j -7- tmt oeobortown iikiiauv tununry lktht27 pago 3 thcgypsyrover a musical comedy in three big aels local news items personal presented by the member of george town united church choir and dramatic club in the town hall georgetown thursday and friday january 26 27 r3 big acts- comedy good music and acting commencing at 8 pm tickets bo cents including tax tickets obtainable from member of ohoir plan of hall at wattmme drag store livp llnut lni jil7 iiuiuiiry 1- mint llmu hull m uw rninl nl our u inning mmmmmmmitiaabiu valuable farm for sale 100 acre 1 mile from livo village 10 union i mm krampton a lou from county road j 1oi from good wliool good t room brick houia with good cellar iiml water in hiteken hank bam 4sx8s water in liiim silo lil lmill driving nbd good orchard nevrfallnig well 111 unem full wliuui 18 torn alulkn 2s acw alfalfu ifi nuns full ploughed 1 aare bush soil olay loam eaiy to work nnd n hileudid gmin and olaver farm can be purchuwd with good team of work honer anil homo implumentd 12 young houtein cuttle lit uluding a wonderful young hull rnni bigli producing stock hrd under uooreditatun milk trnclm pniui gate hum full of bay and htmw fidronnl telephone available at ruij time price if hold nt cut tlljiooiiil sbroooo ilown terra arrangcil for balance apply at herald olllee jgrandysi 1 i 1 1 i i i 1 i i i tht pan food gtoetry extra special pie pumpkin 2 una for de lur jelly powder hanner brand tomatoes sb plg lor afi tint for o special italhmt macaroni 3 llw loi br maearonl 2 pkgn for brt spaghetti spkgn for 7 2b redlout macaroni b pkgx ifor 16 oheew per lb 30 helm kouilmp per bottle lit ail snider catiup per bottle 12 21 titer brand catsup per bottle 23 aylmer or wold modal tomatoes per tin 15 campbell tomato houp 2 tins 25 pnna s lb sacoa 26 prone 2 lb 40 bftt 2 pranm 2 lb 304h 36 1 i 1 e i i i i i a m grandy g sasllacbm caatmteea phone 76 mtai sfuvcr isjfss9h5 1 cordingley s hardware try floglaze decorative lacquer enamel there la more fan to be had with a paint braah today than ever before painted fnr- nltare haa baeome the togai eolor haa eome into ita oarn fnrthermore enamel have been per- faetad to a degree that make their nee a real pleaanre beantifol color- quick drying tarn old ncly places of fninitnre into article of ne that co to make a home beaatlfol we have a folder that give anaeetlona free for the aaldna allowing what can be done with floclaae decorative enamel priced at 40 as quarter pint half pin ta plata qaarta lis 305 jnsl taink dries in thirly minnies l cordingleys hardware s pfcme militin juniors vm jruimvii m in artiiuihi krldu nitflit iilili lntiriiiiiliutrt vh jpofut hum at tin arttiia on monday nielli tilt itiiiul will im ut lint artmu tvir1 vvtwliumluy mid hiitimlni iwn- k- klum iiiwrimtliulfh vn imivu- lou n ai ilii- art tin on hutiirdoy inlit id in j wliut inir initilmiiu urt ouvrmu uu this wtvk in lluir ml vcriijuiiiiiiih in tin lltnili iwuwjour bun jtiitktt from ham wnlutr ui ilit artim and luiompuny tlii uiiin to kumi on thutuliiy nijiht llotit inimrf himiiik tin luvridet clmwtik tlihiioiihimtinn tit j n 0n st knns on hntimluy mxt jnu jjlt iturlaru uiv tipjuin tipmuiin in lou n mul wvoral nriynu huiiwvt liavc ln tlilcnd mrtt montn md otlipr nriiiltmtoliii s4 t hit oihvi ttlit cliiimhih iluiriou- htniiion uiul tuijoy tin drliittm at 1 n tnill hjiih luiimhhowroflinn tniuturdn uvnnintf vlut uaiihurri of hu torkfth tjliimdi will hold a done on valen tinr pay tunuluy foby 14tu har mony ortdtintra ol brampton will huppty the nunii a obiinnyy on tiro at th iioiua ol mr kmiutmoti main st north caiintml tin tlronian u run ut noon on tuifulay the tiro whh tktineuihid with littly damat jwrgotown conuart orulihtra will play at the clievrolet chauu im on ut ration at 1 n oxrill bony auto uliowroonu on hntnrday ovpnuiff noxt jan ult uance and nuppor under lie uudpicch of lavenilo oraiiro lodjje no 7 at ulenwilhanm on kridaj- night imxt jan 20th a jfootl time is annurod all who attend the fence around the viiuaut lot utt ho comer of main and ohuwh fltrwth in appreaiutwl liy the peden triune travelling thai way we tliank whoever u rertponnihle for the action taken fiuh hpooialu halibut whole or half su- lb tlicedlsc herrins 2 lbo for 25c fredh and urn ok o i bueta and ull other kindu or huh also fronh cooked tripe 2 llw for 25c t v smithn fish and meat market it auctioneer k j kerr conducted a very nunoeiwful sale of dairy cattle and york hojpi for a j murray aaton on monday jan 19th oowi ovirafld 111100 jersey calves 00 to s7h viwn928 to qtilt total sale all persons wishing to go to klora with the hookey team on thui day nlffht can secure tickets from sara walker at the arena kindly secure tickets early to as the manage- meiit nan provide adequate trans portation the gypsy rover u musical oonicjy is heinff produced by the memliers of united church choir in the town bull on thursday and fri day jan 20tb and 27th secure your tickets now plan at watsons prufi store the monthly meetina of the ltdien aid of the united church ballinafad met in the church taea day afternoon jan 10th the chief bunineas of tlie meetinr was making plana to bold u valenuue tea feb- 14th ploasafekeep this dab in mind j ust arrived mens low rub ber no 1 quality special at 205 all kinds of hubber lloou on hand wd are agents for miners pressure cored rubbers we carry all size rubber bottoms bring in your tops and well do the rest j honey staple leaf shoe store ltp mi 1 wnnltmi ol itiu wiih u vlultor in town dining tin pil ul mm ida thninptoi ol toronto k punt thu week nnd witu frltiul in town mr win lutneyof wiiiulmin uiih in town on tuesday uwd ititlid nonm old friend mr and mm htirtlnitd comiver of oakvllle spent sundu ut the home of mr i ii vutinauer mr fred iwuoud of lraud view man visiting at win colem and mr i h sayertt aluo fnundu in vicinity alr hamuel worden who wan tnken ill lout week has gone ui fergus when lie will enjoy a few weekt ivnt ut the iioiuh of bis brother mrn k k young uudhonaleu left today fpr kuglatid when they will spend three mouths vinilinu with relatives and friends dr buriiard uttemlwl hid ojtwme- trical couveutiun lield at the iriboe leorge hotel toronto on tuenday and wetluestlay of thin week itev kenuetlraud mrs muulun will lw ut home to their friend ut tin manse kdith ntes on tuesday january 24tl from 4 until 1 p in mid from h until 10 p in mr wiil hall wun ut aberfbyle last week attending tin funeral of his grand nepliew learge hall 11 year old son of mr and mr robert hall who wan killed by an auto when sleigh riding mr linos cameron of knox col lege toronto was a guest ut the maust jeorgatown over the week end mid gave an address on his mit sionary work nt hunters point jue bee to tlie presbyterian congregation at limehouse on sunday liwt mr and mrs 1 ii maukenzie nnd mr sam mae kenzu left lait night for landon where tlie are attend ing the unnual euuveutiun of ih ltetail lumltermenn arutoeiatiou of which mr mackenzie has been prom dent during the post year traio hit track al motinl pleasant two mesj serlwbsly ibpjred llvecaule killed will syeast at fmuu utwasr all interested in education are in vited to hear miss jennie little speak at the public library on friday afternoon jan 20th at 3 pm miss little is superintendent of the edith l groves school for sab normal uirlsiii toronto this is the first school of its kind in toronto and was organised by miss little it iassal cewtl wwis the local council of women will hold their regular meeting in the public library on friday afternoon jan 20th the meeting will be at oclock for buhiness and miss littles address will be at 330 all lad interested in miss littles work among sub normal girls in toronto ire cordially invited to attend there will be a silver cojlwition to defray expenses it st ommvtvr gsmlm pttitltnnaal vestry meeting of st georges church was held on men day evening last and was largely at tended the reports from the various organizations were very encouraging and the ehnrch has enjoyed a most hiicotuuru i enr inhoeni for the coming year were appointed as fol- iowh wardens h kirk k r kd wardi vcntrj clerk k l wilson auditors j it wallace w f brad- by convenor of sidesmen w thorn- mmi hoard of management mrs d u herlmrt j it walloie w f bradley k feller w y grant d l herlrert k c tlinmphnn s kirk r kdwords avbat atalai basrssal a dihoutroih blozit occurred early saturday evening when flames con- sumed a fine hank barn t4 by50 on charles twisv farm conoession 2 nelson township contents includ ing seusons crop and valuable im- plnraenu were destroyed the origin of the tire i a mystery although it is suspected that boys who were hunt ing pigeons in the harn with lighted matches may have started the blare when the tire was discovered it hod made great headway but all the horses and rattle and other livestock were saved the loss is vwumated at 8000 partly covered by imuronos fcutat aaaoal twihic the annual meeting of the baptist chureli was held on thursday with n good attendance the financial re ports were ver satin factory thu amount raised totalling 110000 fourteen hod been brought into membership during the year a hearty vote of appreciation wan past ed to itev and mrs krith for their leadership in the work and expressing the esteem in which ivoth are held by tlie congregation a message from mr frith from the hospital where he has undergone an operation expressed his appreciation of the kinduese being shown him by the church during his illness from which glad to soy he was recovering wshfclsss cat4s vaussat vietimixing fourguelph menhunts to the extent of m few hundred dollar a stronger who went to guelph with ft large family late in deeemher has suddenly vanished after a short but profitable period of residence an u result of complaints mode by the business men upon whom he paid visits police are seeking a man giving the name of edwax clause who is alleged to have obtained not only a rrum of money but a radio outfit ulothing groceries and furniture by i tendering worthless cheques in each instance in which goods were pur chased clause presented cheques above the value of the articles re ceiving cash from the merchant in addition to the merohandlne tun men uin mnimihlj hurt mid tlvc head nfcnltlc wctv killed nutriglit when a motor ituck wu wrecked by thi engine ol n pimumgiirtruin ut mount pit turn twu milch rant of norvul ut ftbrnil it 40 am monday the injured wn un fred moure or itockwood iud j clark of camp- bdlville moiin- wan driving the true u uiul lurk owned the cattle which we re ihiing iinimeil liom itiriiliwimul to tin inuruii in tun in uj the truck which ww suiaxlied to niece i wiih uuiuhi ii ottlmtidet ol itonkwtiod the rulrouil engine wan damaged hy the collision hut was ulile u protsttl nu ih cattirartl journey and took the injured uismi to brampton it wat the regulur um- enger train from the wihl due in vxl oclock moort and clark nen kiel nt the depot by dr d l ileugic the rail way physleiun uiul akn to the peel memorial hospital when they uere attended by ifr heggieaud dr john smith both are terribly cut about the head ind face and upper iart of tlie body clark lietug the miwl nen- mini 1iurt and iiim rmntitiuii in alarm- lug moore waw able to iy in explana tion of the accident t hat th morning was misty and he did not nee nor hear the train approaching the or fus ing ih not reganliil us a purtimilarly dangerous one all good grocers keep a stock of this jelly mannfaofcunsi b mclaren limited hmuilloii and winnipeg bigger and better ains new asvertisemenls 1 aivrtamamta1 watw oll ttmadsy jan 7tb b i w n geottowi srkl jetut sulksfai llnw houa sulo ebtam slie 29 4w vltuuf plekm lavv0 llawmid otcm ltp fitllif library luird the laiiuur meeting meeling of he public lilnirjt bainl wan held in the library on monda evoniig when the liillouing memberx vera prtsent itulph itot i co v k mac lean j- b mackenzie 1 l thoinp- hod tlohn me derm id j m moon severn acuounu uere panwed and the ofhcurs and coimnitteeh for 1u28 elected as folown chairman j b mac ken tic treosnrer rov k maclean secretary j l thomphou property rnmmittee j no mc- dermid j h muckeiuie 1 m moore book committee r ltow rev k maclean j l thompson wuta til tw 1twv loada ol voed wmiiuf whilt- ki apply 41 hawld oeb btim tamuaj a scotrb gut would ulr toaium gemlal boutva maid apply to iii k kerr at air iumuhi taaanauils fuitwsilr town vium4 i rueihttj botuw on uurdack ktrasl iwcirlc hffbl walaw awtule newly renew t arnold if jolioiu cbemmf bl2 ioeli pule sl most nw price clsoa d v wrlghl thans a2t2 uwilown p ym luhtt ilnck bdngslow ll ronviiolsaces on gaoiga si apply o prsniuas to c grabuti omkcmowb lip t eriit heialimsa piano alu cbscfer- llfltarhmir apply st h mid obct if general news atost tlieatv wodneadoy jan 18 the spot light a story of stage life starring esther ralston and neil hamilton chapterb of blake or the scotlundj yard comedy jolly jilter friday jan 20- slide kelly slide the best baseball story brought to the screen starring william haines comedy live news fox news satarday jan 21 the bugle call starring jackie coogau com edy up in arms cartoon felix in uncle toms crabbln added attraction for saturday night the habertnan sisters in a singing dancing and comedy act regular prices for toe matinee lon and 15c night 25c and 35c wednesday jan 25 hey hey cowboy western with hoot gibson chapter nine of blake of scotland yard comedy creation coming annie laurie mev apiel tu tsar the january issue of the canadian national railway magazine contains a picture of ft toronto suburban train of the canadian national railways running to eldorado park as a result of the excellent eoopera tion and interest which the employees of the toronto suburban district have taken in the operation of their line many picnics and excursions from the queen city have been secured and according to present indications superintendent n 8 camming believes that the coming season will eclipse all previous record it is interesting to note that the goltoway trophy erroneous ly credited to the niagara st catharines and toronto rail way was won b a team from the toronto suburban district made up of james herbertson captain fred walken frank coomber frank hes ter charles lawrence and w bkelton thsir victory was hut emblematic of the morale of the toronto suburban district kathleen reynolds 12yearold daughter of mr and mrs elvin rey nolds of maxwell settlement north hastings died in belleville saturday of bloodpoiioning as a result of a small scratch received on her upper lip cvery motor car eventually will ltflii 1ma ii hftve ft governor to keep it from go- m ivltlurer ing faster than 20 miles an hoar predicts dr matthias nicoll jr of soheneotady n y dr nicoll state commissioner or health delates the rising death rate or automobile accident will make the speed con trol necessary for the first tiiuo in man ears dufferin county jail has seven pris oner the usual numlter is one and for months at a time the insti tution is empty the present in mates are ebargwr with theft and three are awaiting transfer to other places gome warden garnet magil seated monday that excepting sox the 0 crop of the algoma district ih going to be verj poor no beaver and very few fisher will lie trapped this year was the prediction elnia school nrf 2 at lutowel onu has been awarded a silvor cup by the canadian horticultural coun cil having won the first prize three yearn in succession for the bent kept and planted school grounds in a sermon- at high park presby terian church sunday night rev dr a s grant secretary of the board of missions of the presby terian church iu canada declared tliat be had seen evidences of great prosperity in the dominionwide tour he had just completed a crib 110 feet long mid ih feet wide has been launched utid is ready to be sunk in 14 feet of wuter in the harbor at oakville the crib work will be continued to about four feet almie the water level another heotiou of trafalgar town ship is about to receive electric light and power that or tlie district alooit the townliue between trafalgar and toronto townships and also along the middle road went weston gets a new industry in the corrugated cattle cake and oil seed company which on december 31st broke ground in the north end of tho town on the cn ft and cpk sid ings the new enterprise calls for on iritiol outlay or 30000 and this will be added to as the business iu creases thos hardy is dead at dorchester eng in his 87th year after months illness that began with chill hardy was the greatest kng- hsh authoi of his da john fly mi deaf and dumb since he was shot through the head in the world war won kicked in the throat during a football game ut blackpool england the stimulus to his audi tory and vocal nerves immediately restored his hearing and speech w h wiuson undertaker and ideenaea embalmer ifalsat qillilm auloinobil or tlormdrawntl phlhm night or day mw or m aawmnabbaaatanaaaaaaaaa heave expert coming to georgetown friday jan 20th will be at hold mcgib- bon to aell a permanent heave cure powder paisley onl wood hsiu u0o ing rord jvtivctvd hardwood rails 350 hardwood 400 stngls cerd j hhsillh phon mr 13 osofgslowr 1 1 beg ftftal vaastftua frsh gga lor sale mud cuuvsrsd any iuce in town suo potatoes ooloaa sad cabbag at lowest prlcm sco mclean pbone u3r32 gsorgstowa 4t rr leal avr double botim on jehi x furnace water nilda snanl in one half laussdl mm pussaloa for other hall or or terms of sate apply to m wuiumsoa u ctjnwni block house newly dscorsled itdrwdisle posimaioa pftott 264 or mb ply to mrs msrk clsrk if tstst oooj wared houm on church slrawl apply lo or wataoa if on is loch uagrm bauhasrias chop per good at paw cowpuu with xtra plates s30000 also no 2 jayhse huta- dlnger banatrr will takes shp 915000 w ar last ailing urgsr nucbrosji ibese machinm are ueal for say ssun farm read the following and be con vinced that our prices cant be beat soap ci old tkup fi barn for pi p a u uoap tt liar for prunes iruiih nwilium iur u hi lor jj jvuiim lorjtinimilli for afi marmalade killeru orange manxiatuue litll cliipu 11 or iar 21 btuutta oru marnulaili m kinnrt uoldbii hnllowai hum iu for 18 sugar kinnii urouulatw hugar 10 ll for wl holw 0t 4i lb for ao tomatoes tomatoa tin for vi tonutom a lrg tina for ait pea anil com 14 rd oohoobalmon as mcbean co georgetown l sa w b browne si co nerval oeurie 4 georgetown tea rooms hot dinner from 13 to 130160 tunchftn at any hoar fowl dinner tueadayt 76v afternoon teas a apodialty stew half jeslei orkkea nttary leeorelat aaa cm- letttmery tipeoial attention given to lanohea after theatre or hltating orxir raoh s ah to ii rfcf 15 m jl neville ceargetim chassis demonstration of the bigger and better chevrolet with moving pictures january 21st in our garage at 8 pm come and discover the qualities that make chevrolet bigger and better have all its modern mechanical features fully and clearly explained by an expert from the general motors factories in all automobile history in all chevrolets thirteen years of constant progress there has never been a lowpriced car so luxurious so modern so beautiful as the bigger and better chevrolet this demonstration wiltshow you why in an inter esting and instructive way come whether you contemplate buying a car or not everybody welcome admission free j n oneill son georgetown ontario lucky number contest in connection with the above demonstration we are running a lucky number contest under thefollowina title everybody attending demonstration will be given a card with- a num ber and on filling out card with the information requeued thereon will qualiiy to enter the contest lucky number will be chosen during the demonstration and will be announced at the conclusion of the show frizes awarded as follows ladys pritt arts rig valse 850 gods prize motor meter valve 1 100 gaiortotown concert orchttttr wul im in attendance