Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 1, 1928, p. 4

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a w tub cutorobtown hbkam piihrnary inl 1mm how one mother keeps yoqng how splendid that we ran ran away for a tew day to vwt your taiolherl without long distant it would ba of son rnilt out of the ouea- tfoa hot it la w ay to call ap oar hem by lena dis tance and maka aura all la mil that really tharo la m i for denying mtuit hot it um be u manaion it snay bv it damp it may 1 ft farm with un ld oaktm pump it may lw a palace it may ba a hat it may lm tha room whew yott hang up your hat it wiiy irt tt housa with u hou- in tha hour or uuirble bolrl with a iooii ut tlu door it inuy im ikiiihuv- ur ftluiput or hwfol vwm bit of iwiiven or one llttltf wflli lut i1 ui reineinlier wlwmvir jou roaitlt iluit bhakmpcuk wua right kid i himn mo ilaw like hobv i suppos yoa um statlott- tostatlon call i do by asking for tha number i gat the ebaaftar rata and tha evening rata aftar 830 in really wait reasonable tha rau to nearby tevhw within a radlii of ay 25 nnlee an ao low that it la now peeilbl tn sear up a wide drcla of frlonda at vary ettcht expense ktv btb nupfuuu fa long dlntatitf station 7 p after strenuojis exercise a hard days work a long motor trip or any hard physical effort try a mus tard bath just drop three table- spoonfuls of keens mustard into the hot water swirl around and then get in and soak you will be surprised at the new vigor which win result a 4t clean em up thia ia the time to clean cp your bio account we arc specialists in colleo tlons let u torn jour had debts into hard cash we i are doing thin for otlwnv why no for you j kellv aiken varalatsat ce i aautwula oaalai 1 ovaa saaas t science has found a way i h friandmhip lluw joiiu friend one trua wrong friend whose hand on youru hold ft ita 11 i however fierce life atormas whow mu wake sunshine brighter tteeui hoae laugh disperse caw wliosn eluwry eonbdenoe auuirw a refuge from despair ilimjou a friend ou old tried friend w horn time the mora endears to memorys inward vision with the passing of the year whoae kindness la u constant as the light of ooda own day whoae tbonghu are with you though himself la half a world away if such a friend you have in truth then yon aw rich indeed although of things men count at wealth vou aeem in toreat need and richer atill in treainre that increase to life end if you unto ome brother man can prove that parfeot friend fw i w h wuuon 1 1tadrtakr and i ilebsd embsdaat- auloioblu or hetadrawtjllue pktmm night or day s4w or sl canadian pacific rty aa sleuatma tldid ticket laitued to any plane in dominion for rata and nailing apply to hmcr c thompson coal best d l at w sctanion coal in all sizes also smilhinp and slean coal mrs j walldiu mv18uu0d pfionr 6u43 vary cbolca hmrdwood ucach ad llmala 9400 mr lnma cord i ckaut hatdwoad mltb 9375 par tlagl cord sslxad rab 300 nr tlaarl cord muad wood 91s0 pr tlacu cord tali ia all mod aouod dry waod and at tbra prlcaa u awod twylur satiilaction gaaran taad j urandford bo 0 phoai 131 u oaon wood rail tjoo ogl hardwood raila s3 so lagu cerd j ii saillb bhon m r 19 a1ars rord dauverad hardwood 1400 general news tlia paat aeaun of navigation on the great lake baa proved so- aati- factory to tha maiorlty of iteanuhip owner that eleven new steamer at leant will be oonatrueted for the traf be of 1928 w e alocready of uutoo ha beau appolnud bailiff of the pllth imvialon court of the ooonty of haltoa in the room and tteady percy wood reaigned at the trafalgar eoanau meeting j a hardy and jno v ford wen appointed anditor of tha townahip account the two aaaeeaora eobt appelbe for the east i the town ahip and anion patterson for the west were reappointed the ontario motor marker for 1928 are composed of black letter on a yellow ground the marker 1927 were also black letter on a yellow ground when the new ones are a few months old it will be hard to distinguish than front the old and identification of ears will oon eqnently be man duuoall george jackson of naatsgaweva township wu severely injured by his large pet dog a mastiff wush was run over reoenuy lb jsaksoa thinking tha dog was dead was in the act of removing it from the high way when the dog suited him by tha chin laoerating it so badlyvit requir ed eighteen itltehea to close the wound p t barnum once aaidi if yon have ten dollar to put to good ne put one np for the article and the other nine for advertising i can out talk any man bnt a printer the man who can itiok type and talk to several thousand people while i am talking to one i the man i afraid of and i want him for my friend numbers of anonymous letters giving addresses at whioh children are aald to be nustreated an muring hamilton children aid official trouble mr w w scott of moorebeld tendered hi resignation as clerk of the township of maryborough and mr john a thompson was appoint ed a hi sueoessor ur beott has held the position for the past twenty three year arthur wright an kngliah home loy age 20 had his back broken by a falling tree on a farm near or- angeville he la not expected to recover the member of tha yonng wo mens auxiliary of knox presby terisn church milton collected tloo 00 in copper in a competition the losing side provided a banquet for the winners dr garnet mo lain has been re elected president of woodbridge horticultural society whioh had a ery uocessfol year they raised 8718 00 and have a balance on hand of 188 they held a suoeesifal tlower show lat fall durham council members at their opening session voted themselves a salary of 2 eaoh per meeting and doubled the rental for their town liall mrs mary molntyra crawford widow of the lata j m crawford pioneer of mount forest and allla- ton died at grace hospital toronto at the age of 83 years the little daughter of ales pres ton of midland got her hand caught the moving rollen of an electrio washer her hand was ao badly crushed that fifteen lutohee wen required to close the wounds the death occurred but week of george e- campbell a lifelong reav dent of cheltenham at the peel memorial hospital aftar a short ill ties ha was in ida fortyseventh year add wu born in cheltenham son of the lata john and chatherina campbell mr anthony hamilton of bhel hume fell at tha post office maps and broke his ankle his right foot is now in a plaster of pari east and ha will be laid up for about six week the inquest into the death of fred clark campheuviue oattle drover killed on thecln b at ut pleasant was on last weak the jury returned a verdict of accidental death moore was able to attend on cratches h ere an dth ere it wu only aahori um aro tlmtirunco found auy of putting long dltane telephone 11mm in eb already thai first big jb of artcting telephone catilo 10s ralln from toronto to hulfaloj lanearlngromplftlon eletiuaa faiilm of this cabla ore urxjcrcround and tlm lateat typa of motordriven trend diguing mohilnemplt about 1800 fact of trenrb rwrtlay the job will coat ovarf 1500000 but en hit rilnt lwt atorma ao much battar tbau pan wlr that in the lone run uaubatontlol gavlhjr will be rtyctid nfth u more nwurod imtc inim iiiitittttti t t big clearing sale of all the latest styles in winter hats it in felts velvets and metallic cloth from 100 up ladies this an opportunity yon should not miss misses claridge herald block georgetown time was when a merchant could open a store and expect people to follow a beaten path to his door but those days are gone today people shop through the medium of advertising planning their buy ing in advance getting their information from the advertising in the newspapers today advertising is looked upon by the alert busi ness man as an investment from which he derives a steady income many business firms invest two per cent of their annual turnover in advertising advertise in the herald people shop where they are invited to shop 3iesfi3h- bue not her tin rimtcr ut i ho tlt or wrifin nnndnii ujrrlruhural rr0iim i th wult f wrhi il lunoet in tltt ivnltl rrtninc which in 1027 th bent n record in till kii0h w erf- wrr dupo f for u l an i of mur3w7 rprmmt hut hii uverasr nt ih 70 pvt uer thf louht price olitalnetl w v7 iter urur and the hltflvatt 970 amhilntment wiaai announcaml r- renuy of k v attiruit to be hsnnthht auperlitlendent of the cfr mont- reul t rmhmli ur angi who joined lu u mull it n locllf ltullwuy ui n 1 ik iii 1110 the jf randan 11 of it ii angua oiv of the crvator of the hviitem and nepharw of hlr vincent ueredlth ehulrman of the hunk of montreal ten yeur old john wyllle bar hour truvelled rxhntly alone from iii- aunt in os angtilth to hu father in glaagow a distance of about seven thousand mile in care bt cpk train and boat offitluls from chicago on john thought the climate hew wai little diftwrent to ul if drain and wor no overcoat or had left it packed in his trunk hut he changed hie mind at montreal where he struck aubtro weather he arrived safe and sound and will iam bc4 in the aphhtf a pitrudlse for the outside cawper will be ready next summer when the government finishes the new eamp f round in the kotky mounulna ark within half a mile of banff e tonnel mountain the camp which on ita old site last july omommodataal llafi3 peruoni la specially popular among prairie farmer- between seeding lime and harvest charge 1 only a dollar for a party for three weeks and running water garbage removal dinner shelter lectrle light and even pay telephone ar provided for campers around ten thousand anowahoers and their friends will visit montreal on the occasion of tha 20th anni versary of the founding of the canadian snowshoer association to be held n montreal february s6 the convention is international in acope sine it takes in the aashcab snowshoers association witb over lssoo members in thr taua of new hampshire and maauchuaetta while there are alto representative from tb manitoba snowshoan atsoeu tlon and local bodiee from all over the province tf quebec making hla second visit to can ada in 44 years seymour hicks noted british actor with hla wife the equally wellknown english stage favorite ellallne terrtu and their daughur betty with a com pany of 26 arrived at halifax this month played week there and three days at saint john as tb opening phaae of a four months tour that will embrace the whole dominion to victoria and back mr hicks travelled c p r and will con clude hla tour may s the increased buying power of the canadian people and the aurplue funds in their possession for invest- nwnt in the last few years is ac counted for by the increased pro duction ui the dorali increments having sine 1d2q and a new record made according to estimates in 1027 the vaua of grots production in canada in 1d43 was 941400000001 in 1024 it was 9908000000 in 1026 95 500000 000 in 1020 oflsfl 1024 and in 102t airnrding to tho tstl- niata of the financial post v 758706700 production in 1027 ox- ceeded that of 1020 by approximate ly iimjmoooo and that of 1023 by 1000000000 a ri culture accounted for 9im03h7li0 fnrestn 94hj 400000 fihintr 950201000 trap- itlng 9io7flrlaoo mlnltirr tzftjto 000 elottrlc i r 810h1u5000 rnnstrultirn tvr i 0itm on manu facjqa cauo j ilnlon substantial 1 been recorded a skavejjjsacbs standard alwwfcacrte dcranton in t automasloally boraeead and leadad coal wood salaot lamp for doweetlo sad xbraahiaf pnrpoaes 8alsblag and cannel coal is fast loarry avaryihing to ba fonnd ia any nptodat coal sad wood yard john mcdonald 10mh ii strjuisfllptlcfet agency ra oavbaullavb pausloe qaumsml araadsor qaiiasuaoawlsit atsr ave bajtle aamarieas book now with walter t evau j sanf0rd stowatdrttown phnulujtlljaallbjs bmaatt clkhfriaay tm nwechrtl a a a wood 9400 lead aardweea aeuer tluu a latagueord 4900 a lead sslsed wood kiadala quabae haaier aad luraaoe cbmksflobalaad maple pued 11100 per cwd aay laagtb murray ntaa wrl osaigtowa il irffibrj storage batteries six volts 1095 j n oneill son rewaei ccargclvvh oateria special farm opportunity 101 acniu caledou rowiuiliip iwl coiinlj soil iuixmi inuiu and day about ho iuih ruivoil lmnl ol unl hiiuu- iwlur nprini nek hooll rosdi eloctrii power tair liuildiniri s7b0 0u j a aberdeen ctt hrelier tuo redrose is good te red rose orange pekoe top quality in clean bright aluminum sell your creahij at home mfkerc vsa caa cd the highest grade and the best price oaea ivory solaraay waal geurgetown creamery co manager aafenu rev m of lob aev airateve call aufl xobobtmxok pork and beans ivory soap 2 9c tat calu 2 15c pickled red cabbage v kmtl watt ntaa soap lo 39c special dried fruit sale taara u ealv a walliil maely at f ik artleba bay sew aadysa will save caalaravh ayajaa smyrna table 1 be lb m sflros rib- packet 3 for sbq choicscsokiasaibas chsbsaoouwi hallowl australian auttaiu j dates 2 19c raisin 15v m jr at in a finest santa clara sfoeammabsb art1111fj ursa 2 ike 870 ec3t3 33clb jsaslrauaa vataaala r4alslns walu ia us 2a25 rtsrin 1s bker 92 christws caeaaaalpas bueulta tmi w tuilat corn syruj 17e calalir macaroni spaghetti 2u23c chkhaw ouves mmsms tor 39c 8 tasty bread vss wear wrappwl far vour protaetlon 9 loaf paas ww mktie domino blarul kjeu rbmi tea6t la jaul tsslaa oajf rvaah uuud raited oata 5sse hiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii rntr n hydro electric system orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds bsrayb v4vpsyrsyiajrb w rtbbvasvajr vsvajrvaysvayyvafeasabaaabs office town hall it pays to advertise

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