Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1928, p. 1

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the georgetown herald sixty hkcond vkau ok publication oeorajtown wdnady evonint fewnarr 15th 1b28 ito par annan n advance 200 to dh ihegeorgelown herald jr at noons puljuru4 iprxrutav mkr cuilu wklir kr- pyr aamlmtl dka fl- tbl goimo ka8t paaaenger v passenger 03aro ivukomr 10lhani uisr lou pm itnudi lwpm uail 082 pm rimciiifjdr h3fipm paaaenger sunday 7 si pm ooiho wuui mill 710 ttro pamanmr 918 pitsngir 1028 sn paaaenger 812 p- hail 480pm piturtb 003 pm peaaenger 708 pn passenger bnadav 1034 em ootnos nobtii hail sm ro ifau 481s pm oottlo bo0tu udl j1j am kail 71 pm hedrtt atlwayf tciimtt kium bsuwav bjkbtbotjni wbbtbound dv y iiirjtnjifaihlaja9i good farm for sale 160 aonou ra4y h niton coonty 14100 utiili r i ultiviitiuii b iluurtf mas 710 a w nol 786 am n ii nip siiiiifw hi hitflyt lwnt h toun suil 1 1 iv illil i if i mint itfi mjhtiid pliriiiill uiuhi luilltl v nouil i aim imih irnibil nuil i lujiiiitiliil uuuf walter t evans real ettale and inturanca mill st georgetown 957 am hjj7ani 8 167pm 10 887 pm ii 87 pm 14 787 pm 18 067 pm 18 hjl8pm 8 98 am 1 6 llb5atn 7 181 pm 9 d 88 pm 11 b8spni 18 78 pm 16 98b pm 17 ia0flarn he 1 and sundays 2 trains will not ran iqtuvs15cs i iwmmhwlaatr service h westbound una georgetown for ouelph kitchener btattmrd st mary8 london and intermediate points dally at leuoauat w 140 ps xsatnrdays sundays and holi day up u and ladudlng jan lit leaves at 940 pm babtbound leaves georgetown for norval toronto and laurmarhat points daily at ima s40 i clocks clocks 8 day kitchen clocks strikes the hour and half hour in light or dark wood a real bargain at 500 b willson cemeiya i the british settlement society of canada phi society i engaged in bunging britieh lumilies to canada and ar anxious to nettle il pos- ible 4 1m families in ontario this spring theae familie ok the moat part are thoroughly experienced agnculturaliel parties requiring arm or domestic lirlfj may aecure full infoimation by applying to alex d hume georgetown thm houm by th s of thmroaj lloauun frnd to man and h llvd in u huumf by trwi bj of lh road honutr tuiw jw btiiuiit umiu tbut live with drawn in tin ptica f uuilr wlf content tlinr aro turn a like ikam that iwi upart in a fellowihi urtuiiswnt geierajnews two otikvilla ladleu war unfor tutiata iiougb to raoeivo brokau arm u a frtull of falling oil tho ky walk mua k d6lamra who broke her mt wrut and mm k o balnwr who buffered a fractured right wrfat a milk trunk driren by km ben meyei akldded at the uouth end of markhau village rolling right over i in pitching down an emuankrnent at the rouge river and npaet 300 gal- lbi of milk meyer jumped in time to etuape aarioui iniary notes and comments xsatardaya suadaya and boll- dan up ta and including jan lfi leavee at tuo pm inromifatioa ueglbbeaa houl or norrinc- snt bum georoetowt eulkow coach uttbs ltd 4 weulaatea iwbat tokomfo directory ball thoumo a mmt balulian oaorgatown ontario liealay bala iakm a taaaiaeea ogmjklng bldg mill st to hub barrlalar soucllor etc oatee ml st oeorgeiowa heare 9aat to s p m opaa welaaaday and saturday evanleg oaamajica uwioouta irtar- aellelu atatary paufe abi aijooa oeeram heare 9 a to 5 pm ftnaa wedaaadiy and saturday evmiiog akavavt fadl a end auraaaa joateerof health in eequealng towaanlp oaaeaatean i teaa t u a- mala atram ajnnia oenealte preabytertaa oaaroa de an pttyalclaa and surgeon aful 8tre oaorgeloem pbone 23 caheute aorgaoa grace rlntpltat toronto sb o v payncun and burgeon lladieal omnnr of health oeorgatown i and reeldeneaqueen st south houra 910 am 18 and 48 pm alao by appointment r a ano du a koa bwn ta kaaept t afuvnaaae k t- hatatm uda doa oaaa la laaa bloek one door aortl at owellra carrtaa laetor uour e m re a br a iaamatoiith veterinary surgeon u halaauaenk itrtyrii lotula ohxbopraotio mi wmteulty pmlwmr odttw lairt mnajrr vv tb amviwl coaipul and upi smc cbitoprmctiemlly to ontario mlffbuamdf v ciktwpwtmw ttrtar oiat ia vs itraatl oucm naxt to 0nlu grtr wadiiwdiy gtuf oipm oumt day and hours by appoint mam pkoaa isow ttasidenc iu dk mlhll- jl tuaaday aad frlday 3 to 9 p- bate m eyes examined i ir tf watter io8c h1 braaiplaa fromllub uprthe beet leniee faiaiaa auaeued qleaaai aadfnuu halton garage i i 9 day and night service general repaira to all claaa or cara batterie charged and atored m doyle pniwieim b f colbottroe tktm 7 feawietttw ibbss e i i erwiimgoldhams meat market choice domekilled deel veal pork and lamb you can tell a by the mileage te his tires geffi sous fellow are aure rough on tint ilnm on the brake and tilde a yard or two in topping drop in the clutch and apin the rear wheels in tartlng apeed round corner and akid it may gave a few minutea running time it may even look a little thowy to the man on the aide- walk but the real driver know thnt it meant mllel off the running life of the tire good tires will give unbelievable mile of service if you treat tnen right drive sanely come in anr let us put the gauge on the valves once a week under inflation means certain trouble let us examine the casings regularly for embedded flints and nails tins service will suve dollar on your years cor expense dominion tire depot j n oneill son wards garage georgetown phone 220 it where yaa gel pntaaj txrvlee awl hrslejass wrt fresh fish every friday get the best phone 1 logs wanted 1 9 6 o 9 0 we are paying cash for logs de livered at our mill in georgetown anyone having logs for sale please communicate with us at as early date as possible we do custom sawing georgetown lumber co pewaessi cesrfetswa college view garage get your repaira done at a faircott come lela give you a price on your next job bepalr t au ataae ef can ou oiu oreaea bu raale aaa car baturla b keeget a brunton cslleievlcw phone 33s t all kinda of auto repairing done promptly by fitatclaaa mechanics we guarantee satisfaction to all customers and our price are moderate gas oils etc ch as ward hals st spsmile settler m cearfetsws hut lot uio live in my bouw by the aido of tlie road and be a friendto man 1 mki from my hounrt by the side of thnroad uy thn tide of the highway of life tbo tnen who pitttu with the ardor of hopu tlie mon who uiv fuint with the strife but i turn not sway from their imlles nor their tears uoth parts of an infinite plan lot me live in my house by the side of the rood anil be a friend to man 1 know there are brookgladdened meadows ahead and mountains of wearisome height that the road pattm on through the long afternoon and atretehes away to the night hut null i rejoloe when the travellers rejoice and weep with the strangers that moan nor live in my nouaeby the aldo of rood like a man who dwells alone let me live in my house hy the aide of the road where the races of men go by they are good they are bad they are weak they are strong wise foolish so am l then why should i sit in the soornera seat or hurl the eyniaa ban 7 let me live in my house by the side of the rood and be a friend to man sam walter foaa uavetsaai ruislimis clarks bakery j and grocfry best quality bread and pastry the choicest groceries you will find our price the lowest when you consider the quality of goods we provide for our customer lst bb have yobi- wast order a mark clark si it pays to advertise a very pleasant event took plane at the home of if r and lira leslie fisher 8th line eequealng on friday evening hut feb 10 this being the oloalng night of a encbre slab whioh has been operated in that neighbor hood during the past few weeks af ter the euchre game was over and all present had partaken of a splendid luneh provided by lira fisher mr and mrs seward wilson two nam hers of tlie olub were called forward and were made the recipients of a beautiful electrie table lamp together itli the following address which was read by mrs w l mcdonald the presentation being made by mr lea he fisher dear mr and mrs wilton the time is now drawing ta aolnse for up to discontinue our social gather ings which we have all so much en joyed during the past few weeks in which our euchre olub has been oper ated it is with deep regret that we have learned of your intention to re movo from this community and that we wdl perhaps not have the pleasure of your enjoyable company as we have had in the past during the months and years that are past and gone we can assure you that we have all enjoyed very much not only your admirable company bat your very generous hospltalily as well we feel that our community is about to sustain a very great loss through your removal from our midst of not only kind and helpful neighbors but social friends as well however we know that our loss will be others gain and we all join in wishing you and your family many years or happiness and prosperity and we trust that god may blear yon all ana guide and keep you in his care as you seek to do his will we ask you at this time to accept this gift as a slight token of our es teem and fellowship toward yon and we hope it may be something hy which you will keep in memory those with whom you have been associated with so long in this community the who will always treasure the pleasant memories of the past signed on behalf of the members of the olub dr u e mslean medical oflloer ofhealtb in east york township stated that not one eaw of smallpox exists in the township to his know ledge the last patient under quarantine was discharged early this week no deaths from the disease oscurred in east york from the recent epidemic negotiations between oakville town council and an excelsior pro ducts firm for a factory have failed for the present at least mayor robinson reports that the company might reopennegotiatlons possibly with some different proposition it la also stated that the oak tire in dustry which hail been expected to commence operation here again is showing no definite indication of doing so mr and mrs n b irish of orillla celebrated the seventieth an niversary of their marriage they probably bold the record in ontario for the greatest number of years of wedded life a banlt bte marie dispatch says that the wolves are killing off the deer in the beet big game district of algema our game laws are making wolves meat of the deer mail wilbur glenn voliva suootator to elijah dowia says the world will be destroyed in seven years and as we survey crime news and note the general tendency of the time this strikes us as a conservative estimate the rororimim il lln feilnrul government waking un intcrprvtii- tion of tlie meaning of tint waid persons in tlm hn a at tin 14th oil the list of ontario rum for liiin ing at the prcncnl mtting nt the supreme court of canada and bus been set dowu tor hninng murtli if this reference has jooii matlo at the reoueet of the national council of women and other womerch arunia- tions who for yoam havo iwepri-ti- ingfor the appointment of womrm to the senate women coutend thnt they ore poriom within tlm meaning of the kna act while it has for yuant upon hplil that tlu term 1 did tint uuteniplatf the inclusion ol wpmin lor the pur pose of appointment to the senit it generally is expeoted th nuptrlf court likoly will put a uiotlorit utui broad interpretation on the trnri particularly in view of tliu fact tlio men and womeu entitled to extrum the franchise generally ure referred to as persons there ore substantial reasons to support thin expectation the regular monthly meeting of the balllnsfsd w m 8 was held on tuesday january 31st the follow ing officers were elected for 1038 president miss a hoggin secre tary mrs robt moeneryi treasurer mhj mokeohnie organist mrs h hilts assistant organist mrs r vannatter mrs r mcenery secretary ome tldmg after anatlur another peat has apparently arrir ed to worry the already hardworking farmer they have been bean with the army worm tlie wire worm book worm corn borer turnip fly hessian fly and other flies now comes along the little grey woodpecker with his sharp beak farmer are reporting that this bird is quitting tie bushes and attacking the shingles on their barns hoveral farmers in this neigh borhood within the past few days have noticed round holes appearing in the roofs of their hams and on olose observation have spied the bird pecking away at the shingles in some instances holes have been made nlean through the roof mitchell advocate the ptrftct man them is u man who never drinks nor smokes uor chews nor swears who no or gambles never flirts and shuns all sinful snares hes paralysed there is a man who never does anything that is not right his wilin can tell just when be is at morning noon and night hes dead if youre not op and doing yuure down and being don ontoary asa romford the remain of the late ass rum- ford who died suddenly in exeter on tuesday jan 24th were hrounht to forest on the evening train last thtwday and the funeral was held from the home of his sitter inlaw mrs ed romford to beeehwood ce metery on friday afternoon the eervioes were eoadujted by rev clay ton moorehonse of exeter assisted by rev w l hila and rev a w mnxwotthy of the forest united church the bearer were six nap- haws frank clark aubry davidson stanley rumford of thedford and mart and floyd rumford of forest mr rumford was in his 70tb year and was bom in durham county he was for many years a resident of forest and has resided also in wat ford thedford georgetown and exe ter he was 60 years of age and is survived by hi wife formerly char lotte braddon of thedford he was a member of the methodist church until the united church was organiz ed he was a prominent mason and for many years a member of forest lodge and affiliated with watford lodge he was a harnessmaker by trade and carried on this business bare and the other places mentioned forest free press the great concern of tbo ocuulry at the moment is the dominion bud get which will shortly be laid before the house what it will contain iu of course mere speculation although it is hinted that it will not only show a goad surplus but that then will be on easing up on some of tlm sources of revenue tax two of the latter it is hoped might be done away with although it appeurs tu be a forlorn hope for tho present these are the income tax and the sales tax the one is an unmitigated nuisance and produoea but little from the average man who is com pelled to pay while the man of large means if inclined to be dishonest may easily and a way to evade muob of what be should rightly be assessed the other is without question u detriment to business expansion and cannot help bur aotto the disadvan tage of the countrys development a higher tax on the unnecessaries of life would not be a burden to any good citixen of the country and might assist in stemming tlie tide of frivolity which appears to be fast overtaking the younger itineration especially wasalaaj t oalakaa tu a stiff warning to chicken thieves is sounded by magistrate shields of oakville when he sentenced philip deaohampa and john l hooper to three years imprisonment in kings ton penitentiary they were con victed of robbing the roosts on the farm of samuel mclean at poat- ville both men were art ted by the toronto police most of the stolen chickens were recovered bsalceaaty oea perl county orange lodge have appointed the following officers w it john bonham streeuville i p m elmer little sandhill d m howard mccort bolton chap lain roy laverj palgrave r 8 allan molean palgrave f 8 james olliff snelgrove treasurer w d norrin tulhunore marshal joseph allen cooksvillr lecturers roy chaste brampton win mo- curdy campbells crow and t oaves cooksville baaibsl reels a trafalgar young man met with rather an unpleasant experience re cently when returning from toronto he noticed a lady apparently in duv tress with her oar near erindale and being bllad with chivalrous ideas he got out of his car and proffered as sistance to his surprise two men stepped from behind the oar and the cry of hands up met his ear the lady relieved him of ins valuables and a sum of 1410- add ing insult to injury by returning him the 30c to buy gas and then dnving off this should he a lesson to our young men to relieve distressed dam sel only in broad daylight and in a arowded dietriot the time has about arrived for amateur gardeners to check over their stock of implements and replace ob aolete tools with 1s2h models the season for the back to thn backyard movement approaches if farm electriilcation continu es at the present rateit will not be so many years until rural ontario will have the advantages of the cities in regard to electricity new hydro lines are being steadily extended through the province where the far mors are taking advantage of the provincial governments offer of pay ing so per mm of the coat of the local transmission linos it was the dream of sir adam beck that some day every farm in ontario would have electric lights and oloctric power to turn chums to ran chopper and to do the dosen odd jobs whioh make life on a farm a drudgery tho dsy is coming when sir adams dream ill be fulfilled other provinces aiu following the example of ontario a committee on rural electrification has boon formed in manitoba which it studying the problem the distances between farms on tlie prumos how ever makes the problem more dilll- oulttban in ontario in the republic to the south many btates uro also ex perimenting along ontarios lines between rural mail delivery the automobilo elecmfloation and radio the old isolation of the farm is dittup peering the farmors wifo will soou be able to wash to iron to churn and do many of her household duties bj electricity tlie oldfoahtoued oil lamp and lantern will in relics or the past when that djy come the lore of the white lights of thn city may be uot as great an hi the post it is estimated oh a remit of spo- oial research that the earth produces two hundred timi as much food uu is consumed by mankind jail about thirty times as inuoh a is consumed by all animal life it would there fore seem that the world as a whole is fur from a condition of fainiuc with tlie modem means of trunspor tattoo and the increasing dispensa tion owing to the spread of the roal christian spirit of peoples or trilm and nations to help one another in time of need famine randmoiis in communities that may hav a crop shortage aro mnch ameliorated if not obliterated there would appear to he no danger of over population for some time to come especially in civilised and progressive lountrics on aoeount of the shortage of food as some economists havo lusuted this is without taking into account the poxsiblllties and probabilities of inoreosed production of food stuffs snd the advances of science in the discovery of new roods mr cierur is credited with the prediction that in the not distant future canada alone will produce a billion bushels of wheat the question arises if it dooe where is the pneu to go to will there be a canadian wheat pool and will it bu able toholl allnswheut at a remunerative price possibly liy that time the world connumptinn uf wheat will have cprmnpondinuty increased ivssaatatleai treas mead prior to his departure fur hilbj where he has been given a per manent appointment by thn provin cial government in thu asmtariuui in that town with on adequate salary alex hodge thu pmicipul in thu 8outb simeon tragetly on jul tw last was remomlurtl in a tangible way by his iimny friends m his oominuuity on monday eveviug when lie was madi the recipient uf a presentation m the town luill at usslon

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