Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 11, 1928, p. 4

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pat tnr olsbniiktowh harard lamisry 11th imh nvr say dim merer say die though joy kf ity alul sorrow names to stay though rough and stony in tlw trattk you tread from day la day tb darkest hour preoedt tile tluwii cold winter days are brief and bine tuul showtr esitli barf its hour lilurhappluenh and grief never tiay die but uuilui reply to nil lifes knoukout blown the aoward heart rlutt tulttu tho count thus double all its wows hut if you bght lifts lattle vev with courage fttitll ulld grit youll win the tight for truth und right and wore tin winning int never say du but rather try fofitallu whlli others crown to trarop aloug llfoa road with soiig whether its up or down for ite better for to laugh tham fry better to stand thuu rull iiur to rail than weak anil frail never to bght at all it lets rarl the rvt- itetf cm titer yfcu wty how many of us when eatlug a rosyoheeked apple or juicy plum ever think of the forces that con blned to produce stub luscious fruit we nee the growing plant admire their loveliness when in bloom and rejoice when they are laden with fruit bat the factor which aided in bringing about the hnal achievement escaped us one important factor in the produetiou of fruit or need is that cneafertuiiation experiments have shown that most of the fruit noma vegetable and med producing plant are partially or whole self- sterile and therefore unable to produce fruit of themselves it u alio an accepted fact that thou fruit or seed producing planta which are ulf fertile will yield much mare heavily becanse of urotfrfertilbation to bring about crotsfertiliiation the pollen or male element of one plant or flower mutt be conveyed to the platu or female element of another plant or flower and the chief agenu in ouch distribution are wind and intent it haa been ibown that wind play little or no part in the crosspollination of the above men tioned planta but that iniecta are of utmott importance of the many flowerloving iruweu the industrious and methodical honeybee u the mot efficient pollen eorrien and in region or aeajona where wild bee are icarce or when frequently unfavourable weather during the blossoming period demand that pollination be asooapliahed quickly a few hive of j beee in or near the orchard or seld are a neeeaslty fruit and a grower are aware of thia fact and if they do not keep beee thenuelvea are glad to have apecialiit beekeeperi place their apiaries so that the beet may viait their treet or planta when in bloom it hat been ettimated that bene are of equal value at agent in eroapouination an they are aa honey producer jf tm wm nil sin h imi stym a gteat many of nt have acqiured the nnfortnnate faculty of talking too much we purport to know much abwt the other fellow and hit per nana and bojuneu affairs without making tare of our facta we proceed to collect and pats out gossip a great many persona as toon as tliey see or bear of something a little so- ptninnt praeeedjto make it the shaky foundation far their nest convema tun- one of the very best methods to purine in trying to break ourselves of this pemlcious habit of peddling idle gossip is to adopt and live up to the following rule whenever you are tempted to tell a bit of gossip you have beard or whenever you see something that you 4i0 not just understand give it thia test before yoa tell it would you be rilling to write out sign your name and pose around the gossip which yon have heard or the suspicions which have been aroused in you by what yoa have seen or hoard yoa honestly say that what you are about to say or repeat would oe right and that by repeating it you would not bs injuring anyone and would sot object to having it published over your signstnre if what yoa might otherwise say will not bear this test let it alone let the subject drop right there if yoa wont sign it yoa an suspicious of it to itont bay it mead co operation a hypocrite it one who pretends to believe you when lie knows you are lying- seasick persons seldom need ad vice u to what they should do they just naturally do it well one more couldnt do much harm why uot have n mind your own hasineta week ite strange bow much the worlds ilimn are thinking aliout un thinkable worn when the roll la called up yon tier the auw of a mans mil will not count for so muoh a doctor gets paid uouording in bis knowledge of the patients phym oil and financial condition being oldfashionml wo suit feci that a girl should not propone to 11 man eioept as a lout resort flqr was one of tin curliest big advertisers und got umaied result by using two columns oemseuabawper the first annual uaww nnd suppor under the auspioes of i he juvenile orion lodge no 7 will be held in the town hall olenwilliams on vn ian 20tb 3picon orchestra l crane floor manager dancing at h nm tickets 100 nouple eitr uuy mo e hill chairman o tjargenl secretary 1 thou uhalt love no other gome before me for i am the roaring game whlati was in the beginning even in the atom age 1m now and ever shall ih 2 come not upon tint ice with the old house broom thou canst not quicken the paoe of a dying rock with a isst years broom 2 thou shalt learn thy turns both the oat and the in lor the skip will not liold him gulltlesh that throweth a wrong turn iploy not a ruuulng shot when thou orr naked for a guard lest thou raise thine awn shot so sanding thy skip in the w such play getteth bis goat queerest his game eaushh him to swallow his gum and u re vih thee openly ft tliou shan hearken diligently to the defeated skip when bis votae in lifted up in lamentation agaiust the punk toe and thou shalt not turn thy face from him when- he lihuueth his third man kven shalt thou secure a listener against the day of thine own defeat lthou shalt not strew straw from thy broom on the path of thine own or thine adversarys rock neither shall thou eipeotorat ii front of them causing them to halt iu their course and to die suddenly aud became pork for even as pork is on abouinatioii to the jew so al so is a hog in the sight of the skip 7 thou shalt have no discourse with thine adversary while his foot in oil the hook and his hand is on the rack but if thou wilt thou canst pray for him 8 thou shalt not push or kick a rock into the house from behind stealthy for the opposing skip will know of a surety and hla anger will rue up in rigbeout indignation over thee and unite thee even with the edge of the broom handle and thrust thee hence from the sight of the ourlers and the days of thy curl ing shall be ended for this it the unpardonable sin 9 thou shall not covet thine op- ponentt rook nor his new broom nor his lead player neither shalt thou filch from him hit third man who it his mainstay and a well of defence in the day of battle 10 and when thou ootoeth to the last end and hast won the game and hast itll a rock to play and thou playettwith great deliberation and thy rock gambol playfully down the ioe tailing jauntly around the guard and through the port and wlcketb thin adversarys rook into the house ao that it counts him the end and he game and then cometh down the ioe in fear and trembling and art hailed by the enemy as a good sport and curler and by thine own ide with groant and mnrmnnngt and find thou hast peddled the game away then shalt receive the pro ferred hand of thine adversary and wring it even if in thine heart than shouldst with it were hit neck toweltotfte rurauatu to iba provlawma of section 15 at tb divuoa courtt act sotie la bar byalvaaibai a poule uaatitw win ba ltu alba judv chaaibara at i ha court houaa in tbt tewa of luuaa aa tb tsttiajrtf jamiry 110 ui 10 oclock in iba foriaooa for iba pur- pom ol aliariaa tba uavua of ba tfctrd division court to iba couaiy of tiajtoa at gaorgatowa ay atltuaa tbarato tbai part of coo vii of tba towaaua of e4iiaa- ina eonprltlaa lots 6 to s3 laclualva all parson toiarauad ara raquastad to henrasant j w elliot v s webster sbarut l agnew wanlaa w w ellis laaoacter 4t haw ym eye fijaari fcy st st wuktr tfxc glaiamfroassb6up tba bast unsaa and f ramaa nippuad clean emup this is the time to clean upyourhlow aorounta we are speolallite in collec tions let us turn your bad debts into hard cash we are doing this for others why mot for you kelly aiken f rftiiitf it oahhri orsagevllle oaalpfc canadian pacttic ryy hdthf tickets issued to any place in dominion for rates and sailing appb to cbnerc in w h wulson tjaultwtakar mm ida a ghlai- aulomoblle or lloradrawalleas pfcrme aigkl er day mi or jt wood 400 load banfwoed battar tbiu a alagl cord moo a load mlaad wood kinduaa qtiabac llaalar aad lunsaaa cbuaks i00 a load uanta auad tlww ear cord any laaattti iluvfays pboaa 90 r j oaoraipwn if r that tba lutaraat arotusd in thtr now chuvrolat has bean well nurltad is indicated by thaat flnfc nbotoinraftha of this latast addition to the light car fild tba smart sport cabrlolut with its foldlna aaat and diae whaala la shown in tho upper rlrhthnru photograph in tba contra is the sturdy cbvrlt onaton truck chjuula while at tho luwur right is the coach modal ths body of which is flva inehaa longar than fomatdy insata ara uppar left tho masslva new radiator and heavy full crown fandars risrht tba powarful and claancut motor of the new lino with twoport exhaunt and complete enclosure lower left view of one of the fourwheel brakes the now chevroleta which are to ba reduced in prita an to pa ejvallable at once they are longer and roomier than previous models big clearing sale of all the latest styles in winter hats si in fells velvets and metallic cloth from 100up ladies this an opportunity you should not miss misses claridge herald block georgetown pid you ever stop to think that the merchant who fails to speak up lets a lot of golden sales slip past his store this lost business goes either to his competitor down the street or by the mail order route tojhe big city stores people are often surprised to find that the goods they bought unsight unseen from a catalogue can be seen and examined in the local store tell your buying public what you have adver tising in the herald will invite the whole community to your store and people shop where they are invited to shop asm ms h ere an dth ere kdmnninti northum ahwrlitn blami farm und drsl thl yr wt eompletod the mhr day whfrt th wellknown trnt farm wa hoiii in colony of aflvnnonlt for more than 9120000 th new owiwrn vlarht ramllws will uk powior on new years day the farm which u in the tofmd district has 2o4t ncre tnmnitn on the empress of australia now tour in the world had a memorable ekperlence when hy uliifaufd brilliant ntllltjr mhau i nvnr the grand pyra- mill inliahd b klna kuad of kjrypt in hnnor of the visit of king amunulluli of afghanistan honw of tin i ui mm vers were sbbsiuntly rrulvtd at kin puads eourtv turunto an optimistic note with rvuartl to i lie market for cansdlati iiuloii was struck by a j mills rcprvtttnitatlve of the british win- lt of- pood in eortferenco with iutkfr here ha expressed the con ut tun that canadian farmers would hf very poorly advised to slackei in host production at the presenl time stating that an improvemenl inth urltlah market waa in sight ultli many of the countries which hud lwn flooding britain with bat or during the pait year being prac lliullj out 4f ths business willi around a thousand guests seated in the bull boom th llaln dining boom and the jacques car tier ii in hi or the chateau protv unac quebec city that fsmoun huts presented a remarkable scene on the occasion of tba new year ke festivities among the guaits wtro the gowrnor of new jersey and official of the state while itu- niihunt purtlss csme up from new york boston philadelphia balti more chicago and other cities of the inuod states a handsome lew years gift to the people of canada is indicated in the announcement of reduction of rat chnrgad ttr btpraas com panic the dominion for ship- niftnt mf pacltages up to is iba in weight und not over si feet in length width or depth which haa wen issued and hied with the board uf railway cemmlsslonart for canada by c n ham chair man express traffic auoclatlon the reduction want into affect jan- uor 1 and it includes a continua tion of the arrangement under which the express companies gtva protection against loss and damage up to iso without extra charge on patkagea carried toronto tbt exhibition at to ronto ted all the fairs on the con tlnent last summer with an attend ance of 1 j80000 according to a re port by e l richardson of cal gary president of the international association of pair j and exposi tions he states that fairs each ea ire becoming more popular and more successful educationally and financially more than aotttfoo rjrrona attended thr 236ft falri la the united states and canada this car and attendance has in fart in creased each yaar since 1910 by j bout 2000000 investments in bulldlugj and grounds is put at tj60oouo0 and prlxes each year i cunt o 5mc0000 at ihaysttlaaj baatrail j standard anthracite scranton coal in austaes x antamatlejlly beraeaaj and coal wood lamp tor oamutis aad thraohlnf pnrp hmruiint and oannal coal in fast ioarry mfihlbfl to ba foood in any optodot coal and wood yard john mcdonald phohb 11 geortfetowa stwiish1ptk1et agency w oabauam pavolso oaaard aveihat p m whh 8ar ul balue amrlr book now with waher t evah j sanford stowaruown phuhwagtlaaliiiig mtauas ctwriaajf una ehr ii kaa coal beat d l w scianloo coal in all tiies alto smilbinsandsteanjcoal mrs fwalum hool station phone oets wood kails mo alsjle rerd delivered hardwood rails mo hardwood 0400 tiscte cord j hfsiub efeoae mr ij red rose is good tea the orange pekoe ia extra good in clean hrlthl aluminum ibeqase halton garage 1 i 1 day and night service general repairs fo all class of car batteries charged arid stored m doyle b v colbonrfle h 1 rmrfttiawa 1 1 i hydro heebie system orders taken for ranges sjt -and- appliances of all kinds office town hall l44etttti special farm opporlunlry 90ft aores loam tfoil natural drainage about loaoreu hardwood aud oedar boah solid ntoiiu liouw very largo bam on stone founda- s tion near markeu und provmeiiu highwa so hnoamher- x unw good termi iwmm 00 j a aberdeen estate ohkir tuaowto at tons at acoaaarowa isttt m specials conned blue berries per tin 2a canned pears por tin it canned plneapplo per tin is sonera per plcg 2 po boap5 bars 88 lnx soap 3 bars 35 castile soap 8 bars 25 lavaline 2 puja 25 fresh supply ol good candies and bars a oa ban forsters tawtaai oaab oexrton pkoaa 90 nimtm i5 dominion stores i you obtain real value at a domlntoln store- kr- special introductory offer on butter x ao atomslatoatoavul tf a li joai asa j r si i aai y alt majrtlsld braaa 4aei rtnidoill tuiuw dates chatkau loat ewuae ilrlh us ale datnlns rimrubscnb rice aiaic figs a at cri i sarlune u isc finest granulated or yellow sugar tea nreddsriasscj aesnsaiaaly lb xattuar mas bag mlsscmiuw vassamm aukavy tasty no bacon hayflam braatf 35v uukia su4 iiwliftil shlrrwie sm swill orus hanaaudealo uukuijeupww 3425c f kwularle utile chip faeauuase afuter srsad saie white satin paltry flour the- flftaal plour for qtm pastry a ioj f3em kownaoialf mustard dallaltia canned inarils oraimfrtalt vrrl aavietsps oaotgs40r

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