Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 18, 1928, p. 4

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vw tllr osobortowh ukramlanuarj lklli ibjh a cham tha friend who mtiiku hoilinip lit your bout that neither hard luilt iwr tana can pari whoee hopes and wishi uiv ho fit twined with those or your own tlipyr nil of a inindi whose bonl your twert yon tnwt to alone aa youre ahelruutx with thorn- r imr own whod ei to tin imhi of tlw world for you oo over the islcy urn riirther on loo o right to thi limit mid i lulls holng sonw in the only frlrnil to call u rliiim llulw ftragrari thoan now prohibitum iiftiits in gerprints may indicate wlnthir lioot- leggers mom ii likely to stii it to their fingers the modern girl doesnt unit for leap vearwbtn li iimluu up licr mind together mnii soma fallows who think they ounht to be elected to ollli lixiila inueh originality of thought a lot of uuhvodixl uilvice it given tho moat fatile mng thnt olyerod yoang folk concerning marringi possibly we might have mom great uen iu fdture if aomcone would build log cabins for thoni to he iwrn in an eoonomut dotdares that tlie copper industry is on n aouml basis braaa appears to he producing its oanal diridends alto with the big newfl of the day com lag from automobile show rooms it may be that the world is getting better after all a new prooes baa been devised to nuke paper money wear longer now if they could find a way to make it buy a little more a doctor aaya a man ovur thirty yearaofageis incapable of loiring bat some of them come close enough ta the real thing to got by with it a rttcent poet kings or the rhonv hoid tromlional omnivorous me ills onuiivftrousnemh haa evidently led him til uut uomothing that doesnt lltrrru with him a historian announces that women u4od couiueiins in the middle ages women still htn nosmetifts in the middle ages marriage said the philosopher is like a rnllraad sign when you see n jmiltj girl you stop then you look and uttcr youre married you listen lolf is wild to have hail n marked effect in promoting early rising at tlie height of the season a golfer has to lie up at sunrise in order to get dem ii to tlie omen in time to leave a writer says the noise of the nia- gum kails is like 10000 lions roaring simultaneously it may also be com pared to tlie mayor of chicago talk iug in an undertone klmm with w sslris with sixty livii chickens iu their ptmscftaioii said to be stolen from rurnis near llronte on the toronto llamlluin highway john h hopper iiml phillip 1 champ were arrested at 4 oclock saturday morning an llolton avenue toronto by detec tive sergeants tieorge winters and harold warehouse and county con stable mrtin3abi and puinelothea- iiiuii mcclelland one man escaped iu the mliup and the polloe fcave oluuai and bred several shots at the fugitive without effecu oet htmr meuv ueeeuo premier ferguson acting minitter or highways issued n warning to the motorisu of ontario to get their oar licenses for 1028 at once or there will be an unusual rash during the latter part of the month to date there have been issued in tlie two toronto offices but 7800 motor vehicle permits which is a very small percentage of the number which most be secuied this month it hat always been the policy of the government to suggest to the police department the desirability of allowing 30 days from the commencement of the issuing of lloenses and this period expires on january 31 georgetown flour feed mills silver moon pastry flour made by mk maple leal mutta c 24 lb bag 38e 400 bag only at thl reduced price we deliver w c bessey georgetown erwingoldhams meat market homekilled beef pork lamb and veal wik tar wmmv tor sped satavaw gatthebet phone 1 throwing a lot of light on a dark continent ojlodus memoqiau at rouocboccm afrtea iu the dark cottubatit blon to tha retfaat paaj llo- mot plnom are no umntr naecea- tbl la ybfm daya when ibternn- tlotoal airman ar botuutiblnjr with tba poi and amity flic ins ant wlrolmi tabphonra jir linking up lb old world and tlia new last year the tirat pnhy or tonr- m adventurers to africa left new york and next whiter lx enilaln abltw wltli africa included in uitlr luurawm w411 tall from ibnt tort tba canadian paelclo bioumihlp h of prance will leav tbla month tor hr abrduld satttb american south afrlcnn erulu ouehln tha wat indln a fkaaaant wblla conadlana war mttllna caaada tha south africans wr rubtlmr blacka and a vmt lo pbodaa trava in tba uaupob hhu jfijl recall bta nuuratflcant daring fis mnjtlnr iwaca whb tha mataholn w fvry baart of their utronc- holdln ibetm aaroahllli vjciwia vplls will alio bo ruhrd and our uranlurapf will cntcli the ntlrlt that atouud in f amnli bat thmidrh of tha nnflvo nmi or tha arahlo whhh hiiihh iti mad of tba world ainortruit coi i ruab of 40 baa ifi count prpiirt in maylvb ftamcbft jomammeuoo the dvelormcnti on the ilnnd which no ilulior to africa will mlna but the diamond rush to the klmherlfiy nhpa in 1a7q la unique tho tlrat duemcry waa made by a trndcr who picked up a brlubt- colorod blono a child had bcrn piny inn with tho nsnay provid thin a apectncuhtr diamond and now it tho morn mention of klm- berlfty flip uholn world vlnionn dlnmnnd in itllttprlnn henp in hii rn i y firt rnr thcue mlnfft iki lihhil e0nmhmiirt uorth of iiim ti m think or the joy of vmiiik ronuli ilimiiniiim fimn oul of hi irli mill liiinu till i fo fiu thi in iti 1 1 it ptiilirt in utiity for next winter ndienturi r to africa oatrlch feathur farina am one of the oddltleii or africa destined tn f thrill the henrt of every femlnlna vltltor and wonderful to relate piiria faahlonx are sent out by par cel poet to johanneahurx and roach there bifara tbey com tn ctmnda however there ar atlll plenty of native in their national icurb and talwnir drum and zulu nr dunceii to hf seen and heard in fort tho uur dnnre are a hitn- duy morilnn lnfltutlon in th knian at tlie mir m und aro rn- cnuri oil by th ownura aa an ontl ilnh to lalior irotlhleu i the gypsy r0vcr a 3aci musical comedy in the town hall georgetown thursday and friday january 26th and 27th 1928 ttdttbs ccm tai tadwm flu lailal mfaumsartu store h ere an jth ere rvldfik m remniilriktion rort in ynkthhhta la wn tbrottfh the fart that fl ktoreyad bo1 ahd reinforced eonrt hom offl- rlally npmd lrently tw build- ng known aa the hotel new grand la of flretiiroof and arthquak- proof ktrtntnuitien and i modelled after the mtyle of the bt canadian hnuu toronto the provlnc of ontario u at the ctooe of the reauat sold prodwln year in it hlatory ac cordlnc to afflcialm of the imiart- mht of mitiei who foreran hit ht- creaw in told prod net ion thin year of 92000000 m r6mprd with latit yoara output in addition the lota mineral production la xpetol to b more titan dl0o0o00 a sain jf 90000000 ovr hfjo hallfak boyn and glrla switw club ar now well tatabllahed her calf feeding clube ar alao on the tnertase and ll i expected that in 1028 the latter will attain the aanw number in the- province aa the rormer egg marketing clrclee ar uu beinr orcanlxed and much tnnl work ta alrendy reported hm should prov a valuable aid to thy poultry loduitry j rpmrtlona for the banff win ter carnival to be held february 4u are wall under way cuna- dlan muahera are tralnlnr and in tend to mak a tronc effort to bring back to canada the htrong- heart trophy which wan canled to the united state by warren cord- inirly of aahton idaho it la tfn- tlclpttted that there will be eeveral toame from the united state com- mtlnjr again thia year saint johiu an poch in the tranipohatlon of cargo between canada and the unlud kingdom waa feted be moently when w u uaelnnes vieettreeldent in charg of traffic- of the canadian pacific railway w a walnwright oulit ant to the chairman with other offlclau of the railway inspected the c p fant cargo liner beaver- burn which recently docked her completing her maiden voyage according to a report coveting the actlvltfe of the put mar of the canada colonisation asaeela- tion a eubeldlary of the flawdim pacific ballway m famlllea con- utlngdf 3i4s peraona wr set tled on 1c2ub2 acre of lead by the association tbe valtw of tbea tranaactloni la ia exeea of fljd00- 000 nearly 30000 atw of und are ready for settlement and pros- pecta for the current yr ar very bright vancouver- in an aidrees w- fore the board f trade upon th iienlcei rendered tha doululon by the late blr wullaas van home founder of the city of vancouver and president of the canadian pa cific railway c a cotiereu gen eral superintendent of ut railways british columbia district said tw canadian pacific balhraytla th largst taxpaytr and tbr largt purchaaer in tha proviwej it spent last vear z0750wo in atars and supplies tax wage etc ll lilt j lue 1ij iiwmii ii iimmii llll iimmii ii iimmii il i halton garage boay and night service general repair lo all clau of can h 1 day and night service general repair lo all clau of car batteries charged and ilored e m doyle mmioan b f cofboonk 7 u h redrose is good ted red rose orange pekoe u the finest tea in the best paiaage alamnwm farmer to honor memory of empire soldier eaar to tha mainort of the emiures aaldiar dsad srdi ba of farad hf uta mainbers of the canadian farmerm llarlcatins tear vhleh la now proeeedlnff overseas under the auspices of the canadian natkaal hallways a huge wreath six feet in diameter beautiful in daelcs and tusaring the crests of each province intertwined viui euretarlstfa foliage has been made in montreal and will be dsnsejted at the esaav tapb in london this month during the partys visit there e the picture shows the wreath being i by w d boko vioa praaident of tha canadian national hallways in charge of itirnf lira ioji agriculture before tha departure of the party from montreal did y e ye stop to think that the merchant who fails to speak up lets a lot of golden sales slip past his store this lost business goes either to his competitor down the street or by the mail order route to the big city stores people are often surprised to find that the goods they bought unsight unseen from a catalogue can be seen and examined in the local store tell your buying public what you have adver tising in the herild will invite the whole community to your store and people shop where they are invited to shop m nwveutaa saelswl maaanaaaanabblwa annasacnig scranton coal in au sitae automatically 8ereimd and coal wood 8los iwmp tor otohtla and throating norpoaea baiithlag and gannal co in fast icarry mrythlaa to b found ta any upiodato coal and wood yard john mcdonald i ph0nb11 c the first anniversary ft tasty bread full wlght loaf ll u jul a v eu mnir w rat ahtlid tastv uj ih puuic tfc4 uua liv int a by uai anil buuntj 14 loday we- mt mlllrth fivtr louooil tiuvs uh wll a vvlila ft ou plcihch ftf th public a ifiitcnu wr malilni lit it tpwtui ammlvtfuty ohtr uuv tastv hfd in i wjitlv ik wiilly uu i m a u4 reuiu which f iva ii flavor all n own atn m i wtafpad 10 ptttv its ftlhma 7 8 kemvvme natl- af ajv cut cooklag flgi w maoaajonl 3 25c ry rimi aulrium valtiicta raiiin 22s ibovrl r e mo clotm brand para corn starch saenu cfiee chip candies 2 lb ti c nhi 9fjv whilk rircv i ar raysins iuva 29c smyr t4u ciwawl oooda sal poaautd cora 2- 31c bcirelauw stmel am ehbt pcuta corn zsr cm j tmnlsii ef a u 03c qatur tmb fcrn 3ur loc jam sale 39c raepberry or black curreuit jam or crabattle jelly strawberry jam 49e crabapplo jelly y 19e pot barley 6c fine sago 10c parti brand 22sc tsjijom 2nu25crki x95 wbeatjett 4sjsc grape nut i7ei- rotuanmeal 31c qulek qaakaf oata artawet brtavej pemchaa ne2 lis xse 23reaz ti m nauin r mm mzxftsia2e tltsaaa faaauew am ralalns 227c ftsa date we rw delimau taajlm t raiiin k oc cur medkiasslle aiuaso large slse a las 8ve ihmu r ui4 raitina st 1w livingstones bread the pesoplea choice ia now aold at 18c cash per large loaf have you tried our brown bread we havr a bis demand or it just now cfcaice cukea ho baas ei frail every say d livingstone pkonmss gmorgmtown iisfflwh steamship wktaeency ameiwr pt atar and blue aatartea oc0ooo5ojo3ej4oo3j college view garage gel your repgiig done at a fair coat come letasive you a price on your next job bap alta ta au malta af oava oaa ouaooraalmsuefet ataama aavl oar jbattathaa ataivapgag a brunton cthesevlew phone 33q cearflrjatw book now with waller t evans maai33b t j sanford steweurttbwn phwlft11uallhbi mmith owtrmsy bwa rkaaemrls oarteh fe b nt hydro electric system m iiaiiiisi aaaf- aalaafcaatiaeaisiaaaieaiaeaas ar w efaesaf jr wrwarvsnarapsbbreeieaw orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds office town hall cuadiad pacitic rty art fllbemma ittatte htuikou issued to any plaoe in dominion for rates and sailing appb to ebnercethoapson u wood rails uob slagle rare delivered hardwood railej7i0 kardafoad 400 slagle cent j h getltk ekoee m r 13 georgeae it owseeesmeeee i special farm opportunity 200 arrea loam soil natural dramuv about so uorea hardwood and oedor banh holid htono homw very large barn on atone foanda tion near markeu iiml provincial highway no anoombar- mice good tesrnih e90o0oo4 j a aberdeen suu areas ogq taaeeeavmsmimsaveswmeewai specia canned blue homes par tiu 23 ff canned prutrn per tin 17 canned pineapple per tin iq sunera per pkff j po 8oapfi iiaw lux boap 3 ban 05 castile soap 8 ban 2fi lavallnes puga iifi fresh sopply ol good candies and bars a on ban forsters taraui oaak oewrcatowa ptaoaa sb m m 3ht3ntafcaitiidtfe

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