Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 21, 1927, p. 1

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the georgetown herald siixtv hkconi vkak ok pohmuation smrcatown wednesdmy evenlnar december 21st ib 2 7 10 par annan in advance f 100 to ub thegeorgelown herald j m moou rakiuiur ui trwwuto suaw cuuua wklr m usfw tl tkl uoimo kabt iaaaeuger 723 4tn paeeanger 03l ata laaaenger 101ham mail 1200 pm puiattuwr 4o0pra iu1i a fl82 pm hwmir 8xapm passenger sunday 7 31 pta 001 wo wkbl wall 740 atn puuiitl- s68 xrd passenger 1028 aw passenger 818 pan unit 480 pra peaeetiger 60a pm putttiltr 700 ptn wniiit bnndav 1024 ro uo1n0 noutll mull a h6 am mail o 486 pm u01ho sootu mail n23 ui hell m0 qm tmrnum lutmul btettrie imttwaya smta sawswie taauwev kabvaoohu webtbodnd dally dully yveia 78s ain vela ho a tmoa 719em nol- 4 0js7uni a llk7nwi 187 pm 10 887 pb 11 887 pm 14 787 pm m 887 pm ib 1188 pm t3j rtriartrhbrsriiniorni sundays i am it 1 am 7 lbs pm 9 885 pm u sbslpnl 18 788 pm 16 986 pm 17 1208nm jt- t jesj westbound leaves qeorqetown for guelph k1tch en eh stratford st marys london and intermediate palate daily at iil40 aws mao bub amorss xsaturdaye sundays and holi day up to and lliehidlng jan 1st laaveeatoio pm east bound leaves georgetown for norval toronto and tateriaedlate pointa daily at fuoajb m 7t0 fm isaturdays sundays and holi days up to and including jan at leaves at 040 pm wtormatioh uefllbboni hotel or norring- toaa store oeorqetowtj 1ho ooa0h lwn ltd raulnatabr vomiti wauulmwbmt directory dau tsnno georgetown ontario tstay bala jalua a ikesapsaa oavesasing bldj mill bt a urn barrister soucusr etc oalm mui st oeorgelowa hears 9am lo s p m oaea walaaaday and saturday availing uiabukw a wioow gllll-lr- allaltaa h atary fnklla nraiscstaau mtoat- wwun hours 9 ass to 5 pm qeea wedaeeaay and saturday evaem atadtaal osoar of haalth in eequealng toananlp 4mtaa haara a ta aad t ta 1 a oaue aaa bisusan mala straw eaaa oaaaatta stasturtarlaa charea w c tr i phyalelaa and surgeon mill strsm oaoraatowo paona 32 kahaaan surnaa oraea hoanltau to oavaai da o v pkyaidan and 8ortaon oooar of haalth oaorfatown and baaldanea quaan st south hourat10ab lsandupm alaa by appolntmant bjl miramaami ha ear noat and throat 8padallat t oaamatown wadnaaday saturday uara7 pb till 9 pm or by appoint- mantglaaau bunpuad oaw at mini maubama mala st homa phana 107 r 6 wl watioksu noa jjmua luial a baaapt yantaday aftaamaaaa y r l hiatm loa oda v oaaaa ta lana maim ana asar aartl at omalir oarrtaaa vaatary haam a a aa ta 1 a am ate uahmohtu twarlaary surgaon lank i lavt al w taa aasat e maea cklranractkauy la 0 umammw tat ofclaapa paiaaavmaafaaia ifttaail oaacaaaattaornaliraoaraia waaaaaday a suardayjio i otawsay aad kaura by a phaaa i6ta raaldaaca ii limiaaaa ram ii tuaadar aad masattakftai liiihtinat 14 ulirsi al hand m ull hii muir uml ittmrli honsti it in the wlwou til htm a tally mem men t mil optii heart tdnihi tint aid jwir irupannu lilic mi tinolout pbiltho ilr to call hit tri-ntl- iinimul lum uiul uuiuluttlu uouitj yt t flint i ni and rivilrj to juihh ifyntl mil rnliuli iiwh and tuiimmm ikuhhi uri the hvurtii tu wldcu clmai man hrlntfri u brief waann of happiiiciut jmd onjoymcul how many fuinilitti wbtw uumlittt huit ivon dupernml nnd wat- tortml fur mid widy hi tlio nrntlenn htrtiufflnh or life an then rw uiuud and meet anet nyain m that h tippy xtatfl of oorapanmn iliip and mutual qohlwtli which m a uouroo of hucii pur and unullnid delight and una ho ineoutpatiblp with the nana and hurruwn ot tlw world that the ruligiouri udief of thft uiot ftvi iiihi nations and the rude traditions of thp roujlunt fluirokim ihk immher it amonn the iimt joy of a future iondltiou ot exihieoiu provided for t he hleiiawl and happy t how many old ivtollpctioim and how many dormant oympnthioa dwt chnit vv wriuf them wunu nou iiwuy train the nput at whit ti year aftur year we met on that day a merry uud oy tmu e i rule many of the hftsrtn that throbbed oo gaily tlwn have ceatmhl to heat mun or thejookh that idione un i in gilt ly i linn have i eased to plnw tlieliandt we jnuiped have grown i old the eyrea wootghjha hjgnurlmtr tu tliicymyy iaiacaiul tttjptwien chojebttthe lanuh the moat minute and trival air- eumhuuceji connecuul with thofl happy mtetiuui crowd upon our mind at eoeh reourreuue of the iuuiaou oh if the last a- mhlasi had heen but yesterday happy happy chriitmui that can win u hark to tht deluuioiib of our childih dny that can recall to the old man the pleanures of hut youth that ian tnnxport the wailor and the traveller thmiftaniln ot tuih avj hack tn hii ou n flrorflde and hit quiet home wttb ujerr wurt m the wimu tountry nhep- 4- lierds abiding in the field keeping watidi over their flock by night and lo the angeln ui the lord came upon tliem and the glory of the lord nhoue round about them and they were sore afraid and the angel mid unto them pear not for behold i hung you good mdiugh ot ffreat ny which tdiall he to all people for uutoyou in bom thin day in the city ol david 4i hiiviunr whtih n christ the lord and thin dial i be 4 jiikii unto id ve hhall tint tlu babe wrnpimi in nwaddling nlotin lying m 11 manger and 4dihlinly there wui with the ungel a multitude of the heavenly lioni pruiuing joil and hu 11111 olory to god iu tlu highnflt and on earth peaiv gnod will towanh men tliuu with tin year hiuhuiiii return mid again we realh fhmtruai tlay wc celebrate it the day of days in ail the ag the day who ttvshtioih m perennial and eternal whoe inhueuce haa permeattnl ill lands and been felt by all people of all olimen the da that in dentmed to petflint uutil the dong whiih tlw angoli uanu long ugo an that ntill night bmonvem the worldn living reality whuu words mid n pears are con- verted into plowrtharci and pruning iioouk when the trumpet t hung fomver in the hall and war io learned no more then wball tlttf wttairv and warrtcarrod world telobrate the oomplet triumph or chrhtm 14 which h the vmtory of chritu hut that vletor m unt et the morning omctlubulaisa- tlm uight therd havt- ixhu iimtij irreat uud notable proulamit tiouti made by tnaii tn men that havo markl historic epoo in human biutory buxiiaciirauicu apjomhdvamtioofi uch tremeudoua imuortanee totlumajiity as tliat which wo huire placedat the lioad or tliotwltvcs uunnunutng tlie birth and the advent of the saviour of men there it aland unrivalled tn all the literature of the human rooe au the greatest anitieaty ever aunounced to man peace good will and a 8aviour u thoro anything pih that the world need today but juit tivt things in the midst of wan and rumori or wnru hatred xuspioion mutrust and fear uomm thi hirthdm of the ngen with its meiiflage of peace and good will ui the uorld though hope in deferred the end we know 11 certain and the ultimate triumph ul the prince of paee a au red km io the day are hastening on uy prophet hardn foretold when with the ever circling yearn comes round the age of gold when peace nhall over all the earth 1u ancient oplendort fling and the whole world give baok the kong which now the angel fling ri nci3iirr3 the salvatiq1v army christmas enteiiainmeiil ih thetowh haix oeoatobtowh tuesday december 271b 1927 al 8 pm honf utiaru imajogueb etc featuring a chriutman iagoant by thirty players from brampton chairman major uacelhney of toronto get asal ftuaul aa sijejrau tw ltmr adajitsua lie tatkctomsale al wraifttteslnit store afaaaata aaai aaaiaaaaaaa adaiadtaaiaabaaaaldaiallaiaajaidfca a b illsons gift shop a few xmas suggestions diamond king fancy cloekw htguet ktagh military rrtudhm knieelet waudie boys watch gents pocket i loo us parker fountain pens kveraharp pencil ladies jmhrellaa genth umhrvllrirt brass gooiih silvern an cuff links cut glow carving beu hiuinlenh thimble bracelet bar pius china strap and pitrket watehew laudies leather hand hagu i dont forget our xma8 greet cards y ch from 5c up with envelopes small dtpotil will ccur goedi for xmat a b willson next to atolel oetikkm cctrgetowi if you are looking for choice xmas cakes ltaave your order at hamiltons bakery houtlng but u10 flneat ittedlents usd aluo ooken iced tit a reahanable price if you an inug jour own cake try pound of pure almond pato tiiim pujtu in speiially prepared for uiii chrutiitiih ikei4 xmas specials aaaaiaaaaiaai aaaaaaf aldl ayapayaafabpav rbrbbrpiefvf a7ayv abbrvprv abrbrby- at clarksons orange pardozan 4080 and 10 finatt miiad nuta par lb us large aipe yellow banana per uoz 110 anil 40 pineapples eaoh 40 tomatoes per lb 40 chocolates per lb m finatt royal mixed candies per lb 20 pruit creams per lb so ifji we are evtaviturter far calery head lettaoa cranberries cauttllowurt ptiam grape cluster raisins parsley cslibtue turnip applet spin aeb also a full line of groaeries wlthing on and all a marry chritlmat and a happy nu year order promptly delivered m clarskon hkmk u cwrfetowa m i halton garage 0 iv cfiitiprtoallcuaaolcaia 0 balnea chatlh and atored h awattow a choice christmas cake v n and almond paste lei ua aupply your needa inlhe above line the quality is the beat d livingstone rttmis haiist thm chrittmom tm how heighho t tis finished now ured i feel ill rest a little before the fin there i forgot to turn that wagon wheel and too 1 think the drum should dangle higher how bright the tapers are ill put them out directly no just leave them for the present 1 love their friendly twinkly eyes about they look so very chrittnuuwise and pleasant a lot or toys these are for just one boy hut then you see w love him and hes only six and we would give him every joy for oh we shouldnt want him to be lonely i know your tired dear but wont you please that big bright star could he a wee bit straight it gives one such a sense of rest oud ease to watch it there but you iron do it later what was that crash could it have been the tied a log yon say that broke upon this embers dosing i was before the time for bed dreaming that old sweet dream my heart remerabers we d eoked a tree like that and made it glow before god took him bank long yean ago may k raehad oha schedule the followiuy schedule was adopt ed fur junior oh a group 7 at a meeting held laxt wednesday night at brampton milton brampton andgeorgetownoompriae the group and a double schedule will be played tuesday januar 3rd brampton at georgetown friday januiir nth georgetown at milton mouday january oth milton st ilrarapto friday janimn lllh miltnn at georgetown monday january lth george town at brampton friday january 20th milton at georgetown monday jan 21rd- milton at brampton friday january 27th george town at milton monday january 10th bramp ton at milton wednesday feb 1st george town at brampton friday feb lid brampton at georgetown monday feb 6th brampton at milton the christmas tree the chrlsttnaa tree to million- of cblldreu in western kurupe and aueidea is the symbol of rejoicing no other altar of youth eomtnands such instinctive or lovlbg adoration bat the christmas tree has uot ul ways enjoyed ite aontlmental dotulni on over the hearts of christian na tions other peoples in dim anttqul ty owed allegiance to trees but they lived in lauds where the spruce and hemlock were unknown the kgyp- tians hold inauunotb oelehrtitlons in the month oorrespoodlnil to our ueoemher but they centered their devotions upon the palm the palms of egypt gave birth ton leaf each mouth and the tree with its twelve leaves suggested the couplet- ad year maybe the palm was the forerunner of the christmas tree as we in canada know it three thousand years later the ho- mans celebrating their saturnalia raised aloft a oonifer as the algu of their joy over the winter soktioe thousands of such trees garlanded with their vivid denotations set loose a flood of riotous rejoicing unt ban ta clans waa not of the roman era and the ehlldron of that great em pire knew nothing of the glorious fel low who with all hie ponderous girth can suspend the laws of gravity and very other natural law crawl through tortuous chimneys lay his own tracks across the clouds and make personal visitations in a tingle night to per haps a hundred million babes every one of whom ha cleverly dentines by name it seem likely that the italian tree onstom was carried to gaul by the le gions of drums in bis campaign against the germans about 15 bc certainly about this time the teu tonic bt nleboua made his appear ance and has remained with us ever since one of the priceless blessings and inspiratlonaf a large part of the human race in the sonrm of time the english adopted the german santa clans and the symbol of the tree at vuietide it took four or ave centuries for the church to hi december 28 as the date of christmas but ever since then has clang to the celebration of christ birth the borrowed pagan rites of the roman tree and the holly and mistletoe of the druids a thousand years later theenoeftsee of puritan rale in england banished the visible aooompanimenta of christ mas day but so deeply was the ens torn ingrained in long generations of the english that the poising of roundhead rule fonnd the old forms restored however the imprint of pantanum for many decades depressed the vuietide demonstrations of england and the american colonies the re sistless writings of dickens and of washington irving in america reviv ed the ancient praotics and there seems today no threatening sign that that the fine old custom of the christmas tree will ever be taken from us either by tyrannical manrtste or by slothfnlneas of our imagination a chritlmat thought have you room in tin inn of ymn heart tonight have you room while 0 hlai in the east shines bright vat the uttta stranger of lowly birth who brought suuh a wonderful nun- sage to earth the peace uud good will to men oh if you have room in your heart for all the lonely tile poor the old lh small the outcast though slu itmiwl and braised by the fall ob then you have rouui for lluu m k t th tint chritlmat gift ikree taittmu a tear there is one place where christmas is kept three times a yearin the churh of the nativity at bethlehem the reputed site of the stable of the inn the roman greek and armenian greek bodies have each their respec tive section of the church but their christmu celebrations do not ooeai on the same day the latin christ mas is celebrated at the roman ohatbouo altar on december 28th thirteen days later the orthodox easterns perform the greek rita another thirteen days later the ar menian church keeps its own cere monial of byzantine faith rraveriwstaillau there is a foolish idea prevalent among worldly wise young people that the oldfashioned virtues are no longer mutable as a rule of conduct in modem life write the framer of an editorial in a recent hamilton bpeotatoia saturday issue they seem to sesame the thought that they may have been good enough for our unsophlsllcatei forefathers no intel ligent person can take any stock in them today honesty is the best policy cheats never prosper moral stand by like these are beginn ing to lose their appeal it is to be feared rumors about corruption in higbplaoes the notion that business success is frequently the result of sharp practice the indifference with which crime and lawbreaking are too often regarded how do the timely proverbs aboat holding to the narrow path of rectitude fit in with these ugly facta but it is not the pro verbs that are amiss they are forever right anyone who thinks that arookadneas of any sort whether it be on the large or small scale can permanently succeed is to be plttied dishonesty may for atimeteem to et results but only for a time the lay of reckoning always aomes sooner or later nothing can eome out of wrongdoing but ultimate loss be assured there is only one way to achieve permanent success of any sort and that is by the good old methods of personal integrity every thing which weakens character weak ens also the prospect of success the fact is recognised by hard headed bosinessmen quite a well as by sen- timentallsta work thrift temper anoe moral living honesty in every undertaking thaw are still the beat rales or life they an eternal and no change in the habits or customs of society ean possibly affect their validity a little dlmpjed baby close held to marys bruaiii wuieshepberdiiitand adoring and magi end their questi where cattle softly lowing gate on their tiuy guest a new stars rays down shining break through a grey clouds rift a wondrous heavenly choir its joyous carols lift- when ood the great all father sends this first ohri tinas gift and down through all the aget the story neer grows old of shepherds star and angels and kings with gifts of gold low bendlmr oer the christ child whom marys arms enfold evelyn e peaoooli ashorove the concert given dec 14th under the su pious of the a i s was en joyed by all the bethel church choral society did credit to their leader mr charles tuck oskvllle miss mocormiolc elocutionist tor onto misses sterling and tuck pianists and messrs fell and tuck tenor and baritone were applandeu every number and returned to the pleasure and satisfaction of ull after the musical treat the im promptu speaking oonteet took place with six contestants with the result that hiss chariot mccullough was winner and was presented with the beantifal mantle clock the judges wen d a andrews disu rep mfa rath mocann teacher omagh and charles tuck oakville the next concert will take the form of a box social and will be helil in stewarttown hall with the silver cup donated by esquesing council as the trophy for the speaking con test watch the herald for full par oculars milloo canton portrait rt ex camp william was presented with a large of himself to be hung in the chapter room aso life membership at a gathering of royal arch masons for the annual meeting of st clair chap ter no 78 grc at milton last week the following officers wore elected ex comp j m mackenzie z ex comp j e bell ipz ex camp w t dales j comp w b clements treasurer rt ex comp wm pantoo k comp p d bhoreybni comp t 8 ronald- sou p8 comp j r peacock 88 1 comp j c cunningham j8 comp j r mitchell organist camp a l mcnabb m4v- comp r m clements m3v comp w t randall m2v- comp m f ponton m1v ex comp geo gal- bralth and com vi j mrclonahan audi torn public school board the hoard met at 8 pm members present measm kentner crichtou monally harrison edwards and mrs creelman the following account were pnhv ed r hthompson co 913 80 georgetown herald 13 11 p b harrison 0 78 j b mckeniie 6 24 georgetown floral co- 18 00 j no mcdonald 10 00 miss ryan books 8 70 hydro electric 9 78 mrs rosa 13 03 mrs freure atundanee oflloer mode her report for november mrs hobs schoolnurse made iter report- it waa deoidod to write dr con boy provincial health dept in re gard to having a dental inspection made iu the school early in january a vote of appreciation was made to the two retiring members of the board mr w ii kentner who luu so ably filled the position or chair man during the past yoar and mrs r i creelman who has been a valu ed member of the board tfcecaaaty sat thjjjrallowing is the rate for the penses of the county of italton for the year 1027 levied under by law no 886 and payable to the county treasurer aoton h 834b 74 buillngton 18448 27 georgetown 10500 61 milton 0893 71 oakville 22d06 os esquesing 36284 34 naassgaweya 18321 03 nelson 38883 70 trafalgar 61476 os 221889 86

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