tlir qkoaoktowm hkiiaii march 2lsl 1028 local news hems fiihi lio r kiihiif hood krulnv april llllt damn ul oliiiwilliuliis krliluy lilulit tune t iliimii join- uanliii hiswik lldlliul llmllllltl will 1iuiii im iii littler iii iii week iilliri dr walstin will li f he latter pari at iihvi a munlier ill iur liiiivliiiiits lint up very nttrarlivi window iliiplu itn llic iiik null hint mlltlltllll luiprivi4lipslrllli lllilllis krilllur lllciency ilttvo yourfyis ixumiiiiil ut wiltons levvhry rior limem lllnek iron ml tim nnd uliovir april until plviiso lowp thin dine opiii nnd prepare your wiimrtlmnil doth- iiitf for the bale th rtiraiinw ol il lull mrs joseph bnllsln him died ill turoilto were interred in greenwood ilmitptarj linw yestfrday innminu it yuu luivp anything tii ill bill tlu piuplo 1c thsy dont know you havil it how can you expect them to buy it ailvirtiiu in llu- herald many visitors in town in hnt unlay worn greatly iulimsumi in tho display of liouwi llxlurrs und rouvuu- lenoea manufactured ly j h muc uonzle saturdays bin mile tiny in town was a deildd success and many well aliiuad customers loft town that livening fully decided to ilo their shopping in georgetown in future at a special meeting of the hal- ton county agricultural society bold on monday to make arrangements for tho fall fair it wan unanimounly de rided to build a new bora stable and lioultry building the ltb dunie which wa advertised for march oth at acton was postponed on oivount of the weather to friday mar 101b re member the date and be sure and lie prcnentif you eqjoy a good time the officers and members of orion lodge have been invited to visit aeton lodge next tuesday night when the second degree will be ex- empllbed by ouelpb lodge all brethren wishing to go kindly leave uamea with e e young the boundaries committee of tbo uuclph prosbytery of the united church undor the convenuniblp of rev n d maokiniion of norval met in goorgotown yesterday the 20th inst for the rearrangement of certain fields with a view to better servioe come to the only factory shoe store in the county and get boots to plane yon both men and boys to give satismetlon ladles oxfords 8260 mens fiom 8270 up re pairing womans boots bait soled rubber heels 100 j roney the man that has seen lota of comers and goer and has no opposition ltp maswbaalr lulm mlu beatrice stony daughter of mrs george stony or milton and nurwintralning at guelph general hospital was badly scalded when a kettle or boiling water overturned it will be several weeks bcfonslie mil lie able to resnme liar dntle- lajauva la weallea buu while working in the lnxld cos woollen mills here some tun days ago ur john farmer got caught in the belting and was severly injured his leg was broken and his wrist badly sprained he is now recover ing nicely and his many friends hope 4o0o to see him around again cub omeaw vuiuaej aura daring tho pant woek government inspectors have made the rounds in ilalton county the exotse men visited many stores selling tobacco and elgareta and it is rumored some prosecutions may follow tlie egg- grading inspector also visited several stores and warned them in ngard to grading eggs itta sautter at if ansl the ladies aid or the norval united church will give a jiggs sup per oorned beer and cabbage with ether delicious viands next friday night march 23rd in the basement ot the ohuroh supper served rrom ibso to 8 this will be followed by a delightful old time concert to be given by the young people of mount fleaaant admission lie children 15c au tea smekiw aaa baas verdun rebekah lodge will hold a sale of homemade baking candy and a number of useful articles in the arena on friday mar 30th at 3 oclock tea served from 4 to 7 other attractions will be a flnh pond treasure island etc a fancy bed spread will be given owayjto the per- non holding the lucky ticket cards and dancing in the evening watch for large bills and further particulars altea ptesrasaas a sa the executive of the ilalton plow- inena association met in milton on monday last and set oct 24th next as the date of their annual uvet it is expected that the ma ill be held in the vicinity or paler judg ing from the suooess of j vent last year this will he a big- farmers and tlie young plo should begin early in preparing this test of skill in the basic operation of farming la atttaaaaee at tea thsn waa a large attendance at the irish tea agivo by the local council of women in the public lib- rary last saturday afternoou deli cious refreshments were sorved and a splendid musical program was con tributed by the following mrs w f bradley mrs l wraggette miss margaret dickie mbw aileen moore misses maltis and maud mcdonald mr jack criohtnn the proreads from the tea and sale or liaking amounted to over w the ladies of the local counoll appreciate very much the kind donations or baking and liberal patronage extended to them at their irish tea a bjr saamtry georgetown tannery is now work ing to full capacity employing mix teen pcmtods anil turning out fiom sikllli to 2000 worth ol leal liar uviiry wiiik they have onlers ahead now that will keep them busy for till- lltki kix mouths tlie employees iitt nil ivsidutiu of georgetown ixriji nun and the management imit l milliliter time to lie employ- ing from 25 to ui people onr ntl huh uill ho pleaseil to uoto the nro- griim lliii in i imliitry in maliliiit bt strio huiie- then w i a irnu led imiiimi at the irmh tea in the tmn of a liggrf nud maggie hiipiier given hy the fiiliej of knox ireqlirleiuiii liuni taxi friday evening tin- bountiful tup- ply of eoiittil leet ami ealiliuge was mxeil to ibe limn audit was a will red ami hippa gitlienug that lltten ed to the euetlenl program of vnenl ami iliirilliiental uiiule readrngv vte tlin lollotiil tliov who took part in the ptiigrum were- mi i 3 kirk mr charles kirk mr and mrs win imwly limehbunei mrs stringer toronto mini htith aluler noil mlie lluiitir mils puckering mr juck iliiknrilig terra cotta mh wilms pruiiliiiieliouke missett jean and margaret alcdougall rev mr mulrfan wna eluilrman of the evening keir vkmtre wimiiii nday march jlstsilver valley uetteru ktumug tom mix chapter i the trail at the tiger comeily a liozen sonloi friday march 2t under the tonto kim a aue grey story utarring mary brian and richard arleu offlclul pn tures of tlie ke- langer and lurvi light ut tlie coli seum toronto cunuilv hot papa fox kows saturday mnreh 24th matinee at i pm the somims a british picture actual war scenes by permis nion of tho irapenul army museum comedy sure cure cartoon felix tlie oily bird wednesday march 28th ad venture mad with nits astlior tlie kit sorrel i or sornll and son chapter 7 tim trail of the tiger coming ben hur aa eajeyaate aaiartalanaaai under tho mis pieea of the salva tion army a variety concert waa held in the town hall georgetown last thursday evening when a pro gramme consisting of vocal and in strumental rausia was nndered hy the brampton 8 a bund a good ly number gathered to participate the band was assisted by miss jessie cbryatie elocutionist of toronto ho pleased the arowd with her splendid nadings the programme was ably piloted by brigadier bur rows of toronto he being assisted by mrs burrows a very enjoyable evening was concluded by singing the doxlogy it will be ol interest to know that on the sunday of march 2otb brigadier burrows the divisional commander of toronto west including georgetown will be in town to conduct the meetings in the local hall ami to enroll a tew new soldiers personal ut the griffon mi t nelle nt toronto vlxiunl mends in town on stntiuy miss josephine willson is visiting with rriends in bowmanville mr and mrs c graham sieiit sunday with rriends in toronto mihm tlmnpsolt or toronto is vis itlng with miss jrau thompson mi ii florem- cook will attend the dnhlwliirtle wedding in belleville march 20 mr a ii miconnel or lillelph spent the week eml at the home of his sister in town miiih thoinmoii is visiuui home or her lirotlior itev thompson at ilaiinlioii j mr w m cole ami mim katli leen killed ol toronto spent sunday with mr und mrs c d cole mr ami mrs james drunuuond and runiily or wlilthy spont tlie week end at the liomh or miss kiuiua cook miss lillian marshall and miss freda lloyd of toronto spent the wfok end with mr and mrs w 0 anthony mr and sr- ii stookrowl motored to toronto and spent bundaj with mi stookrords mother mrs e willouglhy mr fowl sliariie allanilile mr und mrs alt sbarpe toronto and mr ed sharpe of rochester were at their home in glenwilliams last week visiting their sister plorenee who is seriously ill among thore from georgetown who attended the funeral of tlie late norman young at brampron monday were mr and mrs fred mo- cartney mr james mccartney mrs wm momlllan mr nat bell mr and mrs buchanan mr and mrs robert mccartney anil family mr and mrs h btapleton and family mr john ryan chemical eogin- eer who has been in new york lor tlie past three years is spending a holiday at the home or his mother mrs elizabeth ryan mr ryan will sail rrom new york on april 12th for potnrilloa chilli when he lias accepted a position with the andes copper mining company johns many friends in town him success in the far south glenwiuluns at thv annual meeting ul the wornxn oul of bt alltan ohuntb mm jatvttpb kaaon wjw nvolwfuhl l mm morrydtty swrutury txitil mm bltiil1 tnuuiihtr korintwl originally in i ho year 1h17 under tin lrridiniy u iliii ut xlrn lulm by ken thin riauiiiitini iiuh a ruiiml of lioiioruil uiitiovonutil nnd tfi it tifforu niuy lwt muirilttml b itl of thft hiuuemii of tli nlinroh with thooxjptum of tho iuliit anil 1 turn all tin fiirtiiahiiibflor in iliunvli wn given by tlto lulld uiw youm ato uu xtunuiou wiu built to tbo vartnh hull utuvti of jdltummm ami thp iiuitl fouvd tlumtmnoy font tluy luivc nlmi imoii nbb to iiiiyiiicut lln iariub tund iflih year by uboul slmh10 uud juftt rtwtitly lmv pur vhuaod u lot or nttw chnlril fur tin bun day etehool a tvorkaiiisation of th sunday flrhool under tlu yupr- inumdeuey of mr h hludd lint rf- nulted in inrsoly iiwuvnjuvl attondaun- and iriatr nfttfilwioy a vow or- baniiittipii nalll tlu olrtn frioudly boclthy luim recently umii oddl to thecburflh vtivitin with mti liani as piwrnlont miua kva tliomp- wjii seoimary and mini murri- xbornumi tivjwutr h ere an dth ere norval uu monday tvvtmiinir mo rib lllih tho norval vounff iaopler union enjoyed a nocuj cvvnins mr clar entw mcciurn wan convonnr of tbo opening and prewntcd an nxnllint proctrammo of readinga by miwuw katr mccolman jaaii jralia myrl karlyt ilo v mr mr donald and mr will burnt wlou by mim euie mr- clur piaun duct by mm king and m1mcumi aft43rthin programuio a bograpliy match in wliinh nearly all took part wan onjovd then lunch wax muvrd hoehey wub sumfttm liny uttlmi itfliy i lia4vt on saturday hut about 70 of tue jersey broedere ot peel and hal ton met at tbo farm of b h bull a son brampton the forenoon was ipent inspecting the large herds of choice individuals that comprise tbo bold ings of the firm at noon all were entertained to a luncheon by tlie farm owners tho annual meeting was bold during the afternoon the npeakers were mr ashton field man for tbo dominion jersey breedora mr blaok rpeakor of the legislature hon lincoln ti oldie provincial secretary len kennody mpp for peel ltobt mccullough pros tor onto milk producers association mr g radon of brampton nnd a mo- gugan nnd d a aniirow agriuut- tural keprosentativen for halton and peel respectively ibe association has set aside a neat nura of money to be used as prize money for jersey calves at the peel and helton school fairs uutfftui remains of the uti mrs gordon borthwick who paauxl away at tlie guelph general hospital oil satur day after an illnesn of throe weeks duration were laid to rest in wood lawn cemetery on monday after noon tho funeral taking place from her home 41 inkurman street to st georges church where impressive funeral sttrvinen wore conducted by vcn archdeacon g k scovil assist ed by itev f a m bell tint i a to mrs borthwick whose maiden name was violet yemen was in her nine teenth year and had been married not quit a year she was a daughter of mr and mm joseph yemen of guelph und was born here she was a member of st georges angli can church surviving are her hus band her parents one siiter josephine and seven nrothein george joseph thomas peter kowrt donald and itoger all of guelph the pal i- hearers at the funeral were thret brothers inlaw john lemuel and edward berth wick harold fansom and two eomins john cole nml jamiw smith mercury the lata mrx borthwtek was a daughter of joseph yemen tormnrly of bauinifmd the adventures of grandpa a play put on by the union dramatic club under tbo direction of mrs mcdonald l m montgomery in union church on tuesday evening was a decided aneoesa the audi torium of the church was filled to capacity and the yoong people ex jelled them wires in the production of the play a splendid stage with artistically arranged setting proved effective in the presentation the east of character were an follows montgomery ray grandpao j ran j so a jim mokhe jr tod hunter a young dancing master jack cook wis hantmead- wilfred lull ofheer maocormack who seen his duty and done it bui hunter lucy hunter onr little wife reby harris dorothy mayvjunt nut of col lege- wtlma hunter mrs pansy hopscotch- fair fat and forty- bill townsand marie ribeautbe girl from paris- it u tli anderson k loom py twelve days from co penhagen over bessie mcdonald mrs prod thompson the pucker ing tno and mr elmer campbell alh axubited miss margaret town- send was tlie uccompanist ot the evening mrs mcdonald and mrs utirrau leslie were each presented with a beautiful bouquet the pro ceed amounted to over 6100 the hockey game in the harris cup series played at milton on mon day night between oakville and georgetown resulted in a win for the former by a score of 1 to 2 the ie turn game will 1m played in the arena tonight the beueht game in tlie arena last friday night betwwn acton and georgetown resulted in a win for tlie latter by a score of ojytij hwmtri xfswm pleas of guilty were entered on monday at milton by philip forbes oscar tebou and g onion gallagher jointly charged with the theft ot twelve foxes from tlie farm of g a elliott seven miles south ol the town rusbell hamilton similnrly oliarged pleaded not gulltj the four men seemed nervous when they entered the court room they glanced at eaoh other whispering furtively as county crown attorney w l dick read tlie chargeu that on february fit tliey did break and enter a den or enclosure in which fur bearing animals wild b iiatute were kept in captivity for breeding purposes and did commit tlie indict able offenooof the theft of twelve foxes tebou and hamilton were repre sented by counsel t a hutchinson the widespread interest aroused in the case waa evidenced by the crowd- d court room u mr it marshall and olive spent the week end with rnends in toron to mr johnstone waa in the city over tho week end mr marlow held a very auooeaaful sale or his atork and implements on frulsj the now quarry at the aiath una is setting nicely uuihir way for a big summers work it is rumored that a new lime works is to open up on the marlow plane this summer card of thank mr and lire l e fleck and psmily alre hereby to convey to friends and nalfhben uulrvtry sincere thanks for the many mndnassss extended to tham in their aad bereavement by the death of their beloved son and brother church news united church on sunday tbo 25th inst at 11 am rev dr dickie will preach on not far from the kingdom and at pm on the urgency of the gos pel the salvation army the meetings in the local hall will be conducted by brigadier w h burrows on sunday next the briga dier is the divisional commander of a largo number of corps in and near toronto he has bad a long salva tion array experience and the sun day services promise to be very help ful 11 am holiness meeting 2 pm company meeting 7 pm battle for souls monday 730 y p sal vation meeting wednesday 8 pm midweek salvation meeting torlyfiv- mur of faithful wr- vlcu in tin- tnuulian luriric hull- wuy urv hnrtl rrruntly whn fiiorift a kmvlw inrwr imnrwr ajiini f iiil imiiiiin uu printnt ill ihmiriti sllphui frr lifit traf fic iitniir nit i trurf uf nld cbiiiriliultd liy mr kowh-r- tol lenttiie- in th vhllunyri frrtirril truffle off li rn vaft of cuiemxn i llu- united siuiim und f uf i orl wiuiuiu in iaidiilu fvriruu a n1iih1 train jf 3s ian left for vunitiuvwr und hjiiiu i rcut uiw oilnr duy with or 11000 cunurifiimeiiu uf wiutiiiik uiailiiiifsj anil bum trauiiiiiiit thit trainlusd tli lurntt uf it it in j fior tu orlsrinat tri i unudu is from i f irtrtii firtii and whi haiuhvd by tin- ouiiuuiti iaclfic kiidwsy as a airvciul trulii atonplui ut fort wti- luni winnpitt yoakstoon calirury edmonton iru othvy iliitroa narly ail tlu couslgdiusatji utrv for rural lommunitlm iniiflivruntm uw biitmmnif to pour throuirli thu fort ur hiint john und montrvul en rouu tu ontarlu and the wit walt ihv urnvul of cuiudlun racifu liner munulurs fjiuj montnsim rmvntly in die nlirliluriood of coo otuwi of the bsst typo have beiii dutributed amcnir- tlipfc wr british farm lfiborrji goinu to mlwtwi furms uiidur tliu hcftsniv of thv canada cdlonlmlioti affsoclatioa and many more will l com i ho lndurlnir the nat firw ntoiithf toronto in wordance with hia primlse to wsalvrn ontuhu tobacco f6wtr hon w k motherwell fun appolntsd u eommiiion to in- vtiicatt all phuoiv of the tobaece- trowina industry for which two of the commissioners have alrsady bn namsd tht prob will sxtattd t wry pkflit of lbs industry from mdinjr to mr kiting and one of the moat important features will be the effort to uncertain tlir belt uttbed uf opttating u propawl ceoperatv morkctins pool port arthur- eventually caoada will produce a 100000000 busael crop of wheat and will hav no difxt ctilty in flndlnjt a market for it predicted linn t a crtrar preal- dnt und out ml manager of the unithd gram urouvrs limited and formerly minister of agriculture for thp dominion rcfcrrloff to the development of we hern canada mr crornr nld there was no country in the v ur ti uiutb so greut a develop ment lind tnkfn place in the past few yara and there was no country having uch tfrut ioai wilt lee in ordir to meet the increasing impulhtj or tin conudian rockiaa jmriim tiuiiiritt nnd also te aid la it fitpmir pinsiontinenul travel ilit cun iljn pacific railway will run ii quintette of traine acrose the doniiimbii from monti ot toronto iitnl curnuo to the rockies van- toiivir und victoria this coming miinnirr tiimp trains will b tae tncjnidn umlted tb im- ihiitl the toron to- vancoover ea aiujaonaa a anaa y now thai yon have tried the rest try the best muliurtulllivil li jvf clarena limited iliiniiluin suit whmlu saa rbusb horses f icariaadbky sjciim i every taciauy i unul mid i april all t imiusbt at lilgh prices lasl fall i j ami in eiculjem worklug onu i iiiioii t hales aiarl 11 uui f ne rssorve s coulter bros tk luatmluvy 1 j li2snulongi toroaia i w wwv ileati 1stg nt blla hmstllaklas ohaastiaaj irouipt servu llvlutnchsreil paid ideal mmcavnlo co wllliurteawwml toronto btuis bigger and better ains new advcrliscmttils laeeur i omdtsbt wuuij sw ctuat i mu iuiinn micbtrt m inn elate eon- duion liopfr preferred apply bo hersjj rr sal oiw firit plarfl wove in aood nmdittan rehkumiahle or haji apply box w llerstd 11 wu iter 0 uood daf pom alto a qvuinlity of timmhy seed apply d j r sroli ptiooe 107r22qeorueinwii t lip fevtei lloilieyu hi eubr iocubslor m aod coodkum apply i hrry hsl gfovaa lowii it vetrauu 1936 chevrolwi cespb newly painied end reconditioned two chevrou hedan newly painted and reconditioned jn oneill it son ce vloo specials for thursday friday and saturday wocerlcs upnrlwliiuj8oupfor 5 lb pall lard cliipso larg- niui star ammonia 3 for tiipjr catsup largo alto clarks port beans imiie slxc j4c hc soc 17c lk lk- drygooas lilt rulala tsarn of horssa 9 and ti ysrs old pood workara lot in chmauneouiy c oolaon mh llu whi aaaam taaa an imown by axparta aa tha finaat taaa arrown a fact which axnulna why rad roaa orant pafco hat bacoma ao steaarvadly papular in canada forratl roaa oranga paltoa b chlafly eampoaad of aaaam taaa which accounta for ma dia- tlnetlva quality and valua evary paekafa aruarantaad aa im nnd the moutitalnssv aad ou puufir express frovti cbieafo tlie trnnvcnnsda and tba lfoua tuintcr uill b allslctplnajar trait vancouver maltis tht faiaotaa wltitt lshurn ilea ownsd by tba llivtrlty of british colunbla fin ni urficiullv known as usn no 6 ih worlds rlmtnplon laysr with 351 icsts in a year in proving a sttb ilniitiil riioiuv producer for tba unix ralty of british columbia lit tir tho sale of psdiaresd poultrv stork from maltis rsturnsd tn tin university 12225 two of lit r cdi kcrel fetched 500 tsch when unlil to olifn poultry ruiera whilt iinolln r cockerel snlu in new jerasy for m0 the university rtclpts on aili of pediffrced british colum bia mik tolalled 7225 for tba streetwise she ihm sy sa unrclara foroed their way into the nostolhct at btrmtsvilla early sunday morning amaahwl open the eafa and stole 20 in oash woo in atarapa and 4000 worth of gold honds and oertillnatea property of oitisens or straouvillo that liad lieen stored there lor safe keeping the safe it is staled it an old one being scoured with plate ol steel aiirosathe fane of the door which bore a look this look was breken off and access to the sale was then a simple matter no person resides in the postoffloo building it is oo the main street and there are no polloe or watahmenondutystt night after midnight in the village it it believed the robbery occurred at about 230 am two suspicious characters were observed hanging around the streets about midnight and at the time atatod a trnok was seen to leave the plane polloe expeot to make an arrest shortly the robbers are believed to have come from toronto the bonds and securities stolen from the safe an not negotiable and therefore no lota will be sustained by the owners site saks w f cray but liar istt ii simpson sal ol 37 wood quskly and young- wsu brokasi clydasdsts and psfcksron hones at dwyavs hotel stable lllllsburg flood train eomvsctloas sad hotel accomoda tions list 30 at buchanans lmplemnl waraboua erin ssle ot live slock in pumeola ate april 4poot raid bstat imisaura ask of household enact csrpaolers tools car etc april 7 deters hotel hillaburw amis ol live stock implmienle bouasbold f- fects etc april 10 or tbsnatxxile ur pnd me- alillsps ail of live stock implements household effects esc in lllilsbunj lip ttw sevhfltje caari a hk cmbh f awam la tke llatta asttae ceute at jaaue ouavalateatsaeteaaefoaesw ian la tka oeaatr f haltoa notice it hereby given pursu ant to tlie revised statutes of on tario chapter iso section si that all peraona having claims against the eatate of the said james cleave who died on or about the sixth day of march 1028 at the said town of georgetown an required to tend by port or to deliver to the nndereiuned aouoitoi lor the administrator of tbo estate of the said jamea cleave on or befora the 10th day ol april 1028 their uames addresses lull particulars ol their claims and the natun or tba aeourity if any held by tliem all duly verified by statu toy declaration alter the said date the administrator will procetd to dis- tribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having ngard only to the claims of which be shall then have ootioe and he ahall not be liable for the assets or any part of them to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the time or aooh distribution dated at aliltoo this twentieth day of march 1928 w l dick milton out st solicitor for tba administrator auction sale op ontaiio rebciesons we will eell by public atiuion el i hi vldariasatelsraasalm saiarwjy hare ut- im8 t one otitic it two car toad of htvrmei ccmairmed io albert k i car load of ontario parcherons for f c rose chatham oni conslulnff of dapple srtrys blacha end bay 3 to 6 yrm old washing from 12 to iwolrw amcmig ihe tol ae a brand tot of younrniars and jrldinir- wall brofaen and sound l car load of aecond hand horica i0 sifnved by city fir a some r than are pavftaanl sore olbart have only been t work m abort limaand are not auiiable for clly work terms cain tme aa be arranged bert mcbridk den fetch i auctioneer latssrtuu pig at aliee from sla waaha up with aifiht piaa 1 wtak c o knajtiab 4lh line fsquaalnir phuna 91- 15 2tp rarauu 4 run s yda badroom sulta fire pc utmulli lawn mower and lnumeroui otba amclea apply to mrs jtoaaph gibbonit geonretown if choice maple 91500 per 4 ti cord cut tn stove lengths r ressty phane 8 tf wmw bala kaat double bouse on jobi funure water ntlde lenant in one half immadi ate posaetilon for othar hall or for tems of sate apoiy to u wulumson if fev guu av wlmmt cement block bouse newly decorated immediate possession phone 364 or ap ply to mrs hark clark if clerk wood 400 lead hardtvood bettor thau a slnajle cod 900 a load mixed wood kindllna- quebec healer and turnave chunk a5 00 a load maple piled bivoo per cord any length murray thone wrj oeorffmnwn i rsau 3 horaapower fairhankmormatatoiine engine alio out aid well iron pump w sohenk glcnwillume if ai4eaatml llaia agricultural lime for sale at v1b5 per on freight paid to geoifetown call or vhouefor ampleand prrrted matter on ton phone lor eample and prii bow to uae lime walter h phone is georgetown moore if teatemt small apartment with coaveoiaocea auiiable lor two poaieaaion march tat apply lo or gollon georgetown if 7 rooinaluccohouae water and elect tic light in college view price reaaonabte thotnaa willtmilb college view 7t vory choice hardwood beech and maple s4oo per aingle eordi cbolct hardwood alabe 1375 pe tiagle cord miaed rale 9xm per aingle cord mixed woodtlsoper single cord thla it all ffood sound dry woo1 and at these prices a good buying satiifaction guarsn lead j hrandrord box 400 phonr 115 4 georgetown wood kail woo aingle rord delivered hardwood rails tjso hardwood t4oo aingle cord j ii smith phone u4 r u georgaiowt e pott iso 1 il6eee anadian lesion s vaatwr faaaaav b e s l m ctiorfsjroiwi mb i a geneial medina ol ihe lesion will be held in the pi i town hall j thursday evening march 22nd 1928 s i al 745 pm h i imporlanl buiineaa to be done applicaliona for mem- c beiahip received fj i all eiaervice men ate invited to attend thia meeting pa one kiss one empire one otguwfan of exsmice hes and wanes jtwtseucmnnow and attitt to obtain the neeeaaaiy leaialation to deal adequately with the piohlema of the diaabled and aaaial materialv in the developement ol canada andjhe empire edward barker sterttary 111 111 imnortihl uingliaras 32 in reoteh gingnainw ibo for j 2k ioc 4c site 73 ii 28- u2e flkc 7si- ltd- ladies browu cashmere hose ladies heather caahment hoa misses wool oaubtlet mitts h yds of 27 in white hannelette for u in x 27 in feltol mat 2 for j i ply canadiao wheeling yam skein hooleli fingering per skein 1j ft x 0 ft linoleum hall rnnnera bilk and wool hose silk all the way light colors only childmu worsted sweaters tlie 3 24 2 mens heeoe lined bhlrtaonly o ment fleeu lined drawers bjc childs rubbers sire 11 11 1 20e childs felt slippers sties s to 10 49c misses tan and white jersey goloshes 210 girls patent leather 1 strap slippeh 8 tolof 190 mcbeanco georgerrown georgetown hour feed mills phone 108 silver moon and excelsior pastry flour 24 lb bag 90c we deliver w c bessev georgetown clocks norrinc satarday ttul vienna cuts is a very eioellent oaody something quite ilil- ferent to anythine we have sold before it is delinlons jelly with a turkish imight fhivor reg prlne 40n saturday troat 28c weekeni cbocoules tbeae ohooolates are wonderful value for tht- loa prior they come in assorted creams and some hard centres w fitend chocolat 3se extra special 1 box chiolots 1 pkg hips 1 pkf 8weit laurel ru til hoikauiecibafaies if you did not try these delicious oandies last week you hould make a trial order thla week as we had several comments on the quality ol them always fresh from the kitiiben misud salted nuts onr apeolalty ssa arthur norrlhgton mais st phone 89 clocks at bargain prices a real snap american made nickel alarm clock with bell on top tame company manufactures big ben and baby beu guaranteed wo big ben and baby ben alarm clock 370 a limited number of kitchen 8 day clocks 480 por tear bahtaw room just arrived the very latest stylet in mantel gong strike clocks in genuine mahogany reg 1600 for 1000 ret yonr aupply on saturday of genuine gillette 8afety raxor llhtdes ai00 pkg for 7o orftoc pkj for 40 i asstvf uaei vi1ssebr4ashtei1usiyai weu hwiaiymtotrsaftdsar cab a b willson not la bald mttfatoa taracatkya it pays to advertise