Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1928, p. 2

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w 2 tub quouortow herald fobrnary 1st ibsh itmim bulk taa thy think n it toit lor thay an paylngfor tjuct and hungfand for waning flavour tnay haw net dhco vend salada dustfnw flash ffuftv havourml tealeff in metal salada bivtha majrracmi and duuj are io duurcil for ai hm followjn twimmt blithe 60c bwrriatrtw soe rlmtlw met kmbwrial cwnu rol i0f br lis xtr for poatry dance under ihe auspices ol the dadajhlers ol si georges church in the arena georgetown tuesjeb14lh harmony orchestra lunch served admission 100 per couple plus tax extra lady so cent town council born brill- at u vllllaii toronto ul- rml ifoepltal on jan 301 h i1w to mr and mm a brill a hon married prk8tonlucabai st oory church twonratown on saturday jan ffltb loaj by hv v 11 l vlobt ho idaat daughlr of mr and mm 0 lucas tjorkluwn to mr and mm c ii prmlati ilea- wlluams died pahulituutlph on sunday january zstb iiks bvhtjamln parr aginl do yaala brooke- in brooklyn n y on jan slit utth winnlfrad brook dearly balovedwifaof jsnws dooghmrty o that city ud sister of v w brooks georgatown red and white stores more bargains the best place to save money good lor only thursday friday and saturday red and white matches 1 for 23 seedless hakim 2 for 23 com syrup 6 lb tin old dutch cleanser 2 tins 19 posts brn flakes 1 tor 23 boiled 0u 8 im 22 servus goods raspberries per tin 30 sal boda large pkg 2 for 15 castile soap 6 for 28 floor 7 lb bas hervus tomatoes 2 for 20 watch our window for mid- week special the storm where your money bay more 1 quality always higher thaw price e b gibbens manager main street georgetown united church uev w w peek educational secretary ol the prohibition federa- tlon of canada will be the speaker at the moraine service neat sunday february 6tb aiid in the evening rev dr diekie will preach on the moul popular alb ju the world tin annual meeting of the united church will ba held on friday even tag the 3rd kebruary at h oclock report of the past years work will be given and officer for another year will be elected closing with a social halfhour when light refreshment will be nerved baptist church 8ervieeu will be held in usual in the baptist church neat 8undiy at 11 atn and 7 an iter lr geo t webb or toronto will be the preacher salvation army a special aeries of old fsbhioaed revival service will be conducted in the salvation army hall from february bth until february 10th in- cluive special speakers an being moored for a number of the meetings detailed announcement will follow in due course meeting a follow sunlay 1016 am- directory meet ing 11 a m holinees meeting 3 pm company heating 7 pm salvation abating monday tuesday wednesday thursday fviday and saturday at 8 pm meeting informal tinging old songs simple goapel eaaentiahi dis cussed after meeting gome and pend a hour at the army iaiiia8i georgetown tea rooms j hot dinners from 12 to 130hi lunch at any boor fowl dinnor tueadays 76 afternoon tea a specialty umtmait jtwt cuata fairy lee greta ami cam- moaaaty special attention given to lunuhea aftertheatre or skating omw ntoh ah to ii fjal ltae 15 m l neville w88 a mail i lai im a ii iiaai n igrandys i i i i i 1 i i a m grandy b phone 7r the pare food grocery pancakes and sjrrup aunt jemima uuukwheat ianiulus hour per pkgu 23 aunt jemima pancake flour per pkg 19 old colony pure maple byrop 111 ox bottlo 39 old colony pure maplu syrup tjoz bottle 60 large tin maple syrup 22b edwardaburg syrup 2 lb tin 17 edwardiburg syrup 8 lb tin 35 edwardaburg syrup 10 lb tin 88 hanson vom hymp quart jar 50 cereal specials rolled wheat 3 ll 88 cornmeal 8 lbe 38 red river corral per pkg jo kelloggh com flake 2 pkg 2s kellogg bran flake a pkg 28 kellogg all bran per pkg 28 kellogg pep 2 pkg 25 pottllran flakes 2 pkg 25 sunara per pkg 25 1 iilirthi turwtori inrvhown juri m 1u28 omnnll met in hkmiliil rwt4imi with muyur uiilc in tlmultuir ltwvi svnr and coutiulllom urh4y miktiivif larr ami kmu prwurti council rnct uj lutiiiiitnr ioikiiatim of chief alaukiuiii it wan imiywl uiul ttiulihl tlmt tilt trmtignatinu nf conxtaltl lniurni lu uimwptml with rvivl it won hiovwi uuil twoiulml tliat tho clirli he limtrtutml to udvorilru in tho oftoruotowu hfrum fur a cou- ntttliht and dutioit that if with it applications to u in by tl oviock kehy vth h2h it wuh lllovlml chilli ruhulllhl tllut croilmmia ltd im urttuunl a mlmu of s17l77 ou tluyir lmnimnw tax tlwy havinte lwn chnmml fur i yctars for tho nihhiip work ou water stroet and no buuimnui liaii i ami iarnml on thrir dunnu i02ri wjq and iv27 couuii oiun ruljourntt church news asbgrove the january meeting of the wo man inititute wa held at the home of mr george wingfield with 20 ladle preaent the program whioh wa aniwered by aing aay or pay proved very intererting splendid paper were given on the school library by lira john barns life of laura record by mr c wilson a duett by mr e wilaon and mlu c wrigglmwottb wa much enjoyed lunch and a aoclal hour followed after which the national anthem oloaed an interesting meeting the february meeting a valentine social will be held at the home or mrr r w raid on feb 17th gle the io4uttera are busy at their aaaaona work mr parr who died in uuelph qen era h capital on sunday formerly of terra gotta wa buried iube ceme tery tare ou tueeday a abort ear vio wa bald in the united church mr t j hiu who ha been con fined to hji room for asveral month il alowly improving quarterly sacramental tervicea will bebld in the united church next sunday evening at 7 pm hev mr neville of georgetown will ba the preacher the ladle aid or the united church will hold a valentine social on feb 14th a good program la being prepared and alio a chicken upper admiaaion 28r children 18c mtn mary spence or uae school hornby wa the champion publlo ipeaker in the 1027 school fair con tacts in order to stimulate greater intarmt along thl line the ontario trustees and ratepayers association are apouaoting further competitions the province 1 divided into districts the wujner from each district has the privillge of competing in the final competition to be held in toronto on april 13th this district take in thi oonnliw of huron brace grey perth dolterin waterloo welling ton and halton at the contest bald in masssy hall oac guelpb on wednaaday hut jan 28tb mary spenoe carried off the honors and 1 now eligible to compete in the final for the provinoul championship the subject of her speech was stay ing on the farm d a andre agricultural representative informs ua that public speaking will be a prominent phase of the 1028 school fairs and urge pupils to begin early in preparation for the competition which no doubt will be keen hsil 0asltm awpetataa at the inaugural muting of hal- too county council held but week standing co representative of the whole county wero appointed the chairman an a follow fin ansa w h horden reeve of tra falgar township road and bridges t iv leslie reeve of esouasing township county building a mason reave of actons printing m l near reave of georgetown edu cation e hnltby reave of burling ton special communications m syeta resv of milton agriculture u momlven raev of naatagawaya townshlrs county good roads h t foster reeve of nelsop township acton mr in vantjatur and miwm mary vannritutr of gcdrftouivri woro bufttflofmhi uobort itnnpu and mifm keimrtt on 8undty mrti matthoww minn xiiiriyrit howdeu aud mr toy btout of tuelph npfnt tianday at the bomt of mr dnil mm a clarridki acton onrlini arv kitjoyiui thin wintoruamu on tlu oouruttowq riiikn thin year in inrraultik nnmuw mr kpv a v utawart wiui re- movwl from the hoapiul in toronto yohtcrdoj to her homo here ttho l brailuflly recovering from horopera- uon and it in hoped tho rotuoval to tho home surroundinea will make for her apeedy recevory mr ii p moon v m was in toronto on monday on a delegation from the exoeutive of the magutrate auoalation of ontario to the hon mr prioo attorueyoenerml relative todeilrable araendmsnti to certain of the ututen and other matter of intereit to the magiatratm of the province mean jaa k anderaoo and mai colra mclean bad a miraenloob cape from serious injury hut thurs day afternoon they were prord- ing along the ueoond line when mr andersonn tar akidded on the icy roadway and turned upsldt down in the ditch just u short dutaiice wait of town beyond a never nhaking np ueitlier of the ovcupants of the car were mriounly in jnrea the wind shield and flotno of the glow in the doom qf the car were brokettptm prow nerval the young people of norval united church held their regular weekly meeting in the basement of the church on tuesday evening the meeting which wss largely at tended was opened by singing after which rev mokinnon led in prayer and tho lords prayer wa repeated in unison the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted after which miss isabel mclaughlin took charge of the meeting mrs h lyons and mr w p lawlaw played an instrumental duet which waa enjoyed by all miss j smallle gave a reading browns mistake after which miss ilertha barnes played an instrumental miss isabel mclaughlin gave a very interesting paper on sooial life in the com munity mrs wm heamiab sang loves old sweet bong followed by a recitation by miss harel mo langhlin the meeting nlosed by singing hymn 180 aftir which re freshments were served everybody is cordially invited to tliose wuekly meetings come and bring your friends ttlmsf saostur following is a brief summary of information received by the bank of montreal under date of jan 23rd concerning busmen conditions in ontario- the volume of wholesale trade continues somewhat in advanca of tho corresponding period last year retail morohanta report enaouraging demand for all seasonable lines sale of christmas good were well in ad vance of last year collection are fair automobile manufacturer are resuming volrme production agri cultural implement manufacturers have closed a sucoeasful year tire factories tanners and manufacturers of electrical equipment are actively engaged furniture manufacturers now holding their annual eihibition are optimiluc regarding the outlook conditions in the milling industry remain unchanged with little export enquiry but a good domevtio de inand woollen textile milts con tinue to find trade disappointing a larger output than last year in ties and mining timber is looked for but pnlpwood cordage will be somewhat smaller the weather has been mild and in some sections fields bare to date fall wheat bas wintered well cettl maty t a georgetown bachelor claims to have received the following lifip year letter several days ago my drar and most respected sir i send yuu this your love to stir vou have i chosen drat of all on whom to make my maiden uall vonr heart and hand i ask no less and hope youll grant my fond re quest now if your heart doe not incline in wedlock bond with mine to join then you must down five thousand pay besides dear sir a handsome dress i ask no more and take no las now you may think this letter funny but i must have a man or money so now dear sir send your reply let me he your until i die a farmer became the father of twin and on learning the new he was so delighted that ha hurried to the nearest poet office and sent this telegram to hlsslaterlnlaw twins to day more tomorrow obiloary mr hevi aliutiil tnttir ultsiili congiloii ittrrum widow o itov austin potter paaiwd nway at tho hamilton city lloapitul ulwut noon on sunday uftor huvlug beon rritiiittlly ill for tlu uiut nia wwkit- hhu wni4 ihimi on u futiu on the uborvsor i jill- ontario wur welling toil piiiimi kdward county ami was a daughter of tho law fnwiiiau r larratl mid harsh m conger both parents bulng deacotulsuu or early u k loyullsl settler in that county shu wiui innrrlnl in tb76 to the late rev austin poller who wan nt tlutt time vtatlnnrd nt wellington who later filled charges in the methodist cliurcliou ut queemvlll duudalk llnuovcr tnwnur uodcrioh dun- gannoii cliftonl ifagersvllhi paisley ucorgutowu and smithvillii she was always n great assistance to her hus band in tlu work of tlie church her bright geiinroua and friendly spirit making her uiuoh beloved by the oou grogatlonii after superannuation they settled in dundas in 1010 since mr pottern death in january 1913 she has uiadu hur home with her daughters upending the nuniiuem in dundas with mr c 11 moore aud thn wjntersiii webster qrovea mis souri with lit k w alahood she is also ktirviied byadaughterinlaw mrs a 1 potter r detroit mich and six granileblldrim her only son mid tin youngest dsughter prihleoea- otl her tlie funeral teok plawt tuesday afternoon from the residence of her daughter mrs c h moore dundas ui grove cemetery rev dr j c speer omciated assisted by rer henry caldwell of llmehoose who was an assistant pastor ot mr potters in the early days of his ministry thu pallbearers wore dr j if hoi- brook dr it hinltb h w simpson j r murray w f moon and dr m f binklcy who represented the binkley union church on the hamil ton road where mr potter preach ed for a time after moving to dundee dundastnr jonathan kitchen jonathan kitchen one of the citys oldest textile workers and a resident for many year in the holmmlate sec tion died this morning in his 77th year mr kltcheu wss born in eng land and came to canada 65 years ago making hi home continuously since hi this city where he worked aa a wool finisher at the bllnisby and watson mills retiring about two years ago he wu a member of salisbury lodge bona of england he is survived by two eons herbert and joe kitchen brentford and three daughters mr h a pettlt and mrs reuben moss brentford and mrs angus duncan of george town the funeral took plaoe on sunday from the home of hie eon herbert kitchen 22 edwin street with interment at mount hope ceme tery brentford expositor mrs annie burnett the many friends of mrs annie burnett in georgetown will be sorry to learn that she passed away very suddenly in the afternoon of january 17th mrs burnett who wa a dsughter of the late m 0 dickson of the grand trunk railway at to ronto had been residing in windsor for the last couple of years two sons stuart of windsor and roy of ottawa a sister mrs fraeer of to ronto and a brother charles c dickson of new york are the sur viving members of the family the funeral was held on saturday after noon january 20th burial lieing in chatham onl benjamin parr a wide circle of friends will regret to hear of the death of mr benjamin parr who died sunday morning january 20tb at bis home sultan st ouelph in hi 00th year he was born in ireland coming to canada with his mother in the year 1847 hebeing just a child three days after their arrival his mother died leaving him an orphan in a new country he was almost a life long resident of terra gotta going to ouelph 4 year ago to be near hie daughter in hi adnnced years in the year 1867 he married frances galbralth of terra ootta they were married in georgetown and oelabratkd their gelding wedding in terra cotta in the year 1016 in 1026 they celebrated their dia mond wedding in gurlph he leave to mourn hi loss besides hi widow four sons benjsmln of vancouver a a john h or detroit hugh a or toronto and william of kipling bask three daughters mrs mary davidson terra cotta mrs j w day oak river manitoba and mis m lilllcoe ot ouelph also 27 grandchildren and 28 great grand children he was a member of the united church and in politics ho waa a lifelong conservative the funeral took place on tues day afternoon from his late residence in ouelph tit the cemetery at qlen willlams after a short service at the house a service was held in qhtuwuliams united church both services were oondnotad by rev mr stewart assisted by rev mr cald well at olenwilliama church the pall bearer were hi sis grandson albert a parr john parr carroll lilllcoe kenneth james and nor man davidson many beautiful bora designs covered the casket showing the great respect in whioh he was hold by hi many friend miss rae campbell after an illness ot a months dura tion miss rae campbell passed away athe home of bene and her sister at the la plata apt jarvis st toronto jan 10th mlu campbell waa the youngeet daugh ter of the late mr and mrs simon campbell of georgetown where she received her education at the high school she had resided in toronto since the death of her parents and during that time had made many friend being of a winsome and bright disposition he readily won the affection and confidence of all she came in contact with her lose is deeply regretted in social circles a well as in other walkn of liff por toe past iwouty year sin- ladd u position in the parllammit buildings hhe hi deeply motirtiml by imr xlsur miss martha of timnto mm i c stephens of kegina busk and her brotbor w if cmrupmi of winnipeg a sister mrs palmir or philadelphia prmleonliwd her one year ago the funeral service wan conducted by the itnv cunon cod or st paula llloor st of which church deceased u a meinlw ufter wblob the remains wen brought in georgetown ror burial many old rriends and udionl hittiih wpw present u fxptess their deep tvgiot at the passing or one whom they had known and loved for luauy yearn cumreas im swtkiy ess jammury application forobildren 2 children brought to slielter i children involved during mouth 7 complaint received 6 investigation made 7 mall received 41 mail sent out st mileage approximately 282 oftw interviews ji court attendance 4 wards beard from 3 ward visited i warning given 1 parents prosecuted 2 committed to industrial school i legally adopted 2 released from superviaiou 1 number of girls in shelter 3 nnmber boy in shelter x cash donations asbgrove womens institutet360 terra cotta farmers club 868 mr bate manager bauk of montreal brampton 600 bnelgrove women institute 280 w h stewart grand opening st pauvsnew parish hall ol narual on wednesday february 8th supper and concert supper lervifl irom 6 to ft follower iiy a good program admiaaion 50c children 25c mieim8aatiftt ht nqrrinctoisi9 saturday treat peanut taffy a pure sugar taffy with lot of flesh peanuts freshly made pi thi special saturday treat 2so weekend chocolates an assortment of some of the very beat chocolate eo i this apeeial they ate atrictly freeh and come in hard andsoft centrea weekend chooolates 3so arthur norrington maih st phone 89 cordingleys hardware i f v miaiini ma a a marconi radio we are agents for this wonderful new radio a radio which gives yon all the stattons available with one dial control six tuhee shieded farrand oval speaker in two modeh complete and iiutalled table modal at tlmmm ooaaola modal at atttjajm let us give you a demonstration in your own home cordingley muckart phone 3s georgetown tellem what youve got if you have a thing to sell let the people know it if its merits will compel advertise and show it people do not ohen buy things they cannot see or try tellemor theyll pass it by let the people know it if you have a crop to raise first you have to sow it if you want your trade to grow grab your horn and blow it buyers dont have second sight the unknown never wins them quite but you can rouse an appetite if you let them know it no matter how you may despair it if your goods have any merit men will buy if you declare it tellem what youve got tell it in the herald

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