Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 15, 1928, p. 4

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ss pago 4 the ohoikietown dkiiam kiibniary uuh imh uu colorfal words ju4fr winter i ft nilvcr iihiuw hllvcr diiltu uiki ttilvtir duy hilver lea iuiu ilvir hlhht hilver iuvtiliitn nf hlmt silver huiim hiilhi ullvur itavm hllvrr imiip ilia winter iui mlvr phraw bprlimv wyitoiijftnmu with nm green of ytiuiiouu luwnti itetwcen grfm uullght dt willntv ikviii orcou of woodtiiml rlmntit limine tlrtvii of rmtntl rimmed witli uiihh tlrthm of trilliunm tliil nm hpriiik yiumyinnut wiili knsh t 8uimuir it ruiiluw wunl rainbow ttvt til imimiiiiiulunl kaibbow tiunut i iiutit tlie tdty itiiiubow luuth iuil iluiuun lly rainbow tmfdu uod wiili all ituiulumr limy is prmliil humuiiv u a uihimiw wtiii autumn iiiim a unmih him ml golden carptt on ihi- ucminii uoldm harvest tltnnir tin luhl tioldii nujsuft oryliiiiui yiwll nldcprodt tin- hill tiiiluiwd t olden by rnirly irom aiituinu liia i uouiimi- si until john hun ion wat coal of quality far prompt delivery 1 b mackenzie is w chronic couch are ordin ary coughs that havebeen sowed to ettle in the throat bronchial tubes orhmga tocheekacough talon it develops into something worse follow the course that doctors recommend and apply a home made mustard platter to your throat or cheat itls seldom indeed tfaatacough wul not yield to thla tried and proven remedy t snake a plaster mix two tablspoonfuls of keens mustard with iu or finsanl meal or flour into a e with cold water spread between leaves o brown neper and cover wish mutltn home llank depositors ajne ulging upon uw government a further ineaaur of roltar k o odette kant kaaex anil colonel roliinaoa wokt reaetf have interested them selves on behalf of over 2600 depoei- ton who feel tlwy have not been juntly lieated a deputation waa to liavo nut tlu kinouoe minister fiw day ao but the iiouferetuft hail ihmii difornhl for two weeks wlult tlut relief neaaura for home llllllk uvmmitor was presented in the ivmtnotlu it urraugvd for tijioo tmul for mils purpose utul approved inn llu henate rwluoeil thla ouount to ikiuuuouo the uoudltloua at tuilrul to thla relief fund were that ilnihhutora with uaa than 600 in the imuu at the tlnve of failure reoaiveu llli perotml of their depoaiu thou who had over 600 on depoalt if ttuty could prove diatreaa teeelved tliu aauu percettlage otheri re ctuvod only the uquidatora payment thu atliulnlktrotiou of the fund waa plnued in thu handa of the kt climluer court and when the t1000 wo wai eupmideil tbeiw was found jo be over jioo depoiltora whoar llmuiolal poiitioa appeared to juttify ua hpeclal treatmout ai that tiveu to othin but no more money for thla imrpoae wot available to liquidate the claims of theaa zs00 depoauora who plead dlmmaa wll reaulre about 8000000 it la thla amount thai ia aought from the government- while tha government aympathbea with the applicants it ia very doubtful if porlument will be asked to vote the amount requested ftrmtttfkmk dr h k anderson ii p for halloa ia making inquiries in the house of commons now in s at ottawa mgardinc the defunct farmers bank last wednesday he aekei the following question i would like to aak the minister or finance whether the farmers bank has been definitely wound up and a financial statement motived from the liquidators the ulnuter of finance made the following reply in answer to the question on december 20th 1s3s the liquidator o t olarkaoo received his discharge from the supreme court of ontario all assets of the farmers bank having been realized upon and accounted for out ot assets estimated in 1010 at 2000000 odd the total amount collected by the liquidator waa 1372829 this included s14 880 collected on aooount of double liability at against 584jw0 capital oobsorluad after providing for note otreule hon 100 per cent and paying legal and liquidation costs nothing waa left for depositors the total of whose claims waa ms403 clean em up thla ia the time to clean op your slow acoounta we are hpeciallnu in collee- tiona lot uh turn your had debts into hard cash we are doing thi for nthcra why not for you kellv aiken faaautaat callmtava 0uajaui qaalaji ovm 1 ai canadian paritic rty awl slumkly tlckcte tifllwti uhuud to any plaw in pominiou kor rntra imt uiihngi apply t i elmer c thompson hkmcll coal boat o l w serantob coal in all ilea also smithing and slean coal mrs j walkitu noel suiiuu ihone 6lr42 very choice hardwood beset and uaele moo per slrkla coreji ctvolct hardwood slabs 37s par alalia cord aslaad rala awm par iala cordi aalaad weed glso par alalia cord tkla la all good aauad dry wood and at three prices is good bayiau sausfacuea goaraa- teed j ilraadloni itea 490 pboae ijs t aaoriatowo borne people are forever complain ing that none of the big or little op portunities come their way they bear of a neighbor who got a real bargain in a used automobile and wouder why hit ehanee had not been tbeia and when a neighbor ahowt them a bit of furniture or other household article he hod picked up for a fraction of its real worth and iliay again wouder why others are favored over them thus they cany on their lamentations and selfsym pathy throughout the whole catalog if human want and pnajastlnnt paradoxical though it seems these man and women who oovet the op portunities offered to and grasped by others oould bud the eeoett o the other fellows good fortune in the newapaper read by them both that secret la vhe eltaslfled advertising kolomna it it there that the golden opportunities are offered and found the want ad page it themeoca tor those who have golden oppor tunities to offer and or those who wisely hunt their tens ofjdlsmooda othonie if the atom with itaehow windows glass casus counters and open doors can not do business without news paper advertisements how can the seller and buyer of the used article expect to do business without ad vertising the want ad or clasai- tied advertisement it the thaw win dow and counter for the private citi zen who has something to sell or wants to buy something the other nltlzen has algoma advocate ma usktjtr ttmtaae a world shortage of hides and lea ther which it approaching almost famine conditions in same ooontries and which la making necessary high er prices for all leather prodneta has oreated a trying and dimoult situa tion for tha boot and shoe industry it is said that an t of 16- per oeou or more iu the prices of bo9ts and shoes u neoeeeory in order bare ly to cover the hither ooetr reanltiny from the big advances whieb have taken place in quotations for leather and that atitl further innnnttie in boot and shoe prices will he un avoidable if leather prices eootinuu to mount in june ibm the aver age oast of packer hides usees by the tanners waa under 12 cents per pound whereas the present price is very close to 28 eenta par pound last week one of the principal can adian tale leather tanneries bought 16000 south american heavy hides at 30j oentt per pound whereas a year ago hides of the aame class were purchased at 16 and 17 cants per pound the increased oust of hides has resulted in much higher prises for leather sole and upper leathershave advanced bam 40 to 00 per cent people will be well ad vised to purchase footwear while local ttonkt hut the presbytery of superior of the united ohunh has voted in opposi tion to women being given the right of erdlattioo as ministers at the present tiot- winter wonders of niaqara kihlful 4rksi of rxrnruont have ipfm wooden of ntanari which hive cor year aiinicitnj j urn jrrjngtnl by tin- canadian tight urn from all juru of the national railway from american world art even more ntfiltinn when mnln sucli ts cliirattu drtrult the trout of winter have played and itilcrnuiliaic citlci sjrtial their part in brautifying thu mac- mini an- lunnu nicrattl rum iiiaceat ipectoclr tlic fall ore raird with ice in pcculbr forma tion and an prrhap even mure tvtractjve than durinjx the liimntcr monthft vilwn thr uatrr run frrcty nvtf their brinli so treat ha ien ihc inirnsl tn tlu- winter apprarancr uf niacaru cliiraco soulli drnil ilattlr reek lannins dint dftniit and ithcr linln il i- intirivat4i ihat be- aiit- u ihi- farilitkn pruvlilw tlimivinilt uf tnuriilx uill make the ioiiniiv lo view ihrfdl in winter ittatcs that enquiries from proapm- v 11 fliimn liiicral patenbir tlvr visitors nrc pimrinp in from all atni uf ilit- symcm at chicauu dim tiniib th paat year haa been an extxctnaly aueceaaful one fur uiu rontiwc ulx and tha fruila of tlda tnaaa in aaan in tha now suriua pontioc announced thla week whloh inoorporataa bamaroua laavravacjianta and raflnamenta at no incroaiu in price the four modela flluitrated abov indieata afril linaa of the new car at tha upper left la the twodoor awlnn and at tha upper riant tha tw apart raadater with iu convenient folding aeat a htodon view of the roadater anowiaa i jeaay barrow radiator and two of the fourwheel brakes appeara in thn centra paoal at tha a ian la tha beautiful cabriolot and to lta right tbo new fuurdoor aedan 65000000 bushels of grain move west 1 alalliaalulbelldhllmtellmml i rf i sl ii urttiq iraln pawla itirouab ih tnuunrauetotta atjllthmtltvmof ituwtebl aaufct 4ovktk ittllba amln wfav lleariar alt over 5000000 buahnl of train will be carried into the port of vancouver for thu twtdve montba endlnf march 31 m according to at i mated flnirea lnufd from the olheaaof k i cottfrell winnipeg uan ujerintendent of tramipor- totlon for the wtitern linen ol the canadian pacific hallway theaa figure will entalliah a reiord in fact they ahowenormoua etrldea alnee 101- th tlrat year that the canadian pnrluc railway handled any quantity of grain to the western etwut m ui to and intludlnc january 21 ii tha prenent yur a total of aijiajma iiumiui imvu been hipneej by boat rum thu port of aancouvtr of t hi amount j8750- m buahala hava bwuu routed to the united kingdom 8732045 buahala to the orient and 344057 buahala to other countrta it la intereating to note that up to january 21 the canadian padllc railway loaded on weitern line thl aoaaon 1254h1 rare of gralna of all klndn if plared end toend thl vaat col lor t ion of care would atretrh apprbxlmatoly 1170 mile and a train travelling at the faat rale of 0i mill an hour would take nearly twenty hour to dbm them very few people know that the very extesalva and expettatva farll itiea provided by the canadian purlflc railway to handle tha annual frain crop on weatern linen remain die comparatively aneaklng for ahmit two tmrda of tha year and tha moaay uveaud la uaee faeil- ittti and aitra rolling attvk earn no rturna during the period mentioned the building of tha traaaconayanbi at winnipeg with over 100 mil of track and a capacity or 12000 caw one of the mot up to date yard on the continent waa neretmary to handle the canadian pacific ant in trallle and i therefor umhi foi handling revenue traffic only about two third of the year during the time the car ami locomotive are lying idle they an inspected thoroughly by the me chanlcal department and put lnt flrat claaa ah ape ao that when thi ruah commence they are ready fo immediate uae thla year aavant f tha eonpaoya larjcet en gin waaa trajoaferreo waat for tha graii hajrjaf he dti winnipeg h briuh hov be- niarxiioii he ha aaew aepca4 by the manitoba ivorlneiel c ment and about flftr hd will be brouptht here thla year foe nvae mnt on farm in he prvlae roa a prronulne minltr of ineal- vrstlon aanounevml i the boy will u plfd at the mawetou agriculture college for prwllemhwry training hi farm work calgary two eomstmercial eav- plane tranpnrt project t belu devalotted in culgary one eedul for the uiv if ulrpluna earryiae twelva prion each to be ud pttlav elpeilly for patetiger frclght aad mall iraffle betwean calgary aa4 hmmonton the other all for uchtei metchutm tw or tkre pawngra for calgaeymontoti and woutttlt flight purpoee am the way from caanroae aiu to glaagow seotland uktaeeompati uj u dwnce of aporokltoatly 5000 mllaa la the mconl of donld jam luambbell nine yearaof aga llf took tha allred rout of the cku act the dwnltm to stdnt john whir hu itiamurlted on tha liner uohular wound for 01 go hf i vlaltfng hie aun4 who live ia ttiuuy tiuugow all prvkui racorda in conn loo with the uaatbound wovaeaant of grain to veateauver over canadian pacific kuuwify una ware brkea during tha flrat two week la jail- uery aejeordlng to k cotter mp tlntndeit df tranaportatlon wat em llaea of th iaapajay deilver- le at vancouver by tha caaadian pacific durinc- tha fortnight in -roea- tlon toulled appwklmauly maoo- 000 buahala of grain caigary v land value in southern alberta are tetwhttg t the coma firm aa tha reetth c the aerlea of good eropa and mora latlrl for farm acreage have been received in the laat few mentha according to real eitate mas than b any aumllar period in tha paat five or als year varan offered for eale laat apring at 15 per acre and aaittgiag aa of fer aa aehuagoow cor rroaa t0 to a5 per acta th daaaanrl for tuna both for purchaaa and rental u de cidedly trob4 in raeogbltlaa of tha fine week by effjcera of the canadian faeifje railway and the canadian national during tha uh waaa taejr of tha oemed triennial barplre ayfabtg ad m atauurglcal cftngraai p tiona of gold mud eneaaaj caff uake ware made raae to fiftaett iioytt of both eoeapantea at a tinner held in aaawtaraal k w baatty prmuetat of ua clpr and sir henry tlwntoa of uta cmr ware both 8nawhoa weak la qoebae got away to a good atajrt whaa aevaraj honaaad meeabara of tha wajpiaoia cluha paraded tha ttfaaia of tha aid city and later eoau 1j00 aaow- ahoera t foil winter faatival eoa- tttbaa ntada an attaek aa tha wall defended by tha gajruaaj and luu- aalnatad by a hrlluaa f diaplay tha hif oatitar of lfttar- aat thara la tha laiornaruria dog darby which la to ha atagad ahortly and for thii vkltora from tha entdra rvimlnlon and tha united state are flwklng to quebae uxhig tha chataaa frontenao at alta full eapacity mihm ha ttwmabhjta afmmacxtb screiton coal in aufltom antewatlcajly 8rard aad coal wood bauev immp ir oeuaaua and threehlng pu bmlthlng and oannal ooal la fan loarry everything to he tound ia any uptodate goal and wood yard john mcdonald t pbohb ii gemwgaaimva llll stkipltcktaffhey tw oefsham pneiae omauarsl ameator aummlwuu atevr u beuue aamssrieat book now with waatcf t evaas t w h willaoni taxslartatkarr ttasl i laaaaasaajaastssl vvaaaaala am aeaatai es u autoaoblloehoraaworawalieaj j f phnoo olght or day 54 w or ii 1 ee j sanf0rd stewarttown ptajajaowfttltse mrt a a a wood ta00 lead aseaawed ksuer lean a slsaieeard ww a lead euaad awed iflanlles qiibir healer aadlaraaas ekoakelaooelaed haele ellad tluo mreeidaay leegta- murrsya eaw redr0se is good tea if you want the very best aak for red rose orange pekoe u in clean bright aluminum forsters grocery h our gtoceiries are alwaye reab ao4 01 beat quality full line of nrweat bars and it candies spedfal this week i of the tttree bear dolls with eveiy two plcgs ol kellossa firealcfaal cerenla forsters troia oayalt cuoraiatovsm pltoiia mmmmmm georgetown tea rooms hot dinners from 12 to 110w fowl dinnor tuesdays 78c aiieruoon ieae a apeouuty mmut jtmn otatm rry ttecrtm favl cm- tmaswatry special attiuitiim oivin to iunclieo after theatre or hkating obch naou g ah to ii rit iunchea at any hour afteruoan teaa a apeclalty s ml neville ajajajga sell your cream at home gnfere vm cm cd the highest grade and the best price ka bvary sjahuy wl georgetown creamery co m sale mauiatfar e4rater4whe4euegevmaa fl asmtata oau auaa aa vk hydro hccmc system orders taken for ranges and appliances of all kinds i office town hall dtfltaiklmlmismtm ytvu whi lmi ritr j aualuy faaalaugw r ierwl dw sun socuvyttsfr j salmon aaelplak iau choice pink srsse chatee caaae c 35r sardine 2w25c 1 herrings kln aeclu j sis2eie tpecial offer r rmi rtua jam 31 orange aaaas marmalade sic graham flour 2 lie minute v tapioca 2aai2sc 1rmpkiri219t vbarrota 2 23c b5 cocoa 27c ketchup to 27c macaroni or 1 spaghetti 25c quality teas far baaaaitr rull flavat mej slrwitb drtnb naauaa69v iwl aewsaiul title ittk hvarl la ha11p c4aiqml oulv harry hw c daibly puiijiaia j- zac olives now low rmcka no ii quean uue jar o qc quean ajoj ii ne 8 piaunto stuffed 27 tasty broad vm ar aaab a weaajj pt leal chlpao quick sua farkats 23c saul1 o parliai 9c bfcciat comalnation aui 4 calit fi nsslaa sea sad i pi so 5 39c handy ammonia powder 2 15c palmolive soap 3- 25c comfort soap lo bars 53c old colony soap r sc i guasrceer d 29 tf

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