pk tlllt ofolioktow br bald iwfftnlmr utli 1097 births marriage and deaths are now chargvd fi ut the follow rut rates i births toc marrlaflos 60c aleatha 60c trm mortal cards fof lot par line extra for poetry born mixonlri4rfrtwrimi ilei loth 1927 in mr ami mr percy luhmi h daughter dud jacijouamoit ivremhir ulli 1127 ut her laie residimce ftj mutr koad haul maramrtt jniliuiii widow of the lute louiirhlin muulmiirill hlstor of iw late ftuliurd iridium of kaqueshiir mmmoriam louhku in lovlnu imtimrj nmeun mwtl wife ol l itoiiiuti t imlur whadiad liav ilih ilk sadly mliiirtl and lovingl r hhiiiim r d by the famtl tirch obituary willium linn u an im mid rijhi ted i hlii r jeorgelown in the person til wilhiiiu it in liy patounl ami ut tin- tiniiii ol inn hrofhei chit le it itvunnl hiu fii iih llfirimtl nil- a toil of tin lute iriin ii in 1 1 ami wan uurfi in it iritoun on tin lmih ol fbriuirj lkfc mi renled in town and vn iniiv dutiiik hit iitire life waking m i nmmul hiihim trip to the utul ami on1 uimit there to reside with iih brother lust iulv him witif died on tin hthof augiixt 10jr tlu late mr himiii look i keen intereitt in mnnuipal fitfuir mid hrnl nerved ah i ennui illor for uniue yearn having put m hi riwlgiiutinn on touting or tin- hhhi list julj he wuiu uicinlier ol fit rrtnhttiiin churuh for miti eim hut joined the united chureh ut tin- time or the union mid uiim n tuithful utteiidunl it thp herviots hi wa the hint hut one of iuh faunl mr churleii bur clay of ilewurd hank being tliuonlj mirvivlng member the funoml took place on sundny lant u len a largelj uttmidod twrvlce oiidui ted b ifov dr iicua aamnud hi itiv dr john pringle was held in the uniuid church nfter whtuh the leimum uere interred in lireenuood cemetery lie- wide those of hu beloved wife the pull hearem uure mnjor donald mi in tyre itouve m l noar couuuil- lor john d kully councillor l k doniflnp mujor jrint and o t mc kay ainonu tho from outof town pnwnt nt the funeral ucro mr c h harlwr mr kric llarbtr mm mi- juopd toronto mm mattlieu mr and mru alliii matthtn hhiuiuou mr d itoberthon w i dick and vt j kittle milton stewwltown the annual meeting of st iohn little helpers wan held on the lnt of december aftar a meeting of the w a at mm itailyn home de plte the fltormy day there wan u good attendant after opening the meet ing with a hmn aiid prayer minn karan mulenn hpolcn to the olnldren ahoat the children in china first the boys and girls in the i itiex of china aid then the ho and girln in the country and inland dihtriet miftt mclean i a er pleasing speaker and having spent nearly all her life in china was aide to give ehe oluldreu very real pictures of uhineue life she alao sang to them 4 loveu me in chine all joining in the chonih in knglmh rev mr bod iwing preneut also spoke to the rluldren and i iowmi the meuung there were 4 inumlierh for the year 1w27 and the offering in their juito ijovm auiountod to- lfi7a the meinhem of the v nerieil hupper five uea memhem joined the titewarttowu w a held a naioeaaful sale of home luking on baturday in the count il chamlier the udien were juite pleaxed with rronlbi the luile is to he jmi ked on friday at mm trni jn home glenwiihams on tlillruluy ttviiiltitf liiat llut hiftulmr til tw kftuml ikruiu llullil wtiv kltii hlipihr ity tit oraliu lulllf lor tlmlr hub hiiiiwiiik ut mil utn w luni tluty m4lvl hmt prim for i hi- imit kv ttt mill drum hand tlif inimii wlnitli wuh norvpd in tli yowu hull ttiln kntl unjojivd liy lbo liniil mill tup lioyh muili nbort wnru ol mi fxumtlitlbiv lwinit4oitu iiihm mr i maru wm in i few will uliiuii wonln enmpliliwuunl thi lmj tliilr linn ullowiliif anil lmuil tin would mill utay tofptlinr uiiil liilp tliiin in llm futilix tlio innuii ill wliitimm rtiulfittl liy mihjim itcrl nnd fnaniili marulniwtlt w im vnry mnrk iiptni iate i tlif iiiiiftiniltr r tlifl oviiiinu wnn hpmit in atnlii mill unmii mtv koht hill nnd muw kal hill hiwnt the uvult end at the home ol mr mid mm kil hill toronto mr uml mm ii c cauiplwll und on ilnliliy mr o ilrooke r toran n iit hiiuiliiv at tin- liomn of mr mil mm jan mundunent lrlmnil hepburn minuet uoriii mil klittnor elcplillrii or toronto tipliit tlio xiitu iiiii nt their hnine lien mr infli iraliam mr ienriie cnnper uml mr clot niotured t on li iwj mid uiient tlio week end mint m kimwi iipent the weelt end uitb frloniu in anton unr tiundny ueboolh ure liuny prau hinu tor their entertainment mr lauio mnrcellui who liuu been i untitled to bin lien for koine ueeltu in lowly improving dont roruot the uniteil tlinmb entertainment on dei inhh censetom aai bblrld uliu- iflrlal jumdallm the monthly meeting of the above auhoetntton wan held on monday lait doiembur ltb in the anglican sun day school iloom the rev ken neth mantead prenident ooenpied thn uhair tliere were eight member pretunt communioations were rtv ieived from neveral member who weru nnuble to get to the meeting miiiuuuof tlui lout meeting were read nnd eonhrmnl the rev dr dickie then took the uhair and called upon the preiddent to give the paper lie had been asked to prueot at this gathering the rabject dealt with by mr maclean wan a mlniiter in the making and it woe very ably and forcibly presented to the awuxjiatlon jiy him comiderable diuuuion took pliu e of a helpful nature the following taking part the rever ends a n mckinnon n 0 gan- dier it i boyd f h vvaae h dn kie lieut clarke and capt hilu nett meeting of the auoelation v ill lie held on lanuary tth 1028 csrhm ctafc news the georgetown curling club luut once again utrack ita atride far another neaaon of fast snappy games the now omcers are up on their toes to make a suooess of the coining year and judging by the lntert display ed all or the members are working for the same end it looks as if the membership this year will he a teeottl the club rooms are unw open the heat in turned on and there are corde on the tables it is hoped that the members will make use of the roomn during the evenings there will bo a meeting ol tlio kxoeutive committee on thursday d ember lfith 1027 at 8 oolotk pm all memliers are welcome at thin meeting competitions and mem bershin will be discussed card of thanki i wish to thank the members of the georgetown fire brigade for their prompt actios in sverflnst tyfcat mliht have been a vsrysarieus fire when the tove pipes eaught fire at my heme on north main street tost tuesday even ing a c robinson the walvatiq1s army j chrislmas entertainment v in the town halt oeomobtowh tuesday december 27th 1927 at 8 pm sorujh keautioiu uialoguvk etc featuring a chrlitmaa pageant by thirty players from urampton chairman major utcelliney of toronto caama aail saaatl as aajaymua twa liaara aialulm lit tldtebu sale al wraasttteilraj sare radio westinghouse batteryless sets a we invite you to call at our showroom or ask for a demonstra tion in your home j n oneill son mmell cetrfctowr 8t ccartc mlnlrdi dlgm ivfc kmmtmttt mt ieorgeh miiihthdm and llur luouy oreheatru wirt- greeted liy full houm1 at the town hull lattt thum- day uml friday ulghtm their pre vlouu piforttunio hml won for them a reputation w hid it wih well huutuiu- ed on thin oeeanlon the fun ataruwl on the arrival of tlie train an the cur tain went up and continued until thw hinging of the national autltetu the utage netting wan exeeptiouully line tlie full man eoauheii whieh uonvejwl the eampuy to the wene of action look ed like the real thing and were the product of the kduardrfhaiiudem car nhopa the elionikeil hy the entire i oiu pany the nnappy jokei and witty nayingtr hy tlie end men theaoloa hy uemlient of tlie rorapany and tlie election hy harmony orehefttra un der the able leodewhip or mr laek thumpwii eouhlned to make a pro grotti of raelosiy and mirth that de hghteo the large aiulienceu utlioth perform auceri tiiome who sang nolo during the program were meiuim hurry kale look thotuimnu c i cole w f hradley k w cole and r ii thompaon a monologue by mr lank haundern and a uketeh h metam t s wilrion and f d cole produced many hearty laugh the oeleeliomj hy l f greenwood ofnorval were exceedingly well ren dered and muoh appreeiauhl h all preaeut the end men and able jnkeumithh of tlie oneiinion were c 1 cole t b wiloon w f hrodlej w v grant hoy kilwardtf l crh htou and all took their partn well mr r wollaeo made an exeel- lent interlocutor mm xv f bradley won the cap able aeoompanut for tlie aolointh yar icetrs year is iwal briaumin with 8fi miles of additional rural hydro lines constructed during the banal year just closed the ontario hydro commission has hod the busiest season of lu career in re spect of effect to get power and all its attendant home uomforu and services to the former and his wife is rural ontario according to hydro omcern who have just completed tlie computa tion the years work record is even better than the b7smo mark be cause there are itretchea of primary lines started in the 1927 uscal year and now in course of i ompletion just after the close or the year on oct hint there is to be no letup in this branch of hydro endeavor whloh in in tlie hands of a separate depart men of hydro engineers and elec trical experts every commission meeting sees new applications from rural oentres under discussion and approved prom present prospects it seems certain that the 1028 lineal year will exoeed even that of 1027 in the measure of mileage of hydro extensions into farm districts con structions should easily exceed the 1000mile mark in 102v chard news st georges church fourth sunday in advent 8 om holy communiou 11 am holy communion choral anil sermon by the rector 7 pm evensong and nermon by tlie hector corporate communion of 1023 and 1028 confirmation classes united church rev or dickie afill preach next sunday morning the 18th inst on the gospel a message to what is universal in man and to what is peculiar in every man and in the evening on who is jesus baptist church christmas preparatory services rev a n frith will preach on sun day morning dec j8th on christs lower hrth and man itorn of god evening subject christs coming and the new estimate of tlie work of msr the salvation army sunday 11 am holiness meeting i pm company meetiug 7 run sal valion meeting monday 7 am young people meeting tuesday 7 pm cuout parade wednesday 8 pm mid week sal vation meeting tlie salvation army will lie glad to call for usable cast off clothing for distribution purposes drop a line to bos 404 amtllttuaa die annual meeting of the haltou plow mew auaoiatiou will be held in the fannerv club room milton tiiee llec jou at j piu all in- urwtad are invited h willi l a andrew ireflideut meeretary chrintmaa upeoial cigar pi pen tobacco and nmokera nupplle at re duced prioea jt a nioe box of cigant or toliaooo for your smoker friend all kinds at hughle and mnllonuldrt mill rt georgetown eufavftaatat hay uu bala talma the farm department at the on tario rjiforroatorj is eonideriiig the advisability of dipoaing ol the herd of hobuein dairy cattle owned by the institution at guelph aiul replacing tnera with rhorthorm which in ad dition to providing the reformatory wth an adequate milk ftuppl would eventually provide stock fit for beef purpoaee the present herd cpnslita of m holwteinii a breed that it hard to improve on for dairy purpoam but one that is of little uw for ivnf the aim ot the farm hupeiintendent u to breed utility animal that will produce both milk and beef qualities that are found in the shorthorn m service to ule un atf- liwlm on siimho morning hint at 10 ovionk tiic hm ul it y hehool ut knox frtwliv lerliui cliunth georgetown held a memorial tnrvie to i m- notuomu the departure of the lute mm ii i ctuurum who on iwe 70i left tlie loiu pan ioi whip of many de voted friend h on earth for the higher friendship und the more exulted mr viee of the world uinterii the xervioe wum npened b hinging koek of agttn ufur whloh the mu ptaln undent mr fl ilurrison reild un appropriate uerlpttire leaaon fwwn itev au the uddretw wuh given by the kev k mueuiiu who after recall ing a few or tlw maii ualltieu of taind und heart which uhurxutrized mm veawuon iiupremsed upon the muhool the letuoim taught by the ub- aeuue of hm devoun teuolier h be lie vwl that ionntaut narrow wtiu not in harmony with the- highest chnutiun ehultmiuy that a glud heart wok intended to tie maiin nor mal londitlon thpufh pitriiulh of tior row were inevitable a bwoiiii le hou wis that wenthouhl not con u taut ly yonwi for the return to ui on earth of bur ilepurteil dead neither hliould we unduly long fur the ejiu of thin exintenr in dnler o lie with thoae who have gone itefore at the coiniuaion of thu uddre mitu mnrguret 5inlougal repreuent ing the cob rlatu plaoal upon the wall the in mciiioriam while mish lean muekenzie another metulier of tlw ulnwi nffeetinnately and reverent ly read theu appropriate wohih to her who taught thiu clmw for twelve yearn to whom eneh or tlie girls of the vhihfl wan au n daughter and who wait intereated in all wn did whether in ehiireh ut work in rohool or at ploy she won ever young with un a living example of christian aervbe and a christ like lire we tlie cob clans plnue tlila in loving memory of our teacher mrs h 1 lawson her ohildren nhall arise up und call her blcwed tlie herviot idoaed with tlie ung ing of mrs lawuon favourite hyran jwiun i am rm ting renting in tlie joy of what thou art i am finding out the greatnetw of thy loving heart wamois awdlury the animal meeting of st georgea w a took place on tuesday dee oth 1027 oftscero elected were as follows honpreflldent miu wase president mrs cos tell lit vioopreh mrs denioon lnd vicepres mm groat seeretary mrs feller treasurer mrs e thompson supt h rranoh mrs u adams supt j itraunb mrs n cooke supt girls auxilarj mrs t smith w t 0 mm knight k c mm iawb rectora rep mrs k l wilson rdof management mrs d l herbert choir matrons mm knight and mrs iaws organist miss wane plower convenor mrs w v grant hupt of hale miss godfrey vihltiiig committee mm grant mm kirk mis kelly mm farmer mm k thompson mm denison mrs itedshaw mrs cooke mm com iter mm meguigan correspondence to whom it may oonoern an there lias been conuiderable talk about roe getting milk from my brother mr s kirk i wish to state that it is given to me and that i am not buying unpasteurized milk mrs m k pann to those who talk and talk and talk this proverb should appeal tlie steam that blows the whistle will never turn tlie wheel m atjrfc 3br christmas kodaks su brownies mxll varcleu uoiietries shaving bols ttl00 lavender water 100 llrilliantlne in ulnsn howl lmi ilathsalu 100 llatb tablets iwx to lavender compact 100 mens sets 200 and 3oo lilies sets 1iu to a io the ideal gift christmas gift suggestions the chrtstmaa saaaon la with ua and wiui it the prablem of giving we present below aome suggeetiona which we hope may solve some if not all your gift problems our mer- chandiae is new and our prices are right compacts reuaud with rettll 1w melha hove compact 10 melba loom powder 110 melba triple vanity 2m ariola compact 711 and others perfumes exquisite preuuh and kugllh perfumeit in dainty christmas boxes 25c to 800 refunds lnbentia toilet sets a complete toilet set in hlack satin glass 2400 xaus wrappiifs asd dewajitts tslhttit rissue paper per sheet lo denison heals 10s other seals 8a tinsel cord 10c greeting card jo to mo each parker pen and pencil sets ulm stationery olft boxes liy uage warwloke and rutter and katon crane und pike 25c to 350 pane shaw chocolates the candy par kxnellenoe 75cto350perbox cuukss hlilak sse smokers sifts silver ash trays soc to ai50 smokers sets 200 to s00 civio pipes lso t 260 other pipes hoc to 250 cased liners 100 leather tolianeo pouches 20c to 280 clgantte cases 2so to 200 thnreii lighters 1m to fl00 und u i oraplete range af tnhaoios gam cigarettea and smoker- 8utt- dris in xmas packages buy at wraggettes drug stored the store gifts