Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 4, 1928, p. 4

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i sgu 4 the okottortown eikrald foiiiuir 4th 1998 hornby glen school report 1 tobll kltlg lilt uill hh tnll1l fw days at ult uitli ins hon co kunmwu lint lu 11 umluug hard with u unmix r ol nuii tft jjt t hut nhupplug mill utut working nlmjn whtoli will ih in itwratou vir mmhi thin inoatm u blind umnni nt mt vii for tlw lurmvrs m tin dmtru i a willing ikk of workon lompul wl the rt hliintcliiiu r tin oiuiikt hull tin liifickhiuitli tiliop lm uiii ii paired after i lie htitrm ind tu nkjit lug rluu pui 111 onttr unun for kit ing it was vi r iiiifnrtiinfi unit tin united chun h hud u bad night for their xmiih 1 uiucrt lluuiv 1 it wau wtll iittcttditl with a lirtlfliihi program mi haltott plowmens rletllujj kaheit lamel orant itwule tin iiiiiiiiikl uiifling llil imowiuihh a two mtiiin vuis hold 111 milton 011 iilnuulrt ilutnioon pllllltx dllttll rl i millie 3 mil uru- hon premumim ai mwlibliou and it willi ivsidiut lorihm oh lull ul m hrm u pi iiuvni id itarrop utoiiii u jin lili nt vll m ley llnll heuyuin i a andiv treoaurtir i ii ultmom uudifnr john irving uiuvlorr r h wt ion oliver hokiuiiiiiiih uiililliiook m j ciirtoti s urigglwuotli fred mormon 1 hlmn k readheod i hartley i chiiholui a bervitf k lrtnc mmlj director john liuidiou mr skdtks great idea bauta cluum wit on a iwuuli uukt the ttunnj side olhin north polo bun galow the old no n tie man non u worried and luinuweu loott quit loreign to hm umial jowul omrtshioii tfatn bpockluu u foreman in oni- ol bantah 103- hhopu piuwed b tit id no ticed tho good old nuint what the matter banta he naked thin job a getting too big tor oue man answered santo the world hotting hotter und hotter all the time and that means 1 have that much more work to do und ita gutting to be a mighty hard tank to make thing enough to go around ha alone dintn- butln them mr speckle uurutuhod hm head well he said hares un idea and 1 think ith a mighty good one he- member that lino magazine full of atones and pictures und nice tluugu you had the otliur day oh you mean tho youtbt companion mud santo yea thats it answered ham well it teems to rau tliut if youd tell a lot of parents about that raagaziiu and bow tine and enjoyable it was for boys and gtrlti theyd give subcriptionn to thu youthh com- paniouoa a chrintmaa gift to lotn of young folk and thit would help you a lot thats a mighty good idea tioid iunta and as a matter of foot many parents do just that already but santa sighed i wish that more of them realized what a lino gift the youths companion makes and would give it too just send your order to the address below and wc will fiee to it that our uncle sam relievos sanui of the bur den of delivering ut least one hifl subtler bars will receive 1 the youths companion 1 lug monthly issuos in loiib and 2 two extra numbers to new huiv icribera ordering within 0 das all for only j x the companion uow imok ol litunor 1001 one mmule htonen al no inuluded free auihi 11 eentu to cover postage and handling thrl youths companion 8 n dept bohtoti mais siilutiptioiih reeeived at this olliue fnllowmif ix the chntru riwtrt tiuinh iijnmir 111 ordnr of merit nvninr h00111 hr l u allen duwhurnt alho lludhi mur wntnoii uinludd wielcr icnlph appleurd piihh lljhrtio wughtatto may alien tom norton catharine yuomahh llildiu hill itlnvd hnvldfuin vuimn clurki- jr iv ldiii davidson lion jer tiudt logan annie lulny itiluo unum klmer hill alan apple- inl hftiyi clarke jean mae hon aid hr ill uihiiini him coil k hou mndidinc jruhani hon marion khionk i ion norman marehinent uuy ittll huruy dewhurht i rover not ton maijorie haines m mahter alej tweedle xurton agtiph maedonuld milhr i limildnd norton norltm jennie menull margaret inih hlllie liividou joe nor- ton hum hill gene kirb william iirmoii cjnl clarke hoy jarvin rduii noil principal junior kootn ii 1ohh- iterthu hulumk lion indn appuyartl hou mildred nor ton hiuhard kvithoii hilda iorri man mrtu allen ruth marejiment uw ihioj morrin millar nora h 11 lou jock pretuiwood itertlia jvluni miuvyu krbi william i 1 it- third kildte logan mr c icihl jarvin hou una hill hou miry wngstatye lion beverly moody gordon graham albert hill ante add j kmroie lodwidge jim- inn itliek eve cliirke jr i gordon allen maud thorn ton kileen pry lome tiurvin mar tint ihpj tommy hill ralph bludd ri preston elsie dewhurat kuth preston a cnhacmelia gerard swuhle iladle lauy davidson blllie suhenk joyce appleyard beatrice hancock edna preston clarence beaumont dorothy gerard ella hill i molaughlin teacher telephone girls show true christina spirit f a s s h s cuhucmiiy following ih the report of 8 s no clung for december kr iv joe harris w or man har- ris billy cook howard 0olion sr iii edytho mo kane gert rude vvatoon goorgino loam x juorgo puckering x john evea x jr illida mokane reoa van vhet knc ieslie clifford harrisx jr ii wim van vhet helen lcalie elwood cameyx enldcookx sr i margaret hay ward jr i wallace dolson ida eves sr p eleanor carney arthur sal low h hoy march mob t douglas edge hugh leslie clyde edge jr p teddy rutledge olive hancock x miftfted examinations a b peden teacher lirbj in aeorea ol boll tflophone olllcvs in untario and quebec are mindful of the fuct that s mtt 1 claue on bbj annual visit olttn has only mesa re offerings for many poor f amlllm so thty club toother and make aure that bo far as thty can make it poailblv aeons of humble nouuholda will exnrunre some or the joys of the chrittmae season the pitcure shows typical christmu swum in two or taronto11 seventeen vkchanttm with basket full of rood thlnpfi nil renriy for the unnunl dtxt rlbutlon to some of the citvn pnnrr fomlltw leftrl tl orobtrer intpttif the report of c ii turner corn borer inspector for holton countj fives some rather lntereatiuginfonua tion between nov 11th and dec 13 mr turner behide willing on scbooh aud doing genera propogutt da work called 011 300 individual farmers whose total coru acreage wuh 1000 ooren the ureah ran from il moras to loui an indiuition of tin- extent of plowing done in the oouut may be gleaned trom the fact tliat of 080 acres or corn laud only 104 acres were unplbwed when tho inhpettor nailed and much of thin would lie plowed before freeze up present indications ure that the farmers are cooperating with the in apeetor and by ho doing will prevent norioua ions from thw insect next year mmta overauiu the toronto dailj star of liat wednesday uontnuied the following relating to u i omponition by w a fraser a former usteemetl rotiiduiii of georgetown w a fruser ot tor onto the famoun novohat tigureti in n different role tonight when on qfca diuu star the aeolian male quurtettu will uing tim copnali moon the wortu for which mr fru aer wrote u good muni years ago the oomioaer ol the luiixiu i the airturi can hary hoe hhutlc uhu uiho wrote tho uiuhk of ulu and other well known oiupoition xtovu 1uu of le will iuumi david bell org d 74 jearn low ville reeeived lutul injuriett on tueaday about noon uhni hohtepped in front of 11 mr on the diiuda highway at nelson village und wur thrown to the pavement suftering u fracture at the bine tf hihtikull he did not regain otihaioinmchtt and died within hall ut hour of thu time of the uomdent samuel cunning 113 peel street bruntlortl vwlh thi driver of the auto in whote pathway the unfortunuu man iteppcd he waa detained by trahlo oilier darhv of waterdown until m uiveiiijgatiou luul been made but uiit allowed to go later hevivalut ah my nrethren iiero the ehurolt hiuiuih ottenng to aave and wliat uill be your answer vuioe in tho hear women and children tirst chills ar a wstminff of something worse to come and the safe plan is to get rid of them immediately a mustard bath just before going to bed is a simple and very effective method of driving out a chol n to prepare a bath just drop three table- spoonfuls of keens mustard in the hot water swirl around and then get in and soak m steamship ticket agency canadian pacific cana anchor donaldaonwhite star and ttaltlo america xdnea book now r christmas sailings waller t evans gmrfetom talaris wood luiln 300 ilngla cord dfliveradll hardwood rail 3 so hardwood 400 inal crrd j ii bmilb roo h4 r ij tiaorgeloik if waea sftrsaoe verj choice bardweod beecb and mipl 400 per sinai cordi cholct tuudwoed blab jl75 perjsiagle cord mixed ra is 300 per kiocui cordi aslaad wood 1s0 pr alati cord tfcu la al rood sound dry wood and at tarae price 1 good buylna satisfaction auaraa- ewf j hrandlord boa 490 phone 133 4 gaoraetown wood 00 4 00 lead hardwood behar than a ingle cordt 900 a load mixed wood kindling ouabac heater and luraaoe chunk 500 a load manle puad ttvoo pr cord any length murrays phone 90 r 3 georgetown ff big clearing sale of all the latest styles in winter hats in felts velvets and metallic cloth from 100 up ladies this an opportunity you should not miss misses claridge herald block georgetown did you ever that the merchant who fails to speak up lets a lot of golden sales slip past his store this lost business goes either to his competitor down the street or by the mail order route to the big city stores people are often surprised to find that the goods they bought unsight unseen from a catalogue can be seen and examined in the local store tell your buying public what you have adver tising in the herald will invite the whole community to your store and people shop where they are invited to shop urd mayer cedve caaa wue farsaera farty a rwoption by the lord mayor id liverpool will ixi tendered tlie mem i wr of the canadian farmer marketing tour when the party reaob liverpool iu the middle of jauuary according to cable advleem received thi week oy the canadian national rail way m which ih organ- uing the tout the iord mayor ad vine that he will reeelve uie part ofllolally at four oclock 011 the after- noou of his nrtlval tlutre lrohleui ulttmitiiig the marketing of canadian butter eggs fruity vegetable and other produou will lie made the subieet of dumnwdou at a spealul joint oonferene which has i wen arranged iwtweerj the membera of the former party from canada and reprettitatlvm of tit muuuhes ier provision trade who deal particu larly in canadian product this will be an opportunity for clearing up mary poluui regarding the tuethods to lie adoptwl in the ship ping and marketing of canadian irodueu while at manubester tlie canadian party i to be fakeu charge of for one entire day by the ohldals of the co operative wholesale society the largest or iu kind in tlie world where u special inspection will be made of the societys sun flour milln the largest iu europe the mauoheater ship canal dlreo- tora are planning to give a luncheon to the party on january 19 and trip of inspection la to be made over the famous canal and the extauiive marketing facilities in eon nee tion therewith characterising the tour as the greatest educational trip of iu kind e s archibald director of experi mental farms tor the noudnlou of canada who returned laat week from tho old country commented on the itinerary whiih has bee ar ranged fvr the canadian farmer he took occasion to review the itinerary while in england and states this itinerary la an exoep- tiooally good one and should- be of very diatinct value to those who participate in faet it should be thvfffmtest educational trip of it kind 1 1 1 sfil according to utatuuu tbu et 1891003 mort motor cn hum ukiphotih in the united jan lt 1q37 pome notice purtuast to ibe pravlaioa of section is f the znvltioa court art oetice is hr byglveaibai a public lleellsg will he bald la lb judge chamber at tb court house la lb town of milton ea tb 2fli aty si jsswvy 1h t lotfclock in lhfom06b or lb pur km ol ituriu lb umlu of lb turd vuoa court la tb couuy of utoo at goorfmown oy addlar ibmto tbu part ol coo vll ol lb totnukls ol euu lok cooiprlox lot 6 10 3 loelodv all poruo ulorouod ara raquaitnl to j welliot s webster sbarut e aonew wardaa w w ellis bapraarat tkatulaaumlao standard anthracite scranton coal stws in au aatamaaletujr benoa ud loadad coal wood bolwt tamp for oonmtis and throahlnf porrooh bmlthlnf and ounal coal id tut loarry rythlnf to bo fosnd la any nptodata ooaj and wood tard john mcdonald paohbia gsjorgatrowra w h wuuori ttmdsrtakar am4 ussmssd gia hatok oa aiuoauolla or horaodravah pkoaa alf qt- mw l j sanford stewarttown plinabuqatuisaillbidg rtttauks ukurfsly uvea tmrll ksn red rose red rose orange pekoe is the best tea yow can bay in clean hrlthl aluminum nifiibbmin 11 1 innirmmi 1 insastiigi i halton garage day and night service general repairs to all clan ol care battene chorrcd and toted m doyle rrritur b f colbourne raise 7 ctscflttaws 1 i b hydro heebie system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall tjvubusui ififikmiin special farm opportunity s 200 acre loam soil natural drainage about ho acres hardwood and cedar bush solid stone house very large barn on atone founda tion near market und provincial highway no enanmber anee good ternm 9000000 j a aberdeen eatata braltar tooirrojw run at ow iiriiiiiiniiiiiiiajaaaiiaai i he jjim3je is specials canned blna berne per tin 33 canned fears per ud 17 canned pineapple per tin 19 sonera per pkg 33 pamj 8oapb hare 28 lux soap 3 ban 28 cuuiasoan 8 ban 28 laraine2 pkge 28 fresh supply ol good candles and bars a on han foroters tanasioasb coal baal d l w scranton coal in all aiaea alao smithing and siean coal hirs jtmikiw l i iif ieg i nvl station phone 6sfm w are nuldnf a special off en our teas this waalt that ttas are of txcsptlonal value and wt invlt you to give them a trial today as tea 59 dal bulk tbam99 law dantbth steas aa m aa lmufcefmfcliail aaw a lelmmlto mmts arlwjtja 9 tb geldsn tip get choice handpicked white bean 425c jmpinach 15c nacl pumpkin 10c leu niiu 19i park a bean lt hai tmut 97- ketchup lrlz olives sr 39c toy pall peanut butter zic finest granulated or yellow sugar huarm laiaiu jelly powders butter braoalda brand tktmlbllr aria chicken soup 24c u seibtutee eeribag suwmtma elect cocoa mh 2tc special prices on ecg8 all sums auk guar antsuuv s dasiai aaisfjiag la csssssnal ftalauaa extftas 44c n mayald brand 4so sum firsts 48c in bjoaalrd cocaaaut macaroon sv h p sauce buu 28c kkovah health salt 18c tie bantev cam starch 2425 coofcafrund iiii baking powder 29c daaiae aakiai fewln 2sc tasty bread tat sat brata fwlatl- wrawdfd mitiii ar tasty aaayaaaalm sso ihmxkmixxkvxiottoobl washboards cuu ig clothes pins 3dexloc ivorjr ssap flakae alcf loe fairy soap 4 cake 27c heady ammonia3 aktajoc

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