Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 8, 1928, p. 4

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tn aionobtown ijltnart february hth ims life searthjitaf ne live ne a taste or llfo not a tang of it srasouiml urniu not tha drug of ail uueamd bread mot the grape or ati untllled vine the life that 1 really lire that come from a fount afar hot spnngu from the toll and wtrlfo id the world of things ttti tiiej ure oive tue thuwhol of llfo the ay the hope and tin uin the struggle whotte end is fttrmi the loss that in inhiiiu gain mot the drought of u cloudless sky not the runt of a fruitless rt give me tin sun and tlu htoriu the calm and llm whiti tuu i rfst fllve uw the wot of lire to live in the world with hod where the need that is sown and dim lift a harvest ovcrtta od where beauty nnd truth an oiui where the right limit aavn lu way where the storm clouds lull for stars and th starlight heralds the day owe u the toil of lift 1 the inuwl and wind to dun- mo luaury lap for my hood no idly won wealth to shun whether by pink or piano whether by tongue or pui lt me net live in vain let mo do a mans work among men ohnrlen p clrnvrs ktmtu eitaaha i understand yoa were punished in school yesterday thomas said mr baoou to hia twelveyearold boy vet air replied thomoa it waa for telling the troth vour teacher aid it waa for aome reflection you made on her age that the way aha took it father you nee ahe drew is pitture of a baaket of eggs on the hlaekboard and while she wan out of the room i iust wrote under it the hen that made these figi isnt any ohioven so far and yet so near i moat call john by long distance and let him knew i set her all right then neither of hi will he worry ing ft wonderful to be austs vult yen like this and yet keep here tooth with heme ae if i were there what moat it have been like in the eld daye before long dutanee made it possible w place the call for yen while yea are taking off year wraps that will be fine jut ask far ear number 124 so iv fc the cheaper 8ttl-to- statlan rate in a eeople ef daye nl call up again in the evening ao i ran have a few wards with the children tea the evening rate after m i really vary low mora attention than ever before now being given to making the appearance ol dwellings more at tractive the diriculty is to kuow hint what to do at the least expense bhrubbary with a few flwera usually is all that is heoessary to take away tlie here look and make the home inuch more invitiug 1 ii some eases it may he necessary to gnuli the lawn to make a more cveii surface or an extension of the lawn surface may be desirable to give a better setting to the buildings an application of one to two pounds of limestone and one quarter to one httf pound of basic slag per square yard will supply the elements usually lacking and help to secure a good stand of kentucky bluff grow which is the best lawn gnus one quarter ounce of this grass seed to a square yard scattered evenly li thick enough and good lawns are possible by using hall this amount it is wise to use some shrubbery toward the corner of the house and at each side of the entrance to the houv the heavier and deeper plants should be at the comers with lighter plantings at the entrance shrubbery useful for planting is not very expensive if unall plants about 18 inches tall are need the small plants transplant more easily and they will soon grow to give the de sired effect the bosh houeysoeue ilonteer ulariea rose japanese lush honeysuckle lonisera morrowl more dwarf and ensealling than the other waxberry bympbori- corpos raoamosus and mock oraugo phlladelpho eoronarins or p grandlflorus are excellent for corner plants the bridal wreath 8plraea spiraea van houttet spiraea thunoergli a lower growing spiraea similar to the above and japanese barberry berber than- liergii are suitable for planting to ward the entrance the lower growing plants are set in front or at the id of the taller ones they are spued about three to four feet apart and arrangtd to give a round ing base line at the corners tod from house wall to walk it la wise to plant two or three plant of one variety together to give a group efieet when they grow and it is wise to have one group predominate that is there may be three plant of one kind two of another and one of another together or the plantings may have more plant eoeording to the size of the dwelling it u wise to leave onethird of the base line of the dwelling without pg along the edge of this planting flower in group of perennial or annual may be set if the border of the lawn is to be planted an irregular planting may be made up of lilacs japanese hydrangea hydrangea arboceseons golden bell siberian pea tree golden elder redbranched dog wood welgela rosea and w eva rathke which arc aome of the best deciduous shrubs jtewy arr relsnasar is xeag dulmm stauen i l clean em up this is the time to clean up your blow account we are specialist in collec tions let us turn your bad i debts into hard cash we are doing this for others why no for yon t i kellv aiken veaelataat ctlaihee 1 flrsagannie otalpk i r- knadian pacijicirty tut tilf mmp hffcfli tickets issued to any place in uomlnioti for rates and soilings apply to elmer c thompson in coal beet d l w sctanion coal in all eiiee alio smithing and stean coal mrs j watklns veal station phone 6342 vary chute bard wood baech aiuf hiflr t00 ear eiaala cord caolc tanhmwi t 931i pr siagu cord miudttaus txoo pr tlaejla eonli ltd waad tijo par iniu cord this is all mat gonad dry woo1 od ml hut frica bmad bufum satufactiaa uuia jtj bruuilorrl bom worw iv l osev wood uaus gw slogls rerd deuvsred kraweed rail 13u hsrvlwead t0 sstomrdj ii sith ros nu sleefgemar k harrop lot s 3rd line erin will bold an auction sale of 15 choice dairy cow and young cattle on fri day feb 10th owing to illhealth in the family this stock must be die- posed of b j kerr auctioneer 2t credit auction sale of the undersigned ha been in- htructedby k j qrmhtmm to sell by public aoeuoo at hi farm lot 12 seventh line county road 6s township ef bsqoeslng county of halton on waslnaocuw pfc u ibm atone oclock hup the following clyde homes brotra hue beg bonnie jean ibooo bay mai beg ladybess yr o2319j bay hare imp lady park 2o81 s8ot0 3ey mare good worker high class jerseys reg petnne sweet roes 189s6 bred by edwards and alexander hlllhurst quebec due ume of sales delphlnes molly 19964 bred by geo kfayhew du- ville quebec calf at aides imp bull br ellen noble 8568s0t high grade jerseys bred and ndsed by proprietor cow fawn 4 yr calf at side sow fawn 3 yrs cell at sides cow fawn 3 yr calf at aides now blank 3 yrs calf at side oow black 0 yrs oilf at sides oow fawn calf at sides heifer fawn 3 yrs calf at aides heifer fawn ii yrs calf at aides oow fawn 7 yr due before sales now brown 3 ym due before sale oow fawn 4 yr bred hay 23rd sow fawni yrs bred may 23rd esw blacklo yrs bred july 2srds oow fawn bred june 12th heifer fawn 2 yrs bred june 20th heifer fawn 2 yrs bred aug sethi heifer fawn 3 yrs bred aug 24th heifer brown 2 yrs bred aug 29th oow fawn bred nov 28th 8 heifer rising 1 year theae oow are all quiet and gentle with well balanced udder sheep 19 dorset ewes a nloe lot bred and raised on the farms 1 dorset ram was champion at on tarlo winter fair pigs 8 brood sows implements deering binder 7 ft out deering mower 6 ft out peter hamilton mower s ft out deere hay loader bid rake seed drill bet diamond barrows cultivator two furrow riding plow goakehutt joins er plow dick plow wilkinson plow democrat wagon good a new top buggy threeseated light sleigh heavy bobsleigh heavy wagon 3 hay raoks bade sow lbs chatham fanning mill long stock rack adam wagon box litter carries cutting box cream separator crosscut saw and other articles harness 2 set heavy harness teri1b930 and under cash over that amount 8 month credit on approved joint note bankable 7 per oanl per annum off for oath w a wilson benbetoh clerk auctioneer canadian athletes leave for olympic games wu uihii atluauut rpw outiv st ttl vtotytalpte ctaum at bt horlu swltseiwuiul now 6a thtr wy mttom ihm oeaan joumyd from thlr batum to tui smboard via caaadlau nbtleual railways most of ta party war photofraplnw by the can ud ian kst tonal earners man ot montreal en rouu to halifax phototfrapbs show lower loft the vanity orstls hocksy team of toronto rlffht lehan anil uupuli of montreal and ottun a respetv tl p1 iuiidb rnroontnth c ippcr rinht thit jmrty ul oard the maritime exprfiu uf tlm cunadlah natloual hailuaya lift kom roblnaon toronto apretl akatlni ehawpioo who will repraumt canada in tb anted akatlns eent canadian nutlonal nallwaj pbotorrapba revelstoke queen city of the sldjumpera tha town of ravautoka nejtlinu amobf toafulklrk mountalna in the broad vmllay of tha columbia rlvar in brltiah columbia la notod for two tblnfa iu national park tltuaud oa ttop of mount rovel atoka and ita woild famoua aki- jump where world record have boen ibada and up to the prownt data not aurpiamad tha reveutoke winter carnival ettende from february 610 in- tluaiv durinc thla celebration the fourtatnth annual akwumplns tour nament take placa on february 78 tha famoua hill where tha jump ore mode haa a total leoath of 1780 feet with a runway or 600 fee thadutanrafromthaukaoff to tha farthest point at which a aaie londlnf la aoaured la 280 feet or 40 feet beyond the prevent world mord vatetat nela nelson a brake man on thn canadian pacific railway estnb luhod his world record jump of mo feet in 106 the woman record jump of 84 feet was uuo made on the reveldtoke aki bill in 102 j l isol rl courainr a record which still stands little children in this mountain town uho tun do llttlo more than walk begin to ski as noon as there is suftlrient snow und they are brouuht up to think no more of akilntc than the avorane child thinka of walklnn the children have their ou n bill and little jumps from whlih rhr rradu- at one by one revelstoke baa an unutfually largo akatlntc rink for tho site of tho town and thora are four curling rlnka tha dates for tbe ban it inter carnival aro from ffbrnar 411 making it rol ii iorr inthuiiiet to artief axww m take part in both avanta canadians are great lovers ef tha outofdoors and wlatar aporta ora an important factor in tha live oi oung people in thla land of the maple leaf quebec and montrst aro the twoeasterncentersforaporta innjncs tn the middle wast ana llunff and revelstoke atul farthar ent weatem canada hoe aa abundance or sunshine and tha uaather in all anyone could desire for it doe not frees and thaw alternately postponing opeclal com- ixtitionh or trips but remains fairlv even temperature canadians and americana will soon realica tha futility of traveling long distances and snrndlnr large auma of money to enjoy wlnver sports in norway sweden or switzerland when then ar so many delightful winter resort in rrr dominion of canada empires smallest island asks for kelp novsthwxu eon lis from kins oeorue and queeu uory down to the lowliest ot their subjects throughout tbe em pire interest has been escltsd in the distent sad isolated island of tristan da cunha in tho south atlantis by tha voysse or the can adian pacific ijncr kmpreae of wane on its first a wean- ameri can cruise tn the course of which the vessel will touch at the island liardly one ehlp in a twelve month cornea anywhere near tho island and the adent of one which carries with it every facility of moaern luxury is an event which will certainty be unique tha 140 inhabitants of tristan da cunha will bnve a treat in atore bums pressnte have poured in to tha oltlom or tbe i o d b for them thase include timber and umactf qctt7iri9t4 doatu4 noils which am bi ink mt ou the reoonunendatlon or apioln s vint aldtlmc mariner who lives in montreal and who recalls day whim he sailed near tbe island and tbe inhabitants put oft in boata and bskcd for wood und copper nnjii other rifts aru book mar- atlneit clolblntt kramnphonoa end rocords and particularly n power ful radio set whlcb wilt keep them in conturt with tbe outuldo world no xhlps enn dock ul thr island and ttin kmprthtt on her passngi arros the 3773 miles of ocean unit aepnratea llutnnn ayrea and t npe town will atop about hal way within slsht nf thr island and will rnft to tin inbubltunta thit ktrts of tho outside world thla will be done about tbe last week in february hid peoplu ii ro plf sovernlns and aelfftup par tins ibe men arf darlnc seamen and rtever carpen ter and mnsons but there is touch of the primitive about the plrturesqiio bullockcarts and thn oottasea built or huxa hlocks of atone high cliffs circle the lonr ly latnnd and are pierced wltb ru intp tho wnlts rising like mm pirts from tbu sen to i hnlsht a oipr 1000 feot they are topped b a rontrnl rono that utaud out amid the tturroundlns cliffs at n imlght of 7i0 feet snowcapped nnd aymmetrlcat u tho peak of tmeiiffo tin lnljnd has only hi nn in contlnunl occupation 1no 1di7 althoush dlacovernd in 1b0c by the portuguese admlrnl da unbs i another effort u ravim tlie tial entlsr so as to luuke hsmjii utontli contain tutsotly fear weeks is being noosiaered by a uomtnittef of the league of nations several planf have been suggested but one bro- posed by m ii cotawoui dlreotor of the loternl tloual killed usietidar leagu apbears to meet with most favor briefly us proposal is to divide the year into 11 months of iu days each every week and roontli to be gin on sunday with the extra tnoflth inserted betwetiu fune and ltily it would he ueoshsary to lutve au additional day at the end of lie eeraber and au antra day lu leap years but these would not take the name of any day of tlte week thus eaoh day of twery mouth would always uome on the same day of the week sundays on tbe 1st 8th lbtb und kindt monday on the 2nd 9th 18th and iwrd and so protua praetiool staudpoiuttbr proposed calendar would have many advantage and would greatly slm plify the keeping of aoeounu eou putlng pay roll calculating inter est wording statistical data and the like sentimentally it would play with anniversaries and ehureb feist by requiring other day to u substituted for those now observed those who were bom ou the 20th to 31th inclusive of any mouth would be legislated out of their birthdays still the same thing ha happened many time in the past when calen der changes have been made and no one appears to have been harmed the process coal of quality forproaqd delivery j b mackenzie cmrsctmra gaivilhag standard anthracite scranton coal in austam antamatioally bereened and coal wood beleot lamp for oameetlo and hrehiug pu smithing and caofiel coal la fee ioarry ererytbiug to be found la any uplodaie goal and wood yard john mcdonald phohb ib georgetown steamship ttoffit agency oanmi ptuose owuuni aneliarowia hawiwiat bter omd beuuo aamarie book now with waller t evans gthstlwwb w h vvuuon 1tsurtajar mmt fitcaaaad kihalias- male gin oeessjsteww auleswaus or horsefvawallrajj pfcee aigtlarday s4w er m redr0se is good tea the orange pekoe at a little extra cost is extra good u in clean bright aluminum ktms storage batteries i ssit 4 se six volts 1095 j n oneill son ii ctgrstwwi s georgetown tea room hot dinner from 12 to 1 so tl lunnlies at any hour fowl dinner tuesdays 7fk afternoon teas a peoialty half mtir msel cuduta ptriry ice crctn mi cm- tttutty special attention given to lunches after theatre ur skating oem rmoif b am to u ru is ml l neville ccmsttoin sell your cream at home hvre tm cm gel the highest grade ami the best price spea bvery sjlariiy wtw georgetown creamery co ma ssie meuiagwr a sea itotsaaffsi r oau mm a anais t mmha asf euulj tw w isfd f aultllry mel ii aiilea ttu ta uli j tteeevt v butter bacon rissm qssulr ouslasus maittuiei a 4 m maytlejd i braaa gsj jeinvil basjltaen ss v cheese 25 ledmsmwouoesh 32c e swiss gnrrsre nev aa l s itlltir itvv chateau loaf rists 3le srrofli 1 l pure lard ushi 83c sbarteoiag ukesu ssu sssskss picnto hants ibea special baking values cook friend t 29c j sanford atewarttown ptomblbqttasaiilidig itumttt clwtrwiy qvoi hru aiai wood s400 lasd uarewoed seller tkau e elagl esrd nm a lead alasd weed klaufag queiec hssler aad laiau teaksuooaleaa hfl eosd si1b0 er torsi say igta hurrays re tr nssrgilsws m bjdti powder 44- 17c lie icallferaia whit satin vmmrr flour tt ao4hba eaao m raultll l27he ol teas dal eoe bulk a97e deaalao 69 rlehmsllo 79clb saralinea 2ti25c srou 32sc goithsoda15 tomato catiup 21 caswrin marahi issuss mallowa 35 tastyv frrwrsasi lgnww golden syrup 27e geld bar asparagiu 15 grape fruit 90s sll corned beef tsstaasav ahetia hi j hydro electric system t tt orders taken for ranges -and- appliances of all kinds asiaaiaa aa sl aeaalaata aas a a4si4saaaeaekaa r wpearipebiabrvwarv vpbspssssspsssskesss office town hall

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