mu ttreeto a song service and oldfanhinncd tea meeting will be held in the ii mt d church watch for further iiar tumlaril a number of our people are unite ill at present we wihii ijumii all n speedy recovory the ijidiem aid ot the united cnarah will hold a imxaar in the baiu meut if the church on friday now 4th hot dogs tilth pond etc lunch served at oclock kveryltod welcome ithcmdh tlut miiii tif tiar reuilem w not iuiih that tine or thf luout ioudir fliilrn ninnn utamifucuiretl in inidii i ihhi prottvinnl right lnn tn t cornet tuvn wi thouuht it- uctl tith iiiuitit the in or the fact in order to yet llmt ituiul iiifonnatlnn we i ml a unit hirit wtmk ttt the llritlle lluirtlrt kltstrii coh fuc- nr iiiuitctluearthccnh htution mil wen irccnh1 rtiirprjmmt at tw tnmili ul hi- industry and tlie fpleiitlnl ninprt mil ethiking acieu horn- iwuik uiiutifucliirctl ilie trade luuirt or them cleetrii millet tt itli link the liml miree letteix st indiitg inrltrndlcy tmwunu ind vi trie vthich trod mark has been leuiriieretl in huiwu we ueie siirprituhl to note what iiiiuplete mid beautifully ctmstructthl liiunr cihtkiug equipment in being inule in this new laetory we wure inlrihltucd to the largest range they make whiili in a very tine one having a large cooking surface with liotpluieh a lurge oven und an elec tin hrelemn eiuikcr uf the ttide tin cut ie of cooking top the door paihu the entire oven anil vleetrii cnoktr ure of heavj aluniinum ti inuuh extra hng life the large tlniije of the cooker i highly polished and luu hiui a heavy insolation that food ure lupt luit for hnum if de- mired the automatic features ot thcuo muge are er interesung mdeed ami provide or tlie current shutting otf and coming on ugaiii to keep the heat at any temperature reiiulrwl other mntlelk made at this factory include a single range without the cooker ompartmeut individual and double elect ne cookers of convenient dchigu uim a table htove of large capacity the ranges do not rwjuire tlie expensive wiring yot are guaranteed to niiht every demand for speed and elllcumc m fact the oven is con- nide red one of the very fastest otl the market ho highly are thane rouges thought of and proven to be in the tests to which tvey have lieen sub- iectd tliat tlui city of ottawa lias recently purchased tuo for tliejr technical hcliools it in now becoming the fashion to have n stove which will look after itself and cook in entire safety while j on go to church shopping or hate n talk over the hack fence georgetown iu th right location ton for an electric stove plant he be the porcelain for tlie elements are mode hy j he smith 8t htonn com pany and the very finest castings procurable are made ty tju gjeorge- town foundry company wo are authoriuml to mi tliat any visitor is welcome to visit thm new industry where everything will lie gladly hiiowu and fully explained lumualkmi am mo i n lc nt of credit fodge a p am georgetown and visiting brethren torn guelph toronto klora and acton atuiiitm divine service at knox prosbyterian church on sun daj evening last and anjoyiyj an elo- tiuent aud utflpiring nenoas dativtfid l the pastor he v bra kenneth mai- lean pm after appropriate words of wel come to the olllcera aud members or crefht lodge aud visiting brethren tho speaker chose as his text the lrd and 4th ventot of the 11th chapter of geiifiis it uou a masterly discourse on tlie thriae a liujlding and ompluuixed the fact that witie gqd means that each and all slujuld he hiutdere we shoulil build for gopa bw tlwt his name may be magnified god u glorified wlien man reaches his highest influence for good in the development of character by meeting together to study his word gods program is higher than that which man sett aud we should build accord lug to his teachings building with out jod and for the benefit of self nmy be accomplished to a certain de gree but tiie ultimate result is failure god will abundantly buis all who huildiuhls name and wcaibngo usi to build tlie lodge is a pertefltly legitimate building ht frauroity does not lejul to conversion reeause the teachings of jesus aw not taught it fsannot save u inane sonl but may- help him uvea moral and better life tho lodgtr develops the social and moral life of iuau ut leaves to the church tlie salvation flf his soul that is tlie reason we go to ejkjurob lo wonthlpgod the one thing xuvulful that the lodge does not teoob it is well to have fraternity but the eternal salvation of inans soul la the import ant factor in life let us see to the town council council liul on tiieuiy evening with itecve mcllttvre in the eltnir heave near anil out hi ill or axticu- htirst kelly lleiy feller and ikcn- istet ptustml miuutorf of previous meetings tvail undcttnilniied mr h i creeliaati uddiishetl the council re biuiuesh tax which he cluimeil was overiuid council agreed to itmtk into the iniiller k it macloiigbleu made tappuca tiou for a billlartl liceinu movini h feller seconded by ahii enhumt ihat k it maclouglilen u gruntnl a pool and billiunl ilieiihe to lie governetl by the town b law i ov- ermgthe mime carried a bylaw uuthuriiug the issue of detoutnros tor 2mhw to cover lialuuiu of waterworks uxunsionwuti read the nuuhsari number ol times uad iuksed other business pertaining to tlie sate or the cork ndlu mid re building of georgetown foamlry wev tic- ensued at some leilgtb the by law fixing the datf of the mhtiicipnl klmttion wa passed aud a nuuilier of ucodntn onlcretl paid after which council adjotirtihl nrcmil lliti cluirdi the georgetown firemen attettdetl public womhip in the baptist church on sdiiday evening oct tilth the pulpit was decorated with autumn leaves ami luihy mums itafore tlie sermon mr nixon cole the thoir leader uaiig gotl will take care or you und following the sermon was aduetbymm f ie watson and mr cole key a n frith preached oi fires o fight and fires to peed from two texts quench all the firey darts of the wicked ami quench not tlie bpint ifo referr- el to tlu enormous loss sustained especially iu panada through fire many of these were due to tamless- ness and poor tire protimitioui the citixens of georgetown are under obligation to a lody of prompt skilful and heroic firemen for frequent and excellent service we all respect and appreciate our flreuieu fire is a friend as well us a foe so that in the scripture ire is used as a symbol of itoth evil aud good tho mowing darts mentioned in the first text refer to temptations coming to human desire and kindling them to destructive passion if not u prevised there are carnal desjres for nn purity for pleasure for revenge for power and popularity for worldl gain that easily iwcoine consuming tires in the suul destroying charac ters the shield to queueh these tires is fajtbin god on thj posftive side the hull tire of love is to bo kinjiled jpon the deuiipleu at pentecost tho ijreof jod same down and rested upon each ns tongues of haines tliat was the hie of tlie spirit to he cherished and never quenched tliese were the coals of fire they were to heap on the heads of enemies and melt them into penitence and ove the gnat mains of kindling this tire from heaven are prayer meditation and worship upon tlie altar of old tlie tire of aevotion and reverent was kept burning continually then must be wjtb us an everlasting tight against the tires of ovjl and a constant care given to the hnjj ftrp of reverence and loviiig kinduesu on their return to the half the tiremen passed a hearty vote of hanks to kev mr frith for hi very able an inspiring sermon prizes awarded la cmaedlm wilt auu scfcml fain wi rauc saealdaa aa4salhaf cmicsis crfetowa awl mtwd lllalt- lerui uwdahm electtm itthecrs imluing of our eternal city aooorks l viu nbutjallyof tlia littil plan or the mat jnlll l bohool w urouglil out alio slewarhown ruby tennant daughter of t and mrs h c tennant stewart town who has been calung treatment at the sick chi wrens llaupitul tor tmto returned home on satunla much improved in health mm card of thank aty convey our sincere thanks if iiilio foruwjr many ynimlhy mujkuki to immvamallt by uu cluatb ti mother tb late urn fimily wit ihat it may fiever lie defltroyth anil all hud a plarr tlulo tliu hiuhiiui antluinu ly tli ubolr and tlio nolo by mm thornliil of mt porent werfi muili appreolaunl ami en joi uli tliclr return totua ijudju rooma wonihipfiil mawter waltiir fjawaoo unil ohiihirti resumed their respeouva latlllllh anil a voui of tlumka wan panned in hev ilia kenneth man ijcan lor bin very able urmou and to tlin i lioir toi llivlr hplendid muiun auionu theyjujtinc itretliren frolu out of rouii were if w- hrom t c wanlley ultuu klora geo kunittiy chw 1 uoullen wm w 1 jlilhiii wm t huuik w m hpeed lodge fiuelphi j a ia- lie pm w m cooper pm an ton it k millm uia seey harold arthur im klora o h quthria wm pariidau haixe toronto ilttri the four highest scores for moil lay night shoot at the armouries were as follows f spires 111 m cummins 108 a hurkhohler 104 e llouu v the hrst njaetiuu of the atwjvc as iiociation was lutld itsl mqiiilsy pot 31st at 2 oclock in tlui anglican sunday schoolroom with iu clergy present opening prayer was led by rev a n mokinnon norvul after which omcers were electetl for the ensuing year the rev a n frith moved and dr dlakia seconded that kuv kenneth mclean be president whioh motion was unanimously earned the key p h wase was appointed secretarytwaswrer hd the follow ing nominatihj for the program me committee itev a c m tew art ac ton ilev n ik mckiniion norval and tlie rev a n frith the execu tive committee of the association were elected as follows the rev p a sawyer acton tlie rev cald well liroehouse and captain hiltz a yjery excellent paper on splritu ul lite iu ttn sunday school was given by ur uiukiu which led t oonsidarablajllsoursiou of a ludpful character thi ilulton county hchcil fair ehaiapiouship publiti h peaking and spelling eoiiusbt were held in the town hall milton on friday evening lutt a gootl aiidleme greelml the shak- urs ten in all vll the spechtw were of a high order and inspector luiyeh hud to use many caljihy wordt i lore forcing all the hielmg cmihstanu tn their wain thv winner ot each eoulent was preseutv i with a silver medal suit- abb engraved while tlu second aim third in each group received a hiutilur medal in hrunc cliampionxhip public speaking contest 102 girls and hoys 10 yearn and under nt j it jcwctt s a nn r trufulgar hubkut a holiday trip und hill snow s h no j kstjues nig hubjeet the big uwiin trd gregory reid h h no i nahuaga- weyu miihycl fun girls und iwiys over 10 iears 1st marj tfpence khubject htay iug on the farm nil ruby kl- litit hs no it nahsagaweya sub itwt the grandeur of ijiihjc jlrd john shurey subiect country life iu caunila in tlie thirties itli ruth anderson k subiect can- oilu ath lloyd campbell s s no nassugawea subeit the home oth florence ampbell s h 0 nussagaweya subject per matioii of habits 7th jean booth s h 1h trafalgar subject holi day s championship spelling nmisttitiou 1st katharine iewarrtmmn 0 milton und helen peathcrstmc s s u nelson inl john shorey room 11 milton 4th omar vuuickle s s 1 nassagawoa 5t haiold jcwitt s h f trafalgar itli margnnt peer s s 0 nelson aster tlie spelling contest mr w j bowman ou behalf of the t eat on co presented the eaton cups to the pupils taking the highest number of points iu their respective school fairs the winners were as follows nelson school pair joe pellet- terto h s 17 nelson trafalgar jean booth s s iu trafalgar nassngaweya ruby elliott s s ii nussagaweya hornby mary speuce nelson und trafalgar esquesing voma murray s s 11 emiueslng milton john shorey mi fton bronte jean gilbert bronte palermo roy tovell pa lermo burlington jean hyslop central school burlington norval james brown norval following this the shields won by the various schools were presented by miss l petty who judged the new- lug aii the linking at the school fairs nobsagaweu pair the shield don ated by the township council wan won by s s no h nossagaweya john resole teaohor nelson township fair shield dan- ated by w w cline was won by s s mo ii nelson miss annctta huff man teacher estiuesing fair the hag donated by the womens institute was won by s s no 11 miss vera m ii una teacher hornby school fair shield won by s s no 4 ksquesing miss nor ma g peacock teacher trafalgar school pajr shield don ated by john wilson was won by b h lfi trafalgar miss gladys k mecleary teacher milton school fair shield won by room 9 milton public school mr j shorey teacher the bank of toronto cup for the school winning tha largest number of points per pupil at the champion ship fair was won by s s 15 tra falgar miss gladys r mecleary teacher lahujajflh cmicit the examples ol such men as jack miner cod bury wanuamakor etc given iu typical products of the sun day school the next meeting of the associa tion will take place on monday december 12th when the rev ken neth maoloan will give the address ami outline tlie topi for dicuxsioii cumrafs jim sdrty b hr 0tkar appliuationa for children 1 children involved 14 coiuplajnta reoelvixl h inveatlgatioio mada u mall reoelvod 60 mail aent out so mileage approximately sho ofiloe interviewa i court attendanoe fi wanla heard from 3 warda planed 3 wanla viidtad 1 legally adopted u parenta proaaeutail 1 boys in the milton ahelter 7 oirla in tlie milton alielter a we ahall ha pleaaeil to receive ap plinationa for any or theae line iwyu mi 2 yean to 11 yean w 11 buwarl tlie ilulton county koyal judsjns content took place iu milton on friday hut fourteen hoyu took part tlie homes wero judged at clarence uuubya ifeef cattle and alieop ut joe wilinottem and dalo cattle und awine at wm mar- ajiaira the ppultry tunitpa pota- toe wheat oata am alfalla need wem judgeil at the ijepartiueut othce tlie ten imuh who get the free trip to toronto are name addrewi total poinla 8s0 cure wilson ltlt 4 milton 711 roht pellettenn aah 104 llruoe teoailale uk freeman 000 james horn rk 3 georgetown 084 mua faatherstoue kreaman d74 harvey pettit hk 1 freeman 171 rtarris llell uk 1 freeman 071 houglaakmermm freeman 036 oordorfatniiw caiupuellville 020 rtuam koiwrthou it it milton 6jll milloa miss ibma m llciidimou siimiriu leiidentol tlf cbildieut ilmpital milwaubii u in win tiiumtd wtcnt t4irytriahiir id the childrens ii tn ph4il asxtmiatinu ol america at the ilmiuu hesniou of the annimtiatloil ut miuiieuimiliri on friday miw htm tlemou n a tladglitcr or ihe lute mr and mm tboiutu llciiilcrwni of mil ton mm e wilkinson conrl st has received uotite from the exiititor of the estate t a relativ e u ho thud re ccutly al hpnnglleld mass that she has lwen lmtiieathetl a share in the entile- the uuinuiil ih imliiwetl to in rdimmi her relative a eoiislu never mairiel uml was a parlour iu ore uf the largeiiuloiiiobile uiuhu fat tilling iompamch in the united hlattth he was uiho president of a gold mine company and repuntl in be very wealthy tin htnue iesnliiice owned by milton w clements farmer uhmif thrw miles south tti milton in nid sun iiiwnthip wiit iimtroml by lire uihhii tlmt nelocu on monday afuir immiii tin- atiuc id tlie blae is a mystery ii mviiiu lo litit ongiuat- en in the kiuheu atittiu the bri- g ule uuule a fast run to the scene i cit ihe llaufot wen tteyomj eoiitrol wen the titviileu arrlvisi fhe etui tents of the lower vbury ucrt havwi but nil that was upsuiim was hut mr clement h estimate the loss at ft4rno wiimii it pirtlv covered by insuraiii e champion electrical detective reveals culprit vdli uve sua sale briafs kecah crw the attendance at the annual live stock sule at the ontario agricultural college last thursday was a record one prices on the whole iwing satis factory the total sales amounted to approximately 8000 the top price 100 was paid for a year- old female with calf at foot by charles i atkennf fergus bauuer- nian a 7 mouths old hull was sold to george kerr of ethel for 10 tlie average price rwvived for itwd cattle was for females 141 mules 91uh for dairy cattle females 4141 malesi 70 a0 j a mckniu- of george town paid the highest price for dairy uattle 2 for king tortella the best price tor females was 185 fat cattle ut e raged 10 rents a pound ten sheep a vera get i 21 80 ami lir swine hold for a total of 2 708 an average tn a litle m ore than 28 dr a p link psychology instructor tiusy flslmt i ho nultt for a denp dark tb alrl at his hft is guilty of a prarranlctl uum orlrne otto of his etudents 1 rommry mr i i hopulns standlns of the itell tele- pbone laboratorlns optraus un slfctrlcul sti4hopeni ulilch transmits to an audience of 1000 the hnartb uf the witness as she is as led pertinent questions tonrernlnjr tile crlmf the heartbeau of the wlt4ut julcktm percepllbly tli other apparatus vkown prcvltl rcords of nthrr reartlmis caused by the inward emotion ot th wlliwis no matter wbst control sbe xrclss over nln oi evpresxion the now york electrical society before wblcb tu xprlmut sun oooducied pralsid bltihly ihe ucrlt of thn tclcphono scleatiits in developuv the delicate inslruments sbsrlock llolmaa today might find liimhch outflhcrlockxhl by iioctor wouon with an eteetrleal itatiaoa scop notice to creditors i vke hattar t tlui hum aljuaum h jaaluaa lat al luj taw ff what ii wrong wtr tbt tea if thi quartlon it vr abed at tha tabla you mar find that tha taa you ara aalng waa in a poor package careful axparlmanta h a proven that aluminum i tha only fit paekaga to imp good taa in you ahould tax ftad roaa xa nd a lak fraah and brfak and pw jt la in ht alumluuin pak- imp when your bell rings personal service ifatle la hereby given that all per- 1w vtali laleji died on or about sens aaalnst t the late jamea h demand jadtaon who the eevefith day of sanuimber 1927 at the town of georgetown in tha county of halton and province of ontario are required to etnd by pott prepaid or to deliver to the underalgned eoheltore for rebecca a hock the executrix or the last will and testament of jamee h jackson merchant deceased their nanus and addressee and full particulars in writing of heir chums and statements of their seeountu and the nature of the eecuri ties if any held by them an take afaslaa that af ler the sec ond day of december 1s27 the said kcbccca a buck will proceed to distri bute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto hsvlna regard only to the claims of which ahe snail then have had notice and that the said habeeea a buck will not be liable for the said assets or any pelt thereof to any person of whose claim she ehall not then have received notice datedet tieorgetown ontario this second day of novomber ad 1927 culk thompson sbllcitora for the said at rebecca a buck wo isrlaje ver choice hardwood reach and usple 4qq par aiogle cordi cholct hsrdwoad isbe txli per single iord mixed rels axoo per sloele cordi mixed wood 150 per single card this is all good sound dry wood and al these pricea i good buying satudsctloa gusrsn sedej ursndford box 490 phone us 4 qsoraslown erwingodhams meat market fcwsth killed prime steer beef spjrlns lamb milk fed veal and young pork veal calves and chicken wanted get the best phone no 1 fxsh fuh velry triamy apalss waata a quantity of apple wsnlnl will psy f 200 per barrel for apple to be picked and delivered to the glen all sppus to be graded 1 snd 7s glen company gumwllllams i h anise woman will gqout nursing by day or w y oj boa 13f phone 343 fieorge- n tl w packe in a redrose your grocer knows when you order red rose orange pekoe you are a judge of fine tea i house for rent house to rent i tttii tunnue tonvcnicnee on haiti htrect fcorgittowu niiuieiliate pinsesiuoii 1000 mr mouth j a aberdeen i estat brekar avasfaall avhan tho bell en your telephone rings somebody has a personal message for you it tnaant that vcmeene is making use of aprmoiin ruiiimmf which we have provided and that ha has secured connection uith the pr tonal fqutfuiieitt reaching you more than this he has secured tho fterunal ute of the necessary connecting equipment in a central office and the ftrruutii jtivcfc of one or mere wen bun opera- lor whim you ore talking with him you are using hundreds or even thousandu of dollars worth of telephone equipment and in order that this equipment may uhayn he ready for your personal use it is closely watch d tested checked ita ft firrmnm rrytos jewellry gifts are gifts that last asaasaasaa4aaaaaasafsva how many of the aid you have given during ihe pail few year are atill being admired and cher ished today think of the pleasure in giving omething that retain ila worth it beauty and charma fur a lifetime we have many lovely creation in ring brooches and watehe to how you you take no riak in buying here every article guaranteed a rep resented a b willson neil u laid medmsm cmtyeiira what makes a town a prosperous rural population whu h tlemantu a t nnunuiiii leire where nut be estahhshetl husinehm edueatinual ivlignni mil eniertnuuient fiuititms where these hounuh and ure nt live it it safeittsnruiw- that the iteonle of that section rcahze ami uppreciate i he v alue to ilnuu tit ut h a centre what maintains it the towns are largely niaintaiuihl lt the mirrtttniiliu iltxtruts hut the or gamzatluii the direction and i tin rcu uieihiin he up keep id the institution in such towns are in the hands or ihe lniiouets inien-ti- tttethcr with those directly or indirectly onuettetl thenwnh wiilmui the active liusiuths und profesainual men to hupemtv antl govern them- iiihli takiugs nn town eoutd thrive iiittiiuliimi- and uudei- who is mainly affected livery citizen either ui or ulum luu n they do tluur part in arriug mv either by tinaueial or ut live support aud develop at it should dniilld lie i tiineruetl in heuig to it that phi nin uhnh uuy ii promoted inh to tin i ua will inj itiwn prosper- publicity required lu proluntlon nru jiiui lalail luui lltf hmiling lull it l cut thn harapinn ol inli i iiiim ami iliilaiiilirpi mil piiinoun iituldrtoklnga hut to fuilflloli pmlnrl und lull mrrj nut ii- n luiil luvrogiil neii it must ut turn ltav- tlie ll or the luuiiiiiiniij n w hen umling udvertlning nr prinnil nutter ulus llnl think 1 the georgetown herald

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